Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0064


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             12.09.2008

Updated:                17.02.2009

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Hosni Mubarak, current Egyptian president a half Afro-American or Afro-British alias my ex-brother-in-law and terrorist Afaf Shawki alias a joined son of Windsor, Bush, Kennedy and Rockefeller families


This person is identified as:

1.     (Added on 25.02.2009) Most probably member at The American military intelligence secret base in USA that simulated Damascus, Syria in summer 1959 to December 1959

2.     My ex-brother-in-law the terrorist Afaf Shawki the official husband of my fake sister Fadia Nagar

3.     As half brother to John D. Rockefeller the Third, or even his son, because the ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al-Naser is to 99% the son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second alias my fake granduncle Fuad Khayat alias the father of John D. Rockefeller the Third, it is a family business, father set a president and his son followed and set another president that is a joint son of Rockefeller, Bush and Windsor families

4.     The fake father of my nephew Essam Shawki (white, blond with blue eyes) and niece Esmat Shawki (Chinese)

5.     My persecutor and attempted to murder me to cover up his own identity


See also: new photos, his ex-wife as one of the Members of my household

Name in Arabic

حسني مبارك

Relation to me

The American and English military intelligence agent alias my ex-brother-in-law the civilian pilot at Egypt Air airline Afaf Shawki that bombed his own plane in 1967 killing many so called Arab or Egyptian ministers in his plane and went into his new identity as Hosni Mubarak, and ever since they severely persecuted me to cover up his true identity

First saw/met

Summer 1960 at 111 Al-Higaz/Hijaz street next to Heliopolis hospital (=Rockefeller) as our new neighbor that shared his apartment with an alleged Canadian pilot alias John D. Rockefeller the Third alias Mr. Ruge in 1985-1986 in Germany

Age at that time

Allegedly around 30 years

Last saw/met

Summer 1967 just before he faked his own death by bombing his own plane killing many Egyptian ministers that had to be replaced with new Americans and/or British disguised as Egyptians

Hidden biological relatives

Rockefeller, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy, Shawki, Bdeir, Abokurah, Baroudi, Sulaiman, Ismael and many others

Allegedly Died On

Still living and killing innocent persons. He is one of the biggest drug lords worldwide

Surrounding me during

Immediately after my kidnapping in 1959, my brainwash to isolate me of every one and in particular of actual native Egyptians while my fake family was pretending to be Moslems and native Syrians and many of them were also allegedly native Egyptians, Jordanians and Lebanese, all the countries that were 100% controlled by England and USA. Later persecuted me to death to not recognize that they are all Americans, English and other nationalities crime organization members, in particular of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Bush, Kennedy and other fucked up crime families. Due to mainly Hosni Mubarak alias Afaf Shawki, his later  landlord the escaped Nazi Dr. Lapeep and his fake son Hani Lapeep alias George H. W. Bush, their neighbor Hisham Al-Jumaiee alias James E. Robinson the official grandfather of Barbara pierce Bush the wife of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush and my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri alias the governor of Bavaria, Germany Franz Joseph Strauss, I was molested and rapped sexually to prevent me of thinking of these times, I was beaten up, prevented to have any papers and forced to be a refugee all my life and even today, prevented of marrying a woman that I love, having my own family and children, having a profession, having a business or/and in general having a free life without physical or mental torture. In other words the pieces of shit CIA, American military intelligence and German police persecuted me to death and forced me to live as slave and hostage all my life to prevent me of recognizing Hosni Mubarak as the piece of shit American and English terrorist Afaf Shawki my alleged dead ex-brother-in-law, including all the above mentioned above and elsewhere within this website and surround him at that time and today.


See Afaf Shawki


See Afaf Shawki

Skin Color

Afro-American or Afro-British mixed with white and possibly also Chinese

Hair Color


Eye Color



He think he is God

Special Features

Very aggressive, very vicious, very violent

Special Crimes Against Me

Persecuted me to death in 1961-1969, ordered my brainwash and molesting me sexually (rapping me) as a part of brainwash forced upon me to prevent me of wanting to remember my past and analyze it.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Husni Mubarak-1.jpg

