Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0465


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             19.11.2007

Updated:                19.11.2007, 25.07.2010

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

FBI-Federal Bureau of Investigation, one of the cruelest federal police agencies in our world, I know that because I was persecuted by them in the hidden and only once they pretended to want to question me in 1987 about the forced upon me political asylum all my life. FBI always pretend to be reputable, just to cover up for the CIA in that they pretend to be fighting CIA but both answer to the same piece of shit administration, which is the totally fucked up White House administration under various fucked up presidents that are all originated of the same fucked up family, the Windsor in England and Rockefeller in USA with all their hidden branches


(Added on 25.07.2010) I don’t like the way this profile looks like. But I will leave it so others can understand the effect of brainwash because this is the result. Among others that I was not able to write this profile since 2007. All my additions are marked with dates. Mainly and with a few exceptions the entire profile was empty until today.


(Added on 25.07.2010) You can read the profile sequentially or click here to see the FBI agents and the environments they created around my life since 1986/87. The details of the FBI setups you can read within the profiles of each individual mentioned as working for or with them against me. Also you can see why the FBI was unjustly persecuting me!


(added on 10.08.2009) Until I come to this profile please see also American military intelligence, CIA, FBI and the German police that all persecuted me unjustly to death since 1959, which is very visible among others in the profile kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986


See also:

German police persecuted me (under construction)

CIA persecuted me (under construction)

American military intelligence persecuted me (under construction)

American military persecuted me (under construction)

FBI persecuted me (under construction)

Name in Arabic


Relation to me

(Added on 25.07.2010) The agency that unjustly persecuted me to cover up for my fake and biological families, whereby I am still not sure who are my biological parents!

First saw/met

(Added on 25.07.2010) Around Mai 1987 in a restaurant in Westport, Connecticut, USA. Some FBI agent (I forgot his name, even though I saw him several times) called me and asked me to meet them in this restaurant. Two were sitting officially with me and I strongly suspect that another two were sitting on a table nearby. These two tables were the only used tables otherwise the restaurant was empty. It was around 10:00 or 11:00 o’clock in the morning.

Age at that time

(Added on 25.07.2010) The main one was around 45-55 the other was much younger and I just saw him once. The main one I will plainly call him the FBI agent because I saw him many times thereafter.

Last saw/met

(Added on 25.07.2010) Sometime in 1988 or 1989, not certain. At Dun & Bradstreet corporate headquarter in Wilton, Connecticut.

Hidden biological relatives

(Added on 25.07.2010) Unknown to me, however and based on the pattern, the head of the FBI is always a hidden member of the controlling family, such as the Rockefeller, starting with Edgar J Hover the founder of the FBI as we know it today, to help to cover up for the controlling families while fighting mainly their opponents, which is very visible in the history of the FBI. But this is my opinion. Based on my life experience and what I saw in my life.

Allegedly Died On

(Added on 25.07.2010) If the FBI agent that contacted me is still alive or not is unknown to me. However the agency FBI will not die until there is a real democracy and freedom for all. Democracy exists only between the controlling families and not for the general public. Democracy as it is now is really very damaging because those who are using it don’t use it with honesty but rather they use it with the means to stay in control.

Surrounding me during

(Added on 25.07.2010) My persecution and brainwash by my fake family that consisted of some of my biological family members of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy and Bush families that were eager and would do anything to cover up their real identities in the Middle East, including killing innocent people. During a period when Siemens AG was trying hard to get my attention to what my family was actually doing. During a period when the German police was constantly persecuting me to use me and prove that my fake families are terrorists and drug lords. During a period when the Americans disguised as German in and around Munich, Germany such as Unterschleissheim, Hoehenbrunn, Unterhaching, Baldham and other, were desperate to shut me up in that they persecuted me and brainwashed me while pretending to be German Christians. During a period when all of them together were preparing either to kill me or kidnap me to USA, which they did. During a period when my fake and biological families persecuted me very viciously after I discovered that they were printing a fake Quran in cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government at the Clett Verlag in Stuttgart, Germany to implicate the alleged German Nazis that were allegedly hiding in the Middle East, in short to implicate the Germans, because Germany was used by USA and England as scapegoat for all the crimes they were performing in the hidden and described within this website, such as terrorism, drugs and mass child kidnapping and molestation to create as many children as quick as possible that they can brainwash and claim them to be native of the Middle East. During a persistent period that my fake and biological families tried to link me to PLO and Palestinian terrorists. My brainwash, enslaving with the help of the CIA, Mosad, American/English/Syrian military intelligence under their agent whore Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping to USA through the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso and in cooperation with the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG in cooperation with professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark, Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer and Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and USA vice-president and later USA president George H. W. Bush. Where they kept me letterly as hostage and slave for 15 years in USA and then dumped me in Holland identity and legal paperless to force me to live as a refugee with absolute no rights what so ever as cover up for all the crimes they performed against me and against humanity. Locking me in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, destroying  my logic and bringing my mind to a total stop and therewith enslaving me totally under the control of all the CIA, American/English military intelligence agents disguised under the families Mahmoud, Mushref, Khodor/Chodor, Najjar/Najar/Naggar/Nagar, Baroudi, Abokurah, Bdeir and protected by Bush, Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Ford and other criminal Mafia families. Then keeping me as hostage and salve for 15 years in USA.





Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

(Added on 25.07.2010)

1.     An agency that is used by the controlling families to stay in control by finding ways to discredit the others and destroy their opponents. And that is my opinion based on what I saw.

2.     An agency that uses any means to persecute their victim regardless if their victim is innocent or guilty

3.     The agency uses many nationalities to persecute their opponents, In my case they often also used Syrians, Libyans, Spanish, Indians, Americans, Honduras, Brazilians and other nationalities, but also uses persons that pretend to be Christians, Jewish,  Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist and others. What is bad about this? Is that these persons pretend to be strict religious and some of them even extreme religious in particular extreme Moslems

4.     They use any business or institution to persecute their victim. They just have to say “National Security” which supposed to mean for the protection and safety of the general public, however, and this is not my opinion but rather fact that I saw and is written all over my complaint pages, they are mainly or only working for the security and protection of the controlling families and on the side they track a few small time criminals to make a case as if they are working for the protection of the general public.

