Wanted Person No: 1001 |
Najar Kidnapping |
Sent-Complain Letters |
Published: 28.02.2012 Updated: 28.02.2012 |
Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)
Name and Aliases |
royalties This family is identified as: 1.
(Added same day later) The queen and her husband
are recognized as a very lookalike brothers that exchanged places using the
identity of my original fake sister Afrah Najar
from december 1959 and until sometimes in around summer 1961 while Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi was pretending to be my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and later exchanged places with Queen Sonja
of Norway 2.
vicious and organized crime family that persecuted me and used me as a
multipurpose slave since 1960 to cover up for the KGB agent George W.
Bush that they used to replace me with in 1959 3.
To not
repeat myself I am just adding the names of the king and queen as relation to
their daughter-in-law Princess Mary that in
reality is a man disguised as a woman and has
several lookalike men and women that he exchange places with them as it is
necessary to show as if he is a woman. And this Princess Mary is
related to my life in multiple ways and most definitely in conspiring against
me and kidnapping from Germany to USA in 1986 4.
This family is recognized as a family that rape the
life of their own people, in that they rape the women of their employees and
let their employees raise their hidden children, while depriving them of
having their own children as they did to me 5.
I know that there is another man that looks
identical to this person and he is the father and I am looking for him and he
is most definitely of the Danish Royal family and looks just like Princess Mary that is pretending to be from
Australia. And that is why I am adding the photos below |
See more description/Details below the photograph
This is my anger over these fucks mentioned
above and below Every single woman in these photo showing below is a men disguised as women and build a very large brotherhood mixed with their own children, in
other words and enable to govern the country (kingdom) you have to have a
very large brotherhood that is never ending to increase
the size, and to do that they have sex with their daughters and with their
sisters and therefore the children becomes a part of the never ending expansion
of the brotherhood. They never allow a woman in
the public position to not allow a strange brotherhood
to come in by having sex with the queen or princess. In other words if a
woman make a king or a young prince fall in love with her and marry her and
then she became pregnant of another man from another brotherhood,
then the kingdom is lost out of the control of the brotherhood so they don’t
allow women to become princess or queen and the best prove for that is the stories
of the bibles, among others Moses the son of the king that was in reality the
son of the Jewish, it is a story and it has
absolute nothing to do between Jewish and none Jewish because we are all enslaved human under
different labels (some of these labels are: Islam,
Jewish, Christian,
Hindu, Buddhist and
many others and they always force one label to think that the other label is
responsible for their misery as distraction of these mother fuckers), but
it shows that a woman is a very dangerous subject, object or weak link to a brotherhood that oft is many thousands due to they
have sex with sisters and daughters to prevent strangers of coming in to the brotherhood, while creating as many lookalike as
possible to continue these practices and deceive. Unfortunately and in this
process many of them become cheat and queers to enslave their brothers and
keep him as slave, in other words they become bisexual and that is why they
invented the circumcision to force one of the brothers to be fucked due to he
can’t have much or long joy with his circumcised penis that will always
ejaculate within seconds due to the fore skin is gone that helps to protect
and control against premature ejaculation, this means that a penis with fore
skin can go for 30 minutes or longer, but without foreskin and most of the
times just a few seconds, maximum 20 seconds. But with liking the asshole of a person that is circumcised, the circumcised
person can have much longer joy than just a few seconds intercourse and then
ejaculating after a few seconds, just as they forced upon my life through
among others my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka,
that was trying to force my mind to think that I am a homosexual or bi-sexual
in that she make me ejaculate within seconds while she still not sexually
satisfied and then she would take my penis in the hand and rub/brush it
against her vagina and the hair around it for a few minutes until she ejaculate,
during which my penis hurt but I can’t say anything because I am a
shamed due to it is my fault that I ejaculated in a few seconds before I was
