03.07.2009 – NOTE: I
was not able, yet, to establish the connections between all
the individual profiles, therefore and to see some of the related profiles
to each individual profile, which are placed in sequence, meaning after
each other, and as much as I was able to do it and as I was able to
remember them and relate them to each other an example of that is the Windsor family profile in comparison with the Bush, Rockefeller,
Bdeir and Baroudi
families members profiles. And this problem is due to mainly two reasons,
one I was severely brainwashed to not recognize anything in my life to not
recognize my original and true parents, second reason is that I am being
severely persecuted by persons with ESP=Telepathy that are related to these
above mentioned evil families (=my hidden biological families) and
are often forcing different priorities and thoughts upon me to divert me of
finding the truth and causing a lot of confusion within my complaint pages,
these pages.
13.07.2009 – I disabled the
web site on 09.07.2007 to stop persons of persecuting me, due to
my physical health status is suffering, that is effecting everything in my
life and no one is helping, but they did not stop, I enabled the website
again on 13.07.2009.
See “My Daily Log” for details of
persecution. Also and from today on I will refrain or stop using bad
language in my complaint pages and calling persons that persecuted me and
still unjustly persecuting bad words such as “Mother Fuckers” and I will try to be objectively
without prejudice.
29.11.2008 - Another four Rockefeller family members immediately in and
around my life to keep me as slave and hostage. For details click
here the list of major new
03.07.2009 – Tomorrow is 4th of July the
official but fake USA independence day of the evil Windsor
family=English royalties. Fake because I am American citizen and
was raised by the evil Bush family as George W. Bush until 1959 when they exchanged
us (George W. Bush and Mohamad Nuzhat Najar) and kidnapped me from
USA to Egypt in 1959 after wiping off my memory and falsifying my age from
13 to 7 years old, falsifying my nationality from American to Syrian and
placed me within an international crime organization that consisted of American and English military intelligence
agents that pretended to be my family, ever
since they performed uncountable severe crimes against me in the name of
National Security to prevent me of ever finding out the truth about my
this day, 4th of July 2000, I was begging the American government
to set me free, in that I was protesting and sleeping in front of the INS-immigration and Naturalization Services’
offices in Northpoint drive in Greenspoint area in North of Houston, Texas,
USA and asking them to help me against the, unknown to me at that time,
mother fuckers Bush family that kidnapped me from Germany in 1986 in the name of
National security, and kept me as an illegal alien, hostage and slave for
15 years in USA and then jailed me in July 2000 in Houston, Texas and
dumped me in February 2001 in the Netherland to protect the mother fucker
and excess of evil the current ex-USA president George
W. Bush prior to the election in November 2000, which they repeated the
process and jailed me again in
Germany from Mai to November 2004, election period of the same mother
fucker and excess of evil the current ex-USA president George W. Bush. And all this after they forced
me to be homeless in Houston, Texas from September 1999 until they jailed
me in July 2000 to force me to voluntarily leave USA prior to the election,
but I did not leave USA voluntarily, I was forced to leave it, which is
kidnapping by the Bush family that control
Houston, Texas where I was kept as slave and hostage from December 1990 to
February 2001 with the help of their American
military intelligence agents that some of them pretended to be Syrians
and live in Houston, Texas with fake nationalities such as the Mushref and Khodor (=Mormons
from Utah pretending to be Moslem and related to the American agent Russell) families as well as the fake
Turkish Köse family and many others as mentioned
within my complaint pages=these pages. Note: The current ex-USA
president George W. Bush was raised as Mohamad Nuzhat Najar in Saudi Arabia, Iraq,
Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, Egypt and other countries to familiarize
himself with the hidden empire of the Rockefeller,
Windsor, Bush, Kennedy families that they always want to expand it
to the entire world, which they are doing one piece at a time such as the Bush government did and expanded the official
American empire to Iraq and Afghanistan and prior to that to Germany,
Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippine, New Zeeland, Australia, Canada, Hong
Kong, Singapore and many other countries and they use their own family
members as slaves, hostages, soldiers and other kind of slaveries such as
illegal drugs and prostitutions, to reach their goals. Therefore The Bush family 100% planned and performed the vicious terrorist attack on
11.09.2001 the World Trade center bombing to have a reason to invade
Afghanistan and Iraq and steal these two countries and set their own family
members as government such as the prime minister of Iraq Maliki or the
Afghani president Karzei.
