Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0302


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             02.07.2007

Updated:                21.09.2008

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Dardiri Ahmad Ismael alias Afro-English and/or Afro-American agent pretending to be Sudanese origin living in Egypt and was Egypt ambassador to UN-United nation


This person is identified as:

1.     CIA and an American and/or English military intelligence agent

2.     Most probably the father of ex-Egyptian president Anwar Al-Sadat with some Windsor, Rockefeller, Bush or Kennedy woman

Name in Arabic

الدرديري أحمد إسماعيل

Relation to me

Allegedly the friend of my father Abd Al-Hamid Najar he was made up and never existed, and allegedly both were colleagues and best friend in the Free Masons organization

First saw/met

1959 in Damascus, Syria

Age at that time

Over 50 years old

Last saw/met

Mid 1960s in Cairo, Egypt

Hidden biological relatives

Unknown, however and definitely in England and/or USA

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

Immediately after my first kidnapping in 1959 to Damascus, Syrian and as I became conscious after they caused me a total amnesia, but also immediately after I was taken to Cairo, Egypt in January 1960 and thereafter during my persecution and brainwash by this evil family


175-185 cm


70-80 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

On each side of his face and immediately below the eyes, has two long, approx. 10 cm cuts, cuts that supposed to show as if he is of a Sudanese tribe, in other words an alleged tribe face marks

Special Crimes Against Me

Helped kidnapping me in 1959 and persecuted me at least and while I was in Syria and Egypt, and thereafter I was persecuted, among others, by CIA, Mosad and English secret service my entire life to cover up the fact that, among others,  he is a spy and is very high positioned in the Egyptian government. I strongly suspect that he and his wife knocked me unconscious and used me to produce children in January and February of 1960 and stole my children

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed





Dardiri Ahmad Ismael alias Afro-English and/or Afro-American agent pretending to be Sudanese origin living in Egypt and was Egypt ambassador to UN-United nation, photo and personal information about his origin is needed for crimes performed against me and against humanity

Photo-1 and photo-2: the American and/or English military intelligence agent that was a part of the Egyptian revolution in 1953 and later became Egyptian president Anwar Al-Sadat from 1970-1981 as he was allegedly shot and killed by his own ex-military staff. Anwar Al-Sadat is most probably and based on his look the hidden half Afro-American and/or Afro-British and son of Dardiri Ahmad Ismael an American/English agent at least since the second world war


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Dardiri Ahmad Ismael alias Afro-English and/or Afro-American agent pretending to be Sudanese origin living in Egypt and was Egypt ambassador to UN-United nation

Profession under Alias

Egyptian government official, and later in 1970s he allegedly became Egypt ambassador to UN-United Nations

Official Nationality


Countries Lived In

What I saw:

1.     He came to visit us in Damascus, Syria in 1959 and brought me a tricycle, and I used to call him the Black man, due to I had total amnesia and did not know any language and in particular not Arabic language.

2.     In January of 1960 he officially helped my fake mother to move to Cairo, Egypt

3.     In January 1960 and as we arrived in Egypt we stayed at his house for one month and the second month at general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, whereby his second wife Elham Baroudi is 100% the Duchess of Windsor the official wife of king Edward VIII in disguise as Elham Baroudi my fake mother’s cousin and the sister of Jameel Baroudi alias king George V in disguise as Jameel Baroudi in Cairo, Egypt, who lived a second identity in Damascus, Syria as my fake uncle Mamdoh Baroudi

What I was told:

He is Sudanese origin and allegedly was in Khartoum, Sudan throughout 1930s and 1940s with my made up father Abd Al-Hamid Najar who allegedly was a judge working for the English government in Sudan, and they were best friends

What I suspect:

He is English or American origin, spy and member of my family’s crime organization

Official Address

Dardiri’s house, Almaza, opposite Nadi Al-Dhubat, Masr Al-Gadiedah, Cairo, Egypt

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be Egyptian Moslem-Sunni. Pretended to be the friend of my fake father

















Mrs. (wife of) Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, name forgotten


Miss (daughter of) Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, others I forgot

Other Relatives

Unknown, due to he is the only black man that I saw in the family, however, he could be related to an Afro-American actor who lived a second identity in Egypt but I can’t find his name at the moment and to ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al-Naser and his friends, Abd Al-Hakeem Amer and Anwar Al-Sadat













Other Relatives

Friends of the Family

Unknown except Free Masons/Frei Maurer

Official Businesses

High ranked Government official in Egypt under ex-president Gamal Abd Al-Naser

Businesses Partners:

Kwader/Queder and therewith Bdeir and Abokurah, Shawki, Al-Jumaiee, Shawki, Lapeep, Baroudi, general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman’s family, Windsor in England and Bush, Rockefeller in USA and Helmut Kohl and Franz Joseph Strauss in Germany

Illegal Businesses

Spying, drugs, terrorism, child kidnapping, child molestation, brainwash and all other crimes performed by my stupid family

Other Knowledge

Will follow


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