Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0376-Z


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             31.12.2007

Updated:                05.04.2009

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

The Bush family


See also:

1.     (Added on 05.04.2009) Click here to see the short version of why the evil Bush family persecuted me ever since 1959

2.     Bush family members disguised as Arab-Moslem nationals and mixed with Rockefeller, Kennedy and Windsor families members also under cover

3.     Rockefeller family members under cover

4.     Kennedy family members under cover

5.     Windsor family members under cover


This family is identified as:

1.       My first fake family that is originated of my biological family

2.       Ex-USA president George H. W. Bush to be my half brother

3.       The family that disabled my ESP, wiped off my memory and caused total Amnesia and then kidnapped me on or prior t0 1959

4.       The biggest Mafia family at least since 1980 and the most criminal family in our modern time and age

5.       The family that replaced me with Fareed Kheir alias the current USA president George W. Bush

6.       The main family that performed the following major crimes against me

6.1.        kidnapped me several times in my life and forced me to live under their control environments

6.2.        Persecuted me with CIA, military intelligence, FBI, NSA, US-Secret Service and many of their hidden business companies and allies

6.3.        Brainwashed me

6.4.        Rapped me by women and men as a part of a brainwash to force my mind to be shamed and not to think about the times, situations and everything associated with them

6.5.        Used my identity and without my knowledge or approval for George W. Bush in 1959 and thereafter in that he used a second Syrian passport and went to all the places where I was sent to by force and pretended to be me the alleged Syrian Mohamad Nuzhat Najar alias Michael N. Najar, and therewith that mother fucker and no good for human trash generated uncountable children worldwide while hiding them as if they were my children among others in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Turkey, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Austria, Germany, England, France. Italy, Switzerland, Ireland and others but also went to other countries that I was not in such as Former Soviet Union and officially to visit my fake uncle that mother fucker and human trash the Syrian Diplomat in Moscow named Jalal Baroudi. And there with George W. Bush visited all the so called hot spots where he made alliance with local crime organizations and rapped many women as a part of partnerships with these thugs

6.6.        And many other crimes


See details under Other Knowledge

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

My first fake family that kidnapped me from USA in or prior to 1959 and ever since are persecuting me, torturing me, rapping me, stealing every thing I ever own, expelling me from country to country and or forcing me to be on the run all my life while keeping me as slave and hostage all my life enable to use me for multipurpose and for their own benefits as described within this page, all the pages of the bush family members mentioned within and all the pages within this website

First saw/met

Consciously: since the year 1999 and then recognized that I knew only through the news and only George H. W. Bush since late 1980s as the president of USA and later through his alleged son George W. Bush as the governor and of Texas and later the president of USA, and that due to I was kept as a slave and prevented to learn any thing in life. Since the year 2006 concentrated on my fake family and persecutors and recognized that they are the same, and therewith concentrated on information on the Bush, Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy and other families and recognized that I know many of them under other identities


Unconsciously/under other fake identities as CIA agents: one of the first persons I saw in my life after they wiped off my memory in 1959, and ever since they are constantly around my life under fake identities as fake family members, as fake friends, employers and many other immediate persons around and in my life

Age at that time

Various ages however all of their ages were faked in that some of them pretended to be much younger by partially more than 30 years and others pretended to be little bid older by a few years

Last saw/met

Consciously: in 2006 in the CIA city Unterschleissheim

Unconsciously: for all I know some of the Bush family members are disguised as refugees and are in the refugee camp where I am forced to live by all the evil people surrounding my life since 1959

Hidden biological relatives

Rockefeller, Windsor, Kennedy and many others in the Middle East, India, China, Africa, Europe and other countries and that due to they go around the world and rape women and keep them as slaves to hide and raise their own children and therewith create a very large hidden circle of half brothers and sisters through their own children that they can use to terrorize and steal the world

Allegedly Died On

Many of them are kept as slaves and are being used for multi purpose, especially as a look a like that they can use their identities any time and mix with the general public undetected and as soon as it is necessary many of the look a like are killed to keep the secret and other Bush family members would fake their own death and go into the identities of the killed persons, especially when some police authority are too close to them

