Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0445-Page 6 of 6


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             22.10.2007

Updated:                31.12.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

UDF Consulting AG owned by professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark and John D. Rockefeller the Third alias Mr. Ruge the manager alias brainwash company. My brainwash and kidnapping me to USA 1984/1986.

Name in Arabic

 Page 6 of 6, UDF Consulting AG the brainwash and kidnap company – Click here to go back

Continuation of Other Knowledge

6.     Summary of Some of the setups and rapes in restaurants, bars, strip bars, prostitutes and prostitutes houses surrounding my employment at UDF Consulting AG (Page 6 of 6)


Rec. No.





Aubergene Restaurant in Munich

This restaurant called Aubergene (Egg Plant) was and to my knowledge the only restaurant either in Bavaria or in Germany with 4 or 5 stars. It was used only once to create a multipurpose brainwash situation by the CIA and military intelligence agents the pimp Dr. Labeed Salameh and the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, in that they forced me to invite them there, whereby I never went there before, and I did not even know this restaurant, and in this restaurant along with these two pieces of shit Dr. Labeed Salameh and the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud, pretended that they don’t want really to eat and as if I forced them to order, and therefore as if they only ordered food as a courtesy to me, however they did not order an actual meals, one only soup, one of us only a desert and another a meal and a few drinks and the bill was 500 Deutsch Mark, which I wanted to pay with American Express, but they claimed not to take American Express, and I asked them what would you do if I have no cash, they said no problems we will send you a bill to your home and I kept on arguing with them, such what if I am from Australia or what if I ignore any bill that they may mail me at home. I just about had enough cash on me and paid the bill. It was all ESP manipulation and 100% distraction of the last incident of the CIA Italian restaurant called Michael Angelo that set me up in cooperation with Dr. Labeed Salameh and Mr. Rebhahn of Siemens AG in that they created situations that forced me to stop going there to not remember my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, among others in that Dr. Labeed Salameh went there for Dinner and did not pay the bill and told the owner that I am responsible for the bill of 500 Deutsch Mark and I refused to pay for a dinner of others while I was neither at the restaurant nor I ordered this dinner. But also this incident of Aubergene Restaurant was a 100% black mail to the owner of the Aubergene restaurant that is unknown to me at the moment, however today I know for facts that it was a 100% drug restaurant that serves drugs mixed with his cooked meals, and that is why they took me there by force. The owner must be one of the persons I know and mentioned within this website such as ex-Bavarian governor Franz Joseph Strauss alias my fake step father Mohi Sabri the police man in Cairo, Egypt alias Islamic brotherhood alias drug lord, especially that this restaurant was an exclusive restaurant to avoid that the general public goes there and therewith it was the most expensive restaurant in the state of Bavaria and very possibly in all of Germany, and therefore they had three different printed menus, one with the prices on it and another with out prices and a hidden third menu that they give only to their trusted customers that had even much more expensive prices due to the drugs, which I did not see, however that is the only possibly logical continuation of what I saw, and therefore and for any meal I saw printed and it is for 100 Deutsch Mark, and the same meal it will probably cost 500-1000 Deutsch Mark due to it is cooked with drugs and these prices were only in the hidden drug menus that I never saw, however it is the only possibly logical continuation of this situation. But also it was a 100% distraction of the exclusive drug restaurant in the CIA and military intelligence city Unterschleissheim that was also very exclusive and expensive, however it is more important to cover up for the CIA city Unterschleissheim than for this Aubergene restaurant, because one discovery in that city can lead to other discoveries and this CIA and military intelligence city of Unterschleissheim, not only performed many crimes against me and prevented the German police to solve many terrorist activities in Germany, but it also performed many and uncountable crimes all over the world through their agents living all together in that city and covering up for each others and protecting each others while all of them pretending to be German citizens and many of them were surrounding me in the Middle East and prior to 1970, however I was forced not to recognize them while they were pretending to be my Nazi family in the Middle East and Germany. Today they would probably claim that they were using drugs only to fight the communism and ex-Soviet Union, which is all lies because the governing families in Russia and since more than 100 years and until today are 100% a branch of the Windsor and Rockefeller families, and therewith it is not fighting the ex-Soviet Union, but rather pretending to fight them while on both sides using these pretension of fighting each others to suppress the general public and perform on them a mass brainwash with fear, created countries separation while they systematically killing the actual Christians and possibly also faithful Jewish and other none believers however believers in humanity



Bayerische Hof Hotel and  Restaurant and Bar in Munich, Germany

Bayerische Hof Hotel was the luxury hotel where lieutenant colonel Dr. Labeed Salameh was always staying at when visiting Munich, Germany as the Syrian-side  project leader of the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso that verified the accuracy of trade technology and weaponry for the American hostages kept in Lebanon. It is in downtown Munich at the (I think) Wittelsbacher platz/square directly opposite Deutsche Bank that was used several times to set me up as if I take money of Syrians for alleged spying services. But also only a few meters of the Bayerische Vereins bank the today’s HypoVereins Bank where Adelheid Kuczka was also allegedly working, the hidden sister of Margie Lange the official wife of the CIA agent pastor Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce the official brother-in-law of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush. And both Adelheid Kuczka and Margie Lange are the daughters of Nancy Reagan, Charlotte Ford and possibly with Stavros Niarchos alias official husband of my fake cousin Farihat Kheir alias Sophia Loren the official sister of my fake cousin Farhat Kheir alias William H. T. Bucky Bush. Also and only a few meters far is the luxury oriental carpet store of the CIA agent and international terrorist Dr. Sami Assassa the official brother-in-law of my uncle Jawdat Baroudi alias son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second alias my fake great uncle Fuad Khayat alias CIA agent. Also right next to the oriental carpet of the terrorist Dr. Sami Assassa was the official offices of the Syrian airline. And very close to all of them Also Siemens AG offices of the upper management, and a bar that I was forced to go to once, where a lady sat next to me and the bartender told me it is not a woman but rather a man disguised as a woman, and then I had a lot of thoughts forced upon me by ESP that she allegedly was or knew my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and that Adelheid Kuczka was a hidden prostitute and I wrote a letter to my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar in USA complaining to him about that, and today I know that I was forced by ESP to write this letter and this letter was used against me, however and at that time I recognized that these was only some bad or stupid thoughts of mine, today I recognize these thoughts as not mine but rather ESP thoughts and I did not know any thing about ESP and therefore I dismissed these thoughts that Adelheid Kuczka is a hidden prostitute and girlfriend of this man disguised as a prostitute and bar lady, however, these thoughts were not founded or based on any thing that I saw or facts that I knew beside these thoughts. Today and since I discovered that Adelheid Kuczka had exchanged places with several look a like and each one of them disappeared as they get pregnant to steal and hide my children and also based on many other situations prior and after that, I know that at least one of these Adelheid Kuczka were a prostitute and/or and an owner of a prostitute house, especially that she is related to the Bush and Ford families and both and in the hidden have uncountable prostitute houses. Back to this Bayerische Hof hotel. It was used and thereafter for many brainwash setups to confuse my mind and memory and in particularly about Dr. Labeed Salameh and his actual origin, which is a 100% and piece of shit American/English military intelligence. Therefore and for now I will leave the details out of what kind of set ups and situations they created to brainwash me in that hotel. All in all they tried and gradually distract me of this hotel Bayerische Hof so I may not go to it again and simultaneously all the setups and situations/incidents they created in that hotel and thereafter also linked to that hotel were 100% designed to force my mind not to want to think about this hotel any more and therewith I would not remembers all the situations created on purpose in that hotel to brainwash me and therewith I would never understand and gradually I can’t remember any thing of my past among others due to all the brainwash situations they created



Bdeir’s Restaurants-1 in Jordan

Bdeir’s Restaurants-1 in Jordan. During this period I went to Amman, Jordan, where they created many brainwash situations but also knocked me unconscious and rapped me by unknown and uncountable amount of women/girls. But also they started to take me to restaurants for the purpose to make me think that they only own these restaurants and that they are sort of a Mafia family that is dealing with drugs as the only crime to distract me of their origin, which is American/English. But also and who ever is monitoring me would also think the same, and parallel and in combination with the other setups of restaurants in Munich, Germany they will conclude that it is all only a small to medium size crime family



Bdeir’s Restaurants-2 in Jordan

Bdeir’s Restaurants-2 in Jordan. The same thing is valid for this restaurant as the Bdeir’s restaurant-1. With the exception is that I met my fake cousin Farhat Kheir alias William H. T. Bucky Bush at that trip and also at this restaurant, which I mentioned before



