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Home Page of or Backup sites or About these pages: My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others! |
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 24.11.2024 | |||||
his document was created on: 27.05.2019 and updated and completed on 03.07.2022
Important note added on 10.09.2022: This page is divided in to 2 sections as follow:
1. The conclusion content that was completed on 03.07.2022
2. The updates after 03.07.2022, which can be found in the below index under the title “Index for Updates after 03.07.2022”
However, and since I made a lot of writing/spelling mistakes I will reedit all old content to correct the writing/spelling. Yet all new additions/updates I will write it separately below the conclusion. And therewith it is always easier to find updates without having to read it all over again, which will make the page gradually longer!
Also please note that throughout my complaint pages I use the word Copycat, which means imitate, and I should have used the word imitate, because when translating copycat to other languages it may not make any sense therefore, I am adding this note to say copycat = imitate!
End of Important note added on 10.09.2022:
Introduction (roughly 2 pages)
Who is writing these complaint pages? (roughly 2 pages)
The paradoxes within my complaint pages and in our all lives! (roughly 8 pages)
The best thing that the English royal families have ever done is…. (roughly 6 pages)
Important points to consider while reading this conclusion document (roughly 0.5 pages)
Point-0-1: I am not religious (roughly Less than 1 page)
Point-1: History of illiteracy as mean of slavery (roughly 5 pages)
Point-2: Grimm brothers in comparison to the Catholic church! (roughly 1 page)
Point-3: The Bible as misused tool of slavery (roughly 10 pages)
Point-4: Jewish persecuting me to coverup for my fake and biological families (roughly 3 pages)
Point-5: USA + UK involvement in Syria is 100% to protect their hidden illegal drug plantations (roughly 7 pages)
Point-6: Russia invading Ukraine is a live example of the English royal families and their American relatives (roughly 4 pages)
Preventing me to complete my complaint pages (roughly 3 pages)
My kidnappers, fake family, fake mother, and lookalikes (roughly 108 pages)
Stealing my multilingual IT-design as side business of brainwashing me, enslaving me, and kidnapping me from Germany to USA (roughly 17 pages) (new important additions add on 28.2.2022)
What is my multilingual IT/computer design?
Who and why they stole my multilingual IT/computer design?
Note: all updates would not be added above but rather in the below section to make it easier for readers to find
updates with the dates when it was added
All new updates after 03.07.2022
Introduction (02.80.2022)
My fake mother fake photos discrepancies (06.10.2022)
My declaration over my past away sister Queen Elizabeth the second! (15.09.2022)
My Apologies (02.09.2022)
A warning for your long-term safety (20.08.2022)
Joe Biden + Steve Jobs versus Bill Gates! (02.08.2022)
The basis and differences of the 4 religions (01.08.2022)
EU is in danger and the best approach for the EU where no one can ever beat them! (09.10.2022)
The copycat brainwash (10.10.2022)
Telepathy the way God intended it to be! (10.10.2022)
Immortality (08.10.2022)
This page is dedicated to the following:
1. To all my ex-friends that I was separated of them by force, such as in Cairo, Egypt, in Munich and Unterschleissheim, Germany, in Bridgeport, Connecticut and Houston, Texas, USA
2. To the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany and to the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and in particular to Pastor Jack Stevens and his Wife Diana and their two sons Sean and Greg/Gregory. I have a lot of bad experience with the church, yet I refuse to believe it was planned by the Church in general or all of its members, it is possible that there were a couple or bit more than a couple of members of the church as traitors in these 2 churches, you can always find traitors in every sections of our lives including in government and also in some religions as it is clearly to see in my complaint pages, yet I am in general in debt to the church for giving me many things that was missing in my life, such as friends and logic. Because my Biological or fake family caused me total Amnesia in 1960 after kidnapping me to Cairo, Egypt, and ever since I was severely isolated and brainwashed to follow orders and not be able to make decisions on my own and this even until 1976, where I was set up to become Christian and read several religious books in German + in English + in Arabic and compared them such as the Quran + Catholic Bible + Evangelical Lutheran bible (translated in around 1500s by Martin Luther) + the so called “Einheitliche Uebersetzung” in English translated to “Unified translation” that was created or written in the begin of 1960s in a joint cooperation between the Catholic churches and Evangelical Lutheran churches in the German Speaking countries, which are: Germany + Austria + Switzerland and part of ex-Yugoslavia. But also read the Mormon book and the Jehovah’s witnesses’ book and other religion related books, and all this between January 1976 and end of 1977
3. To Pastor Herbert Lange of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim until approximately 1978, who not only took the time to teach me what Christianity is all about but also showed it to me by living it, and being the best human being that I ever met in my life, because he dedicated most of his time to others, including but not limited to: his congregation, youth of the congregation, older generation of the congregation, sick and handicapped members of the congregation and of other congregations and religions, creating countless work group for various objective from communicating with other religions to environment protection and to fight famine in Africa, South America and Asia and many more activities. He also was my teacher, my friend and my pastor, (Added on 20.08.2022 and my boss for approximately 18 months as I worked part time in the church helping him in various activities including in the church service), and my neighbor. Very unfortunately I strongly believe he was severely attacked with telepathy and damaged his voice to prevent him of preaching as a mean to systematically eliminate my friendships within this church to prevent me to go back and visit them and the prove for that is the company Siemens AG that helped my fake and biological family to remove me from the city Unterschleissheim by force of telepathy and brainwash using a woman that they hired, and I believe, only for this purpose and she either pretended to be a secretary or was temporarily the secretary of my new department manager at my new Employer Siemens AG, and this department manager was named Dr. Peter M. Lembke, that then removed me from Siemens AG in end of 1981 by also using telepathy and brainwash, whereby I do not know who used the telepathy on me at that time as it is explained in other pages with all the details of this setup. His hired secretary was named Renée Zielske and was 10 years older than me and either she had telepathy or someone else by Siemens AG forced me to relocate and live with her against my will by using brainwash and telepathy as it mentioned in other pages with all the details. Pastor Herbert Lange and after someone damaged his capability to speak was removed of this church and transferred to be the director of some church housing for the elderly instead of a pastor around 500 kilometers north of this location near Frankfurt, Germany and I never saw him thereafter. I also heard that he was and very unfortunately divorced, it would not surprise me that someone with telepathy forced his divorced upon him. The reason I am more than positive that someone with telepathy damaged his voice, is because and in addition to the reason mentioned above to not give me a reason to go and visit the church, is also that someone and very viciously attacked me with telepathy by causing me all kind of pains from dental to ear pain and even to drill in my own hand, as well as suddenly I was afraid of ghosts while living in this church housing and much more, which all in all amount to the “operation Choke” as mentioned elsewhere in my complaint pages where psychopath criminal networks create countless damaging situations around the life of their victim to force their victim to the one or other action, while closing all possible door for their victims and leaving only one door open that the victim can go through in my case it was the totally unwanted and totally unsuited for me and my wellbeing, which was to relocate and live with Renee Zielske that was set on me 100% by Siemens AG, and even though I am very thankful for Siemens AG for many things that I learned through them and not only professionally, yet they helped in damaging my life and destroying my freedom once and for all and this very extensively as it is mentioned in other pages in more details. And when I consider that I was forced to find a photograph of Mrs. Barbara Pierce Bush the wife of ex-US president George H. W. Bush, whereby one of the photos had another woman pretending to be the wife of the ex-US president George H. W. Bush with a face identical to pastor Herbert Lange plus several setups created with the goal to force my mind to hate the church for ever to prevent me to mix with churches to prevent that any one help me and get me out of my forced upon me isolation since 1960. All this caused me countless paradoxes in my mind which is a very mean, sadistic and most destructive brainwash strategy. Today I see through this mean and sadistic brainwash, which had several goals, among others to relate me to the Bush family and dis-relate me of the English royal family and in particular of King VI that today I strongly believe he was my biological father and queen Elizabeth the second is my older sister that arranged all that. I cannot hate the church for giving me one of the best things in my life, which are the followings:
3.1. Logic that I can use to make my own decision no matter if it is good or bad, and I do not care, yet they are my decisions and not forced upon me orders with or without telepathy!
3.2. Gave me friendship, whereby I was prevented to ever have friends since 1960 to prevent others of helping me against this vicious and sadistic and psychotic repeated brainwash and isolation by force either of my fake family, the government’s laws, my employers and if everything fails then they use telepathy force. All my friendships were always shortly after starting destroyed
3.3. Gave me the best book ever that gave me understanding, which is the bible, and this only for 3 reasons, reason one which is mentioned above, gave me a logic to help me make decisions. Reason two: the main book of the bible, which is the New Testament is all about telepathy and therewith, and even though I thought at that time only God and his son had telepathy, yet it helped me starting the year 2000 to understand and better notice when someone persecute me with telepathy. Reason three, it helped me understand the difference between real God and religions, because God does not make religions, he is a 100% best builder ever and he gave us all the best gift ever, which are mainly Freedom and intelligence to know what to do with our freedom, which very much means that I am now even more isolated than before, though I love the concept of the church, yet I cannot join one anymore because no church will accept me or even allow me to be a member because of what I believe today, which very much means I do not believe that virgin Mary get pregnant through a holy ghost neither I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God only because of the Freedom and intelligence that God gave us, if he interfere with our life in anyway what so ever then he would be limiting the freedom of the one or another, meaning if I am or anyone else suffering because someone is torturing me/him/her/them and God help me/him/her/them, then he would be interfering and limiting the freedom of the villains and that he would never ever do because I discovered that he loves freedom over anything else and this gift he gave us and God knows that with the time we will get it under control and prevent the possibilities of having any villains by working together and not competing against each other like animals do, and the prove of that is the comparison of our lives today with 100 years ago or even 70 years ago, where there was first and second world wars and villains killed each other’s and starting 1950s some of the villains saw the wrong way that they were using and find a better way = EU-European Union, where France + the Benelux countries + the Scandinavian countries + some of the Mediterranean countries suffered severely under the revenge of the Germans during the second world war due to the lost land and lost war and that caused the revolution in and after the first world war, yet and with all their might and hate to each other’s (=Europeans and elsewhere), they were able to join forces and be not only friends again but real good partners, and God has foreseen that, did not plan it, but has concluded based on his own creation what is going to happened or better said what could happened and where is going to lead. Today I strongly believe that the idea that virgin Mary had the Holly Ghost is to get our attention to what I discovered for myself as it is also described in other pages in more detail, which is that a person with telepathy has the power to make a woman brain switch off and then have sex with her and go away and then wake her up, and 4-6 weeks later she is pregnant and she has no idea from who and how she get pregnant and the reason that some or many or even all persons with telepathy do that is to hide their children, because they are stupid and the reason they are stupid is because they generate children for one purpose only to use them to create a big and hidden powerful network of brotherhood and not based on love, I personally rather love a woman and have a child only with the woman I love and she also loves me, then the children of us 2, each will have 4 times the love, my love because it is my child and I would love this child a second time and even more and in addition to my love to my child, because he/she is of the woman I love, and the mother does the same and love the child twice because it is her child and it is of the man she loves and this is also a God’s gift, yet persons with telepathy that rape women after they knock them unconscious to hide their child will never have this natural pleasure and feelings!
3.4. Last but not least, taught me how to see discrepancies by having the Old Testament together with the New Testament, whereby both contradict each other’s and also taught me how to find the reason why they contradict each other’s which is a learn process that I was not allowed to learn or understand in 1978 and that is why I was forcibly separated of the church, but today I do understand it. Add to the mentioned all the courses that I went to through the church were totally invaluable, such as how to recognize the intention of a person through his behavior and his words and his movements and many other concepts
4. My ex-German girlfriend Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka and her daughter as it is described within the page Thank you under the section with her name. Until today I never met a woman with her qualities and I am thankful for her being in my life, because among others and also through her I was able to recognize that the woman that raised me for 10 years was not my mother but pretend to be, yet she was anything but not anywhere near a mother or motherly, she was one sadistic criminal and whore that would do anything for money and sex, because she was hired 100% by queen Elizabeth the second to pretend to be my mother and she did a very poor job in that because and to me she was not only a bad mother she was an animal disguised as a human being, actually it is an insult to animals to compare her to animals, because even animals take care of their new born, feed them and teach them how to be independent, she not only did not do any of that, but she prevented also other of teaching me anything by isolating me by force and then dumped me by the American military in Munich, Germany in March 1970 and these criminals continued on the same path using the same sadistic disgusting methods until I was setup to become Christian and it was literally the first time ever in my life that I felt alive since 1960 or even since my birth that I absolutely do not know when it really was and where it was because they caused me a total amnesia and falsified my identity and my birth information!
5. To all the children that have been kidnapped by the English royal families + the Rockefeller families from various countries in the world to use them as decoy children for their CIA + MI6 agent as they did to me
6. To all the victims of the puppet’s royal families of the following countries but not limited only to those countries:
6.1. Jordan
6.2. Saudi Arabia
6.3. UAE
6.4. Kuwait
6.5. Bahrain
6.6. Oman
6.7. Qatar
6.8. Yemen
6.9. Egypt
6.10. And others unknown to me yet based on the pattern they must be at least another 54 countries
7. To all those persons that I may have accused wrongly, because I am not perfect because I am just like all those I am complaining about a human being with 3 major difference, I admit to a mistake that I may have made, I truly believe in the real hidden of all of us God and above all I have feelings and this most definitely unlike the ones I am complaining about, because they are a machine with no feelings what so ever which you can clearly read in my complaint pages
8. This page is also dedicated to all Ukrainian that suffered through the unjust invasion of Russia just as the Iraqi, and Syrian, and Yemeni and Libyans, and Lebanese, and Palestinians have also suffered not only for 2 or 6 months, but rather for 10 or 20 some even 50 and other 75 consecutive years with no brake or break whatsoever
9. This page is also dedicated to all those Africans that have been kidnapped by the Millions from Africa to use as slaves in the UK, France and in the USA and in south America and this since at least over 200 years
10. This page is also dedicated to all those Indians that have been kidnapped or tricked/conned with fake jobs to be used as slave soldiers or other kind of slavery and this by the Millions from the ex- India alias the current India + Pakistan + Bangladesh to use as slaves in the UK and in the USA and in south America and this since over 450 years as a result there are countless Indians and since generations in Africa and at least since over a century in the Middle East including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other neighboring countries
11. This page is also dedicated to the countless hidden slaves that do not even know that they are slaves and you can find in the UK, USA and Saudi Arabia and here is one prove out of countless: land and natural resources are given to us human for free by God and they are all stolen in the name of capitalism and communism and socialism and making the general public pay dearly for them even they are a gift from God to everyone. Show me a country on earth that does not allow the permanent ownership of a land or natural resources, but instead they are all owned and operated by the general public represented by their government that manage these gifts and distribute them either for free or for money, yet the profit goes back to the people for a 100% health care coverage, for a 100% good education and varieties of educations to increase the intelligence of each citizen, that then in return have a free and relaxed mind to use intelligently to improve the lives of his follow men and women, but also it goes to the retirement of each human being and for his housing on the land given to us for free by God and we build upon it and make money only on what we build and not on what we have for a free gift, but also to not use each human as a hidden slave like we use donkeys and cows in the farmland all their life doing only the one or another task, and with human beings are also done the same, their education is limited what is useful only for the controlling families and has an absolute negative effect on the human and they get used to it and do not even notice this hidden slavery where a person work life long as a hidden slave in some factory and has no time to think and this day in and day out and until the hidden slave retire with just enough money to survive, which I saw in Germany, in USA, in the UK and in the Netherlands, the correct way is to teach everyone that they have to gather various of experiences enable to grow their intelligence and therewith create and build thousand times more and better useful products and services and not as we have now, where only less than one per cent of the world population have the luxury to gather partial experiences enable to create profitable businesses for their selves only and they have absolutely no idea how other feel even though most of the supper rich have 100% telepathy and can read the mind of others, yet and as some wise man once said and I am quoting him “they see and do not see and they hear and do not hear” end of quote, I read this quote several times in 3 languages since 1976, and just today I realized I really did not understand what it really meant until recently in 2022 (added on 20.08.2022: When these persons with telepathy access the brain of others who has no telepathy, then they can see with their eyes and can hear with their ears but also feel what they feel, however they do not have a feelings for others and consider all persons without telepathy as their slaves and therewith they see through the eyes of others and hear with the ears of others and know the sufferings they going through and yet do nothing about it = they see but do not se and hear but do not hear) and this because the rich people were never in the position to grow feelings instead they were taught by their rich parents to grow greed and selfishness. Show me a country like that as I am describing how it should be and then I will show you a real freedom and democracy and above all an ever lasting peace the way God intended it to be, don’t take my word for it, just ask God why isn’t he asking us for money for all the good things he has been giving us in large quantities as back up for other gifts, such as eyes are back up for ears and ears are back up for feelings or is it vice versa, you figure it out!
12. Last but not least, this page is dedicated to all those who helped me from the background and I did not even notice it until much later, and do not even know who they are, but I know they were there for me, in every place I lived in and had countless forced upon me trouble where I was not able to defend myself because I was brainwashed to think it is all my doings(!). Without these unknown to me persons I would have never made it so far that I be even able to complain publicly about it, some of these persons may very well be acquainted to me in the one way or another but I still do not know who they are. Thank you to all of you!
13. (This point was added on 20.08.2022: and it is a duplicate of the page BP-BritishPetroleum-Part-3-Version--2) Jamaal Khashoggi, that was murdered by the Donald Trump White House Administration by using Saudi Arabia as proxy, mainly for 2 reasons:
13.1. First links about murdering him and literally cutting him to pieces with hacksaw: + + +
13.2. As a threat to Washington Post and Jeffrey P. Bezos the owner of among others the Washington Post,, AWS-Amazon Web Services, which is very clear that they hate Jeff Pezos, and is visible in that these criminals of the Donald Trump White House Administration have dropped AWS and took Microsoft for the military storage ( ). Amazon was since years the biggest and best in Cloud computing. Don’t misunderstand me, I love many or even most of Microsoft products, but no one is perfect and when it comes to the clouds Amazon did start it, and Microsoft followed years later with Microsoft Azure, and this alone makes Amazon AWS as the world leader, yet the military dropped them because the criminally insane Donald Trump White House Administration do not like the Washington Post and Jeff Pezos, and therewith they allowed their feelings to cloud their judgements. I must add that Hillary Clinton was right when she said that Donald Trump at that time yet to be president is never to trust, and that because she knew who is behind him and who are his masters, which are the biggest organized crime family that the world has ever knew, which is the English royal families and their relatives the Rockefeller families. Therefor they killed a man named Jamaal Khashoggi and then cut him to pieces with a hacksaw, using Saudi Arabia as proxy, whereby Saudi Arabia is often used as proxy, for example against Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia and countless other countries. Especially in Africa
13.3. Jamal Khashoggi knew too much. He is the nephew of Adnan Khashoggi that was a CIA agent and Arms Dealer/Weapon Dealer, where he reports everything, he sells to the CIA + MI6, and therewith they know who has what and can better plan to counter the buyer.
13.4. His grandfather was the medical doctor of the Saudi King
13.5. He knows too much about Saudi Arabia hidden slavery and viciousness against their own people, I went there around 3-4 times in 1980s and I did not believe that these criminals mistreat their own people, but again Saudi Arabia is controlled by the English Royal families + the Rockefeller families, and they do not give any shit about their American and British population, how can they care about the population of Saudi Arabia that consist of over 95% out of foreigners from all over the world
This introduction was added on 29.12.2021.
Please read the section "Important points to consider while reading this conclusion document". It is also very beneficial to consider for other pages, because it helps make the subjects and points more understandable!
Note added on 07.03.2022 about the mentioned Indians : When I say Indians or from India, I do not mean downgrading or blaming any Indian or misrepresenting them and most definitely I do not mean all Indians, or all Muslims in India, but rather a certain small group that was working with the English Royal family to fight the rest of the Indians and to make it more complex the English Royal family alliance with Muslim Indians (Minority in India, yet they were maybe 10-25% of Indian population) The majority of Indians and by over 60% are Hindu (for more information see the following article note that the statistics in this article is about today and my estimate is from prior to the Second World War when they Split India in several regions as Muslims and Hindu which are Pakistan and Bangladesh as Muslim and India as mainly Hindu ). In short Most Indians and Pakistanis are good people, but and as in any other group of people there are always good persons and others that either tend to crime or are misused as front and as distraction of the controlling families, in this case I am talking about only those minority that tend to crime or were misused or a combination of both and they often drag innocent people with them by using the situation that these people live in poverty and they offer them a job such as to be a soldier in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq and other countries that are controlled by English royal families or their puppets such as my fake family and other Europeans and Americans, English royal family are masters of deceive and mass kidnapping, they kidnapped so many people using so many schemes to other countries including but not limited to USA, Australia, Canada, Middle East, South America, and they mainly kidnapped people using various con business schemes such as slaves or promise non existing well paid jobs or to be soldier or even to be servants and other methods for other roles, and these kidnapped people I estimate them to be in excess of 25 to 40 Million kidnapped from mainly Africa, India including todays Pakistan and Bangladesh, but also from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, China, Native Americans, Native Canadians, Native Australians, Philippines, Thailand and possibly others. They kidnapped them starting 500 years ago, alone to USA it is estimated to be over 20 million Africans to use as slaves ( or ( and these kidnapped 100 or 300 years ago or even in 1960s you can see in USA today as Afro-Americans Indo-Americans, Surinam, French Guiana, Guyana, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Argentine and other countries, and the reason they kidnap people to so far away countries is to isolate the people, brainwash them with very brutal methods and then enslave them as they did to me for over 60 years even today, because today I am slave of my past that I am using my experience and knowledge to help others not to fall for these psychopaths. Think of it this way it is much easier to kidnap Indians and Pakistanis and Indonesians between 1900 and 1970 to the Middle East than to USA because the Middle east was almost a desert during that time and totally Isolated of the rest of the world, only governments and rich people can travel in to and from the Middle East during that period, among others because it was very hard to reach because there was no public transportations such as regular ships or trains or buses, you have to go on horses donkeys or camels or if you rich using carriages pulled by 6 or more horses and that was very expensive for the general public. And there with the kidnapped slaves cannot escape in the desert because he/she would never survive it, beside the Middle East is only 4.5 thousand kilometers from central India and can be traveled on land which is faster than traveling on Sea while the distance to USA 12 thousand kilometers and it is mainly by sea, and it takes weeks to reach. All the above and below, means that what I am claiming is 100% true, that the Jordanian royal family + Saudi Arabian Royal family were 100% set together by English royal family + Rockefeller families in around the year 1900.
End of note added on 07.03.2022 about the mentioned Indians.
In October 2021, the original content of this page was moved to the page kidnapping me as a child under the entire section named “Kidnapping other children”
The current content is in live processing and I will start it with the very visible cause of kidnapping me from Germany to USA, and during this process they performed countless illegal and immoral activities, from destroying my relation with my ex-girlfriend in one of the most sadistic and vicious way, to enslaving me and raping me, destroying all my friendships enable to isolate me while forcing everyone else to see me as if I am a very bad person, while in reality I am not bad at all, because of one reason, which is I loved people and see them as part of God’s creation and I would have never dared to harm any of God’s creation, not because I am a afraid of God, whereby God is absolutely not scary, but rather out of love and respect to his creation!
This page is the conclusion of my complaint pages that clearly shows I was kidnapped at least 2 times, and new photos I received confirm my suspicion that I was also kidnapped as an infant, which is explained within this page.
This page is also the summary of all pages and it concentrate on 3 subjects as follow:
1. My fake family
2. Who and why they stole my multilingual computer design?
3. Actual events that confirm their disgusting character of going over dead bodies to enrich their selves while destroying countless lives as it is the case since February 2022 of Russia invading very barbaric their neighbor Ukraine, whereby they claim to be good Orthodox Christians and in Christianity loving your neighbor is one of the characteristics that shows if you are really Christian or not, and invading Ukraine contradict the New Testament of the bible in countless places and texts, which very much says that the Russian government and their Orthodox church are 100% not Christians, and this is confirmed because the Orthodox Bishop in Moscow and as I seen on the news he support the war in Ukraine, whereby also in the New Testament is very clear said that you will recognize them by their doings and their doings is murderous, shame on them all!!!
The conclusion page is a summary of all complaint pages that in some subjects include a new information that I did not know or did not have before, such as the possibility that I was also kidnapped as an infant, but also the photo of one or even 2 of the lookalike of my very sadistic and vicious fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that delivered me to the CIA on a silver plate in January 1970 and again in between September and December 1984, which led to enslaving me and destroying my freedom once and for all until 1 March 2016. The good side of this, is that I learned how powerful the future can be, such as the Internet, where no one knew in 1960 or even in 1970 or even in 1980s that there will be internet access for everyone and it will be offered by telephone, cable and satellite companies with somewhat affordable pricing for the majority of people, where they can share their thoughts, experience and life situations with the world as well as see what the world has to share with them for knowledge and education and selling and purchasing and…...
This is a big question: Who is really writing these complaint pages, especially that there are several to many persons with telepathy for the good or bad are monitoring and following me and some of them are torturing me on a daily basis by not allowing me to have a routine good sleep, for matter of fact I cannot recall any more when was the last time that I had more than 4-5 hours’ sleep!!??
Many factors in my life makes this question very legitimate and the following answers explain that:
1. My hands are writing these complaint pages because sometimes it does not come of my mind!
2. My anger is writing these pages!
3. My disappointment of everyone I knew is writing these complaint pages!
4. The brainwash that they sadistically performed upon me repeatedly since January 1960 is writing these complaint pages!
5. All the rape by men and women that they performed upon me are writing these pages!
6. The repeated circle of PTSD-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is writing these complaint pages, PTSD that they caused me after each severe brainwash and life destructive actions performed against me between January 1960 and until current as follow, I will skip the details, because it is listed all over complaint pages starting in the page kidnapping me as child:
6.1. The repeated circle of PTSD-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that they caused me between January 1960 and September 1977 is writing these complaint pages!
6.2. The repeated circle of PTSD-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that they caused me between January 1984 and September 1999 is writing these complaint pages!
6.3. The repeated circle of PTSD-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that they caused me between September 1999 and 1 March 2016 is writing these complaint pages!
6.4. Since 2016 and until current and because I am writing my past, which very much means as if I am living it at that time yet with more understanding to what really happened and why, which hurts even today, especially when I see all these loses that I never even thought about giving up, from members of my fake family that not even one of them stood by my side to losing my church friends to losing the woman I loved and still love very much to losing my home and everything in it, to losing my profession = severe slavery covered up with sadistic situations such as forcing me to be refugee for over 50 years, all that is writing my complaint pages!
7. The results of my internet research over the search for the truth about my past is writing these complaint pages!
8. The destruction that was performed upon my life and was caused by the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum starting January 1984 is writing these complaint pages!
9. Losing the women, I most loved twice in my life and this by force of setups and telepathy, in 1972 and in 1984 is writing these complaint pages!
10.All the loses in my life from losing my biological family to losing my fake family, losing my original identity, losing my original nationality, losing my original birth date, to losing my home repeatedly since my birth, the repeated destruction of my profession until I totally lost my profession in April 1999 in Houston Texas and ever since I am in one lock up or another until 2016, the repeated loses of my household including furniture and everything in it, losing repeatedly all my friends in every single country I was forced to live in since 1960 as described within my complaint pages, forcing me to live as a refugee for over 50 years in Egypt, Germany, USA and in the Netherlands from 1962 and until 2013, all this and much more is writing these complaint pages!
11.The isolation that they forced upon me from 1960 and until current with the exception during the period 1976 and 1983 after I was setup to became Christian so these despicable people can persecute me publicly in the name of Islam, while they are anything but not Muslim!
12.My anger over them repeatedly preventing me to learn and have some education and succeed in it, the last time as these companies BP-British Petroleum + IBM + Microsoft and as described below and in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, stole all my multi-lingual computer designs and drawings, then enslaved me under the control of their psychopath and retarded whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986, then prevented me to work in IT sector for at least 4 years to prevent me to go back to the multilingual computer and software design as distraction of the real causes which is my family were my kidnappers as I was 8 years old and are not my biological family but these criminals pretended to be my family enable they can use me as a multipurpose decoy, but also not recognize that members of my fake family are hidden members of the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian, Kuwaiti, UAE and Omani royal families mixed with CIA + MI6 agents, among them was the hidden son of king Hussein named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar that pretended to be my brother and also the hidden daughter of king Hussein named Reem Bdeir/Budier and the very lookalike and double of princes Haya of Jordan and was exchanging places with her as highlighted below
13.I was prevented to think, by using a combination severe brainwash, manufacturing destructive situations around my life to keep me busy try to solve them and many of them were unsolvable for me as an isolated person, and if everything fails then they would force me with telepathy to do something that I did not want to do, which pushes my brain in to more never ending cycle of trying to understand why did I do something I would never do or I did not really wanted to do (!!), until I started or better said until someone unknown to me forced me to recognize telepathy, and therewith I started to understand the actions that I did, yet I did not want to do and forced into it, which prevented me to think and made out of me a dog on a leash, and suddenly I was able not only to start to see the cause of my own problems but also see the cause of other people’s problems, in other words I was prevented to think and millions if not billions of other human being are also prevented to think, and that too is writing my complaint pages for those who cannot speak for their selves because they cannot see what I see, because today I can think and they still cannot think and these persons you find them everywhere, in USA, in the UK, in the EU, in Russian Federation, in China and entire Asia and above all in Africa and in South America the 2 continents that were enslaved starting 400 years ago or even since earlier, and that is why these 2 continents are suffering mostly and also have the most illiteracies = little to no knowledge about the rest of the world as a mean of isolation and to keep them enslaved as they did to me all my life and this in Egypt, Germany, USA, and Netherlands and the UK. I cannot see all that and keep quite because humans have the biggest touch of God and the absolute best gift between all creature, which is intelligence, and if they are not allowed to use it, then they become just like enslaved animals as they did to me most of my life, and I cannot see another human with a leach around his life and just say thanks God it is not me anymore!
14.Last but not least, the absolutely sadistic and most vicious persons that used telepathy to force me to be in a situation I do not want to be in, and forced me repeatedly to write what they want and not what I want, which is to see here:, but also other persons with telepathy get my attention to the one issue or subject or another, sometimes even without me immediately noticing or recognizing it is telepathy, yet if I agree with the issue because I see connection to my life then I just don’t recognize it as not from me. In other words, some very nasty and vicious persons with telepathy forced me to write what they want and it is against me, while other persons with telepathy helped me recognize issues or situations and understand it that I did not see it before, such as mentioned below about who stole my multilingual computer design, which I did not see even though it was right in front of my eyes as it is mentioned in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, where I described the illegal project calypso address and who was in the above offices of the project calypso and who was in the below offices. IBM-International Business Machines was above the offices of the project Calypso and Microsoft was in the offices below the project Calypso or vice versa, which was in 1984, and both and from my point of view based on my professional experience where I worked closely with IBM on the Multilingual international standards for Arabic and Latin and saw how bad multilingual Arabic/Latin system they had, and not to forget that Microsoft was working for IBM in creating the operating system called PC-DOS, while today I know that IBM is owned by English royalties because they are thieves, and stole the computer idea of a British scientist and implemented it far away of that scientist in USA by manufacturing the IBM-International Business Machines computers in 1930s. All this is writing these complaint pages!
What is a paradox?
My simple explanation is: a statement or a situation that contradict another statement or situation made by the same person or an institution
Here is detailed explanation:
Example of these paradoxes made by me:
1. I loved the church and I still do love the church for countless reasons, here are a few:
1.1. Was the only time in my life that I had a lot of friends or better said any friends at all, which was from March 1976 und until end 1978, and some of them until 1986,
1.2. I loved what they do, and I would need several pages to list them, yet here are a few: get together to figure out how to help others or find solutions for a problem related or not related to the church itself and not even in the same country such as world hunger where they created an organization called “Food for the world” and constantly create situation that generates money of the community to invest in feeding among others in Africa, but also in south America and in Asia; yet I strongly criticize the bible, and several churches in Germany and in USA, but also in the Netherlands as well as the Catholic church for well-founded reasons as among others mentioned within this conclusion page as well as in other complaint pages. In matter of fact if God would ask me today “what would be the one thing that you would want to happen in your life??, then my answer will be go back in time to my life on 1 October 1977 at the same age of that time yet with my knowledge of today of 2022(!), but I know that this would not happen and I would not even want it because and this is very unfortunately because I loved the idea to be with equal minded people and I also loved my friends of that time, yet today and again this is very unfortunate, I do not trust them, this is similar but not as bad as I loved my family until I realized not only that they are my kidnappers and not my biological family, but also that they conspired with the CIA + MI6 + American military intelligence and from March 1970 and until end of September 1977 to isolate, re-brainwash me and enslave me for 7 years by using their whore agent named Anita Disbray and they repeated the process again in 1984 by using the BP-British petroleum as well as several others and this time they used another whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud to isolate me from 24-12-1984 and officially until summer 1999 yet in reality and as a result of their doings and forcing me to be refugee since 1962 where I was 10 years old, and even though I was forced to be refugee all my life, yet from June 2000 and until May 2012 I was forced as a refugee to live isolated between jails, prisons and refugee camps between USA, Netherlands and Germany then they toyed with me until I relocated on 1 March 2016 to the city of Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by Dutch royal family and the Dutch government and the many foreign consulates and embassies in and around Den Haag and this is another paradox because the Dutch immigration that also is part of the Dutch government kept me on purpose refugee and tortured the life out of me mentally as well as physically by using others that are in the hidden working for them such as the dental doctors and dental technicians in the cities and villages Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda, Groningen, Veendam, Assen and Amsterdam
2. Also I criticized my ex-Girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka in Munich Germany because of all the bad things that happened and was blamed on her, especially between 17 and 20 October 1984 as it is mentioned in details in the page “Thank You” under the section with her name, in other words the BP-British Petroleum management and their hidden allies used her as scapegoat to force my mind not to love her anymore and not to try to get back with her, even though I loved her very much and I still do today in the year 2022. But why did they not want me to go back with her (?), it is for several reasons, here are the major ones: I strongly suspect Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka to have been an agent to 90% of the German BND similar to CIA and 10% an agent for the CIA or MI6, reason two, and because I was isolated all my life I really did not know how family members treat each other’s and especially how a mother supposed to treat her children until I met Adelheid Kuczka and saw how dedicated she was to her daughter and I started to question my relation to my mother and to the rest of the family until I was able with certainty and based on facts to recognize that my family was my kidnappers and not my biological family, another reason is that they did not want me to stay in Germany to not see members of my fake family that have doubles and have at least 2 different identities, but also some of them are hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 last but not least because I have a twin or an identical look double, which I did not know, that took my place in 1969 in Cairo, Egypt and he either goes frequently to Germany or he is another CIA or MI6 agent going to Germany with my fake identity to live there while performing bad things in Germany such as manipulation politicians with telepathy or become government member and commit treason just like every single other member of my fake family are performing treason in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, USA, UK, Germany and other countries because they working for the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and misusing religions among others Islam and Judaism to commit countless crimes and blame it on Muslims and Jewish as it is described all over my complained pages. When I lay out the reason then the paradox is not paradox anymore such as criticize church, yet I loved it and I blamed my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka for many bad things, yet I still love her, and I do not want to get her out of my mind because after the church she was one of the best things that ever happened to me!
3. Here is another paradox the Syrian government is officially controlled by the Assad family and the Assad family is claiming to be Muslim Alawee, and Muslim Alawee and based on my knowledge is mainly in Turkey, meaning they pretend to be Turkish origin and there is countless things that shows that, such as the Turkish military is helping them to disperse Kurds in northern Syria to not allow them to have a strong hold and therewith they forced them to be refugees, and all this while Syria is 100% controlled by the English royal families + Rockefeller families + possibly or even most probably escaped hidden Nazis from 1945 that are related to the English royal families and to the Rockefeller families and the prove for that they delivered to them satellite computer systems between 1983 and 1986 as it is described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, and this to control the population while sending transportation information of illegal drugs to the American and British military because that is what the English royal family and the Rockefeller families uses Syria + Lebanon + Iran + Afghanistan for, therefore they pretend not to know Syria and pretend as if it is controlled by Turkish controlling families or Russians to blame them for the illegal drug activities!
4. Turkey being Muslim Alawee and opposes Muslim Sunni which is in the hidden was 100% founded as copycat Islam by the English royal family with their headquarter in Saudi Arabia, and therefore both Saudi Arabia and Turkey pretend to be opposing each other’s yet they strongly work together in the government of Saudi Arabia, which you can see that very clearly through the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi that was murdered in Turkey in and by the Saudi Arabia embassy staff (=paradox because Turkish pretend to oppose it yet they do not want him to publish all of his knowledge in the Washington Post), whereby the family of Jamal Khashoggi is originated from Turkey and his grandfather was the private medical doctor of the ex- King of Saudi Arabia as it is described in more details in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2. All these situations build countless paradoxes = contradictions
5. Saudi Arabian royal family pretend to be originated of the family of the Muslim prophet Mohamad/Muhammad since over 1440 years ago, and teach their people the wrong Jihad that in Short sounds like Muslim must stick together no matter what (meaning even if some of them are criminals, and believe me there are many persons that happened to be Muslim and are top criminals such as some members of my fake family, but also you can find top criminals within other religions, crime is a human error and is not the result of religion, because religion is supposed to be looking for God or for the BLESSING of God, and to do that a religious person and no matter in what religion he/she is from would never destruct Gods creation by killing another human beings!!) kill the enemy for God, yet they opposed Palestinians as far as I recall since the 1960s while in the hidden confirm Israel by not doing anything for Palestinians. If the Saudi Royal family were any good, and know who and What God is all about, then they would do the following, sacrifice a piece of their huge unused land and give it to Palestinians to build their own country and help them build it just as the EU and none EU countries are doing right now for Ukraine and then make an ever lasting peace with Israel, because the population of Israel are not animals, they are human beings just like you and me, they have feelings and intelligence that has been corrupt by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families that are using them as distraction of their selves and creating a never ending war status since 1948. All this has countless paradoxes which not only confuses the lives out of people worldwide but also force the mind of people worldwide to give up on finding the peaceful solution for this everlasting problem between Israel and Palestinians since 1948, and therewith get used to it as a part of life and just ignore it = a sever total mass brainwash to distract of the fact that the English royal families + the Rockefeller royal families control 100% the following countries: Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Libya, Egypt and other countries, and since 2003 also Iraq and are working very hard on Yemen, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan and the whole way to Nigeria and South Africa and using Israel as a local fast response to any one who may try to get free of them in any of these mentioned countries, and the prove of that is Israel military involvement in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, Libya and other African countries, in matter of fact and today, I strongly believe that Israel control Oman, in other words sometimes between 1960s and 1970s they took it over of the other countries such as UK, USA, France, Spain, Italy and others do nothing about it because they themselves are doing the same in cooperation with the English royal families + Rockefeller families + ex-German royal families alias the current German control families, because when the English royal family or the Rockefeller families wants to take over a country, other power countries notice that and jump right in to take a piece of the action while helping them achieve their goal and all this is in the hidden which creates countless paradoxes that confuses the lives out of the worldwide population to force with the time to get used to it and accept it as it is as an unsolvable and un-understandable situations, or even worth as if it is a normal situation and you don’t have to worry about it, and there with the population they give up and accept it as it is = severe mass brainwash that we all live right in it!
6. One more example, which is the Ukraine war, I strongly believe that the Ukraine war was planned by English royal families and the Rockefeller families to prevent Ukraine of joining not only NATO but mainly to prevent it of joining EU while scaring the other countries of trying to, otherwise that Russia will also invade them as they Invaded Ukraine and practically destroyed maybe 40% of all man builds such as infrastructure, and this by itself is a paradox, but when you consider that the English royal families caused Brexit and trying hard to cause other countries to split of the EU because the English royal families is the largest and oldest and most dangerous organized crime family that the world has ever seen and they love to see each country on its own because it is then easier to manipulate than trying to manipulate the EU of 27 countries and growing, in this page I will prove that. But also look at Africa, South America and Asia they all do not have a union similar to the EU or similar to the USA or the Russian federation or the 54 countries of the Common Wealth that are mainly ex- colonies and ex-official slaves of the English royal family and not only they were hidden slave of them, they still are colonized in the hidden and forced to be slaves in the hidden and they do not see it yet, just as I did not see it about my entire life I was 100% a hidden slave. Add to that, that the English royal family has recently made a defense pact with I believe Sweden and Finland, which is a huge hidden attack on the EU, by trying to show that the EU is nothing and is not capable to defend any one, whereby the EU was founded because of the most destructive greed of the English royal families and their hidden American relatives such as the Rockefeller families that love to control others enable they can steal them blindly, which you can see that in that they in the hidden control far more than 60% possibly over 80% of the fossil fuel worldwide including Saudi Arabia ARAMCO, Chevron including ex-Texaco, Exxon alias called Esso, Dutch Shell, BP-British petroleum, and countless others they are all controlled by one family that are split in many other families that are all trying to hide the fact that they all are originated of the English royal families including but not limited to the current Russian controlling families = a huge paradox because they are on both side and are fighting each other’s as mean to hide their relations to among others also hide their illegal and most destructive worldwide fossil fuel monopoly, first I discovered this strategy by my fake family and then and slowly I started to discover it by others such as the Rockefeller families and now it is just as I am describing it = paradoxes explained!
Most of the above is a hidden public knowledge that I will prove it is real!
All of the above is just a few of the paradoxes in my complaint pages and in our all lives that all together confuses the lives out of people in every single country worldwide from Russia to China to Saudi Arabia to Israel to USA and all of the European country’s African countries and the countries in and around the Americas.
However, when a person takes time to analyze the problems and research the reasons for the problems, then will come to the findings that are described within my complained pages because they are all hidden facts, yet no one has the time or interest to do that, neither did I, yet I was forced to be totally isolated and live between jails, prisons and refugee camp in between USA, Netherlands and German from 1999 and until May 2012, during which I discovered most of these problems, because I was forced to not have anything to do except being locked up and the only thing I can do is try to understand why am I in this position(?), and the rest I discovered gradually while working on my complaint pages since 1 March 2016 and until current in May 2022.
Actually and originally I just discovered that my family are my kidnappers and not my biological family, and then one thing led to another, because I was trying to analyze and research the lives of members of my fake family as well as other people who done me wrong to find a link or anything that can point me to my own biological parents, then and accidently or better said I landed in all these problems as if I am looking in a hidden book that contains some of the most hidden and protected secrets of our all lives, and therewith I cannot keep them for myself, in matter of fact I see it as my duty as a human being to warn others about these findings and others meaning any human being old, young, male, female, white, black, Asian or African, Christian or Muslim, Jewish or Hindu, because at the begin and at the end we are all human beings and have countless things in common, such as earth, air, intelligence, desire, feelings, troubles that over whelm most of us in every inch on this earth either from other human that are mainly controlling families, meaning they proclaimed their selves as controlling families or through their doings we have a huge bad situations from environment damages that make the life for millions of people to literally hell to countless corruption that lead to many disfunctions and even disjunctions within our lives that often leads to very harmful situations and within this page I mentioning some of them.