Surrounding me during

In general since before 1959 and until today, because they were the ones that disabled my ESP capability, wiped of my memory and are heavily persecuting me and performing many damages to my life while keeping me as salve for their multipurpose needs. My persecution and brainwash by my fake family that consisted of some of my biological family members of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy and Bush families that were eager and would do any thing to cover up their real identities in the Middle East, including killing innocent people. During a period when Siemens AG was trying hard to get my attention to what my family was actually doing. During a period when the German police was constantly persecuting me to use me and prove that my fake families are terrorists and drug lords. During a period when the Americans disguised as German in and around Munich, Germany such as Unterschleissheim, Hoehenbrunn, Unterhaching, Baldham and other, were desperate to shut me up in that they persecuted me and brainwashed me while pretending to be German Christians. During a period when all of them together were preparing either to kill me or kidnap me to USA, which they did. During a period when my fake and biological families persecuted me very viciously after I discovered that they were printing a fake Quran in cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government at the Clett Verlag in Stuttgart, Germany to implicate the alleged German Nazis that were allegedly hiding in the Middle East, in short to implicate the Germans, because Germany was used by USA and England as scapegoat for all the crimes they were performing in the hidden and described within this website, such as terrorism, drugs and mass child kidnapping and molestation to create as many children as quick as possible that they can brainwash and claim them to be native of the Middle East. During a persistent period that my fake and biological families tried to link me to PLO and Palestinian terrorists. My brainwash, enslaving with the help of he CIA, Mosad, American/English/Syrian military intelligence under their agent whore Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping to USA through the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso and in cooperation with the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG in cooperation with professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark, Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer and Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and USA vice-president and later USA president George H. W. Bush. Where they kept me letterly as hostage and slave for 15 years in USA and then dumped me in Holland identity and legal paperless to force me to live as a refugee with absolute no rights what so ever as cover up for all the crimes they performed against me and against humanity.





Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

They are an international Mafia family that is absolutely vicious, sadistic, cruel and most violent. Each individual persons of them would sacrifice letterly any thing including own children and country to enrich their selves, because they think I can always make as many children as I want and with money I can live wherever I want, I can even buy a whole country, therefore they have absolutely no loyalty what so ever to any one, the only one thing commons they all have is the goal of generating as much money as possible and as quick as possible in any way possible or impossible by using any means what so ever including killing their own immediate family members and children. I was once a child and they killed me so many times in more than in one way. I discovered death is not only in one way, there are many different forms of death. And today I am dead even so my body is functioning.

Special Crimes Against Me

1.     Disabled my ESP capability, which is the only self defense of a human being against other human being with ESP

2.     Wiped off my memory and caused as total irreversible amnesia

3.     Used me to generate

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed

Description: wanted-0376-z_image002.jpg

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Description: wanted-0376-z_image005.jpgDescription: wanted-0376-z_image007.jpg

Photo-1: The Mafia family Bush in 1960s

Photo-2: The Mafia family Bush in 1990s


Each members of the above human trash family the Bush family is wanted dead or a life for uncountable performed crimes against me and against humanity worldwide and to be delivered to the next police station.

Photo-1 and 2: ex-USA president George H. W. Bush’s Parents, brothers, sister and their  children, the origin of the most evil Mafia family in our modern time


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

The Bush family alias Mafia family alias the worst crime organization of our times

Profession under Alias

International Mafia family

Official Nationality

Each piece of shit member of the Bush family has several nationalities and citizenships excluding their hidden slaves

Countries Lived In

All over the world under various fake identities among others as Najar, Baroudi, Kheir, Bdeir, Lapeep, Shawki, Al-Jeresey and many others

Official Address

Main address the Whitehouse in Washington D.C. the headquarter of these thugs since so long time under various presidents, but also in Rhode Island, Texas, Florida, California, Oman,. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, China, India and many other residences where they have fake identities

Disguise Methods

Many of their official women are men disguised as women because:

1.     They are Mafia Bosses and therewith no one can recognize them as women

2.     As a woman no one will ever suspect that each of these men has several hundred to several thousand children worldwide

3.     They can get close to many women in high places and else where, rape them to force a relation to these families enable to black mail them, but also to hide their own children

4.     And with all these hidden children in addition to their very huge circle of half brothers and sisters they can manipulate any government any where

5.     And many other reasons


Some of these men disguised as women are:

1.     Ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush, 100%

2.     Her official daughter Pauline Robinson “Robin” Bush 100%

3.     Nancy Bush Ellis 90%

4.     Current USA-first-lady Laura Welch Lane Bush, 100%

5.     My fake mother Hayat Baroudi that is immediately related to them 100%

6.     My fake sisters Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki and Afrah Najjar alias Afrah Abokurah are both men disguised as women 100% and immediately related to them

7.     Pauline Robinson Pierce 80%

8.     Mabel Marvin Pierce 100%

9.     Lulu Flickinger Robinson 80%

10.  And many others







A family set together by many such as English Royalties, Rockefeller family with their hidden relatives in India and China

