Wanted Person No: 0002-A1 |
Najar Kidnapping |
Sent-Complain Letters |
Published: 10.01.2012 Updated: 10.01.2012 |
Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)
Name and Aliases |
John F. Kerry USA
president elect of 2004 and senior United States Senator from the state
Massachusetts, USA Important
Note: until I come
to it and create this profile, it is just a copy of the profile of Teresa Heinz Kerry except what is above this line Teresa Heinz Kerry the wife
of the American Senator and USA president-elect John F. Kerry. 1.
(added on 17.02.2012) I strongly suspect that John D. Rockefeller junior the Second is was
also disguised as Teresa Heinz Kerry, especially during the election
period of 2004, where John F. Kerry was
competing against George W. Bush=win-win
situation because Bush family is from the Rockefeller family the American
hidden English royal family 2.
person is identified as one of the several Fadia
Nagar, my fake sister 3.
person is identified as a person that exchanges places with Queen Noor of Jordan, while Queen Noor of Jordan exchanged places with Adelheid Kuczka while Adelheid
Kuczka oft changed places with Sheikha Mozah
(Sheikha=princess/queen a new created deceive title to brainwash the
innocents and force them to believe that this person is very religious) 4.
person is identified as my fake sister Fadia Nagar
in Munich, Germany around 1983/84 where Adelheid
Kuczka made us meet in a restaurant and dance café called
Theresien café by the Oktoberfest square in Munich, Germany, and that
was the absolute only time ever I went with Adelheid
Kuczka to a dance café in 3½ years 5.
One person
is a man with several hundred children and may be much more that own these
identities and disguises himself as one of these women, possibly he is their
father 6.
One of
these women is identified as Two different Fadia
Nagar that function as body guards for the hidden children Esmat Shawki and Essam
Shawki in Hove England and Esmat Shawki
and Essam
Shawki in Cairo, Egypt alias one of them is
Prince Hashem of Jordan that exchanges places
with another prince in Saudi Arabia, and
Houston, Texas, USA that also work at ARAMCO and/or Exxon
and/or Chevron petroleum and/or at the BP-British Petroleum in Houston, Texas, where Teresa
Heinz Kerry exchange places with this body guard, which a pattern that I
discovered a couple of days ago through may fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that in reality there was
at least 4 of him, two as Mohamad Nashaat Naggar
and 2 as Nick Naggar with his partner body
guard called Alia Köse, Anita Köse and
Anita Naggar and one of these three women is not a body guard, my guess
she is either a hidden relative of Teresa Heinz Kerry or is from the
Spanish royal family due to she has look similarities with the fake sisters
of my brother-in-law Abdalghani Abokurah and his two sisters (sister-1 and sister-2)
or at least one of them is 100% of the Spanish Royal family=Mafia 7.
person Teresa Heinz Kerry is one of the responsible persons for
setting me up with the agent Vilma Bonilla,
that I very strongly suspect to be her sister or another very close relative |
Name in Arabic |
Relation to me |
First saw/met |
Age at that time |
Last saw/met |
Hidden biological relatives |
Allegedly Died On |
Surrounding me during |
Height |
Weight |
Skin Color |
Hair Color |
Eye Color |
Religion |
Special Features |
Special Crimes Against Me |
See more description/Details below the photograph
Photo-A01 Photo-A02:
Teresa Heinz Kerry with her/his official husband John F. Kerry Photo-A03 Photo-A04 Photo-A05 Photo-A06 Photo-A07 Photo-A08 Photo-A09 Photo-A10 Is the above
photo a dummy or is it real but with excessive makeup to cover one identity a
man disguised as a woman, my fake sister Fadia
Nagar |
Photo-B01 Photo-B02 Photo-B03 |
Photo-A01 to A04: Teresa
Heinz Kerry alias my fake sister Fadia Nagar Photo-A07: The more natural woman Teresa
Heinz Kerry not a man in disguise |
Photo-B01 & B02: the
famous actress Sandra Bullock one of the hidden children of Teresa Heinz
Kerry Photo-B03: Photo-B04: |
Other Descriptions/Details
Name and Aliases |
Profession under Alias |
Official Nationality |
Countries Lived In |
Official Address |
Disguise Methods |
Official Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Biological Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Friends of the Family |
Official Businesses |
Businesses Partners: |
Illegal Businesses |
Other Knowledge |
Will follow |