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Published: 21.5.2007 Updated: 21.5.2007 |
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Filling Complain to Police Agencies world wide |
30.1.2007 updated on 16.4.2007 |
Michael N. Najar |
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Page 36-41 of 41 |
-3- Closing Word
1. Summary since 1959 of the results of the persecution performed by my evil fake and real family:
1.1. Far more than 200 change of residence
1.2. More than 90 jobs
1.3. More than 35 times jailed in Germany, USA and Holland
1.4. Lived 1959-2007 in 6 countries and before 1959 between 3-5 countries
1.5. Through brain wash and ESP I was always forced to be with older women with ESP who controlled me among others not to build a family, have children, have friends, build a life for myself or have any money as well as isolate me of the rest of the world
1.6. Until April 2000 I thought I had one son, since then I discovered that I was used by many different groups of people to generate many children with out my knowledge possibly several hundreds. WHERE ARE MY CHILDREN?
1.7. The only son I thought I had, turns out is not the joint son of me and Najlaa Mahmoud, and he has at least one look a like who exchanged places with him in USA, Holland and Germany and I did not notice, possibly they are 3 or 4 look a like
1.8. All my friends are members of the crime organization called my fake and real family as described with in and they were all fighting me from behind me, and in my face they are my best friends
1.9. All my family members are not what they claimed to be, they are the hidden and biggest crime organization, Al Kaida/Qaida, Drug Lords, child kidnappers and performers of many other heavy crimes. Period.
1.10. Uncountable terrorist attacks that I caught my fake and real family performing including the World Trade center and Pentagon terrorist attack on 9.11.2001, 7 months after I arrived in Holland, and the Bush family knew that the truth will come out once I am in Europe, because of my stolen and hidden children who has ESP and helped me with out my knowledge, however the Bush family knew that, I did not. Therefore, the Bush family took a precaution measures and performed the terrorist attack on 9.11.2001 on World Trade Center and Pentagon as, among others, distraction of what is in this letter but also to place their hidden children within the confusion of the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, enable to become rich of US-tax payers money and of drugs in Afghanistan and petroleum in Iraq. To allow George W. Bush alias Fareed Kheir to stay as president under the pressure of allegedly fighting terrorism that they created and performed in first of all to scare and divide people and countries. Therewith the fake Bush/Windsor family found a way to stay in power for more than 20 years through lie and deceive as follow:
1.10.1. 8 years, 1981-1988 George H. W. Bush as vice president under Ronald Reagan, who is also of the family
1.10.2. 4 years, 1989-1992 George H. W. Bush as president
1.10.3. 8 years, 1993-2000 Bill Clinton president who is of Rockefeller family and related to Prescott Sheldon Bush junior (who is from the Rockefeller family) the official brother to George H. W. Bush
1.10.4. 8 years, 2001-2008 George W. Bush as president
1.10.5. Therewith is George H. W. Bush 20 years in hidden power as president and 28 years through Rockefeller
1.10.6. Queen Mary of Teck a man in disguise as a woman just like ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush was officially queen of England from 1910-1936
1.10.7. King Edward VIII the official son of queen Mary of Teck was king in 1936
1.10.8. King George VI, my father, the official son of queen Mary of Teck was king from 1936-1952
1.10.9. Queen Elizabeth II a man disguised as a woman and the biological son of queen Mary of Teck from 1952 until current
1.10.10. Therewith queen Mary of Teck was hidden queen in power from 1910-1980 where I last heard that she was allegedly dead (again), that is 70 years governing, and if she is not dead yet then she/he is hidden queen/king of England from 1910-2007 that is 97 years queen/king through lie and deceive by using her children and pretend that her son queen Elizabeth II is her grand son, just like and the same pattern as the Bush/Rockefeller family in USA, because it is the same family, who killed uncountable amount of innocent people to stay in power
2. Fake families in my life
2.1. The families I was placed in are crime, drug, terrorist, child kidnappers, religion fakers and other crime families who simultaneously worked for different governments and/or controlled governments, pretended to be spies to cover up for their own crimes. The main fake families/crime organization I was raised by are:
2.1.3. Kheir
2.1.4. Khayat
2.1.5. Bdeir
2.1.6. Abokurah
2.1.7. Shawki
2.1.8. Alami/Alamo
2.1.9. Bark/Barq
2.1.10. Azrath
2.1.11. and others
2.2. Those families consisted of Windsor, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Bush and other families members as mentioned within
2.3. Ex-USA president George H. W. Bush official parents Dorothy Walker Bush and Prescott Sheldon Bush are not his biological parents but rather his private teachers in crimes. Also his official mother Dorothy is possibly a man in disguise as a woman, it is the pattern
2.4. All his official brothers and sisters are not his biological brothers and sisters, but rather each is of a different crime family representing the interest of his own crime family. Like Prescott Sheldon Bush junior is from Rockefeller family, whereby John D. Rockefeller is a hidden son of the Windsor family, and George H. W. Bush is the son of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon the official mother of queen Elizabeth II also of the Windsor family
2.5. Ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush is a man in disguise as a woman, her/his official parents Marvin Pierce and Pauline Robinson Pierce are not her/his biological parents, but rather her/his private teachers in crimes. Whereby Pauline Robinson Pierce is the biological hidden sister of Adolf Hitler. Barbara Pierce Bush is the biological son of the official wife of Basheer Kwader/Queder alias Mohamad Ali Bdeir alias Adolf Hitler