Special Crimes Against Me

(Added on 25.07.2010)

Officially and visibly they persecuted me since around Mai 1987 and until around autumn 1989. Today I have the strong believe that they persecuted me since possibly 1984 or even since April 1970 at the American military base McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany, which I never noticed until after the year 2002. I was forced to live isolated as refugee from 2001 and until 2008 between refugee camps and prisons in the Netherlands and in Germany. During this period of time I was trying to figure out what or who is persecuting me and why my life is totally out of control or at least it is out of my own control. And I started to analyze my life. And this page is the result of these analyses that took me several years to figure out.


The special crimes against me that were performed by the FBI is that they unjustly persecuted me as an alleged terrorist suspect or as a person that is related to a terrorist family, but in reality they were keeping me under control to cover up for  my fake family  that has many members that are members of NATO military intelligence and members of American and Europeans controlling families that are controlling several other countries such as Germany, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and this is just to mention a few out of many others.


The details of this unjust persecution that turned to a physical and mental life torture and finally totally destroying my life and incapacitating me of living and now I am being confined as a refugee in the Netherland that have to start all over again and to do that I have to learn everything from scratch, from language to business, to tradition but I am also totally isolated even today. This is a brainwash in progress to force their victim to be busy with survival because I can’t generate any money under these circumstances. Fuck FBI and fuck the American government and fuck all the cruel controlling families that would sell anything including their children’s, parents, brothers, sisters, neighbors, friends and country just to make some money and stay in control to control and damage the life of the general public.


One of the major reasons for many setups performed by the FBI were to link me to Jewish and/or Russians or to Russian Jewish. In other words they were persecuting me as an alleged Russian spy. See the individual profiles of their agents to see some of these setups, among others Dun & Bradstreet in 1988-1989 and 10 years later the CPC-Caspian Pipeline consortium project in 1998-1999. Siemens AG did similar setups in 1978-1981 in Munich, Germany (this is also 10 years earlier, this mean every 10 years they make a major setup with a large company to link me to Jewish Russians=a pattern). This alone show that they are persecuting me unjustly for so long and Siemens AG most definitely worked with some American agency against me, may be it was the FBI, and the only link that I have between Siemens AG and the FBI is Khalid Mian and other Indians that are mentioned also below.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed

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(Added on 30.07.2009) Photo-A01 to A04: FBI director Louis J. Freeh that ignored my complaint letters.


(Added on 30.07.2009) Louis J. Freeh is to 85% lookalike of my fake cousin Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman the son of the American military intelligence agent that became the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman. And this is most probably due to that his wife Amira Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman had two different identities as Egyptian and American/English, in 1960/61 she faked her death and disappeared.


(Added on 30.07.2009) It is a family business to suppress the own family members and the general public by terrorism.

(Added on 30.07.2009) Photo-B01 to B04: Attorney general Janet Reno, the head of the US-Department of Justice and therewith the head of FBI.  Janet Reno ignored my complaint letter in the year 2000.


(Added on 30.07.2009) Note: It is very visible that Janet Reno is member of the Rockefeller family and most probably (99%) is the daughter of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller senior, she looks just like all of his official children a mixture of ex-USA president Jimmy Carter and Mary Todhunter Clark Rockefeller the first wife of  Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller senior, whereby his second wife Happy Rockefeller is my fake cousin  Farihat Kheir. The government of USA is a family business.


(Added on 30.07.2009) Janet Reno was one of the major persons for persecuting me unjustly as an alleged terrorist suspect by using the FBI and covering up for my evil fake family, the American military intelligence, Rockefeller and Bush families that persecuted me to death since 1959.


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

(Added on 25.07.2010) FBI-Federal Bureau of Investigation. In my life the FBI had many names and aliases. Actually many identities. Each person that was an agent of the FBI and pretended not to be while pretending to be my friend, employer, relative, friend neighbor or whatever they were disguised in, or even just followed the order and cooperated with the FBI, is just another name of for the FBI.

Profession under Alias

(Added on 25.07.2010) An FBI agent or an FBI cooperator can be whatever he want to be, from top executive to my next door neighbor that pretend to be a freelance house painter.

Official Nationality

(Added on 25.07.2010) Officially and theoretically the FBI operate for the security within the USA. Practically and in reality, the FBI goes wherever their victim is. In other words and since I suspect my friend Khalid Mian to have been working for the FBI, this mean an FBI agent persecuting his victim outside USA in Germany and officially I was never in USA prior to this point of time. May be I was in USA before 1959 but I can’t say for sure.

Countries Lived In

(Added on 25.07.2010) Officially I saw them only in USA. I strongly suspect them to have been around my life in Germany from 1970-1986 and I also strongly suspect them to have been around my life in the Netherlands and Germany from 2002 and until 2008 and possibly even now.

Official Address

(Added on 25.07.2010) The FBI has many addresses. Some of them are officially so called field offices and the others are hidden operation offices. The FBI headquarter is in Washington D.C., USA. You can look it up on the Internet or in a telephone book

Disguise Methods

(Added on 25.07.2010) There are two disguises, one as the FBI that allegedly is working for the protection of the general public but in reality they are helping sucking the life out of the general public, and that is a disguise. The other disguise is the actual disguise that the individual field agent uses. Number one disguise they pretend to be your friend and care about you. In reality each mother fucker of the FBI cares only about himself and his carrier and is willing to do anything to advance in his job and therefore they disguise in anything from a moderate religious to an extremist, but also as a homosexual, or prostitute, as a work colleague in any given profession to your neighbor or employer or both or all of the above as it was the case in my life. For details see below for the individual FBI agents around my life or those that cooperated with the FBI against me, and this including churches.







