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In Short

Published: 21.5.2007  Updated: 21.5.2007








List of fake families



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Filling Complain to Police Agencies world wide


Michael N. Najar


Page 20-40 of 85


4.      Other persons around me

Note: Since I saw that they produce children using other children starting age 7, and some of them lives much longer than 120 years, best prove is among other my grandmother queen Mary of Teck who allegedly died 1953 and went into a new identity which is again my grandmother Samiyath Khayat who again allegedly died in end of 1970s, and in both cases she was my grandmother, and in reality it is a man disguised as queen Mary of Teck alias the wife of my grandfather King George V alias my grandmother Samiyath Khayat the wife of my fake grandfather Kamel Baroudi and mother to my fake uncle Mamdoh Baroudi who is in reality her official husband king George V. It is all confusion so no one can see through and it is also kept secret that people live much longer that they claim. This mean among others, they can produce children in at least 113 years of their lives, if its medically possible or not I don´t know, but my guess and based on what I seen it is very possible. But this also mean that they can have children from age 1 to age 113, which means that some brothers and sisters age difference can be between 1 year and 113 years.

5.       A school friend called Sameh, that I was not allowed to have as a friend allegedly because he is Christian and we are Moslems. I forgot his last name, but his father is the son of the English actor Sir Alec Guinness and he is also brother to the following persons:

5.1.                       Klaus Fischer the father of my alleged best friend Detlev Fischer in my church in  Lohhof, Germany 1976 and there after. Klaus Fisher was married to the daughter of the Duchess of Windsor alias the wife of my uncle King Edward VIII

5.2.                       My manager at Neckermann warehouse in Lohhof, Germany in 1975, the famous department store and travel agent Neckermann, which it could be the father of my friend Sameh in Cairo, Egypt in 1960-1961

5.3.                       And I also suspect based on the name and many other relations and indications, is also the brother or father of Joschka Fischer the ex-German foreign minister and head of the Green Party.

6.       Mahmoud, I think his last name was also Mahmoud, in my school named Altabari in Roxy New Egypt area in 1966-1967. He was the son of a very famous Egyptian Sheikh (priest) to my knowledge was the second most famous Sheikh in Egypt at that time, and was working in Al-Azhar University. I was in their house several times, and there was nothing Egyptian or Moslems on them, they were definitely Americans in disguise. I get to know him for a short period of 4-6 months. Some students of the same school bothered me for several days, and the same provoked me and start a fight with me in the Tram while I was going to school in the morning, where he came allegedly to my help and scared them a way. But it was set up, they were his friends, and it was all arranged. But I never noticed any thing because I was suppressed, scared and hopelessly brain washed. He was in high school while I was in the same school but in junior high. This person is very possibly the USA actor Steven Segal alias most probably the son or brother of my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi, who was in Tokyo, Japan for several years

7.       They put me in a private school called Al-Kaumiyah (Republican) for 2 years. In my class there was the son of President Gamal Abd Al-Naser named Abd Al-Hakeem, he was always there with his body Guards. Also some other student pushed his friendship upon me in a very obvious way, he was the son of a very famous Architect, which I know today, it was the family who married the daughter of President Naser, and the family of Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaimans Husband, but also Basheer Kwader alias Adolf Hitler, Abo Maieen Malas alias Herbert Quandt, and Abd Alghani Abokurah alias brother of Princess Ann the official daughter of Queen Elizabeth II. They all had one big partnership business in constructions and build like mad people mad things that many of it was not needed, but it was a useful deceive. President Naser was half Black and the biological son of my great grand father King Edward VII.

8.       My fake sister Fadia Nagar get married to Afaf Shawki and moved to an apartment opposite the Almaza Air Force Airport. The entire new Egypt was build by those people mentioned within and it was around 20 KM of the center of down town Cairo. The entire street where they lived were private houses what they called Villas and had only two buildings, they lived in one of those buildings which was 4-5 floors, which was 600-800 meters of Dardiri Ahmad Ismael and Basheer Kwader alias Adolf Hitler, and 1.5 KM of Shawki family building in Safier and 1.5 Km of a new house construction belong to Afaf Shawki, who had two full grown dears, male and female and a large live turkey animals, that he wanted allegedly have in his new house garden which was under construction, which point out that he is originally American-English. After his alleged death, the dears were allegedly given to the Zoo, but I believe it was given to him in his new identity. The whole street and all small side streets were full of foreigners pretending to be Egyptians. But nothing on them was Egyptians or Moslems. I knew at least 10 families in this area, but I will concentrate on Two:

8.1.                       The building Landlord named Dr. Lapeep was one of my hidden uncles, and an escaped German Nazi of the second world war. He lived in the entire ground floor with some woman always covered up, and his fake son called Hani Lapeep alias 100% the biological son of George H. W. Bush. Dr. Lapeep was possibly ex-husband of Eftikar Kheir and brother to my English teacher in 1968-1969, also in a few private lessons in 1969

8.2.                       Third house to the right of the building there was the house of the family Al-Jumaee, I was there once, due to my fear of their very vicious German Shapered dog. But I met them a lot out side their house. I remember three of them the daughter named Farida around 25-30 years old and was my fake sister’s girl friend. Her older brother Ali Aljumaee who had red hair, red/brown/green eyes and had a very visible and obvious big problem with one of his legs that prevented him of walking properly. And that to confuse my mind and force me to concentrate on this man with this leg problem and forget the real one, seven years ago,  who had real problems walking which was Fareed Kheir alias George W. Bush. He was dating my sister Fadia after the official but fake death of her husband Afaf Shawki, and it was very obvious to every one watching and to me that he wanted to marry her in a fake competition to Adel Haasn who was her official fiancé and Dr. Alaa Ali, her current official husband. The younger brother around 20 years old in 1968 called Hishaam Aljumaee was pretending to be my friend. And I am saying pretending because I don’t have good memory of him, because of the following:

8.2.1.                    He took me to their own prostitute house where consciously I had sex with an older woman 45-55 years old, European/American woman and a bid fat, and she left a very bad taste in my life about sex, and that was a brain wash. Today I know that her job was to make me feel sick of having sex with white women, and as a deceive as if this is the only sex I had there at that time, and to take my mind of what they really did to me or with me in that prostitute house because I had black out during this period, this mean I spend some times in that prostitute house that I don’t remember, this mean I was unconscious for a certain amount of time, this mean some one made me unconscious either with ESP or drugs and took control of my mind, and that is why I have memory gap. What Happened I don’t know, but my guess based on repeatedly what happen to me in my life is that while I was unconscious either they took sperm of me or many women (plural) had sex with me enable to have a child of me with out my knowledge . Which it happen to me oft in life.

8.2.2.                    He took me to Christmas/new Years Eve party in 1968 where I have total memory gap, I just remember I went there with him in 1968, but what happen No idea. Again I have the suspicion that many women made me unconscious with ESP or drugs and had sex with me unknowingly, enable to have my child.

8.2.3.                    He took me to Alexandria for a few days, where they had a summer house. And I just remember being in that house, going with him to discothèque in an expensive hotel by the beech, 4-5 star hotel, which I visited in 1960 with my fake mother and Saeed Al Umary and my other two fake sisters. However I don’t remember in between, specially going to bed. And since my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi a Syrian Diplomat in Geneva, Switzerland told me something around 1984 about Adnan Khashogi, as if he wanted me to think I was persecuted by him which I did not know who he was at that time, and Adnan Khashogi alleged home town is Alexandria where also Leila alias daughter of George H. W. Bush Lives and is in a private school for girls, where I met her in a one week cruise ship, where she was with a school trip with many other girls, and have memory gap, visited her in 1966  in Alexandria and have memory gap, as well as the time I went to Alexandria in 1960 and had memory gaps, in short I guess they made me unconscious every time I go to Alexandria to have sex with the same many girls in 1960, 1966, 1968, where each girl has 3 children of me, and many of these girls are sisters, twins, mothers, daughters or look a like to have my children look a like just like twins. And that is absolutely not good. Is it true? I don’t know, but it is definitely and 100% the pattern of my family and of my life.

8.2.4.                    He took me to their farm/ranch out side Cairo where I also have memory gap same as above. Today I know it was 100 % opium and hashish plantation, because they are all working together, live next to each other, marry each other, and do business together, one plant, other transport, third distribute, fourth sale and so on. The family Al-Jumaee are the biological and real children and grand children of James E. Robinson the Official grand parent of ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush and all her fake brothers and sister. This mean Barbara Bush is 100% not daughter of Marvin Pierce nor the grand daughter of Scott Pierce and James E. Robinson. It is a fake family just like Baroudi, Kheir, Bdeir, Kwader, Bush, Kennedy and the others.

