Wanted Person No: 0402-E |
Najar Kidnapping |
Sent-Complain Letters |
Published: 17.09.2007 Updated: 17.09.2007 |
Information wanted on this person (please
send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)
Name and Aliases |
Karin that was set on me by the Evangelical
Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim and
she on the other hand set me up with an alleged RAF (= Red Army Fraction)
terrorist-woman that drugged me in cooperation with my fake mother Hayat Baroudi inside my church in Unterschleissheim |
Name in Arabic |
Relation to me |
One of the many girls that was used at the Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim to set me up |
First saw/met |
Uncertain, 1976/77 in Unterschleissheim,
Germany |
Age at that time |
Allegedly 18 years old |
Last saw/met |
1978 in Unterschleissheim,
Germany |
Hidden biological relatives |
Unknown |
Allegedly Died On |
Unknown |
Surrounding me during |
The period where the German police was trying to get close
to me to prove that my fake family in the Middle East performed the absolute
vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich
Olympics and during the kidnapping and murder
of the president of the German Employers Association Mr. Hans-Martin Schleyer
in August and September 1977, and during the period of the high jacking of the German airplane Lufthansa to
Mogadishu, Somalia in October 1977, and both were 100% performed by my
fake family, and during the period I was tricked to become Christian in the Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim to give my fake family the
alleged Moslems a reason to persecute me, and therewith had reasons to remove
me of Germany. During a period where I was surrounded by entire city
population in Unterschleissheim that were
American and English agents and all pretending to be Germans living next to
each others, covering for each others and protecting each others. During a
very evil attempt to show as if I am a homosexual. During a period where I
was persecuted by CIA and American English military intelligence that wanted
to prevent that the German police come too close to me and uncover the
identities of my fake family in the Middle East as CIA and American/English
military intelligence agents, drug lords and international terrorists. |
Height |
155-165 cm |
Weight |
80-90 kg |
Skin Color |
White |
Hair Color |
Dark blond/brown |
Eye Color |
Uncertain, I think blue |
Religion |
Allegedly Evangelical Lutheran
German Christian |
Special Features |
Very fat and short. Always pretend to be calm, but in
reality does not care about any thing except her self just like all the
others in that town of Unterschleissheim, and
probably that is why they all work for CIA and American/English military intelligence
and simultaneously build a very dangerous international crime organization
that is heavily involved in drug trafficking, prostitution salver, terrorism
and child kidnapping |
Special Crimes Against Me |
I can’t recall her exact position with in that
alleged Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim, possibly she was in my youth
group. However, she and other alleged girls build an alleged friendship group
with the other alleged young boys group, such as She Karin, Klaudia (=Claudia
in English), I did not create a personal profile for her, Rosi Ott, Silke,
Ursula Simon, Susanne
Fischer and the alleged boys group was Detlev
Fischer, Mike Simon, Dieter¸ I did
not create a personal profile for him, Helmut
Schoen, Juergen Sing previously Juergen Kwader,
Walter the alleged husband of Beate Fischer, and me. Many of these alleged young
girls and boys that pretended to be under 20 years old in 1976 were in
reality above 30-40 years and as a deceive they had three that were older,
which were Walter the alleged husband of Beate Fischer that was allegedly 25-28 years old, Udo Inaka that was allegedly over 35 years old,
and another 45 years old youth group leader
and me Mohamad Nuzhat Najar alias Michael N. Najar
the son of the last king of England, king George
VI, and I was officially 24 years old at that time, and since two years I
recognized that all my personal data and IDs are
fake and were falsified in 1959 and that I am at least 2 years older. And
therefore I never recognized that some of them were much older. Also I
discovered that they most probably used me as decoy with out my knowledge or
even that I noticed at that time, as if I was 20-30 years older and
pretending to be 24 years old. All these description are my memory and
