Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0250


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             09.07.2007

Updated:                09.07.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Mother of Abd Al-Ghani/Abdulghani Abo-Kurah/Abukurah alias does not exist, however I saw her in 1965/66 and possibly also in 1969/70 and I strongly suspect her to be Elizabeth Powes-Lyon the official mother of queen Elizabeth II, under the protection of English secret service and the royal Jordanian family

Name in Arabic

أم  عبد الغني ﺃبو قورة

Relation to me

The mother-in-law of my fake sister Afrah Najjar/Abokurah

First saw/met

1965/66 in Amman, Jordan

Age at that time:

Over 50 year sold

Last saw/met

Possibly in December/January 1969/70 in Amman, Jordan

Hidden biological relatives

Windsor in England

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

My brain wash and persecution period in 1965/66 and through out 1970s, due to I was set up and forced t marry Anita Disbray alias CIA/English secret service agent and kept me as slave until 1977, who is originated from England and the English royal family as well as possibly also the Kennedy family in USA


155-165 cm


65-75 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color

Covered up

Eye Color

Can’t recall



Special Features

Very deceiving, cruel and vicious piece of shit of a woman

Special Crimes Against Me

Persecuted me through all of her children in cooperation with CIA, Mosad, English secret service, Jordanian secret service and all their piece of shit agents in Jordan, Germany and USA and until today

  See more description/Details below the photograph


Additional Photos wanted/needed










Mother of Abd Al-Ghani/Abdulghani Abokurah alias does not exist, however I saw her in 1965/66 and possibly also in 1969/70 and I strongly suspect her to be Elizabeth Powes-Lyon the official mother of queen Elizabeth II, photo and personal information for crimes against me and against humanity

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Mother of Abd Al-Ghani/Abdulghani Abokurah alias does not exist, however I saw her in 1965/66 and possibly also in 1969/70 and I strongly suspect her to be Elizabeth Powes-Lyon the official mother of queen Elizabeth II, under the protection of English secret service and the royal Jordanian family

Profession under Alias


Official Nationality

Jordanian with Syrian origin

Countries Lived In

What I saw:

I saw her in 1965/66 and possibly also in December/January 1969/70 in Amman, Jordan, she was covering her head and disguising her self as strict Moslem-Sunni

What I was told:

Not much, except she allegedly died some times I think in 1970s, but it is all lies

What I suspect:

I very strongly suspect her to Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon the official mother of the current queen of England, queen Elizabeth II, because of many reasons, among others her alleged son Abd Al-Ghani Abokurah and Joseph Azrath are brothers of princess Ann or is Princess Ann in disguise as one of them,. And both of them are pretending to live only in Jordan, but they don’t

Official Address

Jabal Amman, next to Rainbow supermarket, Rainbow movie theater and an alleged Christian school before Dawar Al-Awal (first circle/round about/circled traffic square) towards downtown, Amman, Jordan

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be Jordanian Moslem-Sunni and the mother of Abd Al-Ghani Abo-Kurah

Official Family Members

Father:             Unknown

Mother:            Unknown

Sisters:            Unknown

Brothers:          Unknown

Cousins:          Unknown


Husband:         Father of Abd Al-Ghani Abokurah, was made up, does not


Children:          Abd Al-Ghani Abo-Kurah, oldest son in Los Angeles,

                        Oldest daughter in Amman, youngest daughter in Amman

Other relatives: Officially and allegedly Abo-Kurah in Syria, in reality the

                        Windsor family in England, the Bdeir family and the royal

                        Jordanian family in Jordan as well as Halab/Halabi family in

                        Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and USA

Biological Family Members

Windsor family in England

Official Businesses


Businesses Partners:

Bdeir, Jordanian royal family, Windsor family in England, Bush, Kennedy and Rockefeller  families in USA

Illegal Businesses

Drug, land stealing, terrorism, spying, child kidnapping and molestation and many other uncountable international crimes

Other Knowledge

Will follow
















































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