Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0344


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             23.07.2007

Updated:                23.07.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Doris Hayes alias American military staff member in McGraw casern alias military intelligence in disguise as the regular wife of a military sergeant

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

Forced up on me friends by the Americans and in particular CIA and American military intelligence, that allegedly did not have sex with me.

First saw/met

April/May 1970 in McGraw casern

Age at that time:

Over 30 years old

Last saw/met

1971 in the American military base McGraw casern, Munich, Germany

Hidden biological relatives

Unknown, possibly Ford family in USA and Windsor family in England

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

My isolation and brainwash by the American military from 1970-1972 in McGraw casern in Munich, Germany, and during a period of a very evil attempt by my fake and biological family to show as if I am a homosexual and they are allegedly helping me, but in reality they were isolating me of others and terrorizing my and brainwashing me to force me to be what is suitable for them


170-175 cm


110-130 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

Very fat. Pretend to be very sociable and friendly. Pretended to be my best friend. Had ESP and is very deceiving, cruel and vicious. Every one surrounding me and has ESP and keeps it secret of me, then he wants to use it on me and manipulate me to my disadvantage and that is absolutely sadistic, cruel and vicious.

Special Crimes Against Me

Persecuted and brainwashed me with her husband and her alleged best friends circles, such as Mrs. O’Conner, Professor Charles of Mathematics at university of Maryland in the same military base, his very short Indian friend, Vincent Sir Vince/Sirvince of England and Singapore, Raja from Lebanon, Eric and the entire Military staff in the American military base McGraw casern

  See more description/Details below the photograph


Additional Photos wanted/needed




Doris Hayes alias American military staff member in McGraw casern alias military intelligence in disguise as the regular wife of a military sergeant, photo and personal information needed for crimes against me and against humanity

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Doris Hayes alias American military staff member in McGraw casern alias military intelligence in disguise as the regular wife of a military sergeant

Profession under Alias

Allegedly worked only part time in the American military movie theater selling Popcorn in McGraw casern and in Perlacher forest. Fulltime persecuting and brainwashing me. This is, among others, to confuse my memory under stress and persecution with the military movie theater in Damascus, Syria that officially was owned by Saieed Al-Umary the ex-boyfriend of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, and the Movie theater Metro owned by the CEO of Egypt Air (that is very possibly is Edsel Bryant Ford) in Cairo, Egypt and his two fake nieces Esmat and Yasmeen Chodori/Khodori and their fake brother, that were American/Israeli agents just arrived in Egypt after 1967 war, and were allegedly my friends.

Official Nationality

American with German origin and allegedly born in Germany

Countries Lived In

What I saw:

I Saw her April/May 1970-1971 in the American military base McGraw casern.

What I was told:

They relocated to USA in 1971, which I believed, however and today I don’t believe that any more

What I suspect:

She relocated to some where else in Germany or in Europe however not to USA.

I also strongly suspect her to be the same person who exchanged places with Adelheid Kuczka in January 2002 and thereafter, and I thought it was an unknown man, but it also could be an additional unknown man

Official Address

1970-71: Home: American military housing area Perlacher forest , Munich, Germany

Disguise Methods

Being so much over weight as she was, I could never have recognized her again if I saw her 50-60 kg less, just like the American spy Mohi Sabri, that she was, among others, protecting his identity, and therewith being fat is definitely a disguise method.

Pretended to be a very social person and very friendly just to gain y trust and therewith I be easily manipulated and brainwashed.

Official Family Members

Father:             Unknown

Mother:            Mother of Doris Hayes, Name forgotten

Sisters:            Unknown

Brothers:          Unknown

Cousins:          Unknown

Husband:         Sergeant Steven Hayes

Children:          Mark Hayes, allegedly the only son

Other relatives: Unknown. Possibly the Ford family in USA

Friends:           Raja, Vincent Sir Vince, professor Charles of Mathematics,

                        His alleged best friend a short Indian, Eric, Miguel,

                        whereby Eric and Miguel that brought me to the American

                        military base McGraw casern, I never saw after April/May



See continuation below.
















































Biological Family Members

My ex-girlfriend in Germany Adelheid Kuczka is possibly also one of her sisters or cousins, I just could not relate to her because one was very fat and the other very skinny, and I was always being stressed and persecuted and forced to concentrate on the daily created and faked problems to keep me busy and prevent me of thinking. But also my entire fake and absolutely stupid, sadistic, cruel and vicious family members mentioned within this website are in one way or another related to her and others in this evil American military base called McGraw casern in Munich, Germany. And this is specially true since many of them were present in this military base, such as: my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her husband Dr. Alaa Ali visited me there in 1971 to check if I relate to the past or not. My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar was there since June/July 1970 and thereafter, my fake mother Hayat Baroudi was there 1971 and thereafter