This mean each one of the official brothers and sisters of the Bush families is from a different international Mafia family in Either India, China, England and other European and south American countries in particular drug lord Mafia families as my own fake family in the Middle East such as the Baroudi, Kheir, Bdeir and the rest of the hidden mafia families


All their women are whores and international prostitutes that sleep with many different men enable to have alliance with many international crime organizations


All their women are whores and international prostitutes that sleep with many different men enable to have alliance with many international crime organizations


All their men are pimps and international slave makers but also men whores that sleep with many different men enable to cover up for the fact that they have uncountable hidden children and to have alliance with many international crime organizations and the best prove for that is the piece of shit men disguised as Bush women such as ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush and the current USA-first-lady Laura Welch Lane Bush


Uncountable hidden cousins worldwide that many of them builds hidden circles of half brothers and sisters and use their hidden connections to keep many slaves worldwide


Any fucked up person that makes business with them they fuck him as if he is one of their whore/prostitute women


They sold them all out in that they hide them by other master criminal couples and families and raise them to be master criminal that support them within the Mafia family while pretending not to know each others

Other Relatives

Many Mafia families in China, Japan, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Libya, Germany, Mexico, Cuba, Russia and other countries







A family that was set together out of Rockefeller, Windsor disguised as other families from China, India, Russia  and the Middle East, such as my fake family are in the Middle East that are also set together by absolutely the same pattern and concept with one exception, the majority of my fake families are the older generation of the Rockefeller, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy and other fucked up families that many of them faked their own death in USA and Europe and live under other fake identities


Many international whore women because each member of the Bush represent an international crime organization of one country or another that are originally also originated from USA and England. In other words they hide their children in other countries where they train them to be master criminals and with absolute no loyalty what so ever except to money and then bring them to USA as if they were born in USA and therewith they become the number one enemy of USA and that is why they sacrifice so many Americans for their own greed


Same as above


Same as above


Same as above


Same as above


Same as above

Other Relatives

Many international criminals and terrorists world wide such as Afaf Shawki, Yasser Arafat, Badeaa Baroudi (PLO), Osama Ben Laden, Shawki, Al-Jumaiee, Kwader/Queder, Sheikh Mahmoud (all Islamic Brotherhood) in Egypt, the fake Palestinian Sheikh,  Dr. Lapeep  families in Egypt, Bdeir family in Jordan, Kheir family in Syria, Attar family in Germany  and the same in Oman, Saudi Arabia and other countries. In particular the following families:

Bush, Wear, Walker, Sheldon, Pierce, Marvin, Robinson, Flickinger, Martin, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Windsor, Gates, Cheney, Reagan, Castro, Quayle, Disbray, Bossi, Onassis, Niarchos, Baroudi, Kheir, Bdeir, Alami, Attar, Shawki, Mubarak, Al-Jumaiee, Ismael, Kwader/Queder, Assad, Tlas, Al-Jaddied/Gaddied, Bark, Azrath, Mahmoud, Ben Laden, Arafat, Musheel, Muasher, Mehles, Mufleh, Barghooti, Khodor/Chodor, Khodori/Chodori, Adolf Hitler, Hayder/Heyder, Schwarzenegger, Siemens, Wiedemann, Schneider, Schoen, Fischer, Simon, Summer/Sommer , Kuczka, Sauer, Merkel, Stoiber, Koch and many others in particular every member of the previous and current Reagan and Bush Whitehouse administration, many in the German government and many of the so called Middle Eastern governments

Friends of the Family

Any group that is capable to keep mass slaves with out being caught and is welling to sacrifice even their own children, parents, friends, family and country while generating money in any way possible for the Bush family

Official Businesses

International Mafia family

Businesses Partners:

International and national/local drug Lords, terrorist, slaves keepers, thieves and master criminals as is described (also their names) with in this page and many other pages within this website

Illegal Businesses

Terrorism, drugs, land stealing to place their children as presidents and or kings such as in Yugoslavia, Syria, Jordan, Oman and many countries in South America, Africa, Asia and even Europe and in particular in Germany

Other Knowledge


The best other knowledge about the Bush family is to list all their members that I recognized as members of my fake family in the Middle East and else where in the world where they perform uncountable international crimes (but also local crimes in USA) under their other fake identities, and therewith any one can verify these information while understanding the pattern of the international crimes, especially that they have fake identities as diplomat of other countries such as Syrian, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, China, Japan, Germany and then go to any country perform any crime they want and no one can arrest them because they are either Diplomat of a foreign country or members of CIA and military intelligence and therewith are protected by the so called National Security


As I come to it I will gather all the crimes known to me and performed in the hidden by the pieces of shit and human trash Bush family and place them in ne page, until then follow the fake identities listed below to see what each individual does in the hidden.