2.6. Ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush official brothers and sister are not her/his biological brothers and sister, but rather each is of a different crime family representing the interest of his own crime family/organization. Like James Robinson Pierce is brother to Ali Bark and Hugh Hefner
2.7. All children of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush with his queer husband Barbara Pierce Bush are not their joint biological children, but rather each is from a different crime family representing the interest of his/her own crime family/organization. Like the current USA president George W. Bush alias Fareed Kheir in 1959, Damascus, Syria alias Hani Lapeep in 1967, Cairo, Egypt is the biological son of Eftikar Kheir the daughter of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. George W. Bush is born in 1953/1954 out side USA and was brought to USA some times in 1960s. Pauline Robin Bush, the official daughter of George H. W. Bush and Barbara Pierce Bush, who allegedly died in 1953, was a boy forced by George H. W. Bush and his queer husband Barbara Pierce Bush to live as a girl and disguise as Pauline Robin Bush, faked her death in 1959 and was forced to live as my fake niece Basmath Bdeir in Amman, Jordan, also married to her half brother Makram Alami/Alamo. Marvin Pierce Bush is the biological son of Rosemary Kennedy (junior, who pretended to be retarded) most probably with her son Elvis Presley, and therewith is Elvis Presley the biological father and simultaneously the biological brother of Marvin Pierce Bush
2.8. Ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush as a man disguised as a woman has uncountable hidden children, who pretend not to be related but in the background are helping each others in crimes against humanity
2.9. Ex-USA president George H. W. Bush has uncountable hidden brothers, sisters and children all over the world, and are all members of an international crime organization as mentioned within, and many of them are in the USA, Germany, Jordan, Syria, Oman and other countries governments, who under government protection performs international crimes such as drugs, terrorism, child kidnapping, money laundering, currency falsification and many other crimes. Like his hidden children Basmath Bdeir, Samir Bdeir, one of the Edelbi brothers in Amman, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia and many others in different countries.
2.10. Queen Elizabeth II is a man in disguise as a woman and is not the biological daughter of my father King George VI but rather is the son of queen Marry of Teck my official grandmother, who is also a man in disguise as a woman. Her sister princess Margaret is not her biological sister. Her children are not her joint biological children with her official husband prince Philip, but rather each is from a different crime family/organization representing the interest of their own families in crimes
2.11. All above mentioned live simultaneously several fake identities in several countries with several fake and real multi-families and children supervising, controlling and performing all crimes mentioned within and much more not mentioned within against their own countries and people
2.12. Because the persons within have many (hidden) children of many women, oft with their children, grand children, brothers/sisters to have look alike children, and the fact they hide most of their children, that by some of them oft several hundred children and more, and raise their children by private teachers who pretend to be their parents and raise them with out any care or love, but rather teach them crimes as mentioned within, these children grow up to be heartless, feelingless, cruel, vicious and money oriented master criminals, equal money generating machine with out brain or feelings, who are willing to sacrifice any thing for money, even their own children in that they force them to be raised by others and even force many of them to hide and live under different sex gender, and therefore they force their own children to become queers, lesbians, homosexual and bisexual. It is a circle of corruption inheritance and self brain wash
2.13. They all hide under various nationalities, governments officials and pretend to be faithful of various religions such as Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Mormon, Jehovah Witnesses and others, pretending to be fighting each other in the name of religion and God, but in reality they are immediate biological relatives/family suppressing and dividing people and nations through violent wars and terrorist acts that they perform under their other identities as a scare tactic and mass brain wash to the general public, just to generate more money for their own selves. Therefore they are absolutely mentally unstable and dangerous for the general public, harmony and peace in the world.
2.14. The crime organization mentioned within would claim that they performed all these crimes in the name of politics and fighting the ex-Soviet Union, Communism and Islam, but the governing persons in all these places are all biological brothers/sisters, cousins, nieces/nephews, sons/daughters, parents/grandparents and business partners in many areas in legal and illegal businesses. Therewith it is not fighting them but rather helping each other in suppressing people through scare and division tactic
2.15. Therefore, and for all the reasons mentioned above and within, I accuse and charge ex-USA- president George H. W. Bush, his queer wife ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush, their official but fake brothers and sisters, and their official but fake sons and daughters to have planned and killed two supreme court judges of the United States Supreme Court enable to replace them with two new supreme court judges who are members of the crime organization that would prevent the Bush family of being judged and convicted.
Appendix: List of fake families that were set together as a crime organizations. Page 1 of 2
Appendix: List of fake families that were set together as a crime organizations. Page 2 of 2
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