Complaint letters: 2000-2006
(partially since 1986) many complaint letters to fake Evangelical Lutheran Nazareth church (majority
to the pastor Karin Kittlaus) in the CIA and American
military intelligence city Unterschleissheim,
Germany. |
Published Updated |
05.07.2009 05.07.2009 |
Record No.: complaint-2000-2006-church-letters-germany.htm Home – Next,
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family - my fake family - members of my household - military intelligence secret camp in USA simulating
Damascus, Syria – American military
persecuted me since 1959 |
1. From 1986-2000 I did not have any real communication with my church and therefore a list of the circumstances that led me to have a contact is necessary enable to understand the entire situation
2. 1970-1972 I was brainwashed at the American military base McGraw kasern in Munich, Germany
3. 1970-1977 I was enslaved under the American military intelligence agent Anita Disbray that become by force my wife in 1973 to 1977
4. 1975-1976 I was set up to in become Christian by my attorney Rolf Bossi
5. 1975-1978 the setup was performed by the CIA director at that time was the current ex-USA president George H. W. Bush (my official father prior to 1959) that pretended to help me from the background to leave the agent Anita Disbray through the (my church) church by using the fake Evangelical Lutheran Nazareth church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany. This church was in reality American military church
6. 1977 the agent Anita Disbray disappeared of my life without a trace
7. 1876-1986 my fake family that are American military intelligence and CIA agents and pretending to be Moslem Arabs persecuted me to death to leave the church
8. 1976-1977 CIA, American military intelligence, German government, my fake family and the Dutch government were all involved in trying to solve the alleged problem of me being tricked to become Christian
9. 1978-1982 all of the above used my employment at Siemens AG to force me to leave the fake Evangelical Lutheran Nazareth church and the CIA city Unterschleissheim
10. 1983 I was by all the above dragged by force to the illegal American military intelligence project named Calypso that was trading products for American and European hostages kept in Lebanon from 1982/83 to partially 1989
11. 1983-1986 through the involvement of all the above at the illegal project Calypso I was brainwashed and enslaved under the American military intelligence agent Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Israeli origin that is pretending to be from an Israeli spy Mahmoud family in Syria and pretended to be Moslem. This action was allegedly as solution for me becoming Christian through a setup, therefore they all decided to force me to be as slave and hostage under an alleged Syrian Moslem woman, but she was neither Syrian nor Moslem nor I could stand her site. I was forced, and that caused me severe mental problems even today
12. 1984 enable to enslave me under the agent Najlaa Mahmoud they set me up to break up with my girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka in such a way that I never go back to her again
13. 1978-1986 I continued to go back to my church because I used to love my friends but also the church activities. And that no one wanted me to do, enable to isolate me and force upon me whatever they want
14. 1986 I was kidnapped by all the above mentioned to USA to prevent me of maintaining contact to my church and my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka
15. 1986-1987 I was severely brainwashed and kept as hostage by the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and the Stevens family until my temporary German passport expired. My guess that was planned by the evil American government enable to force my mind not to like the church and concentrate on their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and their evil baby that they forced upon me as a major part of my long term brainwash. Whereby I should not say evil baby, but that is what this baby was used for an absolute and concentrated evil brainwash trick.
16. 1986-1999 I was pushed around from one setup to another to force me to forget my past and concentrate on surviving. In other words they kept me as slave and hostage under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud
17. 1999 the agent Najlaa Mahmoud left my life
18. 1999-2000 I was forced to be homeless and pushed around from one set up to another, with one exception that was different than the prior persecution, which is some unknown used ESP on me and made sure that I recognize that this is ESP manipulating me and not me behaving this way
19. 1999-2000 Most of the setup were for one purpose only to remind me of my past, remind me of my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, remind me with the whore agent Anita Disbray, whereby and until around October 2000 I did not know that she was an agent, remind me of Germany, remind me with my employment at Siemens AG that seemed ideal in comparison to all the work I was forced to perform in USA from 1987-2000. In short they were forcing so many thoughts upon me and not leaving me a space to breath and understand my situation enable to force me to leave USA and make it look like I left voluntarily, but I neither left USA voluntarily nor I wanted to leave USA because I did not know where to go, even though I never liked my life in USA and therewith I never liked USA.
