Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0267


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             16.07.2007

Updated:                16.07.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Aid/Eied and his brother, owner of two kiosks in Al-Higaz street in Cairo, Egypt alias spies and drug dealers for my fake family

Name in Arabic

عيد وأخاه\أخوه ، أصحاب إثنين كشك (كشكين) في شارع الحجاز  القاهرة مصر ، جواسيس وتجار مخدرات لعاﺌلتي المزورة

Relation to me

Owner of neighboring kiosk and retail drug dealers for my fake family

First saw/met

Between 1960 and 1963 in Cairo, Egypt

Age at that time:

Over 40 years old

Last saw/met

1968/69 in Cairo, Egypt

Hidden biological relatives

Unknown, CIA, Mosad and English secret service, possibly also Ali

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

My persecution, brainwash and especially as my fake family tried very hard to show as if I am a homosexual


Over 175 cm


80-90 kg

Skin Color

White with strong son tan

Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

Dresses as Egyptian. Sells Cigarettes, Candy and ice bulks (water ice), majority is foreign. Sells in the hidden drugs.

Special Crimes Against Me

Him and his brother misused me sexually and raped me in coordination with my fake family to show as if I am homosexual, enable to have a reason to isolate me of others, but also as a brainwash to make me feel scared and shamed and to force my mind not to want to remember these incidents and therefore force a psychological self inflicted amnesia about that situation, that area, that time and every thing surrounding them, such as situations and persons related to the situations and area, because they were all spies and international crime organization heavily involved in spying, drugs, terrorism, child kidnapping, war crimes, currency falsification and many other international crimes

  See more description/Details below the photograph


Additional Photos wanted/needed





Aid/Eied and his brother, owner of two kiosks in Al-Higaz street in Cairo, Egypt alias spies and drug dealers for my fake family, photo and personal information needed for crimes against me and against humanity

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Aid/Eied and his brother, owner of two kiosks in Al-Higaz street in Cairo, Egypt alias spies and drug dealers for my fake family

Profession under Alias

Owners of two kiosks within 50 meters distance

Official Nationality


Countries Lived In

I just saw them in Cairo, Egypt

Official Address

Kiosk one: either 113 or 109 Al-Higaz Street close to Heliopolis Hospital in Masr Al-Gadiedah, Cairo, Egypt. Kiosk two: Same address, only two buildings further towards downtown Cairo, therewith the street number must be 107 or 115 Al-Higaz street

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be Egyptian, pretend to be not selling drugs

Official Family Members

Father:             Unknown

Mother:            Unknown

Sisters:            Unknown

Brothers:          Possibly Ali, due to a lot of similarities in look and situations

Cousins:          Possibly Ali, due to a lot of similarities in look and situations


Wife:                Unknown

Children:          Unknown

Other relatives: CIA, Mosad, English secret service or employee of my fake family for drugs end sale. My guess all of the above, because they can’t afford to have a sales man who can be tracked by the police, other secret service or their enemy


Biological Family Members

Possibly Ali. CIA, Mosad, English secret service or employee of my fake family for drugs end sale. My guess all of the above, because they can’t afford to have a sales man who can be tracked by the police, other secret service or their enemy

Official Businesses

Kiosk owners and drug dealer

Businesses Partners:

Ali, Baroudi, Monsieur Faris, Sabri and CIA, Mosad, English secret service and Syrian secret service

Illegal Businesses

Spying, drugs, end sale of smuggled products, money laundering, child molestation and brainwash and other crimes


See continuation below.
















































Other Knowledge

The reasons I know for fact that I was forced by ESP to be raped repeatedly by these two brothers are:

1.     My fake mother Hayat Baroudi has ESP and did nothing to help me

2.     Her husband Mohi Sabri was the first one to rape me in my fake mother presence and with her approval

3.     Her husband Mohi Sabri had 100% ESP and was police officer with the rank of captain and did nothing to help me

4.     Her husband Mohi Sabri went undercover in 1968/69 for CIA, Mosad, English secret service, Syrian secret service and my fake family the international crime organization, my guess some where in the petroleum countries south of Iraq, or may be even Iraq, then another look a like was sent to Germany who pretended to be Mohi Sabri and applied for political asylum in 1968/69, but it was not him, it is just a look a like of the CIA

5.     All my family are the biggest international crime organization I am aware of in this world

6.     Many to most of my family members are officially undercover for CIA, Mosad, English secret service and Syrian secret Service

7.     They are not my biological family that they claimed to be. Some of them are may be biological family members, however, they are not that relation they claimed it to me to be, such as my uncle Mamdoh Baroudi is in reality my grandfather.


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