Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0445-JA


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             31.12.2007

Updated:                31.12.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Japanese girl at the bar in Hyatt hotel, Tokyo, Japan

See also the Japanese call girl

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

First saw/met

Age at that time

Last saw/met

Hidden biological relatives

Allegedly Died On

Surrounding me during

My persecution and brainwash by my fake family that consisted of some of my biological family members of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Bush and other fucked up Mafia families that were eager and would do any thing to cover up their real identities in the Middle East, including killing innocent people. During a period when Siemens AG was trying hard to get my attention to what my family was actually doing. During a period when the German police was constantly persecuting me to use me and prove that my fake families are terrorists and drug lords. During a period when the Americans disguised as German in and around Munich, Germany such as Unterschleissheim, Hoehenbrunn, Unterhaching, Baldham and other cities, were desperate to shut me up in that they persecuted me and brainwashed me while pretending to be German Christians. During a period when all of them together were preparing either to kill me or kidnap me to USA, which they did. During a period when my fake and biological families persecuted me very viciously after I discovered that they were printing a fake Quran in cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government at the Clett Verlag in Stuttgart, Germany to implicate the alleged German Nazis that were allegedly hiding in the Middle East, in short to implicate the Germans, because Germany was used by USA and England as scapegoat for all the crimes they were performing in the hidden and described within this website, such as terrorism, drugs and mass child kidnapping and molestation to create as many children as quick as possible that they can brainwash and claim them to be native of the Middle East. During a persistent period that my fake and biological families tried to link me to PLO and Palestinian terrorists. During my brainwash and enslaving with the help of he CIA, Mosad, American/English/Syrian military intelligence, Windsor, Rockefeller, Bush and Kennedy under their agent whore Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping to USA through the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso and in cooperation with the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG in cooperation with professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark, my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer, Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third, USA vice-president and later USA president George H. W. Bush, ex-German chancellor Helmut Kohl and ex-German vice Chancellor and ex-Bavarian governor Franz Joseph Strauss alias my fake step father Mohi Sabri. After rapping me uncountable times with men and women and took me to USA by force where they kept me letterly as hostage and slave for 15 years in USA and then dumped me in Holland identity and legal paperless to force me to live as a refugee with absolute no rights what so ever as a cover up for all the crimes they performed against me and against humanity.



Skin Color

Hair Color

Eye Color


Special Features

Special Crimes Against Me

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed





Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Profession under Alias

Official Nationality

Countries Lived In

Official Address

Disguise Methods













Other Relatives













Other Relatives

Friends of the Family

Official Businesses

Businesses Partners:

Illegal Businesses

Other Knowledge


Calypso Project Surroundings: UDF Consulting AG Incidents:


A.    The fake Japanese dinner invitation. While I was in Tokyo for these 5 days I was invited only once to an alleged typical Japanese dinner by the company Silver Reed, however I was also simultaneously forced to not attend this invitation, which is a paradox. On the one side my new booklet was not 100% complete and I wanted to finish it, due to SCS stole all my documents and on the other side they wanted me to concentrate on that American/Japanese whore they forced upon me through their hotel bar, and was with me every single night, exchanged places with other look a like and all of them rapped me as cover up for all the other women that they get in my hotel room while I am unconscious. See detail below

