Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0377-AG


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             17.09.2007

Updated:                31.12.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Mabel Marvin Pierce Grandmother (father side) of ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush


This person is identified as:

1.     A man disguised as a woman

2.     As my fake sister Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali at least form 1959 to 1967/1968 in Damascus, Syria and Cairo, Egypt, that later exchanged places with another younger person that is very possibly still a man disguised as a woman and live officially in England but also in Saudi Arabia and other so called Arab countries such as Iraq

3.     Fadia Nagar is raising at least one of Osama Ben laden children possibly two which are Tarek Ali and Esmat Shawki, while the CIA agents Herbert Lange alias Barbara Pierce Bush and his official wife Margie Lange alias Laura Welch lane Bush were raising also at least one child of Osama Ben Laden possibly two which are Armin Lange and Astrid Lange in Germany and other countries

Name in Arabic

Under Construction

Relation to me

First saw/met

Age at that time

Last saw/met

Hidden biological relatives

Allegedly Died On

Surrounding me during



Skin Color

Hair Color

Eye Color


Special Features

Special Crimes Against Me

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional Photos wanted/needed


















Photo-1: Mabel Marvin Pierce Grandmother (father side) of ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush. Mabel Marvin Pierce alias my fake sister Fadia Nagar is wanted dead or alive for uncountable performed and very vicious crimes against me and against humanity in USA, Syria, Egypt, Germany, England and other countries.


Photo-1: queen Mary Victoria of Teck a very look a like of Fadia Nagar alias Mabel Marvin Pierce and that due to they are immediately related, most probably sisters but it can also be fist cousins


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Profession under Alias

Official Nationality

Countries Lived In

Official Address

Disguise Methods







Unknown, however it must be the Windsor and Rockefeller families


Unknown, however it must be the Windsor and Rockefeller families








Scott Pierce


Marvin Pierce

Other Relatives

Bush, Wear, Walker, Sheldon, Pierce, Robinson, Marvin, Flickinger, Martin and many other Mafia families worldwide







Possibly queen Victoria Mary of Teck




Possibly queen Victoria Mary of Teck or one of his/her many hidden children, and therewith king George V


Possibly queen Victoria Mary of Teck or one of his/her many hidden children, and therewith king George V


Uncountable hidden circles of half brothers and sisters worldwide


Many in several countries, and since Mabel Marvin Pierce is a man disguised as a woman, then many enslaved wives worldwide to raise his hidden children


Uncountable hidden children that builds a hidden circle of half brothers and sisters in various religions, countries and various different institutions. A few of the hidden children exchanged places with my fake sister Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali after 1967 and until recently or even today

Other Relatives

Many international criminals and terrorists world wide such as Afaf Shawki, Yasser Arafat and Osama Ben Laden, Shawki, Al-Jumaiee, Kwader/Queder, Lapeep  families in Egypt, Bdeir family in Jordan, Kheir family in Syria and the same in Oman, Saudi Arabia and other countries. In particular the following families:

Bush, Wear, Walker, Sheldon, Pierce, Marvin, Robinson, Flickinger, Martin, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Windsor, Gates, Cheney, Reagan, Castro, Quayle, Disbray, Bossi, Onassis, Niarchos, Baroudi, Kheir, Bdeir, Alami, Attar, Shawki, Mubarak, Al-Jumaiee, Ismael, Kwader/Queder, Assad, Tlas, Al-Jaddied/Gaddied, Bark, Azrath, Mahmoud, Ben Laden, Arafat, Musheel, Muasher, Mehles, Mufleh, Barghooti, Khodor/Chodor, Khodori/Chodori, Adolf Hitler, Hayder/Heyder, Schwarzenegger, Siemens, Wiedemann, Schneider, Schoen, Fischer, Simon, Summer/Sommer , Kuczka, Sauer, Merkel, Stoiber, Koch and many others in particular every member of the previous and current Reagan and Bush Whitehouse administration, many in the German government and many of the so called Middle Eastern governments

Friends of the Family

Messed up English/American royalty. See Bush family members in my life and (soon) the other Bushes

Official Businesses

Mass murderer of innocent people and conqueror of the world for all the cowereds that are controlling him and standing behind him in the hidden

Businesses Partners:

All the persons mentioned within this website and more yet to come, in concrete Rockefeller, Kennedy, Walker, Pierce, Robinson, Windsor, Adolf Hitler’s hidden children, all the rich in my fake family and mentioned within this websites and others and in particular all his hidden biological family members mentioned above under Other Relatives

Illegal Businesses

There is no limit to illegality in his mind and stupid small brain. All the crimes of the world are to him legal including mass killing of innocent and brainwashed people

Other Knowledge

Will follow


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