Husni Mubarak-4.jpg


Husni Mubarak-3.jpg

Husni Mubarak-2.jpg



Suzan Mubarak-1.jpg



Photo-A01 to Photo-A05: Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak alias my ex-brother-in-law Afaf Shawki alias an Afro-American mixed with Afro-British, his mother is very possibly Wallis the Duchess of Windsor (alias Elham Baroudi sister of Jameel Baroudi alias king George V and alleged second wife of the American/English military intelligence agent General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman) and wife to ex-king of England named Edward VIII

Photo-A06: Two American/English terrorists together that are 100% biological half brothers. To the left: Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak alias the terrorist Afaf Shawki that bombed his own plane in 1967 and killed many Egyptian and other so called Arab ministers and went into the identity as Hosni Mubarak. Whereby his official brother Elwee Shawki also bombed his own plane in 1968 faked his own death and went undercover in an unknown to me identity  To the right: the famous terrorist international from 1960 and until his fake death in France in 2004 Yasser Arafat that arranged in cooperation with my fake family many terrorist attacks in Germany and in the Middle east also and mainly against Israel top show as if they are not Americans and English the inventor and protectors of Israel to create worldwide confusion. Among others they tried hard to implicate me with the vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics to give the pieces of shit and mother fuckers American military intelligence and CIA a reason to persecute me enable they can isolate me of the general public, which they did among others with the help of the CIA agent whore Anita Disbray and Russell alias Bill Gates of Microsoft Corporation, and not allow anyone to help me to understand the shit I was placed into after they kidnapped me in 1959.

Photo-B01: Suzan Mubarak the official wife of the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak alias the terrorist Afaf Shawki. Suzan Mubarak is a mix between Afro-American or Afro-British and Chinese or Japanese that iron her hair and bleaches her skin to look white or allegedly Egyptian


(Added on 17.02.2009) Photo-B02 and B03: my brother-in-law the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak next to the photo of my fake brother Nick Naggar that shows that they are related, one is mixed Rockefeller with Afro-Americans and my fake brother also Rockefeller family member.


(Added on 17.02.2009) Photo-B04 and B05: Same as above


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Hosni Mubarak, current Egyptian president a half Afro-American or Afro-British alias my ex-brother-in-law and terrorist Afaf Shawki alias a joined son of Windsor, Bush, Kennedy and Rockefeller families


This person is identified as:

1.     My ex-brother-in-law the terrorist Afaf Shawki the official husband of my fake sister Fadia Nagar

2.     As half brother to John D. Rockefeller the Third, or even his son, because the ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al-Naser is to 99% the son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second alias my fake granduncle Fuad Khayat alias the father of John D. Rockefeller the Third, it is a family business, father set a president and his son followed and set another president that is a joint son of Rockefeller, Bush and Windsor families

3.     The fake father of my nephew Essam Shawki (white, blond with blue eyes) and niece Esmat Shawki (Chinese)

4.     My persecutor and attempted to murder me to cover up his own identity

Profession under Alias

1960-1967: Pilot at Egypt air airline and illegal drug smuggle

After 1967-1981 unknown to me, most probably member of the government under the later murdered president in 1981 president Anwar Al-Sadat, also an Afro-American mix with Chinese, where h took over his place after his death in 1981

1981 to current president of Egypt and international drug lord for the Rockefeller, Bush, Kennedy, Windsor and other families

Official Nationality

Egyptian, in reality he was 100% born and raised outside Egypt somewhere in USA, England or even Asia and came to Egypt end 1950s or 1960 as I saw him  first time living with his alleged Canadian pilot alias John D. Rockefeller the Third as our new neighbor, then he married my fake sister Fadia Nagar that pretend to be raising his hidden children named Essam Shawki and Esmat Shawki in England in reality they are the children of John D. Rockefeller the Third and some Chinese

Countries Lived In

Consciously I just saw him in Egypt

Official Address

In Egypt: summer 1960 111 Al-Higaz street next to Heliopolis hospital owned by Rockefeller, 1961/62 Abo Bakr Al-Sadek street in the only 4 floor building directly opposite the military Air Force airport named Almaza in Masr Al-Gadiedah, Cairo, Egypt.