9.       Adel Haasn/Hasan alias unknown but he is of the family. I get to know him as the boyfriend of my fake sister Fadia Nagar in 1967/1968, allegedly he knew her dead husband. He was working as an Air Force Pilot in the opposite Air Force airport Almaza (or Al-Maazeh = Mazeeh), and allegedly later in 1970s and 1980s was the private helicopter pilot to president Sadat. He was married and wanted to marry Fadia Nagar as a second wife. His family was allegedly rich which I did not meet. He had a lot of supermarket and shops in Cairo where he definitely sold drugs through them just like the family Shawki. He was allegedly competing to marry Fadia Nagar against Ali Aljumaee and Dr. Alaa Ali. They were officially engaged during 1968. in 1985/1986 he is suddenly the Egyptian Military Attaché to Germany in Bonn, that time the capital of Germany, and I meet him several times. One time he invited me to his house where he had another guest, allegedly the CEO of the Islamic Bank in several countries of the Middle East. In short they were trying very hard to look like good Moslems, which they are not, and were trying to convince me that the bank interest are bad and against Islam, and that is why in the Islamic Bank they don’t take interest and live by the Quran by offering partnership instead of loan interest. Today I know that this partnership deal instead of loan interest is only a trick to steal the companies who are in trouble or in need for money for new inventions. In other words it is a con-business and a scam to steal companies. Also they made me (force through brain wash and ESP) introduce him to Mr. Dee alias allegedly the head trainer of GSG9 the German special military unit for anti-terrorism, just to put in my mind that Adel Haasn is an Egyptian, who is definitely not. He is a CIA agent

10.   Dr. Alaa Ali alias CIA agent. This is how I get to know him: Suddenly I had problem with my throat in 1968, and I had to go to the doctor, who claimed that I have to have surgery to remove my tonsils. In the hospital I met Dr. Alaa Ali who allegedly would perform the surgery, but suddenly I had no problems any more with my throat and I was afraid of the surgery. Today I know it was an ESP trick, so Dr. Alaa Ali can pretend that he get to know my sister Fadia Nagar coincidently through me, but it was all planned. I will leave the details out but in general this is how it was:

10.1.                   After Afaf Shawki allegedly death, the Shawki family done every thing possible and impossible to get ready of my fake sister and her fake children out of Egypt, which was all acting.

10.2.                   Ali Aljumaee was acting as if he wanted to marry her so she may marry Dr. Alaa Ali

10.3.                   Adel Haasn was also acting for the purpose to have given her a choice of men. The prove for that is, even she married Dr. Alaa Ali in 1970, yet she maintained close relationship to Adel Haasn until at least 1986, where I saw him last before I was kidnapped to USA and lost contact to the rest of the world. This is how spies, terrorists and drug dealers work by maintaining questionable relations

10.4.                   Her fake children

10.5.                   Her fake birth of the children

10.6.                   Every thing point to wards she is a man in disguise as a woman, the whole thing is an act to show that Fadia Nagar is a woman not a man

10.7.                   Dr. Alaa Ali had a good friend who was allegedly anistisian, which I strongly suspect that he also was a big time drug dealer, among others because he owned an older model sports Rolls Royce car, which is expensive, also in Egypt specially where a doctor earn compared to our today’s living standard in Europe and USA 300 Euro or 300 US Dollar per month, at these days it used to be 25-35 Egyptian Pound. Most definitely Dr. Alaa Ali, Ali Aljumaee, Adel Haasn and Fadia Nagar were working all together, and I was the stupid one, or their ESP slave. Dr. Alaa Ali alleged father was working as an engineer for the Egyptian train company which was founded by my grand parents King George V and King Edward VII, this mean he is of the family. And that would explain why he looks very much like my German friend in my church Guenther Wiedemann that I get to know in 1976, only Dr. Alaa Ali is darker and Guenther is white with blue eyes. Dr. Alaa Ali had at least two sisters and/or brothers who are also medical doctors, and based on the amount of doctors in the family and the family pattern, they distribute illegal drugs such as opium, hashish, marijuana and other drugs hidden as medicine, through medical doctors, and this is specially true after they confused the hell out of me in 1986 in Germany, short before kidnapping me to USA, using a lot of allegedly Syrian and other Arab medical doctors, who claimed that they need my help in computers, but in reality they just wasted my time and money for at least 3 months, and this was specially hard on me after Prof. Dr. Fischer fired me of his company UDF where I was forced and tricked to work there in 1984 as a part of my brain wash to kidnap me to USA. Prof Dr. Fisher the son of Joseph P. Kennedy Senior and brother to Ali Barq/Bark who is brother or father of Barbara Carrera and her sisters the woman of Adnan Khashogi and Najlaa Mahmoud, who kept me as a slave and kidnapped me to USA with help of all those people mentioned with in, not to forget that Adnan Khashogi is either Kamel Baroudi or his son my fake grand father who allegedly died in 1966 and was an International drug dealer with his fake wife Samiyath Khayat alias Queen Mary of Teck and Fuad Khayat alias son of Rockefeller. Dr. Alaa Ali and Fadia Nagar went to Amman, Jordan  in 1970 allegedly to get the blessing or approval in marriage with Dr. Alaa Ali from Mohamad Ali Bdeir Alias Adolf Hitler, which point to that Fadia Nagar is the daughter of Adolf Hitler, which she is not, but it is all deceive to prove that she is a woman connected to Adolf Hitler and the Bdeir Family who owns and control much in the Middle East (also else where in the world), including Oman, because in Arabic writing there is absolute no difference between Oman and Amman the capital of Jordan, the only difference is so called short vowels, that is rarely used, like in French accent degue such as a small dash over the letters and like in German language umlaut, which is two dots over the letters, which changes the pronunciation of the letters, in other words people living in Amman (which allegedly means Philadelphia) among other Samir Bdeir, Basmath Bdeir alias Basmath Alami (Alamo) and her husband Makram Alami who are the Biological children of George H. W. Bush, are the same people who forced in the last 20-30 years to take over the country Hadramout and change the name in to Amman and when you translated to English it becomes Oman, just like my fake Name is Najar, and my fake brother’s name is Naggar, and my other two fake sister names are Najjar and Nagar, but in Arabic you write them all only as Nagar and with one “G”, there is no “J” in Arabic language, the “J” is taken of Farsi or Urdu, which is rarely used, and the entire short vowels are taken of the European languages and only in the last around 60-100 years. And the same people who have absolute no loyalty to any one or any thing except to money, wants to buy some of the USA ports through Oman (or Amman) so they may enforce the perfect slavery which is Islam and control much of the drug smuggling into and out of USA. Dr. Alaa Ali has also many hidden children, I discovered two of them, one is the famous Egyptian comedian/ actor Samir Ghanem, and the other is the famous English comedian/actor Borat alias Ali G. alias Sacha Baron Cohen.

10.8.                   Dr. Alaa Ali took me many times with him to work in his night shift at the Heliopolis Hospital in Cairo, Egypt, where he had a room to relax in between the night emergencies, allegedly to help him type his doctorate on type writer, which he marked some text in some English medical books and asked me to type to keep me busy for hours, that must have been in the summer of 1969. But today I think he used to knock me out with ESP unconsious or drug me with his friend the anastisian doctor to cover up to the ESP control because ESP is secret, and during my unconsciousness, they forced many women upon me, to have sex with me enable to have my child or took sperm of me and injected in to many women, such as his alleged two doctor sisters, , but also nurses and other doctors and other hospital employees because:

10.8.1.                Among others I was typing the whole night, this mean for many hours doing the same thing over and over again, and therewith I would not notice the missing time while I was unconscious

10.8.2.                The nurse an old fat woman who was serving/providing us with food and drinks was called um-Ali, which means the mother of Ali, and she looked very similar to the mother of Afaf Shawki, and form my today point of view and experience, she was definitely there only while I was there and she was only present in night time, this mean she was not hospital staff

10.8.3.                In 1972 in Munich, Germany I was forced to go to hospital during a very confusing time after the terrorist attack on Munich Olympics, and I was set up with a nurse, that could be to get my attention or distract me of my stolen children through Dr. Alaa Ali

10.8.4.                Also in USA and in 1991 I was forced to go to the hospital, and the same in Holland in 2001, but it was all brain wash to forget the past

11.   Jameel Baroudi alias Mamdoh Baroudi alias either brother to Adolf Hitler or his father King George V, my grandfather which I mentioned before. He used to live with his second family, wife and 4-6 daughters in a big house very much similar in design and architecture to the house he used to live in Damascus with allegedly his father Kamel Baroudi and to Buckingham Palace. I was there only 2-3 times, it was in an area called Saraya Al-Kuppa which means Cassel or kings’ house. It was only up to a few hundred meters to president Naser’s at that time new house, where I also was there once for a birthday party of my school/class mate and the son of Naser named Abd Al-Hakeem, but I did not attend the party.

12.   Basheer Kwader/Queder Alias Adolf Hitler allegedly originally from Syria and a neighbor of my fake grandfather Kamel Baroudi (=fake references) but in reality allegedly in disguise as Polish Jewish who is hiding of Adolf Hitler, which all in all means deceive within deceive, in case one lie is caught the second should bring understanding and an excuse for laying. He was fat around 120 KG, short hair, no mustache, always in suite just like his other identity in Amman, Jordan alias Mohamad Ali Bdeir, which point to the name of Mohamad Ali, who pretended to be Turkish and invited all kings of Egypt to a party in his Cassel in around the year 1850 and killed them all and took over Egypt. This mean Mohamad Ali Bdeir is doing the same thing, killing all the presidents and kings in the area and taking over, which he did but in a hidden way and not so obvious like his predecessor Mohamad Ali the Turkish, also this name point out that he is from Turkey and not Germany/Austria/England. He was very obviously always in hiding and avoid public appearances. He had a 2-3 floor building, where only him and all his fake children lived as if they where his nephews, nieces and cousins. His house was around 100 meters of Dardiri Ahmad Ismael on the street going to Safier square. All the children were with him were 100% stolen and had ESP, with one exception, his oldest son of him and one of  his sisters called Jameel Kwader, and he looked just like him, but not so fat (which could be Adolf Hitler himself after face cosmetic surgery, which could point to big confusion that they created to hide Adolf Hitler). They own a lot of businesses in Cairo and through out Egypt, but it is all hidden businesses, such as movie and media industry in partnership with Rockefellers and Ford in Cairo, also in  construction with all it is branches, where they build allegedly with the Russians in the beginning of 1960s the Egyptian High Dam in Aswan south of Egypt,  where they 100% falsified history in that they relocated an alleged 3000 years old (which is a lie) temple Abi-Simpel (probably around ½ square KM), it is only 200-300 years old, just like the Pyramids and Sphinx, which they bombed on purpose in the first and second world war with airplanes so it may look old and mysterious, and some prove for that is (You can skip this until the next point if you want, I think it is important, I just dumped this part out of my thought, mind, memory so it is not properly sorted memory ). See continuation in Appendix-1.

