Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0380-A


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             27.08.2007

Updated:                14.08.2009

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Mrs. Fischer (the wife of Mr. Klaus Fischer) alias possibly daughter of the Duchess of Windsor and sister to bishop Susanne Breit-Kessler, Margie Lange and Adelheid Kuczka


This person is identified as (added on 17.01.2009):

1.     (added on 14.08.2009) As the hidden sister of ex-German foreign minister for 18 years Hans-Dietrich Genscher alias the hidden father of Juergen Moellemann alias my fake stepfather Mohi Sabri and brother to my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi that exchanged places with him as Juergen Moellemann

2.     As a hidden relative to Michael Clark Rockefeller, most probably his hidden older sister or hidden daughter of his uncle

3.     Mrs. Fischer faked her own death in around 1978/80, I forgot the exact year, it is a family business to live several identities while faking the death of one of the identities

4.     Michael Clark Rockefeller looks identical to her official daughter Beate Fischer= Michael Clark Rockefeller, or his twin sister Mary Clark  Rockefeller

5.     Her hidden brother Wolfgang Clement was disguised as Mr. Hoegl, my boss


See also photos below

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

The mother of my alleged best friend Detlev Fischer, member of my Evangelical Lutheran church community in Unterschleissheim

First saw/met

Uncertain, either 1976 or 1977 in Unterschleissheim, Germany

Age at that time

Over 45 years old

Last saw/met

1978 in Unterschleissheim, Germany

Hidden biological relatives

Duchess of Windsor the wife of King Edward VII, Margie Lange, Adelheid Kuczka and regional Bishop Susanne Breit-Kessler, Sir Alec Guinness (her official husband), Windsor family in England, Bush, Ford, Kennedy and Rockefeller families in USA

Allegedly Died On

Uncertain due to all the persecution, ESP and brainwash during that period, but it must 1978, possibly 1979. However she and most definitely did not die, but rather faked her own death with the help of the CIA and the family and went in to a new, old or her real identity. I strongly suspect her to be Regional bishop of Bavaria Susanne Breit-Kessler after cosmetic surgery or her mother or older sister

Surrounding me during

The period where the German police was trying to get close to me to prove that my fake family in the Middle East performed the absolute vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics, and during the period I was tricked to become Christian to give my fake family the alleged Moslems a reason to persecute me, and therewith had reasons to remove me of Germany. During a period where I was surrounded by entire city population in Unterschleissheim that were American and English agents and all pretending to be Germans living next to each others, covering for each others and protecting each others. During a very evil attempt to show as if I am a homosexual. And in 1977 after several fail attempts by the German police to get close to me after the kidnapping and murder of Mr. Hans-Martin Schleyer the president of the German Employers Association in August/September 1977, and the high jacking of the German airplane Lufthansa to Mogadishu, Somalia in September/October 1977 as cover up for the Murder of Hans-Martin Schleyer, and both terrorist attacks were performed by my family. During a period where the entire foreign population pretending to be German and were desperate to get ready of me due to all the persecution by the German police while they were trafficking thousands of tons of illegal drugs from the Middle East and into Unterschleissheim and therefore, and among others they brainwashed me and destroyed my life until today


165-170 cm


65-70 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color

Dark blond to brown

Eye Color



Allegedly Evangelical Lutheran German Christian

Special Features

ESP (telepathy, and very visibly larger lower lip.

Special Crimes Against Me

Pretended to be the mother of my best friend Detlev Fischer. Pretended in 1977, and especially after the CIA whore Anita Disbray disappeared of my life, to be my friend including her entire family. Raped me against my well as a part of my brainwash for many purposes, among others to discredit me and to force my mind to be shamed that I allegedly slept with the mother of my alleged best friend, and therewith stop going to them and to Unterschleissheim. Which is a paradox. On one side they pretended to be my friends that stood to my side in my alleged bad times after the separation of my alleged wife the CIA whore Anita Disbray, then and in the hidden performed many things to force my mind to leave town voluntarily out of shame and many other things as described under torture in Unterschleissheim. I was forced to think that Detlev Fischer is my alleged best friend enable to destroy my friendship to him in the hidden through shame and not see him or Unterschleissheim again. Also I was implicated by her alleged suicide. See details below under Other Knowledge.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional Photos wanted/needed



















Photo-A01: None. Mrs. Fischer (the wife of Mr. Klaus Fischer) alias possibly daughter of the Duchess of Windsor and sister to bishop Susanne Breit-Kessler, Margie Lange and Adelheid Kuczka, photo and personal information are wanted for crimes performed against me and against humanity.


Mrs. Fischer is a very look alike with Bishop Susanne Breit-Kessler, photo to the right, that it could be Mrs. Fischer after cosmetic surgery that made her look 30-40 years younger.