20. Church contact-1.2000 I sent a letter for the first time to my church in Germany asking them for help, which really I did not want because I was brainwashed not to ask any one for help for any reason what so ever, and since I was brainwashed for so long, at least since 1983, this mean I did not know any other way and anything else I considered it at that time wrong, including this letter to my alleged church. I can’t recall the content of the letter due to and to most part I did not write it but rather it was dictated to me by ESP. I think I mentioned something about them taking care of my son. But today I know Abdulhamid Najar is not my son he was only used to force me concentrate on raising him, In other words I was used as a nanny without me noticing, and that was most probably the reason for this letter, to make me look incapable to raise a teenage son and therewith keep him in USA while deporting me. This is how evil is the American government.
21. July 2000 to February 2001 I was jailed, which looked like I did that voluntarily and brought to the Netherland by force of American IND-Immigration and Naturalization Services and told her I can/should apply for asylum, which I did what I was told due to I was totally disorient and did not know what hit me and what is going around my life
Church contact-2.
Around June 2001 I was asked by my asylum attorney named Schonkeren (I did
not create a profile for him) in Netherlands to get a copy of my baptize
certificate from my church in Germany, which I did in that I called my church
reluctantly and asked them for a copy. And there with my attorney asked me for
a copy of my baptize paper to only get me to contact my church or possibly to
make me think that all these persecution is because I changed my religion from
alleged Moslem to Christian, which is not true, they used the church setup to
cover the reasons for persecuting me prior to that to protect the concentrated
evil Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor and Kennedy families. I just noticed that, ironically and at this
point and based on my behavior at the Immigration and
Naturalization Services prison in Houston, Texas, USA
from July 2000 to February 2000 where I wrote my own address always as the
address of my church, and insisted to leave USA and go back to my church and
many other behavior pointing that I want to go to my church, yet and being in
the refugee camp in Netherland, I never thought of contacting my church or any
one in it, which all point to one thing I was 100% forced by ESP to behave like
this at this evil prison, whereby I was told it is a private prison owned
allegedly by the Bush family that rent it out to INS, which I can’t confirm.
23. Church contact-2: December 2001 I was at a refugee camp in a very small village called Zweeloo, Netherland, and here I was manipulated to go to Germany, my guess to see who I would contact, which I did go there for 2 days and came back, during which I contacted 3 old friend Mohamad Attar, Detlev Fischer, Mike Simon and Juergen Kwader and met with them for a few hours, whereby Juergen Kwader was not present. This was an indirect contact to the church because all of them are member of the church except Mohamad Attar, he is allegedly Moslem Syrian, which Is wrong he is working for the American military and the German police allegedly spying on Palestinians and other Arab terrorist but in reality he was setting them up as he did to me
24. Church Contact-3: 7 January 2002 I was manipulated again at the same refugee camp mentioned above to go back to Germany and this time to my church, which I did, during which the following major things happened to me
24.1. Birgit Wiedemann that I met at the church and sent me the letter of “Church contact-2” mentioned above invited me to stay at her house, and two days later created an totally unbelievable situation and asked me to leave her house immediately (which is a similar situation to what the Stevens family of the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church did to me in 1987 USA, which it look like as if she is pretending to remind me with what the Stevens family at the Salem church in USA did to me in 1986-1987, but good friends or friends in general are always honest and would not pretend, and therewith she was 100% helping the evil Bush family in that she was causing me a surprised confusion, because this incident caused me a lot of not only confusion but also psychological damages, this alone shows that these people are not Christians but rather military slaves and follow orders), which I did, and thereafter I slept at the church for around one week until my arrest and deportation back to the Netherlands
24.2. I was manipulated to call my ex-step father Mohi Sabri in Frankfurt, Germany that I never thought off or remembered since 1970 and until the year 2000, whereby I found some guy that is named Mohi Sabri and as soon as I asked if he is from Egypt he hanged up the phone, which led me today to believe it was a trick to force me to think that he still in Frankfurt, Germany since 1969. The Mohi Sabri that I saw last in 1969 in Frankfurt Germany, was 100% not the same person as the Mohi Sabri that I knew from Egypt