Jabri, Bdeir’s Restaurants in Jordan 

Jabri, Bdeir’s Restaurants in Jordan. The Syrian sweets retail store that mixes drugs with the sweets and sell them under the counter as a custom ordered sweets with the fake reasons that these custom ordered sweets have allegedly better quality ingredients to justify the hidden high prices, just like many other European restaurants also do with absolute the same reasons such as Kaefer, Aubergene and the Exclusive restaurant in Unterschleissheim, Germany and these only a few of what in reality exist in our markets



The Hilton hotel bar and restaurant in Schwabing right next to the river Isar

The Hilton hotel bar and restaurant and one of the major incidents I started recalling after the year 2000 was that the last time I went there was on 24 December 1984 with my fake mother Hayat Baroudi alias twin brother of queen Elizabeth II alias a man disguised as a woman along with the CIA/Mosad and American/English/Syrian military intelligence whore Najlaa Mahmoud directly after I was forced to pick her up from the Airport in Munich as she allegedly just arrived from Syria, which points to a 100% preplanned situation in cooperation with the pieces of shit Americans and English disguised as German and working for the German ministry of foreign affairs that is responsible for issuing visas and they made sure that the visa was issued in such a manner that she arrive on 24.December 1984 to show as if my fake family are allegedly Moslems and are fighting me allegedly only because I became Christian and therewith to force me to celebrate my forced upon me anniversaries with the concentrated evil whore Najlaa Mahmoud and therewith force me not to celebrate Christmas any more. But also and in this particular restaurant I went to it a couple to several times with my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka a long with her alleged daughter Stephanie Kuczka, and she even played the piano with the help of the pianist, but also I went there with my alleged best friend Detlev Fischer and had dinner with him, where I also spend a Christmas Eve 1977 at his house and with his family, and also in this piece of shit of a hotel I met that mother fucker and no good for human trash American that was a prince the son of some Sultan/king in the Middle East either of Oman, Bahrain or another so called Emirates and in reality are the hidden countries of these filthy criminals and concentrated evil Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Bush and other American/European royalties families. And therewith in addition to ESP manipulation I forgot all these situations and the agent whore Najlaa Mahmoud made sure that I don’t remember them for 15 years.



Greek restaurant near Freimann in Munich

Greek restaurant near Freimann in Munich. Suddenly I was going to a new Greek restaurant that I forgot what it was called due to the ESP control, however it was between Schwabing and Freimann city sections in Munich, Germany. This Greek restaurant was the most expensive Greek restaurant I am aware of at that time, and since my fake cousin Farihat Kheir alias Sophia Loren was in 1959 officially married to the Greek Billionaire Stavros Niarchos that pretended to be Syrian, and the official brothers-in-law of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, were Ali Köse alias Fernandels Onassis and his older brother Mr. Köse was Alexander Onassis, and the woman I met in summer 1977 at the Evangelical Lutheran educational center in Hoehenbrunn was Jaclyn Kennedy helping my at that time wife Anita Disbray against me, Anita Disbray alias CIA agent alias several persons that used this identity and one of them was Kathleen Kennedy, and since Jaclyn Kennedy was married to Aristotle Onassis the father of Fernandels Onassis alias Ali Köse and the father of Alexander Onassis alias older brother Mr. Köse, all this mean that I was delegated to this restaurant by force of ESP and Najlaa Mahmoud to show as if she is Syrian black mailing the Onassis and Niarchos families because that Greek Restaurant was definitely owned by one of the Onassis brothers, but also and simultaneously the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud kept on pretending that she loves Greek Music and can’t live with out it or with out Greek food as multipurpose brainwash, first to show as if she is Greek and continuation of the Kennedy family persecuting me, but also to show as if I am originally either Greek or of the Kennedy family, every one would think of this situation differently based on his knowledge of who my actual family is. But also it looked like she is allegedly black mailing the Kennedy and Onassis family as if she is showing me the truth about who is persecuting me. It is all confusion and brainwash, and that is exactly what these criminal mother fuckers and no good for pieces of shit and human trash are only good for, creating confusion to perform their crimes, because they were raised only to perform crimes and are not capable to use their stupid brain for any thing good because it is filled with trash by their hidden actual parents and that is why all their doings is pure trash like their selves, because their doings shows how there are in reality



Pyplos Syrian restaurant on Residence street in Munich, Germany 

Pyplos Syrian restaurant on Residence in Munich, Germany. This Syrian restaurant was totally new. It was opened some times either in 1984 or in 1985 and closed shortly thereafter in either 1985 or 1986. The name of this new restaurant was “Pyplos”, which points to the fake old Syrian history. It was almost opposite the four season hotel (in German called Vier Jahres Zeiten Hotel), I think the street name was Residence street, which means residence street pointing to the old king residence in that area very close to the opera house, where the piece of shit Bavarian governor Franz Joseph Strauss alias my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri had his offices, whereby Mohi Sabri took me once to the opera house in 1967/1968 in Cairo, Egypt and some unknown was using me to black mail him in that they oft forced me with ESP to go and drive around that area and I had no idea why I was driving around that area. And in this hotel the whore Mrs. Abokurah the older sister of Abdalghani Abokurah (the hidden brother of princess Ann and prince Charles of England) visited me for one reason or another during that period. The owner an alleged Syrian collected some money of investors and opened this luxury whores Syrian restaurant, whores, because that is all the kind of women that goes there are or were, such as belly dancers that is in reality nothing else than showing the majority of your body to men to seduce them while still covering only the bosom and vagina, to force the viewers to be curios about what is covered up since the entire body is not covered and only the bosom and vagina are covered, and therefore all the men that goes to this kind of restaurant is only to purchase 1-5 whores very expensive after they see her dancing, in other words it is just like any other strip bar for prostitutes in Europe and in USA. Belly Dancing is neither Arab nor Turkish it is 100% originated of south Asia, sort of a mixture between Indian and Chinese dancing, and only the rich and fucked up Windsor and Rockefeller families are capable to invent the belly dance based on their long year experience in Asia, and the best prove for that, is that Germany is 100% controlled by the same two families and they tried hard in 1970-1980s not only to force Islam upon the German populations, but also they came up with the fucked up idea of belly dancing as alternative to Aerobic that originally was also invented by an American which is the famous American actress Gene Fonda, and they opened all over Germany belly dance club and brainwashed women to join these clubs, to teach them by force and brainwash how to become an expensive prostitute in Germany and else where and in particular in the Middle East for the so called rich Arab oil Sheiks that in reality all are Americans and English with a few of their hidden Indian/Pakistani relatives. At the end of this restaurant and based on what I was told the owner was allegedly arrested and jailed due to he allegedly cheated his investors for this restaurant by 5 Million Deutsch mark that was necessary to build the fantasies and seducing so called Arab/Syrian atmosphere with fountain and other so called Arab architecture that in reality is a mixture between Indian and Chinese/south Asian. I suddenly kept on going to this fucked up restaurant by force of ESP and brainwash through the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud, where I had to pay at least 250 Deutsch Mark for dinner for two persons, but also I was forced several times to order food to be delivered to my apartment, whereby and officially they did not have home delivery and allegedly made an exception only for me and even sent a waiter that wanted allegedly to serve the two dinner for the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud and me at my apartment, but I refused to allow him to do that, and this home delivery dinner was over 300 Deutsch Mark and that is absolutely not me doing all that, because I never gone consciously to any fucked up Arab restaurant since 1970 due to all the persecution and absolutely vicious set ups in the so called Arab area on Schwanthaler street in downtown Munich, Germany just to force me to go to the fucked up and totally concentrated evil American military base McGraw casern where I was viciously locked up for over 2 years and sadistically and absolute violently brainwashed and forced to be with the CIA whore Anita Disbray that had ESP and letterly kept me as slave and hostage for 7 years and until 1977. All this force to go to these mother fucking pieces of shit so called Arab restaurant was 100% to distract me of my previous girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that I loved very much during that period and we were separated by force in an Arab restaurant in Schwabing city section, that I get to know by force through the mother fucking and pieces of shit Syrians that were members of the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso and surrounded me like parasites and a disease to show as if my origin is Syrian and not American/English. Today I know that the word Pyplos, which is the name of this piece of shit restaurant, allegedly originated of the dead language Latin the origin of most to all European languages and means roll of paper and was the official name of the alleged first Bible or Torah that was allegedly read in Synagogue and churches by the priests in that he opened these rolls that originally and allegedly had only the five books of Moses and therefore they were five roll and allegedly later they were gathered all together and formed the bible as we know it today, however nothing match in all these fake histories, especially that I know for fact that Christianity as we know it today is 100% originated from Europe and not Palestine/Israel. I did not at that time and I still don’t know today the Latin language, however and since the year 2002 I learned many things about the history of so called Jewish and Christians. Therefore all incidents of the restaurant Byblos were 100% designed for multipurpose, among others to show all the people monitoring me as if it is a hidden cold war between the religions Islam, Judaism and Christianity, which is all fake just like the alleged and so called cold war with the former communism and the Soviet Union, because they are all not only biologically immediate relatives, but also business partners since at least the second world war and have the absolute same motives which is to eliminate all true Christians that believes in an entity we call God that created the entire universe and no one ever seen God, yet the so called prophets Moses and Mohamad claimed to have seen and spoken with God and describe them very similarly in the Bible and Quran, but also a true Christian believes in true human (in general) values, whereby Judaism and Islam are 100% only family (crime organization) oriented and 100% designed to eliminate all other opposing families in the name of God. All this is related to the Restaurant called Byblos because it is related directly to my life, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, but also related to the concentrated evil and illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project called Calypso that I was dragged to by force of ESP and brainwash and implicated me in uncountable situations such as this restaurant Byblos for the purpose to confuse my origin at least for me, brainwash me and kidnap me by force of brainwash as cover up for the kidnapping by force of ESP and held me letterly as slave and hostage for 15 years in USA and ever since the illegal project Calypso in 1984, and I am still slave and hostage even today, at least slave of my evil past forced upon me by my concentrated evil fake and biological families that are one family, one is visible such as Windsor and Rockefeller and the other in the hidden such as Bush, Kennedy, Ford, Baroudi, Bdeir, Kheir and other fucked up Mafia families.