I will take the family tree of the Bush family that was published in the Time magazine issue of December 2004 as the basis of all persons and split them in two column as follow:

1.     Left column is the branch of the ex-USA president George H. W. Bush

2.     Right column is the branch of the ex-USA-first-lady Barbara pierce Bush the official wife of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush

3.     Thereafter I will list the official joint children of both George H. W. Bush with his official wife Barbara Pierce Bush alias a man disguised as a woman

4.     Thereafter all their official hidden relatives in USA and else where in the world that are simultaneously either are members of my fake family in the Middle East or are members of many controlling positions in USA and else where in the world

5.     And one I get to it in the near future I will list all the hidden children that they used me as decoy to generate of George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush in many parts of the world and as I recognize them

Ex-USA president George H. W. Bush family branch

Official identity

Hidden identities

1.     George H. W. Bush, Ex-USA president possibly

alias Hani Lapeep alias many other identities unknown to me

2.     Prescott Sheldon Bush, father of  George H. W. Bush

alias Krause

3.     Dorothy Walker Bush, mother of  George H. W. Bush

alias Mrs. Junker

4.     George Herbert Walker, grandfather, mother side, of  George H. W. Bush

alias Wolfgang Mergenhagen

5.     Lucretia (Wear) Walker, grandmother, mother side, of  George H. W. Bush

Alias unknown

6.     Samuel Prescott Bush, grandfather, father side, of  George H. W. Bush

Alias Badeaa Baroudi

7.     Flora (Sheldon) Bush, grandmother, father side, of  George H. W. Bush

Alias unknown

8.     Nancy (Bush) Ellis, sister of  George H. W. Bush

Alias possibly the English girlfriend of the CIA agent Anita Disbray

9.     William H. T. Bucky Bush, brother-1 of  George H. W. Bush

Alias Farhat Baroudi

10.  Jonathan James Bush, brother-2 of  George H. W. Bush

Alias unknown

11.  Prescott Sheldon Bush junior, brother-3 of  George H. W. Bush

Alias unknown

Ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush family branch

Official identity

Hidden identities

12.  Barbara Pierce Bush wife of George H. W. Bush

Alias the CIA agent and fake pastor Herbert Lange

13.  Marvin Pierce, father of Barbara Pierce Bush

Alias possibly as my neighbor the Palestinian Sheikh married to his own daughter of Pauline Robinson Pierce that looked very much like her

14.  Pauline Robinson Pierce, mother of Barbara Pierce Bush

Alias my fake aunt Eftikar Kheir

15.  Willa Gray Martin Pierce, step mother of (second wife of father) Barbara Pierce Bush

Alias and most probably Joan Disbray or her very look a like sister the mother of one of the very look a like persons that used the CIA identity of Anita Disbray and was forced upon me as a wife

16.  James E. Robinson, Grandfather, mother side, of Barbara Pierce Bush

Alias Hisham Al-Jumaiee

17.  Lulu Flickinger Robinson, Grandmother, mother side, of Barbara Pierce Bush

Alias one of the persons that used the CIA and military intelligence identity as my grandmother Samiyath Khayat/Baroudi along with queen Mary Victoria of Teck

18.  Scott Pierce, Grandfather, father side, of Barbara Pierce Bush

Alias a very look a like of George Herbert Walker that exchanged places with him

19.  Mabel Marvin Pierce, Grandmother, father side, of Barbara Pierce Bush

Alias my fake sister Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali or her very look a like mother

20.  Martha Pierce Rafferty, sister of Barbara Pierce Bush

Alias the CIA agent Mrs. Doris Hayes in 1970 alias Adelheid Kuczka in at least January 2002

21.  James Robinson Pierce (alias the CIA agent Mr. Hoegl), brother-1 of Barbara Pierce Bush

Alias the CIA agent Mr. Hoegl

22.  Scott Pierce (alias the CIA agent Herbert Lange), brother-2 of Barbara Pierce Bush

Alias a very look a like of the fake pastor and CIA agent Herbert Lange alias Barbara Pierce Bush and very possibly exchanged places with her/him

The official joint children of both George H. W. Bush with his official wife Barbara Pierce Bush alias a man disguised as a woman

