Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0475-E


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             29.10.2007

Updated:                15.10.2008

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Kimo (Kamal) Khodor the alleged brother of Mark Khodor that allegedly was a night manager at Omni hotel in Houston, Texas, that came from Syria as reinforcement. The brother of the son-in-law of the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud 

Name in Arabic

كمال\ كيمو الخضر \ خضر

Relation to me

Brother of the alleged husband of the forced upon my life fake step daughter the daughter Suzanne Khodor of the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud. The man that set me up uncountable times and stole my car that he sold me twice

First saw/met

Uncertain, 1991 or 1992 in Houston, Texas, USA

Age at that time

Allegedly around 30 years old

Last saw/met

Uncertain, however the last time I am certain about was 24-26 December 1998 at the Omni Hotel at 4 Riverway (off Woodway drive and I610), Houston, TX 77056 close to the Galleria, where he allegedly worked.

Hidden biological relatives

Based on his look and behavior, very possibly one of his hidden brothers is Adnan Shababibi (that was 100% American and/or English agent) alias a hidden member of the Windsor family that pretended to be originated from India or Pakistan and in general the Rockefeller, Bush and Kennedy families because he was a part of a CIA and American military intelligence surrounding set up to distract me of the individual members in my fake families that were simultaneously members of these families

Allegedly Died On

Unknown to me

Surrounding me during

My persecution and brainwash by my fake family that consisted of some of my biological family members of the Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy and Bush families that were eager and would do anything to cover up their real identities in the Middle East, including killing innocent people. During a period when Siemens AG was trying hard to get my attention to what my family was actually doing. During a period when the German police was constantly persecuting me to use me and prove that my fake families are terrorists and drug lords. During a period when the Americans disguised as German in and around Munich, Germany such as Unterschleissheim, Hoehenbrunn, Unterhaching, Baldham and other, were desperate to shut me up in that they persecuted me and brainwashed me while pretending to be German Christians. During a period when all of them together were preparing either to kill me or kidnap me to USA, which they did. During a period when my fake and biological families persecuted me very viciously after I discovered that they were printing a fake Quran in cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government at the Clett Verlag in Stuttgart, Germany to implicate the alleged German Nazis that were allegedly hiding in the Middle East, in short to implicate the Germans, because Germany was used by USA and England as scapegoat for all the crimes they were performing in the hidden and described within this website, such as terrorism, drugs and mass child kidnapping and molestation to create as many children as quick as possible that they can brainwash and claim them to be native of the Middle East. During a persistent period that my fake and biological families tried to link me to PLO and Palestinian terrorists. My brainwash, enslaving with the help of the CIA, Mosad, American/English/Syrian military intelligence under their agent whore Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping to USA through the illegal American/English/Syrian military intelligence project Calypso and in cooperation with the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG in cooperation with professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark, Dr. Farzat Baroudi alias professor Joachim Sauer and Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third and USA vice-president and later USA president George H. W. Bush. Where they kept me letterly as hostage and slave for 15 years in USA and then dumped me in Holland identity and legal paperless to force me to live as a refugee with absolute no rights what so ever as cover up for all the crimes they performed against me and against humanity. Locking me in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, destroying  my logic and bringing my mind to a total stop and therewith enslaving me totally under the control of all the CIA, American/English military intelligence agents disguised under the families Mahmoud, Mushref, Khodor/Chodor, Najjar/Najar/Naggar/Nagar, Baroudi, Abokurah, Bdeir and protected by Bush, Windsor, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Ford and other criminal Mafia families. Then keeping me as hostage and salve for 15 years in USA.


175-185 cm


75-85 kg

Skin Color

Semi white

Hair Color


Eye Color



Allegedly Moslem-Allawee that pretended not to care about religion

Special Features

Does not look anything like his alleged brother Mark Khodor. Much taller than his alleged brother Mark Khodor by at least 20 cm (6 inches). Very unlike his alleged brother in every aspect from behavior to life style, which 100% point to that they were not raised by the same parents and environments. He is more energetic, more deceiving, pretend to care, much better organized and well dressed, all absolutely unlike his alleged brother, therefore and also based on their looks they are most definitely not brothers at least not of the same two parents

Special Crimes Against Me

I can pin point what crimes he performed against me except two things:

1.     He pretended to be related to the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, allegedly her cousin, just to officially surround me and help keep me as slave and hostage in USA and prevent me of remembering my past or understand my current situation and therewith prevent me of thinking and force me to be dead mentally

2.     Pretended to be working as a hotel Omni night manger from 1993/94 and until 1998. Whereby, and this is a brainwash setup, I was forced to spend almost every Christmas from 1993/94 and for 2-3 days at the hotel Omni as if I am allegedly celebrating my marriage anniversary with the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, which was really the first day I ever met her in my life as Najlaa Mahmoud, which is on 24.12.1984 after she allegedly arrived from Syria and allegedly for the first time in Germany , and in 1986 for the first time in USA, which were all lies and she is a 100% piece of shit American agent that was born in USA or lived there for a long time prior to 1984.