13.   Edsel Bryant Ford the son of Henry Ford, who allegedly died 1943, it is a lie, alias chairman and CEO of Egypt Air airline at least during the period of 1967-1970. He claimed to know Afaf Shawki, his employee, and that is why he allegedly wanted to help the widow Mrs. Shawki alias my fake sister Fadia Nagar. He used to live downtown Cairo, Egypt in a penthouse, the top two floors of his own high rise building, the high rise building on the corner to the right of his own movie theater Metro, which was the biggest and most advanced at that time, Metro is also on the corner, opposite to Basheer Kwader sweet shop called Queder, and next to many other American/English/European stores. He had allegedly two nieces and one nephew, who claimed to have escaped Port Saied after the Israeli attack in 1967, which allegedly killed their parents and destroyed their house. Which was a 100% a lie, they were new immigrants came from over seas over Israel, Gaza to become spies or what ever they became thereafter, but they were not Egyptians. The nephew was 15 years old, and I forgot his first name who allegedly died on 10.10.1969 on the same day I went to Germany, which is also a lie, one niece was 16 years old called Yasmeen, and the other was allegedly 19 years old, short 150-160 cm, white, brown hair and green eyes and was called Esmat. All had the family name Khodori/Chodori (=Chodorkovsky !?). I get to know them 1968, and I dated Esmat Khodori, actually she dated me, because all three of them had 100% ESP or only Edsel Ford had ESP and controlled them as puppets. I went out with her several times, they lived in the same penthouse with Edsel Bryant Ford. I visited her oft in the penthouse, and we went to their own movie theater called Metro for free. One time I visited her in the penthouse and she was alone, and half naked, allegedly just came out of the shower, there after I have memory gap, therefore I believe she made me unconscious and raped me. Since there are so many men in my fake and real family who are disguised as a women, so it is very possible that some of these girls are men in disguise as a woman, and made me unconscious because they are queers and wanted to rape me, which I doubt it because they have ESP and therewith they can force me with out making me unconscious, or to leave it like that in my memory, in case others with ESP read my mind then they will think I was raped by a woman which is Esmat that is not a man, and therewith they use me or my memory to deceive others that they are women and not men in disguise. And if this is the case, and since they are Americans, this will mean that all or most girls I was forced to go out with in the American Military base in Munich, Germany McGraw casern, between June and August 1970 and did not see them naked, then they must be men disguised as girls, and even the one I saw naked could have a twin brother who disguise as her and pretend to be his own sister just like Leo Sayer and Anita Disbray, Hayat Baroudi and Queen Elizabeth II and many others. This point is important and therefore I will list all girls or women I went out with in McGraw casern in Munich, Germany between June and August 1970, specially that they confused the hell out of me and they had 100% ESP, if I don’t write the name this mean I forgot it: (See Appendix-2 for the continuation of this point, here also I just dumped my thoughts with out sorting them properly)

14.   in 1964/1965 in our apartment in Cairo, Egypt, I went to my fake mother’s bedroom, and she was with her alleged husband Mohi Sabri, and they were on top of each other on the bed. So I asked them what are you doing? They told me to go away to my room, which I did. Then I heard them talking for a minute or two, then Mohi Sabri came to my room absolute naked, put me on bed and raped me, and after a few minutes went back to my fake mother in her bed room also naked. Today I know the following:

14.1.                   At that time I had no idea what sex is , and therefore I did not know that they were having sex.

14.2.                   Possibly some one unknown with ESP delegated me to the room as if he wanted to tell them I see and your fake son see what and who you are, two queers having sex

14.3.                   Since my fake mother Hayat Baroudi is a man disguised as a woman, they were worried that I saw two men having sex, so they talked it over for a minute or two, and decided not to take a chance of whether I recognized Hayat Baroudi as a man or not, even they had ESP, they could not take a chance and decided to rape me and blame it on Mohi Sabri, which they did

14.4.                   But who was Hayat Baroudi at that time? May be it was Queen Elizabeth II after she exchanged places with Hayat Baroudi, I don’t know, I can’t tell any more. But they thought if I recognize Hayat Baroudi as a man, then it will put Queen Elizabeth II in question if she is a woman or a man, because the rest of the family, most of them any way, knew that queen Elizabeth II exchanged places with Hayat Baroudi.

14.5.                   Thereafter, they pretended that I am queer and forced me with ESP to be raped over and over again from many to confuse my mind so I forget what I saw and to create a situation that distract of every thing and concentrate that I am allegedly queer and they are trying to help me.

14.6.                   In the same time they used the situation to force my mind, on the long run/term to forget certain persons, people and entire life in Cairo, Egypt. In that they raped me by those people they wanted me to forget, and they knew that they will have me under control in the future and make sure that I don’t forget that I allegedly done some thing bad, which is allegedly being queer, and therefore I should not think about all these situations and surroundings. And that is a brain wash to force a person to forget, because he does not want to think about or even remember what bad and shameful things he did. Followings are the persons they used so I may not think about them the situation or what they do or who they are, just don’t even remember them. And they did that while I am full conscious, this mean, they did not drug me or knock me unconscious with ESP, but rather they used ESP force:

14.6.1.                A kiosk owner with his brother in the neighborhood who owned two kiosks, and sold cigarettes, candy, and huge ice blocks (water ice). Today I know, he was working for them and selling drugs, even by the cigarette, that he received among others hidden in the huge blocks of ice which was more than 1 meter long and 30 x 30 cm wide/deep

14.6.2.                Hani Lapeep who was 20 years old in 1967/1968 alias biological son of George H. W. Bush, so I may forget him, his fake father which is my biological hidden uncle Dr. Lapeep, and his fake son Hani Lapeep as well as all the neighbors by the Air Force airport Alamaza including Aljumaee alias the real children of Robinson Pierce alias the fake grandfather of ex-USA-first-lady (first-man) Barbara Pierce Bush. They also did to me many other things in that area to support all that. Note that Hani Lapeep look a like enough of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush that they can exchange places or president can be replaced with out any one notice. This mean which is the current ex-USA president George H. W: Bush? Is it George H. W. or Hani Lapeep?  I don´t know, but these are the facts.

14.6.3.                By the son of Basheer Kwader/Queder alias Adolf Hitler, that I forgot his name, but he used to have a hobby building electric lamps out of thick iron wires and plastic stripes. Also in that time I wanted to escape my fake family, and run away from home, which I did, and he the same son of Adolf Hitler delegated/sent me to his friends who allegedly will help me get out of the country, and they were in the university of Ain-Shams and university of Al-Azhar, where I was raped in this process by those people, and all of them together used to build the Islamic-Brotherhood who terrorized the life of people and claimed to be fighting president Gamal Abd Al-Naser, but in reality they were all Nazis set together by my fake and real family including president Gamal Abd Al-Naser, who was the son of my great grand father King Edward VII, as a mass brain wash in that they scared the hell out of the people’s life like they did in Europe during the second world war under Adolf Hitler and his and my evils family. This son of Basheer Kwader/Queder alias Adolf Hitler, who was I was told around 20-25 years old, but from my today´s experience possibly 30-35 years old, had a lot of similarity in his look and body stature to ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Pierce Bush, who I know it is a man disguised as a woman. Here again it could be the same person or a replacement

14.6.4.                By an American actor who lived a second identity in Egypt, or Egyptian who lived a second identity as American actor in USA. I could not find his name, but I will describe him. I saw him in a James Bond movie I think is called Live and Let Die, in the beginning of the film there was a scene in Louisiana, USA street about an Afro-America funeral, and on the side of the road there was a short-fat-black man with eye glasses, who stabs with a knife a secret English agent, and there after the whole funeral turns into a street dancing party or show. And the short fat black man is the one, who lived in an area not far from where we lived in Cairo, 1-2 KM of our street, behind a street name Nuzhah street, near Al-Merghani Square and behind a shoe maker on that street, whereby also the shoe maker was 100% foreigner pretending to be Egyptian, It was important for them to rape me by this American actor, so when I see his film or films, it remind me that I am allegedly queer and done some thing bad that I don’t want to think about it, but rather forget it and every thing associated with it. Today and now when I come to think about it, I discover that some actors/actresses of James Bond movies are related to my life as follow:      The short fat black man mentioned above      George Lazenby alias son of Joseph P. Kennedy Junior, my fake uncle      Pierce Brosnan son of George Lazenby      Barbara Carrera alias Najlaa Mahmoud alias Mrs. Khashogi      The English actor Charles Gray who disguises in Egypt some times as the Egyptian actress (woman) Zuzu Shakeeb      The James Bond movie with the two Greek ships smugglers like Stavros Niarchos and Aristotle Onasis      And many others things, persons

All point out to one thing: their mind/brain is not capable to make new things, so they make movies about their own crimes.