Official identity

Hidden identities

23.  George W. Bush,

Alias Fareed Kheir alias (that used my forced upon me fake identity with out my knowledge or approval) Mohamad Nuzhat Najar alias Michael N. Najar alias me an international criminal hiding as cowered as he is behind the presidency of USA

24.  Laura Welch Lane Bush, the official wife of George W. Bush

alias the CIA agent Margie Lange alias some times Adelheid Kuczka in 1980/1981-1984 alias Pauline Robinson “Robin” Bush (the official alleged dead sister of George W. Bush, her official current husband) alias a hidden daughter of Nancy Reagan alias a man/boy forced since childhood to live as a female to force him to create a very large and hidden circle of children worldwide while keeping many women as slaves such as and among others one of the Adelheid Kuczka

25.  Pauline Robinson “Robin” Bush

Alias Laura Welch Lane Bush that her death was faked in around 1953 and placed her as Laura Welch Lane and they tried very hard especially in 1977-1979 to show as if I am Pauline Robinson “Robin” Bush

26.  Dorothy “Doro” (Bush) Koch

Alias Diane Stevens the official wife of the fake pastor Jack Stevens in 1986-1989 in Bridgeport, Connecticut and allegedly also in New Jersey

27.  Marvin Pierce Bush

Alias Gunther in 1977

28.  Neil Mallon Bush

Alias unknown, most probably Chinese Indian origin

29.  John Ellis “Jeb” Bush

Alias unknown and very possibly the hidden son or nephew of the famous actor Robert Wagner

Their official hidden relatives in USA and else where in the world

Official identity

Hidden identities

30.  Charlton Hesston, hidden brother of  George H. W. Bush

Alias hidden brother of George H. W. Bush

31.  Arnold Schwarzenegger, hidden son Charlton Hesston and nephew to  George H. W. Bush

Alias hidden son of Charlton Hesston

32.  Hugh Hefner, hidden brother of James Robinson Pierce. Hugh Hefner is the organizer of uncountable prostitutes and hidden children of the Bush family

Alias hidden brother of James Robinson Pierce

33.  Woody Harrelson, hidden son of Hugh Hefner and nephew to  George H. W. Bush

Alias a hidden son of Hugh Hefner

34.  Patrick Stewart, hidden brother of James Robinson Pierce


35.  Franz Joseph Strauss, ex-German vice-chancellor, ex-Bavaria governor and hidden brother to George H. W. Bush.

Alias fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias hidden brother to George H. W. Bush

36.  Helmut Kohl, ex-German Chancellor and hidden brother to George H. W. Bush

Alias unknown alias a hidden brother of George H. W. Bush and Errekat

37.  Errekat the PLO politician and half brother to Helmut Kohl, ex-German Chancellor the hidden brother to George H. W. Bush

Alias a hidden brother of George H. W. Bush through Helmut Kohl

38.  Ronald Reagan, the ex-USA president

Alias unknown, most probably a hidden brother to Pauline Robinson Pierce and some Rockefeller family member

39.  Nancy Reagan, the wife of ex-USA president Ronald Reagan and hidden biological mother of Laura Welch Bush

Alias a man disguised as a woman alias a hidden son of John D. Rockefeller Senior the First or John D. Rockefeller Junior the Second alias my granduncle Fuad Khayat

40.  Dan Quayle, ex-USA vice president while George H. W. Bush was USA president

Alias unknown

41.  Marilyn Tucker Quayle the official wife of ex-USA vice president Dan Quayle while George H. W. Bush was USA president and Barbara Pierce Bush was USA-first-lady

Alias the fake pastor Mrs. Karin Kittlaus in 2002-2006

42.  Dick Cheney, USA vice president

Alias unknown possibly George Estifan

43.  Mrs. Dick Cheney, USA-vice-first-lady the wife of USA vice president Dick Cheney

Alias Mrs. Mohamad Attar in 1980s and in December 2002 and also possibly in 1970

The hidden children of the Bush family

Official identity

Hidden identities

44.  Samir Bdeir

Alias a hidden son of George H. W. Bush and half brother to George W. Bush

45.  Fatina Kheir

Alias a hidden daughter of either George H. W. Bush or daughter of William H. T. Bucky Bush alias Farhat Kheir

46.  Saamer Baroudi

alias a hidden daughter of George H. W. Bush

47.  May Abokurah

Alias a hidden daughter of George H. W. Bush

48.  Barak Obama

Alias the hidden son of Barbara Pierce Bush alias Herbert Lange


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 Barak Obama the hidden son of Barbara Pierce Bush and Dorothy Walker Bush