01.07.2009 – There is absolutely no difference
between the governments of Iran, North Korea, China and other dictatorships
and the governments of USA, England, Germany and the Netherlands, all of them have
at least one thing in common, which is prohibiting their victims to speak
out about the crimes they perform against them such as they did and still
are doing to me. But also there is no difference between Islamic countries
such as Pakistan and Afghanistan and so called Christian countries, also
here they have at least one thing in common, which is the Islamic countries
prohibit the population to question the Quran, Islamic religious books and
Islamic leaders/dictators, and in the so called Christian countries they
prohibit me to question the motives and the crimes performed by the
American military, NATO and in particular the severe performed crimes
against their own people as they did to me and still doing to me until
today, at least in preventing me to have any citizenship to not allow any
law to protect me against American military
intelligence, CIA, FBI,
Bush, Rockefeller,
Windsor, Kennedy
and others. All that is absolute cruel and sadistic and point to a huge
mental instability in their own minds and lack of self confidence of their
own doings and that is why they constantly use force and wars, at least
against me since 1959 to prevent me of getting free, because how I am
living today it is 100% covered up captivity and slavery under permanent
mental and physical torture.
01.07.2009 – Often I wanted to thank the Dutch
police for helping me several times in the last 8 years, in particular to
giving me the idea in summer 2007 of writing a profile for each one around
my life since 1959, which helped me to concentrate on certain persons and
situations and recognize my hidden persecutors since 1959, but also why
they are persecuting me. Also I often wanted to thank those who are helping
me indirectly or also from the background to recognize many things about my
persecutors. Yet I am not certain if thanking them is the right thing to
do, because and in the hidden my life is getting much worse than before, at
least with the forced up me torture in preventing me of having good sleep
or physical torture on my body as it is mentioned within my daily sleeping log.
18.06.2009 – I am asking anyone for help. Some unknown are persecuting me with ESP
and preventing me of having good sleep. Can anyone help?? Click here for more
11.05.2009 – Happy Mother’s day for what it’s worth to my actual
unknown mother, because the woman shown under the profile of Hayat Baroudi is not my mother but is rather
covering up for my first fake mother that kidnapped me from USA in 1959.
Happy Mother’s day to all honest and faith full actual mothers. Happy
Mother’s day to all the women I knew and were raising with love and care
their own actual children and not the hidden children of the Bush, Rockefeller,
Windsor, Kennedy
and other organized crime families that
enslaves women and use them to raise their hidden children and then destroy
their lives to prevent them of knowing the truth that they were used as a
nanny such as the actual Adelheid Kuczka, one
of the Fadia Nagar and others but also using
me to raise my fake son Abdulhamid Najar that
today I strongly suspect him to be the son of the mother fucker ex-USA
president George W. Bush.
22.04.2009 – The Dutch
around my life and the crimes of the Bush family shows how excess of evil is the organized
crime family named Bush that persecuted me
to death to cover up that I was used since my birth as decoy and double for
the mother fucker ex-USA president George W.
17.04.2009 – I think it is time to take time off for
a few days and write about my situation in Netherland
and why I have totally contradicting thoughts and feelings towards the
country that is giving me shelter and officially is treating me good, yet
and in the hidden it is all the opposite and who is responsible for this
vicious contradiction, because I am being physically and mentally tortured
by ESP and no one is seeing it except me and my torturers (plural).
16.04.2009 (Modified on 17.04.2009) – I feel I
have to declare something about what is really in my mind, click here to read what I am
10.04.2009 – Today I realized that the mother
fuckers Bush family
were 100% preventing me of thinking by ESP until at least 20.01.2009.
Click here for details….