Sweet store and restaurant in London, England

Sweet store and restaurant in London, England. I was suddenly ordering so called Syrian sweets from London, England alleged famous and very expensive restaurant that was delivered to me over night with plane currier to Munich, Germany. And that behavior was to cover up and distraction for many things in my past while simultaneously they were using these situations either to blackmail each others or at least pretended to be black mailing each others. I never ordered the so called and totally fucked up and fully unhealthy Syrian sweets prior to these situations, the only time I ever eat this shit and while I was living in Germany for 17 years, was either when my mother fucking and pieces of shit fake family visited me from the Middle East and brought these sweets with them and I was forced to eat them either as courtesy or out of bad habit and brainwash that they trained me on prior to 1970. Also I eat these so called Syrian sweets only while I was visiting Amman, Jordan after 1970 and here also I was forced by ESP and brainwash to eat this unhealthy shit as distraction of the mass custom ordered sweets that were mixed with drugs and owned by my fake family, such as the sweet shops of Halab/Halabi, Azrath (= queen Noor of Jordan family alias Halab/Halabi family) in Tripoli, Lebanon, Kwader/Queder in Cairo, Egypt, Helwani brothers in Saudi Arabia and Syria and many others all over the world, and all these so called sweets shops are owned by Syrians. But also and near London, my fake sister Fadia Nagar lived there the wife of the several terrorists as described under her profile. But also it was a 100% distraction of the German sweets I bought in 1970s and sent to my fake sisters Fadia Nagar in England, Suhair Bdeir and Afrah Abokurah in Jordan, and I was forced to send these sweets by the CIA whore Anita Disbray, because she pretended to remind them that she knew that they sell mass drugs mixed with all kind of food that they produce in the Middle East and distribute all over the world under the official CIA and American and English military intelligence agents that were pretending to be disguised as Arabs to allegedly spy on Arab terrorists. It is all fucked up situations and it was 100% used to destroy my life by implicating me by force with the most criminal, biggest and vicious international crime organization known to me and this crime organization it was used to keep me slave and hostage all my life and until today to cover up for all what they stole of me since my birth, which is I am the son of king George VI and the son of the daughter of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second (her name is unknown to me at the moment), and therewith I have a lot of inheritance of my both parents and they were all stolen by the mother fucking Windsor and Rockefeller family members under many and different kind of forced fake deceived reasons. Bottom line they stole my inheritance of my parents and prevented me my entire life to recognize who are my biological parents so I may not complain and try to prosecute them to claim and collect my legitimate inheritance.



Tokyo, Japan call girls and hotel bar prostitutes

Tokyo, Japan call girls and hotel bar prostitutes. This incident was in February or beginning of March 1985. In short I am absolutely defenseless against persons with ESP, it is just like a naked and blind person that have tons of gold and surrounded by thieves of mercenaries and soldiers that have knives, machines guns, tanks and airplanes jet fighters and in all these mixed up loud and absolute violent surroundings I have difficulties to recognize who is doing what to me but also difficulties to recognize that I was born on this tons of gold and that this gold has a large financial value. And this example is exactly what is happening to me in my life and in particular in Tokyo, Japan, every one is knocking me unconscious and rapping me by unknown and uncountable women and claiming to raise my children and preserving their ESP capabilities enable they help me once they get older. Under this claim they force me to do things while simultaneously forcing me to think I did it. In Tokyo, Japan I was forced to use my upon me forced American Express card just for this trip to order a Japanese call girl by phone, and as she came she was what human describe as absolute ugly with the standard that they created by among other national and international beauty pagans, such as Miss America, Miss Nigeria  or Miss world, therefore I rejected her as soon as she arrived in my hotel room, however that was a 100% mind trick to force me to think that I like the other alleged American/Japanese girl that was later waiting for me at the hotel bar, and stayed with me for 3 nights during which she knocked me unconscious and rapped me with unknown and uncountable amount of women/girls and to cover up for that, she oft waked me up in night time and had sex with me, while I was totally exhausted due to first the lack of sleep for several days, second due to some kind of drugs that they gave me with out my knowledge, and third due to the mass rape they performed upon me while I was unconscious, and therewith and in case I discover that I was rapped, then I would think only by 2-3 different look a like each night that waked me up and rapped me in a situation and surroundings that I was 100% not able to tell not only the difference between different girls/women that are look a like, but also and 100% was not able to tell what girl was having sex with me and how she looked like, because of the exhaustion and because the room had absolutely dimmed lights. But also and this is a 100% brainwash method to force me to think that the first Japanese girl was representative of Japanese, and therewith all Japanese girls are as ugly as her, which means they wanted to cover up the actual origin of the second nicer looking American/Japanese girl, that very possibly was Chinese, Vietnamese or other east Asian girl where American and English military have military bases. In realty and fact I have no idea where this girls (girls/women) were from first due to my lack of knowledge/education to differentiate between the different look between Asian women, just like Europeans or Africans, and that is among others due to they are all mixed up and have generated uncountable mixed children, but also due to the fact I did not see most of them and I was totally exhausted because and in this week and from Sunday until Wednesday morning I had a very little sleep due to change of time and traveling from Germany to Japan, and from Wednesday and until Saturday morning I had letterly only 4-6 hours sleep and all in all and in the entire week from Sunday to the following Sunday I had maximum 15-20 hours sleep, and therefore and as I arrived back in Germany the following Sunday morning I slept continuously more than 15 hours. But also and the first call-girl that I rejected and I am very positive that she knocked me unconscious and rapped me as part of the brainwash and confusion.