(Added on 25.07.2010) Controlling families=organized crime family


(Added on 25.07.2010) Government


Same as above


Same as above


Same as above


Same as above


Same as above

Other Relatives

Same as above







Same as above


Same as above


Same as above


Same as above


Same as above


Same as above


Same as above

Other Relatives

 my fake family

Friends of the Family

(Added on 25.07.2010) CIA, American military intelligence, NATO military intelligence, any police agency in the world and in particular the German police as in it was in my case. Many military intelligence agencies from opponent countries, which is in the hidden, such as it is in my case these sons of bitches were working with the Syrian, German and Dutch government against me

Official Businesses

(Added on 25.07.2010) Destroying the people’s life enable to keep them under control

Businesses Partners:

(Added on 25.07.2010) Any business is obligated by the law of national security to work with them in partnership on any case what so ever. And all follow brainless to destroy the lives of innocents just like it was in my case with Dun & Bradstreet and Compaq Corporation, just to mention 2 out of many

Illegal Businesses

(Added on 25.07.2010) There is nothing illegal to them, they are allowed to do anything in the name of national security, including drug dealing, illegally monitor an opponent of the controlling families or illegally and unjustly persecute a person to cover up for his family jus tas it was in my case.

Other Knowledge

(Added on 25.07.2010) Everything I know about them is through their forced upon me official contact with them in 1987, is below.


(Added on 25.07.2010) Here are my major thoughts:

I used to think what I see in TV news or hear in other news, or see on police agencies slogan, but I was wrong. In short I used to believe that police agencies are honest and honorable. I used to think that FBI, CIA or other secret services are here to protect the general public of scams like my fake family  and did not know that they work together against innocent general public. In USA the slogan of the police, which is written large on each police car, is: “To protect and serve”. In Germany the police slogan is: “Polizei, dein freund und hilfer” which means “the police, your friend and helper”. Today I know better. There are a lot of similarities between the German and the American police, both of them pretend to be your friend and stab you in the back. In matter of a fact I think that in those two countries as police countries, because the government always find a way to scare the general public of the police force, for example in Germany you can’t walk downtown or in or near the train station without seeing a lot police officers and they have the right to stop any one and ask him for identification under the pretension they are looking for illegal aliens. In USA and in certain city section, no 5 or 10 minutes wil pass by without seeing a police car and these mainly in areas where there are rich people or controlling family members lives or work. Also in USA the police have the right to stop anyone and ask him for identification under the pretension or law that they allegedly suspected an illegal action such as drugs. The list of police control to intimidate the general public is endless. In my case I was always living in fear of being deported for some reason or another and this since 1970 and until current. Deporting a person is not only suspending his life is actually much worse, is killing him slowly. And since I tried hard not to break the law, they always kidnapped me as part of a long term brainwash scheme.


Click here to see some of the FBI agents. This will show the methodology of FBI or in general will show the methodology of most police agencies all over the world. Because they are all stupid and confined to the same scheme that they learn of each other’s and teach each other’s. So no matter when it is or where it is the same scheme is used, only the names and faces are different. Even most of the situations created by them are also almost the same. There are no protections against these criminals, because they all follow orders without any question this mean without any brain. Their orders come of the controlling families that control the governments, and if they don´t follow orders they get fired, often of their so called dream jobs, and most of the people are afraid to be jobless, moneyless because they don’t know how to make money except in this one way, therefore they became slaves of their own mind and of the controlling families. I discovered a very huge scheme to force fear upon people of losing their employment, enable to force their mind to follow order, work and be quite (=happiness!). And this scheme I would have never discovered if I did not live my life in Egypt, Germany, USA and Netherlands. However each country has a different kind of scheme. But all come to one thing: hidden slavery.


Top of Page




(Below added on 30.01.2010)

The following persons and/or institutions cooperated with the FBI to keep me by force of brainwash as hostage for 15 years in USA, whereby some of them I get to know officially through the FBI, which means the FBI used these official ones as distraction of the others that were working in the hidden for and/or with the FBI and CIA against innocents persons such as myself.


Note-1: The ones that were introduced to me officially through the FBI are marked with the words “Through the FBI”, the others without this note, I strongly suspect them to be working either with or for or cooperating with the FBI against me, however I can’t prove it and the only prove I have is the situations as mentioned within each profile. Also the year shows the year of I either first saw them or first I suspect them to work with the FBI and until the last I saw them. Also the ones that I suspect to 99% to be working directly for FBI are noted with “Strongly suspected to be FBI agent


Note-2: It may seem a bid excessive to add all the persons below as cooperator with the FBI against me; however the main strategy is the following

1.       To surround me with persons and institutions that would never help me against the American government or their authority

2.       In many or most of the situations associated to the persons and the institutions below were nothing else than putting me severely under pressure to allegedly force me to crack and confess to something I never did, but in reality it was all confusion and brainwash situations designed to force me to forget my past and be only busy with the basics for survival, such as food.

3.       Placing a couple persons and institutions officially through the FBI in my life as distraction of the hidden ones and as distractions of the ones that came into my life in the hidden through the FBI but before the FBI officially  started to persecute me in May/June 1987, such as the Stevens family and the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut that was covering up also for the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany


Note-3: The institutions mentioned below were 100% unjustly setting me up and persecuting me for someone, possibly for my fake or biological family, and some of them I may have mixed them up wrongly with the FBI, or vice versa, or they were working with the FBI and I did not include them below because I associated them possibly wrongly to my fake or biological family. One thing is fact, the Bush family persecuted me publicly and viciously among other during the period from 1990-2001.


Note-4: Many of the persons or institutions mentioned below pretended many things as a part of a big confusion to not let me know who they are really linked to or for whom they are setting me up, such as my fake attorney William F. Harmeyer, he has a German name, and allegedly he is originated from Canada, he was working closely with the Saint Laurence catholic school in Sugar land against me, he made sure that I think his main clients are Arabs and in particular Syrians, later I was told by my fake sister Fadia Nagar that he is allegedly and originally Jewish prior to become Christian catholic, whereby I was surrounded by Italian Catholics and some Jewish from 1987 to 1990 that many of them severely set me up. Last but not least I was set up to go and get an attorney that never would help me but rather just give me the feelings as if he is an honest attorney and that was on 1996, I saw him a couple of time and never again until I April/May 1999. So my fake attorney William F. Harmeyer is 100% working for someone against me, but I do not know 100% who is he working for, most probably the FBI and/or CIA to take the blame of the evil Bush family,  my fake family  and my actual unknown to me biological family.


