Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0394-A


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             10.09.2007

Updated:                10.09.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Mrs. Hoegl alias daughter of or it is the same person as Pauline Robinson Pierce after cosmetic surgery and officially the wife of Mr. Hoegl in Unterschleissheim, Germany 1976-1978 alias CIA agent alias James Robinson Pierce or his twin brother. James Robinson Pierce the brother-in-law of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush that persecuted me with his son the current USA president George W. Bush

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

The wife and alleged accountant of my fake employer the CIA agent Mr. Hoegl alias James Robinson Pierce, persecutor, brainwasher, rapist and the kidnapper of some of my children by rape. My employer with his fake family and employees that pretended to be Catholic in Unterschleissheim and not to know any one in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Unterschleissheim and in particular his own brother the CIA agent pastor Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce

First saw/met

Spring/summer 1976 in Unterschleissheim

Age at that time

Over 30 years old

Last saw/met

1978 in Unterschleissheim, Germany at his alleged company Hoegl Studio Technik

Hidden biological relatives

See Bush family members in my life. Also see below under Biological Family Members

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

The period where the German police was trying to get close to me to prove that my fake family in the Middle East performed the absolute vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics and during the kidnapping and murder of the president of the German Employers Association Mr. Hans-Martin Schleyer in August and September 1977, and during the period of the high jacking of the German airplane Lufthansa to Mogadishu, Somalia, and both were 100% performed by my fake family, and during the period I was tricked to become Christian to give my fake family the alleged Moslems a reason to persecute me, and therewith had reasons to remove me of Germany. During a period where I was surrounded by entire city population in Unterschleissheim that were American and English agents and all pretending to be Germans living next to each others, covering for each others and protecting each others. During a very evil attempt to show as if I am a homosexual.


165-175 cm


60-70 kg

Skin Color

Slightly darker than white

Hair Color

Brown or black

Eye Color

Uncertain, possibly brown or black


None, however he pretend to be any thing that is suitable for his pocket including Evangelical Lutheran German Christian just to make a bad name for Christians

Special Features

Stupid as her official husband Mr. Hoegl and is not capable of working honestly like the rest of the human being. Very deceiving.

Special Crimes Against Me

Pretended to remind me with my past, especially that she had face and body similarity withy my ex-neighbor the fake Palestinian neighbor alias Pauline Robinson Pierce the alleged daughter of also my neighbor the fake Palestinian Sheikh alias Marvin Pierce, but also by using her alleged daughter Monika Hoegl that had a lot of face and body similarity with my cousin Rima Baroudi the daughter of my fake uncle the Syrian diplomat Jalal Baroudi, and her alleged son Werner Hoegl that also had a lot of similarity in face ad body to my fake nephew Samir Bdeir alias the hidden son of George H. W. Bush. But in reality they were repeating scenes of my past with persons similar to my past to force confuse my memory, especially that I discovered that it was planned to totally disconnect me of my fake family especially the Bdeir family, which is very visible in my fake Syrian family ID that was given to me in beginning of 1980s, therefore they were brainwashing me to forget my past. Confused my memory and mind to not remember or understand my past or present. Torture me with ESP, set me up uncountable times in cooperation with many disguised CIA agents in Unterschleissheim to portray me as homosexual, terrorist, disloyal to my friends, rapped me by men and women and stole my children. Especially at one of their strip and prostitute houses named Curso in Unterschleissheim. Set me up in the Curso strip bar and prostitute house in cooperation with the CIA agent and my neighbor pastor Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce her official brother-in-law, my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and an alleged French Legion man that was used allegedly to get my attention to the kidnapping and murder of the president of the German Employers Association in August/September 1977 Mr. Hans-martin Schleyer by terrorist that were financed, trained and supported officially by the Syrian government and many of my fake family members were of the Syrian government such as my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi. And many other brainwash and systematic destruction of my will, logic, and self confidence.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional Photos wanted/needed

















Mrs. Hoegl alias daughter of or it is the same person as Pauline Robinson Pierce after cosmetic surgery and officially the wife of Mr. Hoegl in Unterschleissheim, Germany 1976-1978 alias CIA agent alias James Robinson Pierce or his twin brother. James Robinson Pierce the brother-in-law of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush that persecuted me with his son the current USA president George W. Bush, photo and personal information wanted for performed crimes against me and against humanity



Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Mrs. Hoegl alias daughter of or it is the same person as Pauline Robinson Pierce after cosmetic surgery and officially the wife of Mr. Hoegl in Unterschleissheim, Germany 1976-1978 alias CIA agent alias James Robinson Pierce or his twin brother. James Robinson Pierce the brother-in-law of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush that persecuted me with his son the current USA president George W. Bush

Profession under Alias

Allegedly part time accountant at her husband Mr. Hoegl’s company Hoegl Studio Technik on Siemens street in Unterschleissheim directly opposite the Neckermann warehouse where I was forced to work at least for one year with over 90% of the employees women that knocked me unconscious, rapped me and stole my children and divided them among the piece of shit CIA and American/English military intelligent agents living all over Unterschleissheim and the neighboring small cities and villages, and raised them to be against me and against humanity

Official Nationality

Allegedly German

Countries Lived In

Consciously I just saw her in Unterschleissheim, however and in the 2 years I recognized her as either my fake Palestinian neighbor in mid 1960s alias Pauline Robinson Pierce after cosmetic surgery or is her daughter and both are the same person as the current pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim named pastor Karin Kittlaus or at least one of them