Since I mentioned Ukraine and preventing others to Join the EU, let me tell you what started me to discover this which build an undeniable pattern of someone trying to destruct the EU-European Union, but it is not going to happen, because and from my point of view the EU is the absolute only good thing for the entire world, even though some EU members are also performing harm on their own population, or on the EU or in Africa or in South America or in the Middle East, yet all that is going to change through among others the EU itself(!):
1. In late summer 1972 I was separated of my at that time girlfriend that later became my official wife and then I discovered that she had telepathy and I was her slave or better said I was her assignment and all she had to do is isolate me by all means of any friendship, which she did, what is odd in this situation is that I was separated of her immediately after the terrorist attack on the Munich Olympics where some PLO members took the Israeli sport’s team as hostages to allegedly use them as blackmail to free their friends from prison and other demands, yet this situation and normally has nothing to do with me. Yet because my fake family as mentioned elsewhere set me up to look like as if I am highly connected to the PLO and also set me up to look like as if I am related to other very large international crimes that are mentioned also, elsewhere, and since in March 1970 they took me to the American military base called McGraw Kaserne pretending to be investigating me without me noticing, but in reality they were totally isolating me from my past and placing me in an area that no one will dare to come close to me, which is the military base surrounded by over 1000 American soldiers and their families and since this was in Munich, Germany and nothing came out of this alleged fake investigation, the German authorities tried several times to get me into their own controlled environment because they had a lot of damages through terrorism and especially through the PLO, then I discovered that the boss and founder of the PLO called Yasser Arafat was nothing else that a CIA/MI6 agent or even Mossad agent that had the goal to keep Palestinian in check mate status to not allow them to build their own revolutionary organization and therewith the Israeli kept on getting more sympathies of the international community because the PLO was killing many of them and also performing countless terrorist attacks in the UK, France, Germany and other countries even in South America and they were the number one terrorist group in the world and also the longest lasting terrorist groups from begin of 1960s to begin of 1990s and that alone shows you that they were 100% protected by Americans and British and above all by Israelis that benefited enormously through Yasser Arafat most destructive actions , first they do not have to make peace with Palestinians because everyone in the world felt the terrorist attack in at least a nearby country if not in their own country which psychologically builds an internal hate over Palestinians and sympathy to the Jewish community because they mix Jewish with Israeli government because Israeli government is a Jewish government, yet the Israeli government is and this from my point of view 100% anti-Jewish and anti-humanity because they are working only for the interest of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families. Today I differentiate between Jewish and Israeli government because I want to be objective. Also, and most important and through Yasser Arafat Israel took the liberty to steal much of the Palestinian land, that today the Palestinians have less than 10% of their original land of 1967 as well as their land are divided in parts that are far of each other’s and separated by the lands that Israel stole of them, just as the English royal family did with India that was split in at least 3 countries, which are India + West Pakistan and East Pakistan that later became Bangladesh, and there was and still is around 1,600 KM distance between East Pakistan and West Pakistan alias currently is Bangladesh and the same with Gaza strip and West Jordan, both are Palestine and have the distance of roughly 100 km between the 2 Palestinian sections that possibly they will try to separate them by creating some division factor to make them 2 different small countries that are easy to control and therewith weaken them as they also did to India, Germany, Yemen, Vietnam, Korea and many others = a pattern, while the International community kept quiet about it because Yasser Arafat did his job which is make a bad name for Palestinian and Muslims and a good name for Israelis or Jewish in general in that he killed an unknown to me amount of human beings and most of them were 100% Jewish and that is a prove that the Israeli government is anti-Jewish and does not value the lives of any human being including the lives of their fellow Jewish people and that is more than sad it is not good, and once I discovered that I realized that sacrificing yourself for others is nothing but a brainwash and to force others to do whatever is possible to protect them, by killing countless innocent people including their own = Israeli government killing their own Jewish people through their agent Yasser Arafat (!). That was a long point, but as you see one thing lead to another hidden fact, and since they set me up to look like as if I am related to PLO and Yasser Arafat, then some Mossad agents were also persecuting me because I am allegedly related to top PLO officials and there with I am also a potential terrorist myself, which was 100% not true and that is why they separated me of my girlfriend Anita Disbray after the Munich Olympic terrorist attack to get me in to a German controlled environment to finally get to the bottom of the alleged terrorism through PLO related to me and their allies such as RAF-Red Army Fraction, at the end I was separated of the German controlled environment by force of telepathy as mentioned elsewhere, in that first the German set me up to have a new girlfriend that I get to know in a two days staying at the Schwabinger hospital in Munich based on a forced upon me also with telepathy fake suicide, and then I get to know this nurse that today I have absolutely no doubt what so ever in my mind that she was a German agent set on me by the Germans, and I totally fell in love with her because she was something that I did not see before, and I did not see before because I was always isolated. After roughly 2 weeks relation with her, where I really fell in love with her, and that was among others her goal, but also she was a very lively and lovely young lady and totally the opposite of the mentally sick and dangerous whore and CIA/MI6 agent Anita Disbray that hardly talked to me, yet and one day and after we went on a dinner date, me and this nurse agent that I forgot her name, and suddenly and for absolutely no reason what soever I started to cry and she asked me why and I said I am missing my ex-girlfriend Anita Disbray and she tried to talk to me but was not possible then she left me sitting in the subway station and I never saw her after that, then I was re-enslaved again under the control of the whore Anita Disbray, where then they forced me to get married to her in end of 1972 or begin 1973 in Munich until she left my life, see continuation in the next terrorist attack in the point below
2. In September 1977 my ex-girlfriend Anita Disbray alias my current wife since end of 1972 or begin of 1973, came home from work very late and in the car of some unknown to me man, and said to me, I am leaving you, which is a severe brainwash to force my mind to be under pressure enable they can use it as mentioned below, she packed a bag or two and left within 15 minutes, which shows that she had already prepared for that a couple of days earlier and I did not even notice. Since she had telepathy and controlled my mind with it as mean of isolation, my mind get used to it, and when she left I totally did not understand what happened and went almost mad, yet by now and since April 1976 I am now a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim 20 km north of Munich, Germany and my new church friends covered up for that by keeping me unusual busy with all kind of activities, if they did not do that I most definitely would have went crazy because I was not able to understand what happened. While they did not do that to help me but rather to cover up for her telepathy capabilities and my inability to think or know what to do, because she controlled my mind with telepathy for the last 7 years = another paradox, because the question here is: is the church with me or with her (???). And here too it was planned to separate me of this Anita Disbray because of a terrorist attack, and the German authorities went mad and were trying desperately to find a solution, which I totally understand today, because some German (!!??) terrorist group related to PLO kidnapped one of the most important economy persons in Germany named Hans Martin Schleyer on 5 September 1977 (, we were separated on roughly 20 September, Mr. Schleyer was the president of the German Employers association, which is all major business in Germany from large to medium to small, and he was most definitely pro unifying Europe Businesses to help them get free of the totally suppressed economy through USA + UK + their allies that controlled Germany since 1945. And since they suspected me big time to be highly connected to the PLO, they want to solve this problem of PLO and terrorism once and for all. The terrorist were called RAF-Red Army Fraction pointing to the ex-Soviet Union that was famous to allegedly support these kind of groups, yet today I know it was 100% financed by one of the following: CIA, MI6 or Mossad, or all three of them, and each had a reason why, mainly to suppress the German economy to help their own economy to shine more than the German economy, while Mossad pretend to be revenging on Germany due to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis killed 5 Million Jewish. Any way me being a member of the church it was very easy for the German authorities to come close to me, they can place as many agents as they want as my new friends from the church and I would never notice, yet there is only one problem in this situations, my fake family had several hidden escaped Nazi within them that pretend to be related to Jordanian in Amman, Jordan since ages other pretended to be related to Egyptians in Cairo since ages, which very much means that the families of these hidden escaped Nazis would never allow anyone to come close enough to me to force me to understand my past as I understand it today 45 years later. As you see it is very clear that there was a pattern to persecute me as if I am an alleged highly connected to PLO and therewith also to other terrorist organizations that works with them such as RAF-Red Army Fraction and IRA-Irish Republic Army.
3. In 1973 Saudi Arabia pretended to be threatening the western world of cutting their petroleum supply, (Note: I cannot remember any more if it was a threat or they really cut it off the petroleum for a while) as a result of this very destructive threat, just like the one of Russia in 2022 and USA through Donald Trump around 2018 or maybe the Saudi actually cut the Oil of Germany and Germany was suddenly suffering of severe shortage of petroleum which led them to minimize the traffic by law, and as far as I recall daily after 20:00 hours and whole day on Saturday and Sunday and Holiday no one is allowed to travel on the highway unless he/she can prove it is essential such as going to work or transporting goods for the public, and that damaged the German economy very dramatically, because people are not going on weekend holiday, visiting their relatives and friends or just going out to the Zoo or other entertainments or even go shopping = severe damage to the economy. Today I know that Saudi Arabia is 100% established as we know it today by the English royal families and their American relatives the Rockefeller families to hide their huge petroleum empire of the American government that broke their company Standard Oil to over 30 companies to minimize their power that they were using to control most of states local government as well as US Federal government itself, the founder of this company called John F. Rockefeller and to my knowledge was not only the richest man in USA but also in the world and for the longest period ever, today the Rockefeller families would do anything and go over countless dead bodies to stay as the most powerful and richest families in the world along with all their hidden relatives such as the English royal families, the ex-German royal families, and the ex-Russian royal families and many others also in Saudi Arabia, Jordan , Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Iraq, Nigeria and other countries and wherever they have a long term businesses, you will find them using the same pattern of terrorism to control the country they are in while pretending to be innocent and anti-terrorism, and one of the situations you can easily see during Donald Trump presidency where he get his secretary of State (=foreign minister) that was the CEO of the company Exxon named Rex Tillerson ( and fired him after one year which is a very strong pattern, first to show as if Donald Trump is in control and not a hidden slave controlled by telepathy as I was, and also to show as if the Rockefeller families alias the owners of among others the company Exxon has nothing to do with the government anymore and is not related to anyone in the white house, which is not true the white house administration consist of various hidden brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and cousins originated from one of the countless hidden families of the Rockefeller families and the English royal families, and Donald Trump did countless things that benefit mainly these two group of people, from lowering the taxes from 35% to 20% of all major companies that are often owned by these two families to boycotting Russia because they were building gas pipeline to sell gas to Germany and Europe many other things, which is among others confirmed now, that the EU is literally forced to get at least one third of their fossil fuel out of USA, whereby ex-US president Donald Trump tried hard to do, but did not succeed, yet Joe Biden did succeed, by setting up Russia to invade Ukraine!
All of the above shows 100% that the English royal families that control the UK government and the Rockefeller families that among other control Texas (where I was being kept as slave and hostage of these psychopath), California, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Louisiana and several others, and you can recognize them on the bad laws of these states such as stealing the petroleum of the general public and stealing the freedom of the general public among others by prohibiting abortion very harshly that any one that aids a woman in her way to abortion is punishable by law even the taxi driver, the doctor the owner of the building where it happen as well as the woman that want the abortion, and they say that US has the best Freedom in the world = mass brainwash because most of what is in my complaint pages is a public knowledge on the Internet, I am just discovering some of them and connecting the dots and points between them and adding them to my complaint pages because they are 100% directly or indirectly related to my life, related to kidnapping me 3 times in my life, related to keeping me slave by law of these vicious countries that is forcing me to be locked up for ever in my own complaint pages to find my biological parents get justice, get free of these psychopath that are persecuting me as long as I can remember since they caused me a total Amnesia in 1960 to not remember where I came from. This is not only negatively affecting my own life but also it is affecting very destructively countless lives of every human being on this earth!
Since I mentioned abortion, here is another paradox. Sometimes in 1982 or 1983, I cannot recall exactly, my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka get pregnant of me, and 100% I was forced with telepathy to let her get an abortion, which she did, today in 2022, and even I was 100% forced with telepathy to make her get an abortion, which was legal in Germany at that time, you just have to speak about it with doctor and social worker to see if there is another solution, yet and today it is one of my biggest life mistakes, because I loved that woman and I still love her, this is what people like that do to their relatives and friends to not allow them to have roots in the country they are in because they have plan for them and then claim that God planned all this for me and for every human being, which is one of the most vicious and the nastiest lie ever, because God and as I discovered him, not through the Quran, or Bible but rather through his creation and his countless gifts to us, among others intelligence that was designed to help us understand enable we can make our own appropriate plans that are suitable for us and not suitable for them that I am complaining about. If I want to list all the gifts that God gave me, then I will need much more pages than my complaint pages, because I did not even discover all of them I am discovering some of them on a daily basis, and best of all, he did not give them only to me, but he gave them equally to every single human being in this universe, which shows how just he is, but also how generous he/she is, yet in the eyes of these psychotic families such as my fake families, English royal families and the Rockefeller families and many other families, God must be communist because he treat everyone equally and in this case they have to persecute him and eliminate him (!!), because he gives everyone the same gifts, and there is a reason why he does that, because he want us to get along, and that is why he give everyone the same as all the others = top intelligence, actually top intelligence under stated, I have no words in my vocabulary to describe him as he really is except he is much better than we can ever imagine, but if we take the time to look at his gifts to us, and his entire creation, then we will start to understand, and then we will most definitely see why we should not kill each other’s because we were created to help each other’s and not to serve the rich and powerful psychotics who would go over dead bodies to enrich their selves and then would tell you, I am doing it for you because I am patriot, take patriotism and stick it up your high shelf so you cannot reach for it again, because I am not patriot, neither I am loyal to any one single country or even one single human beings, because I am loyal to humanity, PERIOD, and my complaint pages is my witness, and that is why I stopped hating human beings, and if I ever say I hate something then it will be make up that women use, killing or hurting others, even though many trying to hurt me on a daily basis in all kind of destructive schemes even today in May 2022, then all I HAVE TO SAY: God help them see life as it is in reality, but God does not help anyone because he gave us all the same freedom and if he would help me against someone else then he would be breaking the freedom of those who are persecuting me and that he would never do, because he gave us intelligence and have all the time of the world to see us develop slowly but surely into the right peaceful intelligent direction!
That was my explanation of Paradoxes through my complaint pages and through our all lives!
Who and from where are really the members of the English royal family and here I am showing their best?
Today I strongly believe that the earth was used to banish top dangerous criminals from several other planets, and that would explain countless things and here some of them, and at the end I will show you the most positive thing that the English royal families have ever done for other follow human beings on this earth!
Earth was used and still is being used by other planets to banish undesired people because and among others of the followings:
1. If I am right and that other planets banish criminals to the earth, then this would say a lot about their societies, among others that they do not kill other human beings by execution such as Saudi Arabian do by cutting the heads off with a sword to show as if this is the tradition in Saudi Araba since over 1440 years = mass brainwash strategy that they use in different sectors of their lives, which is a lie, because Saudi Arabi did not exist 200 years ago as explained below with strong proves. But also, USA the alleged biggest freedom and best democracy in the world kill people by hanging, by poisoning and by other means that they call humane, but I call it killing is killing, no matter what method you use, the only humane thing a country can ever do is not to kill other human beings, but rather isolate them as if they are guests from other country for a re-education to show them the value of any human beings because execution as they do in Saudi Arabia or in USA is eliminating life and that I call barbaric, and this is an additional reason why I love Europe, because they love life and try as much as they can to preserve it and I really admire them for that. To be fair many countries or even most countries in the world use execution to kill their prisoners because they are stupid and lazy to try to help the criminals to adjust to a social human being. In short, many countries and people and families and organizations and religions always find more than one reason to kill another human being by using this or that method and none of them try to help the criminal to be not criminal but rather a useful member of society that has experience in the crime world and therewith is more capable to stop it(!). and therewith I also admire the other planets that find ways not to kill a criminal, see next point
2. Because the other planets are much more advanced than us technologically, otherwise they would not be able to land on earth hundreds or even thousands of years ago, but also they are far ahead of us in their social life, in that they banished their criminal to earth, where at the begin I thought that is very cruel of them because they are much ahead of us and more knowledgeable than us, and exactly that is why they did it, from their point of view it is a win/win situation and I agree and this is why: crime you can find everywhere in life by poor as well by rich, in matter of fact most criminals use their advanced knowledge to gain money and power through crimes and that is valid also on other planets, yet when you mix people who are knowledge wise much ahead of others maybe by thousands of years, then the crime at the begin does not change, yet the knowledge will spell over from the knowledgeable to the unknowledgeable, meaning they really are helping the earth population while simultaneously helping the criminals by giving them the chance to be what they want to be, which is kings of the world, and there with both the human on earth and the human from other planets are gaining to their advantages, and slowly but surely our world is changing to the better, yet we still have a long road ahead of us to see why we were brought to life with intelligence to learn and build and above all learn of our all best teacher, which is God that is teaching us on a daily basis through his gift of intelligent that help us understand his creation imitate it and build upon it and that is very generous.
3. That would explain the technological explosion of our life that is going forward yet and vey unfortunately very slow due to slavery that prevent us to be free to think. This Technological explosion you can see in many sections of our history, such as inventing a language to be able to communicate, then writing to allow a better and easier ways to communicate by mass amount of other human beings, then inventing the printing machine that made it possible to print hundreds of books if not thousands in one given day and in the old day they used to copy a book manually maybe one book in one month, then inventing the computer that allowed many things not only exchange information but also process it much quicker than before for the service of other human beings, meaning our technologies are better to other human beings than we human are treating other human being miserably by killing them such as Russia is doing now in Ukraine and USA prior to that among others also in Iraq and many others, and other human are doing in other countries the same by using other methods and other strategies, and last but definitely not only not least but also yet for the unknown to come sometimes in the future, we have internet as replacement for our stolen telepathy, that criminals circumcised at or before birth to force us to slavery and we will never notice it, for example me, until some unknown forced me to recognize telepathy as I am describing it here because it is my duty because I love human beings even though I was hurt very badly by some of them, never the less we are all human and make mistakes and some mistakes are little bigger than others and some mistakes are much bigger than other, never the less they are mistakes!
4. Earth is used to banish psychotic criminals to earth is also the reason why we have white skin, black skin, brown skin, tall persons, short persons, Chinese, native Americans, Asian Indians, native south, Americans, and even Eskimos also called Inuit Circumpolar or better said natives to some north pole areas such as Northeast Russia, Alaska, Iceland and others (!). if you think I am nuts because of these findings, then be my guest and believe that there was once upon a time a man called Adam and a woman called Eve, and Eve seduced Adam and God saw that and kicked them out of heaven and into the earth as punishment, yet I never saw God punish any one, and above all it is medically and physically and biologically impossible that one man and his woman gave birth to black skinned, white skinned, brown skinned, blond haired, black haired, red haired, European style human beings, East Asian human beings such as Chinese, Indians, Philippine or South American and so on, medically it is absolutely impossible. Also it is impossible that the region such as strong sun influence the look of a human beings, such as many liar scientist claim that Black Skinned people are made because Africa is hotter than other world regions and their alleged black skin can withstand the sun better which is just like the lie of the 1980s that the sickness AIDS came allegedly from monkey to Africans and then to the rest of the world or that homosexual caused AIDS and the lies are much more, then and if this is true then why no white or brown skinned people turn to black when they relocate to Africa or because the climate is possibly disturbed and is getting hotter and hotter and I do not see the evolution of changing the skin color(!!) , but my intelligent tells me that we have other people banished from other planets to earth and possibly each planet selected a region to place their banished person and as a result we have Chinese and Japanese looking people that have slightly different look than other human being, but it is a distinctive look that comes only through inheritance of family with the same distinctive look, and that is the truth about our live that are full of lies to distract us of the truth that we are not alone in this universe
I think the above give a very good idea, but there are a lot more that you have to discover for yourself because that is how God intended it to be and we were prevented to use our intelligence to not recognize hidden crimes as they are described within my complaint pages.
Here is another major hidden crime about the reason why some group of people want to prevent abortion:
1. Many of the people I am complaining about rape other women to hide their children, and when I say rape and from their point of view it is not rape it is their right as Gods on earth, which are the many persons with telepathy they have sex with the opposite sex, meaning not only women are raped by men, but also men are often raped by women, such as they did to me and then I discovered a pattern of using women with telepathy to enslave other men such as they did to me, to Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Donald Trump and many other I did not look at. I just looked at these people because I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in 1986 during Ronald Reagan as president of USA and George H. W. Bush as his vice president that was in 1976 as director of the CIA during that time, I was set up to become Christian enable to blame my fake family that pretend to be Muslim in the Middle East, yet I also discovered the photo of George H. W. Bush with his wife and children and another photo at another time also with his wife and children, yet this photo was another woman and not his real wife and this woman look identical like Pastor Herbert Lange that taught me Christianity and baptized me on Easter Sunday of 1976, where one of the at least two identical persons that pretended to be my brother was not only present in this ceremony of peptizing me, which was on a long Easter weekend trip with over 50 members of the church and my fake brother and his alleged Turkish Muslim wife and since one of these 2 persons that exchanged places as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick naggar was 100% CIA and or MI6 agent and I never noticed because at least one of them had telepathy, and all together shows clearly that the Bush family were the cause for kidnapping me from Germany in September 1986 but also they were the ones that came with the Idea to set me up to become Christian in 1976. Whereby there is one thing to note here that is not very clear to me until today, which is the woman in the photo that was posing as if she is the wife of George H. W. Bush and had a face 100% identical to the pastor Herbert Lange from Germany, could be Herbert Lange himself, could be his sister, could be distant cousin from USA or elsewhere, yet and however I turn it Pastor Herbert Lange is 100% at least related to this woman or person that was posing as the wife of ex-US president George H. W. Bush(!). This is also explained more in this page. However and back to the original subject of persons with telepathy hide their children with other women and men to cover up for several things such as the telepathy heritage of any person, but also that a person is a member of a certain family and is today either one of the richest men in the world or even the richest, which point to monopoly over possibilities of money making businesses reserved for certain people only, but also this person is hiding his family because he or she is a member of the government such as a governor or a president or a minister (in USA is called secretary of something that can be State finance or other sectors). In other words thousands of families all over USA do this to hide their relation to the mayor, attorney general, Governor, president = controlling the government for own benefits = cheat = steal tax payers money and rights and to do all that they have to make women pregnant, with or without her knowledge, meaning they can use telepathy to knock a woman’s brain only unconscious, but not body, then the woman get pregnant and does not know it yet, and when she find herself pregnant then she thinks it is of her boyfriend or her husband and cannot recall that she had sex with this person that knock her unconscious, which is a crime because it is a hidden rape, or the woman maybe had unwanted sex with her father, or brother and think she is pregnant of them because she cannot remember having sex with that man, and that man does not want her to have an abortion and will prevent that by any mean possible even if he has to go through the trouble of forcing many other persons without telepathy to want to stop abortion and make it out lawed and then blame it on them, because this person has raped maybe 200 women in this manner and his other relatives did something similar in the same city, or village, in matter of fact any one with influence can check this easily in some villages, where there is a man with telepathy, then and most definitely most children in this village are his children being raised by fake parents and the official parents do not know that = a hidden mass crime/I did not invent this concept or strategy, I just discovered it by me and by some others close to me, which led me to recognize it as a pattern.
The above one point I should have split it in several points and that was my intention, but I get carried away writing and it became one point because everything is connected.
All in all, the above is the main point why these bad states in USA have slavery laws such as Texas, USA, whereby Texas is through and through petroleum state, where you can find every major petroleum company of the world here, including but not limited to Exxon, Chevron, Aramco, BP-British Petroleum, Shell and alone these 5 companies are owned by the same family or better said the English royal families with all their branches and own them directly or indirectly I had to deal with these and other petroleum related companies and organization while I was living by force in Houston, Texas for 10 years by kidnapping me from Germany in September 1986 forcing me to live in Bridgeport and Fairfield, Connecticut for 4 years and then forced me to relocate to Houston in a very bizarre way and circumstances!
I get far away of my original objective of showing the best thing that the English royal family has ever done for humanity on this earth, which is they were banished to earth with knowledge of a society that is possibly thousands of years ahead of us.
And this knowledge actually helped us to come technologically so far and where we are now in the year 2022, this knowledge, and here I am writing my educated guess, they often placed in the mind of their slave scientist such as a weapon that is sharp and can cut the head of a human being with one hit, or a weapon that can fire an arrow with a bow or more meters ahead and kill a human being or a weapon that can shoot much further than a bow and arrow by having small tiny objects such as a small metal balls that I can carry many of them in my pocket, which are called today bullets and even some description of the rifle that was invented before the gun and with bullets that were small metal balls and any one can place 20 of them in one pocket or even much more in a bag on the side of the human waste.
Why do they use scientists and not develop things their selves?
Because they are lazy and like to think of their selves as Gods that have to be served by persons that cannot even notice that they can control them with telepathy as I control my computer or a puppet!
In the above I mentioned mainly weapons because I strongly believe that this was the first thing, they did to have a killing capability to scare the others, which they are using the same strategy today in the year 2022
I strongly believe they used the same strategy by other products such as clothing, tools, household tools and so on. And you can see how they exploded with technology and manufacturing in the time of Queen Victoria (she was also the grandmother of King George VI ( and of emperor of Germany name Kaiser Wilhelm (,_German_Emperor) and emperor of Russia ( in the begin to the mid of the year 1800, where France and Germany heavily competed with them, yet the fact remain that the UK invented the first computer in the world ( yet the most famous computers in the world are in USA and this since 1930s because The English royal families control much but not all of USA, or better said each major country in the world control a part of USA that can be a city, a state or a certain sector such as computer sectors or entertainment through among others Hollywood, for example and to my knowledge the Germans control many parts of Pennsylvania, such as where the Amish lives that are originated from the ex-German empire or even prior to that (, Chinese control many of the Gastronomy and self-service cheap all you can eat restaurant for example as I was in Houston in 1999 by many Chinese restaurant you can have all you can eat for 5-8 US Dollar and so on.
And that and based on my current knowledge is the best thing that the English royalties ever did for us human beings on earth, yet they did not intend to do that, it came out of their head based on their knowledge and needs for the one thing or another or even out of boredom as Gods sitting around doing nothing but letting others serving them and when they have nothing to do because they do not work because they think of their selves as Gods, they just kill times by placing their thoughts in other people’s mind, very unfortunately I was not that lucky, I just received the very destructive thoughts, but these destructive thoughts that was forced upon me are possibly your life savers.
Back to the people from other planets that banish their dangerous criminals to earth, everything I discovered so far point to that these people from other planets knew that these psychopaths will help the native earthlings because they have knowledge hundreds or even thousands of years ahead of us and the people who banished them knew that they had more capabilities to use their intelligence than us, because they are more fair than us and see God much better than us, and are more free than us, yet God remain as our all best teacher because he also can see the future better than any human on earth or from other plants and here is a prove that anyone can verify: I was most of my life in trouble, and as I was told that I am Muslim from 1960 and until I became Christian I always prayed silently while I am in bed and before I go to sleep, until 1976 I used to prey by repeating certain small part of the Quran that I learned in school and ask God for help, but he never helped me and I never saw any improvement of my situations and after 1976 I started to prey as Christian to ask God for help and say the prayer that is suggested but not mandatory or enforced by the bible or by Christian, which is called the same as the first verse of the prayer “our father in heaven” today I still pray to God to help me and say the same prayer that I learned from the Bible, yet God never helped me, at least not the way I asked for, until I recognized the reason why he does not help me, it is because he gave us one of the best gifts any one can ever hope for, which is freedom to do what we want and what we think it is the best for us, the question here is how do we know what is the best for us, and the only answer I was able to find, is that we do not know unless we learn directly of him by trying to take some time off not much, just enough to look at his creation and at us, and within it and what it does mean for us and what would we do if it was not here, which is simple to answer if we do not read God’s creation in relation to ourselves then this is what is going to happened: Nothing, we remain as we are and will not evolve to be closer to him because understanding his creation in relation to us or to ourselves is the meaning of life, and is what life is all about, it is why we are born, if I write any more detail, then it could sound as if I am dictating you what to do, which I am not, I am merely suggesting and pointing to the direction that I strongly believe is the only right one until someone else discover something better, I believe the best discovery that anyone has ever made so far is the catholic church and written it in form of the New Testament in relation to the Old testament, because they are describing telepathy in much more efficient way than I can ever do, and that is easy to explain, they are many writers representing many discoveries and I am one with only my own discoveries that are not really new because the Catholic church discovered it much earlier than when I was born, and I was, just like everyone else, born with intelligence but without knowledge and based on my falsified documents/identification I was born in October 1952 and the new Testament allegedly was written 1750 years before my birth, yet I do not believe that it was written so long ago, I strongly believe that the new Testament was written sometimes one thousand years after what they claimed to have been written in the year 200. Meaning it was written sometimes after the year 1200 and very possibly after the year 1400. Among others because there was no copycat of the catholic church between the year 200 (the alleged official year that it was collected) and the year 1450 and that it has something to do with the printing machine and being able to reproduce pages in mass amount and within one day instead of years, because the first Bible that was printed was around 1450 and the first time that the catholic church had copycat religion made by people calling their self-Christians by dividing Christianity into over 45,000 denominations (between the year 1450 and current in the year 2022), yet the new testament is saying it clearly to not divide but rather gather people and Christianity is more divided possibly than any other religion, possibly even more divided than Hinduism, which is telling me that someone did not like the idea of printing the new testament because it had a brief (roughly 350 pages) but details information over telepathy control and a very efficient description I may add, therefore I strongly believe that they had the so called crusade wars between Christians in Europe and not between European Christians and Muslims in Palestine and surrounding areas that absolutely did not exist at that time, which is from my point pf view and based on my today’s knowledge another big lie and falsification of history!
Back to God and that he gave us Freedom to do what we want that is good for us, yet most of us cannot do that, however controlling families such as the English royal families and the Rockefeller families can do that by killing others and stealing their properties, land or natural resource as they repeatedly did to me and to billions of other human beings, and if God would help me against these psychopaths, then he will be revoking the freedom that he also gave them because he helped me against them and prevented them to continue to use their God given freedom to do what they want and therefore God does not help anyone at any time what so ever because he loves freedom and he already did help me and all of us in that he gave us freedom and the intelligence to know what to do with this freedom, and the price of this freedom, is that some people are born into slavery and die as slaves because they never were allowed to be free because other greedy and psychotic human being used their freedom to steal everything they had including their freedom that God gave them. Even though God does not plan for us what to do in our lives and leave it to us to plan and many of us will never have the opportunity even to discover what planning is, such as myself because I was literally kept as slave, yet God knows what is going to happen and that eventually everything is going to be good and at the end, and I have countless proves for that here is one for you that everyone can verify: in the old days the king’s family would force farmers, which was the most spread profession, and possibly to 90% of the population were farmers, and they were forced to pay heavy taxes that the king’s family used to live lavishly while hiring many soldiers with these taxes that would help them collect more taxes to build a bigger castles and bigger army to collect more taxes and to enrich their selves and be able to live in large castle with countless people serving them in all kind of duties from giving them a bath to cleaning them or their cloths to cleaning their properties and animals to dress nice for them and be a good slave that follows order that they cannot refuse because the king’s family had telepathy and can control them and force them to do anything they want and therewith in their copycat religions they are describing their selves and not the real God because they do not believe in God, and how can they, if they forgot what they have done which is circumcise the brain by disabling telepathy by other human beings to use them as slaves. On the other side and today no country including kingdoms can survive without taxes that started by the greed and laziness of the king’s family, and today most tax payers money is really used for the general public at least in the EU-European Union, and I am sure that in many other countries is the same except in USA the tax payers money is stolen in USA far more than the worldwide average, which is also explained in other areas of my complaint pages, I am sure also in the EU-European Union tax payers money is sometimes stolen with all kind of tricks and strategies, yet all in all and the majority of it is going to the entire country and for the benefits of every one, which I cannot say the same for USA and the UK, and that is why they literally hate the EU-European Union because they do not want that others learn of them. Which means and today we thank the greed of the old king’s families that came up with the idea of taxes to enrich their selves, because today no country can live without taxes except crock countries such as the so-called Arab Petroleum countries in Asia. And God knew all that in advance, he did not plan it but he foreseen it, because he is the founder of intelligence that we still are trying to learn it by imitating it and creating AI-Artificial intelligence that we would not be able to do if the British did not invent the computer and that too God Knew a head of time and the prove for that is that I today also know it and this because no one can ever be better than God and if I discover something for myself then I am more than sure that many have discovered it prior to me but thousands of years after God has foreseen it and that is another reason why he does not help anyone because he already did and I love him for that, even though I lost everything that meant anything to me and this over and over and over again even today in 2022 because some nasty psychopaths are often revenging on me because of my complaint pages and causing me to lose hundreds and sometimes even thousands of Euros every single year, and I really do not care, because I do not see myself as important, because I was not able to fulfil my own planning and dreams, such as never to leave Germany or to leave my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka or to leave the city where I became Christian and therewith not to leave the church where I was set up to become Christian enable they can have a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam, while they are anything but not Muslim, or my ambition to develop multilingual databases and multilingual AI-Artificial Intelligence and all this was still in Germany and prior to that the BP-British Petroleum re-brainwashed me and enslaved me under the control of their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, and my last two professional dreams as I was still in Houston, Texas and was not able to accomplish them because I was severely persecuted, which was staring 1996/1997 is to build a community of businesses that consist of small local businesses and give them a chance to go internationally, something similar to and and many others with one main difference is that I was looking of none good functioning businesses and wanted to help them to function because I saw so many of them in USA, in matter of fact there are countless and huge amount of businesses that go bankrupt within the first 3-6 months after starting a new business, because they did not have enough knowledge to start a business. And the second professional dream of mine during the same period was to create an educational computerized system that simultaneously is advertising for other companies while teaching people possibilities that they do not see and it is within their own reach, and this I wanted to accomplish by creating a network of gastronomy businesses (restaurant, cafés, bars and the alike) by placing an interactive large screen that sometimes shows instructional material to improve own profession and other time to connect this bar, restaurant or the alike to another one in another town or even another country where people then can communicate together and exchange knowledge while getting to know new people through this screen, where each table has something like a remote control and with it they can send message to the people they see on the screen, Even though I had this idea in around 1997 in Houston, Texas, yet I get this idea from Munich, Germany from 1970s, where they had a famous restaurant bar on Dachauer Street in Munich, Germany, near the city center, where people go there mainly to get to know other people, which replaces the idea of searching for a partner through some businesses that sell partners relation info, where in this restaurant each table had a telephone and a sign with the number of this telephone which was also the table number, usually 2 digits, and any other table can call this telephone, for example I am sitting on a table numbered 11, and see a lady that I am attracted to and she is sitting on table 27, so I pick up the phone and dial 27 and she answer and I start talking and if she likes me she stays on the line or we join each other’s on one table otherwise one of us says goodbye and hangs up the phone. Therewith I combined the old experience of 1970s with new experience of computers and long distance communications and entertainment through going to a restaurant and teaching and learning and get together and meet new friends even in other cities and countries, and all this because I loved people and saw so many of them isolated and lonely and above all unknowledgeable almost to illiteracy level and so I was also isolated and lonely until I was setup to become Christian and as a part of separating me of the church Siemens AG used some of their employees to distract me by force sometimes force of telepathy and other times force of brainwash during which they were taking me to all kind none Arabic and none German restaurants and bars such Sultana = Indian/Iranian, or a bar called Loch Ness = Irish, or Mifune = Japanese owned by the famous Japanese actor called Toshiro Mifune, or Greek restaurant and so on, which all was new to me and distracted me by force to stay away from the church and I fell for it yet I saw also in the church many that were lonely and the pastor was trying hard to keep them busy socializing by inventing all kind of events to get people together, which impressed me so much that stayed in my mind that over 20 years later I was trying to replicate it but using new technologies and new strategies, which was used against me and now I am here complaining and writing about it, and that too God has foreseen because no one is ever better than God or even close to be equal to his capabilities, and once you see his creation as I see it, which is as it is in reality, then You will understand it the same way, because that is God that everyone receive the same thing and with the same amount, maybe he is a communist, and if this is true, then he is definitely the good communist that like to share equally because he see everyone the same way because he created us all. That is why he has real intelligence, and we have created AI-Artificial intelligence, and we think that we have real intelligence, but if we really did have real intelligence then every single human beings of us would be busy today in building something by imitating what God has built, but we are not doing that because the majority of us are enslaved and our intelligence is 100% suppressed to prevent us to see how the life in reality is, slavery, period.
These are facts of our lives that everyone can verify over the Internet, I am just gathering them together and connecting the dots/points between them. They will most definitely help you to better understand this conclusion page but also these points will help you to better understand the rest of my complaint pages and our entire current state of life with all its severe problems that most of them are nothing else than mass brainwash, such as the invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 by the Russian Federation in one of the most vicious manner that we have seen in the last 75 years directly after the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and the total destruction of Lebanon, Syria, and Palestinian lives, not to forget the Yeminis that have been struggling since 1960s with the same greed of American and British controlling families that are using Saudi Arabia and their so-called allies as a proxy to steal the country Yemen because of its strategic location at the entrance of the Red sea but also because of its very valuable natural resources, whereby, and the mentioned sufferings of the populations of these mentioned countries have suffered much more than Ukraine population, because it has been between 13 to 74 years since their suffering started, yet never ended and they still are severely suffering today in 2022, yet they call them terrorists or militants such as they call Palestinians to cover up for the atrocities that they has performed and still are performing against them today in the year 2022, and their sufferings today have not only been forgotten, but also they never received a compassionate reaction of the Europeans and Americans as Ukraine is getting since 24 February 2022, and still getting today in end of April 2022 and based on the statements of the EU they will continue to get and will get all the necessary financial, technical and social help to rebuild their country and their lives and that is absolutely perfect and great, but also it is absolutely sad that the Afghanis, Iraqis, Irani, Lebanese, Syrians, Yeminis and many other in the African countries see that as a luxury that they can only dream of and have been dreaming of since their vicious wars started some since 1960s such as Yemen, others since 1970 such as Lebanon, other since 1980s such as Iraqis and Iranians and others since 2011 such as Syrians and not to forget the Palestinians since 1948 that their land was 100% stolen by the concentrated evil British and American controlling families to establish the biggest and most vicious military base that the world has ever seen to protect their properties in the Middle East and Africa such as: Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eretria and many others, and that is more than sad it is absolutely disgusting and when I think of the English royal families and the Rockefeller families that are 100% behind all that, then I just want to throw up/vomit right on their heads, because they disgust me with their limited 2 track intelligence = money and power over dead bodies no matter how many dead bodies it is going to be!!!!
One point alone may not show the reality of our lives, yet all the points mentioned below as consideration when reading the rest of this page, shows most definitely a different picture than we were told or taught about our history and current state of life.
I am not inventing something, but rather looking at the facts over the Internet and connecting some of the dots/points, meaning connecting some of the scattered problems that each is often considered as an unique and isolated problem, yet I discovered the pattern that makes these problems neither isolated nor it is unique but rather it is a plan to control as much of our worlds as they can to enrich their selves through natural resources and slavery.
The below points are merely fractions of what I discovered for myself!
I am not religious, even though I have written a lot about religion, and the reason I am writing a lot about many aspects of religions is because they persecuted me in the name of Islam and sometime even in the name Christianity or Judaism, and I am responding to all these fake front scenarios that were used as coverup and to hide the real reasons for persecuting me and with my research and discoveries about some of the religions used against me, I am responding to them while summarizing them for the general public, no more and no less, because other humans were always more important to me than any religion, and this even without me noticing, because I believed in the New Testament of the bible and it went into my logic as such, yet today I am much more conscious about it and that I would never ever prefer a religion over a human beings, because for me all human beings are more holy than anything else I know and this because they have a very big and visible touch of God, which is Freedom that God love so much for himself and gave it also to us as gift and to top it he also gave us intelligence to figure out what to do with this freedom as mentioned elsewhere on this page and other pages of my complaint pages. In short and from my point of view based on facts of our lives, religions are 100% written by human beings’ hands, where the concept of human reproduction, freedom, intelligence and family are 100% created by God, anything else is pure lie!
My apologies because this point became much longer than I planned for, and this due to all the hidden relations to other points and sections and problems in my life and in the lives of billions of other decent human beings. And that is why I added this point.
Important Pre-explanation: Below I am explaining the results of illiteracy yet I strongly believe that there is no shame of being illiterate, because illiteracy and bad education or literacy and good education are 100% caused or manipulated by some controlling families to prevent people to increase their knowledge and therewith also to increase their intelligence and be able to be critical and make their own decisions and one out of many proves is our educational systems, especially in USA, which is one of the worst education systems I have ever seen, yet also other countries have similar problem but not as bad as USA, where they have public school and every one think that is very good and generous of the government to pay for that, but the Tax payers pay for it and the money get stolen because all public schools are bad schools and I saw that myself with my fake son, yet we also have many private schools that are too expensive and have by far much better education than public schools, yet the majority of people cannot afford even the transportation to these schools, on top of that and to add more to the confusion of bad education, we have Catholic schools, Methodist schools, evangelical schools, Jewish schools, Islamic schools, and many other religious schools that are dividing youth since childhood and some of the mentioned have also universities such as the catholic University/School of Architecture and Planning, in Washington D.C. where my fake nephew Ghassan Abokurah went because their own Islamic university in Jordan is not good enough for them even though his father not only registered him in this catholic school but also his father build and owned shares of Islamic education college school in Amman, Jordan and that alone shows that these people are not Muslim, beside there are countless other Islamic universities, such as in Egypt UAE, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey and in many of the ex-soviet union countries that are south of the Russian Federation, this while my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias the hidden brother of king Abdullah of Jordan also went to the catholic/koptish school in Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt named San George, that today I strongly suspect it to be a branch of the San George schools in the UK and he was just transferred from the UK to Cairo, Egypt in 1965/66 and pretended to be my Syrian brother that was allegedly raised by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir in Amman, Jordan from 1954 to 1965/66, where he allegedly attended the Islamic Educational college school of Jordan until he came to Cairo, which today I know it was a lie and there with going to Catholic schools and universities is nothing else than loyalties to their own heritage, which is Catholic Italians, British, American and Orthodox Greek, while placing me in one of the worst public schools in Cairo, Egypt called AL-Tabary school where there was more than 35 to over 40 students per class and these persons pretend to be my family that persecuted me because I allegedly voluntarily became Christian and today I have the prove that this fake family in cooperation with CIA + MI6 and German controlling families alias ex-German royalties alias the real ex-German Nazi families that brought Adolf Hitler to power as distraction of their selves because they planned to mass murder many people that opposed them and ousted them and their king called Kaiser Wilhelm in the year in 1919 (,_German_Emperor) that had to stay in Netherland as a refugee with own castle and these people as revenge of the revolution 1918 they slaughtered many out of them were 5 million Jewish and people followed Adolf Hitler because the majority of them were illiterate and trusted what the government was telling them, just as it is in USA where people trusted Donald Trump and Joe Biden and Russian trusted president Vladimir Putin, and I rusted my family that turned out to be my kidnappers and I also trusted blindly the German government because I loved them, where they sold me out to the evil CIA + MI6 three times in March 1970, in summer of 1976, while keeping me refugee by force of brainwash and slavery from January 1970 and until this point of time in 1976 and again in January 1984, where I was severely brainwashed and enslaved by the BP-British Petroleum and then enslaved on 24.12.1984 and kidnapped from Germany to USA in September 1986, but also I trusted the church more than blindly because I loved them and they betrayed me more than once and to be precise 4 times and all this because they forced me to be nearly illiterate by isolating me and preventing me to learn or socialize with others and this even in Germany from March 1970 and until 1976, this is 7 years of slavery in Germany!
End of Important Pre-explanation
Note: There are 3 kinds of Illiteracy, and I am calling them all illiterate just to make it easy for me to mention them with one word:
1. Persons or people that cannot read and write are illiterate
2. Persons or people that can read and write, but have no idea about the state of their nation or the state of the world or the influence of good and bad politics on the state of their mind, health and entire well beings and therewith they too are illiterate
3. Persons or people that can read and write in one language or even have a lot of knowledge about their own country and maybe even the world, yet they live in another country that speaks different language and they are somehow isolated, do not speak the language of the country they reside and/or they do not mix with natives of the country they live in, such as many Muslims are prohibited by Islam Sunni laws to mix with Christians because they drink alcohol, and they were told not to buy, sell, carry alcohol or socialize with persons that drink alcohol which very much means most of the people and regardless of their religion they drink alcohol. But also most of them they do not read newspapers magazines, books or watch and listen to local radio and TV but rather watch and listen their native country’s radio and TV, and they too are practically illiterate and there are countless millions of them in our world, alone in USA, there is maybe more than 50 million of them, mainly illegal aliens and other blue collar legal aliens, in Netherlands it is absolutely the same, I see it on the street, in the supermarket in the tram and everywhere else. They also used this isolation method on me countless times in Egypt, Germany and USA!
I was living 7 years in Germany and totally isolated by force of brainwash and telepathy force as it is mentioned elsewhere, yet I spoke Arabic and did not understand much German, because the American military and CIA + MI6 enslaved me under the control of a British whore agent named Anita Disarray, and therewith I did not know much about the country I was living in, the same in the Netherlands, I was locked up between jails, prisons and refugee camps for 13 years and was most of the time isolated and had no idea about the country I was living in, which is the Netherlands. Today I am over 21 years living in the Netherlands and I can speak and read but not that good, because I am isolating myself enable I can come to the bottom of the mystery of my own life and why I was persecuted and why everyone I loved and trusted blindly, including family, church, governments and so on betrayed me, and because I do not have enough knowledge about the Netherlands I am practically illiterate, and anyone who speaks good Dutch will recognize that as soon as I speak Dutch!
In short: Some or more than some controlling families in the world prey on the general public because they are in one way or another illiterate, or they prey on their illiteracy, or force them as long as they can to be as illiterate for as long as possible, a good example is Africa and South America. Meaning, the general public cannot verify what they were told or taught, and if I am told that Islam is only one religion it is a lie forced upon me by my fake family, because they taught me that Islam is for all Muslims, and today I know and based on the Internet that there are countless Muslims copycat religions. On top of that I was taught that Islam is originated from Saudi Arabia, today I know it is originated from India and there are countless facts about that, above all that Saudi Arabia did not exist prior to 1900, where world literacy average was 20%, and in many countries, or even in 80% of the countries worldwide, literacy was even less than 5% and in maybe 20% of the countries the literacy was under 2% or even 0% (zero per cent). Also, the majority of Muslims are concentrated around and east and north of India, where no Saudi Arabian can go 1,400 years ago, or even 1,000 or even 100 years ago. And the prove for that is Indonesia the biggest Muslim country in the world (!!??) after India, that is before they split India to several countries from 1930s to 1945. Another big and very visible fact is that countless Indians were forced into slavery starting 500 years ago and were taken by force (=kidnapping) to countless other countries as slave soldiers, slave farmers, or slaves for many other duties including servants at home which we call today house keepers, house janitors, house gardeners and house cooks and many other tasks as a result you can see countless people originated from India in Indonesia, in East Asia, to many other east Asian countries but also in Africa, Europe and North and South America and even Australia some of these countries where they were kidnapped to a couple of hundreds of years ago is Surinam in South America. The same they did to Africans and to several other natives from Australia to China to Russia and even from Canada and USA and South America and using them as slaves in Europe and Africa and Australia and Asia. And each time they kidnap these poor people they lie to the general public about the history. The reason they kidnap people from one country to another often several thousand kilometer far is to prevent them to unite with the people they can communicate with, meaning if they kidnap 1000 Indian in India and keep them as slaves in India, their relatives, parent, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends and neighbors will come to help them be free, yet these poor people did not have the possibility to find out to where they were kidnapped and if they knew they were kidnapped to Europe or to USA, they cannot travel there to help them be free, because they are poor and one trip would cost them more money than they will ever have in their entire life time and that is a very strong reason why the English royal families and the Rockefeller families kidnap people from one country to another just as these psychopath did to me, among others with the help of their stupid puppets the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal family members such as the following families Bdeir/Budier, Malas, Abokurah, Tabaa, Kabani, Sulaiman, Dardiri Ahmad Ismail, Khayat, Baroudi, Kheir and several others and it took me decades to understand because they always prevented me to learn while forcing me to be isolated and also forcing me to repeatedly relocate or kidnapping me to another far away country as a mean of isolation of my past!
