American military base named McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany






Note-1: This profile is only for photos


Note-2: This is where my fake family and biological family (=Rockefeller and Bush families) brainwashed, tortured me mentally and physically to enslave under the American military intelligence agent Anita Disbray.


Note-3: My fake family and biological family (=Rockefeller and Bush families) used their influence within the American military to persecute me very publicly ever since 1970 protected by the law of National security. In reality to cover up my origin and that they exchanged me with George W. Bush. In other words, George H. W. Bush placed his son George W. Bush in the Middle East as Mohamad Nuzhat Najar until around 1959 while simultaneously raising me as George W. Bush in USA until 1959, and then exchanged us wiped off my memory and kidnapped me to Cairo, Egypt over Damascus, Syria in 1959, and falsified my identity to Mohamad Nuzhat Najar and ever since persecuting me to not find out.


Note-4: I am using the detail photos below only as prove where, when and what they did to me and not for any other purpose what so ever. But also to show the pattern of persecution that they performed on me and I am positive that they are using on many other innocent persons since childhood, including people from Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Tunis and Egypt


Note-5: I am not against any self defense military; however I am against anyone that persecuted me to death since childhood for his own benefit through the Bush, Rockefeller, Kennedy and Windsor families that control the American military and the NATO and misuses it to destroy innocent people’s lives as they did to me.


Note-6: Most of these bases are in the meanwhile closed and relocated to other locations, however many Americans ex-military staff disguised as Germans are still living there


Photo Index:

1.     Photo-01. All American military locations in and around Munich, Germany, that unjustly persecuted me to death from 1969-1986 and from 2002-2006

2.     Photo-02. McGraw kasern surroundings, controlling my life from 1970-1986 in several city sections of Munich, Germany including at my employer Siemens AG

3.     Photo-03. McGraw Kasern between the two major Siemens AG locations, Neu Perlach city section and Hoffman street, where I mainly worked from April 1978 to December 1981 then was forced by ESP and brainwash to leave it

4.     Photo-04. McGraw Kasern to the West of Siemens AG Neu Perlach city section

5.     Photo-05. McGraw Kasern to the West of Siemens AG Neu Perlach city section, enlarged

6.     Photo-06. McGraw Kasern to the East of Siemens AG Hoffmann street where I oft worked and was set up by the American military intelligence agent Adnan Shababibi in 1984-1986 that pretended to be Syrian employee at Siemens AG and was in reality working with the illegal American, English, German, Syrian military intelligence project called Calypso where I was brainwashed as cover up for ESP and kidnapped in 1986 against my will from Germany to USA where they kept me as slave and hostage under the CIA and/or American military intelligence whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Israeli disguised as Syrian. But also persecuted me very severely and tortured me mentally and physically between 2001 and 2006 to prevent me of going back home to Germany

7.     Photo-07. McGraw Kasern to the East of Siemens AG Hoffmann street, enlarged

8.     Photo-15. Refugee camp, enlarged within Siemens AG Hoffmann street circle

9.     Photo-08. McGraw Kasern

10.  Photo-09. McGraw Kasern, main section enlarged

11.  Photo-10. EES-European Exchange System the American military administration headquarter for Europe within McGraw Kasern

12.  Photo-11. The McGraw kasern military housing area-1 next to the main prison of Munich called Stadelheim where I was uncountable times and unjustly imprisoned between 2002 and 2006. Whereby Stadelheim is next to the American military police that oft unjustly terrorized my life from 1970-1972

13.  Photo-12. Stadelheim prison enlarged where I was locked in almost every building from 2002 to 2006

14.  Photo-13. The McGraw kasern military housing area-2 next to many hidden American cities such as Fasanenpark and Fasanengarten where I lived for 6 months allegedly far away of Americans

15.  Photo-14. The hidden American city Fasanenpark where I lived and they terrorized my life, among others in that my fake mother Hayat Baroudi and Nick Naggar took position of my apartment and locked me out and I was forced to sleep in the police station jail right next building until the police evicted them the following morning. This was one of many set ups that they used to force my mind to stick to and be enslaved under the American military intelligence whore Anita Disbray.