Wanted Person No: 0690 |
Najar Kidnapping |
Sent-Complain Letters |
Published: 29.10.2007 Updated: 29.10.2007 |
Information wanted on this
person (please send to
Name and Aliases |
Somali refugee at Apel
Scha, Holland alias Denzel Washington |
Name in Arabic |
Under Construction |
Relation to me |
First saw/met |
Age at that time |
Last saw/met |
Hidden biological relatives |
Allegedly Died On |
Surrounding me during |
My persecution and brainwash by my fake family that
consisted of some of my biological family members of the Windsor,
Rockefeller, Kennedy
and Bush families that were eager and would do any
thing to cover up their real identities in the Middle East, including killing
innocent people. During a period when Siemens AG
was trying hard to get my attention to what my family was actually doing.
During a period when the German police was
constantly persecuting me to use me and prove that my fake families are
terrorists and drug lords. During a period when the Americans disguised as
German in and around Munich, Germany such as Unterschleissheim, Hoehenbrunn, Unterhaching,
Baldham and other, were desperate to shut me up in that they persecuted me
and brainwashed me while pretending to be German Christians. During a period
when all of them together were preparing either to kill me or kidnap me to
USA, which they did. During a period when my fake and biological families
persecuted me very viciously after I discovered that they were printing a
fake Quran in cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government at the Clett Verlag in Stuttgart, Germany to implicate the alleged German Nazis that
were allegedly hiding in the Middle East, in short to implicate the Germans,
because Germany was used by USA and England as
scapegoat for all the crimes they were performing in the hidden and described
within this website, such as terrorism, drugs and mass child kidnapping and
molestation to create as many children as quick as possible that they can brainwash
and claim them to be native of the Middle East. During a persistent period
that my fake and biological families tried to link me to PLO and
Palestinian terrorists. My brainwash, enslaving with the help of he CIA, Mosad, American/English/Syrian military intelligence under their agent whore Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping to USA
through the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso and in cooperation with the
brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG
in cooperation with professor Dr. Fischer alias
Ali Bark, Dr. Farzat
Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer and Mr. Ruge alias John
D. Rockefeller the Third and USA vice-president and later USA president George H. W. Bush. Where they kept me letterly as
hostage and slave for 15 years in USA and then dumped me in Holland identity
and legal paperless to force me to live as a refugee with absolute no rights
what so ever as cover up for all the crimes they performed against me and
against humanity. Locking me in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA,
destroying my logic and bringing
my mind to a total stop and therewith enslaving me totally under the control
of all the CIA, American/English military intelligence agents disguised under the
families Mahmoud, Mushref,
Khodor/Chodor, Najjar/Najar/Naggar/Nagar,
Baroudi, Abokurah, Bdeir and protected by Bush, Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Ford and other
criminal Mafia families. Then keeping me as hostage and salve for 15 years in
USA. Forcing me to live in Houston, Texas as brainless robot slave for 10
years, then forcing me to leave USA in 2000 to not endanger the election of George W. Bush alias Fareed
Kheir enable to protect the crime organization, his official father George H. W. Bush and his official mother Barbara Pierce Bush ones of the worst criminals
in our lives since his hidden cousin Adolf
Hitler. |
Height |
Weight |
Skin Color |
Hair Color |
Eye Color |
Religion |
Special Features |
Special Crimes Against Me |
See more description/Details below
the photograph
Additional photo
needed |
Name and Aliases |
Profession under Alias |
Official Nationality |
Countries Lived In |
Official Address |
Disguise Methods |
Official Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Biological Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Friends of the Family |
Official Businesses |
Businesses Partners: |
Illegal Businesses |
Other Knowledge |
(Added on 07.07.2009) the
entire content below was added on this date. The incident of the Somali in the Dutch
refugee camp: Pre-explanation: In February 2006 I was deported
from unjustly imprisonment in Germany to the Netherlands
Airport in Amsterdam. From Amsterdam I went again to the refugee reception
center in the town/village of Ter Apel, Netherland. After a couple of days in that above mentioned refugee reception
center, I was taken to the refugee camp in another town/village called
Apelscha, around 60 kilometers, where I stayed for around 3-4 weeks. This refugee camp was just re-opened allegedly due to a
larger refugee arriving in the Netherland than
expected. This refugee camp was around 1 km outside the town and it
consisted of around 100 fixed-mobile (no wheels) homes apartments. I was placed in one of them that had 3 very small rooms, around
12 square meters each, one living room/kitchen and one shower/toilette room/.
