Information wanted on this
person (please send
Name and
Syrian Kurdish man alias friend of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi alias CIA, Mosad, English secret
service and Syrian secret service
Name in
to me
The man who drove us with his cars (plural) for free
from Munich, Germany to Damascus, Syria in December 1969
December 1969 in Munich, Germany
Age at
that time:
Allegedly over 40 years old
Last saw/met
December 1969 in Damascus, Syria
biological relatives
Unknown, however I strongly suspect him to be the
famous English singer Leo Sayer in disguise
Died On
me during
During my persecution and brainwash through confusion
and push around from one place to another to hide the fact that many
members of my fake family are
CIA, Mosad, English secret service disguised as Syrian secret service and
living all over the world
150-160 cm
40-50 kg
Slightly darker than white
Eye Color
Very short and skinny. Burn face marks (=makeup). Very
deceiving. Cruel and vicious because the way he treated me during our
several day trip to Syria.
Crimes Against Me
Helped creating a lot of confusion in my life as
brainwash method. I have the strong and solid suspicion that I was knocked
unconscious several times on this trip and used to generate children by
women I don’t even recall seeing because I was unconscious. See
details below under Other Knowledge
See more description/Details below the
Additional Photos
Syrian Kurdish man alias friend of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi
alias CIA, Mosad, English secret service and Syrian secret service, photo
and information needed for crimes against me and against humanity
Leo Sayer the famous English singer and CIA, Mosad,
English and Syrian secret service alias and most probably the Kurdish man
to the left
Name and
Syrian Kurdish man alias friend of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi alias CIA, Mosad, English secret
service and Syrian secret service
under Alias
Allegedly used cars dealer in buying it in Munich,
Germany and driving them to Damascus, Syria to be sold in the so called
and at that time free Damascus international trade market that was
heavily used to sale bulk stolen goods in Europe and in particular stolen
luxury cars
Lived In
What I saw:
I just met him in December 1969 in Munich, Germany a
couple of days prior to our trip to Syria. In Damascus, Syria he visited
us 1-2 times at my fake uncle’s house Jalal
Baroudi where I was staying. Never seen him again as the Syrian
Kurdish man
What I was told:
I was told that my fake mother get to know him through
the alleged rich Palestinian car dealer in Munich, Germany called Bsiesso an alleged friend of my fake
brother-in-law Seev Aldin Bdeir in Amman,
What I suspect:
This Kurdish man is most probably Leo Sayer. The
alleged rich Palestinian car dealer was a distraction of and to show as
if my fake brother-in-law Seev Aldin Bdeir that was 100% CIA, Mosad,
English and Syrian secret service is Palestinian, Syrian related and
therewith not American or English
Some town north of Damascus, Syria
Pretend to be Syrian-Kurd. Pretend to have face burn marks/corrupted
skin to cover up his face and to make other feel sorry for him and trust
him. Pretended to be going to Syrian any way, in reality it was just to
take me to Syria over many countries and force me to generate children
with out my knowledge
Family Members
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Sisters: Unknown
Brothers: Unknown
Cousins: Unknown
Wife: Unknown
Children: Unknown
Other relatives: Unknown
Family Members
Leo Sayer family, Windsor
in England and most probably Dr. Sami Assassa
and many other in USA
Used car dealer
Hayat Baroudi, Bsiesso (a car thief), Seev Aldin Bdeir, CIA, Mosad, English and
Syrian secret service, American and English military intelligence in
McGraw casern in Munich, Germany
See continuation below.
Rapping other men by using many women to stealing their
children. Covering up for mass theft of new luxury cars and driving them to
Damascus, Syria to be sold to all over the Middle East countries after falsifying
the cars identities
Helped creating a lot of confusion in my life as brainwash
method. I have the strong and solid suspicion that I was knocked unconscious
several times on this trip and used to generate children by women I
don’t even recall seeing because I was unconscious, in some or all of
the countries we drove through. They forced me to be sick during the entire
trip so I may be always sleepy and therewith can’t really tell when I
was knocked unconscious and when I was sleep due to the sickness (severe cold
symptoms, but it was not cold it was man made sickness). We drove from Munich
through Linz and Graz in Austria, Zagreb and Belgrade in former Yugoslavia,
Sofia in Bulgaria, Istanbul, Ankara and Eskandaroon in Turkey, Aleppo and
until Damascus, Syria. And that is absolute criminal. In Damascus, Syria my
fake uncles and in particular Jawdat Baroudi, Badeaa Baroudi and Dr. Farzat
Baroudi took over and terrorized my life in continuation of the confusion and
stress so I may be tired of thinking about so many situations in such short
time and therewith causing a self caused psychological amnesia.
My fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi
set me up with the help of Dr. Farzat Baroudi
and Jawdat Baroudi in that he forced me to have
a PLO (=Palestinian Liberation Organization) ID to allegedly be able to leave
Syria, and thereafter and 1-2 months later I was set up and forced in Munich,
Germany by Dr. Farzat Baroudi and the American military intelligence and all
the stupid and evil agents who pretended to be Syrians, Palestinians and
Jordanians to go to the American Military base called McGraw casern, where I
was severely intimidated and brainwashed by the Americans in that casern and
setup again with Leo Sayer this time disguised
as Anita Disbray, who exchanged places with him
with out me noticing until 2006/2007, just to show as if I am homosexual and
allegedly helping me, but in reality they were persecuting me because of the
PLO ID that I was given in Damascus, Syria and mentioned in my up on me
forced political asylum, so they may have legally a reason to persecute me
and isolate me. Which they did.