Official Address

They lived in a house on the same land as, and directly behind their alleged company Hoegl Studio Technik, directly opposite the Neckermann warehouse where I was forced to work to be knocked unconscious and raped by unknown amount of women and girls and all my children are stolen. But also 20-30 meters of the high rise where the alleged terrorist of RAF or Baader Mainhof Bande that I was setup with in 1978 in Unterschleissheim by a member of the Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim named Karin. Exact address Siemens street, Unterschleissheim

Disguise Methods

If Mrs. Hoegl is Pauline Robinson Pierce, then she pretended to be 30 years old while she was over 70 years old. Pretended to be my boss and friend. Pretended to be strict honest person with integrity that in night time and alone goes to a strip bar and prostitute house called Curso in Unterschleissheim, while sitting with stranger and drinking champagne

Official Family Members












Mr. Hoegl alias the CIA agent James Robinson Pierce junior


Monika Hoegl, Werner Hoegl

Other Relatives


Biological Family Members


If Mrs. Hoegl is Pauline Robinson Pierce, then James E. Robinson alias Hisham Al-Jumaiee in Cairo, Egypt 1967-1969


If Mrs. Hoegl is Pauline Robinson Pierce, then Lulu Flickinger Robinson


Unknown, possibly Pauline Robinson Pierce is the older sister of Mrs. Hoegl that look very much like her


Based on the look and situations, possibly my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi. Also if Mrs. Hoegl is one of the hidden daughters of Pauline Robinson Pierce, then she was married to her brother James Robinson Pierce alias Mr. Hoegl, which is the pattern in this family to generate as many look a like as possible through marrying brothers, sisters or cousins, especially that Mr. Hoegl alias James Robinson Pierce is one of the hidden half brothers to ex-CIA director and later ex-USA president George H. W. Bush. And if Mrs. Hoegl is not the daughter of Pauline Robinson Pierce but it is the same person Pauline Robinson Pierce after cosmetic Surgery, then their official children Monika Hoegl and Werner Hoegl are not their children and possibly they are the children of ex-CIA director and ex-USA president George H. W. Bush and my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi, or were stolen. And that would explain why her son Werner Hoegl is look a like of my nephew Samir Bdeir alias hidden son of ex-CIA director and later ex-USA president George H. W. Bush, but also her daughter Monika Hoegl is look a like of my cousin Rima Baroudi the official daughter of my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi the Syrian diplomat and hidden biological father to my friend in 1965/66 in Cairo, Egypt Mahmoud alias Steven Segal


Uncountable hidden cousins worldwide, which many of them are mentioned within this website


Many hidden husbands worldwide


Many hidden children all over the world, among other Saieedah the Tunisian and stewardess in the Saudi Arabian airline that stole my child in 1980/81, the Tunisian computer consultant at the Siemens AG and Saudi Port’s Authority in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia that lived with his wife (whereby his wife had face and body similarity to Najlaa Mahmoud) in Munich, Germany and was named Lazar previously Al-Azaar (Al-Azaar confusion to university of Al-Azhaar in Cairo, Egypt. See Lazar profile for details) in 1982, 1983 or 1984, the Canadian friend of my fake brother at Saint George School in Cairo, Egypt in 1966-1969, and Anna Baroudi one of the wife of my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer,

Other Relatives

Bush, Walker, Wear, Sheldon, Flickinger, Marvin, Martin, Pierce, Robinson, Kennedy, Rockefeller and other families in USA, Windsor in England and uncountable hidden crime families worldwide as described within this website such as Step mother Willa Grey (Martin) Pierce alias Faihaa Kheir or her daughter, Farhat Kheir alias William H. T. Bucky Bush, Al-Jumaiee family alias the family of their grand father James E. Robinson, my fake sister Fadia Nagar alias Mabel (Marvin) Pierce or her daughter, Bdeir family, Kheir family

Friends of the Family

The entire CIA and American/English military intelligence brainwash city Unterschleissheim and in particular the fake Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim

Official Businesses

Allegedly part time accountant in her fake husbands Mr. Hoegl alias  James Robinson Pierce junior and his fake company Hoegl Studio Technik in Unterschleissheim

Businesses Partners:

CIA, American military intelligence, MAD-Militaerische Abschirm Dienst (=German military intelligence), Mosad, English secret service, Syrian government, Jordanian government, many in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and other countries, Bush family with all their branches in USA and all over the world, Windsor family with all their branches all over the world, and all the population of Unterschleissheim, Germany, because they are all CIA and military intelligence employee living all next to each others, covering up for each others and protecting each others. Additional partners are those official business partners at their alleged company Hoegl Studio Technik, which are  Siemens AG (80%), rest 20% or the alleged business for Film Studio in Gruenwald, German Police, CIA and Military intelligence

Illegal Businesses

Drugs, slavery and prostitution, rapping innocents to steal their children, spying and sabotage of major businesses competitions, stealing any thing they can get their hands on including banks, businesses or even a whole country as they did in Germany, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Oman, Kuwait and now Iraq. kill people that are in the way, rape people to have their children and either be related to them by force, to use the children against their parents when they grow up, to enslave the children, brainwash them and use them as decoy for crimes they perform, or switch the children of famous rich people. Kidnap children and all other crimes mentioned within this website and they see as necessary to cover up for all their international crimes

Other Knowledge

Will follow


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