Prostitute house in Hanover, Germany

Prostitute house in Hanover, Germany. This incident must have been in March 1985 and directly after the mass rape performed up on me while I am unconscious in Tokyo, Japan, possibly 2-5 days immediately thereafter. And I was forced by my employer UDF Consulting AG to go to the international computer exhibition called CiBIT in Hanover, Germany because they owned an exhibition stand with it they were selling their products and services among others the mainframe language translating program for several languages among others Arabic and it was in cooperation with another subsidiary in Belgium. Also they claimed each employee of the company must volunteer to represent the company at the exhibition for at least a couple of days, which was a 100% lie to force me to go to Hanover during this period because of many reasons, among others because they were pretending to get my attention to what the Americans and English or possibly Siemens AG did to me in Tokyo, Japan. During my stay in Hanover I was forced by ESP to look for a specific prostitute house and go there, whereby and at that time I did not know that I was forced to go to this specific prostitute house and in general to go to prostitutes to be rapped and therewith they can hide my children with out my knowledge and the knowledge of others to create the largest known to me hidden circle of half brothers and sisters world wide. In this prostitute house it was over filled, just like a very busy airport during Christmas season. And therefore I was not able to recognize any one in there, and I can’t even recall with how many different prostitutes I had sex with, or they had sex with me, except with one that was a 100% man planned situations that and until today I don’t understand the entire situation, except what I am mentioning here, which also point to a 100% missing other purposes that I am not recognizing until today. This Asia girl possibly from Cambodia, claimed to be around 20 or 22 years old, and while I was having sex with her she told me the following story, which she allegedly was lured to come to Germany to marry some German and then was forced to become prostitute and they kept her passport and therewith she was illegal that can’t defend herself. I decided I wanted to help her, and gave her my number in Munich and wrote her exact name and address and other information, the main reason that I wanted to help her get free was mainly because I became Christian and learned to help others that ask for my help in any situation what so ever, but also and from humanity point of view and since I was raised since at least 1959 to be a salve and prevented to learn any thing and to become free and even prevented to recognize these facts, however I some how compared her to myself and recognized that she is hostage of at least her being a foreigner in a strange country and with absolute no honest help, just like I was in Germany a foreigner with a lot of problems that I never was able to pin point them. Therefore I wanted to go to the police in Munich as soon as I get to Munich and tell them about her, and I was welling to sponsor her financially to be free, I even recall thoughts such as I am welling to marry her just to free her and not allow them to deport her, which I recognize today as a 100% ESP thoughts manipulation among others allegedly because they pretended to be helping me get ready of the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud. The reason I wanted to go to the police in Munich and not in Hanover, because Hanover was a small city and I thought that whoever keeping her as a hostage is influential in that city, and therewith I thought in my city I can trust more people, which is 100% wrong, because Munich is in the state Bavaria, Germany which is officially under the control of the American military since 1945, and Hanover is in the state of Niedersachsen, Germany which is officially under the control of the English military since 1945, therefore the English military and American military were pretending to be fighting each others by using me. In Munich, Germany I was fighting mentally through all kind of thoughts to call or go to the Police, however I was prevented by all the mother fuckers surrounded me by force through the project Calypso and UDF Consulting AG which were officially Syrians and Americans that were pretending to be fighting the English in Hanover, it is a very evil circle that was created by both to trap me where ever I go and what ever I do. I recall that this Asian prostitute even called me at least once or twice and asked me where is the help that I promised her but I was forced to let go of her at least by the CIA and American/English/Syrian military intelligence whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that was forced upon me as a Moslem wife just as they forced upon me my actual wife in 1970 the CIA whore Anita Disbray, with one exception, it was easily to deceive my mind with Anita Disbray that I allegedly loved her due to she was nice looking and pretended to be shy, weak, harmless and my alleged slave, but mainly I filled in love with her due to her look and the stupid gift that she gave me for Christmas 1970 which was an electric shaver from Philips, but simultaneously it was the only/first and most valuable gift I ever received in my life until 1970, and possibly until today, because I can’t recall any other equal, less or more valuable gift in any situation in my life and that is a persistent brainwash since 1959 to force me to fall for a woman that in reality performed much more damage to my life than any other beneficial thing she performed to my life. In 2003 and thereafter I recognized the ex-German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder as originated from Hanover, Niedersachsen, Germany and since the persistent and very clear pattern in my life is that only the criminals makes it to the top of the government, and forced prostitution is crime, but also that Niedersachsen is 100% under the control of the English military since 1945, and therewith they influence all politics in at least the state of Niedersachsen, therefore Gerhard Schroeder is English origin. And since American and English military are very heavy involved in east and south Asia since over one hundred years and have the simultaneous connection and control of Europe and many crime organizations under the protection of CIA, English secret service and military intelligence, therewith the prostitute houses with Asian enslaved prostitutes are 100% through the military, therefore ex-Germany Gerhard Schroeder was most probably the direct or indirect owner of that prostitute house in Hanover of 1985, especially and based on my knowledge that he shortly thereafter became known in German politics within the SPD political party, but also and because the opposition political two so called sister parties were and still are CDU headed in 1985 by the piece of shit Helmut Kohl the hidden half brother of George H. W. Bush and the Rockefeller brothers; and CSU political party was headed by also the piece of shit and human trash and absolute mentally sick and dangerous for the general public Franz Joseph Strauss alias my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri also a hidden half brother to George H. W. Bush and the Rockefeller brothers, and therewith I am trapped by these pieces of shit of human trash wherever I go and to whom ever I complain, FBI, CIA, police or any one else. But also and when ever I complained to any of my children that I met and did not know at that time that they are my children and complained to them about what these mother fuckers did to me, they automatically side with their fake parents that raised them, because I am against their parents, because they not only rapped me and stole all my children with out my knowledge enable to force me not to complain about them, but also they persecuted me, and letterly stole every thing I ever owned by working honestly, brainwashed me, destroyed my life and stole my identity and therewith my real nationality which is 100% American and English and I hate Americans and English because they brainwashed me to hate them at least through all the bad things that they did to me at least since 1959 and until today, and I still have partially difficulties not only to recognize it but also to gather them all in one page and therefore writing every thing in my mind helps me and others to recognize what is lie and what is true, and my memory was filled by force of brainwash and ESP with many lies, and since I recognized that I decided not to lie for what ever reason what so ever not for God, Country, family, friends or even children, because only so I can recognize what is lie and what is true in my past, and in this process of constantly saying the truth I may hurt the feelings of many, and in particular my alleged friend, relatives and children, but also of unknown people such as Moslems, Jewish, Christians, Hindu, Buddhist, general public America, England, Middle East, Europe and so on, and I don’t care, because my interest is purely to find the truth based on facts that I saw or felt with all of my senses. And the truth is 100% beneficial for every one, even for criminals, because they can use it to discover their enemies and show as if they are innocent, but also so called foreign intelligence agency (alleged enemies) would know much about the secrets of Americans, English, Europe and the Middle East or any other area or subject in the world that is related to my persecution, brainwash, mass rape, physical torture, mental torture and many other crimes performed upon me and against my life by my fake and biological families and all their official and hidden allies



Unknown prostitute bar and house in 1985/1986 Munich, Germany with the CIA and/or American/English military intelligence agent George Estifan

Unknown prostitute bar and house in 1985/1986 Munich, Germany with the CIA and/or American/English military intelligence agent George Estifan. There are two different incidents, one in Geneva Switzerland and one in Munich, Germany that were (possibly) immediately after each others but definitely related/connected to each others through the CIA agent George Estifan, however I can’t recall the exact timing of both incidents and which one was first and which one was second.