This hotel situation over Christmas was a multipurpose brainwash situations:

1.     As official manager of the hotel I am staying in he can isolate me of anyone or anything that may come up unexpectedly

2.     First to show as if I am happy with the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that I was never able to stand her site since I first saw her in 1984, however and with ESP and other brainwash methods that the CIA, military intelligence and the organized crime families uses to force someone to do something he does not want

3.     To waste my money

4.     To distract me of the actual Christmas and my friends at the fake Evangelical Lutheran church in the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany and in general my church employment and time and missing my friends at that city or in general missing friends in general, any friends

5.     Distraction of every event that happened over Christmas, which is potentially dangerous to my brainwash, in other words I was not allowed to take time off and think or remember any Christmas, where there were many Christmas time situations that I should have not forgotten, such as with Al-Jumaiee family alias Pierce and Bush families in 1968/69, the CIA trip in December 1969-January 1970 from Germany to Austria, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria. Jordan. Lebanon, Egypt and Back to Germany in just 40 days, whereby I spend my Christmas very miserably in Jordan and it was on purpose to not leave any alleged Christian memory in my mind because and in my presence my piece of shit fake family were pretending to be Moslem-Sunni, the CIA agents Anita Disbray and Ray Thomas in 1970, the CIA city Unterschleissheim, 1976-1978 with its fake Evangelical Lutheran and Catholic churches, other usually memorizable Christmas that can lead me with my life experience in 1990s to discover many wrong things about these times. Last but not least my last three Christmas in Germany that was 100% and totally manipulated and controlled by the mother fuckers and pieces of shit humanity traitors CIA, German police and American, English, Syrian military intelligence from December 1983 and 1984 where I was middle of the illegal American, English, Syrian military intelligence project Calypso to the Christmases in 1984, 1985 where I was officially employed by UDF Consulting AG and totally under the control of the CIA, German police and American, English and Syrian military intelligence and very visibly under the control of the alleged owners of UDF Consulting AG which are professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark  the Lebanese drug lord and Lebanese consul in Amman, Jordan alias professor Dr. Manfred Schreiber the German police president of Munich, Germany. But also the official partner of professor Dr. Fischer at UDF Consulting AG named Mr. Ruge alias John D. Rockefeller the Third alias our neighbor the Canadian pilot  and apartment mate to my ex-brother-in-law the CIA and American military intelligence agent terrorist Afaf Shawki alias the current Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak  that was neighbor to among others the CIA agent Hani Lapeep alias George H. W. Bush, Hisham Al-Jumaiee alias James E. Robinson (=Bush family), his alleged brother Ali Al-Jumaiee alias and most probably the military intelligence agent that pretended to be dead Wieland Norris the brother of the famous piece of shit American actor Chuck Norris alias a hidden Bush family member. But also and mainly as a contradiction brainwash to not think about my ex-girlfriend the 100% military intelligence agent Adelheid Kuczka set on me by the military intelligence agent that pretended to be Syrian named Mohamad Attar and his international whore wife Helga Attar, whereby Mohamad Attar is 100% the son of Laurence S. Rockefeller and Helga Attar is 100% the Mrs. Dick Cheney the current official wife of the queer American vice president Dick Cheney (because his wife is a man disguised as a woman) and that is very clear through their public photographs.

6.     Distraction of the Christmases and birthdays I spend in USA between 1986 and 1989, which were 1986 with the Stevens family alias Bush and Rockefeller family members that are 100% biologically related to the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and all are business partners in drugs, terrorism and uncountable other crimes, the celebration I performed by myself in some restaurant as a dedication and in memory of my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, in other words I continued to think about her and did not know what deep shit I am in or how to get out of it. It is a brainwash method to force your mind to think about a woman while you are forced to live with another woman that you hate enable to force your mind not to get to know another woman. It based on the so called win-win  situation, which is you are given or forced only for two options, which is very visible in USA by having only two political parties and the American population are struggling between these two that in reality are originated from only one family and creating uncountable situations to force the general population not to notice that they absolutely have not choice what so ever in politics or in the control of their own life that is 100% controlled by the politicians that are and to far more than over 80% originated only of the Rockefeller and Windsor families.