Two rooms each was for two persons and one room for one person. I was placed
in the one person room. In short the apartment was too small for 5 persons, and
most of all, there was absolutely no privacy what so ever for any, due to
they have to share the place, and the private rooms were designed on purpose
only for sleeping and not to sit in them. Another room had an alleged Syrian refugee, and I hate
Syrians due to all the damages they performed upon my life since 1959. The third room was for the allegedly Somali refugee and
almost identical look to Denzel Washington, or
may it was him. There were another two refugees but I hardly saw them, due
to they were allegedly sleeping at their friends houses or they had their own
rooms in other towns and came only Wednesday to register that they are
present and immediately thereafter they left the camp until the following
Wednesday. Every refugee had to register his name once a week that he
is present in the camp, otherwise the administration consider him not present
and he loses his alleged rights as refugee The Syrian refugee was always present. The Somali refugee came only Tuesday evening stayed
overnight to be able to allegedly register his name on Wednesday and
disappeared on Wednesday. In short I was locked up in this apartment with this piece
of shit of a Syrian on purpose, in other words the camp administration
planned that on purpose because they knew I hate Syrians. since the years
2002 and after I discovered many bad things performed upon my life by Syrians
I started to avoid them and I really hate them and made no secret about it,
especially during the period where I was in another Dutch
refugee camp in the city of Ter Apel from march 2002 to August 2003 and
talked about what these mother fuckers of Syrians around my life did to me
ever since 1959. In short the Dutch administration
was doing everything they can to force me to leave the camp, and if I leave
the camp I have nowhere else to go, because I would be illegal, and the only
place I thought I can go to is back home to Germany
where they always jailed me and brought me back to the Netherland. It is a possibility that they were
doing that to see if I contact anyone in the Netherland,
because I noticed many times as if I was being set up that it looks like as
if my family is originated from the Netherland,
and may be a few of them are, I do not know. See the related remarks in the
last paragraph at the bottom. After around 4 weeks of mental torture at that camp I left
it and went to Germany and was unjustly jailed
and brought back to the Netherland a few months
later. This is one of the reasons why the Dutch immigration moved me from one town to
another, or set me up to leave, to not allow any local persons to help me,
but also to force my mind to keep in going in circle in that they continued
repeating moving me from jail to prison
to refugee camp between Germany and the Netherlands, and therewith they
were 100% helping the mother fuckers Bush
family in keeping me busy from jail to jail, from camp to camp between Netherland and Germany. The actual
incident of the Somali refugee: Pre-explanation: This Somali refugee is possibly the same
person as my ex-work colleague the Somali refugee
within Siemens AG profile) at Siemens AG in
around 1980/81, however I am not positive based on the look, but only based
on the situation from 1981 and the situation in 2006 that are similar and
that I was set up in both cases to be persecuted as an alleged man with
connection to terrorist groups in particular the PLO
through the fake PLO-ID setup by the American military intelligence and my fake
uncles Badeaa Baroudi (=Bush family member) and Jawdat Baroudi (=Rockefeller
family member) and the Somali colleague at Siemens AG was set on me due to the PLO had hijacked a
German plane to Mogadishu, Somalia in the first week of 1977 and a few
months prior for me being set up to work at Siemens
AG to set me up with the agent Renee Zielske
and Khalid Mian alias Steve Job that pretended to be my friends to
allegedly spy on me. It was all lies and excuses to isolate me by force of
law of the general public and surround me only by agents. The actual incident: This alleged Somali refugee and
each times he came, he spent some times talking with me, for around an hour
or so. Once we went together to shop some food, it was the first time for me
to go shopping in this town. It was around 2 km walking to the supermarket.