This point is very important, because it shows many hidden facts, such as in the year 1900 the illiteracy was nearly 80%, meaning only 20% of the human beings worldwide were able to read and write, which means only 20% of all humanity were able to learn of others and share their knowledge with others. In the year 1800 was even worse, it was nearly 90% illiteracy meaning only 10% of all people worldwide were able to read and write and if you continue to go back in history such back to the year 1500, then you will find that the most advanced countries in the world had a very low literacy among their population such as UK 5%, Netherlands 17%, Middle East almost 0% (Zero per cent), which very much proves that the English royal families + the Rockefeller families and many other royal families such as Jordanian + Saudi Arabian and all other neighboring countries also falsify history, because they did not exist at that time. Anything else is a 100% lie.
Here is one out of many other links that show the above-mentioned facts:
Here is one out of countless proves: between 1991 and 1999 I had a client called ACPI-Associated Canvas Products, Inc. on 16917 Market St, Channelview, TX 77530, United States (After I started complaining publicly also about them, then the company was closed and replaced by the company ERL Law Valve of Texas, on the same address on 16917 Market St, Channelview, TX 77530, United States, who knows maybe this new company is owned by the same people or they renamed and relocated the company to another address and therewith I cannot find them any more). It was a small company with around 15 employees, owned by Mrs. Bebe Brasher and her 2 sons James and Clifton Brasher, both were between 40 to 50 years old in 1999, there was another partner that was also employee of the company, but he sold his share to the Brasher family. To the point, in 1997-1999 they were building a huge soft plastic container that were oval shape, that looked like a huge oval balloon to transport water from USA to Saudi Arabia, these containers were for 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) gallons of water. This alone shows many things as follow:
1. Saudi Arabia is through and through owned and operated by Americans and in particular by the Rockefeller families that previously owned the company Standard Oil ( and was broken down by the US government due to their criminal intent of controlling USA and killing any freedom whatsoever
2. They have no water in Saudi Arabia and therefore no one can survive in this part of the world until they divided the world among them, them means Europeans, Americans and South Asians, whereby the South Asians were 100% colonized by Europeans and Americans starting the year 1400. The Europeans and Americans also used South Americans and Southeast Asians and South Asians, that were previously through and through their colonies, to build together the League of Nations ( the predecessor of the UN-United Nations and was founded on 10 January 1920 immediately after the end of First World War that was ended on 11 November 1918. The same with UN-United Nations ( that was founded on 26 June 1945 just before the end of the Second World War that ended on 2 September 1945. UN-United Nation was founded as mean of compremise between those countries that were mass killing people to enrich their selves such as Germany, Japan, UK, USA, and their other allies that each one of them wanted to rule the world and their compremise was the same as the compremise they made after the First World war, where they divided the world among them sleves. Yet there is one big different between these two compromises after each of the World Wars:
2.1. They replaced the the Ligue of Nations with the UN-United Nations on 2 September 1945, and therewith there is no trail going back to the old compromise and establishing the so-called Arab countries as we know them now
2.2. By founding the Ligue of Nations and dividing the Middle East among them, from Morocco to Egypt and from Egypt to Ethiopia and from Syria + Iraq to Yemen and every country in between and one of these totally new established countries was Saudi Arabia that was marked as Rockefeller territory since the begin of 1900, not to forget that the Rockefeller was also heavily encaged in Egypt, that was about the only advanced country in the Middle East in 1900, even though they had more than 85% illiteracy, meaning less than 15% of the population were able to read and write and as I was kidnapped as an 8 years old to Cairo Egypt on 15 January 1960 and through the Egyptian schooling I learned that Egypt had more than 60% of illiteracy in the mid of 1960s.
2.3. The Rockefeller families alias their origin is English royal families, love to do business only within the family and this as much as they can, and if their desired sector does not exist within the family, then they create it, that is if it does not require intelligence and a lot of time wasting on thinking and planning intelligently, because they are only 2 track intelligence, meaning they follow only the money and power no matter how many dead body it may cost. And that is why they transport drinking water from USA to Saudi Arabia because they are buying the water of their selves and selling it very expensively in Saudi Arabia, and as far as I recall and as I was on business in Saudi Arabia as an employee of the German company Siemens AG, where they also get me a car rental in Jeddah and I had to tank the car myself, I saw how they sell the water in gas stations using pumps similar to gasoline pumps and the price of a liter or gallon of water at that time in 1978-1981 was more expensive than the gasolines/benzine. People without cars used to go to the gas stations and sometimes there is a que or row of people waiting in line at the water pump and they used to come with plastic container(s) between 5 and 50 liters to buy water using these pumps at the gas stations and pay dearly for them because they come from the USA instead of Iraq or Egypt, where Iraq has the Tigris river 1,900 KM (1,180 miles) and the Euphrates river 2,800 KM (1,740 miles) and Egypt has the world longest river the Nile river that spills in the Mediterranean Sea and wasting millions of liters on a daily basis, yet the absolutely stupid and selfish and self-centered Rockefeller and English royal families that see the world big picture filled only of their selves, would transport water 13,000 KM (7,778 miles) from Houston, Texas, USA to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia instead of building a water pipeline from Iraq or Egypt that both are under 1600 KM far (less than 1,000 miles) = stupid and greedy and harming the Saudi population that consist to over 99% in the year 1920 of foreigners and today these foreigners are Saudi Arabians from Pakistan, From India, from USA, from UK, From Germany, From France, from Spain and from many other countries. And how do I know that, is because I had to deal with these people such as the British Consulting company called McKinsey ( that was running the Saudi Port’s Authority prior to my ex-employer Siemens AG took it over as a turn-key project at the beginning of 1979 to furnish all at that time 14 Saudi Arabian ports and their headquarter in Riyadh with computers and I worked on this project. But also I had to deal with a setup forced upon my life by my ex-employer Siemens AG with their sub-contractor ADV/Orga as mentioned elsewhere and we had to deal among others with the company at that time was called CAP Saudi Today it is called Capgemini Saudi Arabia ( which is a subsidiary if the French company Capgemini (, but also I had to deal with the French company called ( ) that was supplying the air conditioning systems for all 15 computer centers of at that time Saudi Port’s Authority ( + (, today it is a ministry by itself. Not to forget the German companies such as Siemens AG, ADV/ORGA, while the official Saudi Arabian company called ARAMCO stands for Arabian American Oil Company that on 31 January 1944 was changed from California-Arabian Standard Oil Co. to Arabian American Oil Co. or Aramco ( + (, please look at the graph of companies at the end of the wikipedia page, and you will see that the concentrated evil company BP-British Petroleum is part of the evil English royalty + Rockefeller families businesses that they used to severely brainwash me, enslave me, rape me and kidnap me for the second time (actually for the third time) from Germany to USA in September 1986, where they literaly kept me as slave on a short leash for 15 years and then asked their other relatives and business partners the Dutch royal family and the ex-German royal families alias both controlling families in Germany and in the Netherlands and both kept me locked up from 11 February 2001 and until may 2012, where then I was forced to relocate to Amsterdam and after that they toyed with me and kept on forcing me to relocate to Brighten, UK, then to Kerkrade, Netherlanda and then to Harrow, London., UK, and then to Assen, Netherlands and until I decided to relocate to the city of Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of these savages that kept me by force as a refugee between Egypt, Germany, USA and the Netherlands from 1961 and until 2013, which is another hidden form of keeping me locked up as distraction of hidden slavery and preventing me to travel or have any rights what so ever, the only rights I had was to be slave in these countries that tortured the life out of me), Which is the biggest deceive of the 20th century that ARAMCO is owned by Saudi Arabians, because The American Standard Oil company, which is the official partner with ARAMCO, is 100% controlled by the Rockefeller families that owns countless businesses from Energy, to mediacal centers, pharmaceutical campnies, weapons manufacturers, water cmopanies and the list is endless and their rule is never to be partner with anyone that could have a remote possibility to decide what they can and cannot do!
All the above is related directly and indirectly to illiteracy and literacy, because people worldwide believe what they are told and do not suspect it to be a lie and fake history, but I can because I was forced to try to find out why I was mistreated since my kidnapping to Cairo, Egypt me on 15 January 1960.
Summary: Organized crime families such as the English royal families and Rockefeller families and the alike use the situation of illiteracy to mass brainwash the general public by telling them lies also about our often-fake history. Often all it takes is a small, tiny thing to find the truth about our history such as counting the population backwards, using the simple but most effective pattern of population growth of the last 1 to 200 years, then we will realize that we have at least 2 fake histories:
1. Judaism claims in the Old Testament alias the Torah that Jewish were allegedly 350 years captive as slaves in Egypt and this over 3,650 years ago (three thousand six hundred fifty years ago), and then were allegedly freed 3,300 years ago by God and Moses and some sections of the Old Testament claim that 3 Million men were freed and other section claim they were 600,00 men that were freed 3,300 years ago of the slavery of Egypt, but what about women and children they forgot to count them(!!!??), then they must have been much more than that (!!!). Whether the real number is 3 million or 0.3 million or 0.6 Million, it is still 100% false, because mathematics does not lie, Egypt had a population of 4.2 Million in the year 1800 (eighteen hundred) and a population of 20 million in the year 1960 and it is 102 Million in the year 2022, you make the math going back 3,650 (three thousand six hundred fifty) years ago, you will find that Egypt population was at the most a couple of thousand, and there is no way that a couple of thousands can keep 3 Million, or 0.6 million or even 0,3 million as slaves, beside the current world population of Jewish worldwide is allegedly 15 Million in the year 2022, meaning Jewish religion did not start 3,300 years ago, but rather a couple of centuries ago, otherwise they would have today in 2022 a population of much more than 300 million and not only 15 million
2. Saudi Arabia and because they claim that they have been existing since far more than 1443 years (one thousand four hundred forty-three years) and that the prophet Mohamad/Muhammad was allegedly born in Saudi Arabia and that is also a big lie, I believe the prophet Mohamad, also written Muhammad and other variants, was born in India, and that is why India has by far the largest Muslim population worldwide, and that you can calculate yourself by calculating the population of Saudi Arabia backwards to find out the truth, because Saudi Arabia was 100% created by the English royal families sometimes between 1800 and 1920, more closely to the year 1920, and I know it is huge gap of 120 years, but this is at the moment the best that I can do, maybe you can be more precise and find the real date, and the following can be most probably of great help to you in finding the truth by following their trails and purpose and when and why they were established, among other to divide the world among the biggest organized crime families of our world:
2.1. Establishing/founding the LON-League of Nations, ( + ( + ( + do/make your own research to verify the known facts
2.2. Establishing/founding the UN-United Nations, ( + ( + ( + ( do your own research to verify the known facts
2.3. Muslim population in India is by far the largest Muslim population worldwide, and this if they did not split India during the second world war in at least 3 countries: India + East Pakistan alias today’s Bangladesh + West Pakistan alias todays’ Pakistan
2.4. Facts of India: population in 2022 is 1.38 billion, of which 14.2% Muslims = 196 Million (=196,000,000) Muslims in in India today
2.5. Facts of Pakistan: population in 2022 is 221 million, of which 96% Muslims = 212 million (=212,160,000)
2.6. Facts of Bangladesh: population in 2022 is 165 million, of which 90.39% Muslims = just over 149 million (=149,143,500) Muslims
2.7. Facts of India if they were not forced to be divided in at least 3 countries during the world war two, then today’s count of Muslims in India (= India + Pakistan + Bangladesh) would be just over 557 million (=557,303,500) Muslims, in comparison to the largest Muslim country currently in the world is Indonesia ( with total population of 273.5 million, of which 86.7% Muslim = 237.1245 million Muslims, and therewith India and not Indonesia is the largest Muslim country or more accurate said, India is the country with the largest Muslim population followed by Indonesia. See the official count under the following 2 links, and in Wikipedia look closely at the count in the second table which clearly shows that central Asia alone has half of the Asian Muslim population, and this is an additional prove that Islam is originated from India and not Saudi Arabia and this is falsifying history by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families in cooperation with their countless criminal enterprises and allies
2.8. In around 1,440 years (=one thousand four hundred forty) ago, the biggest army during the prophet Mohamad/Muhammad time allegedly in Saudi Arabia was 4,500 soldiers (=3,000 his opponents and 1,500 his own,, and if I assume that the army was 10% of the population, ok let us assume it was 50% of the population, then the population was 9,000 only in these 2 cities as mentioned in the Wikipedia based on history that was told by Saudi Arabia alias the history that was 100% fabricated by the English royal families and their hidden allies the Pakistanis and Bangladeshi controlling families that allied with them 3-4 centuries ago to fight Hindus in India. And you want to tell me that Saudi Arabians that did not exist 200 years ago went to India 1,443 years ago and forced them to be Muslims (??!!), but I was not able to find it anywhere in the history known to me, except that the Muslims in India, East Asia and north of India are near 2 billion Muslims (!!). Alone in former India (= India + Pakistan + Bangladesh) + Indonesia (population is 274 million of which 87% Muslims = just over 238 million = 238,380,000 Muslims) there is nearly 800 million (=795,683,500) Muslims, yet you do not find anything Arabian in these countries, on the contrary, you find a lot of Asian things in Saudi Arabia such as Indonesians maybe 5-15% of the alleged native Saudi population and at least 70% of the alleged native Saudi Arabian are originated from Pakistan + Bangladesh + India (= hidden slaves) and the far less than 1% of the Saudi population is the actual native Saudi Arabians alias nomad that live around water wells until they dry up and they move to find another water wells and so on. Please check the Internet for the actual current figures of population and Muslim statistics!
2.9. And you want to tell me that the Saudi Arabian army of roughly 1,500 soldiers went to India 1,440 years ago and forced the population of India of at that time 330 million (added on 21.08.2022: I meant to write 30 Million and not 330 Million) to be Muslims and then 40% of them were forced by Saudi Arabian nomads called Bedouin of 1,500 soldiers ( to be Muslims, but I did not see any history of Saudi Arabian Muslims invading India and Indonesia (= Indo nesia, meaning nesia originated from India) and all other surrounding countries including south of Russia that amount today to nearly 2 billion Muslims, and all allegedly were forced by Saudi Arabians to be Muslims through a hidden of us Islamic crusades, which bring me to the known and famous crusades against alleged Muslims in Palestine by the lion heart king Richard, that today I guess it to be fabricated possibly by the British mentally sick author named William Shakespeare (, that used at that time the bubble of book printing through the all new printing machine that was invented in around the year 1450, as mentioned below in the next point(s) to make a living by selling stories in books to more than 95% illiterate worldwide !!!????
2.10. In around 1,440 years (=one thousand four hundred forty) ago, Jewish being fought by the prophet Mohamad/Muhammad were total of 10,000 Jewish alone in Saudi Arabia, while the army of the prophet Mohamad/Muhamad were only 1500 as it is stated in Wikipedia, you make the math!
Based on the mathematics that I learned in 10 years schooling in Cairo, Egypt and in nearly 2 Years of computer schooling including countless courses from the year 1974 to the year 2000, nothing adds up in the fake Arab history and nothing match the history as it is mentioned above!
One thing led to the other because everything is in one way, or another is connected!!!!
I really feel sorry for Muslims and Jewish, because they have been misled big time, whereby the majority of Muslims were illiterate and very poor and still a big number of them are illiterate at least 10-99% depending on the region, if it is South Asia and or Africa, and that is what happened when you trust the governments that are controlled by cunning organized crime con-families alias controlling families that love to enslave people just as they enslaved me for longer than I can remember, because they caused me a total amnesia in 1960, and I cannot remember anything prior to 1960, but I am one out of billions that are still being enslaved in Asia, Africa and even in USA and in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands, because in these countries and by their secret services and police and immigration authorities they repeatedly kept me as slave in these countries from at least October 1969 and until 1 March 2016, where then I relocated to the city of Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of these nasty sadistic vicious wild animals that are disguised as human beings and eating the lives of all other human beings to enrich their selves and let others, actually, force others to serve them as their own private property slaves as they did to me for so long!
Last to mention is that, even though the Jewish population used to be most illiterate in Asia, Europe and elsewhere, just like the Islamic countries, yet the Jewish that immigrated to Israel after the year 1948 were raised in Europe, USA, Russia and some other countries, and they were not illiterate any more, because the European made it to law that everyone must be literate, and that is the only reason why Israel has a higher per centage of literacy than the surrounding countries in the Middle East!
Even I am free today to think freely and file online complaint against those who kidnapped me and enslaved me since 15 January 1960, yet I am still slave of my past and cannot really be free anymore, especially in my age that officially is 70 years, yet they falsified everything in my life, including my age, and therewith I can be older or younger!!
This point is very important to show the pattern of collecting fake stories of others, which is most relevant for many other points in this page and in my entire complaint pages as well as in your own life itself, that will help you see through manmade or man created destructive situation to our freedom and intelligence, the two most valuable things in each person’s life, because without these two God given gifts we are 100% slaves working to enrich others that are often sadistic, vicious animals disguised as human beings and eat other human beings lives.
The Grimm brothers, less than 1% of the world population know who they are, even though far more than 50% of the world population have heard or read or seen a story or a movie/theater/Opera/Operetta of their very famous stories.
But first allow me to a small pre-introduction.
The internet as we know it today has revolutionized our lives, starting roughly in the year 1995 there was the so called (the following text was taken from google search for “meaning of internet bubble”) the dot-com bubble, also referred to as the Internet bubble, refers to the period between 1995 and 2000 when investors pumped money into Internet-based startup businesses in the hopes that these fledgling companies would soon turn a huge profit.
In short, the above sentence means that many saw or hopped for a very high profitable business through the newly mass publicized internet, most business investment failed and blow up in their faces and that is why it is called Internet bubble. Yet the Internet bubble was not the only bubble in our life and history.
Here is, from my point of view, the biggest bubble of all times and simultaneously the best thing that ever happened to us human beings is the printing machine because if we did not have the printing machine then we would have never be able to exchange knowledge so fast that helped us invent countless things such as other machines, cars, telegraph, telephone and even the computer and internet, because if there was no printing machine we would have never had the computer, and if we did not have the computer then we would never have had the Internet as we know it today. The printing machine was invented by 2 Germans in the year 1440, but it was almost useless because the world population literacy was far under 10%, while the world population in the year 1440 was roughly 390 Million, while the population of the German empire was 10 million that including big portion of other countries that were lost during the first world war of such as Poland, and the literacy per cent was under 7%, and from 1450 to 1550, literacy rates in Germany and Britain climbed from 7% to around 16% ( And that alone shows that in one 100 years the printing machine caused the literacy percentage to climb to more than double.
Now that said, back to the Grimm brothers ( born one year apart and lived between the years 1785–1863. That is more than 300 years after the printing machine was invented, and the worldwide population doubled to just over 700 Million, today the worldwide population is 7.9 Billion (=7.9 Thousand Million or 7,900 Million).
The first mass book that was ever printed worldwide was the Gutenberg Bible that was printed in Mainz, German Empire in 1455 by Johann Gutenberg and his associates, Johann Fust and Peter Schoeffer. For more info see: .
Now back to the Grimm brothers ( that invested their life to build something based on the printing machine. In short they traveled around to small villages and other countries and collected the bed time stories that were told at that time in these villages, and then printed them to become rich through these made up stories that were told by many other strangers in other villages and in other countries. These stories were oft used as brainwash stories to the general public in these villages and small towns, to give them hope while forcing them to love royal families such as the story of Cinderella and also the Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault!
Here are some of the Grimm brothers stories that are known by at least 50% of the current worldwide populations, through books, news media, TV, movies amd other means and now also through the Internet:
1. Cinderella
2. Snow White
3. Hansel and Gretel
4. The Musicians of Bremen
5. The Frog King
6. Rapunzel
7. Little Red Riding Hood
8. Rumpelstiltskin
They did not only collect stories and printed it, but also, they printed other useful books such as dictionaries, poetry, old German stories, about the famous German forests and so on.
See the next Point-3 for similarities.
Important please note that the below descriptions of my findings is not meant to harm anyone or portray any group of people as bad, but rather has one purpose only, which is finding the truth that would help me understand many situations around my life and the lives of others that are connected to me such as the members of my fake family, because the more I understand the more it is likely that I can find my biological family based on facts and not based on only conclusions of many very deceiving situations in my life.
First thing to note is how the Bible was allegedly created for the first time. The information here I acquired between 1976 and 1977 after I was set up to become Christian to blame everything that yet to happen to me on my fake family that allegedly are strict Muslims and persecuted me to death as a result, I am writing my complaint pages among others to warn people of these savages. I was setup to become Christian as a multipurpose setup as described below and in other pages. What is important here is that between January 1976 and September 1977 I read countless books about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Mormon, Jehovah witnesses and others including their history. Most of the books, maybe 60% I acquired from the church and the rest 40% I purchased of among others or mainly of the very famous publishing house called Bertelsmann, one of the largest publishing houses if not the largest publishing house worldwide. Now you know how I acquired my knowledge; I will come to the point.
The first bible that was ever printed and as mentioned in the previous point, it was in 1455, and to my knowledge it is the most printed book ever in our world, even today in April 2022:
1. According to Guinness World Records (= as of 1995, the Bible (= ) is the best-selling = most-selling book of all time with an estimated of 5 billion copies sold and/or distributed
5. You should confirm that by searching it yourself on the internet, and don’t just believe what others write such as my writing, you have to try to verify as much as you can, otherwise you will fall in a very deep hole of the lies of our history that will most definitely lead to your hidden slavery!
Now back to the bible and based on what I learned through the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the city of Unterschleissheim (in German: Genezarethkirche - Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirchengemeinde Unterschleißheim), 20 km north of Munich, Germany and through the at least 15 courses I attended of the Evangelical Lutheran church of Bavaria in various locations in and around Munich, Germany between 1976 and 1978 and the over 20 religion related books that I read in my life: around 200 years after Christ, meaning after Jesus Christ (in other languages they call him Isa or Issa and in various languages originated from the Indian language called Urdu including Arabic, Persian, Afghani, Pakistani and other languages they call him “یسوع” and in Indian-Tamil language they call him “கிறிஸ்தவ சமயத்தை தோற்றுவித்தவர்” I added the language Tamil because his name is very long in this language. Tamil is one of the Indian languages and when I reverse translation it means in English “Founder of Christianity”, but Jesus was not the founder of Christianity, the Catholic church was, at least that is what I was taught by the church, Jesus Christ and based on the text of the New Testament of the bible, he was only a teacher and highlighting and pointing the right way of living under telepathy control because all of his teaching is going around telepathy, and that is not my opinion but rather this is what is clearly to see in the text of the New Testament, so who do I believe now the Indian or the Church that taught me Christianity!!!!), which equals to 1822 years ago from now in the year 2022, the catholic church was established or founded as a church of Christianity based on the teaching of Jesus Christ and his disciples, and this knowledge was allegedly acquired through various allegedly written scrolls by various persons in various cities and countries in the last years of the year 200 AD (1822 years ago). During which the Catholic church has collected several hundred stories each written on scroll (a scroll was a parchment, some on papyrus, and/or copper. Parchment and based on our history, was mainly a stiff, flat, thin material made from the prepared skin of an animal, usually a sheep or goat = India, and used as a durable writing surface in ancient and medieval times) that were told over Jesus Christ by various persons and the all new established Catholic church picked or chosen 27 of them and bind it them together as if they were a book which is today 311 pages (handwritten scrolls set together as if they were a book because there were no printing machines yet at that time, the printing machines were invented 1250 years later!!) as the so-called New Testament and then allegedly added the so-called Old Testament to it, which is the Jewish book called the Torah that consist of 52 written scrolls which is today a total of 1079 pages and both together build the Bible with 79 different stories that each was written on a separate single scroll that we call today books. Today, both New and Old Testament consist of a total of 1390 pages. And here I see a big similarity to the Grimm brothers collecting stories and selling them as books as mentioned above and on Wikipedia ( and check it yourself how the bible was set together by using an internet search such as and search for “how was the bible put together”. For more info see the following links, when you read them or look at the images that was painted by human often hundreds of years later, then ask yourself are these really description of the areas we know today, or are these really the images of people originated of the areas they claim that they are from, for example the woman called Mary Magdalene supposed to be from the area called Palestine, yet she look like north Europeans and Palestine and until the year 1948 was still Palestine and now it is stolen by the British and Americans and others and converted Palestine to the biggest worldwide military base called Israel to protect the hidden properties of many such as UK, Greece, USA, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and others even Turkey (!!!???), and also consider that each paint an image which is suitable to them, such as some paint Jesus Christ as European even he is allegedly originated from Palestine or if you prefer Israel but in reality I believe he was made up in India, others paint him as black skin for Africa and others paint him as Asian for China and Japan and absolute the same is valid for the prophet Mohamad/Muhammad and Buddha and various other prophets or even none prophets from allegedly 1,000 to 4,000 years ago, which leads me to write many exclamation and question marks as follow (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????..........). here are some links with information about the bible:
12. Make your own searches, luckily today and since 1995 and thanks among others to Microsoft, most people in advanced cities and even some advanced villages have access to the Internet that did not exist for everyone prior to 1995 and did not exist for any individual private person prior to 1985 and did not exist for any one beside American and British military and their allies in 1978 and did not exist for any one beside for some universities that were working for the American military prior to 1970 and did not exist at all prior to 1960, and the same is valid for telephone with picture and with telephone without picture and even the same for telegraph and even prior to that with man controlled with telepathy by manipulating pigeons and other hidden from us animals or even other methods that were used only by military and controlling families such as British royal families and other controlling families worldwide!!!!!!!!????????..........
Small note about the origin of Internet: as far as I recall the American military paid for a project to connect mainframe computers of various universities that were performing research and developments for the American military, and this was to speed up the process of working together through the all new and primitive private internet, where each university had its own private net=network and that is why they originally called it Inter-net, because they connected various net-works via telephone!
Also is important to note, that no one had a bible prior to the printing machine, each church had allegedly a copy of the scrolls and during the church service the pastor or rabi would read aloud the one or other scroll out of his own collection to the visitors, as if it is an entertainment gathering, where the people are being told how God allegedly want them to behave!!!!????
And the same is valid for other religions including Islam in and especially in India!!!!!!
Today and after 22 years of discovering for myself that countless persons (in millions but not anywhere near one Billion) of our lives have not only telepathy with which they can, not only, communicate directly brain to brain, but some of them or maybe even all of them, which I doubt can manipulate atoms and therewith they can do anything that we cannot even imagine, then I have to ask myself: did the bible lie to us?
One of the fake answers I read in a newspaper between the year 2002 and 2006, I cannot recall the exact year due to the stress these savages put me through, and while I was forced to be locked up in various jails, prisons and refugee camps in Germany, and in one of the newspapers, I believe it was the Abendzeitung in Munich (, and there was an article stating the following: Some French newspaper, and here I am quoting the article as far as I remember it: the French newspaper was claiming that Jesus Christ had children with Mary Magdalena (, and these children allegedly relocated to Paris, France in the Renaissance time (1300-1600). End of the qoute. Maybe that was a French joke I do not know. Yet it shows the possibility of mass brainwash as follow: in case someone discovere that other pesons have telepathy, then they will relate them to this article and to the alleged children of Jesus Christ that at least 70% of the New Teastament of the Bible describing how he used telepathy and how he manipulated atoms and his deciples claimed that he was the son of God, which means only the God and his family can do that = mass brainwash!
In matter of fact, I have to ask myself the following question: why over 4000 religions with over 100 thousand dominations are made only to separate us and keeping us busy with countless conflicts created by these over 4000 religions that are consisting of over 100 thousand religion’s dominations?
For more info see the following links:
The information in the above 3 links are totally overwhelming, at least for me and then I have to ask myself: why and who comes up with the ideas to create so many splits within one religion?
The only answer I was able to find is as follow: Most definitely not God, because whatever is created by God is 100% undisputable and unmodifiable yet we can change some of it such as birth ad homosexuality but also build upon it which we have been doing all of our lives, and above all it is impossible to misinterpret or to be misunderstood, whatever comes of God, or do you see someone that says, oxygen is bad for you and that is why I am breathing “gas” and another says no both are bad for you and that is why I breath “carbon dioxide”, and another say all are bad for you, so I absolutely do not breath anything at all, and that is literally one example out of countless examples of what really comes from God to give us life with freedom and intelligence to help us discover for ourself because it is fun to go on a journey of discovery understand his creation learn from him directly, and differentiate it of man creation that is 100% built and still are being built upon his creation, and without his creation we cannot build anything, and then I have to see how some lazy 2 track intelligence based controlling families such as listed below want to tell me what God wants me to do and what God does not want me to-do, then why did God gave us intelligence to figure all this out (??), and the same people who want to tell me what God allegedly wants me to do and does not want me to-do while some people are heartless, sadistic vicious with absolutely no understanding or mercy for other human beings, such as it is the case in USA (lock up people without parole for often over 200 years, where the average human life is only 80 years, and then they say that the American government is understanding, compassionate and generous!!!???) and Saudi Arabia (where they cut people’s hands. Legs and head off after torturing their life and body inside out) because at the end we are all human being and the only thing that differentiate us from wild animals is not only that we have intelligence and with it we can build cars and rockets and mass destruction weapons to kill other human beings to enrich ourselves but rather how much understanding, compassion and mercy we have not only for animals but first and last for other human being and that regardless of their religion, race, color or whatever they may have been misled to think, including thinking individually, thinking different than others based on individual experience of forced upon us false thinking such as homosexuality, as a mean of slavery just like circumcising our brains and genitals by men and women, whereby most have ceased to circumcise women, but not men, and here too, there is a very sadistic reason why they stopped circumcising women but not men, which is described in several areas of my complaint pages such as using innocent men as slaves to raise their hidden children (=hiding the children of others among others of the government to use them in the government as hidden members of their family to control the government and steal the tax payers money such as they do in USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman and many other countries) while forcing them to believe that these children are their own biological children as these criminals and psychopaths did to me!
The only answer I was able to find is that any one human being, and no matter what his forced upon him/her religion is, and no matter what his/her skin color is, and no matter where he/she comes from, because this human being is more important to God than any religion that mostly and in one way or another 100% misrepresenting God as a mean of slavery and to subdue a human being and use him without his knowledge as slave and blame it on God (= hidden slavery) and I can only think that God is looking at all these religions and looking at us and just shaking his head, because he gave us five of the most valuable gifts that a God can ever give any one, which are:
1. Life itself
2. Being born when two make love which usually equals born within a good family
3. All necessary things to promote our life, such as earth to stand on, air to breath, sun to shine upon us and show us the way while keeping us warm, plenty of food that we do not even had to plant and we do not have to carry on our back when we relocate or travel long journeys or where ever we want to go, but rather just look after it that has enough space and land that has grass as food for the animals and otherwise it can take care of itself such as cows, pigs, sheep, goats, sea food and so on, then we learned how to plant our own food because we saw animals eat vegetables and other animal eat other animals!
4. Intelligence to help us see and learn and build something based on what we see in life that was created by God, which means we can learn directly from God himself through his creation by analyzing it and try to understand its purpose and build upon it and no one can ever beat that!
5. Last and most important gift and the only thing if we do not have it, then all of the above are worthless: is Freedom, because if we do not have freedom, then we are 100% slaves, and I did not see freedom in my own over 70 years of life except between 1976 and 1983 and again after 1 March 2016 where I am allowed to think freely and file these complaint pages, while living in the city of Den Haag/The Hague in the Netherlands. If Saudi Arabia has freedom why did these criminals persecuted me to death using members of my fake family, BP-British Petroleum, Chevron, Flour Daniel and countless others. If Jordan has freedom, why did these psychopaths listed below persecuted me to death. If USA and UK have freedom, why did they kidnap me at least 2 times, and below shows that they kidnapped me 3 times starting as I was infant, why did USA and UK, USA and UK meaning governments, stole literally everything from me, including family, home, friends, church, nationality, furniture’s, fake photos that they gave me in 1960 and stole life itself from me, isolated me and forced me to be refugee and illegal alien in Egypt, Germany, USA and the Netherlands for over 50 years and to be precise from 1961 and until 2013 and therewith when these criminals and psychopath stole my freedom, they enslaved me since at least when I was 8 years old in the year 1960, because I had neither a life for myself, nor a family, nor a wife that I love nor children of the woman I love, and they forced me to be busy only surviving to prevent me to think and figure out things which means they also killed my intelligence, and that makes them 100% wild animals that live by instinct to gather money and power enable someone else serve them because they are not only lazy, but also they are as dumb as it gets and that is why they force people to go into never ending cycle of surviving mode enable they can prevent them of thinking and using their intelligence and therewith then they feel superior because they are stupid and cannot build and the prove for that is Palestine, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Japan, Vietnam, Australia, Canada, USA, including but not limited to the 54 common wealth countries and the so called Arab countries that are 100% not Arabs at all also including the most recent one Ukraine but also Saudi Arabia and that they control in the hidden because they are cowered to control it publicly. Yet and as ex-USA Donald Trump often say and I am quoting him ”they call this smart”, I don’t see smart, do you(?), I see stupid mass and long lasting destructions!!!
All above mentioned points from Point-1 to Point-5 were 100% stolen from me and stolen from countless people and this since centuries and even today they are the Russians and it is not the stupid president Putin that are stealing from Millions of innocent Ukrainians, just as the English royal families and Americans stole them from me but also stole them from the Afghanis, Iraqis, Syrians, Yemenis, Palestinians, Lebanese, Nigerians, South Africans and countless others in USA, Canada, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia and other smaller nations in smaller helpless islands. All I can say welcome to our world that is controlled by vicious heartless sadistic psychotic wild animals disguised as human beings such as the English royal families (Including their hidden relatives the American Rockefeller alias the hidden royalties of USA, and the ex-German royal families alias the current German controlling families but also the ex-Russian royal families alias the current Russian controlling families and the last 3 are hidden relatives since at least queen Victoria as shown below), the Jordanian Royal families, the Saudi Arabian Royal families and countless other sadistic vicious organized crime families in the Middle East that are eating the lives of the majority of people just as they eat my life!
Back to the question: Did the bible lie to us?
Here is another possible answer and this answer is pure theoretical based on my knowledge and what I learned in my life among others the so-called 30 years’ war of Germany ( and countless other wars, whereby some of them were possibly or most probably fake history such as the crusades that today I strongly believe never happened because Islam is originated from India and was promoted and spread by English royal families possibly starting the year 1400 or 1500 but this is not the point, the point is that I strongly believe that after the catholic church was founded in the year 200 or so, many fought it because they were promoting the knowledge of telepathy as mean of freeing people of slavey through telepathy, yet somehow the catholic church survived all that and we still have the bible with one difference, I strongly believe that they had a peace talk and decided to change the text to make it look like that only the son of God named Jesus Christ had telepathy and also modified other text and added other text to help that people would then submit to higher authority, which was the king’s family such as no eye for an eye but rather if someone hit/slap you on the right cheek then give him the left cheek and do not use eye for an eyes which makes people more peaceful and submit more to slavery, but also the story of should we pay taxes to the king and Jesus answered who is picture is on the money coin, they answered the king, Jesus then said, then give the king what is belong to him, meaning if his picture is on the money, then the money is his own and every one should give the king his money back in form of paying the requested taxes (???!!!) and therewith the many kingdoms that were keeping the people slaves were satisfied with the new version of the bible because no one can buy the bible at that time unless they are wealthy enough to hire a person to write a new copy of an existing copy and that would take at least one month and that person had to receive a one month salary for a book(!). and there with the bible possibly was forced to lie to us to stop wars. This is a theory but well-founded based on all the religion wars and all the countless splits of the religion Christianity that all started after the inventing of the printing machine and printing the bible for the first time in the year 1455. The reason I thought of this possible theory is because the new testament has many lifesaving advices such as if someone hit you on the right cheek then give him the left cheek instead of eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, imagine that 400 years ago a farmer would deny the king and his soldiers free food, then they would have killed him publicly to make an example out of him and for others to see and they did not mind killing an entire village, which you can see today they doing it in Ukraine and in the old days they were at least as vicious if not more vicious!
We have nearly 8 billion worldwide population, yet less than 25% of them know what the bible is, and here I will try to be fair and in a few short lines explain what the bible is. This is not about promoting Christianity, but rather explaining why the Bible was written, and this from my point of view based on the text within the bible and the information above and below in this page as well as whatever I learned in my 70 years old life in over 16 countries and over 16 states in USA, whereby I was forced to live in at least 5 countries. At least 5 countries, because I suspect to have lived in at least one other country or more prior to 1960, because and as a part of my forced upon me brainwash they caused me in 1960 a total amnesia where I have absolutely no memory whatsoever from prior to 1960, which is 8 years of my life are gone missing as a mean of slavery and brainwash tool.
The Bible: consist of 2 different contradicting books, which are the Old Testament and the New Testament that were set together for one reason only which is to compare them. The names of the 2 books alone says it all, which is the Old Testament pointing to the alleged old wrong ways of living, and the New Testament pointing to the alleged new ways of living.
The Old Testament: Also called the Torah, which is the religious book
of the Jewish religion. It consists of 39 written roles of papers that after
the year 1455 were printed into one book of 1079 pages instead of one or more scrolls
for each book or chapter of the Old Testament. And I am just guessing that each
scroll of paper was read aloud to the soldiers at one point of time or another
based on the need of the info that was used as promotion for the mind (=brainwash)
to the soldiers to prepare them for the war, while other scrolls of papers were
read to them aloud as mean of good night stories to entertain them when they do
not have to kill others and steal their lands. All the soldiers were illiterate
and were dependent on what they were told what is written in these roles that
allegedly were, or at least that is what they were told, from God himself. The
Old Testament It describes the history of Jewish and their prophet Moses. In a
nutshell the Old Testament of 1079 pages or all-in-all it is as follow, roughly
and as far as I recall it from 1976-1978 where I read the bible from A to Z
several times in German and English and Arabic languages and compared them:
God choose the Jewish to own, control and rule the entire world from river
Euphrates in Iraq to the river Nile in Africa and in the rest of the world, and
everything else in it. To do that they have to send a huge number of spies to
each country to see how they are to be able to prepare to invade it and take it
over. Everything else that is written in the Old testament in the over 1079
pages is just a decoration and confirmation that God allegedly made this decision
that the Jewish are the chosen masters, in reality they are the most suppressed
people in the world and are one of the oldest slaves on earth even today in the
year 2022, they just do not notice it at least most of them do not notice it
and this due to all the bad things they have been pushed into since several
centuries and not several millennium . And if this is true that God chose them
to be the masters of the world, then why did God give us intelligence to be
able to think individually and not made us without intelligence enable to allow
others to control us or better said to allow us to flow the Jewish commands
without any killing and we just respond to their commands and live without expectations,
desire, will, feelings and ambitions!!!
I tell you why and this is totally based on my life experience, is because the king and master of the Jewish was considered in the old days to be God and wrote something on scrolls of paper and let his generals read it aloud for all his slave soldiers, that were forced to speak a language that no one else speaks and were forced to have their own religion that no one else had, enable to isolate the slave soldiers of the population of any country that they invade, and this language is Hebrew and this religion is Judaism and family of the king of Jews is the English royal families and the content of the Old Testament + the content of the New Testament + our told History + the behavior of the English royal families and their worldwide hidden relatives since over 500 years is the prove!!
The New Testament:
The New Testament and based on the history that I read was also written in various scrolls of papers a total of 27 scrolls that then starting the year 1455 was printed in to one book with 311 pages. Yet at that time over 95% of the world population were illiterate and not able to read and write. All in all, I would say that the New Testament has two categories of information.
Category-1: also, the New Testament is a total reverse of the Old Testament, meaning it 100% contradict the Old Testament by among others repeatedly saying, and I am quoting it: “ in the Old Testament was said eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, and I say if someone hit you on your right check, then give him your left check, and if someone ask you to go with him one mile, then go with him 2 miles” (Note: in the German bible was written miles and not kilometers, maybe as a hint for it is origin = UK) end of quote, the New Testament has several sections that sounds like that “in the Old Testament was said …. But I am saying you should do…., which is usually the opposite” and that 100% makes the New Testament contradict the Old Testament. Which in reality is used to tame the Jewish soldiers and that is the only explanations that I was able to find for the fact that the two books Old Testament and the New Testament were set together to build the bible as we know it today. Yet in my lifetime I met many Jewish, most of them were kind and very decent human beings and were not wild and not in need to be tamed, yet the Jewish we see today are 2 different categories, the decent ones and the hidden English royalties and American slave agents that inherited this hidden profession of their ancestors and the Old Testament. Also, the Jewish today are 100% different than the Jewish 100 years ago and 300 years ago, that were 100% slave soldiers for the English royal families and were used to conquer countries such as India, Singapore, China and other countries in Asia, Africa, Australia and north and south America. I also, strongly believe that other royal families copycat this concept and therewith we suddenly had several Jewish groups but also several Christian groups which is explained below. Simultaneously to taming the soldiers they also used the New Testament to enslave others and tame them or from their point of view, cultivate the wild natives of Africa, Australia, Asia, north and South America and other area, meaning the royal families alias the Gods of our old world even until one hundred years ago did that and even in the 20th century there were some of these fake Gods in Africa, South America and want to be Gods in countries such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia and their surrounding so-called Arab kingdoms in Asia.
Category-2: the other most important part of the New Testament is Telepathy description as it was used on me since 1960 and I was not able to recognize it until some unknown to me person or persons, that possibly are either Christians related to other Christians that I knew in Germany after I was setup to become Christian in 1976 or at least are the opponents of my biological and fake families and those unknown persecuted me almost to death and scared the life out of me in Houston, Texas, USA starting April 2000 that led me immediately to recognize the telepathy that was used on me in the year 1999, and ever since I am always reanalyzing my life to try to recognize telepathy used on me since 1960. Very unfortunately the New Testament specifically said that only Jesus Christ had telepathy and he was allegedly the son of God, meaning only Gods and their families have telepathy = from my today’s point of view based on my today’s knowledge the English royal families and other royal families were the fake Gods of our history. And to be fair, the New Testament did not directly say Jesus Christ is the son of God, but rather in an indirect way, and as far as I recall from 1977-1979, Jesus was talking with his disciples and they told him what some people think of him that he is the son of God, and he replied and what do you think who am I, they replied to Jesus, the son of God. And this indirect way of saying that Jesus is the son of God was among others one of the things that led me to conclude that the New Testament and Old Testament were modified or adjusted as a mean of peace between the all-new Christians and the king’s army that did not like seeing someone spreading the stories that explain what telepathy can do not be exposed that he and his family have telepathy.
Since Christianity as we know it today was first established by the Catholic church, allegedly 200 years after Christ. Meaning 1822 years ago, and since roughly the year 1455 people started to copycat Christianity and call it something else, even the English royal family created their own version of the bible called “King James Bible”. My guess that at the begin the royal families alias the fake Gods on earth of our history were very angry that the Catholic church was teaching telepathy capabilities, and most probably they tried to kill the bible, yet soon they realized they can turn the bible into literally money making machine of slavery by teaching the people not to be aggressive and fight for their rights but rather to be peaceful no matter what and if someone hit you on the right cheek then give him the left cheek to hit you on it. Which is an old Indian Hindu tradition, because that is what Hindus used to do when the English royalties arrived in India 500 years ago with their very aggressive army consisting of Jewish soldiers, and those English tried to subdue the Indians whenever they refuse something by caning them, then the entire village would come out and stand in row to be voluntarily caned as a mean of peaceful saying no we are not going to do what you are asking of us, which very much is translated to the New Testament as “if someone slap you on your right cheek, then give him also the left cheek” (!!!???). As a result, today we have over 45,000 Christian denominations, others claim it is only over 30,000 Christian denominations such as in England the Methodist church and in USA the English royal families have expanded it to First Methodist and Second Methodist church and who knows maybe there is also Third and Fourth Methodist churches!!!
By the way, I was caned many times over in the public schools in Cairo, Egypt, between 1960 and 1969, they used to cane students on three areas as follow:
1. Ask the student to take his shoe and socks off and sit on the chair lifting his feet up and sometimes even other students would help the teacher by holding down the student and pushing his feet high up, where then the teacher cane the student with a wooden of bamboo stick on the bottom of his feet between 10 to 20 times on each foot or only on one foot based on the judgement of the teacher
2. The same as above but on the palm of the hand of the student
3. The same as above but on the bottom back of the student
The stick that the teachers used for caning was around 50-100 cm (1.5-3 foot) long and around 0.5-1.5 cm thick. The worst caning was always by the religion teacher, if a person cannot repeat certain parts of the Quran from memory, then he would be severely caned, other teachers used to cane around 5 x on one or both hands never on the feet or the bottom of the back.
That said, I was maybe caned 1-3 times between 1960-1965 all other caning were after 1965, and today I know why I was caned so much in this period of time. As they brought my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias the son of ex-king Hussein of Jordan alias the brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan, and one of the first things that this criminal psychopath did was caning me with a stick that was around 1.5-2 meters long and maybe 2-3 cm thick as it is mentioned in other pages (as far as I recall the cane was not6hing else but a long wooden stick that was used for the broom and sweeping the floor), and since today I know that this criminal psychopath had telepathy, and I was severely prevented to learn and succeed in school, therefore he was the one having fun by preventing me to learn to give the teachers a reason to cane me while preventing me to understand or learn the Quran and to final in most school subjects, as a result, I failed 7th grade which was directly after this criminal arrived, and then most of the times I was getting C or D. In Egypt was in percentage and I was getting between 52-60% of all year-end exams, and to pass the year-end exams I needed 51% or more, and I barely past. This is what psychopaths’ Jordanian hidden royal family members do for living destruct the lives of others and they learned it of their bosses the English royal families and American controlling families such as the Rockefeller family.