1.       1984-2000, Najlaa Mahmoud

2.       1986-2001,  my fake family

3.       10.10.1986 kidnapped from Germany to USA where they kept me by force as a slave and hostage for 15 years and until 11.02.2001 and then dumped me by force in the Netherlands to force me not to notice any of these vicious and absolute cruel persecutions but also not to complain about them or even sue them for what they did to me. 

4.       1986-1994/95 Nick Naggar, my fake brother

5.       1986-1989/1990 The Stevens family

6.       1986-1989/1990 The Evangelical Lutheran Salem church

7.       1986-1987 The Afro-American university professor

8.       1987(-2000) International Institute of Connecticut

9.       1987-1988/89 Mr. Enzo my landlord of my first housing on Queen street in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

10.    1987-1988/89 My neighbors, name forgotten, the couple that pretended to be man and husband and my neighbors in the same house on Queen street in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

11.    Through the FBI” 1987-1989/1990 The FBI agent that questioned me officially for the first time around May/June 1987

12.    1987 Chrysler car dealership of Bridgeport, Connecticut

13.    1987-1990 Bob Deluca or Bob Logia, exact name forgotten, my employer at the T&B Gas station on the corner of Main street and Queen street (I have only a small suspensions that he was cooperating with the FBI against me). Yet and suddenly I was surrounded through him by Italians that were allegedly Catholic Christians, see my fake mother for more details

14.    1987 my employer People’s Bank

15.    1987/1988 my employer Spectrum Computer Services

16.    1987/1988-1989/1990 my employer Dun & Bradstreet in Wilton, Connecticut

17.    1988/1990 The Afro-American alarm agent

18.    January 1990 to 10.10.1999, Stancliff Park Apartments on Lands’ End Drive, Houston, Texas

19.    January 1991 to April 1991 Gulf Systems my first employer in Houston, Texas

20.    1991-2000, Wazi Ullah the owner and/or CEO of “ComputerExpo” or “Computer Expo” computer retail store on Westheimer, Houston, Texas

21.    1991-1992/93 the owner (name forgotten) of System Maker in some small city just north of Houston, Texas. He pretended to be ex-navy intelligence

22.    1991/92-2000 James Brasher the owner/partner of Associated Canvas Products, Inc.

23.    Summer 1991, my Employer the computer consulting company Berger and Co., later in mid 1990s they changed their name to or became a part of a company named MODIS that was purchasing computer consulting companies and purchasing employment agencies that also purchased at least another two companies that I also worked for, among others Technomation Systems. MODIS was owned by a man that was working for Russ Peru and employed me for the Texaco Inc. project in 1991/1992, (did not create a profile for them), all in Houston, Texas, later was purchased by another company

24.    Summer 1991, my Employer Gibraltar Savings bank (did not create a profile for them) in Semi Valley, California, through Berger and Co. It was the governmental project in 1991 that was the result of the big Savings and Loan scandal and was organized by FDIC and RTC

25.    2-3 months 1991-1992 my contact person named Kevin or Kavin at my employer Koch Industries in Wichita, Kansas, through another job hunting agency, name forgotten

26.    ?????, my employer UtiliCorp United in Kansas City, Kansas, through another job hunting agency, name forgotten

27.    October 1999 to March/April 2000, the Afro-American woman with daughter that letterly lead me to Sun Suite Hotel

28.    October 1999 to May/June 2000, Sun Suite Hotel on Sam Houston parkway near Westheimer road

29.    November 1999 to March 2000, Kamron Kirkconnell the owner of Interior Technologies in Houston, Texas, he pretended to be ex-CIA in Honduras

30.    November 1999 to March 2000, Walid the Libyan and his alleged friend Oscar that allegedly originated from Spain

31.    November 1999 to January 2000, Vilma Bonilla that pretended to be my girlfriend as distraction of the American whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud

32.    May-June 2000, Compaq Corporation headquarter (Through Tyron Dixon) in Compaq Center W Drive, Houston, TX 77070, Of Tomball Highway 249, today it is HP-Hewlett Packard, whereby Compaq Corporation purchased in around 1996/97 the company DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation one of the companies that helped brainwash me and kidnap in 1986 from Germany  to USA

33.    Tyron Dixon

34.    June 1999 to February 2000, the American INS-Immigration and Naturalization Services, whereby I was set up by them and my fake attorney William F. Harmeyer



Below this line added on 25.07.2010 unless otherwise stated.


Persons/institutions working with the FBI against me since at least the year 1987:


First: Why was the FBI persecuting me?

These are the reasons from my knowledge as of today 31.07.2010:

A.   Covering up for kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1984/1986 by the evil American and NATO military intelligence

B.   Covering up for my fake family that have many members that are simultaneously members of the American and NATO military intelligence, such as Juergen Moellemann alias my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri

C.   Covering up for the Bush family that are the number one reason for kidnapping me from Germany in 1984/86, at least they were involved due to George H. W. Bush, Senior that was at that time the Vice president and ex-CIA director and was responsible for the illegal project Calypso that they used to brainwash me and kidnap me from Germany to USA in 1986.

D.   Covering up for John D. Rockefeller the Third alias Mr. Ruge that was involved in brainwashing me and kidnapping me from Germany in 1986. He was my last official boss and employer at the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG

E.   They pretended as if I am a Russian spy during the cold war period with Russia. See the profile Russia, where I will add every Russian involvement in my life since 1959, once I get to it.

F.    They pretended as if I had anything to do with the kidnapping of many Americans, also other Europeans that were being kept as hostages in Lebanon, partially for several years. See the illegal Calypso project that was the result of the black mail for these hostages.

