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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024 
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-




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This page was created on: 30.09.2018 and completed on 4th  of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This page was re-edited and completed on 21.06.2021


The simple quick answer


Networking is when a group of people get together and agree to help each other’s in a specific situation such as a common goal, profession, business, war, peace, or other things. Sometimes it is misused, and it is intended to hurt others and for hidden slavery!


Extended answer


There is many networking all over our lives. Here are a few of them, from top to bottom:

1.                Countries get together for a common goal such USA-Untied States of America that started around 200 years ago by force of civil wars to get people together under one common rules/laws, which was an imitation of the UK-United Kingdom that was united by force since centuries!!

2.                Countries get together peacefully for a common goal such EU-European Union, that originally started as a common business and marketing market for all members without the need to pay custom or having visas or requiring permission of any kind

3.                Various government agencies, such as police agencies get together to share their knowledge about crimes, terrorism, illegal drugs and much more enable to keep people safe, example police, sheriff departments, FBI, EDA, CIA, and others have a common computer access to certain information, which they did not always have

4.                Medical professions having a medical association that protect them against many things, such as unjust laws and lawsuits but also to promote their intentions of helping others medically

5.                Workers unions that protect workers of being underpaid or having unjust working rules, in short to protect against forced slavery

6.                Christian Churches and other religions getting together to protect the freedom of religion without having to be forced to follow a certain religion such as many countries do, such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and a few others

7.                In USA there is an association called NRA-National Rifle Association, that originally was intended to be for protecting a person’s right in USA to have a rifle for protection and hunting, and therefore all members that are weapon owners get together to protect their right to continue to have a weapon, and this is one of the most powerful networking in USA, that in reality can turn against the interest and safety of the USA, especially if (BIG IF)) this organization is controlled by a foreign power that like to build an internal army against the USA in case of a civil war or external war against them, then they will use the hidden internal army!!!!

8.                And many more

9.                Yet, some misuses networking to hurt and enslave others, for example Mafia. Even though and by police standards Mafia is very bad organization, however Mafia is by far not the worst, which you can easily read in these pages


The Networking works like that: a group of people get together and agree to unite their knowledge, businesses, profession, possibly also finances, their connections to family and friends as well as some of their time to help each other’s in certain situations, for example when one of them is unemployed, then the others will help him find a suitable job ASAP-As Soon As Possible.


Very unfortunately, networking is often used for crime and/or hidden slavery, where a group of people agree to keep certain persons as slaves for certain jobs/goals and this group of people can expand to various society classes and profession also to include controlling authorities such as police and defense agencies, for example CIA, Immigration authorities and so on. This is very visible in these webpages.


A real life example of networking, one of many that was used on me recently, and continuously from 2000 to 2016 are a very nasty networked dentist and dental technician, in all the jails, prisons, and refugee camps that my fake family, my biological family, the CIA, FBI, AIVD, INS-American immigration, IND-Dutch Immigration, Germany immigration, that pushed me into this 13 years of lock ups to re-brainwash me, and from 2008 to 2012 in the northeastern region of the Netherlands, where the Dutch immigration forced me to live in a village called Bellingwolde as a final destruction of my life, and the dentists and dental technician in these area, conspired together to torture me, which they did, and among others they pulled out all my teeth, even they were healthy, then I tried hard to sue them, yet the attorneys that I hired were their family and/or friends and they toyed with me while wasting my time and preventing me of suing them, I even wrote complaint letters to the insurance company and several government agencies, but this is the Netherlands, the land of slavery, they all ignored my criminal complaint and were constantly trying to brainwash me and force my mind to think that pulling all my teeth is good for me and they were helping me.


The torture was so severe that I constantly looked for another dentist or dental technician, yet I was confined by the evil Dutch immigration to live in an area where they all are one family working with the immigration authorities to brainwash refugees, as a result I continued to go to another dentists or dental technicians in other cities and villages all in all I was mistreated by these savages in 8 cities and villages, and that continued even when I was able to leave this most sadistic area and relocate to Amsterdam, yet it was all the same, also in the city of Assen, until I stopped going to the dentists and dental technicians and started to fix things myself. In this process I visited between 30 and 40 dentist and dental technicians.