During which, I was totally unconscious, however I did not notice until I
went alone 2-3 times, and noticed that the first time I went alone I did not
go the same route as with him, due to I was not able to remember it, but also
many things around the way seemed to me that I am seeing them for the first
time, even though I went that route with him and back. In short he most
definitely had ESP and was using it on me and therewith I was not able to
register my surroundings. As we went shopping and as I saw the entrance of the
Supermarket, it seemed very familiar to me, as if I was there before, but I was
not there, it was the first time for me to come to this supermarket, shopping
center and the entire town, the supermarket entry was totally unique and had
absolutely no similarity with any other supermarket I have seen before. I was
totally confused and disoriented due to I saw something for the first time
that seemed very familiar to me and I could not explain it. A few months later around September/October 2006, I
remembered this incident and I remembered many other similar incidents in my
life and understood it. The reason I remembered it in this time because I was
again locked up in another refugee camp in the town of Dokkum, Netherland and had nothing else to-do except to
question what the fuck is going wrong in my life? How come I was in Germany and loved it until 1986 and now I am here
and not allowed to go back home? And this is what I discovered what really happened to me
and why that supermarket seemed very familiar to me even though I was
consciously there for the first time: 1. As
soon as we neared the shopping center the Somali refugee knocked me
unconscious with his ESP, which they can do that, and there with my memory
stopped registering anything around me. From here and on, I was totally under
ESP control as robots are. 2. Then
the Somali refugee took me to the Supermarket-1 and at the entrance he
brought me back to consciousness long enough until I memorized the entry,
possibly walked around for a minute or 2. Then knocked me unconscious again
and took me back to the area where he knocked me unconscious at the entry of
the shopping center and brought me back to consciousness and went with me to
another supermarket-2. Where we consciously purchased 1-2 products. During
which I did not notice anything and I did not question the odd situation. 3. Then
we went to Supermarket-1 and here I was surprised or shocked or disoriented
or whatever it was, because I could swear I was here before but I could not
remember it. 4. I
forgot the incident due to I was totally stressed at that refugee camp and
had no time to actually think about my present time and my brain was going
around in circles about my past, which and most probably it was forced upon
me by ESP to force me to be busy with my past and forget my presence and what
the hill going around my life now. On the other side this supermarket
incident contributed a lot to the confusion of my mind and being more
disoriented, and that is no good, and possibly that was the major purpose of
this incident, because if this person with ESP had a good intention would
have made me understand this incident right this moment and/or could have showed me this trick
in a different way, in that he first tells me what he is going to do and then
do it, but these people are cowereds and criminals because they use their
capability in the hidden to confuse the mind of their victims as they did to
me. This incident 100% happened to me, however how it happened
I am not certain, most probably as described above, another possibility is
that a memory of this supermarket-1 entrance was possibly forced upon me by
ESP (which was done on me many times over) while I was a sleep and did
not register it and as I saw it, I remembered it but I did not relate it to
the dream, and that is another possibility, which I very much doubt because
of another incident that happened to me as described below. The other similar incident-1 in 1976 or 1977:
1976/1977. Knocking me unconscious for 2 days: in the CIA city Unterschleissheim
and while I was forced to be married to the American
military intelligence agent Anita Disbray.
