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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Slavery in UK


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This page was created on: 15.03.2019 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This page was re-edited and completed on 27.06.2021



As a part of hidden slavery, I was forced to be a refugee all my life, as follow:

1.                From 1960-1969 refugee in Egypt by kidnapping and as the son of a fake refugee woman called Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, that was nothing else than a hired fake mother.

2.                From 1970-1986, refugee in Germany, whereby I was setup to lose even my refugee status enable they can kidnap me to USA.

3.                1987-2001, refugee in USA by kidnapping

4.                2001-2013, Refugee in the Netherlands by force of the US, government as coverup for the CIA, MI6, British Petroleum, and my fake family that kidnapped me from Germany in 1986. During which I was forced to live between jails, prisons, and refugee camps and a forced upon me housing totally isolated in the evil village Bellingwolde in the Netherlands


On 28.02.2008 I was forced by the Dutch government to live isolated in the evil village called Bellingwolde, during which I was desperate to get a citizenship, so no one can kidnap me, or lock me up because I am an alleged refugee, therefore in 2011 I submitted a request of information to my contact person at the municipality Veendam and Bellingwedde (Bellingwedde they changed now they are called Westerwolde), where the village Bellingwolde was located and I was forced to live in this municipality, the request was simple, when and how can I get the Dutch citizenship, they answered me that I can apply for end of 2013 or 2014, which means I still have 2-3 years to go.


In May 2012 I was forced to relocate to Amsterdam, among others because I was complaining of persecution and brainwash in this evil village and by my contact persons as a refugee at the municipalities Veendam and Bellingwedde as well as the organizations called COA (organization that organizes the housing for refugees) and Stichting Welzijn (Foundation wellbeing.


Short prehistory: from August 2006 and until 28 February 2008, I was living in the refugee camp in the village Dokkum, where I was severely brainwashed to write down my entire history on papers, then on PC then on the Internet, as distraction of the brainwash and show as if I am doing it voluntarily, and there with the IND (=Dutch Immigration) + COA (=governmental agency for refugee housing) and the Dutch police can read it, and no one will suspect them for brainwashing me. After they forced me to live isolated in the village Bellingwolde, starting 28 February 2008, I was forced to continue through this evil brainwash and writing my past, where I was forced to mix it with things that were wrong and has nothing to do with me. This history of mine on the Internet included each person I ever get to know, where I get to know how he treated me and who is he/she related to, his/her friends, his/her profession, nationality marriage status, children and the same for his partner and children, it sounds like a police application/form for criminals, and this alone shows I was brainwash by someone who has experience of keeping track of people (=Police and immigration) and this went on until April 2012, during this process and very unfortunately I discovered many things about my own life that I was prevented to discover prior to that, among others by brainwashing me, and brainwash forces a person to live by a certain pre-dictated program, and as side effect or it is also on purpose, the victim loses his ability to gather his thoughts and therewith would not be able to recognize setups, brainwash, fake family members, lookalikes, fake friends that are set on him by the CIA, MI6, BND and others. Writing everything down, helped me gather my thoughts and see small and big details that were hidden from me, as well as see the pig picture of my life: I was kidnapped in summer 1959 (text between the parenthesis was added on 27.06.2021: later I discovered more proves and adjusted the date to December 1959 and recently I discovered more things that helped me to set the definitive kidnapping date to 10/11 January 1960 and the date of causing me the last amnesia was summer 1960, meaning they caused me a total amnesia several times, and the last time to force me to not to know and to not remember who went with me to Cairo, Egypt on 10/11 January 1960, that today I strongly believe it was queen Elizabeth the second of the UK along to female bodyguard that pretended to be my sisters while the queen pretended to be my mother and then later replaced with another person named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, also the two fake sisters were replaced by others. End of added.), and there with my family turned out to be my fake family and my kidnappers along the CIA & MI6, that were using me as a multipurpose decoy for their agents, the children of their hidden agents and the children of Jordanian and Saudi Arabian hidden royal family members and their children that are my official nephews, nieces and cousins. Therefore, I totally was disappointed, and I absolutely dislike members of my fake family and worse of all, I am afraid of them because they are criminals, and based alone on what they did to me since January 1960, which is described in other pages. In other words, I absolutely did not plan to visit them, or interact with them and no one else in my place would do that or would want to have anything to do with them, because they are under the protection of the CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD and others, among others they are also diplomat because they are hidden royalty members. Later, I recognized the reason why the evil CIA & FBI brought me by force to the Netherlands: with the help of the experience Dutch IND and COA, enable they can force me to recognize what they did to me all my life, while I am living in their own controlled environment and under their evil mercy as a refugee living between jails, prisons, and refugee camps!


In May 2012 I relocated to Amsterdam, thinking in end 2013 or 2014 I can apply for the Dutch citizenship, and no one can force me be refugee again. However, and somehow, and even though I already have the written answer from the other municipality, I was forced in summer 2012 to ask the municipality of Amsterdam when I can apply for the citizenship, they said now, if you can pay the application fees, I believe it was 500 or 700 Euro, I immediately applied for it. In November or December 2012, I received a letter that my application was accepted and in January 2013 I have an appointment for the inauguration as Dutch citizen.