15.   Mohi Sabri (husband of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi) alias unknown, but based on his look, he is the son of either Rockefeller or King Edward VII, who allegedly died in 1910, which is 100% a lie. He went to the Middle East, Africa, South and East Asia after faking his own death, but again John D. Rockefeller is son of King Edward VII or his mother queen Victoria, so it is the same family. Mohi Sabri is allegedly the brother of the famous Egyptian actor Samir Sabri. He also had an alleged sister in New Egypt, Cairo, who lived next to other Syrians who were allegedly relatives of ours and I used to know, who were officers in Egyptian Air Force and Army, one of them allegedly won a swimming contest in Europe, swimming the English channel from France to England in 1960. All live 500-600 meters of Basheer Kwader/Queder sweet shop alias Adolf Hitler and other foreign shops. They are all crime organization, live next to each other, work together, marry each other, and protect/hide each other. His sister was married and had children. From my today experience I would say his sister family pretended to be from the old Soviet Union. I was a few times in their apartment. Mohi Sabri was a police officer, I think he was a Captain. He took me once to the penthouse of a very famous Middle Eastern singer called Fareed Al-Atrash, who had a high rise just out side the center of Cairo, in the beginning of Al-Giza area by the Nile, and lived in the upper last floor/penthouse. His high rise was called Fareed Al-Atrash building. The pent house was very luxury build and furnished, with a big fountain in the living room. I was told the owner is in vacation. How he get the key I don’t know, may be through his actor brother Samir Sabri who was also in entertainment business and possibly a friend of Fareed Al-Atrash, but I think he wanted that the people watching think that I am the son of Fareed Al-Atrash, but also leave it in my memory for a future deceive. Mohi Sabri was approx. 170 cm tall and 110-120 KG heavy in 1969 in Cairo, Egypt. He suddenly disappeared of our lives with out me knowing why. And on 10.10.1969 when my fake mother took me to Germany, we landed in Frankfurt, Germany and waited for him downtown in some Café, and Mohi Sabri came some times after 5 O’clock in the evening, picked us up and we went to his one room apartment. He was suddenly below 70 KG, this mean he lost more than 40 KG or 90 pounds, he looked completely different, it was a new disguise, no one will recognize him any more, just like Adolf Hitler and the rest of this stupid family, they constantly change their appearances, but again it could have been some one else that I met that time in Frankfurt and I did  not notice it, just because I was told: This is Mohi Sabri. For all I know, he was a new Spy from USA, and the real Mohi Sabri either was killed or went to USA or some where.

16.   My fake mother Hayat Baroudi alias twin sister of Queen Elizabeth II, claimed that she was married to a Syrian judge who worked for the English government in Sudan, and retired in 1950, and died in January 1953. And allegedly this fake husband of hers named Abdulhamid Najar is my father. Which is a 100% lie. This man never existed, they made him up. And that is why she was allegedly receiving monthly pension/retirement money for her and all her unmarried children since allegedly 1953. If it is true or not I don’t know, I just know that she/he had to allegedly submit a certificate proving that she is a life on a yearly basis to the Sudanese government, and going to the bank and picking up money, if this money is from Sudan or a private account I could not tell, because I had no idea how things function, beside my family, the English royalties governed Sudan and they can falsify any thing they wanted. Also in Egypt she/he applied for political asylum and was approved and received money monthly through out 1960s. Also she/he some times worked as follow, first as a secretary for the CEO and Chairman of the Board of the Al-Tarabishi factory, which allegedly manufacture among other cylinder like hats, like the alleged Turkish hats, this is to integrate some alleged Turkish heritage, so no one notice the English/American , specially that the sister of Mohi Sabri among others pretended to be also Turkish, which they are not. The CEO of that factory looked very much like Edsel Bryant Ford, may be it was him, or one of his hidden brothers that looked like him. Second she worked for a large department store chain called Omar Afendi/Efendi, which today I know based on many things that happened to me in my life through the following department stores Hertie and Neckermann in Munich, Germany, Sears in USA and specially in Houston, Texas, USA in Westwood Mall, which they closed in mid 1990s due to lack of business in the entire Westwood mall, and other incidents, is that Omar Afendi/Efendi is most probably a partnership between “C&A” in England and Sears Reebok in USA, whereby and very possibly that both department stores are owned by the same family. Omar Afendi is allegedly Turkish due to his name, but it is 100% European and American. Therewith, and all in all Hayat Baroudi was collecting partially three salaries simultaneously, one from the Sudanese government which is 100% cheat, one from the fake Egyptian asylum, which is also 100% cheat, and the third of her work, which I think it was all in all 2-3 years work in 10 years Egypt. Her monthly income was 50-70 Egyptian pounds compared to a 25-35 Egyptian pound salary of a specialized medical doctor or police officer with the rank captain. At that time and while she was working at those places, queen Elizabeth II exchanged places with her. Things change when queen Elizabeth pretend to be Hayat Baroudi, such as suddenly we have new more modern washing machine, and a hired lady come to wash our cloths while the queen is present, or another hired lady come to clean the apartment, or they renew the mattresses through a specialist, or we go out excessively and not cook at home but rather eat out side, or we go visit Basheer Kwader/Queder family alias Adolf Hitler, where there be a big family gathering, and many other things. And since Hayat Baroudi had intimate relations with Saeed Al-Umary, Mohi Sabri, CEO of Al-Tarabishi factory, CEO of Omar Efendi, Kamel Baroudi, Umrateb Khayat and Dardiri Ahmad Ismael the Egyptian Ambassador to UN(which it would take long to explain how I found out, therefore I will leave details out), this mean queen Elizabeth II did the same, and since 100% one of them or both of them Hayat Baroudi and queen Elizabeth II is a man in disguise as a woman, and since some of the above mentioned men who they had intimate relation with are also possibly men is disguise as women, this mean the above mentioned men who I caught having sexual relation with Hayat Baroudi and/or queen Elizabeth II is one of two, either they were raped by Hayat Baroudi and queen Elizabeth II or they were just like them queers and bi-sexual, and they want to force every one to be like them, they tried and did it to me and my fake brother Nashaat alias Nick Naggar who is right now married to a man disguised as woman named Anita Naggar and he has absolute no idea because he is controlled with ESP.

17.   Downtown Cairo, Egypt and New Egypt and Al-Giza areas in Cairo as I saw them between 1960 and 1969, were 100% built by Rockefeller, Windsor, Bush, Kennedy and other families mentioned within and disguised in other identities. The prove for that is that all high rise in down town Cairo in that time are just like the high rise in New York, USA of the same time which were all built simultaneously between 1910 and 1960s. And this is because their brain/mind/thoughts is limited to crimes, and therewith they are just capable of duplicating things only. In the summer of 1969 my fake mother Hayat Baroudi forced me to have private lessons to learn the English language through my English teacher in my school Al-Tabari. Today and as I remember him, I discover that he had a lot of similarities with my hidden uncle Dr. Lapeep the escaped Nazi, and he was 100% training the mind of his students with ESP, brain washing them and enslaving them just like Najlaa Sulaiman and her husband in Cairo, Egypt and my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi and his wife were doing in Hamburg, Germany. Dr. Lapeep the fake father of Hani Lapeep alias son of George H. W. Bush. I went to his home, which was not very far, and we were 2-3 private lesson students. I think all in all I went to around 5 private lessons, and I never picked any of it, and today I know why, because some group of people were persecuting me with ESP and constantly manipulating my thoughts with ESP so I was not capable to concentrate, and this was done to me over and over again in my life, so I may not study and succeed or advance professionally and in my life, so I may stay always financially broke, which I am. Last time it was very visible to me manipulated with ESP so I may not pass my exams, was in Houston, Texas, USA between 1995 and 1999, where I was trying very hard to study the so called Microsoft Back Office, Server software and Internet integration and have the so called certified Microsoft Software Engineer certificate, which required around 6 exams at that time, but I never made it passing enough exams to reach my goal. And I think 1999 and unconsciously, I gave it up. The reason they gave me private English language lessons in the summer of 1969, is because they planned to take me to USA through McGraw casern in 1970.

18.   Ihab/Ihob Nafeaa alias son of Nazi Goering. He was an actor in Egypt, married to the very famous Egyptian Actress Fatin Hamamah the ex-wife of also the very famous actor Omar Sharef who acted in many American movies, among others the fake story of Lawrence of Arabia but also made several movies with Barbara Streisand alias daughter of Charlotte Ford and sister to Margie Lange the wife of the pastor who paptized me in Lohhof, Germany Pastor Herbert Lange alias Scott Pierce the official but fake brother to ex-USA-first-lady (first-man) Barbara Pierce Bush and Barbara Streisand is also sister to my ex-girlfriend, or who pretended to be my girlfriend in Munich, Germany in 1981-1984, which is Adelheid Kuczka, who helped in destroying my life, therefore is Omar Sharef most probably one of the sons of Edsel Bryant Ford alias CEO and chairman of the Egypt Air, movie industry in Egypt and major drug lord. Barbara Streisand who very strongly supported ex-president Bill Clinton to become president of USA in 1992 and in 1996, and I think she even made a speech in his inauguration, whereby Bill Clinton father is son of one of the children of John D. Rockefeller who is brother to Henry Ford, this mean Barbara Streisand and Bill Clinton are 100% cousins. And that would explain to me why Bill Clinton did not free me in his 8 years as president of USA, but rather he also made sure I don’t get free. It looks like only my, to me unknown, hidden children are the only ones who helped that I get free. Ihab/Ihob Nafeaa went to Australia after divorcing Fatin Hamamah, and he was working as an actor in Australian TV.

