Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0299-A


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             06.08.2007

Updated:                06.08.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Our opposite neighbor the Egyptian police or secret service agent

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

Our new opposite neighbor in 1969, that was questioning me in a very pushing way

First saw/met

1969 in Cairo, Egypt

Age at that time:

Over 30 years old

Last saw/met

1969 in 111 Al-Higaz street, Masr Al-Gadiedah, Cairo, Egypt

Hidden biological relatives

Unknown, but he was definitely an Egyptian agent

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

Shortly after I was kidnapped in 1959 and was taken to Egypt in 1960. During my brainwash and a very bad attempt by my family to portray me as a homosexual and therewith isolate me of every one else except family members who pretend officially not to know each others During a period that I was heavily used to produce as many children as possible with out my knowledge, which was rape. Shortly after the disappearance of the husband of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi named Mohi Sabri alias many look a like alias Al-Jumaiee son alias Robinson family member alias the fake Mohi Sabri as a spy in Germany since 1969 alias the original Mohi Sabri of Egypt is now some where in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Bahrain, Abo Dhabi or Oman


170-180 cm


75-90 kg

Skin Color

Darker than white

Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

He moved into the empty opposite apartment of our apartment shortly after the disappearance of the husband of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, named Mohi Sabri

Special Crimes Against Me

He was following me wherever I was and tried to show as if he was my friend and questioning me about the where about of Mohi Sabri and about my alleged family and me. Which caused me to be permanently controlled by ESP to avoid that I say the wrong thing by the following persons: my fake mother Hayat Baroudi, my fake Sister Fadia Nagar, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar and Esmat Chodori/Khodori the fake niece of the CEO of Egypt Air airline , that I claim to be of the American Ford family and that was a distant relative and business partner with my fake brothers-in-laws in Jordan, named Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir and Abdalghani Abokurah. And this permanently controlled by ESP through those people caused me not to be able to register any thing of my surroundings and therewith I have a huge memory laps during at least this period.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional Photos wanted/needed

Our opposite neighbor the Egyptian police or secret service agent, photo and personal information wanted for crimes against me and against humanity. And not telling me the truth instead of pretending to be questioning me

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Our opposite neighbor the Egyptian police or secret service agent

Profession under Alias

Unknown, never seen him to go to work, he was always waiting where ever I went around the building

Official Nationality


Countries Lived In

I just saw him in the opposite apartment to ours on 111 Al-Higaz street

Official Address

APARTMENT 7, SECOND FLOOR ON 111 Al-Higaz street, next to Heliopolis hospital, Masr Al-Gadiedah, Cairo, Egypt

Disguise Methods

Pretended to be our neighbor. Pretended to be my friend or want to be. Pretended to be always their coincidently where I was at the window, balcony or by the buildings entrance or when leaving or coming into the apartment

Official Family Members

Father:             Unknown

Mother:            Unknown

Sisters:            Unknown

Brothers:          Unknown

Cousins:          Unknown


Wife:                Unknown

Children:          Unknown

Other relatives: Unknown, however he was most definitely an Egyptian

                         police man or secret service agent


Biological Family Members

Unknown, however he was most definitely an Egyptian police man or secret service agent

Official Businesses

Unknown, never seen him to go to work, he was always waiting where ever I went around the building. Spying on us and in particular on me

Businesses Partners:

Egyptian police, Egyptian secret service, Adel Hasan, general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and others

Illegal Businesses

Failed to tell me the truth, instead he was busy in questioning me and following me all over. And this make me question if he was genuinely interested in finding the truth or he was just pretending like his fellow police man Mohi Sabri that was multi-agent

Other Knowledge

Nothing else at the moment
















































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