Later unknown to me

Disguise Methods

First pretended to be native Egyptian, second pretended to be Indian, third pretended to be not black, fourth pretended to be only a drug smuggler, fifth pretended to be dead in 1967







Unknown, however he must be of the Rockefellers. See Afaf Shawki for more details


Unknown, however he must be of the Rockefellers, Bush and/or Windsor families


Unknown to me, however you can’t become a president if you don’t have a huge circle of half brothers, sisters and cousins


Unknown to me, however you can’t become a president if you don’t have a huge circle of half brothers, sisters and cousins


Unknown to me, however you can’t become a president if you don’t have a huge circle of half brothers, sisters and cousins


Susan Mubarak a mixed Afro-American or Afro-British with white and Chinese


Gamal Mubarak, Alaa Mubarak and others unknown to me

Other Relatives

His official relatives are unknown to me







Unknown to me, however he must be of the Rockefeller family, most probably John D. Rockefeller the Third


Unknown to me but it must be of the Rockefeller, Bush, Windsor families that is half Afro-American or Afro-British


Unknown to me, see his other profile as Afaf Shawki


Unknown to me, see his other profile as Afaf Shawki


Unknown to me, see his other profile as Afaf Shawki


My fake sister Fadia Naggar is one of his many wives to generate and hide his biological children under fake identities that later help him as a president while pretending not to be related to him


Unknown to me, however I suspect him to have many hidden children, some of them allegedly my fake nephew Essam Shawki which is impossible because he is white, blond and blue eyes, and my fake niece Esmat Shawki which is also impossible because she is either full or half Chinese mixed with white

Other Relatives

Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Bush, Dardiri, Sulaiman. Amer, Hasan, Shawki, CEO of Egypt Air airline, Khodori/Chodori, Sabri, Abokurah, Baroudi, Khayat, Bdeir and many others. These mentioned relatives are easy for me to establish the hidden relation based on the situations of my own life that can’t lie to me.

Friends of the Family

Al-Jumaiee, and all the pieces of shit and mother fuckers that were living next to him in the city section called Almaza and covering up for him, among others by rapping me through Hani Lapeep alias the CIA agent George H. W. Bush

Official Businesses

1960-1967: Pilot at Egypt air airline and illegal drug smuggle

After 1967-1981 unknown to me, most probably member of the government under the later murdered president in 1981 president Anwar Al-Sadat, also an Afro-American mix with Chinese, where h took over his place after his death in 1981

1981 to current president of Egypt and international drug lord for the Rockefeller, Bush, Kennedy, Windsor and other families

Businesses Partners:

All mentioned above and more mentioned within this site such as CIA, American military intelligence, American military, some British secret service agency or agencies, pieces of shit Syrian military intelligence (See project Calypso), German Police, and many American large companies such as Chevron, Texaco Bellaire and Texaco in Texaco Building, Shell petroleum, British Petroleum, Exxon/Esso, UtiliCorp United, Siemens AG, IBM, Apple Computers, Microsoft Corporation, Sun Micro Systems and others that persecuted me to death in Germany and USA from 1970-2000 and continued to persecute me even in the Netherlands and Germany after 2001 and until current. In short all his pieces of shit partners among others in illegal drugs and money laundering. They just not only prevented me of thinking, remembering and understanding my past and present situation, but also and most definitely prevented me of advancing in any way what so ever including mentally, emotionally, professionally, socially or even to love a woman.

Illegal Businesses

Drugs, illegal human experiments, mass smuggling Americans and English as alleged Egyptians to many countries and in particular to countries they want to steal and control such as Iraq, where they sent more than one million Americans, Europeans and Russians disguised as Egyptians and that is the number one reason why George H. W. Bush set up Iraq with Kuwait to officially support his hidden mass spies that are used in the modern warfare instead of official military staff and later his son George W. Bush invaded Iraq with falsified claims to not endanger their plan of uncovering the mass Americans, Chinese  and Europeans that went to Iraq disguised as Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese, fake Palestinians. In short these mass spies were able to locate the heads of each location and register it enable that the military bomb them to death and then take their place with the hidden spies, just like they did in Germany during the second world war and in Egypt after the second world war. Killing human to steal their land is the most commonly used hidden crimes of our century under the pretension they are freeing the population, but how g\free are the Iraqis or even Egyptians that are 100% and at least since 1953 under the American and English control? They are not free they are enslaved, because slavery is prohibited in Europe and USA and that is why they go to the weaker countries and enslave them. It is all very sad. They are sad people and they bring a lot of sadness upon others.

