Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0232


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             09.07.2007

Updated:                14.08.2008

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Deep/Diab Bark/Barq alias Mosad, CIA, English and Syrian secret service agent alias unknown


This person is identified as:    

1.     Dr. Claus-Dieter Fischer the current chairman of the board at the company UDF Consulting AG the company that  brainwashed me and kidnapped me to USA where I was held for 15 years as hostage and slave by his aunt the CIA, American, English, Syrian military intelligence agent Najlaa Mahmoud

2.     The official son of professor Dr. Fischer alias professor Dr. Manfred Schreiber (the police president of Munich, Germany 1963-1983) alias the international drug lord and terrorist Ali Bark in Lebanon and Jordan, that is responsible for uncountable terrorist attacks performed in Germany and I was linked to it unjustly and by force such as the vicious terrorist attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics, the 1980 terrorist attack on Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany where they tried also to kill me, the 1977 kidnapping and murder of Hans-Martin Schleyer, the 1977 hijacking the Lufthansa airplane to Mogadishu, Somalia and many others in cooperation with the evil Bdeir, Abokurah, Baroudi, Alami, Assassa, Mufleh, Muasher, Musheel, Mehles, Barghooti, Shawki, Rockefeller, Bush, Windsor, Kennedy and other families

3.     The person Diap Bark that I only saw in 1966 and then in 1969 or 1970 along with his father Ali bark and shortly before I was taken to Germany to place it in my mind that these people exist only in Lebanon and Jordan as a deceive and brainwash method that they oft used on me with other persons

4.     Possibly also the brother to one of the several very look alike of the CIA agent Najlaa Mahmoud that exchanged places with her without me noticing

Name in Arabic

ديب أو دياب  البرق \ برق

Relation to me

The brother of the best friend of my fake brother-in-law Seev Aldin Bdeir and drug business partner

First saw/met

1965/1966 in Jubail, Lebanon

Age at that time

Pretend to be 16 years old

Last saw/met

January 1970 in Beirut, Lebanon

Hidden biological relatives

Windsor in England, Bush, Kennedy, Carter and others in USA

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

During brainwash and persecution periods in 1965-1967, 1969-1972, in Jubail and Beirut, Lebanon and manipulated me and my surrounding very viciously in 1965/66 and in 1970


160-170 cm


60-70 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

Pretend to be Lebanese Moslem-Shiaa. Old, probably 20-30 years old, pretend to be stupid, pretend to be harmless, and pretend to be very poor, almost with income less than a Dollar a day. 100% has ESP and use it in a very vicious, very cruel way in guarding the drug farm with her ESP. Pretend to be a farmer woman only for Tobacco.

Special Crimes Against Me

Brainwashing me, rapping me by using his sister Zakiyah Bark and other hidden sisters in a prostitute house behind Sahaat Al-Burg (tower square) in Beirut, Lebanon and stealing my children, kidnapping me and keeping me as her slave of his sister Zakiyah bark alias Najlaa Mahmoud with their ESP for more than 15 years between Germany and USA from 24.12.1984 and until summer 2000, with help of


See continuation under other knowledge.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed




Deep/Diab Bark alias Mosad, CIA, English and Syrian secret service agent photo and personal information needed for crimes against me and against humanity


Photo-1: Diab Bark alias Dr. Claus-Dieter Fischer the current chairman of the board of UDF Consulting AG.

Photo-1: Professor Dr. Manfred Schreiber alias Professor Dr. Fischer alias Ali Bark the biological father of Diab Bark alias Dr. Claus-Dieter Fischer, that pretended to be my biological father from the background and without my knowledge that piece of shit and mother fucker enable to persecute me. I look nothing like his shit face or body stature. He is a terrorist, drug lord and a thief. I am an honest human being, and the same is valid for his criminal son (to the left) that pretended to be my brother from the background and without  my knowledge enable to persecute me with ESP


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Deep/Diab Bark alias Mosad, CIA, English and Syrian secret service agent

Profession under Alias

Allegedly poor farming young man

Official Nationality

Lebanese living allegedly only in Jubail and Beirut, Lebanon

Countries Lived In

What I saw:

2 weeks, summer 1965/66 in Jubail, Lebanon

1 day visit on January 1970 in Beirut, Lebanon

Their entire farm is absolute hidden between the mountain and very difficult to impossible to reach, yet it is very heavily guarded with military like armored vehicles and tanks, every one carry openly rifles and/or guns/pistols, only 100-200 meters to the Mediterranean sea direct on the main road to Tripoli, just after Juneyah