Here are some links about caning that shows that some people are heartless, brainless sadistic animals:
1. Caning:
2. images:
3. School corporal punishment:
4. The invisible scars left by strikes of the cane, at the bottom of the page you will see a map where caning is still performed today, and to make it easier for you all these countries have at least one thing in common, they were invaded by the English royal families and/or the Rockefeller families at one point or another of our history and learned caning of them and today the biggest area is the Middle East that is far over 80% 100% controlled by English royal families and other controlling families from Europe and USA including the evil Rockefeller family that uses fear as mean of mass brainwash to subdue the population including caning what is odd here is India does not cane even though they were more caned by the British than any other nation or even more than all other nations combined and that alone speaks highly of them, them means Indians:
5. Caning in Singapore:
6. The 'Rod of Empire': The Debate over Corporal Punishment in the British African Colonial Forces, 1888-1946:
7. The 'Rod of Empire': The Debate over Corporal Punishment in the British African Colonial Forces, 1888-1946:
8. A History of Corporal Punishment:
9. The ‘Rod of Empire’: The Debate Over Corporal Punishment in the British African Colonial Forces, 1888–1946:
But also there is countless other copycat religions in Christianity such as Evangelical Lutheran church, Reformed Evangelical Lutheran church and Reformed Christian church and reformed Evangelical church and Reformed Evangelical Christian church and the names continue on and on and on for nearly or over 45,000 different Christian denominations and each of them has it is own hidden controlling God in form of a controlling family from a small one in some village to control it is own family that often consist of incest children of one man and raised by fake parents as these criminals and psychopaths did to me and forced me to raise one of their hidden children by forcing me to believe it is my biological child. Back to the church in some villages, that maybe has 80 children and very possibly 40 or 50 of them are the sones and daughters of one father that hides his children by his enslaved brothers, cousins, or someone else and he is using telepathy to control them as was done to me. This person with telepathy can be the mayor or pastor/Priest or the biggest farmer in the village or as they also do copy other things from the New Testament, he can be pretending to be a harmless, peaceful, top friendly and helpful person, to hide his telepathy and use telepathy to perform all his slavery wishes = MPDS-Multiple Personality Disorder Syndrome!
Add to the above that the New testament absolutely does not tolerate the killing of other follow human being, just like Hindu religion in India, yet the English royal family and other royal families found a workaround for that, by hiring a pastor as an officer that blesses the soldiers in wars, which is nothing else than telling the soldiers it is ok to kill other human beings they are all bad, they are all terrorist and God approve of that you destroy his creation by killing them and therewith some of these Christian denominations are reinstating the Old testament of “an Eye for an eyer and tooth for a tooth, and when someone hits or damaging you, then do twice as bad to him to deter others = the English royal families + their countless relatives all over the world that I estimate them all to be over 30 million in the UK + USA + Australia + Canada + Hong Kong + Singapore + in India + Common Wealth 54 countries + in all the so-called Arab kingdoms in at least south east Asia, as well as big time in Africa. As a result of all that we have also the Orthodox Christian that in each country is 100% different than the other Christian Orthodox in other countries because each is controlled by the one or other hidden controlled family such as my fake family many of them are 100% Greek Orthodox that are 100% related to the English royal families and now they are forcing others to be Muslim Sunni, it is the new big trend, because it makes a better slave that will repeat what allegedly God order them to be “Slaves of God enable to force them to follow the commands of the Saudi Arabian royal families, the Jordanian royal families and others that were 100% instated in the begin of the twentieth century by the English royal families and their hidden American relatives such as the Rockefeller families that practically owns Saudi Arabia since at least 1911 as mentioned elsewhere in my complaint pages and therewith the English royal families are enslaving people using Judaism + Christianity + Islam and who knows possibly also other religions that smells like them such as Mormon, Jehovah Witnesses, Scientology and so on!!
The Telepathy description in the New Testament is maybe 50-70% of the over 300 pages of the New Testament.
As a result of the very contradicting Old and New testaments, and while at the begin was a curse for the fake Gods alias the English royal families and their alike, yet they created a chaos of religions worldwide between the various Christian denominations, various Judaism denominations, the various Muslim denominations, and other religions denominations, not to forget the all new ones such as Jehovah Witnesses and also new they have their own various denominations, Mormon and Scientology and all together are misusing religion to enslave people right in their own mind as these criminals did to me for over 50 years, at least since kidnapping me on 15 January 1960 to Cairo Egypt and ever since I cannot get free of these sadistic vicious psychotic wild animals that are disguised as human beings such as my fake mother(s), my 3 fake sisters and their lookalikes and my fake brother and his double and my fake cousins and so on, and there with my entire life became fake, just like at least millions of other innocent enslaved human beings in almost every country, even in the Netherlands, I see hidden slavery on a daily basis, and you can check it out yourself, at the entrance of many stores you find a persons, usually a female but also sometimes even a male distribution the Jehovah’s Witnesses printout by standing at the entrance for often 8-10 hours on a daily basis for months and some even for years = publicly hidden slavery, because this person is isolated and does not know what to do with his own life, meaning he was trained not to know how to use his/her own intelligence and now he/she thinks that they have a purpose in life by wasting his own life!!!???
There is many good side of Christianity, which is if the intelligence is not suppressed like it is by over 90% of the worldwide population, then it can be very beneficiary for a human being, among others to follow the advice of the New testament, and I am quoting it “ in the Old testament was said an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, and I say if someone hit you on your right cheek, then give him the left cheek, and if someone ask you to go one mile with him then go 2 miles with him”, end of quote. If the intelligence is suppressed, maybe, it is better to follow this advice, because at least the person would not be hurt and can live until a better future comes. If I did follow the Old Testament just as many Christian and Muslims and Jewish do, such as an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, then I would have been dead by now and would not have had the chance to help others with these complaint pages!!!!
Yet when the intelligence is not suppressed, then and based on my point of view, the advice of the Old and New Testaments as mentioned in the above quote are wrong because of the following:
1. Following the Old testament advice such as an Eye for an eye and tooth of a tooth, would force a human being to go into a never ending cycle of revenge and revenge brings with it unpeaceful times as well as countless damages as you can see today through the very vicious Russian (=English royal families relatives) invasion of Ukrain, and therewith a person would never understand the real cause of the problem he/she is having because he/she is constantly busy with revanging and after the revange he/she has the fake satisfaction feeling as if the problem is solved without being able to know the real cause and what is behind it, which will cause the problem to happen again and again and again and that is not intelligent at all!
2. Following the New Testament advice of if someone hit you on the right cheek, then give him the left cheek to also hit you on the left cheek, and if someone asks you to go one miles with him, then go 2 miles with him. If the person intelligence is suppressed, then this advice will at least and to most of the time keep him/her safer and alife, yet if the intelligce is not supressed and the person is free, then it is a bad advice because it will give the person the feeling that the problem is solved and will hide the actual cause of the problem, but it is not solved, because if you allow others or even ask them to also hit you on the left cheek the possiblity that this situation would repeat it self is 100%, and people will be queing/standing in row just to slap you on the other cheek, and that also supresses the intelligence because it gives the feeling as if the problem is solved, but it is not solved, and to solve it, never give your left cheek to be also hit on it, but rather use the intelligence to analyzy the situation and understand it to be able to prevent it of ever happening again in a peacful intelligent manner, and believe me when I tell you that your intelligence is capable to always find a peaceful way to solve the problem with out hitting others or being hit again by others. For example, some one get angry and slap you, then you have to understand why did he or she do that, did you do something that insulted them, or did you refuse to follow their recomendation or even order, and then ask your self why did I insult him/her, is it because he/she insulted me first, which equals eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, or is it something else, as long as you do not know the real cause you will never be safe and following the advice of both Old and New Testament is anti-intelligence and anti-freedom and anti-permenant-peace!
Despite all what is written above, I am very thankful that I was setup to become Christian because of mainly 2 reasons that also caused me severe life unsolvable problems:
1. I had no logic, which is a mean and most sadistic and filthy manor of a brainwash to prevent a person to think and compare situations and things = keep the person as stupid as it gets, or better said as stupid as they are, they, meaning the brainwashers, in my life it was my fake and biological families, yet and very suddenly in 1976 and after I was setup to become Christian I had a logic, which is the best road to freedom, because if you have no logic, then you are dependent on the decision of others and that is why they brainwash people by among others preventing them to have a logic that helps them to make their own decisions and be free of their sadistic vicious slavery
2. I was totally isolated since kidnapping me on 15 January 1960, and now and very suddenly I have many friends from April 1976 to at least 1979, then they continued to get less and less until these criminals psychopaths and thieves PB-British Petroleum alias English royal families and the Rockefeller families enslaved me again on 24.12.1984 and then in September 1986 kidnapped me again, this time I know from where because it was the only home that I ever knew in my life, they kidnapped me from Germany to USA where I was totally isolated again until today in 2022, with the exception that today and since at least 2016 I am isolating myself voluntarily to come to the bottom of the problems of my life while helping others see these severe sadistic vicious, barbaric and psychotic problems forced upon my life and the lives of countless others known to me and unknown to me human beings that was performed by the English royal families, the Rockefeller royal families the Jordanian royal families and the Saudi Arabian royal families and not to forget all the others surrounding me that are trying to benefit of my suffering and adding more suffering to my life because they are too stupid to try to find an intelligent solution to their problems of self-loving and greed such as what Siemens AG did to me, BP-British Petroleum did to me and my fake sisters, fake mother and fake brother and fake cousins did to me, not to forget what the evil American government including their military and immigration services and FBI did to me, but also how nasty the German and Dutch immigration authorities treated me to cover up for the criminal mass murders Bush family that made sure I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in 1986 and then made sure I was locked up between jails, prisons and refugee camps between Houston, Texas USA, the Netherlands and Germany from summer 1999 to summer 2012 just to cover up for the absolutely stupid and mass murderer ex-US president George W. Bush and his stupid also mass murderer father George H. W. Bush (how stupid you have to be to name the son as the father, which is an old stupid English royalties tradition that you can see in the names of their kings George I, George II, George III, George IV, George V, George VI and so on = totally stupid, just as they name new cities in USA, Canada, Australia and in the Middle East as the names they already using in UK such as New York Birmingham, Oman and Amman in Arabic is written the same yet the accent of the locals change the name from Amman to Oman = Jewish from Israel and so on) that made sure I am locked up before his presidency started and kept me locked up until after his evil and most destructive presidency. And that is what intelligence allow the person to see the real problems and who is causing it, even though it does not matter anymore for me, if I stop this evil persecution or not, yet understanding it is very vital for my complaint pages and whoever is reading it, because he/she would most definitely benefit for his own life by learning of my very destructed life alias the con business of the biggest and most sadistic and vicious organized crime family the world has ever seen: The English royal families all over the world including but not limited to all their hidden branches known to me such as the American Rockefeller the Jordanian Hashemite royal family (Hashemite my foot these liars cone people), Saudi Royal families and all their neighboring countries!
That was in a nutshell misusing religion, which is most questionable. Do your own internet research either to confirm what is under this section or to prove me wrong, and maybe then you would think that I am making a copycat of William Shakespeare or the Grim brothers, or I am making a copycat of both. Yet what I am most definitely not doing and do not want to do, is an additional religion denomination = copycat religion!!!
All I want is freedom for everyone, to educate himself/herself and decide for him/her self what they want to be, and this for every Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist or any other human being that was separated by force of humanity through these manmade slavery religions, because freedom comes only from God by looking at his creation and trying to analyzing it to understand it and to learn directly from it and therewith learn directly from God, because what I learned of my fake family and my biological families, and learned of the German government, American government American military, American CIA, American FBI, American INS, British MI6, British cowered colonialists, British BP-British Petroleum, English royal families, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, is nothing else than destruction, and since I am unlike them a none destructive person I am not following them, not imitating them, not following their advices, and not following their evil governments that brought me nothing but slavery and destruction of my own life and everything surrounding it, therefore I am complaining because these sadistic vicious mentioned organized crime families are not allowing me to live freely and although not allowing billions of innocent human being to live freely and the prove is the invasion of Ukraine, the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq, the hidden invasion of Syria, invasion of Palestine, Yemen, Libya, Vietnam, and countless other countries in Europe, Africa, South America, Asia and countless other tiny islands all over the world! That most people did not even hear of them!
Freedom for me alone does not count because it does not work!
Only joint freedom can work = freedom for all, it is just like the corona virus or any other virus that destruct our lives, if we do not protect all human beings of the virus, it will continue to hit us again and again and again…!
All of the above of Jewish persecuting me, is in additions to Jewish persecuting me in Germany between 1970 and 1976 and again between 1978 1986 in Munich, Germany and again in USA countless times also with the help of the FBI and all are mentioned in details in other pages of my complaint pages including the time in in 1984 where I was 100% forced with telepathy to repeatedly go to a Jewish bar and restaurant in Munich called Shalom Club and sit in some corner and cry as if I am missing home Israel, whereby and at that time I absolutely had no idea why I was going there and above all I had no idea why I was crying at that bar, today I know, it is as mentioned within a severe and 100% severe brainwash to delink me of the sadistic English royalties puppets alias the puppets Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families alias my fake families!
In short Jewish were used as scapegoats and to coverup for the Jordanian + Saudi Arabian + Kuwaiti + UAE + Omani royal family, where members of my fake family are members of each of these countries’ royal families, which is mentioned in many other places in my complaint pages!
Sometimes one small situation proves the big picture, and this prove I am listing here, which is Israel is 100% the biggest American + British military base to protect their hidden properties in the Middle East and Africa, such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and others.
From 28 February 2008 and until Mai 2012 I was force by the Dutch immigration to live in the village Bellingwolde and going to the so-called integration course nearly for 3 years in the bigger village called Winschoten, where I was very sadistically and most viciously tortured in more than in one way as follow:
1. Tortured using over 15 Jewish dentists and dental technician. In several villages around the village I was forced to live in and even in the bigger city Groningen 40 km further, all the dentists and dental technicians conspired together to torture me as a mean of brainwash and to keep me busy trying to find a dentist or a technician that does not hurt me, later I recognize it as conspired torture and that continued even after I was forced to relocate in Mai 2012 from that area to Amsterdam and then to the city of Brighton in the UK, and then to the city of Kerkrade in Netherlands, and then to city of Harrow-London in the UK and then to the city Assen in the Netherlands in 2014 and until I started to fix my forced upon me denture myself, because these savages and instead of fixing my teeth they pulled all my teeth out to change the way my face look as distraction of my biological family that I look like them. The list of all the dentists and dentist technicians and their addresses are listed elsewhere
2. Forced living in isolation. During my forced upon me residency in the village Bellingwolde from 28 February 2008 and until Mai 2012 I was forced to complaint publicly about things not related to me and forced to attack people not only I did not know, but also had nothing to do with me, at least not directly and not to my knowledge, which was 100% distraction of my fake family as mentioned below, and since these criminals and psychopath fake family members are Americans + British + German origins and also simultaneously members of the following royal families: Jordan, Saudi Arabia + Bahrain + Kuwait + UAE + Oman, which equals that these countries are in the hidden owned among others or mainly (I was not able to determine 100%) by British and Americans, and therewith I was forced with brainwash and telepathy to force my thought and thinking to be as far as it gets of the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families alias my fake families until recently where I was able somehow to get out of their brainwash and come to the point and be more precise about my fake families alias the partners of my kidnappers as mentioned below. Writing about people I do know and not related to me resulted in a never-ending revenge attacks against me, which was another very sadistic and mean brainwash method to force my mind to fear revenge and not to try to find the real truth about my fake and biological families.
3. Forced living in isolation for re-brainwash during an extensive and redundant 3 years integration course. They forced me during that period and at least from 2008 and until end of 2010 in the so called integration course where I was forced to go to integration school called Noorder Poort College in Winschoten twice a week each for 1-2 hours and this for nearly 3 years = this is not only illegal, but also a criminal act against refugees to have the time to brainwash them as these criminals see fit and forcing me to write the complaint website called wanted as mentioned above and complaining about people I do not know, never met and has nothing to do with me, while in the hidden of all that I was also forced to list every single person I ever met in my life in form a wanted page that include all the information known to me about this person, including how I get to know him/her, how old they are, who are their husbands/wives and children, cousins, parents, friends and so on and what they did to me if they did something bad to me, and therewith they not only harmed me but forcing me to attack people I do not know that they revenged on me by pretending to be those people, but also stole all the knowledge in my mind by forcing me to start to write these pages in around August 2006 as I was forced to live in the refugee camp in the city Dokkum until they forced me to live isolated in the above mentioned village Bellingwolde starting 28 February 2008, which very much means that the Dutch immigration, which is a branch of the Dutch government did all that to me and that is not only illegal, but it is inhuman and most sadistic and against all the laws of privacy, and that alone is a prove that in our all lives there is absolutely no privacy and the privacy laws are nothing else than a mass brainwash, because there are countless persons with telepathy and all the governments and churches and temples and mosques knows that, that with telepathy a person can see what I see and feel what I feel but they have absolutely no feelings what so ever otherwise I would not be complaining about how they torture me by among others not allowing me to have sufficient sleep on a daily basis and today in Mai 2022 this while I am sick after I was hospitalized for 2 weeks due to brain stroke that minimized the strength of my muscles by 50-80%, today in May of 2022 it is still minimized by at least 50%, which means I require a routine good sleep enable I can regenerate, yet I am being prevented to regenerate by not allowing me to have more than 3-4 hours’ sleep on a daily basis, which makes me tired the whole day and I cannot concentrate on my complaint pages or concentrate on anything else for a matter of fact and there with I am being delayed in completing my complaint pages by months through physical torture that has a huge negative effect on my health and mental wellbeing in that it is trying to force me to give up and see my situation as hopeless = sadistic, vicious, psychopath animals disguised as human beings. Back to the integration course, if the government forces anyone to be in an integration course for the purpose of learning the local language for more than 2-4 months, then the government is severely brainwashing the refugee as they did to me, and I am still suffering today in May of 2022 of what they did to me until 2016. And continue to do some of it today
4. Sadistic telepathy attacks. During the period of August 2006 and 27 February 2008 I was living in the refugee camp in the small city called Dokkum during which I was severely brainwashed, yet I was not tortured by not allowing me to have routinely good sleep, but rather the opposite I was able to always sleep well. During the period of 28 February 2008 and until Mai 2012 I was forced to live isolated in the village called Bellingwolde, during which I was even worst and more severely brainwashed and was tortured in that they do not allow me to have routinely good sleep in that they wake me up at 1 or 2 in the morning and force me to work on the website called wanted during which forced to look on the Internet at certain photos of unknown persons to me, and this at least 5-6 days per week, week in and week out. And that is why they forced me to live in this totally isolated village on the edge of the northern eastern border of the Netherlands with Germany.
All of the above, points to me that some Jewish persons in and around the village Bellingwolde where I was forced to live in between 28 February 2008 and Mai 2012 has persecuted me very viciously to cover up for my fake family in Jordan and in Saudi Arabia and in UAE and in Kuwait and in Bahrain and above all in Oman alias the same spelling in Arabic as Amman. In Arabic both are written like that “عمان” based on the accent are pronounced differently, just like various English accents in USA and also in the UK and also in Canada, Australia and others, yet they all write most of the words that they pronounce differently yet write it the same spellings. Here they choose words to deceive people they write Oman in Arabic as Sultanate of Oman “سلطنة عمان”, whereby Sultanate means a country or a state that is controlled by a Sultan, just as you say king and kingdom, whereby Sultan is 100% Urdu for emperor or another word for Maharaja (Urdu is an Indian language mainly used by Muslims such as Muslims in India, or in Pakistan or Bangladesh and all these 3 countries used to be one country called India until the British forced to split India in 1947 in these 3 countries, as they always do, to better control some part of it but above all to cover up that at that time India had more Muslims than the entire rest of the world except of East Asia = Islam is originated from India and not from Saudi Arabia as the British and their hidden puppets the royal families of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other neighboring countries claim it to be), in the following link use your browser to search for the word “Sultan” (, you will find that this Urdu word that they claim it is Arabic is mainly used by Eastern Asian countries that are far of Saudi Arabia and no Saudi went there unless it was after the 19th century or even after the 20th century, and not even the British or even Portuguese went there until after the year 1500, where no Saudi had a shoe to travel or a boat big enough for sailing further than 1-5 km for fishing purposes and that after the year 1800 and to be more precise after the year 1900, yet the word Sultan similar to Emperor was used since thousands of years in East Asia and before the official fake date when Islam allegedly started 1443 years ago. I believe Islam was not only established for the first time ever in India, but also it was established before other religions such as Judaism (Allegedly established 3,300 years ago by Moses), Christianity (allegedly established 1822 years ago by the Catholic church), further I strongly believe that the Judaism was established sometimes between the year 1500 and 1600 by the English royal family as an isolated religion for their slave soldiers and as copycat of Islam from India and that explains why English royal families are concentrated on stealing other countries and I also believe that many of these slave soldiers were used in India and they escaped and lived in India and were going around killing others and stealing their properties because this is the only thing that the English has taught them, and then some Indians came up with the very peaceful and highly intelligent way to fight them without killing them by taming them using one of their countless Hindu religions that today we call the New Testament and that would explain many things about the history of the Bible, and the behavior described within the Old Testament + using candles, using incense in the church and in the indian temples but also the very big similarities between Christianity and Hinduism such as being peaceful, patient, pointing to unknown God that treat everyone the same by giving all of us the same gifts, if it is our physical or mental gifts or even the entire world that we live in, Also the New testament include many things that are identical to the Hinduism, such as don’t worry what goes in to your mouth but rather worry what comes out of your mouth, in other words don’t worry what you eat if it is pork, beef, goat, sheep or fish, but worry that no bad words, insulting words, aggressive words comes out of your mouth. I remember suddenly and while I was forced to live in Houston, Texas in an apartment complex called Stand Cliff Park Apartments on 10350 Lands End Drive from 1 January 1991 to 10.10.1999, in the begin, there were mainly Americans, or white people with minority of Afro American people living in this complex, but starting 1995 so many Indians started to move into this apartment complex and suddenly there was at least 50% Indians living there, all were super friendly and humble, and many of them used to go outside their apartment and within the apartment complex take their shoes off and walk on the small areas that had grass planted on them, and I asked them why they do that, their answer was and I am quoting them, “We want to stay in touch with nature and therewith also with God that created this nature, which it help us in our path of life to be peaceful” end of quote = similarity to New Testament!
This is how nasty I was persecuted by Jewish to distract me of my fake family and BP-British Petroleum + English royal families + Rockefeller families + Bush family that had their main housing only a few kilometers from where I was forced to live in Houston, Texas. I believe they lived in an area called West Oaks/Tanglewood while I lived in an area called Alief.
My apologies if I may have mixed up the relations between the various persons mentioned below, and this is because I was taught this information in elementary and junior high school between 1960 and 1969 in Cairo, Egypt.
This is an additional prove that the soon to be ex-US president Joe Biden is protecting one of the most vicious controlling families in the world, which is the Assad families, many of which has a different name, represented by the Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad his main hidden profession is the biggest drug lord in The Arabic Middle East. When Joe Biden sent an American mercenaries’ assassins to allegedly kill a terrorist group leader. His action says and shows many things that is if a person can take the time to look at it and understand the situation and here, I am just going to make it short and lay it out for you in forms of points:
1. The following two of the most destructive inactions of US President Joe Biden are anti-Americans, Anti-Freedom, Anti-Democracy, Anti-Equality, and anti-Human all over the world:
1.1. Not persecuting and prosecuting those responsible for spreading the Corona virus as mean to slow the economies of the EU and China and force them to accept the tariffs that was forced upon them by ex-US president Donald Trump, while blaming the corona virus on China to create hate against China, which they did, and as a result many Chinese or even none-Chinese yet may look East Asians such as from neighboring countries of China, were viciously attacked by some Americans on the streets within US, even though they were Americans. The details of this spreading is the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2, also what I missed in the mentioned page is the Chairman of Joint Chief of staff, which equals the top controlling General of the American military/Armed Forces, and from my point of view and based on my knowledge each one of them is Drug lord that uses the military to transport and distribute mass amount of illegal drugs using the American tax payers money by transporting and distributing the illegal drugs with military capabilities, and there with committing treason because they are killing countless people with these drugs and within USA, but also in every country where there is an American and/or British military bases, such as in Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece, Germany and many others, for more info see the list of military bases worldwide: + and in comparison with other countries military bases also worldwide, if you look closely at us bases in the following countries, then you will realize that USA + UK are 100% controlling all the so-called Arab petroleum kingdom countries: Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates. With the exception of Israel, all so-called Arab Petroleum countries in Asia are military bases for USA the number one enemy of freedom and democracy and my life and complaint pages is the prove but also the sadistic slavery laws of all these petroleum countries are even more prove. In 1979-1982 when I was sent to Saudi Arabia on business, it was ll strange to me in Saudi Arabia, it was nothing like what I know of the so called Arab countries that I visited until then, w2hich were Egypt in 1960-1969, Jordan and Lebanon in 1967 and 1970, Syrian in December 1969, Jordan, Morocco and Saudi Arabia between 1979 and 1986, yet Saudi Arabia did not have any similarities with the other countries, yet after I was kidnapped to USA in September 1986, I realized that Saudi Arabi is another state of USA, because it had the same chaos in people’s lives, same bad highways, same restaurants, same supermarkets, same style of airport, and that is when I realized thet you cannot do what you do not know or better said, you can only do what you know, and when they invented Saudi Arabia fake history, yet they built it as an image of USA just with the copycat Islam called Islam Sunni, everything else in Saudi Arabia is 100% Americans, including the disgusting public members of the Saudi royal family and Saudi government members they also act as if they are in a Hollywood movie, meaning they have Multi personality disorder and act as faithful good Muslims and then lead the country as the Rockefeller is doing in Texas and else where in USA with force and fear and sadistic bad laws that prevent women to be free in the 21st century = psychopaths
1.2. not reversing the deadly tax cut that was performed by the ex-US president Donald Trump white house administration that lowered the taxes for large businesses from 35% to 20%, and that is 100% ant-freedom and anti-democracy and anti-equality, because the general public is now paying almost double the taxes of rich persons and rich companies, because their taxes still far above 20% and for most is 35%, which means they will be poorer while the rich will be richer = 100% slavery, because the money is now missing for many social sectors such as for veteran help, for standalone parent that have to raise their children, help for people who earn less than 1,000 US Dollar, for students help for business starter and the list is endless which will 100% lead to a financial meltdown in USA, sooner or later because people will have less money to spend
1.3. The above 2 points speaks very badly of the current US president Joe Biden White House Administration that are spending more money on the war in Ukraine than on their own people, while dramatically enriching the weapon manufacturers that are going to pay less and less taxes to kill other people
2. Search Google for the following text to see what other media is saying about the situation “President Biden said Thursday that ISIS leader Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi blew himself up”
3. The USA + UK governments have been helping a mass murderer since 2011, in reality covering up for the Assad family since 1970 and covering up for him because he supplies them with illegal drugs, which is the Assad family represented by the Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad. Helping him by systematically killing his opponents among others killing this man on 3 February 2022 “Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi” including his wife and children and other family members!
4. Saying that the USA + UK helping a mass murderer and vicious drug lord family Assad since 2011 is absolutely wrong, they started to help them in 1970 by helping them to come to power and take control of the entire illegal drug business that was until that time spread out among many smaller drug lords. And it is very visible that the USA + the UK Government are helping an organized crime family stay in control also since 1983 with the illegal project Calypso as it is described in detail in the page “BP-British Petroleu-part-1 & -part-2 & Part-3-Version-2” which includes many proves and names including Siemens AG, Wenger Technik , UDF- Unternehmensberatung Dr. Fischer later renamed to UDF Consulting AG, BP-British petroleum, SCS-Scientific Control Systems, DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation, later purchased by and replaced by Compaq Corporation later purchased by and replaced by HP-Hewlett Packard, and above all their building’s neighbors above and below them as well as their business partners IBM-International Business Machine and MS-Microsoft Corporation, where by the last 2 conspired and planned together with BP-British Petroleum to steal my multilingual design and they did it on 19.10.1984 and described below in additional details to the already described details in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1
5. As I mentioned before a religion is never a guaranty for moral and ethical or even religious values, and the best prove one out of countless is 100% the US President Joe Biden that always is bragging that he is allegedly a Catholic Irish, he may very well be Irish heritage, whereby his behavior is anything but Christian and most definitely not Catholic behavior. The reason he claims that he is Catholic, and Irish enable to force people’s mind to solidarity with him while also feel sorry for him, especially with the alleged drama of his dead son, all this is a typical English royalty and Freemason con business strategies as a mass brainwash. A real Catholic and a real Christian will never ever dare to kill another human being and no matter what, because a human being is created by God through a preplanned of a never-ending cycle of reproduction, that we still are trying to learn how he did that. And this is not my opinion but rather it is in the Bible where Jesus forbid his disciples to kill a soldier that came to arrest him, by saying it is not his fault he is just following orders = slave, for more info about the bible see the following section, whereby in this section it does not explain Christianity and it is not my business and it is not advertisement for Christianity or any other religion, which is also, not my business but rather the business of a pastor, but in this section I list in a very short description the source of the Bible and who wrote it which is a public knowledge to most Christians but it is totally unknown for the rest of the world and also for many Christians: “Old Testament in comparison to New Testament” under the above section “Important points to consider while reading this conclusion document”, and the reason I had to add this explanation about the source of the bible is to make it easier to understand the following sections that rely on the understanding of the source of the bible and other books that were collected in a similar manner by other persons just to show a pattern of the collection of source materials or source of the stories of the bible. When a Catholic, which is the source of Christianity, kill or order the killing of others then he is 100% neither catholic nor Christian, my apologies I said it wrongly, correctly said then he is a con person and is pretending to be Catholic or Christian to win the trust of other Christians (= 2.4 Billion Christians including Catholics and countless other denominations, ok they are almost countable to slightly over 45 Thousand Christian denominations to check this use google to search for this text “how many Christian denominations are there worldwide”: + ) or Catholics (=1.2 Billion Catholics Worldwide), Christians total makes over quarter of the world population, and exactly that is what soon to be ex-president Joe Biden is doing dividing us. Add to that, the longer a person is working for the government or in one sector in his life the quicker his intelligence deteriorate, and based on my life experience a person should never work longer than 2-4 or at the maximum 6 years at the same sector, yet Joe Biden is working for the government in one way or another since 1973 and has absolutely no physical or visible knowledge about the rest of the world and real life for the general public, I know about life more than him and all ex-republican presidents combined including Ronald Reagan because I was forced to do that and seen life from top to bottom, Joe Biden has been 49 years as of the current year 2022 in the same sector, which is government and is literally theoretical person based on brainwashed forced upon him through lifelong training as a hidden slave for controlling families which are 100% the English royal families and the Rockefeller families (royal because they called their first high rise building the Empire State Building in Manhattan, New York, USA and are as merciless as the English royal families!), and that shows how intelligent Joe Biden is, in matter of fact the president of USA is the wrong title for his position and function, in reality he is nothing else than the spokesperson or the speaker of the Whitehouse Administration and/or the hidden slave of several controlling families and the official speaker of the Whitehouse is the speaker of the speaker of the Whitehouse, which is currently Jen Psaki a Greek most probably ex-Greek royalties as many members of my fake family are, while pretending to be Arabs (!
6. Joe Biden claims that the target blew himself and his family with a bomb, in other words committed mass suicide for himself, and forced his wife/wives and children to do the same, which is theoretically and practically impossible because it is 100% against Islam to kill yourself, to kill a woman that is a mother, which is considered to be the holiest person and above all kill children, but also kill in this process guards and possibly other family members and servants = no one will ever do that to his own children and that makes the US president Joe Biden a pathological liar, if anyone killed the other then the American assassins killed this family and as these criminals realized that women and children were also killed, either they knew in advance and did not care or then they lied their teeth off and fabricated the story that the target and alleged ISIS leader Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi blew himself and entire household up, another possibility is that they took him and his family = around 10 persons to hide them somewhere else because they were working for them just as Yasser Arafat was and Osama Ben Laden was also working for them, because the UK and USA cannot live without chaos of terrorism that is needed to hide their own crimes and blame it on alleged terrorists, one of these manufactured simultaneous chaos is the alleged standoff between Russia and Ukraine, because it is in the benefit of the English royal family and their hidden American and Russian relatives to not allow more countries to join EU-European Union because they can easier and better manipulate countries that stands alone than those that are united such as the EU and that is why many European countries get together to be united and be able to stand strong on the other side of the very vicious English royal family and their huge hidden allies such as USA, Russia, the 54 CWC-Common Wealth countries and many other hidden allies such as the absolutely vicious Saudi Arabian Royal family, Jordanian Royal family, UAE royal families, Oman Royal family, Kuwaiti Royal family and other hidden allies that were 100% established mainly by the English royal families in cooperation with the Rockefeller families and other European royal families and ex-royal families such as the ex-Greek royal families and the ex-German Royal family that made my life to hell in Germany covered up and distracted by the CIA + MI6 + BND
7. Look closely at the name of the target Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi Hashimi and Qurayshi are 100% Indian names and now it is to see mostly in the split Indian countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh and based on Wikipedia ( it is used to 82% in Pakistan. Also very important to note that name Quraysh, and as far as I recall of my schooling in Cairo, Egypt between 1960 and 1969, was the name of the family of the Muslim or Islamic prophet’s Mohamad/Mohammad or the name of his opponents, and the Hashimi name is absolutely the same, and the Jordanian royal family alias an organized crime family established after the First World War by the English royal family among others by bringing many Indians to Jordan and later after the Second World War bringing many Pakistani, Greek and even Israeli disguised as Palestinians, and I know that for fact because Jordan is 100% controlled by the families of my 2 fake sisters Suhair Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah as well as the hidden families of my fake mother or at least one of my fake mothers because today I know they were 3 criminal psychopath women exchanging places without me noticing and pretending to be my mother while using me as a decoy son, meaning people will see this evil woman with her son and it is always the same looking son, and therewith it must be the same woman and this strategy was used on me by several criminals of the Jordanian royal family as mentioned below with literally countless proves for everyone as mention below including photos as prove. Add to all that, that the Jordanian royal family claims to be from the same family of the Muslim prophet Mohamad/Mohammad by calling their selves Hashimi or Hashimiat/Hashemites, which is absolutely impossible because the prophet Mohamad was honesty itself and was a good man to every one even to Christians and above all had the highest moral values and this based on what I learned in my elementary and junior high school in Cairo, Egypt from 1960-1969, and the Jordanian royal family is 100% organized crime family of the worst kind that kidnap children and organize rapping them as a mean of multipurpose brainwash as these criminals and psychopaths did to me, beside they are 100% protected by the evil CIA + MI6 and the CIA and MI6 and above all by Israel, and all of them are 100% against Muslims while supporting Islam Sunni only and my complaint pages is the prove that most of it are verifiable for person with influence or persons with many resources and for the rest of the people it is very verifiable that the CIA + MI6 isolated me all my life starting March 1970 at the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany as cover up for my fake family and continued to isolate me all my life and until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague in 2016 seeking protection by the Dutch royal family of these vicious nasty psychopaths see the Wikipedia how these psychopaths pretend to be related to the persons that is one of the world best men because he had very high moral values and ethical values and most loyal to other Muslims and most honest person, which is the prophet Mohamad/Mohammad and these Jordanian royal family pretend to be related to him, which is not true, look at the Wikipedia at the end of the article they have a fake family tree relating their self to the one of the best men in our history, which is prophet Mohamad/Mohammad, not to forget that he is represented by over 2 billion Muslims and you cannot say that all of them are bad because it is impossible at least because they are 100% family oriented and family is the most valuable thing in our very vicious world: and take a look at the information of the good prophet Mohamad: and then you will realize it is impossible that an organized crime family related to the Bush family + English Royal family + Rockefeller family that can be Muslim and most definitely are not related to the prophet as they claim. It is a typical con business as it is repeatedly used by the English royal family as well as by the current US president Joe Biden and several to many ex-US presidents such as Donald Trump, George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and others
8. The US president Joe Biden has a very low rating, right after Donald Trump, and the huge English royal family is trying to improve his rating by creating a war situation that may and may not come to war between Russia and Ukraine (added in May 2022, the war between them started on 24.02.2022) to get him involved and show as if he is a good president and US Government in general is not a war manufacturing country but rather Russia, which is not true, the facts speaks for their selves, USA has countless military bases in the world and love wars because that is their number one source of income selling weapons and stealing lands among others for natural resources such as petroleum and that is why they have and by large the biggest petroleum business worldwide, and they sold Ukraine weapons, if these weapons were gifts from USA to Ukraine, then they cheated the tax payers and stole tax payers money by enriching the weapon manufacturers that are mainly owned by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, but naturally under a different names, and that is one of the so called win/win situation, by creating chaos in Europe, deploying more soldiers to Europe and now they have more than 80,000 (Eighty Thousands) US soldiers in Europe, try to prevent an ex-hidden English royal family country to join the NATO or in particular joining the EU, making lots of money during the process, improving the rating of Joe Biden, enriching their Russian relatives by all this military actions of the alleged 100,000 (one hundred thousand) Russian soldiers, trying to force fear and division among Europeans, confirming the need of more American military basis in the former Soviet Union member countries alias the current Eastern European countries many of which are either already EU members or want to be, such as Poland that signed a defense treaty with USA during Donald Trump presidency, which will 100% add to the dilemma of Poland on the long run, because American military basis bring along with them many crimes and they will 100% try their best to manipulate the internal politics of these countries such as they did and still doing in Germany and most probably will try to force them to Polexit similar to Brexit in other words try hard to reduce the size of EU-European Union because they do not see friends in the EU but rather see a major competitor for economy and improved world relation that the English royal families and their American relatives does not want, they want world chaos so they can hide their fake democracy, fake freedom and above all hide stealing other countries. Today is 28.05.2022 and last week I heard Joe Biden say and I am quoting him “We will defend Taiwan if China tries to invade it, well, why aren’t he defending Ukraine against Russia, I tell you why because they want to destruct Ukraine because they do not want to see a Jewish state being slowly but surely build up in Europe or anywhere near Russia and USA. Also if he is willing to go into war with China for Taiwan, but not welling to go into war against Russia because the Rockefeller family + many other Americans as mentioned in other pages are heavy investors in Russia and the entire Russian Federation, in matter of fact the Rockefeller family were the only People that were allowed to travel to the ex-Soviet Union any time they want, and now they own countless businesses in Russia including petroleum businesses, and these mentioned points are only a few as prove that Joe Biden is a hidden slave of the English royal families and the Rockefeller royal families. If he was any good, then he would re-adjust the tax rates to be fair and that everyone pays his fair taxes by paying the same percentage, there is no more fair way than the equal percentage, now USA is 100% a slavery country for the rich, because anyone who is not multi billionaire, which is 99.99% of the American population, is paying 35% or more taxes while the Billionaires officially pays 20% and practically many of them pay between zero to 10%, which very much equals and proves that USA is 100% a slavery country. What even is more dangerous is the actual statement of Joe Biden “ we will defend Taiwan if China tries to invade it, which 100% would come to a third World War, then most of the general public will be dead within a few months, but not the controlling families, because they plan something like that as mean of resetting the world to be weaker while making them stronger because they are scared to lose what they have, which is slavery control. And there with Joe Biden is either as dangerous as Donald Trump and Harry S. Truman or even more dangerous than both. Ex- President Harry S. Truman white house administration were the ones that used atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan, where several hundred thousands died instantly, in September 1945 and ever since Japan is under the control of the American military = fake compassion and fake freedom, and that they like to repeat on several countries above all in Europe because they are scared that EU will soon top them, and they will top them sooner or later, in the economy for obvious reasons, that the EU has begun to recognize that the best natural resources on earth is the human beings and the more you help them get free the more their mind get free and the more their intelligence will grow and the more they will discover and invent with quality = bye…bye US and British control and chaos and weaponizing the others to make money, they even weaponize their own people to allow them to create chaos in USA through the countless mass shootings on a weekly basis, check it on the Internet “History of Mass Shootings in USA”, and here is one for you ( +, note not all mass shootings are listed, yet in the section summary you can see that in the year 2021 they had more 411 mass shootings that caused 431 dead and 1,688 injured and 2,125 total victims), which shows that on average they have more than one mass shooting on a daily basis, that literally force the American population to live in fear that they are tomorrow on the death row through their neighbor next door or neighbor next state 500 KM far or someone else an ex-employee that was not able to keep his job because his children are sick and the medical insurance does not pay all the medical bills and his boss fired him and his children are now dead because of this chaos = a potential mass shooter in 50-70% of the American population = it is very sad for me to see all that and keep quiet about it, so I am filling a public complaint, because I rather he does not defend Taiwan for the sake of Taiwanese, because if he defend Taiwan, then there will be an escalated war in Taiwan between China and USA, which will cause at least that countless Taiwanese be slaughtered, and maybe that is intend and planed, because Taiwan is economic wonder factory, and USA + UK rather it be USA + UK than some punch of second or third grade/class human from Asia, and that is not my thinking, but rather their thinking based on their behavior in the last 500 years during which they killed countless natives in USA, Canada, Australia, Middle East, Russia, India, China and many others !
9. Last but not least, don’t ever believe that USA and the UK have left Afghanistan, they may have pulled their visible military presence out of Afghanistan, yet I know better because I saw it first hand in the Middle East and in Germany, that they are like leeches, once they enter a country, they never leave it, but rather they go undercover in a mass amount of agents and government members such as they did with my fake family in Egypt, and prior to that in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and since at least 1960 they trying the same in Yemen but somehow the Yemini are resilient and the Americans and British by using Saudi Arabia as proxy are not being able to succeed to totally take control of Yemen and the entrance of the Red Sea. Add to that that Afghanistan is the second largest opium producer in the world right after Myanmar and before Iran but since the American invaded Afghanistan the opium business or better said opium production in Afghanistan grew by 35% in the last 20 years and therewith they most probably became the largest opium producer in the world thanks to the American and British military that buys it of them and distribute it worldwide using American and British tax payers money by using the CIA + military transport and distribution infrastructure and then use this opium to among others poison the lives of their own people by selling it to the British and American general public including children under 18 years old and in schools and make billions of Dollars tax free profit and then money launder this money through UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Jordan and no one can notice because they own banks in these countries and also own banks and financial institutions in the USA and the UK such as Morgan Stanly, City Bank, Bank of America, HSBC and others, and then open investment companies such as Black Rock as the Bush family did and then buy with this organized crime and blood money companies or shares in big companies such as Microsoft, General Electric, General Motors, Amazon, Siemens AG, and countless others. Back to USA + UK never left Afghanistan; they work closely with the Taliban to sell this huge amount of opium (= among others heroin) that I am guessing to be thousands of tons. For details see ( and also use google and search for this text “Afghanistan opium production was increased by 35%” also here is a report of United nations ( + heroin is made out opium ( If you have any doubt about these facts, then please ask yourself this question: how come that Russia and USA that owns countless spy satellites are not able to spy on drug lords, because these satellites are very powerful, they can, not only, read a page of paper from the sky, but also can read the license plate of any car, see who is driving it and recognize the faces, above all they can very easily locate the areas where the opium are grown and with the satellite follow it, but they do not do that, and therewith literally Millions of people worldwide are either getting severely sick or dying of these illegal drugs including children under 12 years old, and the reason they make children addicted to it because they brainwash them to perform other illegal activities or even sell them as sex objects and this is no matter if they are boys and girls, and this is nothing to them, just as these criminals and psychopath rapped me countless times with men and disgusting old women as a mean of brainwash and to force my mind to be ashamed and then I would not want to remember my past and therewith not understand it and therewith would not recognize that I was kidnapped by English royalties, Rockefeller family members, Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal family members as shown below with proves. The below graph shows clearly when the opium production increased in Afghanistan, which is during the American, British and their ally’s occupation of 20 years. Actually, the graph does not show 35% growth, but rather nearly 150% growth (!!!???). The source of the below graph is (
11. If you still doubt that US and UK military buys and sells thousands of tons of illegal drugs, then ask yourself the following questions: Myanmar + Afghanistan + Iran are the largest 3 opium producers worldwide, and this You can easy verify by using google search, the question here is to whom do they sell it(??), they cannot consume all this opium within their own population, otherwise they all will be dead by now, and the biggest illegal drug users in the world is number one USA number 2 Europe, they cannot sell it to Africa, because over 90% of the population are poor and the same in south America and the rest of Asia most countries in Asia have their own opium productions and what is left is Russia, south Korea, Japan, Taiwan, these are the richest countries in Asia after USA and Europe and 2 of these countries, which are South Korea and Japan have American military bases in them partially since 1945!!!
12. All the above is related to the slaughtering of the alleged ISIS leader Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi and his wife, children and other family members = an international crime to help the Syrian government stay in power to sell them more illegal drugs of their own farms as well as of their official best ally’s farms which are Lebanon, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Who knows maybe there was also a pregnant woman in that house that they blew up and killed everyone in it?
