Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0376-XZ


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             24.06.2009

Updated:                24.06.2009

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

(The above box was added on 25.01.2012)


All the torture and brainwash incidents performed upon me after and since George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush kidnapped me from USA in 1959





Record No.: Wanted-0376-XZ.

HomeNext, Previous, First or Last records or click her to go back to Bush crimes against me - Bush family - members of my household, my fake family -  military intelligence secret camp in USA simulating Damascus, Syria - all organized crime families known to me in the Middle East and elsewhere that are all originated of American military intelligence

Note-1: George H. W. Bush has many hidden biological brothers, sisters, sons and daughters that were and are in the American government, American military, American military intelligence, many large businesses and members of government of other countries such as Germany, Egypt, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan the current Baltic countries alias former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries.

Note-2: this large hidden circle of half brother and sisters that I estimate to be over 200 brothers and sisters several thousand nephews and nieces and several thousand cousins that helped him to become president of USA. And absolute the same is valid for George W. Bush that also has a hidden circle of brotherhood of several hundred brothers and sisters several thousand nephews and nieces and several thousand cousins that helped him to become the evil USA president for 8 years

Note-3: The Bush family are not Christians but rather Mormons, which is a hidden crime organization that enslaves women and use them to generate a lot of children and the best prove for that is that his hidden brother is the allegedly deceased Mormon pastor Billy Graham that scares the life out of his followers and suppressing them in the name of God, heaven and hell to force them=brainwash them to submit to their demands quietly while one many women are rapped and kept as slave nannies for their children that grow up to be as evil as any other Bush family member to steal and kill in the name of National security. Also US-Senator Joe Lieberman alias Rabeaa Baroudi that exchanges places with Klaus Schneider is the hidden brother of George H. W. Bush and helped dramatically in kidnapping me several times


Below are some of the crimes performed upon me by George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush


1.     Kidnapping me several times to force me to be isolated without any rights what so ever

2.     Altering my appearance by force to cover up my look of the ex-evil USA president George W. Bush

3.     Rapping me by men and women

4.     Torturing me physically

5.     Torturing me mentally

6.     Using me as decoy for their hidden children

7.     Using me as decoy terrorist for his own hidden family in the Middle East

8.     Stealing anything I ever build for myself

9.     Preventing me to live as a free man


Kidnapping me several times to force me to be isolated without any rights what so ever (go to: top of page, index)

I was kidnapped several times in my life by the Bush family as follow:

First Kidnapping from USA in 1959 to Cairo, Egypt:

I was kidnapped from USA on December 1959 for one month to Damascus, Syria and in January 1960 to Cairo Egypt for 10 years. All persons mentioned below are in Cairo, Egypt except the Baroudi family members, the majority of them were in Damascus, Syria and only a few came to Cairo Egypt at different time.


For details see:

1.     The secret American military intelligence base in USA that simulated Damascus, Syria

2.     Members of my household

3.     My fake family

4.     And the following families that were first to surround me in Egypt after I was kidnapped in 1959

4.1.      Najar

4.2.      Mohi Sabri

4.3.      Our neighbors

4.3.1.      Monsieur Faris

4.3.2.      His apartment mate Ali

4.3.3.      Aziz the landlord

4.3.4.      The house guard Muhawood alias sergeant TJ of the American military base McGraw kasern in Germany

4.3.5.      Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak

4.3.6.      The Canadian pilot alias Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third

4.3.7.      The Egyptian agent that was looking for Mohi Sabri

4.3.8.      Military administration building approximately starting 1966 or 1967

4.4.      Shawki family

4.5.      The neighbors of my fake sister Fadia Naggar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali

4.5.1.      Dr. Lapeep the landlord and his son Hani Lapeep

4.5.2.      Nadia and her military officer husband

4.5.3.      Al-Jumaiee family

4.5.4.      The mentally sick other neighbors

4.5.5.      Air Force officer Adel Hasan

4.5.6.      Air Force Airport Almaza

4.5.7.      Air Force officer’s club called “Nadi Al Dubat”. Nadi means club. Al means “the”, Dubat means officers

4.5.8.      Military school

4.5.9.      Ismael family (around 300 meters)

4.5.10.   Kwader/Queder family ((around 300 meters)

4.6.      Baroudi family members in Damascus, Syria, see members of my household December 1959 to January 1960 in Damascus, Syria

4.7.      Baroudi family members in Cairo, Egypt from 1960-1969

4.7.1.      Hayat Baroudi all the times, whereby she exchanged places with at least one look alike without me noticing, possible 2 lookalike

4.7.2.      Jalal Baroudi and his wife and children for around 1-2 years

4.7.3.      Jawdat Baroudi, uncertain, either for a visit or as diplomat or I never saw him in Egypt during this period

4.7.4.      Mr. Kabani

4.7.5.      Mrs. Kabani

4.7.6.      Hani Baroudi allegedly was living there, but I hardly saw him

4.7.7.      Dr. Basam Baroudi alias Juergen Moellemann lived there as an alleged student

4.7.8.      Kamel Baroudi


4.8.      Sulaiman family

4.9.      Ismael family

4.10.   Kwader family

4.11.   Bdeir family

4.12.   Abokurah family

4.13.   Mahmoud

4.14.   Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi exchange places in around 1967 with another look alike named Hayat Baroudi that pretended to be my mother



Altering my appearance by force to cover up my look of the ex-evil USA president George W. Bush (go to: top of page, index)

Ever since 1959 they altered repeatedly my appearance to not be associated with George W. Bush but rather with his alleged dead sister Pauline “Robin” Robinson Bush.

