Why was I kidnapped?


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published: 21.5.2007     

Updated: 21.5.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped and Brainwashed?


Caution: These websites are not meant to teach crimes, but rather to show the effect of crimes and what suffering it causes others !!!


There are mainly two reasons for my kidnapping:

Reason Number One for Kidnapping me in 1959:

Is because I am the only son of the last king of England, King George VI (the sixth), and they wanted to steal my place

Reasons for kidnapping me a second time in 1984/86:

1.      Is because I am the only son of the last king of England, King George VI (the sixth), and they wanted to steal my place

2.      George H. W. Bush wanted to become president in 1989 and if it was known what is in these websites, he would never have became a president

3.      The family wanted George W. Bush to become president in 2001, and if it was known what is in these websites, he would never have become a president

4.      Is because my family is the Biggest International Crime Organization, and I was prevented of understanding because I was under their control


Here and in these pages I will concentrate on the Biggest International Crime Organization section.

The crimes performed by my family are mainly two kinds:

A.                 Main Crimes performed directly by my family

B.                 Sub-Crimes that are related to  the Main-Crimes and therefore are also performed through my family by a hidden third party/crime slave


There are many crimes performed by my family members, each member performs one or more crimes, but together they became a brainless destruction machine. Therefore, and because the huge amount of crimes I seen, I have to set priorities on where to start, which are the following based on history, priority, dependency within all the crimes and control:

1.      Because I Am The Only Or Youngest/Lat Son Of The Last King Of England, King George VI (Sixth)

2.      Government control as Family Business

3.      Slavery

4.      Terrorism, slavery

5.      Fake religions, slavery

6.      International Drugs, slavery

7.      Mass Child Kidnapping and Molestation

8.      War Crimes


Later and as I go I will add the following crimes:

All crimes performed by my family


1.      Drugs

2.      Fake Religions

3.      Terrorism

4.      War Crimes

5.      Child Kidnapping

6.      Child Molestation

7.      Producing children by using children

8.      Child Force to other Sex Gender

9.      Child Switching at Birth

10.  Prostitution

11.  Slavery

12.  Having Multiple Identities

13.  Forcing Mass Migration

14.  ID/Documents Falsification

15.  Currency Falsification

16.  Mass Brainwash

1.      Misuse of Telepathy/ESP

2.      Illegal Monitoring/Spying

3.      Petroleum Scam

4.      Other Natural Resources Scams

5.      Patent Scam/Stealing

6.      Stock Market Scam/Manipulation

7.      Investment Companies Scam (USA, Syria, Jordan)

8.      Mass bank Stealing/Robbery

9.      Banking Scams

26.  Stealing Large Companies. 

27.   Illegal Hidden Monopoly

28.  Illegal Weapon Sale

29.  Illegal Biological Weapons

30.  Illegal Atomic Weapons

31.  Creating Viruses and Sicknesses

32.  Fake Medication

33.  Creating Animal Diseases

34.  Kidnapping Officials and Top Managers

35.  Terrorizing Business Competition

36.  Globalization Scam

37.  Political Scams

38.  Government as Family Business

39.  Misusing Government Positions

40.  Stealing Public Funds/Budgets

41.  Stealing Taxpayers by creating Confusions

42.  Stealing a Whole Country

43.  Faking a Whole Country

44.  Pretension

45.  Faking History

46.  Faking Schooling/Education Books

47.  Businesses in my Family

48.  Spies in My Family

49.  Family Members        



Why was I kidnapped?


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published: 21.5.2007     

Updated: 21.5.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped and Brainwashed?