Therefore I will start by the one that I think it may was first based on logic and benefits of the CIA and American/English/Syrian military intelligence, which is the Geneva, Switzerland incident. I went to Geneva Switzerland after April 1985, possibly in 1986 to visit George Estifan the official supplier of the fake project at UDF Consulting AG, where John D. Rockefeller the Third was involved and disguised as my manager Mr. Ruge, but also Siemens AG, Honeywell Bull from France, Philips from Holland and DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation were involved in this fake project that was specifically invented to distract me of what they did to me with the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project called Calypso that was officially trading weaponry and Satellite computer systems for American hostages kept in Lebanon by alleged Palestinians, Syrians and Iranians. During this official business visit to Geneva, Switzerland many things happened, however and for now I will concentrate on one small incident. I wanted to talk with George Estifan about his project supplied officially through me to the company UDF Consulting AG to among others blame me for the failure of this project. Mr. George Estifan reserved a room for me in a hotel I think was called Hotel de Lace or Hotel Lace de Geneva or some thing like that, which all in all means Hotel directly on the lake of Geneva or lake Leman. It is a 4-5 star allegedly very old hotel directly on the lake side just the main street is between them. In Summer 1981 I was in Geneva, Switzerland with my fake sister Suhair Bdeir, her official husband Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir (the hidden biological father of the international terrorist Yasser Arafat) alias official American CIA agent, their official son Samir Bdeir, their official daughter Rim/Reem Bdeir, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar and his official wife Alia Köse alias Anita Naggar and myself, we rented a Volks Wagen bus and went in to a tour to Austria, Switzerland and Italy, which was a 100% a forced upon me tour because I did not want to really go with them and I wanted to meet with my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, whereby they pretended to want to prevent me to see her to force my mind to be stubborn and do the opposite, but also it was a 100% distraction by force of brainwash and ESP of all the things that Siemens AG tried to show me by force about my fake and biological families, such as the fake Quran that was printed in cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government at the Clett Verlag/publishing in Stuttgart, Germany, and therefore they forced my fake family to perform this trip with me to show as if my fake family are Nazis or Jewish in hiding in the Middle East since the second world war, and they pretended to be Nazis or Jewish as a part of a paradox, which is a brainwash method to force the people not to be able to decide one way or another, because some decide that my fake family are Jewish and others decide that they are Nazis based on each one and his knowledge of my fake family. In short and in this trip my fake brother-in-law Seev Aldin Bdeir took us to Neuchatel, the headquarter of Philip Morris at that time and possibly also today the largest Tobacco manufacturer, that he allegedly visited, because my fake family officially owned many tobacco farms all over the Middle East as cover up for drugs and wanted to link their selves to the Swiss company Philip Morris, whereby the actual origin of Philip Morris and officially is unknown due to all the hidden ownerships through the corrupt attorneys in the small country Lichtenstein and the city Vaduz that cover up for most of the actual owners of many large companies world wide. But also took us to the small city Vevey directly on the lake Geneva and the headquarter of the company Nestle  and visited them while we had to stay in the car, whereby my fake family are official main distributors of Nestle in many so called Arab countries, but also they deliver to Nestle many fresh fruits, vegetables, diary products, chicken and animal by products such as eggs with two yellows in side it that was developed by the Rockefeller Medical research centers and in 1966 in Amman, Jordan they were only having very large eggs with two yellows. Therefore and in this trip he tried to link himself and therewith my fake family to Switzerland and at least through all the businesses they owned in the Middle East, but also through all the connections to Lichtenstein such as Deutsche Hilti that is owned by the Lichtenstein royal family and were persecuting me in Germany at least since 1976 through my fake brother Nick Naggar and his official wife Alia Köse alias Anita Naggar that allegedly worked for them, but also through the incident that they created in my life in 1959 which is Varduz=Heaven=Vaduz and I was in this city either in 1959 or they planted in my memory in 1959 with ESP, where I was with Mohamad Ali Bdeir alias Adolf Hitler (that is at least what they wanted me to think by force of brainwash, and may he was), my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and Raghdah Malas alias Johanna Quandt and this Vaduz incident of 1959 I still can’t till until today if it was reality and 100% happened or they planted this incident as I was in 1959, Damascus, Syria by ESP in form of a dream that I possibly recall as reality, especially that they wiped of my memory at that time and any thing new in my memory I recognize as real. In addition to all that my fake brother-in-law Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir is the official brother of Mohamad Ali Bdeir alias Basheer Kwader/Queder and they want me to think he is Adolf Hitler. But also My fake brother-in-law Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir and on this particular trip told me that he allegedly has good memories of Geneva because he allegedly came to Geneva, Switzerland only one time in his life which was allegedly in mid 1930s on a business trip and stayed in this particular hotel du Lace (=Lake Hotel), and therewith they wanted me to think he has the relation to Philip Morris and Nestle that he visited them in my presence in 1981 at least since mid 1930, or he is lying and he is from this area and went to the Middle East disguised as Arab Moslem until today 1981, and I felled for this mind trap as I started to recall my life in the years 2000 to the year 2003 and told my fake son Abdulhamid Najar alias Anas Najar alias Guenther Najar alias the son of the situation of my uncle Jawdat Baroudi (hidden son of my grandfather John D. Rockefeller junior the Second alias Fuad Khayat) as he took me on a trip in summer 1985 knocked me unconscious and took me with out my knowledge and approval to Lichtenstein where I was rapped by some unknown, however 100%  Rockefeller woman/girl whore and possibly Lichtenstein royalties and forced me to think that this is Fardos/Vardus/Vaduz that I kept in remembering since 1959 yet I never found it again until now 1985 with him. It is all brainwash and physical rape of my body to have my children as a part of many hidden circles of half brothers and sisters worldwide and simultaneously my children are building the largest circle of half brothers and sisters that can be used to terrorize the world for the absolute and only financial benefits of the mother fucking and pieces of shit and human trash Windsor and Rockefeller families alias my biological families. Therefore my fake son Abdulhamid Najar alias Anas Najar alias Guenther Najar are at least 2-3 different persons that were 100% against me and at least one of them if not all of them have ESP and one of them was protecting the piece of shit Rockefeller family because it is the most important family in the world, because not only they head many different crime organization in the hidden and performed many international crimes including uncountable crimes against their own population in USA, but also they control the mass brainless weapon called American military and with it they steal officially many countries world wide and cover it up with lies such as Nazi Adolf Hitler or Palestinian terrorists or now the fake Al-Kaida and Osama Ben/Bin Laden to cover up for all other previous lies and mass crimes they performed all over the world including creating mass fake religions between the 1900 and 1986 such as Moslem-Sunni, Moslem-Alawee, Mormons, Baptists and many others world wide.


Back to George Estifan and my visit to Geneva, Switzerland in 1985/1986 and he reserving for me a room in the hotel Du Lace directly on the lake Geneva in Geneva, Switzerland in the same hotel as my fake brother-in-law Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir allegedly stayed in mid 1930s to implicate me as knowingly part of this evil family, however I absolutely don’t recall today to what I related at that time, possibly I recalled my fake brother-in-law Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir and that he allegedly stayed in this hotel in mid 1930s, and also possibly Nestle visit in Vevey and Philip Morris visit in Neuchatel, however I am positive I never made any connection or relation due to I was forced to trust my fake family and therewith and on fist priority trust any thing they may have told me, but also in that I am not able exactly to recall is a 100% indication that I was hopelessly controlled by ESP through the concentrated evil CIA agent George Estifan, but also with my official but fake family members that were at that time in Geneva such as my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi, his bitch international whore wife, his international whores three daughters, among others Reema/Rima Baroudi,  and his pimp son Hasan Baroudi and all their allies in the hidden the Syrian employees of the Syrian consulate, but also the Syrian employees at the UNO-United nations Organization in Geneva including all their mother fucking allies the so called Moslem representative of the so called Moslem countries in the UNO in Geneva., but also all the pieces of shit Americans and English representative to the UNO and members of their embassies in Geneva with al their hidden and official allies such as Canadian, Australian, Honk Kong, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka just to mention a few official allies and members of the mother fucking and pieces of shit so called Common Wealth that are mainly crocks and mass criminals and created this so called English Common Wealth as deceive for the countries that members of the common wealth, because the only one who can benefit of the so called English common wealth is the international crime organization that suppresses its own population in their own countries such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and many others also in Africa and give the general public a fake dream of peace that they them selves constantly break to have a reason to persecute the general public under the fake claim of war on terrorism, but in reality to terrorize the live of the general public enable to force them to live in fear all their lives and not advance a bit in life enable they can use them for drugs, terrorism and many other international crimes that are designed to separate not only people in different countries but also people in the same country and therewith no one can trust any one and every one for him self And That is the basic ingredients of mass isolation and slavery, it is a never ending circle and that is the way it seems, which I will break it one way or another, and I am doing that right now by writing these words.


