Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0040


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             25.6.2007

Updated:                25.6.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Essam Bdeir Alias English royalty and CIA agent

Name in Arabic

عصام  البدير \  بدير

Relation to me

The nephew of my fake brother-in-law Seev Aldin Bdeir

First saw/met

1966 in Amman, Jordan

Age at that time:

Over 30 years old

Last saw/met

I can’t recall

Hidden biological relatives

Windsor in England and Bush in USA

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

Along with his cruel and crocked parents my entire life


175-185 cm


75-85 kg

Skin Color


Hair Color

Can’t recall

Eye Color

Can’t recall



Special Features

Crocked and one of the international crime organization heads

Special Crimes Against Me

Him along with his evil family and in cooperation with CIA, Mosad, English Secret service, Syrian Secret service, Jordanian secret service and all their business partners in the Middle East and else where in the world, persecuted me to death to cover up their crimes

  See more description/Details below the photograph


Additional Photos wanted/needed

















Essam Bdeir photo needed

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Essam Bdeir Alias English royalty and CIA agent

Profession under Alias

International crocked businessman

Official Nationality

Jordanian with Syrian origin

Countries Lived In

What I saw:

I only saw him in Amman, Jordan

What I suspect:

Some times after the second world war went along with her alleged parents  to Amman, Jordan and build for their selves a small evil Empire in Jordan that they soon after expanded all over the Middle East, then in 1960s in to Europe and USA, thereafter in Asia and Russia, South American and Australia

Official Address

Amman, Jordan

Disguise Methods

Avoids public appearances, pretend to be Moslem-Sunni, pretend to be originated from Syria and immigrated to Jordan or born in Jordan

Official Family Members

Father:             Mohamad Ali Bdeir

Mother:            Mrs. (wife of) Mohamad Ali Bdeir

Sisters:            Lina Bdeir, others I forgot

Brothers:          Younger brother, others I forgot

Cousins:          Basmath Bdeir, Samir Bdeir, Reem Bdeir,

                        Bashaar Deppesh, Miss Deppesh



Wife:                Name forgotten alias American nationality and origin

Children:          Many, but I forgot them

Other relatives: My entire fake and biological family mentioned within this



Biological Family Members

Windsor, Bush and/or Kennedy and/or Rockefeller

Official Businesses

International crocked businessman

Businesses partners

Same as his father and more: Jordan Royal Family, Abokurah, Muasher, Mufleh, Mehles, Khuri/Khoori,  Alami/Alamo, Yasser Arafat, Azrath, Barghooti, Baroudi, Barq/Bark, Edelbi, Ghandor, Gharghor, Kheir, Malas, Mehles, Muasher, Mufleh, Sabagh, Musheel, Nuri/Noori, Sawaf, Ben Laden, Saudi Royal Family, all royalties in the Middle East, Windsor, Bush, Boeing, IBM, General Motor, Siemens AG, Ford, Warner Brothers, and many others

Illegal Businesses

Every unspeakable crime in this world from spying, terrorism, war crimes to brainwash, slavery and child molestation

Other Knowledge

Will follow
















































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