Photo-B01: The Duchess of Windsor and wife to King Edward VIII the uncle of the current queen of England, queen Elizabeth II.


Photo-B02-B05: Regional bishop of Bavaria, Germany Susanne Breit-Kessler A very look a like to 90 % Mrs. Fischer, 85 % to Mrs. Margie Lange and to 70% to  Adelheid Kuczka. Here with different hair colors


(Added on 17.01.2009) Photo-B06; Michael Clark Rockefeller that faked his own death in 1961 and in 1963/65 placed his newly boned daughter of East Asian woman as my fake niece Asmat/Esmat Shawki in Cairo, Egypt. He looks to 100% identical to the Beate Fischer the official daughter of Mrs. Fischer. But also he looks a lot (80%) like Mrs. Fischer and a lot like (80%) her son alias my alleged best friend Detlev Fischer. For more details see profiles of the mentioned individuals.


Mrs. Susanne Breit-Kessler is most probably the daughter of professor Dr. Steven Clark Rockefeller the official older brother of Michael Clark Rockefeller. professor Dr. Steven Clark Rockefeller is professor of theology/religion and it is very hard to find his photograph.


(Added on 14.08.2009) Photo-B07+B08: the terrorist and ex-German foreign minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher that among other is the master mind of the vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics and tried hard to portray me as if I am involved in it and persecuted me to death as an alleged terrorist suspect.


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Mrs. Fischer (the wife of Mr. Klaus Fischer) alias possibly daughter of the Duchess of Windsor and sister to bishop Susanne Breit-Kessler, Margie Lange and Adelheid Kuczka

Profession under Alias

Allegedly housewife

Official Nationality

What I was told:

Allegedly German originated from the alleged ex-German Schlissien in today Check Republic or Slovakia, and in around 1952 allegedly escaped the ex-Soviet Union and came to Germany

Countries Lived In

Allegedly only Check Republic and Germany

Official Address

1976-1978/79 Elizabeth street in one of a series of 10-12 houses that are wall on wall, in Unterschleissheim, Germany

Then she faked her own death and went under cover into another identity, just like many in the family

Disguise Methods

Official Family Members












Klaus Fisher


Beate Fischer, Detlev Fischer, Roland Fischer, middle daughter name forgotten, Ralf Fischer, and Petra Fischer

Other Relatives


Biological Family Members




Duchess of Windsor the wife of King Edward VIII (my biological uncle) and official uncle of the current queen of England, queen Elizabeth II


Uncountable hidden half sisters. Possibly regional bishop Susanne Breit-Kessler or it is the same person after cosmetic surgery, and that is valid for Margie Lange and Adelheid Kuczka. Also possibly she is their mother.


Uncountable hidden brothers and half brothers


Uncountable hidden cousins


Several in different cities or countries


Many hidden children

Other Relatives

Windsor family in England, Bush, Ford, Kennedy and Rockefeller families in USA

Friends of the Family

Evangelical Lutheran church community of Unterschleissheim and other Unterschleissheim related agents

Official Businesses

Allegedly employee of the American company Avon Cosmetics since 1950s and in 1980s Employment Manager for Avon Cosmetics Europe head quarters most probably in Eching 1-3 km of Unterschleissheim, Germany

Businesses Partners:

All Unterschleissheim, Avon Cosmetics, CIA, English Secret Service, My fake and biological family such as Baroudi, Kheir, Bdeir, Alami, Abokurah, Windsor, Quandt and many others. But also Bush, Walker, Pierce, Robinson, Ford, Kennedy and Rockefeller in USA

Illegal Businesses

Brainwash innocents and help expel them out of Unterschleissheim, then entirely out of Germany as they did to me. Spying and Drugs. Through her alleged husband Klaus Fischer employees trusted personal with ESP to sell drugs door to door hidden in fancy Avon Cosmetics boxes all over Europe and in particular in Germany the biggest country in Europe that is 100% controlled and until today by the 4 allies of second world war, USA, England, France and Russia, but the majority 80% is controlled by American and English. Also stealing children by raping innocents and other crimes necessary to cover up for all that.

Other Knowledge

Two major brainwash incidents are worth mentioning, that are torture for the soul and mind and to prevent me of coming back to Unterschleissheim and simultaneously force my mind to think that the people of Unterschleissheim are very good people and I am an absolute concentrated evil. Therewith and through shame and destruction of myself confidence in that they forced me with ESP to do things against my moral values and what I belief in and what they allegedly taught me, which is Christianity, so I may think they are good and I am the bad one, which is a pattern of brainwash method through out my life and at least since Elias Halab/Halabi the brother-in-law of Joseph Azrath the hidden brother of Abdalghani Abokurah and princess Ann of England did to me in 1966 in Tripoli, Lebanon, see his profile for details. It is the same situation they just changed the details of the situation. And these are the two incidents.