G.   They pretended to persecute me due to my fake family is an allege extreme Moslems and own Islamic schools, among others the Islamic Scientific college of Jordan (established/founded by my two brother/in/laws families the Bdeir and Abokurah families) and with close connections to the Al-Azhar university, the headquarter of the Islamic brotherhood that is considered to be a terrorist group in Egypt since at least 1920s, and is heavily involved with the first bombing of the World Trade Center in the beginning of 1990s

H.   Pretending to persecute me because my fake family is the largest, or at least one of the largest, legal and illegal drug crime organization family in the world, that cover it up with tobacco, spices, petroleum, Phosphor, constructions, foods and food stuff and many other ways

I.      Helping the evil CIA and American and NATO military intelligence agent Najlaa Mahmoud that they forced me to live with as her slave since 24.12.1984

J.    Pretending to persecute me due to, and without me knowing , that I allegedly have connections to Palestinians hidden control terrorists families such as the Alami family, the family of my fake niece Basmath Bdeir (also written Basmah or Basma=Dutch name) and many other families related to the Bdeir families, Abokurah, Baroudi families and are the hidden control families of several terrorist groups From PLO to Black September, Islamic Brotherhood, IRA (through my ex-wife the alleged English Anita Disbray with her brother-in-law of the IRA) and others, such as these families, Arafat, Muasher, Musheel, Mehles, Barghooti, Mufleh and others. But also the other Palestinians involved in my life since at least 1960s such as our ex-neighbor the Palestinian Sheikh (sheikh=priest/pastor), Mr. Bsiesso, Mr. Ramadan, and others, whereby a few of them were working for the American and NATO military intelligence, German police, CIA or even the FBI, such as Mr. Ramadan through the American Sargent Hamori that pretended to be originally Palestinian and his friend Mohamad Attar that was forced upon my life by the American military at the American military base McGraw kasern in 1970 Munich, Germany, Mr. Bsiesso, our the Egyptian neighbor the Palestinian Sheikh and others. Very complex!

K.   Last but not least pretending that my fake family is Jewish and Israeli origin and they are helping and covering up for them

L.    And other reasons


See the short description of “how did I come into this situation controlled by the FBI?” and other American agencies such as military intelligence and CIA.

I was persecuted by the FBI and simultaneously by businesses, whereby I strongly suspect that in many situations the FBI and some of the businesses were working strongly together such as by Dun & Bradstreet. It is possible that I wrongly suspect some businesses as working with FBI. However, the businesses mentioned below did 100% persecute me.


The reason for possible wrong suspicion or even accusation is because it is all so complex. But in short this is the way it is that cause the complexity and wrong suspicion:

A.   My fake family  is an organized crime family

B.   My fake family  is related  to (or members of) European and American controlling families such as the Rockefeller, Bush, Windsor and most probably also the Dutch royal family, see the German politicians Hans Dietrich Genscher and Juergen Moellemann for details,  and other royal families in Europe and therewith they have control of agencies such as police, FBI and CIA

C.   Most controlling families in all countries are related together by marriage, setting one of them by force as president, king or queen in another country such as it is the case now in Iraq and Afghanistan or related at least business wise or in the interest of staying in control they closely cooperate together and help each other’s, often while pretending to be against each other’s such as it is the case with American/Europe and most of the Arab governments

D.   Many members of  my fake family  are simultaneously members of NATO military intelligence

E.   Some members of  my fake family  have several identities in at least two countries, such as Mohi Sabri alias Juergen Moellemann

F.    Some members of  my fake family  owns very large businesses that are working together with or are major Fortune 1000 companies in our world, but using different name such as Exxon also named Esso and are simultaneously members of the ARAMCO in Saudi Arabia. Whereby Exxon is the largest petroleum refinery company in the world and ARAMCO is the largest petroleum producing/drilling company in the world. This mean petroleum from A to Z=drilling refining and selling in various products from Benzin and heating oil to plastic shopping bags and many parts in the electronics sector is under their control

G.   I strongly suspect the following: some members of  my fake family  are very famous people in a higher position in major companies or in some governments in Europe and/or USA and have additional fake identity, among other in the Middle East, that they use to walk freely without being recognized and I know them only under this identity.

H.   My fake family is severely persecuting me since 1959.

I.      My fake family and the German government created a situation on purpose to force me to become Christian in 1976, see the Genezareth Evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim for more details

J.    The German, American, Syrian governments and as well as  my fake family  wanted to force me to think that I was persecuted due to I changed my religion in 1975 from Islam to Christianity just to cover up for all the above, which I did believe so until 2005/2006


Because of all the above reasons, it is sometimes very difficult for me to determine if a company is working with the government against me, such as with FBI/CIA or others, or they are persecuting me through only the hidden business interest connections of my fake family  that is mentioned above. In any case all the mentioned below were persecuting me as described in their profiles.


If I would pick the most relevant FBI setups, just to make it short, then I will limit it to 7 categories:

Note: I don’t know if the FBI is responsible for all of the situations mentions below under the 5 categories, but the FBI is for sure responsible for the majority of them which is visible through their continuous involvements in these situations, but also they created several situations their selves. One thing is for sure, some one planned all these situations in the 7 categories and more and it was not me, they were created as a setup for me.

1.         Official  (visible) setups 1987-1989

1.1.           FBI agent that contacted me

1.2.           International Institute of Connecticut, an allegedly refugee help organization that to 80% funded by the government of USA and 20% funded by the private sector

1.3.           Spectrum computer Services

1.4.           Dun & Bradstreet

2.         Hidden setups from 1986-2000

2.1.           My housing in Queen street and Benson street in Bridgeport, Connecticut USA (4 years)

2.2.           My housing in Stancliff park apartments in Houston, Texas (10 years)

2.3.           My fake brother Nick Naggar

2.4.           Najlaa Mahmoud

2.5.           Stevens family

2.6.           Gulf Systems in Houston, Texas

2.7.           ComputerExpo or Computer Expo in Houston, Texas

2.8.           Microsoft Corporation in Houston, Texas and in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany

2.9.           Compaq Corporation

2.10.        And in between all the above several other governmental and private businesses. For details see below

3.         Specific or major Indians around me through Americans:

3.1.           1970.  The Indian friend of professor Charles of the American military base named McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany

3.2.           1978-1984. Khalid Mian that I strongly suspect him to be Steve Job or his very lookalike brother, which I doubt. But also I strongly suspect him to be a half-brother of my fake cousin Hani Baroudi a member of a major drug lord family and a hidden member of the Rockefeller family in USA and Europe

3.3.           1987. Sanjey Kupta or Gupta through the FBI at Spectrum Computer Services and Westport newspaper publishing company. His name is very similar to the name of known CNN news man that also happened to be Indian

3.4.           1990-2000. Wazi Ullah of Computer Expo

3.5.           All the above mentioned Indians have at least one thing in common, I get to know them all through American setups

4.         Setups to blame everything on Jewish

5.         Setups to link me to Russians

6.         Setups to create fake reasons for persecuting me

7.         Last but not least and in the year 1998/2000 setting me up and brainwashed me, persecuted me to death, tortured me mentally and physically to force me to leave USA and made it look like as if I voluntarily want to leave USA



The following is a list of all persons that were officially working with the FBI against me and also the ones I strongly suspect them to have been working or cooperating with the FBI against me.