06.04.2009/08.04.2009 – Looking for my sister dead or a life
for crimes performed against me and against USA, Egypt and Germany, caution
she is absolutely dangerous and not to be trusted, has ESP and mentally disturbed with a multi
personality mental problem (like most Bush
family members and their hidden allies also have), she is a hidden
member of an international organized crime family called Bush, her name is Pauline
“Robin” Robinson Bush and last seen disguised as Egyptian with the name
“Leila/ليلى” in 1966 in Alexandria, Egypt and during a ship cruise in
the Red Sea. Click here to see all I know about
02.04.2009 – Today and at the Dutch learning school I
received a possible hint that Hilary Diane Rodham Clinton the USA-Secretary of State
(=foreign minister) has allegedly complained to the Dutch government
about my complain pages and me asking everyone for help. Click here to read further……
25.03.2009 – Today is the birthday of my fake son Abdulhamid Najar alias Anas Najar alias Mido alias Guenther Najar alias Kane Najar. So I am wishing a very happy birthday
to the actual person that was forced upon my life with a lie by the mother
fuckers and pieces of shit American, English, German and Syrian governments
and their illegal military intelligence
project named Calypso and with the help of
the German police from December 1983 to
October 1986, where they then kidnapped me from
Germany to USA and
kept me on ice as slave and hostage for 15 years where they tortured me
physically and mentally. I am wishing a very happy birthday to the one I was forced
to raise as a part of a multipurpose brainwash to force me to concentrate
only on the survival of my fake baby and forget the past but also to raise,
without my knowledge, one of the hidden children of the mother fuckers Rockefeller, Bush,
Windsor or Kennedy
families. I am wishing a
very happy birthday to the little baby I fill in love with and raised
from 25.3.1986 until September 1999 where they then replaced him with
another look alike that performed many additional damages to my life since
then to cover up for the mother fucker George H.
W. Bush and George W. Bush that
kidnapped me in first of all to cover up for their intention of stealing
Afghanistan and Iraq that
was planned since at least 1966, and then kidnapped
me from USA in Summer 2000, where I was placed in prison until February
2001 and then brought by force to the Netherland. And ever since I was unjustly jailed, imprisoned and
forced to live between streets and refugee camps from 1999 and until March
2008. A very Happy
25.02.2009. Through these complain pages I am
neither trying to make business nor I am trying to get famous or get any
attention to anything what so ever except what was unjustly performed upon
me. If there is anything wrong with my complain pages then it is due to
what was forced up on my life and the environments that I am being forced
to live in ever since I was kidnapped from USA
in 1959. Also and through my openness and honesty within these pages I
am hoping that someone help me prove what is true and what is false, but
also that I get help to get my rights and bring the responsible persons to
justice, for example I am desperately looking for a good and honest
attorney or attorneys that can support me in getting my rights and justice
by the law in USA, Germany, England and Netherland. This is my email: MichaelNajarNL@Hotmail.com
23.02.2009. To FBI or any other
honest American or none American police agency: I herewith file a
complaint against Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi alias Hayat Baroudi for kidnapping me from USA in 1959,
placing me within a fake family and falsifying my identity and ever since
persecuting me with all her allies to prevent me of recognizing her and my
origin, which is I am born American citizen and of the Rockefeller
23.02.2009. My goal as I started to write the
information within was to find out first: who kidnapped
me in 1986 and who kidnapped me in 1959?
And second: who is my biological family? I
did not find out all the facts, yet I found the answers to these two
this process since Spring 2007, I was oft manipulated and forced to be on
the wrong track and/or forced to side track on other subjects in additional
to that I was and most of the time deprived of a good sleep, which made me
very aggressive, the result was my bad language towards the persons
mentioned within these pages. Today I do not see a purpose in my life
because I was deprived of my life as a free man, therefore the only visible and
feasible action I can see in my life is to persecute and prosecute the
persons that are responsible for kidnapping me and performing
uncountable physical and mental torture upon me, among others operating on
me illegally in 1959 to prevent me of ever having any children,
circumcising me to use me as a slave and many other damages.
(Modified on 05.01.2009) 04.01.2009 – This is one of
the most important discoveries I made about my life that shows how cruel
are the CIA and American military intelligence. They place many
American agents in different countries and pretend that they are natives of
these countries to help them agree with USA and England at the UNO enable they can steal a whole country,
e.g. Iraq, such as ex-Secretary General Kofi
Annan alias
my alleged friend and American
military intelligence agent Ray Thomas of the American military base McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany as well as
his colleague and my ex-wife the agent Anita
Disbray (actual person not yet found, yet she must also be at the UNO), as well as all the members of my household from 1959 to 1969 in
Cairo, Egypt (=some members of my fake family)
that were exchanged by the American military
intelligence with other look alike in Germany, England and USA and I
was used as a decoy, without me noticing or knowledge or approval, to
confirm as if these persons are same alleged original family members
from Egypt as distraction of the originals that went undercover and into
other identities in the Egyptian, German government and in the UNO (possibly also in other countries).
See also the UNO Ex-Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali that I strongly suspect
him to be somehow connected to at least some of all this.