13. I am very disgusted by Joe Biden action, now US and UK government also kill women and children it is sad for me to see that I was once a child and totally helpless and they tortured the life out of me, no wonder I fell in love with Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka, even if she was hired or used with or without her knowledge to be against me and even if she had telepathy and kept it secret of me, yet and in the entire 3 years I knew her she was the best woman that I ever get to know in my miserable life and even by far better than any of the women in my fake family, when I remember how caring she was with her very lovely daughter, and see how Americans kill children and claim the father killed them because he was cowered and blew himself and his family up with a bomb as soon as the American assassins arrived what cow and horse shit is this (?) or better said what a Joe Biden shit is this, in other words his shit comes not from his bottom but from his mouth. I am always looking for ways to prove myself wrong and prove that the Americans are compassionate and generous people, but actions like that and no one complains about it, that is very disappointing, but I will still and continue searching for the alleged compassionate and generous American side and I do not mean generous material wise but rather understanding wise end empathy wise and compassions wise
14. Yet one more short point, if I put Christianity and the Catholic believe on the side and just look at God, me as a human being and all the intelligent things he gave us, yet I do not see one sign of God that he is a person or entity that punishes others, but rather he 100% rely on the intelligence that he gave us, meaning he gave us total freedom to do what we want and I discovered that for myself at my older age because I was prevented to think and use my own intelligence that is how filthy brainwash is, and now that I can think mostly freely, we all have intelligence as gift from God and with it we even create AI-Artificial Intelligence, and intelligence rely on thinking and when a person cannot think just like I was with force prevented to think, then the person is totally lost as I was, and Joe Biden is another person that cannot think, nor can his official Whitehouse staff think and this is the prove, which is I remember what I learned in Christianity, which is mainly 2 things:
14.1. Read God’s will through his actions and through his creation
14.2. God created many things for us to learn from and gave it to us as a gift, among others telepathy and many other things that we did not even discover yet, which very much says if I really love God and appreciate his gifts, then I will never ever take other human’s lives by killing him/her or give the order to assassins to kill him and that is Christianity in a nutshell and Joe Biden and his entire crocked Whitehouse administration are 100% not Christians, PERIOD!
15. Here is additional point that shows that neither Barak Obama, nor Donald Trump nor Joe Biden have power as they claim, because someone always prevent them to perform their duties, someone hidden of us and is above them, and this one is not God, but rather the English royal family and the Rockefeller families, and here is a prove, please note that I have a great respect for ex-US president Barak Obama, among others that he tried hard to close the very vicious and disgusting American military prison Guantanamo bay, where they not only keep prisoner that they kidnapped from all over the world for as long as they want in an antihuman way and totally degrading to humanity, in matter of fact that makes the American military a disgrace to humanity, but also it makes the American government and all American presidents, now it is Joe Biden, also a disgrace to humanity, and this because they not only torture the prisoners as they feel fit, but also they keep them in cages as if they are dogs, these prisoners and after they release them, that if they ever release them, they will have a lifelong PTSD-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, just as these ciminals and psychopaths caused me in 1970 and until 1977, where the church and Siemens AG helped me to come out of it from 1976 and until 1983 and then these psychpaths repeated the process with the absolute same strategies as in 1970 but this time in 1984 enslved me on 24.12.1984 and kidnaooed me to USA in September 1986 from Munich, Germany to USA, and there with wheneever I wake up form one PTSD just to fall in to anothe one and that you can read and see in my complaint pages that I am still stuggeling today in May 2022 to come out of or go over what these psychopaths did to me(!!!). Why the Guantanmo Bay is not only very bad (?) where the prisoners have no court no attorney no rights as if they are dogs because of the point listed below, to stop this torture that has been going on day in and day out since at least the year 1903 (onethousand nine hundred three) yet they claim it is opened after the World Trade center bombing that they created to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, beside I strongly believe that in this prison they keep persons either with telepathy or they are their own vicious spies and agents that they do not need any more and here they re-brainwah them as they did to me, and if these persons are locked up in a bit more humane prison in USA then the evil and most destructive government that I have ever seen in my life alias the US government would be worried that other more humane Americans with and without telpethy would visit them to help them ease their pain because that is one of the corner stones of Christianity to visit prisoners and show them how a peron that cares about other human beings and humanity and humane treatment and how a person with out crimes behave, which I saw often done but not for me and then these persons will discover that these prisoners are American agents, or at the latest in an American court or justice system it will come out any way, you decide because they are pathological liars (
16. Here is another disappointing none-action of Joe Biden and the democrat but also of the republicans are not doing anything about the Millions of illegal aliens in USA that many of them are literally kept as slaves by farmers as slave workers enable, they can sell their produce products worldwide cheaper than the competition, because employee’s salaries makes at least 40% of a business expenses which has to be deducted from the profit and that is why these farmers and countless other businesses are literally criminals by keeping many of these illegal aliens as slaves and pay them between 1-10 US dollar per working day, whereby the working day is oft 16 and 18 hours, and this also 7 days a week and no one is doing anything about it, especially the Republican party that 100% relies only on these criminal farmers to get re-elected again, without the farmers the republicans and most probably would get only 10-20% of their usual votes and here is the prove:
16.1. Pre-explanation: compare this map with the map in the below sub point and you will recognize that farmers live mainly in the so-called red states and vote mainly for republicans while the largest uneducated live also in Red States
16.2. Pre-explanation: Red States means Republicans states = farming states
16.3. Pre-explanation: read under the section employment and ask yourself how-come in the year 1870 50% of US population worked in farms and today in the year 2022 only about 1% of the population works in farms even though the farm productions now is much, much higher than in the year 1870 (??!!), I tell you why, because the hidden slaves of millions of illegal aliens are not registered and they do not count them as farmland employees because they officially do not exist, yes officially 12 Million (I believe they are more than 30 million) illegal aliens are officially none-existence which very much equals hiding slavery, and they call USA the country of freedom, yes it is the country of freedom alright, many have the freedom to keep slaves, buy military grade weapons and mass shoot fellow residence and kill countless of them om a weekly basis and this year in and year out, these above facts in addition of all the other bad support for the general public such as worst health system in the world + yearly 600 thousand bankruptcy are filed because the people cannot pay for the medical bills + most people in USA work more than one job and many work even 5 or 7 jobs within the same time, plus all the so-called natural catastrophes that causes countless houses be destructed, mainly of poor people and these facts shows something else, shows 100% slavery
17. Meaning of pathological liars based on ( Frequent dishonesty isn't a good habit, but it doesn't fit the official definition of pathological lying. To be labeled as a pathological liar, a person must lie frequently and for no good reason. Pathological liars harm themselves with their behavior, but they keep doing it despite the consequences. As of 25 Oct 2021 (very much derscriping ex-US presidents: Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Donald Trump and now Joe Biden!!)
18. All Joe Biden has to do as Commander and Chief of the American armed forces (= military) is write an Executive order and transfer all these prisoners of the vicious Guantanamo Bay prison to a prison within USA that is a bit more humane, not as humane as in Europe, never the less without cages, where they treat the prisoners with more dignity, otherwise he is nowhere near Christian or being Catholic, because the New Testament said it clearly “Love your enemy” and treat soldiers with dignity because they cannot help it they just follow orders = they are slaves and do not have their own opinion or their own mind because they following the words/orders of other minds. And that is why I have respect for Barak Obama, because he tried to close this disgusting criminal prison, but his hidden bosses prevented him. Situation like that force me and force my mind to reconsider my believe or better said to question religion, and after examining Christianity for this situation and I found a clear answer such as visit the strangers in prisons, where in Guantanamo Bay Prison, no one can afford to go there to visit these poor human beings that are being treated as dogs therefore this is not Christianity, it is the organized crime families that control the government and the military are anti-Christ, because anyone who treat people like that is 100% anti-Christ and therewith most definitely not Catholic
18.2. Look at these photos from Google search:
This sub point was added on 23.07.2022: this photo I took of the above-mentioned Wikipedia article in point
18.1. look at the red text in sign below “Honor bound to defend freedom” I do
not see any honor when a very powerful and most evil country such as USA kidnap
children such as I was, kidnap adult as they did to me, and kidnap other people
and torture them and treat them as if they were wild dogs or wild bears , this
show that the American military and therewith the American government has
absolutely no honor or intelligence what sever and that is why they are unable
to use intelligent and humane methods to treat other human beings, and that
make them be the actual wild animal that see their selves in others and treat
others as they in reality see their selves: animals!
18.4. With the photos of the above 2 links you can see that each American soldier working in this prison is nothing else that a brainless destruction machine, because they have no empathy, no feeling, they just follow orders blindly = no brain, and after these poor prisoners are released, if they are ever released, then their PTSD-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder will be so severe that they either say yes to everything or they will be totally aggressive and do not trust anyone any more just as these psychopath did to me and without having me in this particular prison, but rather in countless prisons countess times from February 1970 and until last times in 2006, actually 2012 because after August 2006 I was forced to be refugee camps and then also forced by the immigration to live isolated in the evil village Bellingwolde where they tortured the life out of me and no one can see that except persons with telepathy and most of them are heartless and feelingless
18.5. Look at the image below it is of some of the cells in this disgrace to humanity Guantanamo bay prison, I would maybe expect that from Saudi Arabia or South Africa or Israel but not from the country that claim about their selves to be the best democracy and freedom while allegedly being also generous and compassionate I do not see any of that in this image (Do you?) or in the countless photos on the internet, But I see one psychotic military that is heartless and is like a brainless robot that is programmed to viciousness, can you imagine what the American soldiers would do after they retire of this prison, they will most definitely treat everyone as an enemy be vicious with all Americans because this is what they learned of the American military and they do not know how to be humane and living partners and most definitely do not know what a real freedom is and would always vote for vicious presidents such as Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and Donald Trump because they see every one that is not in the American military as an enemy = side effect of the severe brainwash that was performed on the American soldiers and that I saw firsthand and life for more than 2.5 years at the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany where these psychopaths took me for isolation and enslaved me for 7 years under their equally sadistic agent whore named Anita Disbray, until I was setup to become Christian and then separated me of this CIA whore named Anita Disbray where she finally left my life in September 1977 and I totally broke down because I did not know what to do because she had telepathy and controlled my mind for 7 years. And here where the church became for me invaluable because without them and without Siemens AG I could have never come out of the severe destructive brainwash and the PTSD that these criminals caused me, this is my life experience that I do not wish it for anyone. In matter of fact sometimes and I cannot help it I become very unfriendly and therefore I isolate myself. It is very tough or better said it is very difficult to come out of these severe and most destructive brainwashes add to it all the losses they caused me as mentioned elsewhere, then I feel as if I am on the shelf for another lifetime and I am using my time to warn others and criticize my own life(!). and therewith there is no difference between my current life and the lives of these poor prisoners of Guantanamo Bay prison, I am today locked up, because this is not life what I am living neither these poor prisoners, except today and compared to these poor prisoners I live in a luxury prison where I can go shopping for what I need for living in my private luxury prison alias my current housing, they cannot leave the Guantanamo Bay prison and go shopping, even in the German and Dutch prisons you can shop for certain things including food and cook it yourself but not in Guantanamo Bay, it would not surprise me if I find out that these criminals force the prisoners to eat pork or even drink alcohol because it is forbidden in Islam to eat pork or drink alcohol and that for some Muslims worse than being whipped on the back. Even Though I do not believe in Islam and I do not like it, but I respect the people because they are the best visible prove that God not only love us, but also gave us Freedom to do what we want including torturing others on the other side he also gave us intelligence to differentiate between joy and pain and if I feel pain and see others like me meaning human beings, then my intelligence tells me at least if God created me, then he created also the others and if I feel pain and do not like it then the others that are also human beings like me would not like pain, then I will not do it, yet these people have no intelligence and that is why they are psychopath and love to hurt others and watch them suffering and then laugh. Actually I also feel sorry for the prison guards, because they were also brainwashed and cannot help it, because the first thing that the military does with a new soldier join the military is to enslave his mind by breaking his own will and his own intelligence (as these animals did to me in 1970 and until summer 1972 and again from 1973 to September 1977) to force him to follow order = a slave, and any soldier who does not follow order will be severely punished among other by execution = killing him = a scare strategy to subdue the mind of the other soldiers = a criminal act = one of countless methods of organized crime families soldiers and then they claim they doing all that for freedom of USA while they are stealing the freedom of their own American soldiers = psychopaths. This is the American military as I saw it live and in persons. If I am a Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist or from other religion and someone try to convince me that Christianity is good, then my first reaction will be go to hell with your bad Christianity, but luckily I know better because I read the bible and it make it very simple to understand, if you do not follow the rules of Christianity, in reality there are no rules in Christianity , they are all merely suggestions, yet some take them as commands and others see them as free card to kill others and steal what they have, back to the rules of Christianity, if you do not follow the suggestions, then you are not Christian, PERIOD. And Joe Biden is not following the New Testament = he is a con person when he brags and says I am Irish Catholic. He says Irish to make people feel comfortable with him as if he is not allied with the English royal family, which is absolutely impossibly only based on his behavior and word choosing he is through and through controlled by English royalties and Rockefeller families and both of these families love to be on both sides Democrats and Republicans for them this is win/win situation, for me this is co business. He says Catholic for the same mentioned reasons, plus to win the trust of Christians and in particular Catholics, and who knows maybe the pope speaks for him. The pope is a human that was elected by others human to become the pope. Even though I consider myself a bad Christian because I do not believe that God allegedly have sent his only son named Jesus Christ to safe us because then he will be contradicting himself in that he give us total freedom and then wants to tell us what to do, that does not work because God creation say something else and I will always believe God Creation in opposite or contrast to manmade religions, because man can lie, yet creation never lies and it is always dependable today as it was thousands of years ago and as it is going to be in the future and forever. And when I look at my own life and how religions were often not only misused against me but also several churches mistreated me, while the word mistreated is mildly said(!), therefore I follow the advice of the New Testament and look for God through his creation and only then I not only saw him but also recognized him and that helped me understand Christianity as I am describing it within and my intelligence that comes from God just like the intelligence of everyone else comes also from God, just as we create AI-artificial intelligence, also helped me to understand God through his creation and not through what I was told by others. When I say I saw God do not mean saw him physically, but rather I analyzed some of his creations that I saw, including human beings, and then was able to recognize his character, which is just like as if I saw him personally. And I can tell you he did not like Guantanamo Bay Prison nor the people who built it, don’t take my word for it, just take the time and try to understand and learn of his creation, you will be most definitely pleasantly surprised as if you met him, and if you do not understand it then I cannot give you an advice how to see and understand his creation, because if you love people no matter what, then You will see him and I guaranty you that!
God forgive us all for that we see things done in a psychotic manner and do and say anything about it, just accept the saying of the liars!
This section maybe difficult for some to believe, but this is what the English royal families is all about.
To understand this point I have to give a pre-explanation that at the begin it may seem like it has nothing to do with the subject, but it does and that is why I have to give a pre-explanation!
First just look at the 4 photographs of the 3 cousins: King George V of Great Britain, his cousin Kaiser/Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany and their cousin Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, all 3 of them are originated from queen Victoria of England
Photo-1 |
Photo-2 |
Photo-3 |
King George V of Great Britain until 1911, photo source: |
his cousin Kaiser/Emperor Wilhelm II of the at that time German Empire until 1918, photo source: |
Emperor Nicholas II of at that time Russian Empire until 1917, photo source: |
Photo-4 |
The above photo-4 of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia (left) with his lookalike cousin King George V of the United Kingdom (right), wearing German military uniforms in Berlin before the war; 1913, source: |
The above 3 kings/emperors are one family ruling over Great Britain alias united Kingdom and German empire and Russian Empire not to mention the other countries that they also rule at least publicly such as Canada, Australia, and in the hidden USA, and the Middle East as well as the 54 common Wealth countries and this is fact that you see on links mentioned above.
That the English royal families are controlling USA in the hidden or better said known by most countries that the English royal families control USA yet not officially because they went undercover long time ago, and this since they invaded USA and killed many to most of the native Americans or pushed them in to an area that they do not need and can control = isolated them of their past.
Officially the United States of America was created on July 4, 1776, with the Declaration of Independence of thirteen British colonies in North America. In the Lee Resolution of July 2, 1776, the colonies resolved that they were free and independent states for more info see
Unofficially the English royal families went undercover as Americans pretending to be working for Americans, as a result of this undercover control of USA they are still controlling USA for their own selfish interest and using USA as brainless destruction machine worldwide and the huge or large amount of American military bases spread all over the world is the prove for that (
That said, their relatives in Germany or better said their German branch did absolutely the same thing after the Russian Emperor was ousted in 1917, and repeated the process in Germany with the German emperor Wilhelm II was ousted in 1918 and they again went undercover until today, with slight difference that often the German relative side does not agree to the English side and then they have wars and kill countless innocent people as they repeatedly did in First World war and in the second world war and many other smaller wars.
Yet, what is to note here is a very clear pattern that most people do not see why and how they went undercover in these 3 empires. I will make it short.
1. USA had a revolution mainly against the British Empire and they made a treaty and established USA as independent of the British empire, thereafter the English royal families went undercover pretending to be separated of England and continued to serve the English royal family’s interest in controlING the entire world or at least they tried
2. Russian revolution in 1917 caused the last Emperor to lose his position, yet the family followed the flow of Lenin and liked the idea and fought in the name of Communism and created a totally strict environment in the name of fighting capitalism and the royal families, and they totally succeeded by keeping Russia under total control with one of the most vicious and destructive brainwashes on their own people just to maintain control as the alleged communists. +
3. Germany also had a revolution and in 1918 ousted the Emperor while he was on a political trip and was not able to go back to Germany and stayed in the Netherlands as a refugee with own castle, thereafter the Germans created the so-called Weimarer Republic that was allegedly based on democracy and freedom. Yet, and in the hidden the new Weimarer Republic was severely attacked by the ex-German royalties as a result and until 1930 it was a chaos government, then the ex-royalty was trying to gain control and brought their hidden slave Adolf Hitler as the new Chancellor to end this republic, which he did. He was promoted by the ex-German royal families through their military general called Paul von Hindenburg (, in Germany and in some other countries such as Austia and the Netherlands when a name start with von or van, meaning of or from such as von Hindenburg, it always means that this is a royal family branch that love to make a big name for their selves by repeating the family name as a royalty or to show that they are powerful by wearing military cloths or to use repeated names while numbering them for the kings and others to show their old heritage such as King George, King George II, King George III, King George IV, King George V, King George VI, and therewith the ex-German royal families are back in business represented by Adolf Hitler, and the first thing they did is revenge on the Jewish because they helped in ousting the king i n 1918, and I strongly believe they did fthat because they ollowed orderd from the British Empire because some of the Jewish were spies for England, which was very, very wrong, and this is one of the best examples of the negativity of the taught deadly philosophy “Eye of en ey and tooth for tooth” that caused the death of Millions, to be exact over 50 million died alone in second world war, of which 5 million jewish +
4. But going under cover did not stop there, now they are experienced with the revolution and people are exploding for freedom, so every new colony they made it under cover for many reasons. Among others to not allow people to see how large the English empire is really, therefore they hired many of their slaves from India and later also from Pakistan and Bangladesh, mainly Muslims and used them in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, parts of Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Parts of Syria, Egypt and Libya, as if they live in a Hollywood or Bollywood studio stage of the world and these actors took their designated places such as King Saood or Saud of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah I of Jordan, King Faisal I of Iraq, and if you take the time and look at their faces on the Internet such as not only but also on Wikipedia, then you will realize that they have unbelievable look similarities and that because they come out of the same Indian family that is most probably is mixed with the English royal families, and that explain why many of them have also a lot of look similarities to members of the English royal families. I can place their photos here and right down where they look the same and so on, but I believe you should do your own home work and look it up yourself on the all new treasure of technology we call the Internet, and that is how I know that member of my fake family in Jordan such as Abokurah and Bdeir families have conspired with the White House administration to take over Iraq, which they did in 2003, especially that the Bush family and the Jordanian royal family are also related through the American Halaby family. This alone shows you the experience of crime organization going under cover pretending to be locals. Today I know that these 3 original or first kings mentioned above of Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are 100% originated from India and later they split India in at least 3 countries to coverup that Islam is 100% originated from India and not from Saudi Arabia, because if India was not split in 1945, then it would have had today 650 Million Muslims, while Saudi Arabia had less than 30 Million = something is very wrong in our official history taught in schools at least in the Middle East, where they claim that Islam is originated from Saudi Arabia since over 1,400 years ago, where there was no one living in Saudi Arabia because it had no water and it is a pure concentrated dried up desert, anything else is a lie, PERIOD.
The above is just highlights, here is small explanation that is always valid for a kingdom, the king is the representative of the royal family, behind him is an army of control heads, many that control the military, which is the most important organ within a kingdom to protect them of falling down, maybe every single general and colonel are members of the royal family and no one else can be promoted to reach these positions. Similar by other department of ministries but not as strong as by military and other security forces. The point here is when the king or emperor is ousted the rest of the family that their count is practically impossible, but it is in countable thousands depending on how large is the kingdom or empire, such as I estimate that the English royal family is over 30 million persons that was literally cultivated since over 500 years, and they control maybe 100-120 countries either control 100% by English royal families or in partnership with other royal families. And this is the concept of a kingdom as I have seen it in my life, which means if the English royal family get control of any country, then they will never let go of it as they are doing to USA, and since USA and based on their own statement the most powerful country in the world, this shows that another country would have no chance with the English royal families because they are so deceiving that you will never be able to see what and from where and as who they are coming from, they could be from Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Saudi Arabia< UAE, Jordan, Kenia, Somalia, Eretria, Nigeria, Taiwan, Thailand, Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Vietnam, Japan, Russia or even China itself, and many others, while using professions or companies such as Medical, ladies Beauties (make up, tailoring and such), energy, petroleum, manufacturing, consulting, Information Technologies/computer, financial institutions, employment agencies and the list is very long, this combined with the nationalities mentioned above and the Hollywood style acting that ranges of being funny to Serious, to Gentleman, to helpful, to Patriot, to loving democracy and freedom, to loving unity, to being with disability and much more, which is an addon to the above and to others I did not even mention and did not even discover.
That said now you know what you are dealing with, now back to the subject Russia invading Ukraine, I strongly believe that the Rockefeller families + English Royal families with all their hidden branches want to eliminate the possibility that there is a Jewish state within Europe and that is the reason number one for invading Ukraine, because they taught Jewish everything bad they know today, just as they taught me everything bad that I know today and many of t is in these complaint pages, with one major difference I see partners in other human beings, and that is why everything bad I had to go through in life or see, I am listing in my complaint pages to help increase the partnerships between human instead of destructions as it is the case now in Ukraine as well as it was and still is in many other countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Kurdistan or Kurdish population, and many African countries as well as Europe, yet in Europe it is hidden in form of petroleum and gas terrorization, Brexit, tariffs war and many other things and all are 100% the work of the English royal families and their American relative to prevent any one to compete with them scientifically and economically that are from their eyes seen as the two most powerful literacy weapons, yet I see them as the inevitable advancement of human being in a cooperation and partnership of peace and harmony, and the start of all that 100% is the EU-European Union and not the USA and the UK with their brainless destructive machines called military. In matter of fact I was reading some articles on the Internet a few days ago titled the difference between the EU and the UK with its commonwealth countries, and this article was written by a deranged or hopelessly brainwashed British citizen, where he wrote 1-2 pages, roughly 60 lines comparing the weaponry, and the count of soldiers in each of the two, and overseeing life itself and just looking at the death tools, forgetting the social life of the two sides, the medical sector, the scientific sector, the manufacturing sector, the fairness and equality in each of the sides the average income of each of the sides, the level of education and the level of the overall knowledge of an average citizen on each of the two sides, the food security on each of the sides and the list goes on and on and he skipped all that and jumped right in to the possibility of killing each other’s through wars to market the weaponry and everything that associated with military including clothing, housing and so on. No thank you, I rather stay in the EU and help make our world a better place with no weapons of any kind and replace it with our all intelligence and empathy all this is typical UK and USA, where the English royal families are 100% responsible for the state of mind of the man that wrote this comparison between the EU and the UK + the 54 Commonwealth countries. And I admit that he is right that the Commonwealth has more soldiers, alone the population of India is more than twice the population of the EU. Not, mentioning the rest of the 54 Commonwealth countries, but he forgot that each country of the 54 Commonwealth countries would love to join the EU and leaving the Commonwealth countries, but at the moment they cannot, maybe in the future the EU will change into WU-World Union. I and countless others would love that, except UK + USA + Russian Federation will hate it because they are lazy bumps that would like to be masters while enslaving all the others to serve them, but it is not going to happened. Beside and the most important difference between the EU and the Commonwealth, is that the EU has no borders between their member countries and each citizen can go to any other member country without a visa and can live and work there without having to ask for permission, yet it is not the case in the Commonwealth countries, and that is probably the reason number one why the UK left the EU through a very destructive Brexit, destructive mostly to the UK citizens and their trade and labor market!
That said let us summarize the Ukraine invasion effects:
1. Destruction without mercy for lives and properties = they also want the land to be empty, so the Jewish have no place to go back to and stay as refugees all over Europe, whereby some of them, possibly 5% or less are working for the Russian Federation and/or the English royal families while they have been pretending to be good and patriot Ukrainian citizens, and that I saw in my life many times over within the members of my fake family. Don’t misunderstand me, I know that Christian are also heavily present in Ukraine, but this is our life, when one group of people gain control of government then they try to increase their power by increasing their group within this control scheme, the Jewish do that, the Christians do that, the Muslims do that, the Hindus do that and even the Mormon do that and the Scientologists also do that, because they do not see others as equal human beings they see them as the opponent or competition or even the enemy group and try to increase their possibilities for this competition!
2. They made a ton of money through weapons, if it is the Russian manufacturer or the American or the British or the Canadian or Europeans manufacturer they all donated weapons to Ukraine and some in Billions, out of the tax payers money that could have been better spend in reeducation in USA to stop the mass shootings that happens on a daily basis, or spend on health care for the Millions of Americans that cannot afford it and many of them die because they had no money for the treatment
3. Caused countless problems to the EU, whereby the UK + USA see the EU as number one enemy while being their friends and NATO partners = multiple personality disorder by American and British governments. If I list all the damages and losses that the EU had to go through because this invasion of Ukraine, then I would need more than 1000 pages, because each human being lost is a big lose for Ukraine and for humanity in general, and to my knowledge and by the begin of May over 6 Million Ukrainians became refugees most of them in the EU and in particular in the neighboring countries such as Poland, Moldova and others, which is a huge burden on them because of the huge amount of refugees within 2 month time from end of February to Begin of May, and when I look at all the other things that was planned and performed to damage the EU, then this is an additional preplanned action to stress the EU, among others also through petroleum and gas out of Russia
In short the Rockefeller families that has a huge interest in Russia through their investment since decades as well as the English royal families, would do anything to shrink or eliminate the EU or any other strong none military union, because they are not as good in building useful none military products, such as building better housings, cars than Toyota, Kia, BMW, VW, Mercedes, Fiat, Peugeot, Volvo and this is also valid for all other sectors not only cars.
Which all in all equals preplanned war based on their version of Win/Win situation, get rid of the Jewish government, sell weapons and harm the EU!
End of Important points to consider while reading this conclusion document
This section even though it is my own interpretations of the situations, yet it may help you to recognize possible sicknesses and/or forced upon you destructive situations by using among others telepathy, as addition to the sicknesses they caused me and many of it, yet not all, are mentioned in the page BP-British Petroleum Part-3-Verion-2 under the section “The pattern of forcing sicknesses upon their victims such as the Corona virus”!
It all started in around June 2022, where I went to the doctor for a general and a routine checkup and blood test, during which the nurse tested my blood pressure, I felt something inside my chest that was unusual and suddenly I also had faster heartbeat, then the blood pressure showed to be too high the nurse tested it 3 times with the same results, +/- 10 it even went above 210/90, then she said that is not good and called the doctor and the doctor also measured my blood pressure again and twice and said that is too high and wanted to prescribe medication for me, but I refused because I do not trust the situation, yet I do trust this doctor and his nurses, each of the nurses has a different specialty. Anyway, then the doctor suggested that I should come back in 2 days to check the blood pressure again, which I did and until October 2022 I was going to the doctor at least every 2 weeks to check the high blood pressure that was varying from 160/80 to 220/90. This in additional to other things such as preventing me to have sufficient sleep I was not able to concentrate, because some criminal psychopath would wake me up every single day after 4-5 hours’ sleep. On 2 November 2022 at 5 in the morning I was again waked up with telepathy after 4 hours sleep and went to the toilet to urinate then wanted to go back to bed, but and very suddenly my muscles were too weak to walk straight or to walk at all, I barely made it to my bed and dropped on bed side wards and then could not move maybe it was 10 minutes or 40 minutes I do not know any more, it seemed to me more like hours, but it was not hours, I tried to move so I can lay on the bed and place my head on my pillow, and the pillow was on my side because I was laying in the wrong way and was not able to move to the pillow, but somehow I thought I better call the ambulance and I do not know How I made it, but I get up went to the living room picked up my mobile phone and went back to bed and called the ambulance, and until today I do not know how I made it to walk to the living room, get my mobile phone, and back to my bedroom and then call the ambulance, therefore I strongly believe that possibly some nasty person used telepathy to somehow stop my nerve system, and then another person with telepathy controlled me to walk get the mobile phone and call the ambulance telling them my muscles are too weak and I cannot walk, then hanged up the phone and put my jacket on, and get my wallet with IDs and went to the entrance of my apartment and sat on a chair waiting for the ambulance and they came within 15 minutes and carried me with their moving bed and took me to the ambulance van, examined me for around 10 minutes and then took me to the hospital, where they also checked me for one hour and then they said that I had a brain stroke due to the blood stopped circulating and they cannot reverse it, yet they can prevent it of happening again by giving me medications and therewith I was hospitalized for 15 days, during which I had one bad incident, which was, I was not able to swallow or drink or breath and they wanted to place a tube hose through my nose and into my stomach to feed me with this tube but they were not able to succeed, each time they push the hose through my nose it lands in my lungs instead of my stomach, first male nurse tried but did not succeed and tried again unsuccessful then he brought another nurse that also tried and did not succeed and then brought the doctor and he too did not succeed, and each time they try I feel as if I am dying and suffocating in a very painful manner as if I am being physically tortured and then and without being able to control it I suddenly have power to push them all away from me by force as if we are fighting and try to breathe again then they took me to a surgery room like where 3 nurses tried it with a different approach and they succeeded without any pain whatsoever, then I asked myself, why didn’t they do that at the begin (!!). There after I was having a very difficult time to sleep and was not able to sleep more that 1-2 hours every single day and asked for sleeping bills and they did not help and then they gave me allegedly stronger sleeping bills and they too did not help and therewith out of the 15 days I slept 12-13 days with 1-2 hours daily and 1-2 days 3-4 hours, then they wanted to place me in some rehabilitation institution a hospital like that allegedly specialized in that, in the begin I agreed but requested first to go home to pick up my computer and take it with me, but it did not work out then I insisted to go home and canceled the rehabilitation that was supposed to be for 3 months and went home but I needed something to help me walk, and then I talk a taxi and on my way home I stopped at a shop specialized in medical help equipment’s to rent a so-called walker and it took 5 minutes and when I went back to the taxi, it was gone and I did not even pay him so I walked 1 km home with this walker that is like a chair with wheels that I can push and in the same time it can prevent me of falling on the floor because I cannot walk without help or something to lean on, In the hospital they gave me a walker to train on it every day for at least 4-5 days. At home I was very slow in walking, but I was able to manage it. I kept on using the walker until the end of December 2022 then I stopped using it. Also, as soon as I went home, I realized that the walker rent is too expensive and looked on the internet for cheaper alternative and found a shop online selling it for 60 Euro, which is the same price as the rent for 40 days, then I bought it and returned the rented walker.
Officially brain stroke is when the blood stream is interrupted and cannot flow anymore and all the areas in the brain that do not receive blood can start to die within short period which can causes many sever damages such as paralysis in arms and legs and it’s all depending on where and how long the blood flow was stopped, and how fast can a medical professional get to it to stop it of getting worse, and if it was in the right side of the back of the head then the right side of the body could be paralyzed, in my case it was almost in the center of the back of my head and slightly more to the right as a result my right hand and leg became slightly weaker than the left but in general all my muscles are much weaker now than before, among others when I sleep the blood does not flow well in my feet, which result that they feel colder than usual even under hot temperatures, yet all in all I can move and do my usual activities but not as simple as before, for example I used to be able to carry 14 kg with one hand and train my hands on it for 20 minutes, and in December I was not able to carry one kg, now it is improving.
Therefore the staff in the hospital as well as my doctor and his nurses kept on telling me that I am lucky that I do not have much damage through the stroke, because most people get much more severe damages such as not being able to use a hand, arm or a leg or an entire one side or the other of the body, depending on if the stroke was on the right or left side, and since by me the stroke was in the middle of my head, it was potentially even more dangerous because it could have paralyzed both sides, but instead I have small problems here and there, which I was able to quickly find workaround for it, yet they are hindering me to function 100% as I was prior to 2.11.2021. Add to that that some psychopath is waking me up on a daily basis and not allowing me to have routinely good sleep more than 2-3 hours daily and this from 15.11.20201 and roughly until end of December 2021 and then increased it to 3-4 hours until current on 31.05.20222, with the exception of maybe 3-4 times I was able to sleep 6 hours and once 7 hours, which all in all makes me very tired the whole day and I cannot concentrate and therewith I was not able to complete my complaint pages as I was planning to complete it by end of October 2021
Conclusion: I believe that there is the possibility that someone caused me this stoke because and based on my Internet research persons who perform a routine strong physical activities such as professional sports persons, they have much lower blood pressure than usual, which is apparently healthier and since I was performing a daily aggressive sport’s activity for one hour and forty minutes (100 minutes), therefore I see the possibility, yet I am not positive about it, that someone with telepathy caused me the high blood pressure that caused the stroke, but as I said I am not sure about it, yet I am more than sure that someone with telepathy helped me get up, get my mobile phone from the living room and call the ambulance and I am also sure that some person with telepathy possibly at the hospital helped me heal better and faster, not 100% , yet I do not have any paralysis and can move my arms and legs with some difficulties yet I can move them. As a result of stressing me with this sickness and lack of sleep I gained even more weight than I already have until October 2021 I was trying very hard to lose weight and each time I lose weight until 90 kg, then I start to gain weight again to 96 kg and then I start all over again and stops at 90 kg, in other words and for the last at least 2 years I am going around in a circle of losing weight but was not able to go below 90 kg, and once I reach 90 kg, something happens and I go back to 96 kg. and now after the stroke it went even worse and I went to 102 kg, because I am too tired to perform my daily sports activities because of lack of sleep, and this is how sadistic psychotic is the person that is using his telepathy to prevent me to do what I want. But I will continue to try until that human trash person dies or goes away of my life!
Side effects of the stroke:
1. From roughly 3 or 4 November 2021 and until roughly end of November 2021 I was not able to sleep more than 1-2 hours on a daily basis also in the hospital and at home
2. From December 2021 and until mid-April 2022, I was able to fall to sleep easily but some nasty psychopath keeps on walking me up after 3-4 hours and this no matter when I go to bed, if I go to bed at 22:00 hours then I be walked up at 2:00 in the morning and if I went to bed at 1 in the morning I would be walked up between 4 or 5 in the morning and each time and to 99% I cannot go back to sleep I just lay there for 2-3 hours and this person keeps on forcing his thought up me and I cannot stop this criminal
3. From roughly mid-April 2022 and until current on 14 May 2022 I am able to sleep 4-5 hours but not more, and in between sometimes I have only 3 hours sleep, yet I feel much fitter with these 5-6 hours than the 2-4 hours daily sleep and therewith I can better concentrate and move around
4. I strongly believe that this nasty person that keeps on waking me up every single day after 3-4 hours of me going to sleep, and then prevented me of going back to sleep, caused me much health damage, among others to not heal as fast as if I have routinely 8 hours sleep on a daily basis
5. In the hospital I had problem going to toilet and urinate. I used to urinate in my bed, so they gave me an adult diaper, to prevent the urine to go to my bed sheets, where then 2 nurses would come and exchange the sheets and wash me and I was not able to go to the toilet after almost 8 days, and then they gave me an injection from the bottom, and everything came out within seconds
6. After I left the hospital and at home, I suddenly have a new problem, which is I cannot control going to toilet and suddenly and without warning it comes out in my pants, which forced me to stay at home until I am able to go to toilet, otherwise, excuse my language, the shit will come out in my pants, and I cannot stop it. And since I complaint about it to the staff of the hospital that were checking on me after I went home, they then prescribed for me physical therapy to control how I go to the toilet, and the woman that was giving me this training was good at what she does, yet and later I realized it was not my muscles that I was not able to control, but rather some nasty person with telepathy forces, literally, that the shit comes out with no warning and totally out of my own control, and the therapy stopped because I gave them positive feed that my problem is disappearing, in reality it did not disappear and I am trying to deal with it in different ways such as not leaving home before 13:00 hours and in the begin I would sit on the toilet until it comes out within 30 minutes, then I also change the kind of food I eat and now I eat to 80-90% vegetable and 1-2 times weekly I eat some bread and if any then I only eat little lean meat or fish or cheese, mainly fish and cheese, and this somehow delayed the timing of me going to toilet and somehow I can feel it on time and have to go to toilet within 30 to 90 seconds which is much better than before where I had only 5 seconds or less and a few times I did not make it to the toilet on time and it was a big mess to clean up. And this is an additional prove for me that someone with telepathy can manipulate my toilet stool
7. Some nasty person with telepathy sometimes wakes me up with genital erection, and the reason I am more than positive it was done by telepathy is because they often give me dream and then wake me up and these dreams are often silly or sick imagination, yet not sexual oriented, in other words there is no reason for the sexual erection, is not that I was awake and had some thought or memories and get erected by it, but rather I wake up of my sleep because my genitals are erected, which means they erect by making my pennis get stiff and because it is suddenly stiff, then I wake up as if someone choke my hand or leg while I am sleep !
8. This has nothing to do with the hospital or with my stroke yet it is related to telepathy body manipulations as confirmation to the above, some times when I write something in my complaint pages then it happened to me the next day or 2, which I have mentioned some of it in other pages, and here are something I did not yet mention, which is a confirmation that some persons with telepathy can manipulate atoms and therewith they can also manipulate some parts of our body. I wrote once that while I was forced to live in Houston, Texas from !991 to 2000 I always get some unusual and unknown to me bubble like spots on my fingers, simultaneously around 20 of them on both hands and mainly or only on my fingers, and the longer they remain on my fingers the more they hurt me so I started to cut them open with a sharp knife and some water like liquid comes out of them, and therewith I injure myself and also some blood come out yet the pain stops within 10 hours or so, and if I do not cut them then they would hurt me until they burst by their selves usually after 10-14 days. and I strongly believe that the BP-British Petroleum and CIA/MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that these criminals enslaved me under her control on 24.12.1984 is possibly was doing that to me because I totally disliked her being anywhere near me and if I am right and she has telepathy, then she was 100% the one who was causing me many physical damages in Houston, Texas and these bubbles were one of them, if she does not have telepathy then very possibly one of her criminal children had telepathy and was doing that to me, especially that I suspect that some of them are not her children such as her son called Nawar Khodor, and his wife called Rima Khodor the same name as his sister in Allentown Pennsylvania also called Rima Khodor alias and as she was married her name was Rima Mushref, because their behavior and situation 100% fit the pattern of persons with telepathy and this pattern I discovered through the members of my fake family. His wife Rima Khodor is allegedly dead, or maybe because she had telepathy, she then faked her own death and disappeared, some of them do that, I do not know for fact, yet I am more than positive that some nasty psychopaths was causing me many physical sickness while I was in Houston Texas, other did to me something similar while I was in Germany and after I was setup to become Christian and others did to me also something similar while I was in Cairo, Egypt. Now back to writing my complaint pages about these painful bubbles on my fingers that were created once every 2-3 weeks, which very much means I always had them with the exception of maybe sometimes I have 1-7 days break and do not have them, yet for 10 years I always had them and there was no cure for them, yet as soon as I landed in the Netherlands on 11.2.2001 all the forced upon me physical sicknesses disappeared within the first week and without any medical treatment of any kind = 100% telepathy, and after I wrote about these bubbles and within the same week I started to get bubbles on my fingers sometimes in 2020, yet these bubbles like are not really bubbles they are sort of something else that just appear on my fingers and only on the joint areas of the fingers and their size vary from the size of the vegetable peas to the size of large check bean, and they are hard and have no liquid in them as if they are some part of the actual finger joints that just grew larger side wards they feel like soft bones like the joint on chicken wings that are also soft bones, possibly there is another name for them but I do not know it here is how they look like by google search : +, and I am more than positive that some nasty person with telepathy did that to me, the question here why and I was not able to determine which answer out of two possible answers it is, answer-1: as a revenge because I am writing about it to force me to stop writing about telepathy and all the nasty persons I am complaining about, answer-2: they do that often as a confirmation that some persons with telepathy have these capabilities as I am describing it within my complaint pages, meaning possibly they want me to continue writing(!). End of the two possible answers. These new kind of enlargement of parts of my finger joints are similar idea with the bubbles I used to get in USA, with two main difference, in USA they used to hurt all the times, these new ones do not hurt, the ones from USA I was able to remove them by cutting them open with a sharp knife and let the liquid out, these new ones I am not able to remove them without causing myself severe damage and pain to my fingers, and I spoke about the new ones with my doctor and he said they cannot do much harm and I should not try to remove them unless they cause pain and a surgeon can remove them, see the below photo that I downloaded from the internet because it is identical to these bubbles like swellings on my fingers and I have at least one of them on each finger, and some fingers have even 2 of them!
10.Since the brain stroke, I stopped performing sports activities with the exception of maybe 8-10 times since 2 November 2021 and I am trying hard to concentrate on completing my complaint pages or at least compile this page. Not performing sport is unhealthy for me and I will start again as soon as I can sleep longer than daily 3-4 hours!
11.My balance is out of control, especially when I walk, if I do not concentrate, I will be walking 30 cm to the right and back and then 30 cm to the left, which means it will take me 2km to walk one km
12.The feelings on my skin and in particular on my fingers has lost its maybe 30-50% of its capabilities, meaning I feel hot water bid cooler than it is, for example if it is 60 degrees it seem to me as if it is 40 degrees, another negative side effect to the losing some of my fingertips feelings is that I cannot feel it if I am holding something and suddenly my fingers let go of it and it falls down and if it is paper, I do not feel it at all unless I look at the floor, which it happened to me a couple of days ago and I drew some money of the ATM machine and it dispensed 15 twenty Euro bills and I took it and started walking and some man followed me and said you losing your money because 5 of the bills fell down and I did not even feel it so I redeposited the 15 bills right back into the ATM machine and went to stores that only take credit or debit cards, another side effect is when I type into the computer I make 3 times more typing errors than before, among others I do not feel if I pressed the button the way it should be pressed and as a result often I have no spaces between the words and I have to go over the sentence and correct it
13.My entire body muscles are so stiff that it feels like as if a board is under my skin
14.As a result of all of the above I am much slower in doing anything than before
15.In short a person with telepathy that can manipulate atoms can perform all kind of things to the body of a human being, or better said can create any sickness and that is a hidden fact, therefore I am sometimes confused about certain things that happened to my body unexpectedly if it is usual and happens naturally or is it through telepathy, and I always try hard to find the real cause, which is always one out of two: Natural sickness or manmade by Telepathy!!!
Important note added on 20.06.2022: Please note that I loved my family very much and I would have followed them to anywhere they went, until I discovered not only that they are not my biological family, but also that they performed severe damage upon my life, while simultaneously they pretended to try to get my attention that they are not my biological family, yet these attempt I do not recognize as helping me but rather as using me as a blackmail object while also trying hard to keep me as far away of them as possible to prevent me to get not only to know them better but also to not recognize where they are from and what they are really doing and what are their relation to the various royal families in Middle East, Europe and also their relation to the controlling families in USA such as the Rockefeller, Bush and other families. All in all, most of them and especially in Amman, Jordan treated me good under these circumstances, yet from my back they did otherwise, as a result I really dislike them, because the least they could have done is sit with me and tell me we are not your family, but instead they used immigration authorities in Jordan, in Saudi Arabia and in Egypt in addition to most odd brainwash situations to force my mind to dislike going and visit them while making it look like as if it is my fault or as if it was caused by others that are responsible for these vicious and sadistic situation as it is explained in detail elsewhere. All these facts created many paradoxes in my mind that I was not able to understand, and manmade paradoxes are 100% severe brainwash, and no one would ever like his brainwashers. But I do not hate them, nor I hate any human beings, yet I may hate situations and certain behavior such as telepathy attacks, brainwash and women’s makeup. End of important note added on 20.06.2022.
This is the cause for kidnapping me from Germany to USA. My fake and biological families the most sadistic vicious organized crime families in the world and this since the First World War, whereby the English royal family is the oldest and most sadistic and vicious organized crime family that the world has ever seen and this since over 500 Years.
Here is a summary with some new information about my fake family the kidnapers that are so cowered and hide pretending to be Muslims yet there is nothing Muslim on their disgusting, immoral and most sadistic behavior, which is very clear to see in my complaint pages especially in the pages “Kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other children” and the page “My fake family the kidnapers” and the pages “BP-British Petroleum-part-1 + part-2 and Part-3-Version-2 as well as other pages.