able to satisfy her sexually and after all that she would then lick my ass hole for 10-20 minutes, all in
all, it is a multipurpose brainwash, on one site every one with ESP can see that she is a woman as distraction of her very
lookalike brothers disguised as women in the Middle East, Europe
and USA and on the other site she is telling my
brain that to use my penis is not good because it hurts but to use my ass hole
is better and on the other side she is forcing my mind to accept these alleged
facts or to think of myself as homosexual, but also to make me think that Christian women are bad and Moslem women are much better and that is a
severe brainwash performed by the Moslems
called Sheikha Mozah of Qatar that in reality
is a man disguised as a woman and has a very lookalike brothers that are also disguised as women
such as Margie Lange alias Laura Welch Bush, Queen
Noor and most probably also others and these mother fuckers are brothers
to Adelheid Kuczka and most probably to other
women that lookalike, due to they sleep with daughters and sisters to
generate as many lookalike as possible to continue this deceive, and all of
them used Adelheid Kuczka apartment as a safe
house to exchange places and were
using me as a witness that they are women because I slept with Adelheid Kuczka the real woman and many can see
that using ESP, but also others possibly with or without
ESP noticed that men also pretend to be Adelheid Kuczka, and were trying to get my
attention that I am with a transvestite, among others my fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah invited me in around 1982/83
in Munich, Germany in the Hotel Sheraton in an area called
Bogenhausen near Siemens AG offices on Richard-Strauss
Street where I used to work in a building called Rank Xerox building and to
see a transvestite show, because and until that time I had no idea what transvestite
is and until around 2005 I had no idea that so
many men disguise as women, but also others that at that time I guessed
to be the Terrorist Dr. Sami Assassa and in
around 1984 that was conspiring against me by pretending to be against Adelheid Kuczka and getting my attention to a transvestite
and a prostitute that in reality it is a man
disguised as a woman while he was pretending to be a strict Moslem that mother fucker no good for human
trash, because he was married to Samah Assassa
alias Samah Ejlani the sister of Najlaa Mahmoud
and Najlaa Mahmoud were several lookalike women
that exchanged places and kept me slave from 24.12.1984 in Munich Germany and until 1999/2000 in Houston, Texas, USA and one of these whores Najlaa Mahmoud(s) or her identical twin brother exchanged
places with the man that is pretending to be Sheikha
Mozah=all confusion to prevent you to know who did what. Back to these piece of shit mother fucker and human trash
Danish royalties below, at least 3 persons of them were surrounding me in
my life under fake identities, note that they are always alter their age and
they are usually at least 20 years older than their official age to cover up
that they were going around the world and gaining life experience and then
come back kill their placeholder and lookalike the actual person with that age
and take his place or wipe off his memory and dump him somewhere as they did
to me, any way the following 3 persons were 100% persecuting me to death
since 1959 and 1970: Queen Margrethe II alias the original Afrah Najar that exchanged places with her very
lookalike husband Prince
Henrik and under heavy
makeup I was not able to see any difference especially that they wiped off my
memory in around November or December 1959 and between December 1959 and roughly
summer 1961 I had only 1-2 years memory= I was letterly body wise 8-9 years
old and brain wise 1-2 years old and I did not notice that and others
probably did not notice that either, because they were controlling me with ESP, they also very possibly appeared in my life sometimes
in 1963-65 in Cairo, Egypt but I have no good recollection due to my memory and
while they are present is not registering them due to they control me with ESP. the third person is Princess
Mary Crown Princess of Denmark that human trash that was surrounding
me as a Danish babysitter in the concentrated
evil American military base McGraw kasern between July and around 15 August
1970 just around one week before I was enslaved under Anita Disbray that was over 50 years old and
pretended to be 21 years old, 4 years older than me, Anita
Disbray that had several lookalike that pretended to be Anita Disbray such as the men disguised as the women Hayrünnisa
Gül the wife
of the current Turkish president Abdullah Gül alias my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that was an adult man just
a very short person under 165 cm (=the above mentioned Afro-American sergeant with his adult friend pretending to be his 7 years old son)
and Maike Kohl-Richter the second wife of the ex-German chancellor Helmut Kohl, even though it is totally different