24.3. I was manipulated to call my ex-girlfriend from prior to 1984 named Adelheid Kuczka, during which she went out with me several times and from my today’s point of view I was taken to some places where we used to go to juggle my memory and in particular to some Israeli bar I used to go to implicate my origin with Israelis
24.4. I asked my church to help me get back to Germany, but they said it is not within their power and I should go back to the Netherland, which it looks very much like what happened to me in 1986/87 at the evil Steven family in USA
24.5. I was told I should ask Klaus Schneider to help me with the residence permit, which I did and I never saw since 1976/77
24.6. I was manipulated to go twice or 3 times to the German immigration and fight with them about my old residence permit, but they asked me to leave back to the Netherland and I refused, then they arrested me, imprisoned me for around 5 weeks and deported me back to the Netherland
24.7. Somehow I was manipulated to think that I have children of various women in Germany
25. February 2002 I was deported by the German immigration back to the Netherland and taken to the refugee camp in the city of Ter Apel and placed in some room with one alleged Palestinian another an alleged Libyan and a third an alleged Kurdish Syrian, whereby the last one spent around 4-6 weeks alone with me in a room, possibly as representative of the evil Syrian government to examine me, and this thought is based on several indication or hints I received of other refugees at that camp and after this man left allegedly back to Syria and I was told that he is from Germany. It is all confusions.
26. Church Contact-4: February 2002 to August 2004 I was still at the same refugee camp Ter Apel and maintain contact with the church by sending letters to them and most of them would not answer, and I was told that the others do not want to have a contact with me, but I can send letters to the pastor Karin Kittlaus or Birgit Wiedemann. During the same period I also maintained contact to Adelheid Kuczka by phone and letters, and she also sent me several post packages with gifts
27. Church Contact-5: August 2003 main while my fake son Abdulhamid Najar arrived allegedly from USA on 27.12.2002, and I was manipulated to leave the refugee camp with him and go back to Germany as follow:
27.1. I went to the police head quarter in Munich and filed a complaint against the American military, but they refused to take it
27.2. I went to church and asked them to help me stay in Germany and refused to leave the church until the help me, but they called the police and I was locked up in the mental institute called Haar for around 5 weeks, during which Klaus Schneider as representative of the church called me several times, but also Adelheid Kuczka called me several times
27.3. I went to the German immigration asking them for my old residence permit but they refused, I complained to them about the American military but they did not want to know
27.4. Then I was told to go back to the Netherland, which I did
27.5. As the police arrested me and took me to the mental institute they took my fake son allegedly to a German refugee camp
28. September 2003 came back to the Netherland refugee reception center in Ter Apel and after 2 days and I was then taken to the refugee in the city of Zwolle where I stayed until April 2004. During this period I can’t recall if I had any contact with the church, possibly a few letters
29. April 2004 to 2006: I can’t recall any more when I did what, due to all the unjust imprisonments click here to see the list. Most probably I maintained a contact with the church now and then, but what is worth mentioning is an incident while I was in prison in Germany between May and November 2004 =the re-election period of the excess of evil ex-USA president George W. Bush. Klaus Schneider came to visit me in prison, and suddenly I told him George Bush (whereby I have no idea which George Bush, George H. W. Bush or his evil son George W. Bush, actually both of them are concentrated evil) is persecuting me until the end of the election, would he then persecute me after the election? Klaus Schneider said I can’t hear you, I have problem with this ear and he moved to another chair and then asked me “what did you say” and I was forced to repeat the sentence. The problem with this sentence is that at that time I absolutely did not see any link what so ever between George W. Bush in USA and me being in prison in Munich, Germany. Therewith someone forced me with ESP to say that, who was it? I have no idea, but from the look of the situation and how Mr. Klaus Schneider behaved towards me during that period, it could be him, but I doubt it, I have the very strong feeling it was the other evil professor Dr. Manfred Schreiber alias the drug lord Ali Bark alias professor Dr. Helmuth Fischer of the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG, to distract of himself, and the reason I think it was him, is because I was in prison and the prison is the responsibility of police and the justice department and not Klaus Schneider, if he has ESP he would most probably not dare to tell me that in prison, but rather outside the prison