The below photos of my fake brother and my fake mother and the 2 families of my 2 fake sisters shows clearly not only that this is not my biological family but rather my kidnappers, but also it shows very clearly that they are organized crime families and hidden Jordanian royalties while the rest I did not list here, such as the Baroudi family the family of my alleged fake mother and uncles and aunt, because it is made up fake family created by Saudi Arabian Royal family + Jordanian Royal family in cooperation with the English Royal Family + Rockefeller family by among others using CIA + MI6 agents as described within all my complaint pages. Whereby the alleged children of my fake aunt named Eftikar Kheir carry the name Kheir and all together are member of the following royal families: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE (=several families), Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain and most probably also Qatar and Yemen (=No royal families but rather controlling families). Not to forget that several to many of them have businesses in couple or even all these countries such as the Bdeir and Abokurah families and this based on what they told me as well as what I saw myself in Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia!
The Bdeir/Budier brothers and sisters mentioned and shown below are nephews and nieces to my fake brother-in-law Seif/Seef Aldin Bdeir/Budier. Their father alias the brother of Seif/Seef Aldin Bdeir name is Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier. Their allegedly parents were living by their selves in 1967/1970 on a second floor in an apartment building of approximately 3-4 floors on the Al-Dawar-Al-Thani (=Second Roundabout) in Jabal Amman (=Mount Amman) city section of the city Amman, Jordan, I visited them once either in 1967 or 1970, I believe it was 1970.
Even the CIA + FBI stole literally everything from me including my furniture to coverup for this fake family that are nothing else but puppets for the English royal families and several American controlling families such as the Rockefeller and Bush families. Systematically they stole everything from me to wipe off my history and any evidence that I may have had such as photographs, and this 3 times, in 1970 as I was taken from Cairo, Egypt to Germany and isolated by the evil CIA, MI6 and BND by forcing me to live in the American military base for nearly 2.5 years during which they re-brainwashed me and enslaved me under the control of their whore agent named Anita Disbray that I strongly believe was around 50 years old or even older and pretended to be just 21 years old in August of 1970 while I was 17 years old with a man caused total amnesia in 1960, and was not able to tell the difference at that time due to the total amnesia, forced upon me isolation and the constant brainwash and telepathy control. This evil woman had telepathy and an identical lookalike that was younger than her, and today I strongly believe that this whore agent named Anita Disbray was married to some official top government member in Saudi Arabia pretending to be Muslim and then come to Munich, Germany exchange places with this Anita Disbray and do whatever she wants without having to cover her body from head to toe as the women are forced to do in Saudi Arabia and it is a must by the corrupt Saudi Arabian laws. What did this evil woman used to do when she comes from Saudi Arabia to Germany pretending to be my wife (??), many things, among others having sex with me and at that time I was not able to tell the difference between these 2 whores, but also I strongly believe in that they were 2 women that exchanged places without me noticing and one of them was 50 years or older, but I have no prove to show it today, I strongly believe that she had a boyfriend that was renting the apartment next door and once she put me to sleep possibly she used to go out with him, but also she do all the things that she is not allowed to do in Saudi Arabia, such as going to movies, watch pornographic movies on videos, meet with her old friends and relatives, go to theater and opera and so on, and all this are forbidden in Saudi Arabia. On top of all that she was officially, only in my presence, working for the factory Hurth on the edge of the Munich Olympia park and BMW factory, where today I strongly believe she did not work there, but rather Hurth pretended to be her Employer and when I drive her every day to work, then I believe that she was there the whole day, but she was not, she most probably go in from one entrance and go out another exit, but these are all theoretical suspicions based on my experience with others that did that as mentioned below. What is here also important to note is that some parts of this factory called Hurth was bought by an American company called Gleason and now it is called Gleason-Hurth tooling, and the rest of the company was later also sold or bought by the company ZF Friedrichshafen AG. The same was also performed by my fake brother that pretended to be working as a mainframe computer programmer for the company Avon cosmetics around 20 km north of Munich in a city called Eching, and then the company allegedly transferred him in April 1982 to their headquarter in Rye, New York USA, which was all a total lie and he does not know anything about computers he is a hidden brother of King Abdullah of Jordan and the hidden son of king Hussein of Jordan, very unfortunately some church members helped in giving him this fake coverup job as distraction that he is a Jordanian prince = English royalty + Rockefeller puppets. A small note about my fake brother that shows how severely these criminals and psychopaths brainwashed me between 1984 and 1987: after these criminals kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986, my fake brother and in USA asked me to teach him how to use PCs with Microsoft MS-DOS and the all new Windows version 2, and I did try hard to teach him, even at that time I never liked him, but I did not know why, anyway, he had very hard time following the logic of computer usage but I did not understand that at that time, today I do, he was never a mainframe computer programmer he just pretended to be, he was a person with a severe multiple personality disorder because of the following reasons:
1. They were 2 different persons that were identical look, and each had a different personality
2. Each one of them pretended to be the other
3. Each one of them had a wife and/or a girlfriend and when they exchange places, they exchange their wives and girlfriends = they are using women as whores to sleep with 2 identical lookalikes enable to generate identical look children and use them as criminals just as the rest of my fake family are
4. Each one of them pretend to be Born in Cairo Egypt as Syrian and then went back to Syria as an infant and in 1953 allegedly went with my fake older sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier to Amman, Jordan and she allegedly raised him, just to cover up that he is the son of King Hussein and therewith pretending to be Syrian origin
5. Each one of them pretend to be living in Germany from September 1970 to April 1982 as my Syrian fake brother, while at least one of them never left Germany yet he kept it secret of me and was living most probably in a different city and I have countless proves for that
6. Each one of them pretend to be raised in Amman, Jordan by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier from 1953 and until he came to Cairo, Egypt in around 1956/66 as my alleged Syrian brother
7. Each one of them pretend to be my biological brother
8. Each one of them pretended to be in the same Computer school as me between August 1973 and June 1974 yet allegedly in the evening, where I never saw him because I was attending the day school, after the year 2010 I discovered he never was in this school and that is why he never had a certificate of completion as Mainframe analyst and programmer, yet I had one and I was prevented to work in computer field to keep me poor and isolated under the control of the CIA whore Anita Disbray, and 100% no German company or any other company in the world would hire anyone as mainframe programmer that neither had experience nor certification to prove it = Avon Cosmetics is a piece of shit criminal company working closely with the CIA and MI6 to cover up for their sadistic psychopath agents as these criminals did with me and used the church to get him allegedly the job at Avon Cosmetics enable to gain my trust because I loved the church and still do and trusted them blindly, but not anymore, and I strongly believed for over 30 years that this criminal and psychopath fake brother was working as mainframe programmer at Avon Cosmetics in the Cities Eching, Germany and Rye, New York, USA from 1977 to allegedly 1986 where when I asked him for help to get me a job at his employer Avon cosmetics in Rye, NY, USA and I was totally desperate at that time directly after these criminals kidnapped me from Germany to USA, and suddenly he tells me he cannot help me because he is no longer working At Avon Cosmetics in Rye, New York, today I know he was not even a Mainframe computer programmer but rather a very sick person with totally corrupt brain and the prove for that is his website that has one purpose only, which is to place him and his whore wife in USA and not as a business person and master criminal between Germany, UK, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, USA and other countries. Look at his website and think about it, what is the goal of this website (??!!), then you will discover it has absolutely no goal whatsoever, it is just wasting internet space and people’s time, I bit that he hired some Indian or Pakistani in India or Pakistan or even Egyptian in Egypt for 200-400 US dollar to create this worthless deceive website for him. Also look at the website and try to find a logic behind it, then you will discover that there is absolutely no logic behind it. If a person work as programmer in computer field for more than 20 or even just 5 years as he claimed to have done, then his brain will become automatically logical and everything he does will also be logical and no one can help it after 5 or 20 years being a computer programmer your brain will be forced to be logical = his website is not logical = his brain is retarded or mentally sick, no wonder, if a person has to pretend something he is not for over 60 years, he will become mentally sick with multiple personality disorder, look at his photographs on his website very closely you see he is mentally sick, his lookalike is not as fat as him and therewith his lookalike will not be recognized as the person who exchanged places with him, and that is one reason why he was forced with telepathy to gain weight. Who knows maybe they are 3 lookalike and one of them is overweight as distraction of the others that are at least 30-40 kg lighter than him (!!). I really do not know to feel sorry for him or to curse him, yet I do not curse, it is not my thing to curse and that was among others one reasons why I did not like Americans in the American military base that these criminals locked up in between march 1970 and spring 1972, where everyone use curses such as (excuse my language, this is for education purposes only) Fuck this and fucking that mother fucker and fucked up his mother and father fucked him up…., and when I became Christian, I even disliked curse words more than before because I realized that curse words mean that a person cannot find a suitable words in his/her vocabulary to express his thoughts = very bad situation for the person using curses!
That was in a nutshell the reason why my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar is mentally sick with the severe sickness multiple personality disorder, but it also shows that he is not worthy to carry the name Mohamad/Mohammad, which is the name of the prophet a very honest and decent man with honor and loyalty to his follow human beings where you will see that my fake family are also do not deserve to call their selves Muslims, whereby some of them are originated from Greek Christian Orthodox families and other of Jewish families pretending to be Muslim and making a bad name for Muslims, Christians and Jewish = they are nothing else than organized crime families that would sell any one for one Euro or one Dollar or one Pound, just to be one Dollar or Pound or Euro richer = their brain is 100% corrupt!
Today I was able to tell all that by remembering the situations and analyzing it including the behavior of the whore CIA + MI6 agent Anita Disbray with her lookalike and my pimp fake brother with his lookalike that both used at least one allegedly Turkish woman named Alia Köse alias Anita Köse alias Mrs. Naggar as a decoy that both exchange places and each one of them pretend to be her husband and therewith she was sleeping and having sex with 2 different men and no Muslim woman and especially no Turkish woman would ever do that, and the behaviors of people who knew them before me such as several Americans in the American military base where these criminals and psychopaths isolated me for 2.5 years and used their whore agent Anita Disbray and the lookalike of my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar to isolate me for 7 years, during which these psychopaths were using me as decoy that many Middle Eastern hidden royal family members come to Germany and pretend to be my alleged Syrian relatives, whereby they falsified my identity to Syrian in January 1960. The second time that these criminals and psychopaths stole everything from me and 100% repeated the same process again by re-brainwashing me enslaving me under the control of their other whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud on 24.12.1984 and then kidnapped me from Germany to USA where this whore Najlaa Mahmoud had at least 2 lookalike had exchanged places without me noticing at that time, where in USA 100% they kept me as slave covered up by forcing me to live for 15 years as an illegal alien with no rights what so ever and until 10.10.1999, my official but fake birthday, then again and for the third time they stole literally everything from me including any photos, forced me to be homeless and live in a motel as a mean of brainwash to prepare me to leave this evil country called USA and then locked me up in deportation prison and delivered me on 11.2.2001 to the Netherlands with only a pants and t-shirt everything else these criminals and psychopaths stole from me. In Netherland, where they toyed with me and pushed me from one jail to prison to another prison to refugee camp between Germany and the Netherland and repeated this process until May 2012 to cover up for the stupid mass murderer and criminal ex-US president George W. Bush but also to cover up for his even more evil official father ex-US president George H. W. Bush that was 100% responsible for kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986 while he was vice president and Ronald Regan another stupid hidden slave American president that was president for 8 years and caused the death of many in the Middle East while blaming it on others such as all the death they caused through the wars between Iraq and Iran to weaken Iraq because they planned to steal it because they are thieves and do not know how to build so they steal other people’s lands, properties, natural resources and entire lives as these criminals psychopaths stole from me my life over and over again from 1960, actually much earlier and since my birth and until current in 2022.
Here are the official families of my fake 2 sisters Suhair Bdeir/Budier and Mona Abokurah. These 2 families Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah are brainwasher, deceivers, and thieves, at least they steal people’s lives as they strongly helped to steal my life by enslaving me since at least January 1960 while pretending to be my family!
Please note that the Bdeir and Abokurah families control the economy of Jordan, at least that what they used to do between 1967 and until spring 1986, and that was the last time I visited them before I was kidnapped from Germany to USA to among others to prevent me to visiting them and the rest of my family because they are my fake family and kidnappers and not my family. If these were my family I would not be here today and since 2016 complaining about all the crimes that were performed against me from kidnap to total amnesia to rape to brainwash, to falsifying my identity and my nationality to literally stealing everything from me including life itself. Also the Bdeir family own and/or partners in various businesses from construction material sale to architecture and engineering to Electric companies, phone companies, water companies (basic utilities) road construction, Airline, Airport businesses, natural resources such as petroleum and phosphor and the list is much longer, and on top of all that they are also the main distributors and/or representative of countless major companies from Europe, USA, Japan and elsewhere, such as Siemens AG, Westinghouse Electric Corporation that built the Jordanian Electric company, Black & Decker, DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation and later Compaq and later HP-Hewlett Packard (Compaq purchased DEC in 1998 and HP purchased Compaq in 2002), several car manufacturer and this is what is known to me, and to my knowledge they have many more businesses, and this based on my knowledge in the following countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Turkey and possibly also in Qatar and Yemen, and most probably also Greece, Germany, USA and the UK in these mentioned last countries that I do not know about them and I was not told about them and I did not see them and I do not have a prove for them, yet and based on what happened to me in my life, this is the only logical possibility because I was persecuted by many to not recognize what is mentioned here and below. Last but not least, my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier that today I see the major front decoy for the cause of all my major problems. was nothing else than a nanny for hidden Jordanian royal family children, such as Reem Bdeir/Budier alias my official niece alias the double of princess Haya of Jordan alias her hidden older sister or cousin, my guess older sister, and the official sister of my other fake niece Basmah Bdeir/Budier marriage name Alami and also sister to my official but fake nephew Samir Bdeir/Budier that is also working within the Bdeir/Budier businesses he studied in Leeds, UK and Dallas, Texas, USA. Not to forget that this fake sister of mine called Suhair Bdeir/Budier also allegedly raised my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias at least 2 different persons one of them is an evil American military intelligent agent or CIA agent or MI6 agent or just a regular soldier or officer within either the American military or British military and was forced upon my life in September 1970 within the American military base McGraw kaserne where I was held for isolation for 2.5 years, during which they brought these 2 agents into my life Anita Disbray and my fake brother with his fake wife Alia Köse alias Anita Köse alias Mrs. Naggar as distraction of my original fake brother that in reality is 100% the hidden son of ex-Jordanian king Hussein and is also the hidden brother of the current Jordanian king Abdullah. All this makes the Bdeir/Budier family and the Abokurah family a hidden Jordanian royal family (families) that sock the lives out of others while pretending to be Muslim, because today I know they are not only not Muslim, but they are 100% of Greek origin and the king himself is not of Saudi Arabian origin as these lairs claim to be, below are some proves. Look at the Wikipedia profile of the current Jordanian king Abdullah and his father ex-king Hussein ( + ) where these criminals claim they are of the same family as the prophet Mohamad/Mohammad, they are not even worthy to say the name Mohamad, because the prophet Mohamad was an honor man and helper of humanity, just like other prophets, yet people like these psychopaths and pathological liars make bad names for Muslims, Christians, Jewish and even Indian, because the origin of this criminal is not even Greek, it is 100% India. India was controlled by the English royalties, and they caused the splitting of India in several regions among others the current India + Pakistan + Bangladesh + possibly also Sri Lanka previously Ceylon ( + + + partially by tradition and relation was Indian but not by border )
Note to my relation to the Bdeir/Budier family in Amman, Jordan: the first time I ever seen any one of the Bdeir/Budier family was sometimes between 1963 and 1964 as my fake oldest sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier came from Amman, Jordan allegedly with her husband Seif/Seef Aldin Bdeir/Budier and her 2 daughters Basma (9/10 years old) Reem Bdeir (1-2 years old) and son Samir Bdeir (7-8 years old) to Cairo, Egypt for vacation and allegedly to visit us. I cannot recall where they lodged, but not in our apartment. Yet someone wanted to force my mind to believe I knew them since 1950s among others by using telepathy and forcing a fake dream upon me and then forcing me with telepathy to believe it is reality and is part of my history, which is very easy for them to do that to a child that cannot yet think and has no knowledge or understanding of telepathy. This is the dream: I was allegedly 5-7 years old in some city called Fardous (translated to English = Paradise) allegedly in Syria, along with me was my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier, her husband Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier and his alleged older brother Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier and we were all sitting in some park, European style park (meaning whoever forced this dream upon me had more knowledge of Europe and USA than the Middle East) and we all sitting on 2 long natural wood benches around a long natural wood table close to some buildings and a movie theater and I asked them to go to the movie and they said no. Then I was walking in this park and suddenly found money bill and took it and then ran back to them and said look I found this money can I now go to the movies, they all laughed and said yes, and then I went alone to the movie theater building close to the table. End of the dream. This is typical telepathy brainwash fake dream where I have no idea where we were prior to the park and no idea where we went after the park and no idea how they let a 5-7 years old go alone to a movie theater, and no idea how the movie theater looked like from the inside and no idea what movie it was = typical telepathy brainwash dream to place it in my mind along with several other fake memories that I am from Syria and from this fake family and placing me with these members of the Bdeir/Budier Family that I never saw in real life in my life prior to 1963 or 1964 and then again as I was sent in summer 1966 for a summer vacation to Amman, Jordan (=brainwash trip as it explained in more details elsewhere) and several cities in Lebanon which were Beirut (=), Jubail (=جبيل) also called Byblos, Jounieh (=جونيه), Tripoli (=طرابلس), and some village north of Tripoli hidden high up between the mountains that today I recognize as illegal drug big farm with maybe population of 200 to 500 to even 1000 person. And the reason I believe it was an illegal drug village is because almost everyone I saw on the street had a weapon, such a gun around the waste and/or a rifle on the shoulder and I was told a lie that this is because these people all are hunters, but also because I was taken there by the Bdeir/Budier family and their Lebanese partners and friends named Azrah/Azrath and Barq/Bark families while they officially have in Lebanon tobacco farms to supply the Jordanian royal family for their at that time two cigarettes brands called Philadelphia and Reem, what is odd is that my fake niece born in 1961 in Amman Jordan name is also Reem (the name Reem I spelled it in English with these 4 letter “Reem”, yet it can also be Riem, which is a German word such as the name of the ex-Airport of Munich and the entire city section was “Riem” that used to be an independent small city, but also the word “Riem” is often used in Netherlands as a name!!!)), and since I know today that they are hidden royal family members, this mean they either named the cigarettes brand the same as the new born or they named my fake niece the new born in 1961 the same as the cigarette brand. Not to forget that Reem Bdeir/Budier is the very lookalike and double of princess Haya of Jordan = they are 100% hidden Jordanian royal family members pretending in my presence to be Syrians living in Amman, Jordan. Today I know where they are originated from or at least many of them are 100% originated from ex-Failed Greek royal families alias related to among others the English royal family and in particular to queen Elizabeth the second and her husband prince Philip that is also called prince of Greece and Denmark (,_Duke_of_Edinburgh + ). Also, two of these Lebanese family members were Petroleum Engineers that lead me to the wrong conclusion such as if they were smuggling illegal drugs using petroleum pipeline (Trans-Arabian Pipeline: + that was built by the Rockefeller family using the engineering company Bechtel, not to forget that the family Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah and since at least 1940s are very heavily encaged in construction, architecture and engineering while they also and practically own the Jordanian electric company that was built by the American company called Westinghouse Electric, who knows maybe they are not only originated from the ex-Greek royal families but also of the American construction company named Bechtel, especially that I discovered a very strong family relation between the Jordanian royal family and the Bush family as well and ex-Secretary of state and ex-Chairman of the Joint chief of Staff = head of American military and ex-general and the biggest drug lord in USA named Collin Powel and both are related to the family Halaby while the wife of king Hussein was also of the American family Halaby + = drug lords while using government tax payers money as well as protection to transport and distribute the illegal drugs from Syria + Lebanon as well as from Iran and Afghanistan to at least USA and Europe) and were among others responsible for the Petroleum pipeline that comes from Saudi Arabia right just a couple of kilometers south of Tripoli, and that was wrong the pipeline and based on the is located 127 km south of Tripoli. The reason I had the wrong conclusion is because they also took me to the sea around 10-20 km south of Tripoli and went diving for around 1-2 hours and left me floating as follow: at approximately 5 in the morning we waken up and went to the sea side where they had a cabin arriving there around 6 or 7 in the morning and then the two petroleum engineers went diving without oxygen bottles and left me floating for at least one hour as far as I remember it was 2 hours because the returned after 8 in the morning because at nine in the morning we were cooking the fish that they brought with them. At that time, I did not swim good, I just learned how to swim and only in the swimming pool in Cairo, Egypt but never in the sea. They left me floating around 50-200 meters of shore and I was shivering from the cold water that at that time was most probably 17-20 degrees and not that cold, yet I was not used to it, I was used only to the swimming pool water that usually was at least 7-9 degrees warmer because of the heat in Egypt. I have no idea where they went under water whereby they had no oxygen tanks with them, the two that took me with them fishing and dived for 2 hours one of them was named Elias and was dark blond and blue eyes, last name I am not sure he was the brother-in-law of Mr. Josef Azrath, a Lebanese living in Amman Jordan and business partner and friend with the Bdeir/Budier family his wife’s name was Hind (Hind translated to English means India and/or a fruit or spice name) and was very short she did not look anything like Middle Eastern Arab, the Azrath family were allegedly Lebanese Christians, also Mrs. Hind Azrah had a younger sister around my age named Margo a short nick name for Margaret. Elias was the brother of Hind, and her last name is unknown to me I just know her by her marriage name Azrah or Azrath translated to English virgin. When they dived for 2 hours and left me floating, each of the two had only a knife tight to their waste and a harpoon gun in their hands, sort of a gun with an arrow tight to the gun with a rope to shoot a fish and then pull the rope to catch the fish. When they came back after 2 hours, they had a couple of small fish and a small octopus. Today I know they can catch the couple of fish and small octopus within 5-10 minutes, so the question is what were they doing so long under water and above all going there without oxygen and leaving me alone floating with sort of a swimmer help floating piece that was around 150X50X10 cm and made out of some material that does not sink?
Until today I have no answer to this question, except it must have been something very illegal because they deceived me.
Also, I recall that there was either petroleum refineries or many large petroleum storage tanks or both near that area where they dived, and maybe there was a petroleum pipeline only from this refinery or storage tanks to the sea, I do not know I just know of these many huge petroleum tanks near the sea cabin and the very odd and suspicious situation as mentioned above!
The only answer I am able to find, is that they must have had oxygen bottles at the bottom of the sea and were doing most probably something illegal that had something to do with illegal drugs and this is especially true because this situation happened immediately after us visiting the illegal drug farm hidden high in the mountain, I used to think that they dived to the petroleum pipeline mentioned above and did not know that the pipeline was 128 km south of Tripoli and a few kilometers south of the city Beirut, today I know, I have no facts or other proves to back it up except what is mentioned and the fact that they are all organized crime families and that I was kidnaped on 15 January 1960 and placed within this fake family.
End of note to my relation to the Bdeir/Budier family in Amman, Jordan:
These are the members of the 2 families of my 2 fake sisters Suhair Bdeir and Moni Najar alias Mona Najjar, whereby Mona Najjar I used to know as Moni Afrah Najar as we went to Cairo Egypt on 15 January 1960, then she was a TV news and program Anchor on the all new Egyptian TV, then she disappeared of my life in 1961 and I was told a lie that she allegedly went to Amman, Jordan for a couple of months to help her alleged sister Suhair Bdeir that was allegedly pregnant with Reem Bdeir alias the very lookalike and double of Princess Haya of Jordan, then she allegedly met a man named Abdulghani Abokurah and married him and never came back to Cairo, Egypt = all chaos stories and 100% lies, because today I know that Mona Najjar alias Mona Abokurah is a criminal and identity thief because she pretend to be my original fake sister Moni Najar and the same trick they did to me with my other fake sister named Fadia Najar later married an Egyptian pilot and her name became Fadia Shawki and today another woman with the name Fadia Nagar (with one “G”) claim to be her. Both went with me to Cairo Egypt on 15 January 1960 and both disappeared of my life the first Mona Najar disappeared in spring 1961 and the second Fadia Shawki disappeared either in 1964/65 or in 1967 or in 1969, I cannot determine, because each of these dates have a different situation that point to me that this fake sister has changed, or maybe they are 3 or even 4 lookalike that exchange places, I know for sure of 2, the one of January 1960 to at least 1963/64 in Cairo, Egypt and the current one as I saw last in 2013 in the Brighton, UK.
Important to note about Greek origin
I strongly believe that the following family are from the ex-Failed Greek royal families, which are among others the Bdeir/Budier family and Dr. Farzat Baroudi on Waldweg street in Hamburg while in my presence they pretend to be originated from Syria, in matter of fact they forced me with brainwash, deceive, and house of lies to believe that they are originated from Syria. Here is why I think/Know that they are originated from the failed ex-Greek royal families: the way they dress, the way they furnish their homes, the way they behave, the way they eat and what they eat and drink, the way they build houses in various countries such as in Jordan, and many other small and big things, yet the number one reason is that they were trusted with me by queen Elizabeth the second and her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, born as Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark (,_Duke_of_Edinburgh ), my history with Greek in Germany and people around me that often used Greek where they were not supposed to use, such as the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud often tried hard to emphasize Greek, such as forcing me to take her to a New luxury Greek restaurant in Munich, Germany or forcing me with telepathy to think I want to go there, or pretending to have had a rich Greek boyfriend that allegedly wanted to marry her, but she allegedly dumped him for me, whereby I hated her guts being anywhere near me, but I had no chance against telepathy, and this strategy dumping a person another person for me that was allegedly more capable than me was used on me by many women that were set on me as a mean of isolation and to prevent me of getting to know a real woman and not a disgusting animals like them such as also Anita Disbray also did. I have in my history at least 10 very odd situations with Greek that point to me that someone is using me as blackmail object against queen Elizabeth and the Greek royalties such as the Bdeir family and other families in Jordan, but also in Egypt or better said wherever there are English royal family scams and con business you can also find ex-Greek royalties!
End of important to note about Greek origin
The information below has one purpose only, which is to show that I knew these persons nothing more or less.
The Bdeir/Budier brothers and their uncle that are known to me, the uncle is my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier and the official person who allegedly raised my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar a hidden son of king Hussein of Jordan and a brother to the current king Abdullah of Jordan. Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier is also the official father of Reem Bdeir the hidden daughter of king Hussein and the hidden sister of the current king Abdullah of Jordan and the double of princess Haya of Jordan that exchanges places with her. I was lied to and was told that Reem Bdeir/Budier was allegedly murdered in 2000 or 2001 by her alleged Palestinian husband somewhere in Philadelphia, USA, possibly in Pittsburgh. And this lie about she is murdered is to prevent me to relate her look to princess Haya of Jordan to not discover that she is a hidden Jordanian royal family member just like my fake brother and that makes the Bdeir/Budier family of Jordan a crime organization working for the British and American governments, because both government performed countless actions against me to cover up for them and this started in March 1970 and it officially stopped as I relocated to the city of Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016 seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, the Dutch government and the many foreign embassies and consulates, because I do not know who to trust anymore!
Important note about the fake death of my
fake niece Reem Bdeir 1. My fake son Abdelhamid Najar (this is his official name and since he is not my son, then he can also have another real name that I do not know). He told me that my fake niece allegedly was murdered in Pennsylvania, USA, meaning this is additional lie he told me intentionally and also worked against me intentionally several times in my life in Houston, Texas, USA, in Ter Apel, Netherlands, in Munich, Germany, Neuburg an der Donau, Germany and in Schwabmünchen, Germany 2. My fake sister suhair bdeir and in Amman, Jordan in around 1985 or 1986 and as I was visiting her in Amman, Jordan created a very deceiving brainwash situation to force my mind to think as follow: if I ever see her official but fake daughter named Reem Bdeir on TV, then it is not her but rather another woman that happened coincidently to have a similar look, because and based on a very deceiving and mass brainwash in the Middle East there is an Arabic saying: “God allegedly has created of each person 40 lookalikes”. To force me to think like this and as it is mentioned elsewhere, she went through the trouble to hire a Syrian/Lebanese famous comedian actor named Yassino (=Yassin Bakoush also written Baccous + + ) and then invited me to go along with her to visit their long year family friend named Ali Barq that was actually their raw tobacco and raw illegal drugs provider from Lebanon and has a business apartment in Amman, Jordan while in my presence he pretended to be the Lebanese consul in Jordan from 1966 to 1986. Anyway, I went with my fake sister to his apartment to say hello, and as soon as I entered his living room, there was the famous Syrian actor Yassino and I started to lough and said oh this is Yassino of the movies with Ghawar (another Syrian actor and more famous than Yassino) and my fake sister said, no this is not Yassino, this is a very successful Kurdish business man, and therewith she forced upon me these thoughts with telepathy and brainwash manufacturen and preplanned situation 3. Similar brainwash situation was created by the psychopath woman that pretended to be my mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her boyfriend Mohi Sabri on 10.10.1969 and as she took me from Cairo, Egypt to Frankfurt Germany we went to the apartment of this Mohi Sabri that totally looked different than the one I knew from Egypt and last seen in 1968. This one was maybe 165 cm and around 45-50 kg weight and light brown, Mohi Sabri was pale white around my height 175 cm and 80-90 kg weight and this since I get to know him sometimes around 1963 and never changed a bit. Yet my fake mother wanted me to believe this is Mohi Sabri and to do that we slept all three of us on the floor of his apartment me giving them my back during which they were moving and making noises that people do as they have sex and this because the real Mohi Sabri look almost identical to the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Möllemann ( ) and did not want me to recognize that by trying to brainwash me and force a new look of Mohi Sabri on my memory and therewith I would not recognize that Jürgen Möllemann is related to Mohi Sabri, and who knows, maybe it is him with fake identity or they are two that exchange place, yet one of them has blue eyes while Mohi Sabri had brown eyes, yet with contact lenses you cannot tell the difference between them, and since I discovered that there was several persons in my fake family in Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia that are 100% hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 living under other fake identities and protected by CIA + MI6 + BND, then that would explained why the ex-German vice Chancellor Jürgen Möllemann was 100% assassinated and made it look like parachute accident, because Mr. Jürgen Möllemann and as far as I recall he was always attacking Jewish and was publicly so called anti-sematic and that was wrong, yet many politicians take an act and pretend to be against certain group of people as a stunt or con business to reach out politically to certain group of people enable they elect him, and I have seen that in Egypt, Germany, USA and also in Netherlands. I think this is really sad that people come up with these scams during which they hurt many people. Look at me for example I do not hate anyone at all, yet my complaint pages may give the impression as if I am against certain religions or certain group of people such as Jewish, Christian or Muslims, or Indian or Americans, yet I am not against Jewish or against any other group of people because of 2 simple reasons: reason one we are all human being created by God and I cannot hate God’s creation. Reason-2: no man or woman on this earth can help it that he/she is born within a certain religion or ethnic group and since we have countless religions and all of them claim we are right, and all the others are wrong and since I do not want to insult them, and I just look at everyone as human being regardless of his/her religion. Yet I am 100% against organized crime that kidnap children, conspire to mass murder people to steal what they have, pretend to be one identity while the person has another one or more hidden identities, deceiving people and creating mass chaos in their lives to steal their land, petroleum, and other natural resources or even steal their properties as these psychopath repeatedly did to me, I cannot even tell how many times they did that to me since 1960 or even since my birth, but definitely more than 10 times!
The above most definitely build a pattern of pathological lairs, and since I suspect my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier to have been a nanny for hidden royalty children along with her official husband Seif Aldin Bdeir, this means that the entire Bdeir family has thought of this scam acting scene to brainwash me and that absolutely does not speak well of them, but rather it is another confirmation that they are con-artists and organized crime families along with the Jordanian royal family and many other families as mentioned in this complaint page and other complaint pages.
End of important note about the fake death of my fake niece Reem Bdeir |
Important note about the photos and the links: I noticed several times that links I place in my complaint pages are being modified or blocked either for my IP address only or the entire city I am in or even the entire country and worse yet blocked for international access, meaning only national located computers and mobile phones can access some site such as the website, JEPCO-Jordanian Electric Power Company of which I have the photos, and luckily also a copy of some pages, then they blocked it, at least for me and within the city I am in I cannot access it any more, for that I have to thank them, them are the Bdeir/Budier _+ Abokurah + Malas and other families that control among others the telephone company (= Internet) and also this company JEPCO- JEPCO-Jordanian Electric Power Company because they are proving my point with their action that they are hiding many things among others Greek relatives will recognize them and would want to verify it through their website, but now it is blocked and if you would like to verify it use one of the following 2 methods, one is free and the other may cost you some fees: 1. Free: try to connect with some people in Jordan over the Internet and ask them to channel the website through their connection or copy the entire website and email it to you, and if you do not know anyone in Jordan, just use one of many social media to get to know someone, social media such as, or another one out of many existing social medias, you can use and search for the following text “list of most popular social media platforms or website” here is one that list several: 2. Get yourself a VPN-Virtual Private Network and look on how it works, there are 1 or 2 are free all others cost something between 1-150 Euro per month. Here is one that I know the company’s integrity since 1980s it is a very reliable company with very low cost and above all you can use it as a trial for free and see if it does the job, the cost is around 1-3 Euro per month, depending on where you are: the “//us.” before the word Norton is for the country USA, or DE for Germany and so on at the bottom of the first page you can select the language
Below You can see how they block the access based on certain criteria; I covered my IP address with red. |
There are the 3 brothers that are nephews of my fake brother-in law Sief/Seef Aldin Bdeir/Budier as follow:
1. First photo: Omar Bdeir/Budier. The youngest of the 3 brothers. He was Always driving his father as if he is his private chauffeur/driver. This photo was taken of the website of the Islamic Educational College of Amman, Jordan: for info about this college, it is and as far as I recall from 1967 + 1970 + 1980-1986 a school from grade 1 to grade 12 = Elementary school grade 1-6 + Junior high School grade 7-9 + High school grade 10-12
2. Second and sixth photo: Othman/Osman Bdeir/Budier, I cannot recall much about him. These photos were taken of the website of the JEPCO-Jordanian Electric company where he is the chairman of the board
3. Third and fourth and fifth photo: Essam Bdeir/Budier the oldest of the 3 brothers. I believe he was the oldest. Married to an American Christian woman, that possibly later became Muslim or pretend to be converting to Islam. These photos were taken of the website of the JEPCO-Jordanian Electric company where he is also the chairman of the board I guess he was the chairman of the board of this Jordan Electric company and then was replaced by his younger brother above, possibly due to the age
4. In addition to the above 3 brothers there was also a female named Lina or Lena. Around 8-10 years ago I saw her photograph crying in some news website, but I am not going to place it here. I am not sure if she is a sister of the 3 brothers or the daughter of one of them. Lina/Lena Bdeir/Budier in 1967 was around my age and we used to play together in the garden of her father or Grandfather’s house Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier the father of the above 3 brothers and the brother to my fake brother-in-law Seef Aldin Bdeir.
5. In addition to the above mentioned 3 brothers and possible sister Lina/Lena, possibly there are more brothers and sisters that I am not aware of
6. Note to the JEPCO-Jordan Electric Company. It was built by the American company Westinghouse Electric. I read an article about it around 3-4 years ago, but I cannot find the article anymore. For more info about this company see the following 2 links: +
7. Note to the Bdeir/Budier family based on what I was told. It was established in the begin of 1920s directly after the First World War, whereby the First World War that was also active in the Middle East between the Europeans that were fighting for control over Europe and the rest of the world as well as fighting for the control over the Middle East for more information see and search for the following text “fighting for the control of the Middle East during the first world war”. I was told that the Bdeir family was established by Mohamad also written Mohammad Ali Bdeir/Budier after he immigrated to Jordan in 1920 directly after the First World War. I was not told from where he immigrated. Mohamad Ali Bdeir is the father of the above 3 mentioned brothers and the brother of my fake brother-in-law Seif/Seef Aldi Bdeir/Budier. I was told that Seif/Seef Aldin Bdeir immigrated to Jordan in the end of 1940s after the second World War. I was not told from where he immigrated, yet he told me that he either worked for or worked with the Swiss company Nestle at their headquarter in Vevey at the Lake Geneva also called Leman Lake in Switzerland. And the reason he told me that is because they visited me once in Munich, Germany between 1975 and 1980 and I took them on a car tour to Italy over Switzerland and we went through the small city Vevey and then he said last time I was here it was in 1945 or maybe he said 1946, I just remember it was directly after the second World War, since we were too many for my car I rented a small Volkswagen bus and I was driving and I did not really pay much attention and concentrate on what he said nor I had at that time interest to know more, I just know that they are distributor and/or representative also of the Swiss company Nestle. Based on everything I saw and heard, they are the founder of the economy in Jordan and are 100% working for and with the English royal family and their American relatives as well as also with the ex-German royal family alias the current controlling family of Germany disguised as the political parties among other CDU-Christian Democratic Union, CSU-Christian Social Union and FDP and the reason I am sure about that is because the first 2 mentioned political parties supposed to be Christians, at least that is what the “C” stands for, yet how they behave is anything but not Christian, among others because they continuously brainwashed me and helped dramatically in enslaving me twice under the whore agents Anita Disbray and Najlaa Mahmoud, beside my original fake sister Fadia Najar marriage name Fadia Shawki must have been strongly related to them because the German Ambassador to Egypt and in 1967 gave my fake sister a very rare and very well trained albino German shepherd dog (all white with red eyes) to allegedly protect her 2 children that at that time were around 3 and 4 years old and the dog died one week later saving their lives and I saw that myself because I was playing with them in the garden and the boy ran to the street while a car was approaching and the dog ran to the street and kept on pushing the boy back to the grass during which the car ran the dog over and he died instantly. On top of that I strongly believe that 2 persons of the Shawki family are hidden escaped Nazis disguised as members of the Shawki family with the names Atef (=male) and Elwiyah (=female) Shawki of this Shawki family, where their alleged brother Afaf Shawki is my fake brother-in-law married to my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar. Afaf Shawki along with his younger brother Elwee Shawki were both civilian pilots working for the Egyptian airline and Afaf Shawki died or was killed in a passenger plane crash he was piloting. I never understood why a German ambassador gave her this very expensive gift, maybe he was not the German ambassador but rather the British or it was not an ambassador at all, I do not know, I just know what they told me and they always lied to me about everything that is very important, yet and since I was very young and 7 years earlier had a total amnesia and therewith my brain was a brain of 4 years old, they most probably told me in this case the truth and did not think that I will use it in the future to analyze my life (!!). As you see of this long point, that everything is connected to everything within my life.
8. Last but not least, today I know that the family Bdeir/Budier are originated of the Christian ex-Greek royal family and heavily related to the English and Danish royal families and are 100% not originated from Saudi Arabia and above all they are the hidden kings of Jordan, and the publicly known king named king Abdullah and just like his father before him named king Hussein is just a show to take the blame for everything bad they do, while the kings family are 100% originated from Indian part that is today is Pakistan, in matter of fact the wife of the last and main and only famous king of Jordan named king Hussein was from India as the information below clearly show including photographs
Photos from left to right and on small screen from top to bottom:
1. Photo-1: Omar Bdeir the youngest brother of the 3 brothers
2. Photo-2: Othman/Osman Bdeir the middle brother of the 3 brothers
3. Photo-3 + 4: Esam also written Essam Bdeir/Budier the oldest of the 3 brothers
5. The father of these three brothers shown in the photos above is one of the founders of the fake family called Baroudi his name was Mohamad Ali Bdeir. He and with cooperation of the CIA, MI6 and very possibly also with the cooperation of Mossad, and all together founded in 1960 the fake family called Baroudi consisted of 16 adult agents and their alleged 5 children as listed follow:
6. I am one of these 5 children
7. The other children were:
7.1. Bashar Baroudi
7.2. his brother Basel Baroudi
7.3. his sister Sammer or Summer or Sommer (with one “M” or with 2 “MM”) Baroudi
7.4. and their cousin Rima Baroudi, all including me were under 10 years old, I was 8 years old in 1960
8. Other adults that today I recognize that they were acting as young teenagers between 17 and 18 years old:
8.1. my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar
8.2. my fake sister Moni Najar alias Mona/Afrah Abokurah alias Mona Najjar
8.3. and my fake cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi
8.4. and his sister Hiyam Baroudi, that I never saw in person, yet they added her to my fake memory
9. The real official adults were as follow:
9.1. My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi
9.2. Her sister Eftikar Kheir and her alleged dead husband, I believe that she was a nanny for hidden Saudi and Jordanian royal family children, just like my fake mother and my fake 2 sisters Suhair Bdeir and Mona Najjar
9.3. Her brother, oldest, Mamdoh Baroudi and his wife Jameela
9.4. Her brother alleged second oldest brother Jawdat Baroudi and his wives
9.5. Her brother alleged third oldest brother Badeaa Baroudi and his wife Suaad
9.6. Her brother alleged fourth oldest brother Jalal Baroudi; and his wife, name forgotten at the moment (added on 6.8.2022: I remembered her name was or still is Nawal)
9.7. Her brother alleged Fifth oldest brother Dr. Farzat Baroudi and his wife Anna
10. The alleged father of my fake mother and of the alleged father of her alleged sister and her alleged 5 brothers listed above, which is impossible because he did not look like any of them and was by at least 15 to 25 cm shorter than them, while at least 2 of them were blond one with green eyes and the other blue eyes, and all of them over 175 cm yet their official father and mother were dark hair and dark eyes and under 165 cm
11. The alleged mother, of my fake mother, named Samiyah or Samiyath Baroudi and allegedly her birth name is Khayat, which I strongly believe it was a lie, because her alleged brother called Fuad Khayat that today I relate him to either the Rockefeller families or the English royal families, had blue eyes and grey hair and most probably had blond hair as he was younger, I saw him a few times in Cairo, Egypt within a period of roughly 3 times and he had grey hair due to his age that today I guess it to have been over 70 or 80 years old.
12. The entire above-mentioned members of the Baroudi family are most suspicious for countless reasons and here I am just listing just a few of them:
12.1. They did not look like each other’s, at least two of them were blond and one with blue eyes and the other with green eyes
12.2. They were by far taller than their official parents, while their alleged parents were both under 165 or even under 160 cm and their fake children were above 175 cm, except the women they were around 165 cm
12.3. Some of them I never saw in my life such as the following cousins Hiyam Baroudi, and her alleged cousins, Fareed Kheir and Fariha Kheir and another brother of the Kheir family I forgot his name (added on 3.10.2022: his name was Fareed also written Farid, all I remember is that they were supposed to be 3 brothers and 2 sisters)
12.4. I never seen any of them prior to end of 1960s, some of them, but not all went to Cairo, Egypt at various times between end of 1960 and 1963 and pretended to be my family from Syria, at that time I was 8-10 years old, and I believed everything these criminals and psychopaths told me, but today I know that all these criminals were 100% not only not my family, but also 100% not Syrian origin!