Back to George Estifan in Geneva, Switzerland, he visited me in my room in one evening and he had some kind of Bourbon/Scotch whisky either he brought with him or he ordered at the hotel, and we had a few drinks in my room, whereby I am neither used to whisky nor I like it, I think it was scotch whisky, and the only time I get in contact with whisky or scotch was through my uncle Jawdat Baroudi that he used to love to drink scotch in Damascus, Syria in 1959 but also in Amman, Jordan in 1966, and in 1970-1973 I was trained in the concentrated evil American military base to drink mass whisky bourbon, which was a 100% cover up for all the scotch that Jawdat Baroudi used to drink, and therewith I became a very heavy drinker of Bourbon whisky, because if you love some thing you would think it is normal and you cease to think about it and analyze it or try to understand it. In this situation drinking whisky in my hotel room we were supposed to go out for dinner and that is why the piece of shit CIA agent George Estifan came originally to my hotel to pick me up for dinner, instead we were sitting there and drinking whisky which was totally unusual for me because I don’t like whisky, I mainly like bier, wine and occasion shots of some drinks after or with dinner as appetizer, which I adopted of all the situations forced upon my life by all the pieces of shit agents that pretended to be my friend and forced me to pick up many bad habits. After a while I was sort of drunk of the whisky and partially on the bed and we continued to drink and George Estifan was talking a lot of trash that I did not understand and also don’t recall most of it, however I recall very well he was talking some kind of nonsense, such as if he just can have some kind of a computer with a program that can keep a database with vital information of targets about major sites that a terrorist can use any time as need it and very quickly to bomb certain areas that are belong to imperialists or suppressors of the poor, at this point totally under the influence of alcohol and his ESP and therewith I am not only uncertain of my response to this piece of shit of a conversation, but I also can’t recall it except it happened and I was fully under alcohol influence due to I am not used to whisky and by then we drunk almost a whole bottle (mainly me) and then I dropped to sleep and we did not go for dinner, may be he brought many pieces of shit Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Israeli whores to rape me and make it look as if we were having a party, or he just left, I don’t know. Today, I just know that every thing point to that my hotel room was 100% bugged, this mean it had hidden microphones and other were listening officially to us, and some how and in 1987/1988 and as I was desperate and totally under pressure of FBI and other pieces of shit American governmental agencies that were systematically destroying my life under the protection of the piece of shit American/English law of national security and were keeping me as slave and hostage in USA with out me noticing so I may not complain about it and become free, and the FBI officially approached me after the pieces of shit Evangelical Lutheran church of Bridgeport forced me to apply for political asylum and the FBI interrogated me and asked me if I knew this terrorist and that terrorist, and I absolutely answered them honestly, which is I don’t know these persons they are mentioning to me, I never even heard of them before, and even today I never heard of these persons the FBI asked me about in 1987, I just recall the names they asked me about which was Abo something and that is all I recall. However, and apparently the FBI never believed me and persecuted me officially with the help of many companies that were disguised as my official employers and the FBI set one agent that was the one that officially met me and interrogated me in summer 1987 as a part time work colleague at the headquarter of the company Dun and Bradstreet in Conecticut, but all in all and officially this agent was responsible for Dun and Bradstreet, Spectrum Computer Services (a fake company that was created especially for me with 4-5 employees, and a few months later allegedly went bankrupt), but also the newspaper publisher in Westport Connecticut, and therewith I thought that only the FBI is persecuting me at these three companies and was always asking others forced upon my life for help of the piece of shit FBI, and did not know that they were also FBI, such my employment at Connect Computer Corporation, People’s Bank, ABCD, I.A.I.P.D, the fake alarm company with it is one man employee an Afro-American, American Frozen Food and many other companies, neighbors and other alleged new friend forced upon my life to perform many harms to my life as needed because I would trust them and ask them for help as I need it against my persecutors. And all this confused the life out of me and I did not know what to do, and I was desperately trying to find a way out of this concentrated evil entrapment, and was trying to see what do I know that can satisfy the FBI and force them to either help me or to leave me alone, and I must have recalled the incident of George Estifan in hotel Due Lace in Geneva, Switzerland, and drinking whisky, getting drunk and talking all this shit about a computer system to maintain potential terrorist targets in the western world that can be accessed on a short notice enable to perform a terrorist attack very quickly, and I called this particular FBI agent that was on purpose designated to my life with out me noticing, I think it must have been either in end 1987 or in 1988, and apparently I wanted to tell him about this incident that I just remembered, but and my guess I was prevented, because what happened after that was not what I lived through in my past in 1985/1986, which is the following: The FBI agent came alone and took me with his car and we drove out side the city of Bridgeport, Connecticut in to some gas station, I think it was in New Haven, where the Yale university is located, where the Osama Ben Laden family had many official and hidden children studying there, and n this Gas station I recall seeing uncountable trucks and signs with the name May Flower, which I get to know later as a very famous and large truck transportation company, just like the pieces of shit Koch Industries that related officially to the Bush and in the hidden to the Windsor and Rockefeller families, and Koch Industries not only persecuted me, but also brainwashed me in a very sadistic, vicious and absolute violent way in 1992/1993 in Wichita Kansas and shortly thereafter with their hidden allies UtiliCorp United in Kansas City, Kansas. In the car and in that gas station parking lot that was filled with huge trucks I started to tell the FBI agent about the hotel Du Lace Incident and the conversation with some one about computerized terrorist targets, with the following exceptions, instead Geneva, Switzerland I said Amman, Jordan, and instead George Estifan I said an unknown man approached me and told me that, since I am not a lair, nor I have an imagination for fake things,  and since I was totally under pressure during this period and I was desperate to become free of some thing I totally did not understand or see through and my only intention is to become free and be some how back home that I was forced by ESP and brainwash to forget and ignore to force me not to question why am I in USA and what is happening that brought me to this situation where I am totally isolated and surrounded by totally new people that I don’t know, except my evil mother fucking and piece of shit and human trash and absolute criminal and today I know he is an international terrorist working for CIA and English secret service, which is my fake brother Nick Naggar that I was forced to cut my relation to him, enable that I be forced to be surrounded with people I totally don’t know and therewith they have a reason not to be loyal to me, because I am a foreigner. Why I lied to FBI about the city and the person, I can only say I was forced by ESP to say some thing that no one will understand or believe at that time, especially that Abdalghani Abokurah is official Jordanian and the hidden brother of princess Ann and prince Charles these pieces of shit of international criminals, but also my fake brother-in-law is Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir and is one of the controlling executives at either GE-General Electric or Boeing or both, and Bridgeport Connecticut is the headquarter of GE-General Electric and GE-General Electric is the closest business partner to Boeing in Wichita, Kansas, where Koch Industries is also located and worked of Boeing and all of them persecuted me officially and from the hidden by manipulating FBI, CIA and military intelligence, in USA, England, Germany, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.


Long explanation that is related from 1959 to 2007 in several countries for a short incident that happened in 1985/86 in Geneva, Switzerland.



The other Incident that is related to the above incident but it happened in Munich, Germany, it is a much shorter explanation, which is:


George Estifan came to visit me in 1985/1986 to Munich, Germany to discuss with me the fake project created at UDF Consulting AG in Cooperation with Honeywell Bull France, Philips Holland, DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation USA (=Compaq Corporation=HP-Hewlett Packard Corporation), Siemens AG Germany and UDF Consulting AG. As he came among others we went evening for dinner, I think as an alleged treat from my side due his treat as I visited him in Geneva, Switzerland, however he is 100% American/English and had ESP and therefore he was 100% in control of the situation in cooperation of all his pieces of shit American and English allies of CIA and military intelligence that were among others disguised as Germans. After dinner I went with him to a private bar/whore house that I never was in before nor I remember today where it was. It was very crowded and we ordered some drinks at the bar, and as soon as I started to drink this drink I became how daisy or my mind started to become fuzzy/clouded/slow, and some how I went with a whore into a private room, and as soon as we were in the room the state of my mind/thoughts get worse and I was even more daisy/fuzzy/clouded/slow as if I have no more my own will or control of my surrounding yet full conscious, therefore they must have gave me a special medications mixed with my drink. The woman said to me I like you and therefore I will let you fuck me in the ass and I suddenly was fucking her in the ass, and I was sort of stunt due to I just could not control any thing, after that I get even more daisy/fuzzy/clouded/slow or even almost unconscious, and we left the place and I can’t even recall how, or if we left with my car or with a taxi. This incident was 100% planned and performed under total control of others and I could not understand how it came to this situation, this woman was possibly a man, and George Estifan that mother fucker no good for piece of shit and human trash like all the rest of the Windsor and Rockefeller families including all their hidden branches such as Bush, Kennedy and Ford, they all created this situation and rapped me to not only show as if I am a homosexual but also to force my mind to think so and their piece of shit CIA whore that I will persecute her to death along with all her look a like, Najlaa Mahmoud alias Zakiyah Bark and other aliases the sister of Ali Bark alias professor Dr. Fischer the official owner of UDF Consulting AG alias my forced upon me employer at that time and within this situation and he is also the official boss of Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third alias my biological uncle or brother, and all of them wanted to force my mind with this situation to think not only that I am homosexual but also that my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka is also and among others the cause, and that the CIA and Rockefeller whore Najlaa Mahmoud is alleged much better, which is all distraction of the 100% ESP control. This situation not only bugged me but also totally disturbed me and I was trying to avoid remembering it and therewith I can’t understand it nor I can see the connection. These pieces of shit Windsor, Rockefeller. Bush, Kennedy, Ford, Morgan Stanley are absolutely mentally sick mother fucker no good for human trash and they are absolutely cowereds, not only because they use ESP on 100% defenseless persons, because I can’t defend myself against a person with ESP, but also they hide like little pussies, in short I absolutely can’t find any expression in my vocabulary to describe these sons of bitches and sons of pimps, queers and lesbians pieces of shit that want to force every one to be like them by using things like that, and they can only use what they know and how they are in reality and in the hidden, which is all members of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Bush, Kennedy, Ford, Morgan Stanley and all the other American English Mafia families are mother fuckers no good for human trash are 100% bi-sexual because they think they are Gods due to they have ESP and the others don’t, and simultaneously they think (or lack of it) that God is unisexual or bisexual which is the same and therefore they became bisexual to allegedly be perfect Gods. And these thinking or description is very easy to verify in their behaviors all over the world, they can hide but they can’t run away because we are all on this earth and the day these mother fuckers leave this earth it will be and gradually total peace and freedom for every one. Freedom of have to be like them by force of law and ESP.