Other Knowledge

All below are dump stupid mother fuckers that are created by the Rockefeller and Windsor families as a new race to control the new established Middle East countries by mixed up and messed up mixes of white, black, Chinese/Japanese and hormones. Japanese because many of them pretended to be Nazi supporting Adolf Hitler cause against Jewish and Adolf Hitler best ally was the pieces of shit Japanese Royal family a relative of Windsor and Rockefellers that are misusing the American military to kill their opponents or enslave them from 1945 and until today in 2008, however I have uncountable indication in my life that these pieces of shit around my life are mainly Chinese origin as a trade off with among others the Bush family enable they can help them control the USA ever since Ronald Reagan took over in 1980 and until today with the human trash and traitor to Americans and humanity George W. Bush that in reality is so dump, yet he is the president of USA as distraction of all the evil families behind him such as Chinese, Rockefeller, Windsor, Kennedy and others unknown to me at the moment however I know what they own, they own among other the stupid George W. Bush that can’t make a decision by his own brain except through them


See the following hidden relations:

1.     Shawki family

2.     Mohamad Nagib, first American president of Egypt after 1953

3.     Gamal Abd Al-Naser Naser family, second American president of Egypt after 1953

4.     Anwar Al-Sadat, third American president of Egypt after 1953

5.     Hosni Mubarak, fourth American/English president of Egypt after 1953

6.     Gamal Mubarak, the possible fifth American/English president of Egypt after 1953

7.     Khadiga (Mona) Mubarak (previously El-Gamal) the wife of Gamal Mubarak and a very look alike of the CIA whore that they used to enslave me under for 15 years named Najlaa Mahmoud

8.     Abd Al-Hakeem Amer, the Afro-American and hidden brother to my distant cousin general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman

9.     Dr. Ahmad Nazif, the current Egyptian Prime Minister and hidden brother to my brother-in-law Abdalghani Abokurah alias hidden brother to prince Charles and princes Ann of England

10.  Omar Sulaiman the current head of Egyptian intelligence (=CIA branch) alias hidden son of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi alias hidden son of the Rockefeller most probably the son of John D. Rockefeller junior the Second and brother to John D. Rockefeller the third alias Mr. Ruge in 1985-1986 Germany alias the fake Canadian pilot and apartment mate to my ex-brother-in-law the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak

11.  Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, Field Marshal in Egypt and deceive German title of a higher military ranked, alias the son of the Afro-American military intelligence agent that later became the first Afro-American as president of Egypt after 1953 named Mohamad Nagib, and Mohamad Hussein Tantawi is the brother of Adel Hasan. And Mohamad Hussein Tantawi is of the family Tantawi the same family that control the Islamic Brotherhood through Sheikh Dr. Mohamad Sayed Tantawi

12.  Sheikh Dr. Mohamad Sayed Tantawi the head of Al-Azhar university in Cairo, Egypt and brother to my brother-in-law Seev Aldin Bdeir that his family also created the Islamic College of Jordan in Amman, Jordan in cooperation with Mohamad Ali Bdeir and the Abokurah family alias Windsor and Spanish royalty family. Mohamad Sayed Tantawi is very possibly the same person as the father of my friend Mahmoud alias the CIA agent Steven Segal. Mohamed Hussein Tantawi is one of the masterminds behind the first bombing of the World Trade Center in New York city by an Egyptian Sheikh of Al-Azhar university, and most probably he is also responsible for the second bombing on 11.09.2001 to help strengthen the position of George W. Bush and give them a reason to expand the military and steal Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran, because he is of the Rockefeller, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy and other evil, vicious, sadistic families

13.  Mohi Sabri alias Franz Joseph Strauss the governor of Bavaria, Germany

14.  The drug lord Ali Bark alias professor Dr. Fischer alias professor Dr. Manfred Schreiber the police president of Munich, Germany from 1963 to 1983

15.  Hani Lapeep the fake son of the escaped Nazi Dr. Lapeep the landlord of Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak. Hani Lapeep is the CIA agent George H. W. Bush

16.  Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, and Afro American or Afro-British that pretended to be the father of my alleged dead father that was made up with the name Abdulhamid Abdallah Shaker Najar. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael was the lover of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi while she was married to Mohi Sabri alias Franz Joseph Strauss. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael was member of the Egyptian government and was later Egypt representative to United nation Organization supporting USA and England while pretending to be their enemy

17.  General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman an American military intelligence agent that was a general in the Egyptian military