During which I was working for the company Hoegl
Studio Technik owned officially by Mr. Hoegl
alias ex-German minister of Economy (after 1998) Wolfgang Clement that exchanged places with
other lookalike. On one Friday and after I finished work at noon, I went
home. At home I sat on the couch/sofa and after a few minutes I felt very
tired and went to sleep. However, I did not go to sleep, I past out and wake
up on Sunday night. Then I was told that my at that time wife Anita Disbray came home from work and found me a
sleep on the sofa, and could not wake me up, and since we did not have a
telephone, she knocked on the door of our unknown neighbor and asked him for
help, he then called the ambulance, they allegedly came and gave me an
injunction, and said they will came again to check on me the following day,
Which allegedly they did, but I was still past out as if I am in a comma, and
on Saturday they said if my condition does not improve until Sunday then they
will have to take me to the hospital. Sunday evening I woke up and I thought
that I had severe could/influenza/grippe, but I was healthy and was just
tired from working and lack of a good sleep for the last a few days, which I
did not used to have prior to me getting Christian and while I was with Anita
Disbray. Today and as I remember and at that time I was very healthy and had
no sickness, except I was severely persecuted after I became Christian in
1976. Today’s conclusion of this incident: Either someone tried to kill
me, but I am alive today, or someone was pretending to try to show me how a
person can be knocked out with ESP. The second possibility is the actual one especially
in connection with the following one. The other similar incident-2 in 2002: pre-explanation:
I was in the Dutch
refugee camp in the town Ter Apel from around March 2002 and until August
2003, whereby and on 27.12.2002 my fake son Abdulhamid Najar arrived
allegedly from USA and was staying with me until I was set up to leave this
refugee camp on 7 or 8 August, 2003. As soon as I arrived in this refugee
camp in March 2002 they placed me in a room with another 3 refugees, one
allegedly Libyan, another allegedly Palestinian, both around or under 30
years old and the third allegedly Kurdish Syrian over 55 years old. We stayed
in this room for approximately a couple of weeks, until the Kurdish-Syrian
asked me to change this room and go with him to another room due to he
allegedly did not like the other two, which and at that time I did not mind
them due to I had other problems on my mind. So we changed the room. He
stayed around 4 weeks with me and then left allegedly back to Syria.
All-in-all his mother fucker of a Syrian was working either for the Dutch, German or American government or for all
three of them and performed many damages to me mentally which I did not
notice it at that time. After he left I was in that room alone for around 1-2
months, then they brought another person allegedly from Uzbekistan, allegedly
he was deported from Germany, he was homosexual
and was studying Microsoft operating systems and had the books for that. He
disappeared after 2-3 weeks. Then I was alone for another 1-2 months.
All-in-all he was set on me for a multipurpose and this because many things
that he told me about his life was identical to my life and therewith he was
handpicked and acted on purpose totally stupid. During this period of time
and as I was living alone I was terrorized with ESP, such as waking me up 2-3
hours after I go to sleep at 2 o’clock in the morning and not allowing
me to go back to sleep, or force a lot of thoughts upon me about past
terrorism as if I had anything to do with it or as if I performed it, in
other words I was interrogated by ESP. But also the person was showing me
that I can’t control myself if he does not allow it. Simultaneously to that
the administration of the camp invited me for a meeting during which they
said to me, we do not know what is going on in your room, and asked me if I
need help, at that time I thought they mean help against the Syrians in the
camp, so I answered them no I do not need help again these persons and I can
take care of and protect myself. On the other hand, may be they meant that I
am mentally sick and offering medical help, I do not know what they really
meant. Enough pre-explanation. The actual incident. I was alone in the room and I
wanted to make coffee, I had to go to the other room/kitchen heat the water,
come back to my room and set the filter, put coffee in it and put the heated
water over the coffee. And I was doing this day-in day-out for the entire 2-4
months that I was in this room. But this time was different. I was only think
I want to make coffee and perform the routine as mentioned and suddenly I was
standing in front of the coffee pot and the filter was set already in it and
I just had to place the coffee in it, for a minute I was totally confused and
did not understand what is going around. In other words someone with ESP,
that was not present in the room, forced the thoughts of the coffee upon me
knocked me unconscious controlled me to heat the water and place the coffee
filter and then brought me back to consciousness. This incident happened to
me twice that I can recall within the same room. I even told my ex-girl
friend Adelheid Kuczka (ex-girlfriend from
before 1984) about this incident as she called me from Germany. She was calling me on a regular base
during that period and sending me gifts from Germany. Back to the Supermarket-1 incident mentioned above, it
must have been the same ESP trick of knocking me unconscious and forcing me
to perform a task and then bringing me back to consciousness, where I do not
memorize doing the task or certain task. Another possibility is that whoever
performed this supermarket trick on me, was to place a memory in my mind that
others with ESP can read and think that I have an old memory from prior to
1959, and in this case it is 100% to help the mother fucker Bush family and cover up for them as if I was in
the Netherlands prior to 1959, especially that
I was forced to leave this camp and go back to Germany
until August 2006. It is just a possibility, I do not always understand the
purpose of evil ESP tricks performed upon me, I just know that they were
performed on me and I am trying to understand them End of incident |