Official Businesses

American military Movie theater popcorn kiosk employee, and the wife of American military sergeant, American military intelligence and CIA or CIA liaison

Businesses Partners:

CIA, Mosad, English secret service, Syrian secret service and various military intelligence. Bdeir family in Amman, Jordan, Windsor family in England, Bush, Kennedy and Rockefeller in USA, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, Alia Köse alias Anita Naggar, Anita Disbray, Leo Sayer, my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her husband Dr. Alaa Ali and all the members and staff of the evil American military base McGraw casern in Munich, Germany mentioned within this website and many others not mentioned

Illegal Businesses

Brainwash, drugs, child kidnapping, covering up for terrorism performed by CIA and my fake family and every crime mentioned in this website, including mass identification falsification

Other Knowledge

Mrs. Doris Hayes was the first official person that I get to know at the American military base McGraw casern in Munich. Her main purpose in my life at that time is:

1.     To get me in to the American military base McGraw casern system. She was the first I get to know and introduced me to the others that persecuted and brainwashed during her presence and after she officially and allegedly left to the USA

2.     To keep an eye on me and manipulate my surroundings at that time and until she officially and allegedly left back to the USA in 1970/71. For a period of 3-6 months, she and her alleged best friends surrounded me and kept me busy of thinking, specially after the very harsh, intensive and sadistic persecution and brainwash that was performed on me between 10.10.1969 and March/April 1970 by alleged Germans and Arabs. I was surrounded by them every day directly after work and most of the times until after 2 o’clock in the morning. Then I drop dead tired in bed and sleep immediately and wake up very tired in the morning and go to work at around 6-8 o’clock in the morning and that was day after day

3.     Show as if I am a homo sexual surrounded by homosexual, through first her alleged best friend Professor Charles of the university of Maryland, that and from my today experience and point of view was or pretended to be queer and his permanent girlfriend/boyfriend was his short-Indian best friend and I believe they even lived together. Second Mrs. Doris Hayes and from my today’s point of view and experience was either a man in disguise as a woman or exchanged places with a woman that disguised as her/Mrs. Doris Hayes. This is some how confirmed through that she was evenings permanently out side her home and with her alleged best friends, even though she officially was married, lived with her official husband sergeant Steven Hayes and had an official son of approx 10-12 year sod age named Mark Hayes, that never had enough quality time with his alleged mother, because she was always out side with her alleged friends until early in the morning oft until 5 o’clock in the morning. Even my fake sister Fadia Nagar pitched and helped in showing as if I was a homosexual, in that she visited me in that American military base McGraw casern and pretended to give me advice on they way how I dress, because allegedly only queers dress like that, which was a leather pants/trousers. Not to forget that Leo Sayer pretended to be Anita Disbray and had sex with me as if he was a woman with out my knowledge or even that I ever noticed until 2006 when I recognized the situation and incidents.

4.     Show as if she is of German Nazi family (her mother pretended to be an old Nazi woman my alleged family) and allegedly taking care of me (in that she brainwashed me)

5.     Give me a very bad impressions of German people and portray them as bad, Nazi, careless and not to trust people and that Americans are the good guys/people who are allegedly helping me after the German pushed me around, arrested me, jailed me, and never helped me as under age refugee, where I officially just turned 17 years old on 10.10.1969 and for the period from October 1969 to March/April 1970. But also to portray all Arabs and in particular Palestinians as nasty sons of bitches. This is specially true, since she was hardly at home with her alleged husband and 10 years old son, but rather spending time with a queer professor and his queer Indian friend and a punch of youth that needed a mix with other youth and not with 30-50 years old friend circle that were isolating them and brainwashing them and giving them a very bad impression of the German people, so they may voluntarily leave Germany to USA, just like Raja did, and they tried very hard to get me want to go to the USA voluntarily through many tricks performed among other by Doris Hayes, Mrs. O’Conner, my fake brother Nick Naggar, Ray Thomas, American young girl and a daughter of an American sergeant that was trying the same thing on me as Thelma (a sergeant daughter) did to Raja, and several other people as well as many girls that treated me in such a way to force my mind to want to like American girls in the military base and hate other girls to voluntarily want to go to USA

6.     And other purposes


These people are concentrated evil and absolutely mentally sick and dangerous for the general public.


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