19.   Visit to Amman, Jordan in 1966. I will try to make it short. I went to Amman, Jordan for allegedly school summer vacation which was 3 months. And those are the persons I get to know, some of them I partly see again, because they visited us in Cairo, Egypt, or I saw them in Damascus, Syria in 1959:

20.   Seev/Seif Aldin Bdeir alias CIA, Mosad, and English Secret Service agent, alias son of Marie-Adelaide, Grand Duchess of Luxemburg who allegedly died in 1924, with his wife an d my fake sister Suhair/Susu Bdeir alias my fake sister alias fake daughter to Adolf Hitler, whereby I saw a photograph of her and my other fake sister Afrah Najjar/Abokurah with Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun of 1944. Suhair Bdeir is 100% a man in disguise as a woman. They lived in a building 3-4 floors, each floor had two luxury apartments with 6 rooms, two bathrooms and a balcony looking at the play ground of the Islamic Scientific College of Jordan with over one thousand students, this school is located directly opposite the building on the other side of the street, and by the entrance of the school there was a big stone engraved with the names Mohamad Ali Bdeir (alias Adolf Hitler) and Abd Alghani Abokurah (alias brother to Princess Ann the official daughter of queen Elizabeth II) or his alleged father as donators and builders. The building was located on Amman mountain (in Amman they call city areas mountains because the whole city is hilly and similar to mountains allegedly seven like in old testament) between Al-Dawar Al-Awal and Al-Dawar Al-Thani=Circle-1 and Circle-2, which means A circle/square/round about like traffic around a circle garden just like in England. Mountain Amman was where the King lived and all other rich people. Also the building was just a couple of blocks where the king Cassel at that time, later he build a new Cassel further away of the town. In the household there was three fake children and a house keeper who was allegedly 7 years old. The children were Basmath Bdeir born allegedly in 1954, but it is a lie, she/he was around my age, one of the prove for that, is that Basmath Bdeir was allegedly the swimming master/champion for 14-18 years old in Amman, Jordan between 1964 and 1966, this mean she would have been 10-12 years old, which is a lie, she/he is 100% around my age and height, at least when they visited us in Cairo, Egypt in 1963/1964 and also when I visited Amman, Jordan in 1966. They falsified her/his birth by at least 6 years. She is 100% a boy in disguise a girl, and 100% is the son of George H. W. Bush who was Pauline Robin Bush and allegedly died in 1953 on leukemia, which is a lie. Now she is married to her/his half brother Named Makram Alami (Alamo). The other was Samir Bdeir allegedly born 1956, he is also 100% the son of George H. W. Bush, and the prove for that, is that he was in Houston and Dallas, Texas for around 6-8 years between 1976/77 and 1983/84 allegedly studying Business and Administration, but in reality he was closed to his father so he may learn new and different kind of crimes of his biological father George H. W. Bush, and his other son disguised as a girl Basmath Bdeir/Alami alias Pauline Robin Bush was also studying near him in Lafayette, Indiana, USA for 5 years, where it was decided to set him up in marriage with Makram Alamo, both are queers. The third child was a daughter named Reem Bdeir, allegedly born in 1960/61. Here also I have the strong suspension that she is a boy, I will leave the detail out, it is the pattern in the family. She was always over weight as kind of disguise just like her fake father Seev Aldin Bdeir, her fake uncle Mohamad Ali Bdeir alias Adolf Hitler and up to King Edward VII and queen Victoria. In 1994, where I saw her last in Houston, Texas she was approx. 140 KG=300 pounds. The house keeper I was told is seven years old, but today and based on my experience she was much older but very short/small. They claimed she was a daughter of a poor Palestinian refugee, that they wanted to help in that they hired his six years old daughter as a servant, but it was a lie. She was either the daughter of king Hussein or the daughter of some one rich from south America, India or Sri Lanka. And she was so small because her mother was around 7-10 years old as she gave her in birth. One thing is puzzling my mind today about that girl. She used to wake up at 6 O’clock in the morning and prepare 6 different breakfast in six different times to six different persons, including me, and go to bed between 12 and one o’clock in the morning, and my fake sister used to stress her in a very too obvious way, to clean, wash and help in cooking and so on, and on top of all that she used to scream at her in such a manor that it even scared the life out of me, and hit her a lot, but most of the time when she hit her, was in another room, I just heard it, it was just as if she was a slave and filth, today I know it was all acting. But at that time, I felt sorry for that little 6-7 years old/young girl, and a couple of times when I was alone with her in the apartment, I laid next to her and hugged her to give her a feeling that she is some thing, but I did not do any thing sexual to her, not consciously any way. In 1982/1983 I was set up with a girl in Amman, Jordan, named Randah Mufleh, that I did not even think of her, liked her, or even know her, except I played with her once or twice Squash, . My fake niece May Abokurah asked me once to go with her to the King Hussein Sports Club, because her alleged girlfriend wanted to tell me some thing, which I was puzzled why, any way and in the sports club Randah Mufleh came up to me and kissed me on the lips strongly almost violently and told me that she loves me. I will shorten it, later they set me up in Munich, Germany using ESP and forced me to think as if I am madly in love with her and can’t let go of her, but it was all ESP thought forced up on me, because that time I was deeply in love with my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka in Munich, Germany, whereby I knew nothing at that time of all what is in this letter. Any way it looks like they wanted me to think that Randah Mufleh is my daughter of that 6-7 years old housekeeper in Amman, Jordan of 1966. But she is not. Today I am not sure any more what really happened in 1966 when I hugged that alleged little housekeeper because I felt sorry for her. I think it was a boy in disguise as a girl and was practicing on me, possibly he made me unconscious and raped me. In 1966 officially I was 14 years old, because they claim that I was born on 10.10. or 17.10.1952 after the death of my biological father King George VI who died on 6.2.1952, which is a lie, I am at least two years older my guess I am born in 1949-1950. It is also possible that it was a girl and they forced us to have sexual intercourse while I was unconscious so she may have a child of me, but I doubt it because they were trying to destroy me and kill me, and also were trying desperately to show as if I am queer, because they are afraid that it comes out what is in this letter. My guess is that 99% Randah Mufleh of 1983 is the same person as the alleged 6-7 years old housekeeper of 1966, and this is based on every thing happened to me since then, and before and until today plus every thing I know about those people and specially their pattern of doing things. Randah Mufleh is 99% a man in disguise as a girl/woman, he/she is 150 cm, 40 KG, very dark skin color, brown eyes with a touch of green. All the above is true, specially that my fake nieces Reem Bdeir and May Abokurah were pretending in 1981-1983 that they are spending quality time with me in Munich, Germany and in Amman, Jordan as if they were my children, which today I know so may others watching us think they were my daughters or I may think so in the future. But it is not, if they were my daughters, this mean I slept with my fake sister Afrah Najjar/Abokurah who I strongly suspect to be a man in disguise as a woman not capable of being pregnant, and slept with my other fake sister Suhair Bdeir who is 100% a man in disguise as a woman. So it is all lies. Who are their children? I don’t know about all of them, I just discovered that all children in my fake and real families are not their children, specially that many of them are men married to men in disguise as a woman. Seev Aldin Bdeir has in his apartment a very modern, hidden and secret Radio or long distance CP sender/receiver (Funk Geraet), which was in form of a huge radio, which was common in those days, connected to the telephone, just like today the Cellular or Handy telephones but much larger. He could call Israel, England, USA or any country worldwide with out being detected. Also the radio was connected to hidden microphones in other areas such as other apartments and buildings, and while allegedly adjusting the receiver to a certain channel, in reality it would adjust the receiver to the needed microphone or many of them which are hidden some where in Amman. And it is very easy for them to hide microphones in other buildings, specially that they are very large in construction business, and officially ESP does not exist, it is secret, so they pretend that they are using only the radio. And the reason I found out about the radio, is because they are stupid, criminals are always stupid. Samir Bdeir at that time was 8-10 years old, was playing with the radio and showing me how it is connected to the telephone and by adjusting certain channel can hear the telephone in the radio and vise versa. In 1966 I just thought of it as a toy. But today and in the last seven years I am remembering as much as there is to remember and trying to understand my life. Seev Aldin Bdeir allegedly worked as sales manager in a store/retail shop that sells construction materials from A-Z for whole sale and retail, just like the American store Home Depot but much smaller. But it was a deceive only while I was there, to show that they are not wealthy. They own this store that is a partnership with many people and has many branches in over 25 countries. Him personally had a lot of different kind businesses such as Super Markets, Travel agents, Restaurants and others, and very big in the illegitimate business specially in drugs and terrorism. His 3 children are not his children, here are some of his hidden children that I discovered: Yasser Arafat a Palestinian Terrorist since at least 1960 who allegedly died in 2004, which is a lie. Taufik Hindy and Dr. Hussein Al-Haj Hasan, both in Lebanon, and others in USA and Europe. Based on his body stature and what happen to me, it is very possible that he is the father of Yvonne Conner/O’Conner alias Angela Merkel the current German chancellor, with little bid cosmetic surgery specially the lips and eye color. And that is specially true since the O’Conner’s used the same brain wash methods with me back in 1970 in McGraw casern as Seev Aldin Bdeir did to me in Amman, Jordan in 1966 and 1969/1970 with the housekeeper and the kiss and the memory gaps, also because the O’Conner’s alleged father was in Vietnam while they were in Germany, which was a lie. The O’Conner’s were the official family of the CIA agent and spy Seev Aldin Bdeir