18.  Jameel Baroudi alias king George V

19.  His alleged sister Elham Baroudi alias Wallis the Duchess of Windsor

20.  Egypt Airline CEO alias unknown to me American rich person that lived simultaneously two identities one in USA and one in Egypt, he owned several high raises (tall building or sky scrapers), movie theaters  and controlled the purchase of Boeing airplanes to be from Boeing and not from other sources such as Russia or other American airplane manufacturer, and he was the official boss of the pilot Afaf Shawki that came to Egypt in 1959 or 1960 pretending to be Native Egyptian and later became the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak

21.  Esmat Khodori/Chodori and her brother and sister that came to Egypt in 1967 pretending to be Egyptian victims of the war with Israel coming out of Port Said city. She was officially the niece of the CEO of Egypt air and was supplied with fake documents as if she was  a native of Egypt just like they did with the terrorist Afaf Shawki alias Hosni Mubarak a few years later, while pretending to be Russians or Israelis

22.  My fake sister Fadia Naggar with her fake two children that alleged originated of Afaf Shawki

23.  The Kwader/Queder family that pretend to be from Poland that are pretending to be Syrian immigrated to Egypt in 1950s, while one of them named Jameel Kwader is a very look alike of Adolf Hitler, because he pretended to be the son of Adolf Hitler, while his alleged brother Basheer Kwader pretended to be Adolf Hitler in disguise and maybe he was

24.  The CIA persecuted me

25.  The American military intelligence persecuted me

26.  The American military persecuted me

27.  The German police persecuted me

28.  The German government persecuted me under the control of Franz Joseph Strauss, Willy Brandt, Helmut Schmidt, Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Schroeder, Angelika Merkel to support their pieces of shit allies American and English military that officially control Germany along with the French and Russian military with the help of their many hidden allies such as Netherland military at least within NATO.


All in all many of them pretended to be escaped Nazi or maybe they also were, so the alleged Egyptians accept them to help them and allegedly kill all Israelis, which was also a trick, Israel was placed there by Americans and English that are pretending to be Nazi that are fighting Israel.


It is an absolute evil mind trap that they used enable the Egyptian accept them, because they were against the prior king that was of the English royal family pretending to be Turkish origin and had constant problems maintaining his position as a king, and therewith they came up with this new evil scheme enable the Egyptian accept them as their new Masters, and to make it believable that they are with the Egyptians and originated Nazis they performed uncountable terrorist attacks against Israel and many other innocent and unwanted Jewish in Europe and the Middle East and in this evil process they killed many other bystander such as Americans, Israeli, Germans, English, Egyptians and others. They even gone so far to create a fake war to destroy the hopes of the so called Arabs and Palestinians to be free, in that they made sure that the Israeli won the war and that allegedly no one can beat them. But why does someone has to beat or eradicate someone else? To Steal his land the most scarce product in our lives. The Quran teaches to force others to become Moslem (a salve that accept that everything happened around his life is decided by God) or kill them, the Bible teaches in old testament to eradicate the enemy and take their land and the new testament teaches to accept all that, give up and run away and that is allegedly better because their Master Jesus Christ was also persecuted, and they should also give up like him and go somewhere else, in other words all religion books known to me are teaching violence or submission to the crime organization mention within enable to allow them to steal that land. And all that is just wrong. Israel creation was beneficial for the crime organization, because they want to control the countries surrounding Israel and blame all the miseries in their own countries on one allegedly evil country that causing them all that, which is Israel, in other words they are using Israel as scapegoat, not forgetting that the people that lives in Israel are not goats but rather human just like the people that lives in Africa, India, USA, China or the so called Arab countries, but who can think properly of these so called Arabs when they are suppressed and persecuted to death just to have cheap labor for legal and illegal drugs and natural resources such as petroleum, gold, iron, and many other resources that are all here for all of us, this is not communism, nor it is capitalism, it is crime against humanity performed by these pieces of shit and mother fuckers queers and lesbians that believe that God is unisexual or bisexual and want to force everyone to be like them while simultaneously persecuting queers and lesbian to show is if they are not, but also to create a conflict or a contradiction or a paradox which is a brainwash method that prevent the brainwashed of thinking properly. Many of them pretend to be queers or lesbians to cover up the fact that they have many hidden children. It is a crime organization that organizes also confusions among the general public enable to control them like goats, cows, sheep, dogs or horses.



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