B.    The Japanese call girl. Nothing I did in Tokyo, Japan and during this trip was me it was all 100% ESP control, especially that I was foreigners and no one really cares to help any foreigner and that is one of the reasons why they forced me all my life to live as foreigner. I located some call girl service through the telephone book, and call them and said letterly I want a Japanese girl, as if it is sexually any difference from my point of view and based on my life experience all women surrounding my life were 100% cheap whores and prostitutes working for CIA, various military intelligence and other secret services of other countries or working for the pieces of shit Windsor and Rockefeller families and their hidden branches. Any way they sent me one that was not only ugly but absolutely repellent to not only have sex with but also to look at or be with, at least to me. And that was planned enable to force me to like the other one and not suspect that she was set on me, in that I immediately was happy to have a nice looking girl, but also to force me to think that all Japanese women are ugly as this whore and only American/Japanese girls are nice looking. I refused to have sex with her and asked her to leave, I believe she wanted some money for her trouble that I was forced to give her using my credit card, which is a little bid fuzzy in my memory and I can’t exactly recall what happened, therefore I have the strong suspicion that she knocked me unconscious and had sex with me with out my approval. And this girl/woman looked very similar to the alleged adopted girl of Steven Segal. Steven Segal has allegedly an adopted daughter from Japan, which and based on the information I found on the Internet it is not only similar look as the women I rejected at that time, but also age wise fits that year 1985. It is all fucked up situations created by these pieces of shit Windsor and Rockefeller for multipurpose, for one to distract the blame of their selves and pin pointed on my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi and therefore on the alleged pieces of shit Syrians that pretend to be Moslem since 1940s, but also to divide between people and in particular between me and my children, just the thought that I call the mother of my alleged daughter or son as absolute repellent to man kind is not good for that son or daughter and they will not think good of their father, in matter of fact they will then attack their father to protect their whore mother that raised them and they solidarize with, and I don’t care, because they rapped me and I did not choose these pieces of shit for women or to have sex with them, it is my business what I like and dislike who and what I judge as nice looking or ugly for my self, beside the whole situation is absolutely wrong, immoral and illegal by law and was forced upon me by these pieces of shit mother fuckers no good for human trash Windsor and Rockefeller families and they have absolutely no right to do that to me or to any one else, even if they are mentally sick, then they should be locked up, unfortunately there isn’t large enough mental institution for all these mother fuckers, actually I should call them sons and daughters fuckers, because they are the ones who rape their own children and train their mind to do the same and are trying desperately to show as if there are a few bad children with ESP that control these situations, in other words they trying to push the blame on the children and that is why we say mother fuckers instead sons and daughters fuckers

C.    My mass rape by unknown women while I am semi conscious to not recognize the different women, and simultaneously implicate me as if I am knowingly doing it. First how did I get to know this girl that always said Jesus Loves you? The company Silver Reed reserved a room for me at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Tokyo, which is 4-5 stars luxury hotel, I can’t recall the name of the area, however the hotel elevators were all glass and can see up to a certain floor (possibly 4th-8th floor) the reception, and therewith the ceiling at the reception is very high and after that particular floor the elevator is outside the building and therewith you can see Tokyo, which it almost made me daisy to be so high up and able to see all around me as if I was with out floor below my feet, and to this description there should be only one Hotel building in Tokyo that was very high between 30-40 floors. On Tuesday evening the Silver Reed representative in Frankfurt, Germany that came with me to Japan invited me for a drink at the hotel bar immediately after I checked in the hotel, and therewith he forced me to get to know this hotel bar. Either on Wednesday or Thursday, I went alone to this hotel Bar and there was only the bartender, two girls and me which is a very similar setup to the set up performed on me during the project Calypso and with the two CIA whores that I later was forced to introduce to the American/English military intelligence agent lieutenant colonel Dr. Labeed Salameh that pretended to be Syrian military intelligence. And since both incidents had similar setups that alone shows that it is a routine setup by an absolutely limited and fucked up brains of the CIA and/or American/English military intelligence. One of the two girls was American, white and fat/over weight around 100-120 kg, the other was much smaller/shorter and not over weight and claimed to be American/Japanese girl, I can’t recall how we get to talk together, possibly the bartender introduced us together. What is important is that the American/Japanese girl went up with me to my room and the white American woman left and I never saw her consciously after that, consciously because and for all I knew she came up to my room and rapped me while I am unconscious. To make it short she was very nice looking and that is why they sent me the other ugly call girl, so I may think this one is beautiful and cease to think about this incident. In my room we had sex while I am full conscious, however I had a few drinks that today I not only suspect but I know due to the situation she mixed some thing in my drinks sort of a mixture of drugs and Viagra to force me to have as much sex as possible in this short period of time that we spend together enable to rape me by unknown and uncountable amount of girls/women from Wednesday/Thursday and until Saturday morning, because she was with me every night, and I even left her in the room and went to work, so I may think it was only one person. I recall that I had sex and then went to sleep, then I was waken up after short while and had sex a gain and this process repeated for the entire 3-4 days, which based on the situation and my feelings at that time 100% point to that she rapped me, then knocked me unconscious exchanged places with another look a like then waked me up and I was rapped by another women, whereby they could very well have been not even very look a like however I was not able to tell the difference due to the room was dark/very dimmed, I had some thing to drink that most definitely had some drug in it and therewith my consciousness was very fuzzy, but also I was absolutely physically exhausted and was forced with ESP to think I like that being so tired and repeatedly have sex with this beautiful girl. Why did they wake me up to have sex with me with another look a like if they could have made it while I am unconscious? My guess and enable I discover that I had sex with more than one, then I would think it was only 3-5 every night which amounts to 9-15 girls/women during this period, but in reality I had sex with possibly 15 or more girls in one night, which it amounts to more than 50 girls/women in this period alone, considering that some of them did not get pregnant, most probably at least 40 of them get pregnant, considering that some mother fucking medical doctor supervised all that, they most probably spermed me for another uncountable women, because and with medical supervision and out of each time they sperm me (take sperm of me with out my knowledge) and based on my uneducated but experienced guess they can sperm 3-10 women, therefore and very possibly they generated far more than 200 children through me during this period and is not necessarily all Japanese, they could be from any country in the world and all colors, but also they can transport the sperm to any were in the world including USA and the Middle East or even Germany. All that is absolutely evil, wrong, immoral and against the law in every single country, but also is repeatedly destroying and stealing my personal freedom and until today