age, but and due to it is known by some that they falsify their age by at
least 20 years, then they can claim whatever they want, and it is still hidden
of the general public that will always have difficulties to believe these
evil practices, and they are evil, even though they may appear natural to
have sex with own daughter or sister or mother or father, they forbid us of doing
the same and it is against the law that they created, so these practices are illegal
and evil based on their own laws. So what did princess
Mary do to me in 1970, she pretended to be my girlfriend and she used to
take me to the bushes and kiss me so strongly (bite me) until my lips swelled
and use ESP to prevent me of resisting, this sick fuck,
so I was going around with swelled lips 3 times the usual size and smiling,
even though they were hurting me like hell. So and since it is a man disguised as a woman and has ESP and I don’t and I don’t have any
recollection of us having sex, then he was using me as prove as if he is a
woman, any one with ESP can read my mind and saw me
with this human trash as his boyfriend while he was dressed as the 16/17
years old Danish baby sitter, and some knew it
was a man dressed as girl so they either thought of me as homosexual or they
had no idea what was going on except a few among other the Afro-American sergeant that used a very short man under 100-130 cm tall and was around 25
years old (this is my guess today), and pretended to be 7 years old
coming to the bar where I was working at American
legion and ordering for his 7 years old son
a glass of whisky, that I refused to serve him due to he was 7 years old, and
I never understood this situation until 2006. A 25 years old pretend to be 7 and
a 50 years old pretend to be 21 and a man pretend to be a woman and I am
supposed to think that the American military
is a good place to be, fuck the American military
and American military intelligence and NATO
and NATO military intelligence. Back to this
piece of human trash called princess Mary of
Denmark and since he has ESP and queer and took me to
the bushes, then he could have knocked me unconscious and raped me (fucked me
in the ass) and then bit me so hard on my lips that they swelled as
distraction of what he did to me, in matter of fact and as I am writing these
facts, I am most positive that this is what he did to me and as a confirmation
of that the American military pretended to
help me in forcing me to be with Anita Disbray
just a couple of days later, while and based on all what they did to me from
1966 and until this point, I absolutely was confused and was not able to tell
what is a good or bad sex what a vagina is and how to erect a woman, how old
is a woman and is her age important. And to top all this they make me had sex
once which I described as a good sex with Vilma
Bonnilla, I think I wrote it somewhere as the nicest and gentlest sex
that I ever had, which was but again it is the same scam just in different
place and time, in this case it is 30 years later in november 1999 to January
2000 in Houston, Texas, USA and this because Vilma Bonnilla was set on me by these mother
fuckers that are pretending to be helping me against Najlaa
Mahmoud that they enslaved me under in the first of all and to prevent me
of recognizing Najlaa Mahmoud as one of the Sheikha Mozah, they sent me a very ugly and very
old and very unhygienic lookalike that was living with me as Najlaa Mahmoud
and based on my guess since the CPC-Caspian
Pipeline Consortium and would not allow me to have sex and force me to
live on the sofa/couch and occasionally she would play with my penis until I
ejaculate and force me to rub my penis on her stinking vagina to remind me
with Adelheid Kuczka and force my mind for
later to think that they were helping me against Adelheid
Kuczka and then force me to lick her vagina that was absolutely
disgusting and stinky and she is laying there with absolutely no reaction of
any kind what so ever and making
me by force remember how her knees lookalike, which they were brown due to
she pretends to pray as Moslem and go down on
her knees. All in all that was hell living with this piece of human trash that
was meant as multi-purpose distraction of many things while forcing me to
remember Adelheid Kuczka to kidnap me to the Netherlands enable George
W. Bush can bomb the world trade center
enable he can help his country the ex-Soviet Union
alias the current Russian Federation while making me make me look like Russian spy and terrorist that is leaving USA voluntarily to see my alleged beloved Adelheid Kuczka. And now I am writing all that and
since they really tried hard to portray me as a Soviet
spy, then and at that time I strongly suspect that Najlaa
Mahmoud that came in to my life to replace the others and distract of
them is an ex-Soviet Union KGB agent that
most probably left a big trail behind her just enough to implicate me and
distract of the mother fucker George W. Bush.
