Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0106


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             02.07.2007

Updated:                31.12.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Mrs. (wife of) Jalal Baroudi alias American/English origin

Name in Arabic

السيدة  حرم  جلال  البارودي \ بارودي

Relation to me

The wife of my fake uncle

First saw/met

1959 in Damascus, Syria

Age at that time

Over 25 years old

Last saw/met

1985/1986  in Geneva, Switzerland

Hidden biological relatives


Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

Immediately after my first kidnapping in 1959. Immediately after I became Christian in 1976. During my second kidnapping in 1984/1986


160-170 cm


80-90 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color


Eye Color




Special Features

Fat. Pretend to be not in control, but rather a slave of her husband.

Special Crimes Against Me

Pretending to be the wife of my fake uncle. Persecuting me immediately after I became Christian along with her husband, children, Syrian diplomats and Syrian secret service, wherever and whenever I moved in Germany, France, England and Switzerland. Helped organize my kidnapping in cooperation with CAI, Mosad, English secret service and Syrian secret service.

  See more description/Details below the photograph

Additional photo needed



Mrs. (wife of) Jalal Baroudi photo needed


Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Mrs. (wife of) Jalal Baroudi alias American/English origin

Profession under Alias

Housewife of a diplomat

Official Nationality


Countries Lived In

What I saw:

1959: Syria

1960s: 1-2 years Egypt, some times between 1960 and 1963

1976-1986: Geneva Switzerland, where I oft visited her around 10 times

What I was told:

Since birth and until 1959: Syria which is a lie

1960s: 1-2 years Egypt, some times between 1960 and 1963

1960s: 1-4 years in Rom, Italy

1960s: 1-4 years in Bonn, Germany

1970s: 1-4 years in San Paolo, Brazil

1970s: 1-2 years in Moscow, Russia, where Hayat Baroudi allegedly visited her

1976/1977-1986: around 10 years in Geneva, Switzerland, where I visited her  around ten times for 1-3 days each

1986/87-1988/1989: 1-2 in Tokyo, Japan

19888/1989 and thereafter allegedly only in Syria

What I suspect to be 100% true:

Prior to 1959 in USA and Europe possibly also Israel

In all above mentioned countries she lived in, I don’t know if she lived so long in those countries, just like in Geneva, Switzerland allegedly 10 years, and that is unusual for a diplomat to live in one country for so long, yet I visited her there, but it could also be that she only was there while I was visiting her, they always knew all my moves, where and when I am going.

Official Address

Damascus, Syria

Disguise Methods

Fat. Pretend to be Syrian Moslem-Sunni. Pretend not to be in control, but rather a slave of her husband

















Jalal Baroudi


Rima Baroudi, Hasan Baroudi, daughter-3, daughter-4, name forgotten

Other Relatives








Most probably Windsor or Rockefeller family member


Most probably Windsor or Rockefeller family member











Other Relatives

Unknown. I strongly suspect her to be a man disguised as a woman, especially because she is CIA agent and was all over the world also in the former Soviet Union and as man with ESP disguised as a woman can get easily close to women and rape them to force relationship, these mother fuckers no good for human trash. But also I very strongly suspect that her alleged two younger daughters are adult women just very short that are oft used not only to spy on others but also rape their children to force relationship to their families

Friends of the Family


Official Businesses


Businesses Partners:

Entire Baroudi family and their partners

Illegal Businesses

Spying, drugs, children kidnapping, terrorism, smuggling through diplomatic immunity and other crimes.

Other Knowledge

Calypso Project incident:


His wife is with no doubt is 100% a hidden agent for USA and England and most probably was a man in disguise as a woman, which is a solid pattern of CIA agents in the so called hot political spots such as Egypt and the former Soviet Union that was living as a wife of a Syrian diplomat in Moscow Russia and most probably and based on the undeniable and very visible pattern, rapped uncountable women in Russia, and if she/he is a man in disguise as a woman, which is very possible as a CIA agent in an enemy country such as Russia, then rapped uncountable women in Russia to force a new or renew the already existing biological relation between the Windsor/Rockefeller and the Russian, What ever she is, she used at least one of her official daughters to rape me while I was unconscious to be a part of the hidden and largest circle of hidden brothers and sisters world wide


End of Calypso Project incident


Calypso Project Surroundings: UDF Consulting AG Incidents:


Mrs. Jalal Baroudi the International whore that I have no more doubt in my mind that she has other look a like and exchange places with and at least one of them was a man disguised as the woman Mrs. Jalal Baroudi and in particular as her official husband was in Syrian consul in Brazil, Russia and Japan, and also that one of many of these women rapped me to be part of the hidden circle of half brothers and sister as self protection, because and now I am already surrounded by some of my biological children by rape while I am unconscious since at least 1959 but in reality since 1954-1959 and thereafter, and most of these children are raised absolutely to be violent and vicious members of the crime organization, and that is why many of the women that rapped me were either in the military, military intelligence or controlled by them, and military is violence and viciousness


End of Calypso Project Surroundings: UDF Consulting AG Incidents


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