12.5. I was taken to Cairo, Egypt on 15 January 1960
12.6. I was taken from Cairo to Germany on 10.10.1969
12.7. I was taken from Germany on a long brainwash trip to several countries to implicate me as if I am related to terrorism and other crimes, even though I was under 18 years old and my brain and logic was like 10 years old, because they caused me a total amnesia in 1960 and then isolated me, and therewith any one with little intelligence can see that my logic was almost 0/zero. Back to the brainwash and implication trip, we went in a car convoy with people I never seen before that was arranged by my fake mother and the CIA, because they were Kurdish and working for USA and the UK, but I did not know all that at that time. To the point of this, we arrived after roughly 4-5 days in Damascus Syria, and went to an apartment allegedly of my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi that pretended to be Syrian diplomat and was allegedly at that time in Moscow, Russia as an alleged Syrian diplomat, which was all lies. This apartment had maybe 5-7 rooms, and me, and my fake mother were there as well as my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that also pretended to be Syrian diplomat and until this time in Amman, Jordan where I met him there on a summer vacation in 1966, and now he was telling me another lie, which was that he allegedly had differences with the Syrian Ambassador in Amman, Jordan and he allegedly was fired and now allegedly he is looking for a job at home in Damascus, Syria which was 100% another lie
12.8. The other uncle that was also present in this apartment in Damascus, Syria was Dr. Mohamad Farzat Baroudi alias Dr. Farzat Baroudi, that allegedly studied something in the university of Koeln, Germany from 1959 and until end of summer of 1969 and now he too allegedly is looking for a job here at home in Damascus, Syria, which was 100% a lie, because this criminal is 100% ex-Greek royalty origin
12.9. Another fake uncle I saw here in Damascus Syria and during my forced upon me brainwash trip, was Badeaa Baroudi, but he was not lodging in this apartment, and all of them together, each created the one thing or the other to set me up to look like as if I am a member of the biggest and longest lasting terror organization in the world that was 100% founded by a CIA + MI6 + Mossad agent named Yasser Arafat, but so far all are not the point but rather pre-explanation enable to understand this point and the following points and the entire section of my fake family origin, another pre explanation is that they caused me a total Amnesia to not remember reality and believe in their sadistic, vicious and most destructive brainwash lies, among others by forcing upon me fake memories as if I was born in Damascus, Syria and have countless relatives, and exactly this is a small part of the point I am trying to make, I absolutely did not see any relative whatsoever during my 10-14 days stay except these 4 criminals and psychopaths, which are my fake mother and her 3 fake brothers. Today I know that this apartment was most probably a share vacation or business apartment, and Siemens AG in 1981 created similar situation in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, most probably to get my attention to this apartment, but how they knew about it I do not exactly know, possibly through the Bavarian government where I was forced to apply for political asylum and mentioned many of this, but at that time I thought it was all true, also the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and after I was kidnapped from Germany to USA created a situation in 1986/87 to get my attention to a so-called shared vacation apartment, where several persons get together and buy or rent one apartment in a city that they either often vacation in or have relatives in or have to go there oft on business, today I am not positive if this was coincident situation in Bridgeport, Connecticut or they were trying to teach me new things that my fake family perform, because it was all new to me and I never thought of this possibility and many other possibilities. Yet and based on my knowledge today, I allegedly had 2 grandparent, 5 uncles, one aunt, allegedly also several grand uncles and aunts and each of them had allegedly many children and grandchildren, and at least 3 of them owned large houses = above middle class based on Syrian or even Middle East standards of living, and all this only from my alleged grandparents mother side, I never heard anything of my grandparents father side and his alleged brothers and sisters and their children, all together should be at least a couple of hundreds, yet again I did not visit any one of them, none of them visited me, and I did not even see photos of them = all lies and this apartment was most probably agents apartment that supposed to look like business apartment or maybe and most probably I am wrong and this apartment wass a combination of agents and business apartment, then that 100% would be illegal drug business, because the safe communications were not yet so good as today where you can encrypt communications between telephones and also computers and also through satellites that started with the illegal project as it is described in the page BP-British Petroleum Part-1 over the illegal project Calypso to deliver to Syria satellite computers
12.10. In Cairo, Egypt I saw at least 40 alleged relatives, and maybe 10-15 of them allegedly just came from Syria and the rest were allegedly in Cairo, Egypt since 10, 20, 3o or more years, which I was never able to verify
12.11. In Saudi Arabia I met the following alleged relatives: my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi and one of his wives, the new wife from the family Ejlani and their children and this in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, today I see the big possibility that this criminal and psychopath was a British or even maybe German ambassador in Egypt and later also in Saudi Arabia and very possibly he is from both royal families the English as well as also the ex-German royal families, another person that was not less danger and also top psychopath was my fake female cousin named Faihaa Kheir that I met in Jeddah and her 3 cousins Bashar Baroudi + his brother Basel Baroudi + Hani Baroudi and I met all 3 in Riyadh
12.12. I was told that the following relatives live in Saudi Arabia for either 4 or more years, but did not see them:
12.12.1. I saw in Saudi Arabia: my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi and one of his wives and children,
12.12.2. I was told that she was living in Saudi Arabia: my fake mother Hyat/Hayat Baroudi, whereby Siemens AG took me on business trips to Saudi Arabi and placed me in the hotel Hyatt Regency and later was also many other unusual situation with the same hotel in other countries including in Houston, Texas, that today I relate to my fake family and that is why I am writing the name of my fake mother in 2 different variations Hyatt and Hayat because both have the same pronunciations and one is Arabic “Hayat” and the other is officially English “Hyatt” (Added on 3.10.2022: Hyatt can be Urdu language origin, and Urdu is originated from India, and British or better said the English Royal families were controlling India for several centuries and possibly Some of their hidden Indian relatives established the hotel chain Hyatt Regency and that would make all the sense because the actual meaning of “Hyatt Regency” is controlling life or directing life = typical English royalty naming convention = based on slavery!! )
12.12.3. I was told that she was living in Saudi Arabia with my fake cousin Dr. Basam or Bassam Baroudi and his alleged wife and children,
12.12.4. I was told that she was living in Saudi Arabia: my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar that I strongly suspect to be at least 2 different persons that exchange places and I never noticed it prior to 2013, her alleged husband Dr. Alaa Ali that I also strongly suspect to be 2 different persons, one I met in Cairo, Egypt between 1968 and 1969 and the other was introduced to me in London, UK in 1976 as if he was the same person that I knew from Cairo, Egypt as mentioned above and I believed it, but he was and still is 100% a different person than the one I knew in Cairo, Egypt. Dr. Alaa Ali is allegedly a gynecologist and was allegedly working as gynecologist and general surgeon in several cities in the UK from 1970 and until roughly 1976, thereafter he allegedly was working for ARAMCO near Dammam, Saudi Arabia from roughly 1976/77 and until after the year 2001, then allegedly a gynecologist in Bahrain for one Year and allegedly back to the UK, and since he and his wife alias my fake sister Fadia Nagar and their children relocated to Saudi Arabia allegedly due to the job offer he allegedly received from ARAMCO. I was theoretically and practically locked up first as a refugee in Germany from 1970-1976 and then in USA from 1986-2001 by kidnapping , not in prison, but I was not allowed to leave the country, which was 100% a setup by my fake family in cooperation with the CIA + MI6 and most probably also the German government and this from January 1970 and until they set me up again to lose my refugee status in summer of 1976 which was a part of the setup that they made to force me to become Christian, to have a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam, while they persecuted me with all kind of sadistic setups and brainwash and telepathy control to not be accepted as a refugee and that alone shows that the German government totally betrayed me and this to prevent me of getting the German citizenship or even just a permanent resident permit that would have led that I also receive the German citizenship and that they did not want, because then I would have been free to travel and live where I want and no one can kidnap me or force me to live far away of my sadistic and vicious fake family. Another most odd point that is also a prove that they are criminal liars is that after I went 3-4 times to the UK within 12-18 months starting summer 1976 to visit my fake sister and her alleged family between 1976 and 1977, then they pretended to be relocating to Saudi Arabia, where I cannot go and visit these criminal kidnappers that pretended to be my family, another odd thing, is that my fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali has an unbelievable look similarity to the lifelong CEO of ARAMCO named Amin H. Nasser that sometimes I think this is my fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali, but he is not, the look similarity is very strong, and the age gap is large, yet Dr. Alaa Ali that I strongly believe is not a medical doctor, could be the older brother or even the father of Amin H. Nasser or at least his vey lookalike cousin.
12.12.5. I was told that my fake niece May Abokurah, one of the nastiest and most disgusting women I ever seen, and I do not mean her look, but rather her disgusting character that anyone with enough money can buy her for anything he wants, was allegedly with her husband named Khalid, last name unknown to me, but he is allegedly originated of the ex-Iraqi royal family that was ousted in 1958, and today and since at least 10 years I realized that the Abokurah + the Bdeir + Malas and other families in Jordan have 100% conspired with the English royal families and the Rockefeller families including the Bush family that they are 100% related to through at least the Halaby family in USA, and all conspired together to have a war with Iraq because of Kuwait and later invade Iraq, but the ex-president George H. W. Bush lost the election to Bill Clinton and they had to wait 8 years until George W. Bush won the presidency, then they bombed the world trade center to have a reason to steal Afghanistan in 2001 and 2 years later in 2003 invaded Iraq, which all in all is a 100% prove that these criminals all of them together conspired to bomb the World Trade center on 11.9.2001, and that is why I was locked up between jails and prisons and refugee camps and prevented to rest from June 2000 and until Mai 2012 between USA, the Netherlands and Germany and thereafter I was severely persecuted and tortured in the hidden with all kind of methods and strategies to prevent me to recognize any of the crimes that are mentioned in this page but also other crimes mentioned in other pages that led me to discover the crimes mentioned within this page(!!).
12.12.6. Also, in Saudi Arabia I met my fake cousin Basel Baroudi, his brother Bashaar Baroudi and his nephew alias my other cousin Hani Baroudi, and all of them were over 25-30 years old and living in Riyadh
12.12.7. My fake female cousin named Faihaa Kheir was living in Jeddah and pretended to be married to a Syrian insurance salesman, later and through a setup arranged by Siemens AG and the manager of the Jeddah port named Mr. Attar, I recognized this whore fake cousin of mine that performed severe damage upon me, which is mentioned elsewhere, was the wife of a Saudi Arabian, most probably member of the Saudi royal family or a government member as her hidden slave because she 100% had telepathy. I know for fact that she and her alleged brother named Farhat Kheir living in Oman have telepathy because both of them used it very destructively on me in Jeddah and in Amman, Jordan
12.13. And here are the relatives that I met in Amman, Jordan, which will help you to decide where these fake family members originated from:
12.13.1. The brother of the above mentioned Faihaa Kheir named Farhat Kheir, allegedly living in Oman and is now on holiday in Amman, Jordan while I am visiting my fake sisters and living in Munich, Germany and cannot verify anything of what these criminals are telling me, actually most the persons mentioned below and I met in Amman, Jordan pretended to be Syrians coming to Amman for a holiday, believe me there was nothing in Amman, Jordan, at least not in1960s and 1970s and in 1980s that was worth waisting any ones time to go and see, at least so it was during that period of time where I visited my fake sisters, in matter of fact Amman, Jordan and from my point of view at that time was and most probably still is a disgusting city and country, because of one reason only it is 100% a slavery country and there is nothing nice about slavery countries, not in Jordan, not in Saudi Arabia and not in USA, because USA, the UK and some others export slavery to other countries in the Middle East and elsewhere and then claim about their selves to be promoting freedom and democracy, such as they did in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and tried to do in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, just look at my life through my complaint pages if it did not happen to me, then I would never be wasting my time on these complaint pages to help others, I could go and work in the computer field and make money, at least 4-10 times as my current social income, but I have my priority straight and care about other people and take freedom as serious as I care about oxygen for human beings and that is why I am taking the time to warn others of my very bad 70 years of slavery life experience
12.13.2. My fake aunt Eftikar Kheir the mother of the above 2 Fihaa Kheir and Frhat Kheir and below and allegedly also other children that all in all she allegedly has 6 children
12.13.3. Her fake daughter Fatina Kheir that today I am more than positive it was not her daughter but rather another hidden royalty child whore that would do anything to anyone for enough money, in other words my fake aunt was 100% her nanny, among others because she allegedly was pregnant with her fake daughter named Fatina at the age of 50 or 55 or 58, I cannot exactly recall which lie I was told, to deceive and force me and others to think it is her daughter and not that my fake aunt was another criminal hidden nanny for hidden royalty children, and based on Fatina Kheir look blue eyes , dark blond, she was most probably just like her fake brother named Farhat Kheir and fake sister named Faihaa Kheir and originated from Europe or USA, most probably British royalties due to their short height 160 cm and the male 170 cm
12.13.4. My fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier that allegedly raised my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias the hidden son of ex-king Hussein of Jordan and brother to the current king of Jordan king Abdullah, but also, she raised her alleged daughter Reem Bdeir that too I strongly believe is the daughter of King Hussein or at least his hidden niece and is the double of Princess Haya of Jordan, she also raised another male child named Samir and female child named Basmah and all these children are today over 50 years old
12.13.5. My fake sister Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona/Afrah Najjar, she live in Washington, D.C. since 1987, and today I strongly believe that these criminals and psychopath CIA kidnapped me from Germany in September 1986 to USA to also use me as a decoy brother to this whore that today I have absolutely no doubt in my mind what so ever that she is Greek origin and that she and at least 1-2 of her 5 children have telepathy that they use for the English royal family to manipulate politicians or even enslave them in Washington D.C, as they see fit and suitable for the hidden agendas of the English royal family and the Rockefeller families and therewith she and her entire Abokurah family are 100% committing treason in USA and in Jordan and in Saudi Arabia
12.13.6. My fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi
12.13.7. My fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi
12.13.8. My fake uncle Mamdoh Baroudi
12.13.9. His alleged daughter Hiyam Baroudi, I never met her in person, but they placed fake memory in my mind about her and I was told another lie about her that she is allegedly strict Muslim and is covered up from head to toe and is married to another allegedly strict Muslim Jordanian, and these lies I was told in 1977 after this criminal and psychopath whore fake mother of mine came to live with me in begin of summer 1977 and in the church housing that was provided to me by the church of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the cities Unterschleissheim and Lohhof in Germany and this 18 months after I was setup to become Christian by the psychopath Bush family, where ex-USA president George H. W. Bush during this period of time was the CIA director, and my mother came to live with me pretending that she was living in Amman, Jordan with my two sisters as mentioned above, but they allegedly were hitting her and not feeding her enough and her alleged health was suffering because of that and I believed her, today I know it was all lies to make me feel sorry for her and to offer her to come and live with me where she allegedly can feel safe, and she caused me countless problems after she came and that is why she came at that time and totally looked different as I saw her last time maybe 4-5 years earlier in Munich (added on 21.08.2022: I made a mistake, she came once with her alleged mother to visit me around summer of 1975 just 4-5 months before I was setup to become Christian to give these psychopaths a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam to show as if they are Syrians and Muslims and not German Nazis and English royal family and Rockefeller family that each one of these psychopaths have at least one possibly 2-3 other identities and also at least one or more lookalikes that they exchange places with), now in 1977 she was all dressed up as an alleged strict Muslim and cover her head and wear clothing covering her entire body and above all she was at least 40 kg heavier than before, and since she was around 165 cm, she looked like a ball covered with a blanket, and today I know that this criminal whore was a different person than the one I knew from 1960s and until 1970 and then she disappeared of my life and came again in around May or June 1970 and worked as an alleged babysitter for an American Military sergeant and stayed in Munich until approximately 1973 and disappeared again and never seen her until summer 1975 for 2-3 weeks and again in roughly spring of 1977 with her over 40 kg over weight that she never had, above all she used to always dress like a whore showing as much of her legs and breast and arms as she can, because she thought of herself as a sexy woman, and maybe she was, but no brain, no heart no compassion no empathy towards me and with absolutely no feelings what so ever to other human beings = a sadistic criminal that would do anything to reach her goal, that was 100% dictated to her by the evil English royal family and the Rockefeller families
12.13.10. In 1965/66 My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar that pretended to have been living in Amman, Jordan since 1954 and pretended many things during my summer vacation, of 3 months, 3-4 weeks of which I was taken to Lebanon, and I only saw him 2-3 times during this period, during which he pretended to have been educated in the Islamic Educational college school of Jordan that had elementary school, junior high school and high school, it is not really a college it is just a normal school that offers 12 years of school education, another thing he pretended that he has a Syrian friend named Mohamad Noori or Noory that allegedly also lived in Amman and was allegedly also with him in the same school since childhood, and this lies is a confirmation strategy that he was raised by my fake sister, today I strongly believe that he was in San George school in the UK and came to Cairo pretending to be strict Muslim and went to the private catholic school called also San George, and there with his father king Hussein sent him to a British school because the Jordanian Islamic school owned and operated by my 2 fake brothers-in-laws is not good enough for him, or he is a British agent originated of the same Indian/Pakistani family as king Hussein and that would explain the unbelievable look similarities to king Abdullah of Jordan, as it is shown in the photos below, and if he is really British agent, then that would explain why he was so nasty to me in Egypt and in Germany and in USA along with his identical look double named Nick Naggar also set me up twice with the church, in Germany and in USA enable these psychopaths can persecute me falsely in the name of Islam as distraction of my biological families that I strongly believe they are the English royal families and the Rockefeller families
12.13.11. Several members of the Malas family that pretend to be originated from Syria, yet I strongly believe they are most probably German origin and hidden escaped Nazis since 1945. At least one of them was studying in Munich, Germany and I saw him only twice, first time on 15 January 1970 and he picked me and my fake mother up from the Munich airport, at that time was called Riem Airport, after these criminals took me on a brainwash and implication trip for around 4 weeks and related me falsely to terrorism and several other international crimes to give the CIA and MI6 a reason to take me of the hands of the German government, which they did. The second time I met him was either in the same day but evenings or on the following day where he took us on a tour showing us the night life in Munich and no strict Muslim would ever do that and strict Muslim because his Nazi family pretend to be strict Muslims and allegedly are partners in the ownership of the Islamic Educational college school of Jordan as it is shown in the page BP-British Petroleum-Paer-3-Version-2 and also showing in the photos below. I also strongly believe that he persecuted me very destructively with telepathy and this even though in 1967 I used to play with his younger brothers and sisters at their own house directly opposite the Islamic Educational College School of Jordan. And above all, their name Malas is the same name of some leaders of the terrorist group called PLO and since these psychopaths set me up to look like as if I am connected to PLO, then that would explain why this criminal and psychopath picked us up from the Airport because I was 100% being always monitored for other set ups performed 1-3 months earlier between October and December 1969 to make me look like as if I am related to money laundering and counterfeit US 100 US dollar bills as mentioned in more detail in other pages. Not to forget that I was between February and March of 1970 forced to be homeless as a mean of multipurpose brainwash as mentioned in other pages and enable to take me to the American military base for isolation which they did, during which was cold winter and I was sleeping in train station or hotel toilet and other areas even one time I tried to sleep under a statue of Bavaria in an area called Theresienwiese where they have yearly the famous October Fest, and the entire area was covered with light snow and the temperature was below zero and I was not able to sleep under the statue because it was too cold and my body parts started to get numb and then I went to the hotel toilet at the hotel called Maria where I was lodging until I ran out of money and was forced to leave the hotel and this was their plan as part of re-brainwashing me and taking me for isolation to the American military base during which then I would be happy and thankful to not have to be sleeping in the streets during winter anymore and this while I was a minor/underage refugee in one of the most strict catholic cities of the world called Munich and then I had to sleep in the toilet and this criminal and psychopath member of the Malas family and related to the Bdeir/Budeir and Abokurah families did not lift a finger to help me, but rather wanted me to be in this position, this is how sadistically I was tortured mentally and physically through the setup that the Bdeir and Baroudi family planned with the CIA + MI6 + Freemason + German authorities + the American military, whereby I left out far more than 90% of countless other tortures situations they pushed me into between January and March 1970 and all this thanks to the Bdeir family that strongly helped in setting me up to be in this position
12.13.12. I think you get the idea that my biological family hid me within criminal Jordanian royal family members that tortured the life out of me as I was a child and as I was a teenager and as I was an adult, as a result of these criminals and psychopaths I am here today at my age of 70 years old and complaining about them to prevent that this also happens to others, because these people are brainless, feelingless destruction machine working for the English royal families + the Rockefeller families including but not limited to also the Bush family that all of them worked and conspired together to steal the lives of among others millions of Iraqis that suddenly and overnight in 2003 Iraq fell into a never ending cycle of poverty, just as they did to me they are doing it to Millions because they want to recollect Iraq as it was theirs through the ex-Iraqi royal family until 1958 = they are all not human, they are animals disguised as human beings and I am witnessing it since 1960
The above comparison of the locations of members of my fake family, that I saw only 3 (officially =3 brothers = 3 con men) of them in Damascus Syria in 10 days staying in Damascus with the most odd and destructive situations, yet over 10 of them in Saudi Arabia and more than 10 of them in Amman, Jordan, which very much equals they are 100% not Syrian origin!
Photo below is of Omar Bdeir/Budier the chairman of the Islamic Educational College Schools in Amman, Jordan
Below is the photo of members of the board of Islamic Educational College Schools in Amman, Jordan ( ), 3 of which are related very negatively and most destructively to my life, which are as follow:
1. Omar Bdeir/Budier if the Bdeir family alias the family of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier alias the nanny of my fake niece Reem Bdeir that I believe is a hidden daughter of king Hussein or his niece and also the very lookalike of princess Haya of Jordan as the photos below clearly shows that. Also, the same fake sister is the one who allegedly raised my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar as his photos below show his real identity as the brother of king Abdullah of Jordan
2. Omar Abokurah, I do not know his relation to my fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah also written as “Abu Qoura” and other variations, most probably his son. Which very much means he or better said all of them lied to me, because this fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah claimed to have been the oldest son of his father and mother, and his younger brother is allegedly a medical doctor in Los Angeles, California, USA and that he has 2 younger but adult sisters that I first saw in 1967 in Amman, Jordan, and based on what they told me the oldest children of this family are my fake nephews and niece as listed below, which very much shows how liars they are about their relation to their own family members, no wonder that they locked their own family member in mental hospital in Cairo, Egypt to have an excuse not to visit him, which very much shows how much family values these people have. Abdulghani Abokurah is my fake brother-in-law and the official husband of my fake sister Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar (living in Washington D.C.) this fake sister is the lookalike of my original fake sister alias my kidnapper that took me to Cairo, Egypt on 15 January 1960, she and her entire family have performed severe damage to my life, today I know that they are spies and English royal family puppets. My fake sister Mona Najjar and her husband Abdulghani Abokurah have allegedly 5 children as follow and listed in order of age oldest first:
2.1. May Abokurah, female married to a member of ex-Iraqi royal family named Khalid, last name unknown to me, a very sadistic and most dangerous woman to any human being, live between Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Munich, and Washington. D.C., USA. Most definitely has telepathy and using it to manipulate government members in Washington D.C., Jordan and Saudi Arabia for the English royal family and if she gets caught then they will blame it on Jordanians and Muslims!
2.2. Abdullah Abokurah, to my knowledge living in Virginia, near Washington, D.C., USA, to my knowledge he studied in USA but did not succeed or I was lied to and is allegedly working as a blue collar in and around Washington D.C. and to my knowledge is or was married to a woman from the Philippine or I was told another lie/lies
2.3. Ghassan Abokurah, to my knowledge living in Virginia, near Washington, D.C., USA. To my knowledge he is a construction engineer or civil engineer/architect and I strongly believe that he has telepathy because he fits the pattern based on behavior of persons with telepathy and most definitely is using it to manipulate US government officials in Washington, D.C. for the English royal family, and if he gets caught then they will blame it on Jordanians and Muslims
2.4. Khalid Abokurah, to my knowledge was used as a telepathy training puppet or also called telepathy target practice which drove him totally crazy and then they locked him up in a mental institute for insane in Cairo, Egypt so they can have an excuse not to visit him, their own brother used as a training puppet for telepathy (!!) and is locked up since 1990s. The same thing they did to prince Mohamad of Jordan where to my knowledge he was in 1980s 2 years for mental treatment in Switzerland’s, the same they did to his grandfather king Talal and also tried to treat him mentally in Switzerland in 1950s, all 3 were 100% used as target practice for telepathy, they did the same to me between 1986 and 2000 in USA and tried hard to lock me up in a mental institute by forcing me to call my attorney called William F. Harmeyer in Houston, Texas and forced me with telepathy to tell him on the phone I am mad and need to go to a mental hospital and he said he will send me his secretary to take me there, she was Afro-American named Jackie, and she came with the car but some unknown to me helped me with telepathy to reject the idea and told her no I will not go and sent her away. This alone shows you how nasty these families are by misusing God’s gift called telepathy to manipulate others very destructively. They were using me as target practice in Houston, Texas and I have countless situation that proves that and some of them are listed all over my complaint pages, the question here is who did that to me, and the only answer I have is the following: the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud (and members of her family as well as my fake son Abdulhamid Najar) that these criminals BP-British Petroleum and their project Calypso enslaved me under her control by force of brainwash and telepathy starting on 24.12.1984 as mentioned in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 + Part-2 + Part-3-Version-2 + Thank you page under the section of Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka that these savages and most sadistic people I have ever seen in my life separated me of my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka as mentioned in that page in a very sadistic and most violent and destructive way to my own life, where I really loved her and loved everything about her, and they separated us by force enable they can enslave me under the control of their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud to show as if I am Syrian and doing it all voluntarily, yet I was most definitely forced to it with severe brainwash and telepathy control. Today I strongly suspect that my fake son has telepathy and was practicing on me, whereby I strongly believe my fake son named Abdulhamid Najar was exchanged with another person and the original one was to 99.99% Jordanian prince Hashim bin Hussein, I know the birthdates are slightly different and for all I know they are 2 brothers = twins with falsified birthdates or 2 very lookalike brothers or cousins each in different birthdate my fake son was born on 26 March 1986 in the hospital called LMU Frauenklinik, Klinikum Innenstadt (University of Munich hospital), Maistraße 11, 80337 München, Germany (, and if this is true then they will most definitely falsify the birthdate to not allow me to notice anything. The photo below shows how my fake son used to look like until the year 1999, yet in this photo he is older. The photo below is of prince Hashim of Jordan and son of king Hussein of Jordan and brother to the current king Abdullah of Jordan and therewith a brother to my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar = 2 different lookalike persons that exchange places, but also brother or cousin to my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier alias the lookalike and double that exchange places with princes Haya of Jordan as the photos below shows
2.6. Zaid Abokurah, to my knowledge is working as an IT professional somewhere in or near Washington, D.C. I strongly believe that he is used as a decoy for his brother and sister that have telepathy and use it to perform a lot of harm to others as they did to me
2.7. For all I know, all above mentioned 4 except Khalid Abokurah have telepathy and are using it to manipulate government members in Washington D.C., and this is especially true because of how they relocated to Washington D.C. using the same scam as they did with me on 15 January 1960 and taking me to Cairo, Egypt while my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi pretended to be escaping the dictatorship of her alleged father alias my fake grandfather named Kamel Baroudi that was 100% pretending to be the father of my fake mother as it is mentioned in other pages, and my fake sister Mona Najjar and her children pretended to be escaping the dictatorship of her husband and the father of her children named Abdulghani Abokurah, whereby I never seen him being anywhere near dictator, in matter of fact and even though I did not like him and his entire family, yet he always behaved as a gentleman, and it is impossible that he would do anything what they claimed that he did such as burn his wife’s cloths because they are short slaves, and all this is to make people feel sorry for them and believe as if her husband was Muslims, that drunk a bottle of scotch on daily basis and then the US grant them political asylum in USA, in matter of fact my fake sister Mona Najjar was in American newspaper as the first Jordanian that was escaping her husband and was granted political asylum, yet she is 100% not Jordanian, she is a criminal Greek origin and has fake identity just like each member of my fake family that are related to me in one way or another while they are a hidden colonialist working for the English royal family and their American relatives such as the Rockefeller families. Here are a few proves that they are liars if Abdulghani Abokurah is a dictator and strict Muslim as these criminals claimed about him to make the US Government or in particular the US Immigration to trust them as distraction that they have telepathy and are in Washington D.C. for one purpose only to manipulate government members with telepathy such as Senators and House Representatives (also called congress). Would as radical Muslim husband and dictator buy a house in Washington D.C. for his son Ghassan Abokurah that is somewhere is Washington D.C. attending American Highschool even though his father is one of the owners of a private Islamic High school called “Islamic Educational College School” of Amman, Jordan for Grade 1 to grade 12 = elementary school to High school ( and then place his son in a School of Architecture and Planning of the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. (, buy him a house to live in and buy him a brand new sports car while he is still an undergraduate student and then place his other son Abdullah Abokurah in a university in in Nashville, Tennessee (name and study forgotten) and also buy him a house to live in, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA and a brand new sports car while he is an undergraduate student, would a dictator allow his 17 years old daughter wear shorts and t-shirt and go to sports club half naked and play sport with whomever she wants and this in Amman, Jordan and I saw that myself, and allow his wife, his 2 adult younger sisters and his 17 years old daughter to go around without the so called hijab as the photo of the woman at his own school dresses. The following photo is of Mrs. Tabaa a member of the board of directors at the school he owns a piece of and built himself where his name is engraved at the entrance of the school, at least it was until the last time I saw it in 1986, it is all con-business to keep others under control by misusing religion and making God look bad (I am not a or the protector of God, but rather it is vice versa he is my protector, at least I am hoping for it!) that gave us the most beautiful gifts of life and the 2 top gifts are freedom and intelligence, and if he dictate to us anything on how we should live and behave, then there is absolutely no need for intelligence, then he can create us just like dogs and cats where others can train us to follow their orders, beside, God is the most beautiful being, the most generous being and the most patient being and the most understanding being and this based on Islam + Christianity + Judaism + Hinduism other religions, and such a wonderful being will never ever use a Nazi like strategies such as a whip and sugar, meaning do what I want and I will give you a sugar (= a reward) and if you do the opposite then I will whip you and throw you in the everlasting fire called hell for a thousand year, whereby this strategy is often performed by American and British governments, these criminals used it on me since 15 January 1960 and until 1 March 2016 but also they assassinate people they do not like because they are fighting for their freedom and then they say, that they were all terrorists. God will never ever do something like that, who allow us and every one of us bad or good, or even concentrated evil as the persons I am complaining about do in the hidden, yet he love us all and give us all continuously oxygen to breath and daily sun shine upon us to keep us warm, give us light and energy and show us the way in day time, God is a being who does all that good and much more, would never ever come up with the idea of creating a scare tactic of whip and sugar such heaven/paradise = reward and hell = punishment, all together = whip and sugar = a German saying “Peitsche und zucker” also called “peitsche und zuckerbrot” and in English sometimes it is also called “stick and carrot” as these criminals Jordanian royalties did to me literally by beating me with a wooden stick in 1966/1967 through the criminal Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias the brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan and as he came to my life in 1966 to Cairo, Egypt to force my mind to submit to him, me his alleged brother that saw him for the first time in my life and then he beats me with 1-2 centimeter thick and 1.5 meters long wooden stick on my arms, legs, head and back until some unknown with telepathy came in between and forced me to take a scissor I found while I was running away of him and scared him with it, doing this to a 14 years old that 7 years ago had a total amnesia and his brain is like a 6 years old = typical Jordanian royal family behavior but also English Royal family behavior because and based on the history I read, this is what they used to do in India and China when they invaded them 500 years ago. This photo below was taken of the school that Abdulghani Abokurah built and his name was engraved at its main administration entrance along with the name Mohamad Ali Bdeir, at least it was as I saw it 1986 ( ), not to forget that the lady in the photo her name is Tabaa the same family that my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi had his first wife or fiancé was also named Mona Tabaa and then he married another woman of the family Kabani and another one of the family Ejlani, which he is through and through English royal family member with blue eyes and blond hair and I saw him in 1967 also in Amman, Jordan where he claimed to have been Syrian consul in Jordan, but he was lying to me, because he was, he is allegedly dead, 100% related to this sadistic, vicious, barbarian and savage group called Jordanian royal family that acts to the general public as if they are good, and worst of all they believe that they are good while all their behavior is more than rotten. As you see everything is connected and they create chaos enable to hide the connections!!
3. In the below photo you find the members of the school board of the Islamic Educational college School in Amman, Jordan including the above photo pf the lady above ( and as you can see 4 of them: Bdeir/Budier + Abokurah + Malas + Tabaa are related very negatively and most destructively to my life
4. The family of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier
4.1. The husband Seif/Seef Aldin Bdeir/Budier no photos are available
4.2. The nephew of Sief Aldin Bdeir/Budier is the photo below of Essam Bdeir/Budier as Chairman of the board of the Jordanian Electric company in Amman, Jordan: + (NOTE ADDED AT A LATER TIME: the company JEPCO-Jordanian Electric Power Company has blocked access to their website, at least to the city I am living in Den Haag/The Hague, to prevent anyone of Europeans to recognize the face of their distant cousins that went to Jordan pretending to be Arabs originated from Saudi Arabia. Actually I should thank them because with their doings they are helping me but not intentionally to show that they have telepathy, because they are monitoring me and know that this page does not speak well of them so they blocked access to their website, I do not know what day they did that, but it must be sometimes after the begin of the year 2022, therefore all the links I placed over JEPCO brings error page with the message of your IP address and the wording blocked as showing in the below image)
4.5. The nephew of Sief Aldin Bdeir/Budier and the brother to the above is the photo below of Osman/Othman Bdeir/Budier as Chairman of the board of the Jordanian Electric company in Amman, Jordan: +
4.7. The nephew of Sief Aldin Bdeir/Budier and the brother to the above is the photo below of Omar Bdeir/Budier as Chairman of the board of the Islamic Educational college School in Amman, Jordan, this school possibly has other branches in other cities. They call it college instead of only school. To my knowledge college means an educational institution providing higher education or specialized professional or vocational training. And this school that they also call college and until 1980s it had only 6 years elementry school + 3 years junior high scool + 3 years high school = regular school and by naming it college, they are deceiving the people by giving their school more importance = con business typical to the Bdeir/Budier family and their criminal enterprises such as tobacco, illegal drugs and other destructive addiction elemenets that they force upon their own people and above all force upon Europeans and Americans just to make money while these addiction elements are reponsible for the yearly death of thousands of children worlwide, and here they want to educte people in this alleged college (???) typical puppets of the English royal family
The Bdeir/Budier family practically control the economy of Jordan and therewith they are 100% one of the top royal families and the king is just a puppet to take the blame for all their bad doings.
Add to that they were set in Jordan by the English royal families between the first world war and 1950s, meaning they are 100% not Arab origin and since the Jordanian official royal family are just puppets to take the blame for all their bad actions, this makes the Jordanian royal family along with their fake but official relatives the Saudi Arabian royal families and this allegedly since over 1400 years one of the most crocked and con people in the world.
But where do they come from. I strongly believe they are ex-Greek orthodox failed royal families that gradually relocated to other countries that have no experience or world knowledge such as the desert natives called Bedouin alias the real native Arabs alias the desert Nomads, and these Nomads would easily fall for any scam such as they are allegedly related to the family of the prophet Mohamad, but not in their life time, because the prophet Mohamad was not only a good man, an honest man a helpful man, and a very understanding man but also he was an alleged prophet, and they can never be related to him because they are not even worthy of washing his feet, because they are con people and crocked and international crime organization that deal with illegal drugs, kidnap children, brainwash them, rape them and enslave them as they did to me, and are 100% related to the English royal family at least through the husband of queen Elizabeth the Second named Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, later Philip Mountbatten; 10 June 1921– 9 April 2021, for more info see,_Duke_of_Edinburgh) and I strongly believe that Queen Elizabeth the second is my older sister that kidnapped me and placed within this International crime organization a sub organization of the English royal family and as an additional deceive, these criminals and psychopaths created a new Syrian fake family named Baroudi they also write it AL or El Baroudi and included in this fake family their relative from various countries including MI6 and CIA agents and all in all they were 16 adualts over 18 years old and 4 children under 10 years old, including me, to this most destructive family as the fifth child in January 1960, and I know that for sure because I was in Syria for 10 days in December 1969 where these criminals set me up to look like as if I am a terrorist related to the PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization and took me to Munich, Germany forced me to apply for political asylum using the Freermasons and then took me to the American military base McGraw kaserne to isolate me of any Arab that may try to come close to me to undertsand the various paradoxes within my fake family, meaning my fake family the Bdeiir/Budier + Baroudi + Malas + Taba + Kheir and other criminals delivered me on pupose and based on preplanned scheme to the evil CIA + MI6 for a rebrainwash and to enslave me under the control of one of their British whores agents named Anita Disbray that had telepathy and totally isolated me for 7 years to cover up for these criminals mentioned above, as it is described in detail in the pages “Kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other childrem” and the page “My fake family the Kidnappers” and the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1!
One last important point about the Bdeir family. It was established by Mohamad Ali Bdeir that I saw in 1967 and in 1980s, and what is oddd here is that the 1967 and 1970 was the same person and also the same person as the fake memory I have of him that is also mentioned elsewhere on this page with me as 5-7 years old going alone to the movies. Yet the person I met once in 1980s at his office as the chairman of the board of the JEBCO company was different looking than before, was shorter darker skin and above all too serious and had a too strict look, yet the one I knew from 1967 and the fake memory were a bit taller whiter skin and a smily arrogant person that want you to think that he is your friend and on your level = typical royalties and a brainwasher. On the other side it could be that when I met him in 1967 it was also a fake memory and maybe then they also gave me the fake memory with the movie theater as mentioned elsewhere on this page. That said let us look at his name Mohamad Ali, Mohamad as a name is a very common name by Muslims because it is the prophet’s name and people believe it is an honor to use the prophet’s name. Also the name Ali is a ccommon name (added on 3.10.2022: Ali is the name of the nephew of the prophet Mohamad), yet the combination of Mohamad Ali are rare, because Mohamad Ali was a Turkish conqueror ( that was ruling Egypt until the UK took over. Mohamad Ali Bdeir was 100% Greek origin from the ex-Greek royal family and the best deceive is to look like Turkish origin by using a foumous Turkish conqueror’s name Mohamad Ali as distraction of Greek and that and to me is confirmed through countless situation where they tried hard to link me and link Jordanian controlling families alias the Bdeir family to Turkey, by letting a Lebanese business man living in Jordan that supply the Bdeir family with tobaco for the 2 cigaret factories in Jordan which are Reem and Philadelphia and when I met this man named Josef Azeath, and he is Christian Lebanese and top drug lord and I saw that myself in 1967 in their hidden farms in north of Tripoli, Lebanon, and in 1985/86 I saw him again in Amman, Jordan and asked him how is his business that at that time I thought to be what they wanted me to think which is allegedly selling Aramid roof tops for houses and business buildings as protection of rain and snow (whereby it hardly rains and evenless snow in Jordan!) and in 1985/86 when I aksed him how is his buisnes doing, he said very bad, and he is relocating back to Lebanon because the Turlish businesses have been invading Jordan since ages and he has no chance to compete with them, which was a 100% lie. But also that the double of my original fake brother that was forced upon my life by the concentrated evil American military at the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich Germany in roughly september 1970 had a girlfriend that oficial was Turkish and suddenly my new fake brother was avoiding me and prefer to be with the alleged brothers of his Turkish wife named Alia Köse and her two brothers one called Ali Köse and the other first name forgotten also Köse and all this to force my mind to think that my fake brother is Turish origin as distraction of Greek, Indians/Pakestanis/Bangladeshis as distraction of English royalties and Americans that were holding me as slave within their evil American military base, and suddenly I was surounded by many Turkish that were trying their best to force my mind and any one is monitoring me to think as if I am linked or even originated from Turkey and here to they used another Turkish woman that pretended to be the sister of Alia Köse alias Anita Köse and her sister name was Leila Köse and was divorced, and her divorced husband allegedly came to visit her in Germany and his last name I forgoten but what is important was his first name Nevzat, and they used telepathy to force me to think that the name Nuzhat, which is my name is originated from the Turkish name Nevzat or Nuvzat, and this only a hand full of incidents with turkish in the begin of 1970s to force me and whom ever is monitoring me to believe where are Turkish origin, but there was a lot more and even more serious made up situation to foce me to link my fake family to Turkey and not Greece, UK and USA. Now back to Mohamad Ali Bdeir and his Turkish name Mohamad also written Muhamad Ali that alone shows you that these people are con people, because no person in the Middle East would voluntairly name himself as a Turkish conqourer because they suffered alot of him, just as if some German Jewiah would call himself today “Adolf Hitler” no one would ever do that, and this based on the history that I learned in the school in Cairo, Egypt in 1960s. Long point but it shows you how much confusion and chaos these people create enable to coverup for their destructive schemes and con businesses. Another thing I should have mentioned above, which is my fake brother and in Germany avoided me because they were two different persons with almost identical look and did not want me to see the difference, and they did that when the psychopath original fake brother came to Munich, Germany and exchanged places with the other one, and I believe that he must have had a British accent while his double had American accent and the best way to cover up for this, is not to talk to me by either pretending to be busy with something and have no time for me or he prefere to be with the alleged brothers of his alleged Turkish wife. Today I strongly believe that my original fake broither has possible more than one lookalike and one is Greek and the other British/Indian and the third is the American as he was forced upon my life in September 1970 by the evil American military alias as coverup for the CIA and MI6 and I have many reasons to believe so, and some of them are also mentioned within this page
King Hussein that was made king by the English royal family just as the English royal family started this fake royal family after the First World war by using Indians that later became Pakistanis = Muslim Indians!
This king Hussein and his family including his son alias the current king of Jordan king Abdullah have absolutely no moral or ethical values, and most definitely they also had/have no religious values. King Hussein ( is dead since 1999, and he left his alleged son king Abdullah ( in the same crocked way of life, he was a member of the Freemason and therewith he as his father and grandfather before him and his son after him and these 4 kings are members of the biggest and oldest organized crime family called English royal family that 100% control the international brainwash and slavery machine/organization called Freemason that delivered me since 1960 to slavery and repeated the process in January and February 1970 and repeated the process again in October 1984, where these criminals and psychopaths enslaved me and kidnapped me from Germany to USA and literally kept me as slave. The photos below shows that this king and his entire family are fake and nothing else but a plague upon their own people and upon my own life.
The below photos:
1. The first photo shows King Hussein marrying his first wife Dina bint Abdul-Hamid, also written Abdulhamid or Abd Al-Hamid the name of my fake and none existence father as is shown also below in this page, that claim that she is Egyptian alias in reality she is an Indian origin marrying another Indian origin alias king Hussein, whereby India has been British colony since ages (, the king and his family lies and claims that they are originated from Saudi Arabia and are related to the prophet Mohamad, which in reality is impossible because:
1.1. The prophet Mohamad/Muhammad was an honor man and honest and faithful man, and the king’s family are not from Saudi Arabia but rather from India mixed with English royal family members and ex-Greek royal family members and hidden American Rockefeller family members.
1.2. Islam of Saudi Arabia is Islam Sunni and Islam Sunni is 100% a copycat Islam of the first original Islam as it started in India, which is explained in more detail at other location on this page including proves, such as if India did not split in among others 3 parts as India + Pakistan + Bangladesh, then it would have today more than 600 Million Muslims, and that was the number 1 reason for forcing India to split to cover up that Islam is 100% originated from India and not from Saudi Arabia, and there with the prophet Mohamad/Muhammad was born in India and not in Saudi Arabia that was a desert until the Ligue of Nations the predecessor of United Nation set the all new borders for the so called Arab countries in the Middle East, and there with the Royal family of Jordan cannot be originated of the prophet Mohamad/Muhammad from Saudi Arabia, because the prophet Mohamad/Muhammad was Indian and originated and located in India
It is an absolute insult to the prophet and to God to call these criminals related to the prophet, they are most definitely not related to the prophet Mohamad/Muhammad, they are con-people and thieves, they stole my life by conning me since I am 8 years old, but also they stole the lives of countless Jordanians, Palestinians and also Iraqis by conspiring with the Bush family + English royal family + ex-Iraqi royal family (alias Originated from the English royal family) to invade Iraq and reinstate puppet government and this after they setup Iraq to invade Kuwait enable the USA have a reason to invade Iraq. Iraq is much more valuable than Kuwait, not only because it is much bigger, but also because it has more petroleum and other natural resources and above all it has plenty of water, where Kuwait has to import water just like Saudi Arabia does as well as their neighboring countries! Look at the second, third and fourth photos of king Hussein first wife Dina bint Abdul-Hamid (Very important note: bint means daughter of Abdul-Hamid, meaning her father’s name was Abdul-Hamid. In Arabic and Urdu languages there is only one way to write Abdul-Hamid like this “عبد ألحميد” translated to English it is “the Praise’s Slave” proper English it will be “the Slave of praising God” = God but when translated to Latin languages such as English language they often take out “the” in Arabis it is AL or El and also falsify the names sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. The name Abd-Al-Hamid then it becomes Abdulhamid. In Arabic and Urdu language is 2 words Abd and Hamid, Abd means slave of, Alhamid means “the thankful” or “One who praises”; meaning God and when they translate it can become one of these: Abdul-Hamid or Abd al-Hamid or Abdalhamid and then it becomes Abdulhamid as I often write it because it is the official name of my fake and none existing father that allegedly is named Abdulhamid Abdullah Shaker Al-Najar, whereby Al- before Najar means “The” that is sometimes is preceded to some names and sometimes is left out and therewith my last name can have the following variations: Najar or Al-Najar or Al Najar or Alnajar or El Najar or El-Najar and so on while the J is often replaced with 2 x J or 2 times G or one time G and also some may even cut off one of the last A or replace it with 2 X A or one time E or two tomes E. Add to that that this woman has also split chin , which explain why my biological family that I strongly believe it to be a mixture between the English royal family and their hidden American relatives the Rockefeller family, whereby from the English royal family side I am very possibly the son of King George VI. In short, the English royal family or to be more precise Queen Elizabeth the Second that kidnapped me in first of all, placed me within a fake family that consisted of Jordanian and Saudi Arabian hidden royal family members that then if I ever discover that I was kidnapped then I would recognize this stupid woman the first wife of king Hussein and think I am related to them because not only her last name the same as my fake and none existing father, and her split chin, but also because my fake brother alias the hidden son of king Hussein of Jordan and my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier the hidden princess and daughter of king Hussein of Jordan and is also the double of princes Haya of Jordan as it is shown below and they are all called Jordanian royal family ), she and undeniably looks Indian origin living in Egypt and pretend to be Egyptian marrying a Jordanian king that claim to be originated from Saudi Arabia, but he is originated also from India, which very much equals to two persons with MPD-Multiple Personality Disorder marrying each other’s. Look closely at the king and his first wife, then you will realize that they have an unbelievable look similarity, where they could be brother and sister or at least cousins, which 100% fit the pattern that I discovered in my fake family and through my fake family which is the English royal family + their American relatives among other the Rockefeller families use the same families from India and Pakistan and set as the puppets rulers in many countries of the Middle East such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and other countries, and they use this pattern by claiming the reason of the look similarities is because they are all allegedly related to the prophet Mohamad/Mohammad family, and use the prophet as a cover blanket for their own bad doings, it is just like the con-business that allegedly all of us human beings from Africa to Sweden and from USA to Japan and the entire earth population are allegedly from one Adam and Eve, which is biologically and logically and scientifically absolutely impossible, while it is also, absolutely impossible for these criminals to be related to the prophet Mohamad/Mohammad because first he was in India and not in Saudi Arabia and also he was a good man and honesty in itself, and they are crocked, liars, con people and 100% organized crime families dealing with all kind of illegal activities and use the laws and police to eliminate the competition such as in illegal drugs, and they are one of the biggest worldwide while using the police to arrest anyone who compete with them while hiding their own bad and criminal acts all over their life because they have a corrupt brain because they choose to follow the money and power only and everything else may go to hell = 2 track intelligence because they cannot handle more than 2 issues in their corrupt brain = stupid!!!!!
