Complaint letters: July 2001 self
written asylum interview as requested by the Dutch
Immigration authorities through the attorney provided to me by the Dutch government. |
Published Updated |
05.07.2009 27.07.2009 |
Record No.: complaint-2001-july-letters-nl.htm Home – Bush
family - my fake family - members of my household - military intelligence secret camp in USA simulating
Damascus, Syria – American military
persecuted me since 1959 |
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1. Explanation Notes to the situation
3. Letter content
A. Actual letter of Asylum in Netherland on July 2001
B. Laissez-Passer, temporary-one-time travel document, issued by Syrian Consulate in Houston, Texas, USA on 30.01.2001
C. Declaration of Syrian citizenship denunciation
D. Fake Divorce Replacement document, but I was not married I was kidnapped and forced to live as slave and hostage for 15 years by the evil American military intelligence through the illegal American military intelligence project named Calypso by using their agent Najlaa Mahmoud
E. Christianity baptism certificate from 1976
F. Cover letter of a letter I was forced to send through my attorney William F. Harmeyer in Houston, Texas, USA in Mai/June 2000 to all persons mentioned below.
G. Letter-1 to king Abdullah of Jordan
H. Letter-2 to the embassy of Israel
I. Letter-3 to CIA director George J. Tenet
J. Letter-4 to FBI director Louis J. Freeh
K. Letter-5 to Richard B. Cravener the district director of INS-Immigration and Naturalization Services in Houston, Texas, USA
L. Letter-6 to Janet Reno the Attorney general of the department of Justice in USA (= Minister of interior)
A. Letter-7 to Michael D. Capellas CEO of Compaq Corporation
B. Letter-8 to Bill Gates the CEO of Microsoft Corporation
Notes (Go to Top
of page):
Note-0: This letter mentioned below is among other and/or mainly due to the severe brainwash performed upon me by and at Compaq Corporation headquarter in Houston, Texas, USA in June 2000, for detail see the relation to the complaint letter-fax send to Syria also during the same period of time and from the Compaq Corporation headquarter.
Note-1: These below mentioned letters were sent in Mai/June 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA through my attorney William F. Harmeyer, whereby I feel very strongly that I was betrayed by him, and on the other side it is very possible that he did not even send these letters. The reason I asked my attorney to send these letters for me, is because I was forced by all these criminals to be homeless and money less enable to force me to leave USA and could not afford the stamps/postage.
Note-2: All these letters below show how much I was brainwashed and suppressed for 15 years in USA as a slave and hostage from 1986-2001. In these letter it is also very visible that I repeated what I was told without any thinking or knowing all facts, and what I was told was either ESP control to force me to believe that I am Syrian and that I am being persecuted by Syrian because I allegedly changed my religion form Islam to Christianity and other reasons, but also I repeated what I was brainwashed to think and repeated what people around my life at that time in the year 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA forced me think enable they can force me to leave USA. Criminals always create several reasons for brainwash and confusion to prevent their victim to be able to decide one way or another and therewith they decide for them and control their lives, such as they did to me since 1959 on a continuous basis and are still trying to do today in 2009.
Note-3: In the letter below denouncing my fake Syrian citizenship I mentioned that I loved Israel, which is absolutely not true, I hate the Israeli government as equally as I hate the Syrian, Egyptian, German, American and Dutch governments that all pushed me around all my life to cover up for the concentrated evil Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor and Kennedy families that were disguised as members of the fake Arab families, Baroudi, Bdeir, Abokurah and the rest of these criminals mentioned under the profile of my fake family and in the list of all crime families.
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1. I was deported from USA to Damascus, Syria over Amsterdam in February 2001
2. I was brought by the 3 American immigration authority’s agents from USA to the Netherlands on February 12 February 2001.
3. I was totally and hopelessly brainwashed and disoriented which means I can decide and others had to tell me what to do. I was told by the American agents I can or should apply for asylum in the Netherlands if I do not want to be deported to Syria, which I did what I was told.
4. From February 2001 and until March 2001 I was placed in 3 different Dutch immigration jails starting in Amsterdam airport immigration detention for 4 days, then in some immigration prison in or around Amsterdam for 2 weeks, then in another immigration prison for allegedly hard core extremist Moslems in the city of Hoorn north west of Netherlands.