12.02.2009 - Most persons listed within these pages are
absolutely stupid and dumb asses as dumb as a parasite, because they
totally rely on ESP, violence and slavery to advance in life and are
absolutely not capable to rely on their own intelligence to advance in live
without stealing, killing, brainwash or slavery. What a bitty that they
totally over see the potential of their own mind. Never the less they still
are absolutely dangerous organized crime family members and must be stopped
in any way humanely possible. Some persons or people, that work for or in one of the
uncountable businesses of the Rockefeller or Windsor families, would have difficulties to
understand all the crimes performed by the Rockefellers, because
they know them only from one side and one place, I know them from many
sides in many places.
September 2008 - These pages are my complain to
everyone about my fake and biological families that consist
of the Rockefeller, Windsor,
Bush, Kennedy and other families and all together builds the
biggest and most vicious international crime organization that performs
many terrorism and illegal drugs worldwide to strengthen their own
positions in the governments in various countries.
I am not prejudice against any race, even though I oft write within
my web pages words such as “piece of shit American” or “piece of shit
Chinese” or “piece of shit Syrian”. This is only addressed to the crime
organization members that pretend to be originated from these and other
countries and mentioned within.
23.11.2008 - Note: Please excuse not only my bad
due to my disappointment and anger but also my misspelling and bad grammar,
due to mainly two reasons: first I never learned the English language
through school but rather through brainwash, reading, and hidden and forced
upon me ESP, second I just want to expose as many persons as possible and
as quick as possible and therefore I often do not take the time to read
what I wrote and correct it. Besides, I can only correct it with what I
know, and what I know in the English language is not enough to make good
November 2008 - Below is the list of the major persons
responsible for/involved in kidnapping me in 1986 from Germany to USA
(see also the profile of my kidnapping in
1984/1986), where they kept me as a slave and hostage for 15 years
and then dumped me by force in the Netherlands. Many of these persons are
also responsible for my kidnapping in 1959 from
USA to Syria, and forcing = kidnapping me
in 2000/2001 from USA to the Netherlands. See also some of the persons that
were the major cause for kidnapping me in 1984/1986.
28.11.2008 – Unfortunately the information
within these pages is oft contradicting, confusing and for the average
person is unbelievable. And this is why: 1. Hidden criminals
always performs the unbelievable, uncharted, un-performed-before and
untouchable, 2. I was severely
brainwashed and held as a salve and hostage for more than 15 years, and
brainwash is building by force a lot of unbelievable confusion in the
victims mind/brain=me, 3. As I write down what I know I
concentrate on it and have time to better analyze it, understand it and see
the hidden big picture, 4. My thoughts were manipulated by
brainwash and ESP on purpose enable I create many contradictions enable to
look unlikely or unbelievable. 5. (Added on 16.12.2008) My life is
build upon lies and I am trying to find the truths. And the best prove for
these 5 points is the
information within this site. The only solution for that, that I am aware
of, is that I continuo writing what I know until there is no more
contradiction or confusion. (corrected on 29.11.2008)
28.11.2008 – Yesterday I was called by my Dutch
school official and told I should not discuss politics in school due to it
may hurt others.
First, I do not push myself upon others and force my knowledge (they
call it opinion!!) upon them, in matter of fact I try as much as
possible to be alone and avoid contact with others because I know the only
thing I have in my mind is what is in these pages and that is unfortunately
not a good subject. Any way I was told if I want to talk with others about
politics I should invite them to where I live or go to a café, which I also
don’t like to do. Besides, I was forbidden my entire life not only to say
my opinion, but to speak out in general, and I will not keep quite. My
guess I was told that possibly as a hidden hint about the lines below (possibly
other reasons, I don’t know, I just know that the situation is not normal),
where I wrote I am expecting a big war. I do not want any war, I believe
everyone have the right to live in peace. Peace brings along with it a very
important and rare commodity, which is peace of mind, and with peace in
mind and no worries, people come up with beautiful ideas which always lead
to prosperity, and I have seen that many times over in my life,
unfortunately not for myself, and that is why I am writing down everything
I think it is essential to stop any war what so ever. People in poor countries
think that all American, English or Europeans population live all in
prosperity, well comparing with the jungle of South America or with India
or Africa, yes, however and this is not my opinion but rather what I saw,
in these mentioned countries the majority of the populations are slaves,
just different kind of slaves than in India, Saudi Arabia, China or South
America. One thing is for sure, not one person in these countries can keep
what he owns in particular their own houses except the controlling
families, and the best prove for that is the current American housing
situation something between 2-3 Millions persons will lose or already lost
their homes this year to banks, which is a beneficial side effect for those
who stole the banks and registered it as fail investment and the government
insurance (=tax payers=poor people) will cover for all these loses,
while the police is overwhelmed and cannot check all these bankrupt banks,
due to the organized crime franchise, because they are too many just as
they did In 1991 and before that many times started in mid 1920, after that
the American government started to force bank insurance that is also
misused very badly, and now they can even make more money by repossessing
many houses of poor people that are the engine for America, and that breaks
my heart, among others because most of those people are totally isolated
and dependent on what their evil controlling families tell them and the
best prove for that is all the lies that were told to the American public
and the rest of the world about Al-Kaida, Iraq and many other lies just to
steal the lands by misusing their own American people, then someone comes
along and perform a terrorist attack on some of these poor people and
simultaneously is confirming the lies of the Bush
family. It is all interrelated and not good.
