Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0313


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             16.07.2007

Updated:                16.07.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Afro/American Actor disguised as Egyptian or he was Egyptian disguised as American actor alias CIA, Mosad, English secret service and Syrian secret service. He was in Live and Let Die James Bond Movie

Name in Arabic

Unknown, forgotten

Relation to me

A fake friend who was set on me by my fake family to pretend as my friend and misuse me sexually and rape me enable to portray me as homosexual and therefore the have a reason to isolate me, these pieces of shit of a cruel and absolute sadistic and violent family of mine they want to force every one to be like them, they do it in the hidden

First saw/met

1965/66 in Cairo Egypt

Age at that time:

Over 40 years old

Last saw/met

1965/66 or possibly 1967 in Cairo Egypt

Hidden biological relatives

Unknown. But he was 100% Afro-English or Afro-American piece of shit like the rest of the family

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

During my brainwash and a very bad attempt by my family to portray me as a homosexual and therewith isolate me of every one else except family members who pretend officially not to know each others


155-165 cm


75-85 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color



Unknown, most probably he pretended to be Moslem

Special Features

Short. Nothing 100% Egyptian on him, child molester, very careless, ignorant, deceiving, and reserved in this sentence means he isolate him self of others, possibly and where lived it was not his apartment

Special Crimes Against Me

Misusing me and rapping me sexually to help my stupid family portray me as a homosexual enable to give them an official reason to isolate me of others, but also to not be able to remember incidents where I was knocked unconscious and used to generate children with out my knowledge and most importantly is to force my mind to be shameful and fearful and therewith to try not to think about this time to force my mind to psychological amnesia and therewith I would never talk about this time to any one and I would not even think about it or attempt to understand it, because it is shameful. And that is an absolute criminal way to brainwash children. That is Nazi, CIA, Mosad, English secret service and Syrian secret service methods.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

 Additional Photos wanted/needed

Afro/American Actor disguised as Egyptian or he was Egyptian disguised as American actor alias CIA, Mosad, English secret service and Syrian secret service. He was in Live and Let Die James Bond Movie see details below. Photo and personal information needed for crimes against me and against humanity.

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Afro/American Actor disguised as Egyptian or he was Egyptian disguised as American actor alias CIA, Mosad, English secret service and Syrian secret service. He was in Live and Let Die James Bond Movie

Profession under Alias


Official Nationality


Countries Lived In

What I saw:

I just saw him 1965/66 and possibly 1967 in Cairo, Egypt

What I was Told:

I was told he is Egyptian

What I know for fact:

1.     He is the same person as I saw in a James Bond movie called “Live and let Die”, see detail below under other knowledge. It is either him or his twin brother

2.     I was led to believe to love to watch James Bond Movies, among other by my ex-wife Anita Disbray alias CIA agent and Najlaa Mahmoud alias CIA, Mosad, English secret service and Syrian secret service agent, and therewith and when ever I watch James Bond movies I remember this man, which will force my mind unconsciously to be shameful and fearful and not want to think about this period

Official Address

Some apartment building in ground floor, on a parallel street of Al-Nuzhah street (Nuzhah street similar to my fake name Nuzhat, the Nuzhah name supposed to be for female and Nuzhat name for male) after Al-Merghani square and before Triumph square in Masr Al-Gadiedah, Cairo, Egypt. See details about his true identity below under Other Knowledge

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be Egyptian Moslem

Official Family Members

Father:             Unknown

Mother:            Unknown

Sisters:            Unknown

Brothers:          Unknown

Cousins:          Unknown


Wife:                Unknown

Children:          Unknown

Other relatives: James bond movie producer, actors, writers and directors, which is 100% Windsor and Kennedy


Biological Family Members

Unknown, but he must be of the family, because many saw what he did to me yet no one person tried to help me. And therewith he never get caught because he is not supposed to because he was protected by my evil family, because they were his employer

Official Businesses

Movie actor in Egypt and in USA


See continuation below.

















































Businesses Partners:

Windsor, Kwader/Queder, Baroudi, Lapeep, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Bdeir and others, including CIA, Mosad, English secret service and Syrian secret service

Illegal Businesses

Drugs, spying, child kidnapping and molestation, terrorism and what ever my family tell him to do

See continuation below.

Other Knowledge

The only thing I know about this person is his real identity in some Egyptian and American movies, however and unfortunately I could not find his name, and therefore I will describe the scene where I saw him:

In the James Bond movie Live and Let Die and in the beginning scene, some where in Louisiana an Afro-American serious funeral march, and on the side walk a short afro-American is standing and uses a knife to kill an English agent, then the whole funeral turns in to a street dancing party and celebration. This short Afro-American is the same one who also plays parts in Egyptian movies, Just like the famous English actor Charles Grey (who also was in James Bond movie) has another identity in Egypt which is the famous Egyptian actress Zuzu Shakieb, They exchange places both of them Zuzu Shakieb and Charles Grey, I saw and I identified Charles Grey as the Egyptian actress Zuzu Shakieb in some 1960s movie, unfortunately I did not have the ability to record it for the records.


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