21.   Mohamad Ali Bdeir alias Basheer Kwader/Queder alias Adolf Hitler. He was married to a woman or a man over 60 years old and all covered up, just like his other identity Basheer Kwader in Cairo, Egypt. She was small just like ex-USA-first lady Barbara Pierce Bush, same body stature, small man’s body. Possibly is the mother or father of Barbara Pierce Bush. He lived in a stand alone house less than one kilometer of his fake brother Seev Aldin Bdeir, they are only brothers in crimes, just like the rest of the family, they are only family in crimes. He had many children in his house, I can remember only three of them. The younger son was driving him always around as if he is his chauffer, because he does not trust any one else, but he was his son, I forgot his name. The second was a daughter named Lina or Lana I used to call her Nila which is Egyptian for trouble or death, she was approx. my age and I used to play with her in their house and the other children. The third is Essam Bdeir his alleged oldest son, who was approx. 30 years old in 1966, but it is a deceive he has other older children just like Jameel Kwader in Cairo, Egypt and others in USA and Europe. Essam Bdeir pretended in 1983-86 to be the boss of Samir Bdeir, officially his cousin, in the color factory called Sipes Jordan which is belong to Sipes International, to my knowledge a USA based company, which manufacture colors for constructions, walls and possibly cars. Today and based on many situation in my past I know for fact they use this company to transport drugs, because they are the same people who deliver drugs legally to many pharmaceutical manufacturer worldwide, but their illegal drug business under the counter is much bigger. Essam Bdeir was married officially to an American woman (possibly man), and she/he is from the Bush family in USA. Mohamad Ali Bdeir was the Chairman of the Board and CEO of many companies also Jordanian Airline called Alia at that time. And based on many situations he is partner in Alia, Saudia, Egypt Air and others. He was CEO of Alias, I was told, until Abdalghani Abokurah took over 1960 or just before. In 1980s it was Mr. Ghandor the CEO of Alia who also owns the famous Ghandor sweets stores/shops/cafés, who allegedly originally Lebanese, who in 2005, him his family, were owners of the Africia airline from Chad over Libya to Belgium, transporting illegal drugs. In 1980s I consulted them in computer but they were toying with me and wasting my time and money, yet I got to know a lot of things, because they can only use what they have, such as partner with DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation which was purchased by Compaq in mid 1990s, and Compaq was purchased by Hewlet Packard a few years a go. Also in the Islamic Scientific College of Jordan, I was told at that time that it was the largest Islamic college in the Middle East, but the fact remain that all students there were foreigners and most of them were from Syria, and all teachers I met were Syrian, which make them English and American origin/nationalities. Also I consulted them on how to reconcile or/and united over twenty allegedly Islamic charity organizations. One of the facts that I also found that is officially Jordan cant survive with out the alleged help of USA and England, and that approx. 80% of their development money comes from USA and 20% from England and other countries. And this make them 100% belong to USA and England, but also that they 100% misuse all the money, such as if they need 100 computers and an average price for one computer in the market is 1000$ they buy it from their own companies and pay 7-10 thousand for each computer and therewith they cant buy one 100 computers any more they reduce them to 10 or 20, and that is theft. And that is exactly what is George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush administrations are doing in USA since Reagan over 20 years until now, just like their children Samir and Basmath Bdeir are doing in Jordan, Kuwait, Syria and now in Iraq. Mohamad Ali Bdeir, Abo Maieen Malas, and Edelbi have a chain of construction companies in partnership with Ben Laden, Sweeket, Aljerasey, and with these same partners have other businesses such as Electronics in general, cars dealerships and many others including legal and illegal weapons, drugs and fake religions business.

22.   Abo Maieen Malas, I used to think he is the Nazi Martin Bormann, and may be he is, but I am not sure, I just know for sure he is English/Dutch royalty. He lived in a standalone and very luxury house English/Dutch style, with old expensive furniture, partly leather. The garden was full of Dutch similar design, with small water channels and fountain, and many flowers, trees and plants that are definitely native only to Europe, however the garden was slightly neglected. Abo Maieen Malas was white, too white, round face, brown/reddish short hair, 170-175 cm, around 85 KG. His wife named Raghdah was also white, with very red hair and red skin freckles all over the body and face, blue eyes, 165-170 cm, 60-70 KG. His real first name alias I don’t know it, just that they called him father of Maieen. I was in his house many times and played with his 2-4 children, the oldest called Maieen, was around my age, plus minus 2 years, which is 14-18 years old. They lived 2-3 house to the left of where Seev Aldin Bdeir lived opposite the Islamic Scientific College of Jordan, towards downtown and before Circle-1. He was Bdeirs partner in many things, among others in constructions, and based on his house and garden design he must have been architect or owned architect/engineering companies or both. All houses in Amman and Jordan in general (just like Israel) are build out of big natural stones that are around 50 cm large (just like the pyramids in Egypt) They used to be very good friends and relatives of the Bdeir family. Their life style was European with a touch of international experience, and very rich. Based on the neglected garden I would say, their Amman house was not their main resident, my guess they live some where in Europe probably in Holland and USA. I never saw them after 1969/1970, where I was there for 7-10 days in Amman, after leaving Germany to Syria and then Jordan in December 1969. Apparently they are high up in the English/Dutch royalties, because just before  I was kidnapped to USA in 1986, Reem Bdeir came to visit me in Munich Jordan and conned me with some act with the alleged Malas children who were allegedly students in Munich and lived in a small village 80-100 KM from Munich, and after I was kidnapped to USA in 1986, and in Bridgeport, CT, I was forced by among others Najlaa Mahmoud alias sister or daughter of Ali Bark who is the son of Joseph P. Kennedy Junior and partner with Bdeir and Malas in drug plantations in Lebanon, to get to know a Syrian who claimed to be of the Malas family, and his under aged wife covered all up as Moslem, and even when we once went swimming, his wife also went swimming with all her cloth on including a big coat covering her from neck to two and a fully covered head. They acted as very poor and faithful Moslems just like Najlaa Mahmoud did, and that Malas had allegedly a brother or brothers in Los Angeles, CA working in or owns a gas station, and all that was between 1987 and 1990. Their behavior and look contradicted 100% the behavior, look and wealth of the Malas that I knew in Amman, Jordan in 1966 and thereafter. This point 100% to a very desperate brain wash to forget the real Malas family, who each one of them had in Amman at least one state of the art car like BMW 1600, which was a hit for rich people in those days. Since all this happen in USA with the fake Malas, and in case I realize that the entire act in Bridgeport, CT that it was a brain wash performed in USA, therewith I would think that Malas must be Americans, which they were not. Most probably Dutch royalties, among other because, I was persecuted by Dutch royalties in 1977, and by the Dutch Philips company in cooperation with the illegal CIA/America-Syrian project Calypso in 1985 and by the Dutch Shell the petroleum company in cooperation with Texaco in Bellaire, Houston, Texas through out 1990s, and by the Dutch Shell corporation with the Bush family and Russian government in the project CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium in Kazakhstan with Fluor Daniel Engineering company, Halliburton (Dick Cheney)  in 1998-1999 in Houston, Texas, where they confused my life with ESP in order to show as if I am mentally unstable, and I am in Holland by force, since 2001, whereby  very oft I was on purpose deceived and pushed around during this period in refugee camps, by the police, by the Immigration authorities, by the court and my attorneys. For me it was and still is a very vicious and cruel suppression, scare tactic, terrorizing my life and there with a vicious brain wash, and a very obvious multiple attempts to prevent me of understanding every thing of my past. Today, Wednesday 22.2.2007 I finally found out the real identity of Abo Maieen Malas, his wife and his children on the Internet. Abo Maieen Malas is Herbert Quandt, who owns more than 50% of the car manufacturer BMW and officially many other business worldwide and much more business unofficially, such as most probably Sikorsky the defense manufacturer in Bridgeport, Connecticut, where I was brain washed cruelly by Sikorsky’s employees between 1987 and 1990. His wife Raghdah Malas is Johanna Quandt and that is why her daughter Susanne Hanna Ursula Klatten looks just like her mother in 1966, this mean I played with her children Susanne Klatten/Quandt and Stefan Quandt, where they were babies, but also with her older brother named Maieen living some where with fake identity. Probably in the Middle East. This would explain why while I was working for the factory BMW in Munich and right next to the Olympic village in 1972, they confused the life out of me, but also that they use the paint manufacturer in Amman, Jordan with the name Sipes Jordan to transport the illegal drugs they harvested in the Middle East to Munich or Dingolfing, but also why I am being persecuted and suppressed by the Dutch and Germans and Americans governments all my life. They are all criminals. Also I discovered that Stavros Niarchos is the hidden biological brother to Herbert Quandt., possibly one of the two alleged dead brothers 40-60 years ago. They persecute me with FBI, CIA and NSA in the name of National Security, but in reality they are the ones who are danger for all national securities worldwide.