Russian Restaurant in Schwabing on the corner of Leopold and other small side street close to Muenchener Freiheit, Munich, Germany

The time period of this incident I am not certain about, except that is was between 1984 and 1985 during the illegal project Calypso and the evil company UDF Consulting AG. I was suddenly going alone to a Russian restaurant in Schwabing city section of Munich and on a side street and on the corner to Leopold street near Muenchener Freiheit and not far of and on the same side of the Italian restaurant Michael Angelo. That Russian restaurant was mainly always empty, yet I went there 2-4 times and alone, which means, I was forced by ESP to go there to show as if I am a Russian origin and allegedly being home sick for Russia just like I was forced to go to the Jewish/Israeli bar also near Michael Angelo and the company SCS with its illegal project Calypso, but also like they forced me to go to the Syrian restaurant Pyplos and the expensive Greek restaurant during the period of 1985-1986 One thing is for sure that Russian restaurant was mainly empty, because all the pieces of shit Russian agents that lived in Munich, Germany at that time pretended to be from other countries and therefore and to not attract any attention to them, they always avoid Russian connections including the Russian restaurants, and that is why the Russian restaurant was mainly and mostly empty, and this is valid for any other spy of any other country, such as an Indian spy will avoid India restaurants, such as Khalid Mian took me to Sultana the Indian restaurant as if he is originally Indian, in reality he is American/English and every thing in my past connect him to the piece of shit terrorist company Microsoft Corporation, I just can’t pin point his real identity yet, and Microsoft Corporation is definitely a terrorist company, because they did not only and very publicly and in a very too obvious way terrorized my life at least since and very visibly since 1994 and with the Window 95 fake project, but also they have their headquarter for Europe and/or Germany in the CIA and military intelligence city Unterschleissheim, Germany and many of these agents living in CIA city Unterschleissheim are 100% international terrorist heavily involved with IRA, Nazis, PLO, Islamic Brotherhood and others, yet they all look as a harmless population that are hard workers for their biggest employer in town Microsoft Corporation that is in reality covering up for them as mass agents, drug lords and terrorists while Microsoft Corporation is benefiting of the military in that they develop and test military software in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, and Khalid Mian is related to them in one way or another



Sultana the Indian restaurant that was specialized mainly in Indian food and on the side offered also Pakistani, Iranian, Chinese food

I went to this Sultana restaurant oft during the period of 1981-1986. The CIA agent Khalid Mian alias my forced upon me colleague at Siemens AG took me there once and ever since I liked to go there. And the reason he took me there to show as if I am Indian/Pakistani/Iranian origin, however I did not notice his evil purpose at that time. Thereafter I went oft to this restaurant with my friends or work colleagues from Siemens AG, but mainly I went there with my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka. And after January 1985 the piece of shit CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud and the woman I will not cease or not give any peace or have peace until she/they are either imprison for at least as long as she is responsible for my imprisonment (which is from October 1984 to at least today 17.12.2007, because I am still locked up these mother fuckers no good for human trash) or killed. Back to the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud that ugly trash of a female, systematically forced me to take her places where I liked to go with my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and other alleged friends that turned out to be also CIA agents, enable to force a new memory on me and force me to forget them all. In short the mother fucker and piece of shit CIA agent Khalid Mian forced me to go to Sultana to force me to see it as my favorite restaurant not only to confuse others about my origin, but also to brainwash me and force me to forget my other favorite restaurants, while forcing me to go to expensive restaurants to spent all my money where ever they can force me to stay poor. And the reason he wanted me to forget my other favorite restaurants because he wanted that I cut all my contacts including memory to my past at Siemens AG, because during my employment at Siemens AG I used to go oft to three restaurants with my colleagues and my forced upon me CIA agent and Siemens AG colleague as girlfriend, which is Renee Zielske the secretary of my manager Dr. Peter M. Lembke. In short I used to go to that Greek restaurant very oft either after work or when I am working very late until oft early in the morning and we used to have a couple of hours break and go to one particular Greek restaurant. All three restaurant were on Rosenheimer street between Rosenheimer platz/square and the street that goes to Ost Bahnhof/East train station, I think it is called Orion or Orleans street. All these 3 restaurant I went to them between 1979-1981 during my employment at Siemens AG and kept on visiting them even after my employment ended, but they wanted to force me not to go there any more to not remember what happened to me at Siemens AG and understand it and recognize not only that I was mainly surrounded my pieces of shit CIA agents but also that I was knocked unconscious uncountable times and rapped by uncountable amount of women under the supervision of the pieces of shit Siemens AG and the Bush family. The first restaurant was our favorite and I letterly gone to it with most of my immediate work colleagues, and the owner used to give us oft free either drink or desert, which is a trick to force me to think I am his favorite customer, while simultaneously showing to the others as if he knows me due to all the pieces of shit Greeks in my life that I did not know that they were Greek such as Stavros Niarchos, and the sons of Aristotle Onassis, Alexander Onassis and Fernandels Onassis alias and both were disguised as the Kose brothers the brothers-in-law of my fake brother Nick Naggar. The second Restaurant was also a Greek restaurant, where the cook used to come out to each guest and take him to the kitchen and show him what he cooked for the day and allow each guest to pick the food he likes most or a mixture and it will be placed on a plate in front of the guest and then brought by the waiter to his table, and to confuse my memory about this restaurant the CIA whore and absolute ugly bitch Najlaa Mahmoud forced me to take her to a new Greek restaurant in Freimann in 1985-1986, Munich, that I never knew prior to that in an area called Freimann in Munich Germany, how ever this Greek Restaurant in Freimann was very expensive in comparison with the other restaurants on Rosenheimer street and it had its kitchen in the middle of the restaurant surrounded by glass and the guests can see every thing that is happening in the kitchen as sort of guest show or entertainment. The third restaurant was directly on Rosenheimer platz/square and it was an Italian restaurant sort of a Pizzeria and I liked to go there some times due to it was slightly more expensive than the other two Greek restaurants on the same street, I even invited my alleged friends of the CIA city Unterschleissheim to go there with me. All in all it looks like that Siemens AG was using me not only to show my fake and biological family that they know about the fake Quran, but also that they know about the fake Arabs that are originated from the Niarchos and Onassis families and therewith they were black mailing them to reach their own goals. And to be fair to Siemens AG, every one surrounding my life is using me to black mail every one else enable to reach their own goals, and that is absolute evil. And that is why the mother fucker and piece of shit CIA agent Khalid Mian that pretended to be Indian Moslem forced me to go to Sultana and forced me to think it is now my favorite restaurant enable to brainwash me to forget my actual three favorite restaurants, first they were affordable comparing to the others they forced me to go to just to spend more of my money, because I paid around 10-15 Deutsch mark per person and dinner in Rosenheimer street, whereby I paid 40-50 Deutsch Mark at Sultana and 50-80 Deutsch Mark per person and dinner at Michael Angelo and all the other pieces of shit criminal restaurants they forced me to go to and they set me up very badly and uncountable times. One memory will lead to another and gradually I would find the truth, unfortunately they kidnapped me in 1984/1986 and kept me as a slave and hostage and forced my mind to go in almost endless and un-understandable circle until I am too old to enjoy life and then they dumped me by force in the piece of shit country called Holland that pretending to not know me from before, and pretending to not have any thing to do with my past and I should not be angry with them, yet I hate every thing about Holland, I hate the Dutch people, the Dutch way of life, the Dutch thinking and the Dutch deceive, because they all kept me busy these no good mother fuckers by force of brainwash and ESP until the mother fucker and criminal George W. Bush was elected as president of USA in 2000 and again in 2004, because he is working with all these mother fuckers at least against me and I will not hesitate a second to destroy any of these mother fuckers no good for piece of human trash for all the damages they perfumed upon me, not the police not the court and not any one else helped me so far to become free, on top of all that they disabled my ESP, circumcised me in 1959 enable to be able to rape me as much and as quick as possible enable to create the largest hidden circle of half brothers and sisters, then they illegally and surgically prevented me of having any children in 1991, and letterly stole every thing a man or a human can live for from family, children, friends, work, profession, money, country, nationality and forcing me to live as refugee with out nationality until today, and as a refugee I am forced to live where they place me and it is all manipulatable and among others I can’t keep any thing of my past, such as photographs or documents that proves my past and therefore I hate them all including the pieces of shit Dutch government and people, because the government represent its people and the people represent the government at least in Holland, and all of them are keeping me as hostage after all the damages that they performed upon me from physical to mental, alone that I can’t forgive them is a torture to my sole and being and I can’t forgive them because they stole my freedom in 1959 and until today, my freedom to be what I want to be, and I definitely did not want all these evil children in my life, or even not evil and yet so many children by rape, I just wanted my own family and that is the most normal thing in life but not in my life. They are all fucked up mother fuckers with absolute no feelings what so ever, they are brainless machines of destruction because they are all of the military and that is all they learned to do, which is enslave others or kill them, I rather be dead than in this life or they are dead, because I never harmed any one, yet they killed uncountable millions and are desperate to cover up for it with all kind of scare tactics such as the fake war on terror that they perform in the first of all as described with in this website. And one of the best examples for they using these evil children is in terrorism, and to suppress people through organizations such as Nation of Islam in USA or reverent Jackson that is in reality helping to suppress more people instead of following the footsteps of his alleged idol Martin Luther King that died in protesting about these pieces of shit and Reverent Jackson is just taking the actual Christian and in particular the Afro-Americans in to a total different direction than freedom and he is not the only deceiver in our lives. I want to go home you mother fuckers and pieces of shit no good for human trash, my home is Munich Germany.


