Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0299


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             06.08.2007

Updated:                06.08.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Our 11 years old trash collector with his 9 years young wife in Cairo, Egypt

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

Our daily/weekly trash collectors

First saw/met

1960 in Cairo, Egypt

Age at that time:

50, 11 and 9 years old

Last saw/met

1969 in 111 Al-Higaz street, Masr Al-Gadiedah, Cairo, Egypt

Hidden biological relatives


Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

Shortly after I was kidnapped in 1959 and was taken to Egypt in 1960. During my brainwash and a very bad attempt by my family to portray me as a homosexual and therewith isolate me of every one else except family members who pretend officially not to know each others During a period that I was heavily used to produce as many children as possible with out my knowledge, which was rape.


170-180 cm

Only the father


180-185 kg

The children were accordingly small

Skin Color

Not white, not black

Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

The trash collector was a very poor Egyptian that always came alone, and survived through payments by the tenant’s monthly payments directly to him. Between 1966 and 1968, he suddenly started coming with his alleged 11 years old son that was accordingly small. One day, may be one month later,  he was coming alone and I asked him where his little son was, he said his son is being married and on honey moon. After the honey moon the man never came back, however his 11 years old son and his alleged wife was 9 years old were collecting the trash instead.

Special Crimes Against Me

I am positive I was knocked unconscious and used to pregnant this alleged little girl that disappeared after 2-4 months. See details below under Other Knowledge.

  See more description/Details below the photograph


Additional Photos wanted/needed







Our 11 years old trash collector with his 9 years young wife in Cairo, Egypt, photo and personal information wanted for crimes against me and against humanity.

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Our 11 years old trash collector with his 9 years young wife in Cairo, Egypt

Profession under Alias

Trash collectors in Cairo, Egypt

Official Nationality


Countries Lived In

I just saw them in Egypt

Official Address

Work: All over the Al-Higaz street next to Heliopolis hospital in Masr AL-Gadiedah, Cairo, Egypt

Home: In the slums of Cairo, I think but I am not positive in an area called Al-Zaitun very close to general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman’s house and where Aida the housekeeper of my fake sister Fadia Nagar, where this housekeeper Aida raped me, pretended that I attempted to rape her, stole my child and pretended to be living in Al-Zaitun and disappeared with at least one of my children

Disguise Methods

Possibly all this was a set up to get close to me, knock me unconscious, rape me by that alleged little 9 years old girl and disappear with my child enable to have a child of a very large international circle of half brothers and sisters that builds a future crime organization. Also they can be transporting and delivering drugs in the trash wagons that was pulled by a donkey, and no police man would dare to touch this filthy trash to check it out for drugs

Official Family Members

Father:             Unknown

Mother:            Unknown

Sisters:            Unknown

Brothers:          Unknown

Cousins:          Unknown


Wife:                Unknown

Children:          Unknown

Other relatives: Unknown, however trash collecting in Egypt was a family

                        business, that take a whole city area and divided among

                        their selves in collecting the trash


Biological Family Members

Unknown, possibly indirect the large trash collection and processing owned by the vice president Dick Cheney and his evil circle of hidden brothers and sisters including the current USA president George W. Bush and his father ex-USA president George H. W. Bush. Unfortunately I forgot the name of the company, however they are one of the subsidiaries of Halliburton and MW Kellogg and very large in Texas, but they are also very large in Egypt, especially in Atomic trash storage

Official Businesses

Trash collection

Businesses Partners:

Possibly the current USA president George W. Bush administration and his evil family with all their very large hidden circle of brothers and sisters world wide

Illegal Businesses

Child abuse, child rape, child kidnapping and most probably drugs


See continuation below.
















































Other Knowledge

At that time I only had the thought that this is unbelievable. Today and based on all the persecution, brainwash and that I was used to produce as many children as possible to build a very large international circle of half brothers and sisters as a crime organization tools for the greed of my family, and based on that some Egyptians were persecuting us due to they were suspicious that we were spies or at least that we were not what we claimed to be, and based on the fact that all of our neighbors were foreigners with fake identities and pretended to be Egyptians, as well as the fact that my fake step father Mohi Sabri was a police officer that allegedly spying on us but then he disappeared to Germany in 1969, and he turned out to be of the American Robinson family (ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Bush family), and immediately thereafter a police man or Egyptian secret service man moved to the opposite apartment of our apartment, and he tried very hard to question me about the where about of Mohi Sabri, which I did not know, because it was forbidden at that time that a Police officer leaves the country, all these are indications to the prove that some one was using the trash collector to get my attention that I was, even young, yet I was being used to produce children and that it is possible for 9 years old/young girl to get pregnant. But also it is a very strong indication that I was knocked unconscious and raped by several look a like girls of these trash collectors, so they may have their children as part of this evil and very large international circle of hidden half brothers and sisters, especially that I discovered that this method/strategy/practice of raping children at a very young age to force them to have as many children as possible of one father, just like they use one Bull to pregnant many cows, has been practiced for a very long time, possibly several hundred years. And all this can be very possibly true since Aida the house keeper of my fake sister Fadia Nagar stole my children and was allegedly living in the same area as these trash collectors. And all this is also confirmed through the fact that later I was oft manipulated by ESP in Munich, Germany to go to street prostitutes that were located directly opposite or right next to the trash collection area of Munich in a street called Freisingerland street near a city called Garching, where allegedly and voluntarily I had sex with many prostitutes that were only there to get pregnant of me and join this large and very evil circle of half brothers and sisters, and this was also very close to the city Unterschleissheim where I was tricked to become Christian, specially that my alleged beloved ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka lived on a street called Freisinger street, just like Freisingerland street, and Adelheid Kuczka exchanged places with other look a like and, and therewith raped me by many with out my knowledge or that I even noticed and disappeared with my children, just like in Egypt. Where can I be safe and not be used as a bull to pregnant many dumb cows, that the only thing they have in mind is to join this evil circle of a very large international half brothers and sisters, when would these evil people realize that I am a human with own desires, feeling, will, needs, wants, plans and goals for my own life. I will destroy these stupid in one way or another, once and for all, because these practices are not only inhumane, they are absolutely sadistic, vicious, cruel and worse than animal behavior, or in other words oft animals have more loyalties to their youngest of their species than these evil families of mine and all their messed up allies.


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