I cannot recall the details, but very suddenly I am in contact with my fake sister that allegedly lives in Brighton, UK and even I did not want to have anything to do with these people any more, yet I was suddenly in contact with them, which very much means I was forced with brainwash and telepathy to contact her, enable to force others to think that I am wrong and that she is my biological sister, but she is not, and the reason why I was suddenly in contact with her is because I am not immune against brainwash and telepathy control.


In February 2013 I received my Dutch passport.


In March 2013, I was forced to go and visit my fake sister in Brighton, UK.


In Mai/June 2013, I was forced to relocate to the UK and live with my fake sister


In around 10 August I was pushed out of their home and decided to go back to the Netherlands, and as near to Germany as I can, and therefore I went to a small city called Kerkrade, that was just around 10 km from the bigger German city called Aachen, but the municipality refused to help me, where I am dependent on them and it is the law, and somehow I was forced to relocate back to the UK and go to live in Harrow, London, UK.


On around 22 August I relocated to Harrow, UK, where I found a room for rent.


From August 2013 and until 20 Mai 2014 I was living in the same room, where later I was able to recognize that I was forced and delegated to find this particular room, however I was not being successful to find work, and I am severely fighting against telepathy attacks, today I know who was attacking me with telepathy and not allowing me to succeed: members of my fake family that were living in the UK, the CIA + MI6, as well as BP-British Petroleum, where all of them together conspired to kidnap me from Germany to USA in 1986, to prevent me of settling and recognizing even more details about their agents that pretended to be members of my fake family since 10/11 January 1960, 16 of them plus at least 4 children, including my evil fake mother, fake 2 sisters and later added a fake from Jordan brother and additional fake sister also from Jordan.


In May 2014 I had no choice but to go back to the Netherlands even though I really dislike the Netherlands, due to all the lock ups and mental, physical, social and professional torture they performed upon me between February 2001 and May 2013.


On 20 May 2014 I relocated to the city Assen in the Netherlands.


During my stay in Harrow, London, and even though these criminals pretended to be members of my biological family. Yet none of them came to visit me in Harrow, London, even though once a while I hear from them that they were in London, at least once a week, probably just to tell me we do not like you and that is why we do not visit you. In-reality they see me as their slave and not as a member of their family, and I see them as criminals and danger to the general-public!


Here I will list some of the brainwash situations they pushed me into. They are not much, however just to show that they are dangerous people, and that is why it is worth listing these brainwash situations.


In short, they are anti-religion, anti-freedom, and anti-humanity, yet they pretended to be Jewish that are pretending to be Muslims. In the year 2000-2003 I fell in this deceive, but not anymore.


They are 100% not Jewish. They 1re 100% not Muslims. They are 100% not Christians.


What are they then?


They went from Europe and USA to the Middle East in January 1960 pretending to Syrians relocating from Damascus, Syria to Cairo, Egypt in a very destructive and deceiving setup, destructive for me and deceiving for everyone including me.


I read the Quran and the Book of the profit Mohamad, and I had to because I went to public school in Cairo Egypt from 1960 to 1969 and I was forced to think that we are all Muslims, all meaning my fake family . And in these 2 books that I read, the Quran + the book of the profit Mohamad stories as addition to the Quran, and these 2 books tells who Muslim is and who is not. Based on these Islamic holy books, my entire fake family and each member of them which in the meantime are far over 500 of them, they are 100% not Muslim, yet they want everyone else to believe that they are, while forcing others to be Muslim, because it is easier to control, because Islam, teaches people to be kind to each other’s, while defending each other’s against those who attack their religion, which many religions also do, everything else then become not important, and therefore a real Muslim will see his life as planned by God and this no matter if it is good or bad, and believe me, most Muslims are struggling to survive, because their freedom is very limited by their own governments, if it is in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt or the rest of the so-called Arab countries!


I read the bible, New Testament (Christian book that was added to the Old Testament and both they form the Bible) and Old testament (=Torah=Jewish Book), and by no means what so ever they are Jewish or Christians, because and while the Torah teaches Jewish to be kind to each other’s, it also shows what happens when they are not kind to each other’s, and all faithful Jewish would do anything for their freedom and the freedom of their family member, therefore these fake family members cannot be Jewish, and most definitely also not Christians because they live by eye for an eye and tooth for tooth and if you take one hair of them, then they take all your hair and much more, which is a strategy developed hundreds of years ago or even older to scare people and enslave them!


One thing they do that is not mentioned often and nowhere, their entire life is based on deceive and lies and they always cover up the lie with a new lie and will never admit to any lie or deceive, and if they feel cornered by confronting them with their own lies, then they start a new strategy known as: attack is the best defense, where they attack the person who is confronting them=con people!


Who are they then?


They love money, they love controlling others using telepathy. Some even are addicted to it, just as some children and youth, or even some adults are addicted to Video/PC games, with one major difference: using telepathy and brainwash to enslave others is no game, it is the destruction of the freedoms and lives of others. Anything else is a lie, period.


All the details of slavery in the UK and through the English royalties are to be found all over my complaint pages, therefore I will not repeat them here!