Note: I hardly written any complaint pages in the last 12 months, there are many reasons for that, but the number one reason is that I was in one way or another prevented to write, especially that I got stock within the military intelligence, CIA and FBI profile pages, because these pages would not only show some of the top secret agents, but also it will show the pattern, that will help to find any other agent working for these cruel agencies, the agents names and faces may change and a new ones will come but the pattern wil stay, because they are stupid and use this pattern since over 50 years. Any way I was prevented to write and often I was even prevented to think, however, I still believe to have discovered that some members of my fake family are originated from the Netherlands; which are my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and her husband Seev Aldin Bdeir and most probably my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her children. But also I believe to have discovered that some members of my old church the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the CIA city Unterschleissheim are also from the Netherlands, however I am not certain which ones they are, and I had in the last 2 years, and in particular in the last 12 months many things to support my believe. This means now at least I know why the Dutch government is also persecuting me, not only because my fake step father Mohi Sabri alias the German politician Juergen Moellemann is the son (originally I thought he was his grandson, but I was wrong) of Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld the father of the current Dutch queen Beatrix, and because my fake sisters, but also because they have today still active spies living Germany and in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, but also I have the strong believe that my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Hamburg is also originated from the Netherlands, possibly he is also the son Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, here also I was partially wrong about his identity. When I come to it I will write down the reasons that makes me think that these persons are originated from the Netherlands and add them to the Dutch/Netherland profile.


Note: It may look as excessive that so many persons/institutions around me working for or cooperating with the FBI against me, but that is what the FBI does when they (pretend) suspect someone to be a Russian spy during the cold war period or (pretended) or suspect him to be of an organized crime family in the Middle East, Europe and USA that kidnapped several Americans and. Europeans and keeping them as hostages in Lebanon for several years. But it is also the way FBI operates when they are covering up for the American and NATO military intelligence agents (=my fake family) in the Middle East and Germany, whereby I am the only weak link due to I had no idea what is going on. On the other side, I may be brainwashed to blame many things or even everything on FBI and CIA as distraction of all the others mentioned within!


Note: “Jewish link” means I was told by these persons themselves that they are allegedly Jewish, “possibly Jewish link” means I strongly suspect them also to be Jewish setup based on their behavior and the pattern. Jewish setup means the FBI and the American government wanted me to think that I was persecuted by Jewish that allegedly covering up for my fake family that is pretending to be Jewish spies from Israel and pretended not to be related to and are originated from the controlling families in USA and Europe and pretend not to be of the American and NATO military intelligence. May be some members of my fake family are Jewish origin, because they are 100% members of the controlling families and controlling families pretend to be Jewish, Christians, Moslems, Hindu, Buddhist and members of other religions to set an example and force the general public to also be members of these religions just enable to keep them under control and blame everything on these religions and on the invisible God, if there is one in our existence!


1.        Worked with/for the FBI against me:

1.1.         Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, from 10.10.1986 to around 10.12.1990:

1.1.1.        Private:          My fake brother Nick Naggar and his family (= my fake family )          Stevens family          Afro-American college rector          International Institute of Connecticut, in particular the manager named Myra Oliver, an allegedly refugee help organization that to 80% funded by the government of USA and 20% funded by the private sector          Abokurah family and in particular who came to visit me such as Afrah Najjar alias Mona/Moni Abokurah and at least her son Abdallah Abokurah, this while his father Abdalghani Abokurah has an additional housing is in Washington D.C., one of many          Mr. Enzo my land lord on Queen street in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, an alleged Italian          My below neighbors on Queen street were FBI agents          FBI agent that contacted me          Scot Shields, Jewish link

1.1.2.        Business/employment:           Chrysler dealership in Bridgeport (=Mercedes), Jewish link          T&B Gas station          People’s Bank in Bridgeport, possibly also Jewish link          Spectrum Computer Services (Just noticed: =SCS=Scientific Control Systems=BP=Government in UK, Germany and other countries)          Dun & Bradstreet, Jewish link          School bus company in Bridgeport, possibly also Jewish link          Elementary school of Trumble, possibly also Jewish link          American Frozen Food, Jewish link          University of Bridgeport, possibly also Jewish link       Connect Computer Corporation, Jewish link       ABCD, a government agency, Jewish link       I.A.I.P.D., a government agency, Jewish link       Afro-American Alarm System consultant       And others that I am leaving out due to their setups were not as significant as the above ones!

1.2.         Houston, Texas, USA, from around 11.12.1990 to 11.02.2001:

1.2.1.        Private:          Mark (Mohamad) Khodor          Stanclif park apartments on Lands’ End Drive          My fake brother Nick Naggar and his family (= my fake family )          The Bdeir family, in particular those who came to visit me: Suhair Bdeir, Samir Bdeir and Reem Bdeir          The Abokurah family, in particular who came to visit me: Afrah Najjar alias Mona Abokurah and her children          Walid, allegedly originally Libyan, he wanted me to think that the American INS-Immigration and Naturalization Services was forcing Oscar (mentioned below) to pretend to be my friend by allegedly black mailing him with something he done in another state. INS and FBI are both American Federal agencies and are directly controlled by the White house administration= at that time the Bush family that lives in Houston, Texas and Dallas, Texas USA, before, and in between  and after that also by the Clinton family = Bill Clinton and Hillary Radom-Clinton          Oscar, allegedly originally from Spain          Sun Suite Hotel          Vilma Bonilla       Some of the Arabs surrounding me through Najlaa Mahmoud       Finally see the final 1998-2000 setup in USA to force me to leave USA and make it looks like as if I voluntarily leaving USA.