23.   Edelbi brothers, in the same building where  Seev Aldin Bdeir lived there was 6-8 large luxury apartments, their tenants were all foreigners pretending to be Syrians and Sharkas, Sharkas allegedly group of people from south of the old Soviet Union, but it is a lie. They were all European royalties with their American relatives. One of these tenants were the Edelbi brothers, I think they were three, whereby I am not positive about one of them, the oldest, who was allegedly an attorney in Amman, Jordan in 1982/83 and set me up in cooperation with Abdalghani Abokurah alias brother to Princess Ann. But the other two are important. The middle one called Haitham Edelbi, the younger one I forgot his name I will call him young Edelbi. In 1966 they were raised in that same building in next apartment to Seev Aldin Bdeir by a nanny, this mean they were 100% not raised by their parents, and to me they don’t look like brothers due to the difference in face and height. Also in 1966 they were between 14 and 20-25 years old. The younger one I believe is also the son of George H. W. Bush due to his look, height and occupation/profession. In 1980s he was the chef accountant of several construction companies that belong to Malas, Bdeir, King Hussein and the Bush Family. The middle one called Haitham Edelbi around 190 cm. In 1980s he tried to show me some thing that he is partially not or to take my mind of the others. He told me and also showed me in that he took me there, that he was an Air Forced pilot in the royal Jordanian military, specialized or responsible for weapon purchases for royal Air Force, then quite his job and worked officially as weapon purchaser/dealer for the royal military and once he has his weapons he sell them to others not necessarily to the Jordanian military, he sell them to the best offer, and that he has his offices also in New York city. To make it short, they were desperate to prove to my mind, first they are Arabs, second and if I don’t believe it (which I never did due to our looks, life style and behavior) then they are Russian, third they are always and any way Jewish, forth Nazi in hiding and last desperate attempts is that they are only Americans, what ever I think I should not think, that they are European royalties, and mainly English. In 1980s they were all trying desperately to cover up for Abo Maieen Malas, in that they among others tried to confuse me and my memory.

24.   Abd Alghani Abokurah Alias brother to Princess Ann the official daughter of queen Elizabeth II and to Joseph Azrath. He allegedly married my fake sister Afrah Najjar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Moni alias Mona in 1960/1961.They had officially 5 children as follow: daughter May Abokurah born 1961, son Abdalah Abokurah born 1963, son Ghasan Abokurah born 1965, son Khalid Abokurah born1968, son Zaied Abokurah born 1971. All birth are approximately and allegedly in Amman, Jordan. Most of them and to my knowledge live in Washington D.C., USA. Since they are not their children, they used as a deceive Ghasan Abokurah, Abdallah Abokurah, Zaid Abokurah and May Abokurah as if they are George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush children, and that they are the only children to distract of their other real children all over the Middle East. And they could also be Bush biological children, specially that Ghasan Abokurah is an architect and in construction business, and Abdallah pretend always to be poor. Abd Alghani Abokurah was in 1980 allegedly 52 years old, this mean in 1960 he was 32 years old and CEO of the Royal Jordanian airline called Alia at that time, and allegedly architect building hotels for large companies such as Sheraton, Marriot, Hilton, Four Season and son, and very big in drug business. He always pretended to be the richest or the only rich person in Amman, Jordan, richer that King Hussein, at least in my presence, to take my mind of what I saw. Since he is allegedly architect with large clients worldwide and tried very hard to take my mind of Abo Maieen Malas, in that he among others told me that Malas established the Jordanian Construction and Material company (companies) in 1920, and Mohamad Ali Bdeir alias Adolf Hitler worked for him as a clerk and stole their business safe and with the money purchased the entire company, which means that all of them were in Amman, Jordan in 1920, which is a lie, Amman, Jordan did not even exist at that time, Adolf Hitler was in prison in Landsberg, Germany at that time, and Abo Maieen Malas must have been 5-10 years old at that time. So based on all above mentioned and many other lies and deceive I heard and seen, Abo Maieen Malas is the main contractor to among others to the large international hotel chains such as Sheraton, Marriot, Hilton, Four Seasons and others, the official weapon dealer for that area representing Holland, England and their manufacturing plants also in USA such as Lockheed Martin, Apache and many others, but also the international coordinator for the international drug business, because he has hidden but multi residence worldwide. Which I will find one way or another and bring to justice because he is criminal in that among others and with the help of all the others mentioned within they play people, nations, and races against each other in enable to sell weapons, drugs and control or create fake religions. Officially Abdalghani Abokurah was, and in  reality he was the CEO of Alia airline, and worked closely with all other international airline CEOs among others to have common schedules, this mean he also worked with Edsel Bryant Ford the CEO of Egypt air in Cairo and with Saudia airline where Pauline Robinson Pierce daughter worked as stewardess prostitute. Abd Alghani Abokurah was living in 1966 allegedly in his parents house, where I oft visited them. He had only a mother living there, father allegedly taxi driver that made a fortune and died, but his mother was not his mother, where my fake sister and his wife allegedly lived with her at that time 2-3 children, also he had living with him allegedly two sisters, who they were definitely not his sisters, they were the sisters of Ali Bark alias son of Joseph P. Kennedy Senior, this mean his fake sisters were also the daughter of Joseph P. Kennedy Senior. He also has an alleged brother who is allegedly medical doctor and live in Los Angeles, California. Their house at that time was around ½ km of Seev Aldin Bdeirs house, next to an alleged Christian school for boys and girls, and next to a supermarket owned by them called Rainbow also next to a Movie theater also owned by them called also Rainbow. In 1980s Abd Alghani Abokurah was living in his own house with his wife and 5 fake children in an area called Shmesani, next to the head of the Jordanian secret service they called Mukhabarat, whereby both have set me up many times, which I will leave the detail out because it was all lies and deceive designed to terrorize my mind and life. In 1980s he allegedly was  not the CEO of Alia airline any more, and was replaced by Mr. Ghandor, who allegedly build and run the new, at that time, Airport and also the CEO of Alia airline, who also owned sweets retail stores chain that was used to distribute custom made sweets mixed with drugs only to special customers who order under the counter, this mean special order with special ingredients, allegedly to use better quality ingredients such as butter, sugar, nuts, and flour, and it cost 4-20 times the prices of over the counter, or much more I never seen them pay, and it must be ordered 1-2 days in advance, unless it is a friend, a phone call is enough and it will be home delivered, that was valid in 1966 as will as between 1970 and 1980s. Same as Basheer Kwader/Queder alias Adolf Hitler sweets shops in Cairo, Egypt, and Azrath with their hidden sweet shop Halabi/Halab in Tripoli, Lebanon, and Helwani Brothers sweet shop chains in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, England and Detroit, MI, USA. In 1966 Jawdat Baroudi alias Rockefeller/Porsche son, Badeaa Baroudi alias Joseph P. Kennedy Junior, Seev Aldin Bdeir alias a multi agent also to CIA and the English royalties, Ali Bark, Joseph Azrath and others used to play cards and the loser order those custom sweets tray full with drugs and eat it and get high. In 1980s when I visited them during my Siemens business trips to the Middle East. They tried desperately their best to get my mind of those drugged sweets trays of Ghandor, Kwader, Halabi, Helwani Brothers and others, and they did that with plan and simultaneously in Amman, Jordan, Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Cairo, Egypt and even from London, England while I was living in Munich, Germany in 1984 they made me and forced me with ESP to order custom sweets from London delivered to Munich, so I may think I like the sweets and it is natural. And some one in Lohhof, Germany, probably of my church, forced me with ESP in mid 1970s, to order a very famous German sweets in Nurnberg of the company Schmidt Lebkuchen which means ginger bread, packed in big 3 kg boxes, and send one to each one of my three fake sisters and their husbands in England and in Jordan, which was very and too  expensive for me at that time, and my sisters became some how very angry because of that, which I did not understand why, I thought I gave my last penny that time to give them joy and show them even I am in Germany I think of them. Today I understand that Lebkuchen I sent them was full of herbs just like drugs, but in reality some one with ESP forced me to send them these sweets as if he/she (may be it was a police man, I don’t know but it was ESP force) I see what you are doing stop it. But they don’t stop. Illegal drug business is huge, based on my own estimate, which is more accurate that the published statistics, because I saw the hidden facts, it is in Germany alone and yearly 60 Billion US Dollar business and in USA 300-600 Billion US Dollar yearly business. Also my fake grandfather Kamel Baroudi and all his fake children used to do the same thing in 1959 in Damascus, Syria, order sweets mixed with drugs and get high. I remember being in the bedroom of my fake grandparents Kamel Baroudi and Samiyath Khayat alias queen Mary of Teck alias queer man disguised as a woman, and they were so high and all their cloth and hair was in a mess. Whereby my alleged friend in Munich, Germany, called John Mueller, allegedly half English and half German, asked me in 1977 to drive him to his alleged mother-in-law in north Germany, and when we get there, his alleged mother-in-law was completely high on drugs, half naked, can’t stand on her own feet, and she was most probably acting and creating a situation reminding me of my fake grandmother Samiyath Khayat alias queen Mary of Teck in 1959 and other situations in 1966 in Amman, Jordan, and this is specially true, because on the same trip I called my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi and said to him I will come and visit him for one day (overnight) and that I have from England my nephew and niece and a friend from Munich with me if it is alright to bring them all, and he welcomed us, and we drove from his mother-in-law I think it was in Paderborn, where Nixdorf computer company was which is related to Siemens and today it is owned by Siemens, so we drove from Paderborn to Hamburg and I had my fake nephew Essam Shawki and his sister Esmat Shawki with me, that time they were 13-14 years old, Essam Shawki alias son of Jawdat Baroudi alias Rockefeller son and fake brother to Dr. Farzat Baroudi and his fake sister Esmat Shawki. As soon as we arrived in Hamburg after we drove 300 KM and Dr. Farzat Baroudi saw John Mueller with us, which I told him a friend is with me, he get very angry, and started shouting and would not even let us in to his house and kicked us out, allegedly because we are 30-60 minutes late after driving 300 KM. I felt very shamed with my nephew, niece and my friend and I had no idea what happened that time and why he kicked us out, we went to a hotel, whereby I did not have enough money on me for the Hotel, so may be we drove another 800 km back to Munich, I can’t exactly recall. I never understood why he kicked us out. Today I understand, John Mueller had 100% ESP, my guess he worked for some German Agency such as BND equal to CIA or Bundes Kriminal Amt equal to FBI, and when my fake uncle Dr. farzat Baroudi alias son of English actor Louis Jordan and brother or father of Prince Edward the official son of queen Elizabeth II, and brother to Clint Eastwood, Jeremy Iron and Dr. Wolfgang  Huber, at that time priest now is the chairman of the Evangelical Churches of Germany and is against Christianity Unity in Europe, and I come to Dr. Farzat Baroudi’s house where he is married to the son or daughter of Pauline Robinson Pierce alias the fake mother of ex-USA-first-lady Barbara Bush (a man disguised as a woman) and hidden sister to Adolf Hitler, and I am here with Essam Shawki his fake nephew and I am also his fake nephew, and he pretend to be Syrian Moslem and here in front of him is a BND agent under cover as my friend who has ESP and see what he is doing with others using his ESP to smuggle drugs, weapons, train terrorist, perform sabotage to German Industries and many other crimes, he probably was more shocked than I was. In short I was squeezed. So what happen after that is a 100% prove that my fake and real family are the ones who control all terrorists in Europe, Middle East and USA, but also in South America and Asia, this make my fake and real family the actual and hidden creators, controllers, organizers, planners, financiers and leaders of Al-Qaida. The German persons who were trying to get my attention to my past and my family were kidnapped or killed, such as Schleier the head of the German Employers Association (President der Arbeitsgeber Verband) was kidnapped and one month later found dead in Elsass in France, Siemens director and Siemens physic scientist specialized for Atomic Energy where killed in Gruenwaldt by Munich in a terrorist attack, the German Lufthansa airplane was hijacked to Mogadishu, Somalia, also an Israeli plane as deceive was also hijacked to Entebbe, Uganda, but also the American TWA hijack where the kept American hostages in Lebanon for a long time,  and simultaneously to all that I was persecuted in my church in Germany by James Robinson Pierce and his brother Scott Pierce who were pretending to be Mr. Hoegel my boss and my pastor Mr. Herbert Lange, while George H. W. Bush was head of CIA and set them in Lohhof, Germany to make sure I don’t remember any thing or understand anything, and they all put me letterly on the street, where I was busy trying to survive, and with force I was separated of my church, just like they did to me during the summer Olympics in Munich where alleged Palestinians attacks the Olympics, and they also forced me and put me letterly on the street, whereby BMW helped greatly in putting me on the street, and who was there to make sure I don’t remember or understand my past, beside always Anita Disbray alias Cathleen Kennedy after cosmetic surgery or her daughter, whereby Cathleen Kennedy is the biological daughter of Maud of Wales and Queen of Norway, the Pastor Billy Graham and his son or nephew the Mormon with the name Russell who made sure I get back to Anita Disbray so I may not remember or understand that my family the European royalties and their relatives in USA are terrorists, just like the planes they hijacked and bombed in Cairo, Egypt in 1967 and in 1968 by the Shawki brothers. Who performed these above mentioned kidnappings, attacks and hijacking? Yasser Arafat the biological son of Seev Aldin Bdeir who is royalty and working for CIA, Mosad, English Secret Service, Adolf Hitler and raising at least three children of George H. W. Bush, and RAF the Red Army Fraction and Baader Mainhof Bande, whereby both of them were trained, financed and 100% supported by Syria, (but also in Lebanon and Jordan) the secret American/English countries and later in Yemen which was 100% controlled by the Egyptian government which was American and English royalties, and they used to claim it is the old Soviet Union, the communist people, which was absolutely wrong and a big lie but also IRA-Irish Republican Army controlled among others by Disbray, Kennedy and Bdeir. Back to Abd Alghani Abokurah, to confirm that Sheraton Hotel chain are his clients, he visited me oft in Munich in 1970s, and in 1980s and stayed mainly in one Sheraton (with exception of two times). One time he came for a few days alone and stayed in a different Sheraton hotel in an area called Bogenhausen next to a building called Rank Xerox  where Siemens had rented several floors and I worked there for one or two months, and in the same hotel I had a meeting with my Siemens manager Dr. Peter M. Lembke (who showed me how the Saudi Arabian government print fake Quran in Clett Verlag/publishing owned by Brokehouse publishing which is owned by Langenscheidt publishing and all print fake bibles for among others Jehovah Witnesses, and my guess they are some how related to the New York based biggest USA publisher Doubleday publishing which is owned by Bertelsmann publishing) with the manger of ADV/ORGA (a computer consulting company which was doing large computer software business with IDMS in New York city, Saudi Arabian Government and Siemens AG) who wanted to hire me of Siemens by force, which they did offering my six times my salary just to get me of Siemens, and all that was in October 1981, where Siemens allegedly was trying very hard to get my attention to my past, who my family is and that there are many men disguised as women in my family. All this when Abd Alghani Abokurah come specially to Munich for 2-3 days and to this particular Hotel (because in reality he was fighting Siemens and me) because there was transvestite show that he invited me to in the rooftop of the hotel Bar and Restaurant to show as if he is helping Siemens, but in reality he was confusing my mind with ESP and trying to show as if I am queer. Abd Alghani Abokurah was all in all trying desperately to confuse and get my mind of Mohamad Ali Bdeir alias Adolf Hitler, King Hussein, Abo Maieen Malas alias an international criminal of war and other heavy crimes, who owns most probably a large portion of General Motors, many construction companies and many heavy defense industries, and this, even I don’t know the real identity of Abo Maieen Malas yet, yet I base this knowledge based on by who, how, and why among others I was persecuted and brain washed to forget certain and specific things/persons.