Here is how and when they altered my appearance to not associate me with the current evil ex-USA president George W. Bush:

1.     All the followings are also a hidden kind of altering my appearance

1.1.      Wiping of my memory and causing me a total amnesia that it was like as if I was just born, did not speak any language, know how to eat, dress myself or go to toilet. And this is most definitely a very vicious disguise, which is disguising my previous life prior to 1959 of me

1.2.      Marking my upper left leg with a large 2 inch diameter burn like they do to cows to differentiate me of the other George W. Bush alias Mohamad Nuzhat Najar

1.3.      Falsifying my nationality from American to Syrian

1.4.      Falsifying my name from George W. Bush to Mohamad Nuzhat Najar

1.5.      Placing me with fake family

1.6.      Throwing me from the mountain to mark my head with a scare enable to differentiate me visibly from prior to 1959

2.     1959-1960 growing my blond hair longer than usual

3.     1961. Breaking my lower front tooth to alter my appearance, whereby it always reminded me of the incident that caused the breakage, which was through the American military intelligence agent Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, and therefore and in 1977 in the CIA and American military intelligence city Unterschleissheim, Germany, caused me tooth pain on purpose to cover it and prevent me of remembering the evil Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, which I did

4.     1965 and thereafter constantly creating (by ESP) air/water bubbles under my skin in my face, around my neck and on my back, for multipurpose reasons, among others to alter my face skin

5.     1967/68 growing a permanent full mustache  over the entire mouth that covers my upper lip, whereby and later in Germany several times I took it off, yet I was repeatedly forced to grow one to alter my facial look and not associate me with the evil George W. Bush, Rockefeller and Windsor family members

6.     1984 and thereafter forcing me to gain weight by using their whore American/Syrian military intelligence agent, spy and terrorist named Najlaa Mahmoud that was forced upon my life by brainwash and ESP. in 1984 in Munich, Germany I was around 72 kg (160 pounds) in 1987 in Bridgeport, Connecticut I was 85 kg (190 pounds) and in 1987-1999 I was going up and down between 90-95 kg (195-205 pounds), fighting it but I can’t lose weight. In August 2000 I was around 72 kg (160 pounds), today I am constantly fighting my eating habits and my weight  between 2001 and 2009 going up and down from 72-78 kg (160-172 pounds). Being fat is most definitely and in my situation is a forced up on me disguise

7.     1986-2000. Systematically damaging all my teeth to the following, today I have no side teeth (also called chewing teeth), and there with my face look completely different due to my face cheeks are going towards the inside because there are no teeth to support them and I always look skinner that I am really

8.     1991 at the Southwest memorial hospital in Houston, Texas, USA operating on me illegally for hernia and in this process they totally altered my appearance from waste downwards, due to the doctor pushed all my inner organ upwards towards my lungs which is causing me a lot of problems until today, but also my body look is completely different.

9.     1987-2001. constantly having skin fungus all over my upper body, which is red large spots that forced me to be shamed and constantly covering myself to not make them visible and that is another form of disguise being shamed to go for a swim, because necked my body is identical look to the evil ex-USA president George W. Bush. Note, that I went several times to the doctors in Bridgeport, Connecticut and in Houston,. Texas to treat this skin disease, unfortunately unsuccessful. Because these mother fuckers’ doctors were helping the American military, national security and the Bush family in contrast and in the refugee camp in Netherland in 2001 5the doctor treated it once and it never came back. This incident is 100% man made and is confirmed by another sickness that I only had in USA from 1987-2001, which is I constantly had 10-20 air bubbles all over my fingers that goes bigger and bigger for a week and then blow up and water like liquid comes out and then it start all over and I receive them again, and each time from creation and until they blow up it takes 7-14 days, during which they hurt a lot. After 2001 and in Netherland I just had them a few times and not constantly. Also and in Houston Texas and since 1992 I had a lot of breathing problem and I had to go to the hospital called Ben Taub general hospital owned and operated by Harris County=government. There I was told that I have Asthma and prescribed for me two different inhalation sprays that I was supposed to use several times a day, which I did until 2001. They told me it is the climate in Houston, Texas I should relocate and leave this area. In Netherland and in 2001 I did no0t have this problem. All these explanation to show that all these sicknesses were 100% man created by the mother fuckers Bush family in Houston, Texas. All these problems disappeared in 2001 and once I am in the Netherlands. All these medications that I took for these fake sicknesses forced upon me were for nothing and  possibly caused me more health damage because they were not necessary





Rapping me by men and women (go to: top of page, index)


Torturing me physically (go to: top of page, index)


Torturing me mentally (go to: top of page, index)


Using me as decoy for their hidden children (go to: top of page, index)


Using me as decoy terrorist for his own hidden family in the Middle East (go to: top of page, index)


Stealing anything I ever build for myself (go to: top of page, index)


Preventing me to live as a free man (go to: top of page, index)