1.2.2.        Business/employment:          Gulf Systems          Computer Expo in particular Wazi Ullah, the CEO=100% FBI and/or CIA agent that is pretending to be originated from India and employees many Indians and Pakistanis, while pretending to be strict Moslem in that he had a small Mosque within the premises of his business the computer retail store named Computer Expo          FDIC/RTC through Gibraltar Saving in Semi Valley, California through Berger & Co, computer consulting and manpower leasing, did not create a profile for them. Later they were purchased by a company named MODIS that was created by an ex-employee of a company I think was called EDS owned by Russ Peru.  Russ Peru is a Dallas, Texas Billionaire. FDIC and RTC are 100% owned and operated by the government of USA          System Maker, Jewish Link          Texaco, Inc. in Texaco building downtown Houston, Texas, through the ex-employee of the EDS Company owned by Russ Peru mentioned above. Russ Peru is a Dallas, Texas Billionaire.          Texaco, Inc. in Bellaire city section of Houston, Texas. Through the same person as above          Accura Answering Service. Owner worked simultaneously for NASA          Chevron Petroleum          American Express Travel related Services       Koch Industries in Wichita, Kansas       UtiliCorp United in Kansas City, Kansas and Missouri       Microsoft Corporation with the businesses that they gave me as Microsoft Solution Provider in 1996 to 1999 and possibly also in the year 2000 through Best Staff and Compaq Corporation that are mentioned below, but also through the Calypso project and the company DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation that was purchased by Compaq Corporation. But also through their European headquarter in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany Where I used to live and I was setup to become Christians by the American and German governments at the fake church, the Genezareth Evangelical Lutheran Church of the city Unterschleissheim, Germany. But also to distract of the FBI, CIA and the American and NATO military intelligence that were persecuting me to death in cooperation with the German police at least since 1970 in the American military base named McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany. Everything is connected in one way or another I just did not see it or understand it.        Star Tex Distributors Inc., Gas Station distributor        Computer school in Commerce bank building in downtown Houston, Texas          Preferred Management Systems/Services in cooperation with Heidelberger Cement of Germany, in USA named ConStar          Technomation Systems consulting company, the owner Mike Brule is now Microsoft Employee!(?)          Fluor Daniel through Technomation Systems consulting company        CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium through Fluor Daniel        And others that I am leaving out due to their setups were not as significant as the above ones!       Best Staff in particular one of their CEO’s named Tyron Dixon an Afro-American with a very fair skin and blue eyes> I created only one profile for both Best Staff and Tyrone Dixon.       Compaq Corporation (today is HP-Hewlett Packard) through Best Staff       DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation (=Calypso Project) through Compaq Corporation. Around 1996 Compaq Corporation purchased DEC or they merged together       Others, possibly I forgot others, left them out or did not even notice them       Finally see the final 1998-2000 setup in USA to force me to leave USA and make It look like as if I voluntarily leaving USA.

2.        Strongly suspected to have been Worked with/for the FBI against me:

2.1.         Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, from 10.10.1986 to around 10.12.1990:

2.1.1.        Private:           Najlaa Mahmoud and her family, in particular her allege daughters: Suanne Khodor with her new husband Mark (Mohamad) Khodor, Rima Khodor/Mushref with new husband Salem Mushref. Note: These allege children came allegedly newly to USA in 1987/1988 and their allege father Dumar Khodor came also allegedly newly to USA in around 1998/1999, during which I was severely persecuted. I just noticed this point today: probably they wanted me to think that he was to blame for my persecution during this period of time or at least for the new fake Arabs around me at this point of time, due to he probably was jealous about his ex-wife!. That is not my thinking, but rather that is what they wanted me to think and I just noticed it today. They means the FBI and in general the American government and at that time under the control of the Bush family          Some members of my fake family that came to allegedly visit me           My fake mother Hayat Baroudi           My fake sister Afrah Najjar alias Mona Abokurah           My fake nephew Samir Bdeir          Some of the Arabs surrounding me through Najlaa Mahmoud, such as Mr. Malas at the T&B gas station

2.1.2.        Business/employment:           The Afro-American Baptist pastor. Note: I sometimes wrote “Failed Employment”. I did not fail, I was set up and I was being persecuted by the FBI and many businesses that are partners with or directly related to my fake family, but this is how some evil ESP persons do, they force me to write things so I would think it is coming from me and it is me who failed and every one was trying to help me but I am a failure. But it is not true because if just a couple of persons were genuinely helping me I would have never be in this situation I am in right now as a permanent refugee since 1960 and 40 years of them as a refugee between Germany, USA and the Netherlands. This alone shows that these 3 countries are keeping me as slave and hostage and covering it up with a refugee status or no status of existence. Not to mention that if just one church was helping me then I would also not be in this situation, but all the churches around my life were fighting me from the hidden, including the church where I live now in Bellingwolde, Netherland named Protestantse Gemeente Bellingwolde, also called Magnuskerk because their church building is called the Magnus church, where they indirectly asked me not to come again to their church, where I went to their church service around 10 times, just as a visitor and was trying to get contacts with a church, and this is the only church I am aware of in this stupid small village. Stupid because this church dominate the village I am in and are therewith dominating my life negatively, at least by asking not to come again and forcing me to be isolated. I can’t afford to go to another church, because the only ones I know and I can join are too far around 15 kilometers, and my financial state does not allow any travel what so ever=Isolation! Note: May be all this is not belong here, however subject, thinking and memory wise it is related to the church and to this Afro-American Baptist pastor