It is like wild west, you complain to the sheriff, and he does what the mayor says, and the mayor is the brother of this and the cousin of this and the friend of that or the partner of this and is related from the background to the immigration authority that pays a lot of money for brainwashing refugees to force them to be formed as they wish them to be!!


That is in a nutshell one of many very sadistic Nazi like slavery network! that forced me to live in pain for far more than 4 years in this village Bellingwolde alone 4 years, not mentioning the prisons and refugee camps, where the dentists tells me we are not allowed to treat your tooth, we can only pull it out, and since I had severe tooth ache, I had to agree, by the time I was forced to live in this village where they severely tortured me by networking, I have already lost around 5 teeth and in the village they took all the rest out by force of brainwash and telepathy, during which the first 2-3 they took out without anesthetics while I scream and the dentist says, oh that hurt, I am sorry let me give you another anesthetics and then he gives me pure water and I scream again and that went on for around 40 minutes. That is torture first degree and I was not able to do anything about it, not filling a police complaint and not sue them, I was not able to do anything, they were in control of my life these sadistic savages and barbarian people!


And this was one networking torture method of many in my life!


The below was added on 23.6.2021.


The worst networking, or better said the most destructive networking it comes from the UK and the English royalties, I believe they have the largest and most destructive networking ever and I want to make sure that you understand , look at them as the number one vicious networking and then you will not find any other networking as number 2 and up to number 20, and therewith the second biggest tortures network group comes at number 21, which is the US government and here is some of the English royalties most destructive and hidden network:

1.                The members of the English royal family that formed the organization Freemason to mass brainwash others

2.                The freemason, the largest and most sadistic networked organization in the world as described in the pages BP-British Petroleum, and Freemason you can find in every single major city in the world, from Moscow, to Berlin, to Washington D.C. to Riyadh, to Amman, to Cairo to South Africa, to Hong Kong, to Singapore, to India, and Pakistan and list is endless I encountered them as these criminals helped cover up where I came from in 1960 and again in 1969 and in 1970

3.                Almost every single royal family in the world have at least one member related to the English royal family in one way or another, either by marriage, business wise or partners in hidden crimes such as children slavery, illegal drugs, conspiration to steal a whole country such as they repeatedly did and as recent as Palestine in 1948, Repeatedly Yemen since at least 1948, among others by using proxy countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan in 2001, Iraq (2003) + Syria (2011), and the list goes on and on and on, and often by using other countries that they control such as USA to make a bad name fir USA, today USA is the most hated country in the world, followed by UK and Israel

4.                All the police agencies in the UK + USA + Canada + Australia + Honk Kong + Singapore, + Saudi Arabia, + Jordan + all the so-called Arab petroleum kingdom in west Asia + the 54 commonwealth countries and countless others and this is also valid for Security agencies such as CIA, FBI, DEA, INS, and countless others in the same mentioned countries and the prove is what they did to me since 1960 and who they used

5.                By far largest Illegal drug ring in the world that span from the top to the farming of it,  and the whole way to small-time dealer on the street and market the illegal drug for them while he thinks he is doing it for the one above him, because they have built a hierarchy just as they did in the military and in the government and within their own family

6.                And this is just a handful of examples of their most destructive networking that they used on me to kidnap me, cause me a total amnesia, brainwash me, rape me countless time by men and women that I would not even look at them on the street, and the last time these criminally insane and psychopaths did that to me as they enslaved me by force of brainwash and telepathy under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud where I tried hard to get rid of this disgusting animal, but I am no match for telepathy, then they kidnapped me to USA among others to prevent me to leave this disgusting whore that I like to vomit each time I am forced to think of her such as I am writing this paragraph and then my brain get locked up on this issue.


These are the noble English royalties that in reality are absolutely stupid and force the general public with telepathy and mass brainwash to submit to them and then they sue them to invade other countries and kill any one that is in there way, no matter if it is a child, a woman, and elderly, they have no mercy no empathy, no feeling, yet they always give you big smile when they lie or win money out that they just stole of other countries, for more info see their history:













As you see this is what they do for living, steal anything and from any one as these criminals stole my design, my profession, my family, and everything that is worth living for and then locked me up and I am still locked up even today, with the difference that today I am locked up in my own past trying to find out where I came from, who kidnapped me and who did to me all these unspeakable atrocities!!!??


Is this what a human being is living for as slave for these criminally insane and psychopaths??!!


End of addition.