thoughts sequences that are necessary to recognize as many deceive, lies and
brainwash as possible, such as the alleged RAF
terrorist-woman. See details below under Other knowledge. |
more description/Details below the photograph
Additional Photos
wanted/needed |
Karin that was set on me by the Evangelical
Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim and
she on the other hand set me up with an alleged RAF (= Red Army Fraction)
terrorist-woman that drugged me in cooperation with my fake mother Hayat Baroudi inside my church in Unterschleissheim, photo and personal
information are wanted for performed crimes against me and against humanity |
Other Descriptions/Details
Name and Aliases |
Karin that was set on me by the Evangelical
Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim and
she on the other hand set me up with an alleged RAF (= Red Army Fraction)
terrorist-woman that drugged me in cooperation with my fake mother Hayat Baroudi inside my church in Unterschleissheim |
Profession under Alias |
Unknown |
Official Nationality |
Allegedly German |
Countries Lived In |
Consciously I just saw her in Unterschleissheim,
Germany |
Official Address |
Unknown, allegedly some where in Unterschleissheim |
Disguise Methods |
Pretended to be German, whereby some of the actual youth
possibly are born in Germany of two Americans or at least one American
parent, however I doubt it, because it was 100% a spy city and crime
organization city, and therewith a total disloyalty is required under these
conditions, and therefore they don’t allow any one to be born and
raised in this town, at least not in 1960s to 1980s. Pretended to be Evangelical Lutheran Christian. Pretended to be 18
years old. Pretended to be my friend. |
Official Family Members |
Father |
Unknown |
Mother |
Unknown |
Sisters |
Unknown |
Brothers |
Unknown |
Cousins |
Unknown |
Wife |
Unknown |
Children |
Unknown |
Relatives |
Unknown |
Biological Family Members |
Father |
Unknown |
Mother |
Unknown |
Sisters |
Unknown |
Brothers |
Unknown |
Cousins |
Unknown |
Wife |
Unknown |
Children |
Unknown |
Relatives |
Unknown, however she must be of the family or at least a
member of the international crime organization, that mainly consist any way only
of family members that pretend not to be related to each others. |
Friends of the Family |
Klaudia (=Claudia in English), I did not create a personal
profile for her, Rosi Ott, Silke, Ursula Simon,
Susanne Fischer and the alleged boys group
was Detlev Fischer, Mike
Simon, Dieter¸ I did not create a personal profile for him, Helmut Schoen, Juergen
Sing previously Juergen Kwader, Walter the
alleged husband of Beate Fischer, CIA,
American/English military intelligence, my fake and biological family, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Unterschleissheim |
Official Businesses |
Unknown |
Businesses Partners: |
Klaudia (=Claudia in English), I did not create a personal
profile for her, Rosi Ott, Silke, Ursula Simon,
Susanne Fischer and the alleged boys group
was Detlev Fischer, Mike
Simon, Dieter¸ I did not create a personal profile for him, Helmut Schoen, Juergen
Sing previously Juergen Kwader, Walter the
alleged husband of Beate Fischer, CIA,
American/English military intelligence, my fake and biological family, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Unterschleissheim |
Illegal Businesses |
Spying, drugs, rapping innocents with the intention of
stealing their children, having multiple fake identities as many other
persons surrounding me my entire life and any necessary crime to cover up for
these facts including brainwash of innocent and destroying their mind and
lives |
Other Knowledge |
After the CIA whore agent Anita
Disbray disappeared of my life in September 1977, that was forced upon me
as a wife in the absolute concentrated evil American military base McGraw casern in 1970, many of the alleged Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim suddenly surrounded me more
than before, including some new faces which it looked as if they were helping
me getting over the alleged separation of the CIA
whore agent Anita Disbray, but in reality they were distracting me of
many facts about the CIA whore agent Anita Disbray
and preventing the German police of getting too close to me to prove that my
fake family in the Middle East performed many very vicious terrorist attacks
in Germany. Among others through this incident with Karin and the alleged RAF
(Red Army Fraction) Terrorist-woman. But
first what is Red Army Fraction? It is officially a terrorist organization