25.   Jawdat Baroudi alias John D. Rockefeller and Porsche son, was in Amman in 1966 as a Syrian diplomat in the new created Syrian Embassy in Amman, Jordan, and he was visited by his fake brother Badeaa Baroudi alias Joseph P. Kennedy junior and we spent many times together, among others going to an alleged Christian monastery, which it was not Christian, and had family gathering parties far away of Amman, isolated on the way to the dead sea and Israel. Where they were able to act free (no acting) with drugs, Scotch, Bourbon, Bier and other things what English and Americans and escaped Nazis do, such as a dialogue competition in poetry just as they do also in Koln or generally in Germany to show as if they were only escaped Nazis. Also Jawdat Baroudi took me in his car and another person, that I can’t recall who it was, because they were controlling me with ESP, to Ramalah and Jerusalem for a whole day trip, where I have a huge memory gaps for the entire trip, I just remember being in restaurant and walking around the Jerusalem Temple, just like the huge memory gap I had with another two car trips, one with Hayat Baroudi and Saieed Al-Umary in 1959 to Lebanon, Aleppo, and possibly also Latekiay and the other trip with Hayat Baroudi in December 1969 and some alleged Kurdish man who was 150-160 cm and 40 kg, from Munich, Germany to Syria over Austria, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Turkey in 10-12 days, whereby I was allegedly sick for the entire trip having severe cold which they caused and used to justify why I have memory gaps due to me being sick and sleep most of the time in that trip. In short in all these trips I was made unconscious and forced/raped to have sex with women/girls or women and girls have sex with me to produce children of me in all those places. With out my knowledge because I was unconscious and don’t even know which women slept with me, and some indication for that in my future is among others, a Yugoslavian girl I was set up with her in Munich Germany approx, 2 months later in January/February 1970 in Hotel Maria, in Munich, and prior to the brain  wash performed on me by the American Military in McGraw casern, that girl was working in the hotel and we went walking and I believe that in the bush she made me unconscious and raped me, and the indication of that is a Danish girl in McGraw casern did the same thing to me in the bushes a few month later as well as an alleged German girl with an alleged broken arm did the same as well as in 1978 Mrs. Fischer the mother of my best friend in my church did also the same with me with the exception Mrs. Fischer did not make me unconscious, because it was a brain wash and it filled me with gilt to avoid going there again and think about them, but also a Yugoslavian, colleague woman  who worked with me in the American soldier Mess Hall also in 1970, and some how was always talking and provoking me, yet allegedly showing no interest of sexual relation. from my point of view all those people are mentally absolute sick and danger for the general public.

26.   Ablaa Khoori, a man in disguise as a woman, 180 cm tall, slim, 80 kg, with green eyes and was a very close friend to my fake sister Suhair Bdeir alias a deceive daughter of Mohamad Ali Bdeir alias Adolf Hitler, Suhair Bdeir was 100% a man disguised as a woman, and that is why George H. W. Bush and his wife/husband Barbara Pierce Bush (also a man in disguise as a woman)  they trusted my fake sister and her friend Ablaa Khoori with their son disguised as a girl Pauline Robin Bush who allegedly died in 1953, but in reality is the fake daughter Basmath Bdeir of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir. Also in 1966 and in 1969/1970 the above mentioned men disguised as women used to have several times a week a gathering with other ladies (real women) for what they called Bridge morning, Bridge afternoon, or Bridge evening ladies only play card competition, where they rape the women present to hide their children and for many other reasons, and all this using ESP so the women don’t know that they were raped and their husbands think their wives are pregnant of them. And that is one of the reasons why they have dedicated women/ladies only gathering under the cover of Islam, where allegedly no men are allowed to come in contact with women, because men with ESP are disguised as women and are among them. And that is absolute criminal.


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