28.11.2008 – The modern hidden organized crime
is an international franchise just like franchising a business such as
What does franchise means? It is when a business person pays tribute in
form of a large fee enable to join an existing larger business, such as in
McDonalds it used to be 1-5 Million US Dollars, depending on the location
and country, enable to start a business (one restaurant) with McDonalds,
then the business man obligate himself to purchase needed products only
from them and from nowhere else, one of the benefits he would receive for
signing up, is educating him in the existing system and the international
TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Internet, street and other means of
advertisements. This concept is actually inherited from the older version
of organized crimes such as through the old Romans and old Greek that were
fighting to control the world. Here are some examples of hidden
international organized crimes franchise, Al-Kaida, mass stealing banks and
registering it as fail investments, illegal drugs, wars to steal land,
global warming scam and many other crimes that I will list once I get to
it. One of the offered protections is the absolute huge hidden circle of
half brothers and sisters that spans over several countries and their
vicious and heartless military force controlled by the huge hidden circle
of half brothers and sisters. And one of the most used media to force wrong
information about a specific crime is CNN, BBC, Al-Jazirah, Al-Arabia,
Al-Ahram, Al-Akhabar, Al-Rayee, Middle East news, Stern, Spiegel,
Bertelsmann publishing, Double day publishing, just to mention a few that I
have experience with in several countries and most of them are owned by one
family and the rest are owned by related family to the other family. It is
a family business that I discovered it to be all in my fake and biological families. Unfortunately
I was brainwashed and kept isolated and prevented of finding the truth
until recently, however I am still a hostage at least hostage of my past,
but also I have no nationality, I can’t go where I want, I can’t do what I
want, I have no money and I am forced to live as refugee and receive
refugee money paid by the Dutch tax payers=poor people, whereby my fake and
biological families are the richest families worldwide based on blood
money. Therewith I am a multiple hostage until today and the only thing
I can do is write these pages and ignore everything else in life.
22.11.2008 – updated on 28.11.2008 - I am expecting a
very large war such as the Afghanistan and Iraq war. This is based
on the Rockefeller, Bush,
Windsor and other family’s pattern since 1900. I
hope very much that I am wrong; unfortunately I may be only around 10%
wrong. This war I am expecting is meant as a distraction of the current
deceive situation such as the Iraq war and the mass bank stealing that lead
to the bankruptcy of major large and small businesses in USA. Among others
to force the majority of the American population to be busy only with
surviving, or live in fear to lose everything they own, but also to force
many persons to volunteer to the American
military as the last resort of surviving after a major bankruptcy in
their lives. Simultaneously this war is to show as if these families
allegedly are not organized crime families and this war will be used to
steal a new country, and many other reasons. Wars are not performed based
on one reason, but rather on many reasons (among others because many
persons/groups are involved in a war and each has his own selfish reasons),
however, they only represent one major reason and keep the actual reasons
secret. This is what they call win/win situation or what I call lose/lose
situation for the general public. My guess this war is going to be
either in South Asia or in Africa and a remote possibility that it will be
in South America and even smaller possibility that it will be elsewhere in
the world. This war will be performed by the president of USA either
through George W. Bush before 20.01.2009 or through Barak Obama and before
2010. It is the undeniable pattern in my life that everyone can see if they
take the luxury called time and look at our far and near past from the
first world war to Iraq war and every single war in between that was
performed by USA, UK, India, China, Russia or other countries. That is
not good.