7.     Many other reason that I will leave out for now to not increase the size of this profile


All in all it is 100% mind manipulation and control of my own life by the CIA and American, English military intelligence that mainly works against their own population and in particular in USA the country that is allegedly most free country in the world and has uncountable population against their own government, Rockefeller, Bush, Kennedy, and many others that control among other City banks, Stanly Morgan, American Express, Shearson Lehman and brothers, General Motors, GE-General Electric, Exxon, Chevron, Texaco and uncountable other institutions and manufacturer in petroleum and weaponry the areas that does not need brain but crimes

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed





Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Kimo (Kamal) Khodor the alleged brother of Mark Khodor that allegedly was a night manager at Omni hotel in Houston, Texas, that came from Syria as reinforcement

Profession under Alias

Allegedly night manager at Omni Hotel at 4 Riverway (off Woodway drive and I610), Houston, TX 77056 close to the Galleria

Official Nationality

Allegedly Lebanese-American

Countries Lived In

I can’t remember what I was told due to all the ESP control and brainwash to prevent me of remembering any details in particular the lies, because lies can tell the truth in that they are lies

Official Address

I can’t remember due to all the brainwash and ESP control, even though I visited him at his apartment 2-3 times somewhere on the suburban of Houston, Texas, USA (just on the edge of Houston)

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be related to me by the force of the mother fuckers and human trash American government under the control of organized crime of the Bush family. Pretended to be Lebanese origin. Pretended to be none military person. Pretended to be poor person, my guess he was a very rich person in disguise, possibly directly son of the famous Rockefeller brothers. He allegedly changed his name from Khodor to Khodr or Khdor which was a pretension to show as if he is giving me a hint for changing names by modifying one or two letters within the name







Allegedly the uncle or brother of the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud


Allegedly the aunt or sister of the CIA whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud


Allegedly Mrs. Khodor


Allegedly only Mark Khodor


Allegedly his wife Suzanne Khodor, Rima Khodor, Rima Khodor alias Rima Mushref, Hiwaidah Khodor, Nawar Khodor and other fucked up organized crime members


Name forgotten possibly Heba Khodor his alleged new wife that come from Syrian after 1992 or 1994 and also his alleged cousin


Unknown to me

Other Relatives

Khodori/Chodori, Shawki, Kwader/Queder, Ghasal, Sawaf, Assad, Jadied, Bark, Azrath, Halabi, Bdeir, Malas, Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Najar, Abokurah, Kabani, Stevens, Fischer, Wiedemann, Sing, and therewith Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor and Kennedy families. Bust also other unknown families to me or families that I forgot their names.


And the reason I know that they are related to all these families is because these families covered up for them and they covered up for these pieces of shit organized crime families







Unknown, it i9s most probably the Rockefeller family


Unknown, it i9s most probably the Rockefeller family


Unknown to me, very possibly the CIA whore Najlaa Mahmoud it is the pattern, which is she has no brothers in Houston and the only brothers that she has allegedly only in Syria and one is dead because of me. It is all brainwash. Therewith one of his hidden brothers will be the mother fucker professor Dr. Manfred Schreiber the German police president of Munich, Germany that persecuted me to death alias the drug lord Ali Bark  that was officially Lebanese consul in Amman, Jordan from 1966-1986


Very possibly Nawar Khodor , Marvin Pierce Bush and a very large hidden circle of half brothers and sisters


Several circles of hidden cousins that each builds a hidden very large circle of half brothers and sisters and in particular within the Chinese/Japanese community downtown Houston, Texas and on Bellaire boulevard very close to the Department of Motor Vehicle


Unknown to me, very possibly and based on the pattern several hidden wives


Several hidden children very close to where he lives but also in, China/Japan, Lebanon and other countries

Other Relatives

Khodori/Chodori, Shawki, Kwader/Queder, Ghasal, Sawaf, Assad, Jadied, Bark, Azrath, Halabi, Bdeir, Malas, Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Najar, Abokurah, Kabani, Stevens, Fischer, Wiedemann, Sing, and therewith Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor and Kennedy families. Bust also other unknown families to me or families that I forgot their names.

Friends of the Family

Various see above the individual profiles

Official Businesses

Allegedly in Hotel business

Businesses Partners:

CIA, German police,  and American, English, German, Egyptian, Lebanese and Syrian military intelligence

Illegal Businesses

Illegal drugs, slavery, terrorism to enslave the population and steal their land and many other international crimes

Other Knowledge

This is all that I know about this person at the moment


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