1.     After the CIA whore agent Anita Disbray disappeared in around September 1977, Anita Disbray that was forced upon me as a wife and kept me letterly as slave with her ESP, the Fischer family surrounded me as if they are standing to my side in bad times. And suddenly and for the first time they oft invited me to their house for lunch or dinner, even to their alleged private family Christmas gatherings in December 1977. And one time and while I was invited at their house for lunch, Mrs. Fischer her husband and all her children pretended as if they were helping me increase my intelligence in that they oft gave me some kind of puzzle to solve that they wrote on papers, but is was all kids stuff. After lunch Mrs. Fischer asked me to go with her for a walk (dragged me by force with her ESP) and while we were walking I suddenly found my self in the bushes and having sex with her, which was very disgusting, as disgusting as Hisham Al-Jumaiee did to me a few years earlier in 1968/69 in Cairo, Egypt at their prostitutes house, whereby Al-Jumaiee family are 100% the family of James E. Robinson the official grand father of ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush. I was very shocked, speechless, and absolutely did not know what to think of this incident, except and to me at that time it looked as if I did some thing very nasty, which is having sex with the mother of my alleged best friend Detlev Fischer, and betrayed the father of my best friend, Klaus Fischer, that allegedly trusting me and opened his house for me. In short that was the purpose to fill me with shame and guilt that prevent me to think further. I can’t recall all the details except I really felt very uncomfortable going to the Fischer’s family after that, yet I was repeatedly invited with force and this incident of having sex in the bushes with Mrs. Fischer repeated it self again, all in all I think it was twice. Thereafter I really did not want to go to the house of my alleged best friend. Now if I look at this incident today and from my experience and try to understand it, I find out that I can understand it in different ways or see different reasons in it based on my knowledge, in other words if I don’t know all facts I would always think of a wrong reason, as follow:

1.1.   I am the absolute disloyal person, bad Christian and in general bad man

1.2.   Comparing it with the incident that was forced upon me several times in my past such as by Hisham Al-Jumaiee alias the CIA agent James E. Robinson and when he took me to their own prostitute house and forced me to have a very disgusting sex with a white woman that was at least 45 years old possibly 55 years old and I was 15-16 years old, then and 1-2 years later the piece of shit American military in their military base McGraw casern in Munich in summer 1970 forced me to have a very and absolute disgusting sex with an alleged Spanish woman and my working colleague at the so called Mess Hall, where the American Soldiers eat for free, and that was meant to force me to forget my past because she was very much look a like of Elham Baroudi alias Duchess of Windsor, then they forced me to be with their whore CIA agent Anita Disbray that pretended in 1970 to be just turned 21 years old but in reality she was over 50 years old and possibly much older, just very small 150-155 cm and had cosmetic surgery, that kept me as slave until these incidents with Mrs. Fischer. Then some people would think as if I had a taste for disgusting old women while I was between 15-24 years old

1.3.   Since the people in Unterschleissheim and in particular in the Evangelical Lutheran church of Unterschleissheim created uncountable incidents in Unterschleissheim between 1976 and 1978 that are absolutely similar to my past from Syria in 1959, Egypt 1960-1969, Jordan and Lebanon in 1966 and 1970, and I was kept as a slave with ESP by the CIA whore Anita Disbray that was forced upon me by the CIA and American and English military intelligence since 1970 and until at that time current time in 1977, and they pretended as if they were helping me separating of Anita Disbray enable to be free of my hidden slavery, then it looks like as if they were joggling my memory and as if Mrs. Fischer volunteered to rape me allegedly only to joggle my memory and allegedly help me understand my past

1.4.   Since and now I know that my fake family in the Middle East are members of the Windsor family in England, Bush, Kennedy, Rockefeller in USA and other families in Europe and USA, and they are big time drug lords, and in Unterschleissheim are many of their hidden brothers, sisters, parents and children, and they 100% process and sell mass drugs in Unterschleissheim, and that they all were 100% working together, and today I know what Christianity is even their truly hidden purposes, and I know that Munich was the head of the American military in Europe and they had many secret cities in and around Munich and else where Americans and English are living there in mass disguises as alleged German Christians and that they all together build the largest international crime organization, and that I was kidnapped in 1959 from USA and England and that Unterschleissheim was the hidden headquarter of CIA and military intelligence in Bavaria, Germany for Entire Europe and the Middle East, and my family performed many very vicious terrorist attacks in Germany pretending to be Palestinians and the German police was persecuting me since 1970 and very visibly since the absolute vicious terrorist attack against the 1972 Munich Olympics also and very heavily in Unterschleissheim,  therefore they did that for one purpose only to force my mind to leave town and never come back again

