Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0366-F


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             20.08.2007

Updated:                20.08.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Hungarian school friend that implicated me as if I am Russian spy, but also made sure that I stay as a slave to the CIA agent Anita Disbray

Name in Arabic

Relation to me

My school colleague and alleged friend that set me up

First saw/met

Autumn/winter 1973 in computer school

Age at that time:

Allegedly 20-23 years old

Last saw/met

Spring/summer 1974 in the computer school on Leonrod street in Munich, Germany

Hidden biological relatives


Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

My persecution by my fake family to cover up for their own crimes against me, kidnapping me in 1959, persecuting me, brainwashing me and a very cruel and evil attempt to show as if I am a homosexual, But also many attempts to show as if I am from another country than the Middle East and in particular from the Ex-Soviet union or one of it is ally countries. Persecution by German authority to prove that my fake family performed the terrorist attack on 1972 Munich Olympics.


170-175 cm


180-185 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color

Can’t recall, possibly blue



Special Features

Arrogant and self loving. Deceiving and pretended to be many things

Special Crimes Against Me

Pretended to be my friend. Pretended as if his family knew me from before and allegedly getting close to me. Helped setting me up to not be leave the CIA agent Anita Disbray that kept me as slave and prevented me or remembering, thinking or understanding any thing in my life during the 7 years I was forced to be her slave.

  See more description/Details below the photograph


Additional Photos wanted/needed



Hungarian school friend that implicated me as if I am Russian spy, but also made sure that I stay as a slave to the CIA agent Anita Disbray, photo and personal information are needed for crimes against me and against humanity

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Hungarian school friend that implicated me as if I am Russian spy, but also made sure that I stay as a slave to the CIA agent Anita Disbray

Profession under Alias

Allegedly student at my computer school, the Bayerische Fachschule fuer Datenverarbeitung

Official Nationality

Germany with Hungarian parents

Countries Lived In

I just saw him at my school, my apartment in St. Benedikt street, Unterschleissheim and at his home near the Munich Reem Airport

Official Address

School: Bayerische Fachschule fuer Datenverarbeitung, Leonrod street, Munich, Germany

Home: Near Munich Reem airport

Disguise Methods

Pretended to be Jewish in disguise as Christian. Pretended to be my friend. Pretended as if him and his family knew me from before or know my family to implicate me and my fake family as if we were from east Europe the former ex-Soviet Union

Official Family Members

Father:             Unknown

Mother:            Name forgotten, I met her several times at her house

Sisters:            Unknown

Brothers:          Unknown

Cousins:          Unknown

Wife:                Unknown

Children:          Unknown

Other relatives: Unknown, however he must be of the family

                        and American/English origin, because of many reasons,

                        see details below under Other Knowledge


Biological Family Members

Unknown, however he must be of the family and American/English origin, because of many reasons, see details below under Other Knowledge

Official Businesses

Allegedly student at my computer school, the Bayerische Fachschule fuer Datenverarbeitung

Businesses Partners:

Who ever set me up in that school, which was CIA, and the German government, including my fake and my biological family

Illegal Businesses

Persecute innocents, that was brainwashed and enslaved by CIA to make sure the brainwash does not go away and does not get free of the CIA.


See continuation below.

















































Other Knowledge

1.     We used to study together many times either at my apartment or at his house where I get to see his mother and she definitely pretended as if she knew me or knew my family from before, and that is a set up for others monitoring me, especially with ESP

2.     Where he lived is very near to the following persons that also persecuted me:

2.1.   Wolfgang Mergenhagen and biological relative to Franz Joseph Strauss, possibly his son, and persecuted me

2.2.   The owner of the food service had his business nearby and also lived nearby alias Bil Kimes alias hidden brother of Alec Baldwin and Ed Van Kempen and persecuted me

2.3.   This Hungarian school colleague lived and persecuted me

2.4.   Ex-German vice chancellor and ex-Bavarian governor Franz Joseph Strauss alleged origin from a small cit nearby alias American and half brother to George H. W. Bush and persecuted me

2.5.   Airport Reem had American Air Force airfield within it and therewith many American lived all around the airport

3.     First he was allegedly from Hungry and a communist country and the alleged enemy number one of the western world

4.     It is a continuation of confusion about my origin and where I am really from, just like the Hungarian in McGraw casern and many other East Europeans and former ex-Soviet Union nationals in Germany in my life thereafter

5.     He was allowed to come close and personal to me, and this is a 100% pattern and indication/prove that he is from the family, however not necessarily from east Europe, or he is from east Europe a son of a spy or he was him self an American/English agent as many surrounding me and were in east Europe

6.      The way my friendship with him ended was more than suspicious, which as follow: after being more than 6 months in the school and we became very good friends, and one time we had a joint school project to develop a computer program that to be tested at a nearby company’s computer where we were being trained on mainframe computers. One weekend prior to the test, and at my apartment, where I was forced to live with the CIA agent Anita Disbray that had ESP and manipulated me and my thoughts, I allegedly and very suddenly discovered a mistake in the program created jointly with this Hungarian school colleague, and fixed it. On the testing day, the program that I allegedly fixed, failed to function, and therewith it was some how an embarrassment for my Hungarian school colleague and for me, and he blamed me for the disfunctioning program and never spoke to me after that. And since then I blamed myself. Today I know if he was a good man with good intentions, he would have never got that angry at me in that he suddenly broke his friendship and school collegiality to me, because such a small stupid thing. He was set on me and that is fact, but not to help me or help the German police, but rather to help isolate me, because he was the only person that I saw as a friend from 1970 and until 1974, all others I never liked really but I was forced to be surrounded by. And therewith he was definitely American/English agent. It is a small thing but vital. Also today I know I was forced to modify this project to break my friendship to him and simultaneously to fill me with guilt, little bid here and there to destroy my self confidence and isolate me of the others


These are the good people surrounding me all my life, are agents and pretending to be my friends, getting close to me to find out more about the PLO ID and my fake family but in reality they were against Germany, against humanity and against me.


What a bitty, I really liked him and liked his mother, but that is the trick by these piece of shit of agents that are members of the crime organization, they get you to like them then they set you up to do something against them and blame it on you to fill you with guilt, which also prevent of clear thinking and accumulate with other evil things such as fear to brainwash you and enslave you. So did I really like him?? Especially today after I found out that he was set on me to destroy my self confidence, fill me with guilt, isolate me and force me to be a continuous slave of the piece of shit whore and CIA agent Anita Disbray.


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