What I was told:

He is full time very poor tobacco farmer, until he allegedly moved to Beirut in 1970 to go to some technical school

What I suspect:

He was planted there in end 1950s or beginning of 1960s by Mosad, CIA and English secret service in cooperation with Philip Morris and Exxon/Esso (Rockefeller)

Official Address

Bark family, Jubail, Lebanon and Beirut, Lebanon

Disguise Methods

Pretend to be Lebanese Moslem-Shiaa/Shieaat. Pretend to be only Tobacco farmer in Jubail, Lebanon with his entire piece of shit of a fake family. Pretend to be very friendly and polite. Pretend to be very generous with food, drinks and tobacco. Pretend to be harmless and stupid. Pretend to be studying in Beirut in 1970. He has 100% ESP that is absolute hidden through all the mentioned acting and pretending













Other Relatives

Father:             Father of Ali Bark, name forgotten

Mother:            Mother of Ali Bark, name forgotten

Sisters:            Zakiyah Bark, many hidden

Brothers:          Ali Bark, other many hidden

Cousins:          Unknown, many hidden

Wife:                Unknown

Children:          Unknown

Other relatives: uncountable hidden brothers, sisters and children all over

                        the world, all with fake identities, many of them are look

                        a like, because they have sex with their sisters/brothers,

                        children, parents and grand parents to have look a like













Other Relatives

Windsor in England, Bush, Pierce, Robinson, Kennedy and Rockefeller in USA, and many others

Friends of the Family

Official Businesses

Allegedly Poor tobacco farmer

Businesses Partners:

Azrath, Halab/Halabi, Ghandor, Bdeir, Edelbi, Abokurah, Malas, Jordanian royal family, Baroudi, Kheir, Assad, Jadied/Shadied, Atrash, Alami/Alamo and many others specially international Tobacco companies, such Philip Morris, Khodor, Mahmoud

See continuation below.

Illegal Businesses

Spying, legal and illegal drugs, terrorism, illegal weapon sale, child kidnapping, child molestation and rape, falsifying of mass identities of new immigrants with help of the entire family and they also pretend to be Lebanese living born in or living in Jordan, drug smuggling with help of Alia, royal Jordanian airline none-stop to New York city and Europe, mass sending of refugees from Lebanon and Jordan to Europe and USA who are disguised as Lebanese, in reality they are American, English and Israeli crime organization members , who deals with drugs and terrorism under the flag of Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian and others, but also to buy US and European properties and companies of their enemies by cheat, and force of terrorism, or sabotage their competition companies,, like they did in Germany with the Atomic Energy throughout 1960s and until today, organizing European and American terrorist groups with the help of the entire family under the Middle Eastern flag, to help their family members first to gain power as fighting terrorism, second to tighten the law against their own people under the pretension of fighting terrorism, and therewith and systematically destroy the little freedom that is left over in USA and Europe, and to protect their own family members of getting caught dealing with drugs, illegal weapons, war crimes, child kidnapping and ,molestation and many other crimes. And pretending that some new immigrants are their relative

Other Knowledge

Continuation of Special Crimes Against me:

Brainwashing me and rapping me by using, among others, his sister Zakiyah Bark and others, after knocking me unconscious,  1965/66 and 1970 in Jubail and Beirut, Lebanon and repeating the process through hidden sisters and others, between 1979/80 to 1999 between Amman, Jordan, Munich, Germany, Bridgeport, Connecticut and Houston, Texas, USA. Planning and performing my kidnapping in cooperation with Mosad, CIA, English and Syrian secret service, Hayat Baroudi, Fadia Nagar, Nick Naggar, Alia Kose, Jawdat Baroudi, Dr. Farzat Baroudi, Bdeir, Abokurah, Alami, Barq, Azrath, Assad, Al-Jadied, Kwader/Queder and other families, Quandt family in Holland and in Bavarian, Bavarian Government under control of the of American and English Military, Windsor family in England, George H. W. Bush, Pierce, Robinson, Kennedy, Carter, Rockefeller families in USA by exchanging places with Najlaa Mahmoud alias Barbara Carrera alias other two relatives who exchanged places with each others with out me noticing


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