30. Last church contact that I can recall: I sent pastor Karin Kittlaus a letter complaining about the Bush family (based on a Time magazine Article around December 2004 showing the individual members of the Bush family and it took me a while to recognize some of them as members of my fake family) while I was in prison in the city of Bad Reichenhall south of Germany, one of the major centers for Adolf Hitler. Where they tried hard to link me to Nazis and fed me with all kind of bad setups, such as one man came in the most unusual way very close to me to make sure that I see him, and he was a very look alike of my fake brother-in-law the evil Seef Aldin Bdeir alias American navy intelligence and half Chinese or half Japanese or half Hawaiian, with a very distinctive look, and another time they did the same thing but this time with a very lookalike woman, so I may think that the entire Bdeir family are Nazis, another time I was forced to take some refugee to the hospital in Berchtesgaden, a nearby city and to my surprise the treating Doctor was to over 95% lookalike of my whore niece May Abokurah, I was stunt, and that was 100% performed by the concentrated evil American military present in that area, After 1945 this city was one of the Major American military populated areas in Germany due to it was the second headquarter for Adolf Hitler, and Americans bombed that area to death, my guess killing at least 70% of the population and then took it over, today and based on my educated guess based on all I saw in that area and in other areas, that over 90% of the population in that area are 100% American origin. But how did I get there to this city? The immigration authority in Munich forced me to go there at least twice between 2005 and 2006.
31. Last but not least the following person of my fake Evangelical Lutheran Nazareth church are related to the Bush family directly and indirectly:
31.1. Note: All person mentioned below are CIA and American military intelligence agents, which is verifiable
31.2. Ex-USA president George H. W. Bush was the CIA director between 1975 and 1976 that set me up in this church, he also was the main organizer for the illegal project Calypso that he used to kidnap me from Germany in 1986, but also he is the immediate relative to many in my fake family in the Middle East, USA and Germany
31.3. Birgit Wiedemann Sister of George H. W. Bush
31.4. Klaus Schneider brother to George H. W. Bush and brother or American senator Joe Liebermann and he exchanged places with Joe Lieberman under the identities Klaus Schneider in 1976 and under the identity of Rabeaa Baroudi (the official cousin of my fake mother Hayat Baroudi) in USA at the secret American military camp that simulated Damascus, Syrian in 1959 and I was kidnapped from it
31.5. Gunther is the Marvin Pierce Bush
31.6. Mr. Hoegl is Wolfgang Clement (alias Rockefeller) and exchanged places with James Robinson Pierce the brother-in-law of George H. W. Bush
31.7. Pastor Herbert Lange is Barbara Pierce Bush the official wife of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush
31.8. Margie Lange the official wife of pastor Herbert Lange is Laura Welch Bush the official wife of ex-USA president George W. Bush
31.9. Pastor Karin Kittlaus is Marilyn Tucker Quayle or her twin sister, the official wife of ex-USA vice president Dan Quayle under ex-USA president George H. W. Bush
31.10. This is not directly related to the church, however indirectly, I very strongly suspect ex-USA vice president Dan Quayle to be the same person as the fake Lebanese George Estifan that helped kidnap me from Germany in 1986
31.11. My fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi is 100% the brother of ex-USA president George W. Bush
31.12. I am very positive that there are many other Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor and Kennedy family members within this evil church
From my point of view and based on all the above there is absolutely no difference between the person mentioned above and Osama Ben Laden, both destroyed my life in one way or another. Osama Ben Laden because I am being heavily persecuted since 11.9.2001 to use me against my terrorist fake and biological families, and the person above directly in that they helped locked me up since 1983 to cover up for the Bush family. In matter of fact Osama Ben Laden was working for the Bush family and the American military against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, in other words they sent him to Afghanistan to establish terrorism against the former Soviet Union alias the current Russian Federation and this fact is verifiable.