I am placing every one in one pot or basket as no good, this mean I am generalizing, which is no good, but they all force me to do that either with ESP or by creating a confusing situations, such as last Christmas and in the week of Christmas, the piece of shit prince Philip of England alias the husband of the current queen Elizabeth II came to visit another African refugee that is living with me by force of the Dutch government in the refugee camp in the city of Dokkum and pretended to be a Dutch person from the city I am forced to live in, He brought the so called Christmas plant, which is a plant with green leaves that turns some times to red leaves, and a yearly calendar/diary. I did not recognize him as prince Philip, however I recognized him as if I saw him before, and the following morning I looked at the Internet and recognized him as prince Philip, on the other side he could be his hidden twin brother that was trying to confuse my mind with his appearance. And in his very short visit of approximately 30 minutes, he performed many things to my disadvantaged, among others he claimed to be from a nearby church and I should visit him some times and that the alleged African knows where he lives, and to make it very short, he was placing it in mind that he is better than the actual Christian in that he came to visit me and not like the alleged bad Christians such as my fake friends in the CIA city Unterschleissheim that not only they did not bother to visit me in my bad times, sent even a small post card, but they officially let me know through CIA or American military intelligence whore agent Birgit Wiedemann, that all my friends do no want to have any thing to do with me, but also the alleged Evangelical Lutheran church in Bridgeport Connecticut, or the Evangelical Lutheran church of Houston, Texas on Bissonnet that I asked for help in the year 2000 and their pastor made fun of me and sent me away. But also that piece of shit of prince Philip came indirect to visit me during a period where I started to recognize some of the member of my fake family as English royalties such as my official grand mother queen Victoria Mary of Teck that faked her own death in 1953 and went in to her other identity also as my grandmother Samiyath Khayat, and recognized my father as king George VI, and therewith he came not only to confirm that, but also to make sure that I cease to find out the identities of the rest of my fake family such as Jawdat Baroudi as son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second and that my official great uncle Fuad Khayat is in reality John D. Rockefeller junior the Second, and that my last manager at the concentrated evil brainwash and kidnap company Mr. Ruge is John D. Rockefeller the Third, because if I find out these identities, then it is very easy to recognize the rest of the concentrated evil life of mine. In other words and by his appearance he was covering up for the Rockefeller family. And he officially came to visit the alleged other refugee I am forced to live with, and that other refugee claims to be from Darfur, Sudan, and I claim he is not Sudanese but rather an evil FBI agent with the real identity of Ennis Cosby the alleged murdered son of the famous Afro-American actor/comedian Bill Cosby, due to as alleged Sudanese his leg is allegedly damaged and he has severe problem walking due to allegedly he was shot in Darfur, Sudan, and as Ennis Cosby he was also shot in USA by a drive by shooting as he had a car problems on the road some times in 1990s. The reason I get to think of this alleged Sudanese that he is Ennis Cosby is because my fake son Guenther Najar sent me an email and asked me what I think of Bill Cosby and some how they get me to think that this person is Ennis Cosby, whereby my fake son Guenther Najar has the aliases Abdulhamid Najar and Anas Najar, and Anas is similar to Ennis, yet I absolutely don’t see any connection through this name similarities, yet this alleged Sudanese name is Basheer Adam or Adam Basheer and after a while and through his name I remembered the first name of Mr. Basheer Kwader/Queder, hat they wanted to force me to think that he was Adolf Hitler in disguise, and his real name is Basheer Kwader/Queder and one of his sons name is Adam Kwader/Queder, and Adam was the one that I asked for help to escape home and then he not only molested me and rapped me sexually, but also sent me to his Islamic Brotherhood friend under the pretension they will help me Escape and they also molested me and rapped me sexually, and then my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias the mother fucker and piece of shit Bavarian governor Franz Joseph Strauss disguised as police captain came and pretended to rescue me of these no good mother fuckers, where by my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri was the first man that molested me and raped me sexually and all of them together organized my systematic rapping as a apart of my brainwash to force me to be shamed and not want to remember that bad times and therewith I would not voluntarily think about my evil past and not understand it and not discover the real identities of my fake family. And who is my fake son Guenther Najar alias Anas Najar alias Abdulhamid Najar, officially he is my son by rapping me through the CIA and Rockefeller/Bush/Windsor/Kennedy whore ugly agent bitch Najlaa Mahmoud, in reality he was placed in my life by force to manipulate my life as needed for the advantage of the Rockefeller, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy, Ford and other fucked Mafia families and to make sure that I never discover that some members of my fake family are Rockefellers. And these two pieces of shit Ennis Cosby and prince Philip came into my life in September and December 2006, respectively, after I was brought by force from the German prison in summer of 2006 to Holland, and in the German prison I wrote a letter to FBI complaining about my findings until then about my family that some of them are Nazis and some of them are Kennedy family members, and that my fake family are American/Europeans and perform many damages world wide to enrich their selves and that all my family as I knew until today are 100% fake and I have absolute no idea who is my biological father and mother, and asked them to help me to find the real identity of my father and mother. And this letter I sent at least in two hand written copies to the American consulate in Munich and American embassy in Berlin Germany addressed to the FBI. And shortly thereafter I was brought by force to Holland and they performed this scam upon me by Adam Basheer alias possibly Ennis Cosby and prince Philip alias possibly his hidden twin brother that would possibly claim he is not related to prince Philip as one of their last desperate attempted to show as if I imagine things, but also to push everything upon the Nazis and force me to cease to think and analyze the rest of my life, while parallel to that they are absolutely stressing me with ESP and with all the other pieces of shit and mother fuckers that are forced upon my life as a refugee and they make my life to hill. I definitely don’t trust the FBI or any other police agency or any one else. Period. Especially that the FBI have one major duty, which is security check upon every person that would become a member of the American government, such as senators, congress men, governors or presidents and others and therewith they will know the individual family members of each one of the government including their children, and therefore they knew I was raised by the mother fucker and piece of shit George H. W. Bush and then I disappeared and they made it look like as if Pauline Robin Bush died, in reality George W. Bush disappeared and was replaced by Fareed Kheir and Pauline Robin Bush is a look a like of Fareed Kheir alias the current George W. Bush, where is Pauline Robin Bush right now I have no idea, except she is a boy forced to live as a girl and later they changed it and made her looked as dead. Another reason I don’t trust the FBI is because they knowingly persecuted me in USA under the pretension they are allegedly helping me, but in reality they were helping cover up for their own bad doings, which is covering up for the disappearance of the actual George W. Bush, which is me. Is it true, I don’t know for fact, except every thing in my life point 100% to these facts. And the Rockefeller family officially brainwashed me and kidnapped me in cooperation with Ali bark alias professor Dr. Fischer to cover up for the Bush family, professor Joachim Sauer alias my fake uncle the terrorist and drug lord Dr. Farzat Baroudi, the Bavarian governor Franz Joseph Strauss alias my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak alias my fake brother-in-law the terrorist and drug lord Afaf Shawki the personal friend and biological relative of John D. Rockefeller the Third alias Mr. Ruge and other facts, it is a circle that they created and placed me right in the middle of it to hide what they did to me by force of nd international crime organization headed by Windsor and Rockefeller families the actual creator of the Al-Kaida to cover up for all the mass international crimes they performed upon many nations. And am the witness of all that by force of my forced upon me situation. The question is why are they all covering up for the Rockefeller families? Very simple because officially the Rockefeller family is controlling the most violent and absolute sadistic weapon of our lives, which is called USA military and with this weapon they not only terrorizing the lives of the American people (with fake national security reasons) with fake war on terrorism, but also terrorizing the entire world including all their family members in, and so it seems, a never ending cycle of evil. Yet I am doing the start in breaking it by saying the truth as I know it, regardless of any personal advantage, because what I lost and I am still losing it can never be measured financially due to it is life and life is much more worth than all the financial treasures in our lives.



1.     Persons surrounding me business wise through the company UDF Consulting AG

2.     Persons surrounding me privately and partially mixed with business during my employment at UDF Consulting AG

3.     Persons surrounding me privately during my employment at UDF Consulting AG

4.     Persons surrounding me in my trips out side Munich during the illegal project Calypso

5.     Terrorism surrounding me during that period of my employment at UDF Consulting AG

6.     Summary of Some of the setups and rapes in restaurants, bars, strip bars, prostitutes and prostitutes houses surrounding my employment at UDF Consulting AG

7.     Other persons situations surrounding me during and immediately after my forced upon me employment at UDF Consulting AG and before 10.10.1986



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