that was blamed upon the former Soviet Union, which is a lie, first of all
and if in these kind of terrorist groups were created by the ex-Soviet Union,
then they would have called them some thing else that is not linked to them,
such as Red Army, which is the name of the Soviet Union Army, because all
governments and their secret services live by a certain code, which is what
your enemy does not know, then he can’t fight, and therefore they will
always perform the terrorist activities in the name of other country and
definitely not in their own, especially because they don’t want to be
publicly accused of terrorism such as the government of USA does. Second
Jordan and Syria were the official creator of many terrorist groups, but also
the supporter financially, training wise, weaponry and as a safe haven for
terrorist such as PLO, Hamas, RAF of Germany, RAF of Italy, Baader Mainhof
Bande, Hadad and many others. Then they relocated some of them to Libya and
then to Yemen or vice versa, and that was the absolute official and public
version all over the news papers, but also and within my immediate family I
discovered uncountable terrorist attacks and activities, and since Syria,
Jordan, Lebanon and Israel as we know them today were 100% established by a
very large international crime organization for slavery, drug purposes and
other reasons, and this international crime organization are controlling many
governments such as USA, Germany, England, Italy, Spain and others. And the
reason I know that is because I am related to them and they persecuted me all
my life or at least as far as I can recall, which is since 1959. Back to Karin. Some one asked me to invite Karin for
lunch, and said to me that she allegedly likes me and like to go out with me,
and since my mind was trained by my fake mother Hayat
Baroudi that some times exchanged places with the fucked up queen of England,
queen Elizabeth II and also trained for 7
years my the CIA agent whore Anita Disbray to
be slave, I never questioned any thing, I just performed what I was told, if
some tells me do that or do this, I always did it with out thinking, due to I
was trained to that, but also oft prevented by ESP of thinking, and later as
I gradually became little bid free, which was in the beginning of 1980s,
partially thanks to Siemens AG and partially
because I was living alone, then they started to force me with ESP. Therefore
I invited Karin for lunch, even though she was absolutely not my type nor I
really wanted to date her, due to her character and behavior, which is
totally emotionless, but also she was much smaller than me and very fat
mainly on her back or ass, which I absolutely don’t like on a woman
that I want to date. Yet I invited her for lunch on Sunday after the church,
which was Fondue for two. Yet I did not have the main ingredients which is
meat. 50-100 meters of the church house where I lived there was a
butcher’s shop, but they close from Saturday noon and until Monday
morning, just like all German shops. Yet I went there and knocked at the door
and the butcher opened especially for me and gave me what I needed freshly
cut for me. And this is very strange because I did not personally know the
owner that lived above his shop, Therefore it looks as if I had ESP and forced
him to open on Sunday. Because no one open on Sunday in this situation, and
also no one will go to a butcher and knock at his door and ask him to sell
him meat on Sunday. Yet I did it, and all this time I thought they did that
for me because I was one of them, which is Christian, but that was a
brainwash, they definitely was showing as if I had ESP. Later I had with
Karin that Fondue alone in my church house, and therefore and based on the
pattern that I never seen her after that and all the intelligence members in
this town had ESP, this mean she knocked me unconscious and raped me with out
my approval, knowledge or that I even noticed, because sitting down for
around 3-4 hours and have Fondue, it is impossible to miss 5-30 minutes of
unconsciousness. Either the next day or a few days later, it must have been
also on the weekend, or it was a school holiday, she invited me to go
swimming with her at an area called the Ruder Regatta or Rigatte, which was
an area especially build for the 1972 Munich
Olympics Canoe racing, and set me up with an alleged RAF (Red Army
Fraction) terrorist-woman, see the details
under that alleged RAF terrorist-woman. I
never dated Karin after that, and I believe I never saw her again after that
incident. |