Immediately thereafter (a couple of months) after forcing me to live
in the Sun Suites Hotel in Houston, Texas, USA on
10.10.1999 (my birthday where and when they made me homeless ever since
these mother fuckers) and set me up with Vilma
Bonnilla in that hotel, where she pretend for a couple of days to be
working there and allegedly they fired her due to she does illegal practices
with the hotel guests=prostitute (lies within lies within lies) that
allowed me to have only one time sex with her and a couple of times of a fail
attempt to have sex with her, here and there which was a total disaster sex
and severe brainwash to destruct myself confidence while pretending to be
helping me and pretending to be helping me against Najlaa
Mahmoud in that she used to lay down and let me lick her vagina, but this
time not washed and stinky and lay down with absolute no reaction just like Najlaa Mahmoud used to do a few months earlier and
since July 1998, where she exchanged places with her Russian lookalike, while
and simultaneously she is in reality helping all of them in forcing me to remember
Anita Disbray that I was forced to think of her
as the queen of my life that piece of shit and royalty whore and mother or grandmother
of princess Madeleine of Sweden, but also Vilma Bonnilla done everything possible to remind
me with Adelheid Kuczka, while then pretending
to be pregnant of me and does not allow me to check if she is pregnant of me
or not=Anita Disbray + Adelheid
Kuczka + Aida + Others= all deceive within
deceive within deceive because I can’t have children and all the mother
fuckers women that were with me were too old to have children and above all
they were preventing me of having any children=hate, in other words she was
completing what Najlaa Mahmoud was doing as
distraction of the Bush family, CIA, FBI, American
secret Service and other mother fuckers that were persecuting me to death and
preventing me to advance in my own life because they were using me to
blackmail object against the Bush family and
the mother fucker KGB agent that replaced me
in 1959 and call himself today George W. Bush
his name in the ex-Soviet union was most
probably Chodorkowski and that is why they used
the fake children of Najlaa Mahmoud with the
name Khodor as a black mail and reminder and that is why as an opposite
reaction his piece of shit and mother fucker half-brother Vladimir Putin made the Hollywood
style scene with Michail Borissowitsch Chodorkowski to discredit me and distract of fake family Khodor. And as prove to all that
is that they placed the photograph of Vilma Bonnilla
on the Internet, and pretending to be helping me, she is a lot lookalike of Salma Hayek, just much thicker lower lip, in other
words she is the sister of Salma Hayek or even
the slave sister of Salma Hayek that is raising
the hidden children of Salma Hayek and her
queer brother in Qatar that exchange places with her as described under Sheikha Mozah profile. Last thing about Vilma Bonnilla, she pretended to be pregnant after
we had sex while pretending to be getting my attention that Anita Disbray was pregnant of me and lied to me to
make me easy to manipulate with ESP enable they can
kidnap me from USA to the Netherland were I am
locked ever since and in reality I am just dead.
This is what the
Bush family and these mother fucker
controlling family do, they decide what to do with all these hundreds of
children that they produce and force them to become what they planned for
them, in my case a place holder for George W. Bush
until 1959 and thereafter they filled my life with so many forced upon me
multi-purpose life such as decoy for terrorism or decoy for men disguised as women or decoy for ESP or a decoy homo or bi-sexual and many others, and each
time they use me as a decoy for someone such as in this case by these mother
fuckers showing in the photo, then they add secret service and companies that
they own to persecute me for a while and until the next group of evil German police, secret service, FBI, CIA, military intelligence, MI5 and others take over
and keep me enslaved under their control and hidden under national security
laws and all the bad European and American
laws that are designed to keep people enslaved under them. I was born in USA and no one can do anything about it and no one
can ever change it and all they can do is wipe off my memory and force upon
me fake identification=falsify my identity by the force of law. I hate America and Americans,
I hate Europeans and Europe
I hate Arabs and the entire Middle East I don’t like any one and any place
and if you wonder why then read the above and never ending circle of my life
until even today in 29.02.2012, where I am missing so much in my life and the
majority of it they are gone irreplaceable such as my foreskin, such a woman
I love, such as a family that care such as a life filed with life and not
evil as described above. |
Other Descriptions/Details
Name and Aliases |
Profession under Alias |
Official Nationality |
Countries Lived In |
Official Address |
Disguise Methods |
Official Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Biological Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Friends of the Family |
Official Businesses |
Businesses Partners: |
Illegal Businesses |
Other Knowledge |
Will follow |