D.    My persecution by the American/Japanese whore that claimed Jesus Loves you even in Munich, Germany and in cooperation with the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud and the Rockefeller bitch and my fake nephew Essam Shawki. This alleged American/Japanese girl that used me for mass rape pretended to be Christian and kept on saying to me Jesus Loves, which it shows as if she is allegedly Christian while framing actual Christians for her criminal acts performed against me, but also she pretended to allegedly get my attention to Christians. Fact is who ever believes in the teaching of Jesus Christ would never do any thing remotely close to these criminal acts. Last time I saw her consciously was on Saturday of that February/March 1985 and as I was checking out of my hotel around 9-10 in the morning and wanted to go look at the shopping area in Tokyo and shop a few things such all the forced up on me list of products such as the many cameras, watches and other items. I gave her some money and said I would like to invite her for lunch but I have no time and asked her to go by her self. Which it gave me a very bad feelings and thoughts due to I was treating her as a cheap prostitute while she repeatedly kept on saying Jesus Loves you, and that was designed to force me to feel bad towards her and cease to think about her and analyze the situation. Later she sent me 1-2 letters that were used by the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud and my fake nephew Essam Shawki alias Rockefeller to brainwash me by force of ESP and creating situations to force me to think as if I am voluntarily with Najlaa Mahmoud and that I have done some thing wrong with this American/Japanese girl and therewith forced my mind to completely cease to think about all situations related to this incidents and letters, which was one of many steps to force my mind to completely stop thinking and just be a salve under CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud under the protection of many such as Windsor, Rockefeller, Bush, Kennedy, Ford, CIA, FBI and other mother fuckers not good for human trash, which they finally did bring my brain and gradually to a total stop in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA between 1986-1990 in that and among others I was totally isolated and surrounded with thugs and had no way out and therewith they forced me to give up and cease to think about any thing that connect me with any thing with my past and therewith is my brain dead, due to I can’t use my experience any more because I ceased to think about my pasty and I don’t care any more about any thing or any one due to I was forced to give up. And that is more than concentrated evil that they performed on many and still are performing these pieces of shit mother fuckers and human molesters.


End of Calypso Project Surroundings: UDF Consulting AG Incidents


Will follow


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