5. 13.2.2001 and at the immigration detention in Amsterdam airport they started to perform an asylum interview with me, but it was interrupted due to mainly one reason which is I was a total a wreck, confused, disoriented and could not think properly and was continuously crying, and this stopping of the interview incident was covered up by the Dutch immigration authority in that they brought an alleged bad translator and had to wait until they find another better English-Dutch translator, which lasted until September 2001
6. March 2001 I was then placed for 3 months in a refugee camp in the city of Haarlem, Netherland around 20 kilometers from Amsterdam
7. June 2001 I was then placed in a refugee camp for over 4 months 3 km of the city/village named Gilze, south of Netherlands and until one month after the vicious terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on 11.09.2001. They moved me exactly on 10.10.2001 to this camp, my official, but fake, birthday, which is often happened to me that certain things was performed on purpose on my birthday
8. In the refugee camp Gilze, I was told by my attorney that I should get a copy of my baptize paper from Germany, which I did through the fake Evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim. My guess they just wanted me to contact my ex-church and see what would happen or for other reason unknown to me
9. My attorney, I think his name was Schonkeren, he asked me, and allegedly due to the interrupted interview 4 months ago at my arrival in the Amsterdam airport immigration detention center, that I should write my own asylum interview and submitted to him, allegedly the Dutch immigration are performing a test, in that they request from the asylum seekers to write alone their own interview and then submit it and after that a verbal interview would be performed by the immigration authority based on the submitted written asylum letter/self-interview. Today I know that this reason was not exactly accurate, they really wanted to force me to write the wrong information to believe in it, enable that I blame only my fake family for my situation and not to see that the Dutch government was heavily involved in kidnapping me from Germany in 1986 and also heavily involved in my life prior to that at least through the Quandt family (that are very possibly related to the Malas family) the owner of the car manufacturer BMW in Munich, Germany, where I was manipulated by them at least for 18-24 months from summer 1972 and until December 1972 by working at BWM car manufacturing and again from summer 1973 to around 1975, by setting me up to work at their hidden company named Kuehnwald, a new car transportation company for mainly BMW new cars and also partially for the French cars Peugeot. Click here to see what they did to me in between these 2 companies through a set up performed jointly by them, CIA, American military intelligence and the German police at the student home of the university of Munich, Germany directly after the vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics in Munich, Germany. I know there are other Dutch government members or Dutch royal family members that were using fake identities within my fake family in the Middle East, but I can’t pin point them yet, except the followings:
9.1. 1966-1969: Possibly Abo Maieen Malas is Dutch or of the Dutch royal family
9.2. 1970-1977: Anita Disbray
9.3. 1977: The Dutch couples that came to my life through Anita Disbray, and performed a very personal discussion with me, interview like, for around 10 hours or possibly more
9.4. 1972: The car Manufacturer BMW
9.5. 1973-1974/75: The car transportation company named Kuehnwald
9.6. 1978-1982: My ex-work colleague named Idris from Indonesia at Siemens AG
9.7. 1985-1986: Philips Electronic during the illegal American military intelligence project Calypso that was used to brainwash me and kidnap me from Germany to USA in 1986 and force me to live as slave and hostage for 15 years and then dump me in the Netherland by force
9.8. 1991/1992-1997: Texaco, Inc.-1 and Texaco, Inc.-2, partially my client and partially my employer from 1991/92 to 1997 that involved me in work just to kill my time while they were in alleged marketing joint venture with the Dutch company Shell that was immediately related and effecting my work at least in 1976-1979 and stopping me to work for Texaco, Inc.-1.
9.9. 2001 Some American man I met in April-Mai 2001 in Houston Texas that was allegedly married to a Dutch woman and giving me a hint that I am going to be taken to the Netherlands, whereby I never understood it at that time nor and I never had any thought what so ever about the Netherlands until I was told about Asylum in Netherlands by the American immigration officer 1-3 hours prior of me landing in Amsterdam, Netherland.
9.10. 2001-2009: I am being forced to live in Netherland as refugee, but in reality I am refugee since 1959, and 38 years of them in the evil German, American and Netherlands governments, evil because they are toying with me to prevent me of finding out their personal involvement in my life disguised as members of my fake family in the Middle East, Germany, USA and elsewhere, and therewith they destroyed everything essential for living in my life. among others see what they did to me since I was forced to be in the Netherlands and what they did to me since then, but also see all the Dutch IDs that are given to me and then taken away and blaming on me, and that is 100% constant with their evil doing in my life in that they continuously give me IDs and then take them away and also blame it on me
10. I wrote this self interview and submit it to my attorney as requested click here to see the actual asylum self interview letter.
All the above is very sad for me, especially that I can’t escape these evil people but also to see all my surroundings the alleged civilized and advanced people, human, persons, royal family members, controlling family members, government members, top business executives and others come up with all these schemes just to enrich their selves, it is not only sad because I am severely suffering physically and mentally, but is it is also sad because they totally over see the potential of their other side, the good side, and therewith they are only relying on their bad side, and that is a mental problem called multiple personality, a sickness and disease of mainly persons that have ESP and think of their selves as Gods of our world.
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