2.2.         Houston, Texas, USA, from around 11.12.1990 to 11.02.2001:

2.2.1.        Private:           Najlaa Mahmoud and her family, in particular her allege son and daughters: Nawar Khodor and his new wife Rima Khodor,  Suanne Khodor with her new husband Mark (Mohamad) Khodor, Rima Khodor/Mushref and her new husband Salem Mushref. Note: These allege children came allegedly newly to USA in 1987/1988 and their allege father Dumar Khodor came also allegedly newly to USA in around 1998/1999, during which I was severely persecuted. I just noticed this point today: probably they wanted me to think that he was to blame for my persecution during this period of time or at least for the new fake Arabs around me at this point of time!          My fake sister Fadia Nagar and her family that came to visit me: her husband Alaa Ali, her son Tarek Ali, her son Essam Shawki and his Saudi friend, did not create a profile for him          Some of the Arabs surrounding me through Najlaa Mahmoud and or the FBI, such as Mr. Malas at the T&B gas station          Windows 95 project that I created to market Windows 95. Note: This project influenced my private and business life very negatively from 1995 and until the year 2000. See also the note below under Business and Windows 95 project concerning the FBI          See the final 1998-2000 setup in USA to force me to leave USA and make it look like as if I voluntarily leaving USA.          Suspicion only: Working with the Dutch and German governments or Dutch police and the German police to force me to write these pages so I may blame everything either on myself or only on my fake family. They did that by persecuting me viciously, locking me up and forcing me to be homeless or live in prisons or in refugee camps between July 2000 and March 2008, whereby and in each place I was forced to be in during this period, they created many psychological setups to force my mind to a certain thinking, in matter of fact and through these uncountable setups, they pumped my mind with whatever they wanted, as a result of all that I wrote these complaint web pages, not knowing anymore for sure what is true and what is not and this is due to the long period of time of this vicious persecution from at least 2000 to 2008, eight years that can shape not only the a person’s mind but also can shape his entire life very negatively. And this confusion they created in my life was mainly to cover up for the Bush family, because through George H. W. Bush, that was USA-vice president in 1986 that kidnapped me from Germany to USA in 1986 by using his illegal project Calypso, and through his evil son George W. Bush that was USA-president in 2001 and kidnapped from USA to the Netherlands in the year 2001. This shows that FBI, police and other governmental agencies are mainly to suppress and kill either physically or mentally the general public to keep the controlling families in control. In other words the FBI, CIA, police and other governmental agencies are nothing else but the thugs and soldiers of the organized crime families that controlling our lives, or at least my life, and not the Mafia soldiers, in matter of fact the Mafia is only a distraction of these evil families so we may think that crime organization function only as the Mafia publicly function and not as they function in the hidden. Last, the Bush family is related directly or indirectly to my fake family, but I can’t 100% pinpoint it, except what is mentioned, whereby I am not sure any more what is true and what is not due to all the brainwash they performed on me. But also the Bush family is related to some of the European controlling families such as in Germany, England and the Netherlands, where I am forced to live now.          Suspicion only: 2008 to current. Ali Karimian or Karimiyan is possibly working for the FBI, or at least this is what they want me to think. See his profile for more info. Who want me to think so? The ones who placed him in my life, the Dutch government. Small info about him until I come to write his profile: Ali Karimian is an alleged Iranian that was allegedly living in Dallas, Texas, USA for 25 years and was allegedly deported to Iran sometimes a few years ago and then he came allegedly from Iran to the Netherlands in 2008 and asked for asylum, he created a big setup to make me think that he is a drug dealer and that the Dutch police caught him. He told me that his age is 56 put then I found out that officially he is born in 1947, this mean he is 63 or 64 years old. This, plus his behavior towards me plus his behavior in general shows as if he was placed here and very closed to my life on purpose by the Dutch government. He lives on the same street as me and he goes to the same Dutch learning school as me.

2.2.2.        Business/employment:          Windows 95 project that I created to market Windows 95. Note: This project is not directly from the FBI, however it is a very much linked to FBI due to it influenced many situations that were created by the FBI and/or it modified the FBI setups. In particular through my client the company Associated Canvas products and their new neighbor and land tenant the RV dealership. RV means Recreational Vehicle or caravan or house trailer          Finally see the final 1998-2000 setup in USA to force me to leave USA and make it look like as if I voluntarily leaving USA.




How did I come into this situation controlled by the FBI?

This is in highlights how I became in this situation with the FBI.

1.         My fake family is a NATO military intelligence member that pretend to be Syrians, kidnapped me in 1959 from somewhere unknown to me

2.         My fake family is a very large organized crime family dealing with thousands of tons of legal and illegal drugs on a monthly basis

3.         My fake family performed many terrorist acts/attacks with the help of some Palestinians, Egyptians and others to show as if they are Arabs and Moslem Sunni are and against the Western world

4.         1969/1986. Due to all the above I was heavily persecuted by the German government and in particular by the German police that pretended to be trying to find out more about my family

5.         Among others, Juergen Moellemann alias my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri was becoming very famous in German politician and they did not want me to recognize him

6.         1983-1986 my fake family and with the help of some Palestinians, Lebanese and Iranian kidnapped many Europeans and Americans and kept them as hostages in Lebanon and blacked mail their countries for weapons and state-of-the-art technologies, among others the illegal Calypso project.

7.         I was dragged by force and by brainwash to the Calypso project to implicate me as if I am working with terrorist against Germany and the other countries that were being blacked mail as mentioned above

8.         They used this illegal Calypso project as a cover up for the actual reasons for persecuting me

9.         Through the illegal Calypso project I was kidnapped in 1986 from Germany to USA by the power the German, American, English and French governments that were blacked mailed as mentioned above. They used very cruel, sadistic and vicious physical and mental torture methods, among others with ESP, as brainwash to force me to be on the run.

10.      Arrived in USA in a never-ending setup, I was here locally heavily persecuted by the FBI that pretended to be helping in looking for the American and European hostages that were kidnapped in  a joint cooperation between my fake family   and the following institutions: Lebanese Government, Syrian government, Jordanian government, Iranian government and PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization

11.      The FBI never ceased to persecute me bow ever I never noticed it until after 2005, because they were closely working with my fake family   or in coordination with the same group in the American government that are trying hard to cover up for the actual identity of my fake family  




End of added on 25.07.2010 unless otherwise stated.