2.     The second major incident, Mrs. Fischer oft complained to me that she is bored and allegedly fed up with her life as it is now in 1978. I suggested that she join some church group which was allegedly many of them around, that allegedly keep people busy doing useful things, but she complained I have no car to go around and my husband and my six children never have time for me, not even to go shopping for food to cook for them. I really did not know what to do or say, except buy a car, she said I have no driver license, I said I can teach you how to drive, then you can have a driver license and go around where ever you want. It was all acting and pretention to corner me to say some thing they want me to say, which I will teach you how to drive. I never started teaching her how to drive, and allegedly she committed suicide and they allegedly were able to save her and took her to a hospital in another town I think is called Unterfoering, and I visited her there, I think Detlev Fischer her son took me with him or urged me indirectly to visit her. In the hospital she talked to me as if I am responsible for her suicide, as if she loves me and I allegedly promised her to help her out of her alleged isolation and teach her how to drive, in short she filled my mind with trash that had no foundation to place in my mind that I am responsible for her committed suicide. There after I did not want to go to the Fischer’s house any more, and that was exactly what they wanted. Then I heard that she allegedly committed a suicide in that hospital successfully and died, and they all forced me to think that I was responsible, first I allegedly had sex with her because I allegedly attracted to old women, then I was allegedly not there for her in her need at the sick bed at the hospital and therefore she allegedly killed her self. And all this trash and self blame forced upon me by ESP and brainwash was all I knew about the Fischer family until the year 2001 and gradually I found out the truth. She did not die; she and the entire Fischer family faked her death in 1978 or 1979, at least in my presence. Today I know 100% she did not die, and living some where as a whore as she is, just like all CIA agents and women of those messed up families all over the world and in particular my fake and biological families Windsor, Bush, Kennedy and Rockefeller. Baroudi, Bdeir, Kheir, Malas and many others.


I stopped gradually to go to Unterschleissheim, especially and around 1980 to 1982 that piece of shit agent John Mueller repeated this scene of Mrs. Fischer in that he allegedly made the wife of his friend pregnant to remind me with out me noticing how bad I was and what allegedly I did to the Fischer family


Also here she pretended as if she volunteered to allegedly remind me of my past which is in particular the fake suicide forced upon me by possibly the German police in 1972 to force me to go to the hospital and get to know a nurse their German agent instead of Anita Disbray, and that was with the help of the piece of shit Russell the hidden nephew of ex-CIA director and later ex-USA president George H. W. Bush, but also allegedly to remind me with the fake suicide that my fake sister  Fadia Nagar committed in 1969 in my presence and Dr. Alaa Ali (her alleged current husband) helped cover up this fake suicide. But it was all pretension and they were only testing to what I relate in certain incidents to see how much I remember and understand in enable to customize my brainwash to forget these incidents and all persons and areas associated with them while they were pretending as if they were allegedly reminding me of my past.


As if all this is not enough for those stupid, they did absolutely the same thing again with me, but this time by using the girlfriend of my alleged best friend Detlev Fischer instead of his whore mother, which is Rosi Ott, see details under her profile.


But also they took her alleged death and the alleged death of other in Unterschleissheim that were surrounding me to also blame me indirectly and in the hidden for their death, such as Gunther something the alleged youth from the former DDR-Deutsche Demokratische Republik (=German Democratic Republic), and was in my youth group, and my immediate supervisor name Krause at the Hoegl Studio Technik allegedly owned by Mr. Hoegl alias the CIA agent James Robinson Pierce the brother-in-law or the at that time CIA director and later president of USA George H. W. Bush, and last but not least the death of the alleged French Legion man, that was some kind of an agent that was used to discredit me and show as if I was mentally unstable.  Therewith they filled me with shame and guilt for so many years as part of my brainwash, just to think of them as the good people who allegedly stood on my side in bad time but allegedly I was the bad son of a bitch.


Some times I am speechless with all these findings, and just wonder what is wrong with those people, they have ESP, they have a lot of money, they own CIA, police military and many other enforcing groups, yet they do things like that to innocents, just to cover up for their bad deeds and greed. They have absolutely no feelings what so ever, neither they have brain or intelligence. Or they do have them and they badly misuse them. If they did have feelings or at least 1% of a feeling they would have noticed how much I was always suffering and possibly stopped persecuting me. And if they did have brain or intelligence, then they would and most definitely found over million ways how to make money in an honest way while making it profitable and useful for every one. Just like God does. Apparently and in our lives, at least in mine, no one exist that is capable of actually learning directly of God and protect all human, be kind to all human, help all human, and free all human, except God, the invisible entity that no one ever saw personally, yet I feel as if I seen him millions of times, through all of his creation and what many of it really means to each one or to the majority of us as I saw in my life.


All in all and with these incidents and other incidents they forced my mind to blame my self and therewith I stopped thinking and analyze the situation, there behavior, relation and what they were really doing and that is a very cruel, sadistic, vicious and absolutely violent brainwash.



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