2. Look at the fifth photo, which is Queen Noor of Jordan of the American family Halaby that pretend to be Syrian origin, which is very typical based on the pattern of my fake family, she is 100% English = British origin living in US falsifying her family identity to Syrian, just as they did to me and pretend to be Muslim. The Halaby family is a drug lord family related to drug lords’ families in USA which are 100% related to ex-US secretary of state Colin Powell
3. The sixth photo of Colin Luther Powell ( heavily related to the Halaby family and therewith to the Jordanian royal family. His history gives a clear picture that he was a hidden top criminal and drug lord see his profile in the above link, he is Jamaican origin, I bet his father was a drug dealer in Harlem, New York city but also you can see that he is very clearly related to British here his short resume:
3.1. Jamaican origin living in Harlem, New York is the place for illegal drugs, I heard even police are afraid to go to Harlem, and that is very clear that he and the Bush family are drug lords, among others because they are related to the Jordanian royal family and therewith to my fake family and they are most definitely big illegal drug lords and working very close with the English royal family and the Rockefeller family in several countries such as in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE and other countries!
3.2. 1958–1993: US military and the last rank as General
3.3. 1986-1987: United States Deputy National Security Advisor for ex-US president Ronald Reagan
3.4. 1987-1989: 16th United States National Security Advisor for ex-US president Ronald Reagan
3.5. 1989-1993: 12th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under ex-US president George W. Bush
3.6. 2001-2005: 65th United States Secretary of State under ex-US president, mass murderer, thief and stupid George W. Bush
3.7. He is one of the causes of the 8 years Iran war with Iraq to weaken Iraq because they planned to take it back and turn it to slavery country as it is now
3.8. He is most definitely related not only to my fake family but also to the Bush family and that you can clearly see in his profession as mentioned above working for the Bush family since at least Ronald Raegan while George H. W. Bush was vice president and later became himself a president as well as his son ex-US president and mass murderer George W. Bush, while the Bush family is 100% related to the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families = organized crime families among each other’s
Photo-1: King Hussein of Jordan and his first wife Dina bint Abdul-Hamid ( + (
Photo-2 + Photo-3 + Photo-4, ex Jordanian queen Dina bint Abdul-Hamid
Photo-5 Queen Noor of Jordan alias Lisa Halaby (
Photo-6: Colin Luther Powell ( Ex-US general + ex-US Joint Chief of Staff = head of US-Armed forces/Military + ex-US Secretary of state = foreign minister = related to my fake family and the Bush family = Jamaican origin = English royalty puppet = big drug lord protector of the Middle East = mass murderer in the Middle east because he is one of the master mind of all wars in the Middle East to cover up for illegal drugs in Iran, Syria and Lebanon, wars such as Iran + Iraq, Iraq-Kuwait wars, Invasion of Afghanistan to enlarge and enhance the illegal drug trade using military + Syria war + Yemen War using Saudi Arabia as Proxy = one of the ex-bosses of the biggest terrorist in this and in the last century which are Yasser Arafat ( and Osama Ben Laden (
Photo-8 + Photo-9
The below left photo is from king Abdullah of Jordan ( the son of the ex-king Hussein of Jordan (
The below right photo is of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar the hidden older brother of king Abdullah of Joran and the son of ex-king Hussein of Jordan. His official known to me birthday is 19.11.1949, elsewhere I wrote it wrongly as born in 1948. This human trash is a very sadistic psychopath that to 99% has telepathy. Persons with telepathy hardly like to be in a public government position. They want to be free and go where they want and when they want to enslave other people with telepathy. Even I am publicly complaining about these psychopaths’ fake family that performed upon me and upon my life severe and unrepairable damages. In Addition, his lookalike has more overweight to distract of my original fake brother as shown in the above photo and he has been publishing his website Nick Naggar ( approximately since 2007 or 2008 after I was forced with brainwash and telepathy to create a website called “Wanted” listing everyone I ever knew in my life. Today I know that these criminals placed this website ( for one reason only and it is not to help me, but rather to place my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar in USA and not in Jordan + Saudi Arabia + Germany, and that is another reason why the evil German government conspired with BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 to remove me from Germany by using brainwash and telepathy, not only because I totally disliked USA because I get to know it as these psychopath took me in March 1970 and for nearly 2.5 years to the American military base McGraw Kaserne/base for isolation and re-brainwash to force me to forget my entire past, which these criminals and very unfortunately succeeded and enslaved me under their whore agent a British citizen named Anita Disbray, and kept me there for 2.5 years yet as slave under the control of this psychotic Anita Disbray for 7 years, where she totally isolated me by among others destroying any new friendship I started, until I was setup to become Christian and I totally fell in love with the church and my new friends in the church, because I did not recognize that I was being isolated for 7 years and once I started to socialize with all kind of people in the church I just fell in love with the church and this from 1976 to 1978, where then these criminals set me up to be enslaved again under another woman called Renée Zielske that was set on me by my all new employer Siemens AG, whereby today I know for fact that Siemens AG is big business partner with not only my fake family in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, but also with my biological family that asked them to separate me of the church and they did and helped dramatically in re-isolating me of the church and of the entire city named Unterschleissheim where the church with my all the new friends was located and named Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, and was forced to relocate to Munich and live with this woman named Renée Zielske that was officially at least 10 years older than me. All this shows a very destructive pattern that these criminals and psychopath repeated in my life again and again and again from 1960 to current, whereby now and since 1 March 2016 I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague in Netherlands seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, Dutch government and the many embassies and consulates in this city because it is the headquarter of the Dutch government and the King of the Netherlands = Dutch royal family(ies)
Starting approximately August 2006 where until then and since October 1999 I was forced to be homeless and locked up either in prison, refugee camp or police stations (=jails) between Houston, Texas, USA, Netherlands and Germany in countless locations, I estimate them to be roughly 40-50 locations. Just to cover up for my fake family alias hidden Jordanian and Saudi Arabian Royal family members mixed with ex-Greek royal family alias relative to English royal family and in particular to Queen Elizabeth the second ( that is married to also to an ex-Greek royalty named Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (born as Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark,,_Duke_of_Edinburgh). Alone this shows that they are criminals. Back to 2006 and I was sent from German prison to Dutch refugee camp, during which I was 100% through brainwash and telepathy forced to write down my entire history on A4 note block of 100 pages, and every week or two I bought a new note block until approximately March or April 2007, where I was still in the refugee camp called Dokkum, even though I was again approved for political asylum for the second time in Netherlands and all in all for the fifth time in my life where I was forced to be refugee that started in Egypt, then Germany, then USA and last in the Netherlands thanks to the very destructive hidden relation that I was born within, because today I strongly believe I am the son of king George VI ( and therewith I am the younger brother of queen Elizabeth the second. It is a curse to be related to these people.
Last to note is that my fake brother officially is born on 19.11.1949, while king Abdullah of Jordan is born on 30.1.1962, this means that my fake brother is 14 years older than king Abdullah, yet and based on the photos below and my relation to Jordan and how I was treated by my fake family, my fake brother is the hidden older brother of king Abdullah and for all I know the birthdate was also falsified, but I will stick to the facts known to me and since I am today in March 2022 more than positive that these two photos are of two brothers, and here are the possibilities:
1. There is a very small possibility that both my fake brother and king Abdullah are the children of another man and not the children of king Hussein, which I also discovered that some persons with telepathy like to do and use the official king to raise their children that then later becomes the king
2. Since ex-king Hussein of Jordan is born on 14.11.1935, this means King Hussein was 14 years old as he had his son alias my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar,
3. Or my fake brother is a hidden cousin of king Abdullah of Jordan that has an unbelievable look similarity that they almost look like twin, and this theory is based on the patten of the English royal family and also of the Rockefeller families, which is that they use the same Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi family as their puppets in the Middle East and elsewhere. The problem here is that the king Hussein was at the most 13 years and 3 months old to make a woman get pregnant and nine month later my fake brother is born = king Hussein is just 14 years older than his own son and this possibility I excluded because I strongly believe that the king start at a very young age to generate children that then will build a hidden network of brotherhood that help each other’s keep the kingdom under their control and this is based on the pattern I discovered first by the English royal family and possibly also other royal families
4. Other information related to early fertility based on scientific facts as you can see in the links below:
4.1. Male start to be fertile at the age of age 11-12 or 13 some even at earlier age and others a bit later, for more info on males’ fertility age see the following Google search:
4.2. Females start to be fertile and able to be pregnant at age 8 some even at earlier age such as 7- or 6-years old others a bit later, for more info on females’ fertility age see the following Google search:
Add to the above that my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar came to my life in Cairo, Egypt around 1965/66 and claimed to be my brother that was allegedly raised by my Syrian (fake) sister in Amman Jordan since 1954, and no good and sane mother would ever let her new married 14 years old daughter raise her own son in another country. Add to that that my fake brother was placed in a British originated Catholic school in cooperation with the local Egyptian Christian School called Kopti and both Catholics and Coptic churches were managing these schools in Egypt named “San George”, while my fake sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier was officially and in my presence married to Seif or Seef Aldin Bdeir/Budier (Seef Aldin means religion Sword, which is typical for psychopaths that immigrated to the Middle East and pretend to be Muslim enable they can enslave the population under Islam and then blame everything on God, and here I am not defending God, he can defend himself but rather trying to make sense of all these pathological lies that they forced upon my life) and my other fake sister Mona Najjar also in Amman Jordan allegedly married to Abdulghani Abokurah at least in my presence and both of these 2 fake brothers-in-law owns the biggest private Islamic school in Jordan called Islamic Educational College school of Jordan as it is mentioned elsewhere on this page, and they claimed that my fake brother was attending this mentioned school from grade 1 to grade 6 elementary school and from grade 7 to grade 9 which is Junior high school and what is left is only 3 years of high school and then these psychopaths pretend to send my fake brother from an Islamic School in Amman. Jordan to a catholic school in Cairo, Egypt 3 years before he completes his 12 years schooling and then place him in a private and very expensive Catholic School originated from the UK called San George (???!!!) while placing me in the worst public school and claim my alleged sister paying for his school and his private 3 rooms apartment and a housekeeper and pocket money and all his expenses were more than the expenses of me and my fake mother had and my other fake sister that lived in a separate apartment with her husband, and his expenses were higher than the mentioned households combined, because we did not have a housekeeper. Which very much means to me that he came from the UK and not from Amman, Jordan, among others because he spoke better English than Arabic, and above all with British accent, but I did not notice all that at that time in 1965/66 to 1967/68 because he moved out of our apartment to live in an apartment in the opposite our building of our building which was the last time, I saw him while I was still in Egypt, because I did not speak English. and all by himself and a live in housekeeper and ever since I did not see him until in Germany where he exchanged places with his lookalike Nick Naggar during which he always avoided me, and I did not know why, today I know why, because in the meanwhile I not only learned English at the American military base, but also I learned how to differentiate between the various English language accents as follow: British, American Northern accent, American southern accent, American Western accent, Irish, Canadian, Australians, Singaporean and above all people that by birth are originated from countries do not speak English such as Germans and their accents when they speak English, or even Eastern Europeans because there were many of them as refugees in Germany and also in this military base as blue collar workers.
One more note, as this criminal fake brother of mine came to Cairo, Egypt in 1965/66 had a lot of photographs of king Hussein on the inside of the door of his wardrobe closet that was too small for any human beings, it was like a soldier closet around 50 cm wide with only 2 shelfs the only difference of a soldier closet is this one was out of cheap wood and the soldier closets as I saw them in the American military base were out of metal. Now think about it, he and my entire fake family were trying very hard to cover up their relation to the Jordanian royal families, yet here in Cairo he is placing King Hussein photographs in his closet, maybe 10 of them, today I strongly believe that he was British spy in Egypt, Germany and elsewhere pretending to be Muslim from Jordan and for those who had telepathy in Cairo, he pretended to be related to king Hussein and is allegedly coming from Amman, Jordan, and all the above + the American military base isolation + the CIA/MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray isolating me for 7 years + countless other situations, many of which listed all over my complaint pages shows me that he is from the same family as of at least king Abdullah but not king Hussein, because he does not look like king Hussein, but rather like king Abdullah, it is most likely that he is from the same family that the English royal families uses as puppets in the Middle East, meaning an Indian/Pakistani family that is mixed with English royal families to keep everything under a very tight control.
Anyway, and however I turn it the result is always the same. He and the evil Jordanian royal families including the Bdeir, Abokurah, Malas, Baroudi and other organized crime families, are psychopaths and dangerous for the general public in any country they live in, because they are traitors and are always committing severe treason against their own country just as the Bush family also did, but the American public does not see it and are deceived to love them just like the British public is hopelessly brainwashed to love the English royal family and in particular the all new sexy queen starting February 1952 queen Elizabeth the second Elizabeth the second (now she is dead and just dust in the wind and the life is much better and safer without her and her alike in it!!)
that distracted the public of the total destructive behavior of the English royal family all over the world that then led to 2 World wars within less than 20 years and officially to over 65 Million dead bodies and unofficially some claim over 150 Million dead bodies alone in these 2 world wars that started in 1914 and ended in 1945. Therefore and based on these last facts alone, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias his double Nick Naggar is 100% a dangerous British spy/agent for Egypt and Germany because he went directly from the UK San George school to their branch in Heliopolis in Cairo, Egypt pretending to be Muslim and from the Islamic Educational college school in, Amman, Jordan and based on at least 2 major setup in Houston, Texas, USA, he also is working for a petroleum company that today I strongly believe it was ARAMCO or possibly it was one of these 3 companies: Exxon alias Esso or Chevron or Halliburton ( + + ( + ( In case he is working in a top position in one of these companies, then he is even more traitor and more dangerous because then he is American-British + Saudi Arabian + UAE = top criminal and psychopath. The reason I am listing this possibility is because of what happened to me in USA and I was setup twice, one of which through the company Texaco Inc. that went out of their way between 1991 and 1997 to create several situation that 100% point to that they were either trying to get my attention of someone I know that is working for one of these companies, or they were pretending while using me and these setup situation to blackmail one of these companies, they are all related because they are 100% owned and operated by the Rockefeller families, just under a different last name. Also, Texaco used at least another 2 companies for similar situation setups, one of which was owned by an Indian family, where the company was Gasoline distributor and all the employees were one family father, brothers and so on, I forgot the name of the company it was in a business center on the left side going from the city section Alief in Houston, Texas to the city Sugarland south of Houston. If this is true, then this also shows and proves that the Jordanian royal family + the Saudi Arabian Royal families + the UAE=United Arab Emirates are helping Americans and British against their own people, which 100% makes them traitors that are committing treason against their own country, but again these criminals are not Arabs and not from that area, they were set there by British and Americans.
At least half of the above is true, it is just me who is not sure which half is true or maybe all of it is true. That said, now do you think that the government of Egypt did not know these things? O even the governments of Germany, USA, and the Netherlands that kept me literally as isolated locked up slave while forcing my mind to think they were only investigating my relation to terrorism and PLO = all con business performed by these alleged freedom loving democratic countries that somehow loved to brainwash, enslave and lockup only me!!! ???
I believe they knew at least some of it in 1960s and more of it at a later time. What about Germany that treated me as if I am a top criminal as distraction of these psychopath international criminals. And this makes the British government and the American government as criminal as it gets, because they knew all that and these psychopaths tortured the life out of me from 1970 and until recently, and who knows the person that is persecuting me with telepathy and preventing me to have a routine good sleep for more than 4-5 hours on a daily basis and this since 2 November 2021 is one of these criminals I am complaining about, but also they disturbed my sleep prior to that, but not on a daily basis such as in the last 6 months (added on 3.10.2022: Now it is 11 months)
And therewith and through this point alone you can see that neither the American republican party nor the American Democratic party is anywhere near good, because none of them helped me be free and this since 1970 = USA and UK are 100% controlled by criminally insane psychopaths that are willing to do anything for money, which equals a street prostitute!
All of the above stinks just like the stunk coming out of the two below photos, because they are pathological liars and the shit does not come out of their bottom, but rather out of their mouth!
King Abdullah (left photo) and my fake brother (right photo)
Here is another fake relative of mine that is also related directly to the Jordanian royal family and in particular related to king Abdullah, which is my fake cousin Faihaa Kheir (very unfortunately I do not have her photograph), the official niece of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and I strongly believe that Faihaa Kheir is most probably the older sister or even mother of Queen Rania Al-Abdullah ( + ) the wife of king Abdullah of Jordan (, which very much means that Queen Rania real identity is 100% fake and she is not Palestinian, but rather a mixture between English + either Saudi Arabian Indian/Pakistani or British Indian/Pakistani, below the photograph of queen Rania you can see the information about Faihaa Kheir.
Faihaa Kheir alleged family: Mother alias my fake aunt named Eftikar Kheir that I never saw her in my life prior to 1983-1984. And the first time I ever saw her and met her was in Amman, Jordan in around 1983/1984 while she pretended to be Syrian living in Damascus and allegedly on vacation in Amman, Jordan, which was a 100% lie because I saw too many persons in Amman, Jordan that pretended to be Syrian origin and allegedly in Amman, Jordan on vacation, whereby it is the worst place in the whole world to have a vacation in, the North pool or the jungle of Bolivia is nicer and more exciting for a vacation. And all of them pretended to be living in one of the following countries: Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and other. Yet I will stick to the facts of my own life.
I saw Faihaa Kheir twice, once in Munich, Germany, where she was as a guest by Dr. Sami Assassa and simultaneously her uncle alias my fake uncle named Dr. Farzat Baroudi was also at the same time guest from Hamburg at Dr. Sami Assassa in the city of Gruenwaldt just outside of Munich, actually it is a part of Munich where usually Rich people live. Munich is one of the places that Millions of people go yearly to see, meaning and unlike Amman, Jordan, Munich, Germany is a place for a vacation, where I lived in and loved to live in for 17 years until these criminals kidnapped to USA in September 1986!
This is the main point and is very important, which is mentioned elsewhere yet it makes sense to also place here to connect the dots/points: around 6-12 months prior to seeing my fake cousin Faihaa Kheir in Munich, Germany, I was sent by my employer Siemens AG on the project called Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia to test the multilingual design that I made for this project. During this trip and on my way to Saudi Arabia I made a 2-3 days transit stop in Amman, Jordan to visit my 2 fake sisters Suhair Bdeir/Budier and Mona Abokurah not knowing at that time that they are my fake sisters and are members of the Jordanian royal family, one of these two fake sisters told me since you are going to Jeddah from here, then you might as well visit your cousin Faihaa Kheir because she lives there, and she gave me her phone number which I did, and here to I have 3 incidents that I must mention to show you that these criminals are royal family members and they were hiding it of me because they considered me their slave, one of the incidents is a minor situation but it will show the pattern of pushing me away to not allow me to know more about them, which are as follow:
1. Situation-1: this is a minor situation. In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, I called my fake cousin Faihaa Kheir and she invited me to dinner, and I suggested that I will bring fresh shrimps of the market and deliver it to her before noon, some other Siemens AG employee told me about this market because he was stationed in Jeddah, while I was only going there for short trips between 1-8 weeks, anyway I delivered the absolutely fresh shrimp that were on ice just before noon. In the evening and as I went there for dinner, she said you brought me bad shrimps and I throw them away and cooked something else, which made me feel ashamed and I felt really bad and that is one of the psychopaths specialties to make others feel bad about their selves while forcing them to think good of them = psychopaths, but today I know it was impossible because I was sea food lover (added on 3.10.2022: = a bad joke: I See food I eat it, Hahahaha) and know how to test fresh sea food, and the shrimps were perfect, this plus the next incident will show that these people are psychopaths and danger for the general public
2. Situation-2: Someone with telepathy almost killed me after this visit and while I was still in Jeddah, today I know it was this criminal Faihaa Kheir. I was literally forced with telepathy to go to a Syrian sweet shop that bakes fresh Syrian sweets and bought a tray of something called kunafeh, which it is some kind of spaghetti like dough baked with cheese and all are soaked in sugar water that they specially mix 1kg sugar + 1 liter water + a bit of fresh lemon juice, which is honey imitation, and when I say soaked, this mean that hard bakked in oven kunafe become soft because it has at least 25-30% of its weight this sugar water that they call qater, it is not like cake and is thin around 2-3 cm thick and when you order it in restaurant they bring a plate with a small piece of approximately 10 square cm, and I was forced to buy a whole tray which had a diameter of approximately 80-100 cm. Then I went to my hotel, I believe it was Radisson hotel in Jeddah, and I was literally forced to eat the whole tray within 2-3 hours, which had at least 13-15 thousand calories and it is all too sweet and too fatty and most disgusting and above all it is absolutely dangerous to any one’s health, and I would have never done that. Add to it that someone did something similar to me just a few days earlier in Amman, Jordan by forcing me to eat at least one third or one half of a similar tray of the same sweet. I am used to German kind of desert, where you go to a restaurant order food and at the end order small desert, and I used to go a lot to restaurant in Germany because of the nature of my work and often it was a business dinner, but also I used to love to go to dinner with my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that these criminals and psychopaths separated me of her in one of the most vicious and sadistic ways that anyone can think of, which is explained in details in the page Thank you under the section titled Adelheid Kuczka, and I used to go to restaurant not for the food but for the company, and eating a tray of Kunafah is just like ordering something like 50-70 deserts and eat them within 2-3 hours and in Amman, Jordan I was forced to eat between one third and one half, which equals roughly 15-30 desert dishes, within half an hour and that was at the house of my psychotic and dangerous fake sister named Mona Abokurah that today lives in Washington D.C. with her children that I know at least 2 of these children, today adult, as well as my fake sister have telepathy and I have absolute no doubt in my mind what soever that they are working for the English royal family and manipulating politicians in Washington D.C. as they did to me countless times and most destructively. I hope you get the picture while also you get to know what and how some persons with telepathy are like, that are psychopaths and what they do to others. Yet and even though I believe all persons with telepathy in one way or another are thieves, because they go to people’s mind with out permission and therewith have access to all their secrets and therewith they at least steal thoughts, yet not all persons with telepathy are psychopaths and hurt other people!
3. Situation-3: this is in Munich, Germany and also is very important because it was after the above incidents in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Amman, Jordan and is also mentioned elsewhere, but it makes sense to also place it here. I was employee of the company Siemens AG from Mai/June 1978 to 31.12.1981 in roughly end of summer 1981, my department manager named Mr. Wahl and my Supervisor named Mr. Pohl, I was just transferred to this department that was not an IT department but rather it was the technical marketing department for the project Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia and that because they closed the old department because the development for the Saudis was not good and too expensive and fired most of the temporary hired consultant and transferred most of the employees to other projects, all together were around 50 persons including secretaries and assistants, except me, they kept me on this project because they were 100% using me as a blackmail object. Back to the supervisor and department manager, they asked me to help our business guest from Saudi Arabia named Mr. Attar that was the director of the Port in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and is here for meeting. He came with his wife, and I believe 1 or 2 children. His wife was all covered up from head to toe with a black sheet like and I can only see her hands and eyes, I took them both out and in one of our conversations I mentioned that I have a friend named Mohamad Attar originated from Syria and is living in Munich and who knows maybe you are related and if he would like to meet with him, he said immediately yes, so I called my friend and told him about our business guest that would like to meet him to see if they are related and my friend invited us to his home. Small note today I know that someone with telepathy manipulated me in this mentioned conversation to get our Guest Mr. Attar in a private home and not in public, while making it look like as if it was my idea to get the two Attars to meet each other’s. To the point as we arrived at the apartment of my friend Mohamad Attar, also had the nick name ”Aboalkheir” in English father of generosity or father of good, the wife of our guest that was covered up from head to toe with black sheet like clothing took her black cover off and beneath there I was so surprised how she looked like, she was dressed in the latest fashion as if she just arrived from Paris, high heels shoes heavy makeup and her hair was possibly made by hairdresser, long colored finger nails, in short and based on what I described she did not look anything like a Saudi Arabian woman but rather she looked like many female members of my fake family that always concentrate on their outside look to cover up their disgusting character, yet Mrs. Attar skin color and face features were from the south and not from north of Europe. In short and today I am more than positive that the company Siemens AG and this Director of the Jeddah Port knew my fake family and saw what these criminals were doing to me in Jeddah and also in Germany and now Siemens AG and Mr. Attar wanted me to know that they are Saudi and not Syrian by telling me without words but in action that they always dress like this Saudi woman with black cover, yet I never saw any woman of my fake family on the street of Saudi Arabi, I only saw them at their home and the majority of them I was prevented to visit or meet with in Saudi Arabia (Added on 3.10.2022: All the visits I performed to members of my fake family in Saudi Arabia were all preplanned, meaning I announced to them that I want to visit them, and they always gave me the address of their alleged housing, today I am more than positive that the housing address I visited them in was not their housing, possibly was the housing of one of their low income employees, such as servant or other kind of slaves, and believe me when I tell you that percentage wise Saudi Arabia has to 60-80% of their population ar3e 100% slaves. In Jordan and most probably they also did the same with one exception, which is they somehow had my photograph at the immigration police in the airport and each time I went to Jordan unannounced, I be held up for a while at the Airport and at the end they confiscate my passport and ask me to pick it up at Al-Mukhabarat building, which is a mixture of Nazi police, CIA and FBI, in short today I believe when I went to Amman, Jordan as surprise visit to my 2 (fake) sisters and without me announcing my visit to them, I was always stopped by the immigration by force most probably until they contacted the Royal family and gave them time to take positions in the housing I know that they live in or better said the housing that they forced me to think that they live in. It might sound farfetched, but noting surprise me any more by these psychotic people!!)
That said, I strongly believe that many of the psychopath women of my fake family in Saudi Arabia have telepathy and their husband is just another hidden slave as I was, which it makes sense because the Saudi Arabian royal family was 100% set together by the Rockefeller family and their relative the English royal family as front puppets that pretend to be controlling Saudi Arabia, yet also I am more than 100% sure that Saudi Arabia is 100% controlled by the Rockefeller family and their countless families in the UK, Germany, Russia and elsewhere.
Now that said allow me to describe my fake cousin Faihaa Kheir: she was short maybe 155-160 CM, dark blond, white skin, blue eyes speaks slow and when she is upset, angry or excited she speaks fast and loud , and these features are typical of English royal family members or any royal family members, who always speak slow to show as if they are ladies and gentlemen and are in control and when they are angry or upset they speak loud and fast as if the others that they speaking too are their slaves!
Further on and to understand that queen Rania identity is 100% fake, Faihaa Kheir officially I was told that she has 4 brothers and one sister as follow, sorted by age as I was told because I did not meet them all, and the ones I met I met only in Jordan except Faihaa Kheir I met in Jeddah and in Munich:
1. Female birth year roughly between 1932-1940: Fariha Kheir married allegedly she is rich because her husband allegedly was super rich and died and left her everything, and this is a brainwash trick to tell others that only one in the family is super rich and everyone else is just about above poor, and therewith if anything comes out, that be suspicious where the money is coming from, then they will say it is the rich sister that I never met, yet in my memory I have a fake memory that I met her, but it never happened, and this scam is identical to my fake brother that was going to expensive Catholic Private School and living by himself in a 3 rooms apartment even though he was still in high school, has a live in housekeeper and other expensive things while they placed their slave, alias me, in one of the worst public schools, then they tell me your rich sister in Amman, Jordan is paying for all that = a pattern of the same scam!
2. Female birth year roughly between 1940-1944: Faihaa Kheir as mentioned above, pretended to be married to Syrian insurance salesman and also pretended to be working under the table by allegedly selling jewelry to rich Saudi Arabians in cooperation with Dr. Sami Assassa, and this alone shows and explain the severe brainwash that they perform because she is Married to Saudi Arabian, she does not sell Jewelry from under the table yet they use Dr. Sami Assassa as a witness just as it is in the marketing strategy, which clearly state show the product or service that you want to sell to others, then show them written documentations and bring witnesses, last scam that they did, she allegedly left Saudi Arabia and moved to London where she allegedly opened a jewelry store and then closed it and immigrated to Canada where she allegedly opened a new jewelry store in partnership with Dr. Sami Assassa = the witness along with the rest of my fake family including my fake sisters Fadia Nagar also in the UK that confirmed that and all these lies is to place her as far away as possible of Saudi Arabia just in case I understand my past and understand what Siemens AG and Mr. Attar were trying or pretending (using me as blackmail object) to be trying to tell me that they are Saudi royal family members, but also to place herself for future plans for they yet to come queen Rania of Jordan, just as they did with my fake niece Reem Bdeir and I was told that she allegedly was murdered by her alleged Palestinian husband somewhere in Pennsylvania, USA where allegedly the FBI found her body somewhere buried in the forests just to place her far away of her double alias princess Haya of Jordan that was 100% exchanging places with her as it is showing in this page, because they have a huge look similarities except the eye color of Reem Bdeir is light brown. The marketing strategy mentioned above which you can see daily on the TV ads where each hired actor is nothing else than showing the product and witnessing the effect of the product or service, they are advertising about and to make it even more believable they often hire famous known movie or TV star or Sport star. I strongly suspect that Faihaa Kheir to be the older sister or even the mother of queen Rania and this based on the look of queen Rania and the countless lies that I was told and are mentioned here and countless other situations in my life that links me to the Jordanian royal family as well as to the following royal families as distraction of the English royal families: Kuwaitis, UAE, Omani, and Yemeni (none royal family yet controlled partially by Americans and British by using Saudi Arabia as proxy), but also all the scam and brainwash strategies that my fake family were using point to that Faihaa Kheir is 100% the mother or sister of Queen Rania that most probably has telepathy and is controlling king Abdullah as a hidden slave and I can see that in his behavior such as I saw him in May 2022 with president Joe Biden, which it 100% looked like a master alias president Biden talking down to his slave alias king Abdullah, on the other side it could be all acting, yet I believe it is so. Don’t forget the so-called Black September in Jordan (, Jordan is largest open prison for Palestinians, because Jordan has over 2 Million Palestinians refugees just to allow the English royal families and their American relatives and their Russian relatives to build the biggest military base in the world to protect their petroleum properties in the entire Middle East including but not limited to Saudi Arabia, and since this upraising because of Black Se3ptember as it is explained in the link of the inequality for Palestinians the English royal family adjusted their strategy and falsified their own daughter alias queen Rania to be allegedly Palestinians to force the Palestinians to love the Jordanian royal family and give them the feelings as if they are part of the Jordanian Kingdom and as if the Jordanian royal family is part of them, but it is not true, Palestinians are 100% living in an open prison called Jordan and the rest of the 7 Million Palestinian refugees worldwide , meaning 5 Million Palestinians outside Jordan are and as planned distributed worldwide in such a manner that they are totally are under control just as they did to me for over 60 years, and this no matter where the Palestinian are, if it is USA, Germany, UK, France or elsewhere, they are always a minority and totally lost without a real home that they can trust just as these psychopath criminals did to me all my life and forced me to be refugee for over 50 years and without any rights what soever until the Dutch awarded me the Dutch nationality in 2013 and here I am using my new freedom to be busy with my old slavery years to help others be free!
3. Male birth year roughly 1942/46: Farhat Kheir I met once in around 1983 or 1984 in Amman, Jordan, he too had dark blond hair, white skin and blue eyes, was around 170 cm (all these look descriptions fit the English royal families). He was one nasty psychopath that 100% had telepathy and love to manipulate others negatively and for no reason because he thinks it is fun, he used it on me, and I will skip it because it is not that important for this point
4. Male birth year roughly 1948/1949: Fikrat Kheir, never met in real life, yet I have a fake memory of him
5. Male birth year roughly 1954/1955: Fareed or Farid Kheir, never met in real life, yet I have a fake memory of him
6. Female birth year roughly 1959/1960: Fatina Kheir, I met once also in Amman, Jordan, I believe it was also around 1983 or 1984 but at different months that when I met her alleged brother above mentioned brother Farhat Kheir. I strongly believe that she is a hidden royal family member, most probably of the Jordanian or English royal families, because the Jordanian royal family was also 100% set together by the English royal family sometimes during or after the first world war meaning between 1914 and 1930. I believe that her official mother in my presence is nothing else than a nanny, because I was told a fake story that today I strongly believe that this story was used as a blackmail against the English royal family, and the story is: her mother allegedly get pregnant with her when she was above 50 years old, I believe I was told something like 552 or 55 years old, which is possible but it is not true because this woman that allegedly is my aunt is a fake relative and she supposed to be the sister of my mother, yet my mother is not my biological mother but rather a hired whore and sadistic criminal that pretended to be my mother, also I was told that Fatina was born after her father died, meaning the father made his wife pregnant and died and she was born a few months later. I believe these fake stories were meant as a blackmail against queen Elizabeth the second that I strongly believe is my biological older sister that kidnapped me after my birth and after her father died, that I also believe was also my father king George VI (, and he officially died on 6 February 1952, and officially I was born on 10 October 1952, yet they falsified my identity and my birth information, I could be older or younger by a few days or a few months or in between, add to this that the wife of king George VI named Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon was 52 years as I was born, meaning and if I am her son, she gave birth to me at the age of 52. The question here is and if it is true that I am her son, then why did she dispose of me, I do not know yet. Yet the similarities are very clear that I was repeatedly used as a blackmail object. Today I also know that I, 100%, have an invisible/unknown to me guard that has telepathy and is always monitoring me most probably since at least 1970 and possibly even since kidnapping me the first time as I was infant as you will see below with photographs prove that I was kidnapped as an infant. About this invisible guard, I call him/her invisible because I cannot see who it is but I feel his/her effects on my life, above all by using me as blackmail object where there is no other person that I can see that can be black mailed, therefore it must be a guard hired by queen Elizabeth and everything that happens to me he/she reports it back to her, and this guard can be female, male, one person or a group of persons, and in case it is a group of persons, then and with certainty it is members of the Freemasons that are located literally in every major city in the world and most definitely in every city I was forced to live in or even just visited because they cannot afford to let me out of their sight, not even for a minute, otherwise someone else, mainly their opponents get holds of me and use me against them
7. Eftikar Kheir is the alleged mother of all of the above adult children, yet I doubt it I think she is a nanny that pretend to be the mother just as my fake mother and several other women in my fake family such as my 3 fake sisters are all nannies and one of them, named Suhair Bdeir/Budier, pretended to have raised my fake brother from 1954 to 1965/1966 in Amman, Jordan as distraction of the English royal families that sent this savage and barbarian psychotic criminal named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar and today I strongly believe that this also was a lie as it is mentioned elsewhere in this page with explanation why I believe it was a lie, and these explanations are a multi-purpose prove for many things among others that I am the son of king George VI and the younger brother of Queen Elizabeth the second and the son of queen Elizabeth the mother of queen Elizabeth the second that also is officially called “Queen Elizabeth the queen mother” ( )
Conclusion I strongly believe that Faihaa Kheir is married to some member of the Saudi Arabian royal family that is originated from Pakistan or India and together they have a daughter that they falsified her identity and made her look as Palestinian to give the Palestinian the fake assurance that the Jordanian royal family is with them and is marrying one of them, which is 100% a lie and a mass brainwash because the English royal family 100% set the Jordanian Royal family together as front puppets as well as they also set Israel using general Belfort after the second world war in 1948 that claimed he is giving the Jewish a country for their own because they helped UK during the first and second World war, which is a lie, Israel was 100% set there after they stole the land of the native Palestinians to create a massive military base using Jewish to protect their stolen countries in the Middle East and Africa, which means all in all it is a lie within a lie after all surrounded with lies in a big country of lies named Israel that is originated from 2 bigger countries of lies, which are UK and USA, anything else is a lie, PERIOD.
To better understand the above section, I would like to add two points that are general facts that will allow you to see through things that you most probably did not think off and will help you to better understand the above, because a normal person will never think of these things, because most people are normal and are usually good people and good people do not think of evil things and these points never comes in the minds of good people and therewith they do not see through scams and con business or destructive propaganda!
Point-1: Some royal families or even all, depend strongly on brotherhoods and cousinhood networking and this since ages, meaning centuries and until today, and to create that network they use certain strategies to create these brotherhoods and cousinhood’s. Therefore, they start by planning who is going to be the king or queen before the king or queen is even born, then they start generating the brotherhood and cousinhood as extension to the already existing ones and also as protection for the existing one, and as protection and hidden help for the future king, and to do that they use the child that is going to be the future king or queen to generate children as his children and never stop generating children even as the women are 50 or men are 80. Females start to produce children as young as age 7 years old and until age of around 50-60. Male starts at age of roughly 10 years to make women pregnant and continue possibly until death, meaning also as old as 80- or 90- or 100-year-old man can still make a woman pregnant. All this means several things among others that a woman can have limited number of children meaning can produce smaller brotherhoods and cousinhood’s than a man, because it takes her 9 months for each pregnancy, while a man can make several women pregnant per day, meaning a woman can maximum have 80-120 children and that only if she has frequent twins or more while also getting pregnant year after year, yet a man can make every year more women pregnant than a woman can produce children in her entire life, which means a man can theoretically have several thousand children, and then he would need children accountant to keep up with all of them, yet many men make quite a lot of children and use them to create a very powerful networks that control the military, police, and various other ministries = Kingdom and also Authoritarian/Dictatorial/Totalitarian /One-party or two party government systems such as it is in USA and the UK, Russian Federation, China, and the entire Middle East, but also in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan and at least 80% of the countries of our world that then was 100% the cause of many wars including or especially the two most destructive wars the Word War One and World War Two, and therewith this point shows the connection to Point-3. As a result of all of this concept of planning and producing a huge number of children and as long as possible will create the following situation:
1. A Huge age difference between brothers and sisters which will lead to forcing others to disbelieve that these two or 10 or 100 or 1,000 are brothers and sisters because the age gap of 30, 40 or even 80 years is huge and therewith no one would think of it that it is possible and no one will notice that a 20 years old is a brother of a 90 years old and the 20 years old is going into politics and his older brother of 90 years old is supporting him along with the rest of the brotherhood including their children that builds even large network through the cousinhood, and not one will know it or notice it because of their age difference that varies between 1 and 90 years, and who knows maybe even more than 90 years age difference!!!
2. Similar to the above, yet it is that the father is 50 or 60 or 90 years older than some of his children and it is similar with the mother she can be 50 years older or 7/8 years older than her own children
3. To cover up for the pregnancy of women that are in public, they use double and by so many children it is not hard at all to have doubles, especially if they are planned by making twins have sex with another twins or even triplets, which you can see this and also the above two point clearly in my complaint pages, where I was totally lost between all these doubles, but also it means that I possibly have a huge amount of biological brothers and sisters and even large amount of cousins and all of them together are unknown to me, yet most probably I met many of them and never knew that they are my brothers or sisters or cousins, and that would explain why many tried to break through to me and did not succeed because of the very large brotherhood and cousinhood.
4. To manage all these children, you really need an accountant to know who which child is from which sex partner. Yes, sex partner, because and from my point of view, this has absolutely nothing to do with love between a man and a woman, but rather love to money and control = POWER. Today I strongly believe that the Freemason that was founded in the 15th century, meaning around 500 years ago, is this accountant; and that is why women are excluded of this Freemason organization; and no one can choose to join but rather they elect/select who they need for their scams in this or that location, and that is also why the Freemason is literally located in every major city worldwide and not only in the UK; and when you consider that the Freemason was founded just around the time or just after the time that the UK invaded China and India, where they realized they need to produce large brotherhoods. Also, when you consider that the Freemason was founded around 50-100 years after the printing machine was invented in the year 1450 and in the year 1455 the first Catholic bible was mass produced and distributed with all the details about persons with telepathy and how they used it and as a result of this publication, I believe many wars broke out that are not mentioned in our history that led to creating countless new Christian religions within a period of roughly 200-400 years, while discrediting the Catholic church as distraction of their publications about telepathy. All this and today makes sense to me and fit 100% together!
5. All of the above is one of the main reasons why men are preferred above women to be in top positions, because women cannot produce as much children as men, and this is especially true because the UK represented through the English royal family has invaded more countries than I can count and also more countries that today exist because they wiped off countries and added them under their own Empire, and one of the public proves for all that are the followings:
5.1. They have the 54 so-called Commonwealth countries that they invaded each one of them
5.2. They control the USA to at least 60%
5.3. They control most of the Middle East countries, and it is easier to list the countries that are not controlled by them, which are as follow:
5.3.1. Mauritania, strong French, Spanish and Italian influences
5.3.2. Morocco, strong French, Spanish and Italian influences
5.3.3. Algiers, strong French, Spanish and Italian influences
5.3.4. Tunis, strong French, Spanish and Italian influences
5.3.5. And partially Libya, strong French, Spanish and Italian influences where the UK and USA have been trying hard to control it for their selves, yet the other countries mentioned above are trying harder to keep their own influence in Libya as a result we have a huge and long civil war in Libya since they murdered the Libyan president Muamar Khadafi in the year 2011 (
6. Finally, do not believe everything I or others write on the Internet, just, take some time to verify it. Use your imagination on what to look for and it is not hard I have plenty of names and details, and use the Internet to look up these information, because the Internet is the biggest library ever created that has a lot of information about almost everything and usually it is accessible by every country unless some countries such as Russian Federation, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran and some others block either certain websites such as mine or block international access = slavery, and the information on the Internet some of it is truth while some others are lies and that is why you have to verify enable to have a solid knowledge that builds a solid house of intelligence based on facts and truth that you need to go through life freely and maintain your freedom at all times, where and very unfortunately I did not have this luxury in my own life as it is described within my complaint pages
Point two: First I cannot help it that many create copycat religions, in general a human being is a copycat individual, you can see it starting in the childhood that the newborn just copies the doings of the persons surrounding him, and that is the reason number one why they isolated me by force to not allow me to grow intelligence through learning of others and doing something similar that will increase my knowledge through imitating the others. Once a child starts to imitate others, the child continue to do it even as he/she grows and does not even notice it, it becomes a part of our intelligence and that is why we have so many religions because in the old days they used to be even worse than now, each religion had its own language to prevent people of communication with others and learning of them something that can conflict with their own religion believe and there with harm the controlling family that control this religion because it can damage the goals of the controlling others, such as requesting more freedom and that is also why some religions forbid their followers to discuss religions with others that are following another religions by branding the other religions as bad and to make sure that the followers believe that the other are bad, they create situation and label it to the other religions to create hate against the others, and here I come to the point, much more than 90% of all terrorist attacks are planned by controlling families to harm their opponents even their own partners while using the flag or label of other religions just to make bad name for the other religion or even religions and that they call also win/win situations and one of these out countless others is the kidnapping and murder of the president of the German Employer association called Hans Martin Schleyer ( where I strongly believe it was planned by the English royal family by using the MI6 and the CIA and made it look like it was of the ex-Soviet Union because the group who kidnapped him and murdered him had a communist name which is the Red Army Faction in German RAF-Rote Armee (This is German and it is with 2 “EE”) Fraction a terrorist organization within Germany, but also all the terrorist attacks performed by PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization headed by Yasser Arafat that was the biggest and longest lasting international terror organization of our world from begin 1960s and until begin of 1990s where then they replaced it with Al Qaeda headed by Osama Ben Laden ( based on the absolute same concept, strategies and pattern of the PLO. Today I know that Yasser Arafat that established the PLO was an agent working for one of the following or all of them: Mossad, MI6 or CIA with several goals as follow:
1. To make Israel look good
2. To give Israel legitimacy to terrorize the lives of Palestinian, and they did and still do today in the year 20222 and this since 1948 and it even get worse after PLO started by Yasser Arafat that was 100% trained for that by Jewish or British or both in Cairo, Egypt until the begin of 1960, where today I see the big possibility that he was not even Palestinian but rather Jewish from India or Pakistan or Bangladesh working for the English royal family since his ancestors partnered with them around 300-500 years ago partnered with the English royal families against the Hindu to control India
3. To Give Israel legitimacy to annex lands of Palestinian or at least let the people worldwide sympathize with them due to all the PLO attacks worldwide but number one was Europe and in particular Germany where I lived for 17 years and saw it myself but also it went as far as north and South America and East Asia
4. To force the general public in Europe, USA, South America and Asia to sympathize with Israel and see Israel as the victim especially after the Nazi that were 100% relatives of the English royal family and the ex-Russian royal families and other royal families, and the Nazis murdered 5 Million Jewish as revenge that they helped the British in the First World War and even after it by revolting in the German navy and elsewhere and created a mess in German government that led to ousting the German Emperor and the loss of at least one third of Germany during the First World war and half of what ever left of Germany after the second world war was also lost as East Germany controlled by the ex-Soviet Union, while West Germany was controlled by UK and their allies of the Second World War, which are: among others or the main allies were: UK + USA + France + Netherland and others = Germany was lost and that led to something, and this from my opinion and from my point of view, something beautiful called the EU-European Union to come out of this English Royalties never ending cycle of Destruction
5. To make bad names for Muslims and that is most important of all, because if you are for example European and see all the terrorist attacks of PLO and then feel the pressure such as mentioned elsewhere where the German Police or the American FBI or the British Scotland Yard or the other police agencies in other countries are searching for PLO terrorist because they bombed the building next to you or in the city center or elsewhere and now you see in the news + on the streets + from your neighbor and from other sections of your life that the PLO has severely disrupted the lives of people in your country, such as the German police used to block the speed highway called Autobahn, where there was no speed limit and with many police men carrying machine guns and checking the cars and the identifications of the passengers because they were searching for among other PLO terrorists and add to that that the concentrated evil Rockefeller and English Royal family simultaneously threaten Europe to cut off the petroleum by using Saudi Arabia as proxy in 1973 ( that is officially Muslim country and allegedly the origin of Islam, which is absolutely not true, but rather it is India the origin of Islam as I proved it in other sections of this page, and then suddenly the government in Europe, which I saw myself because I was living in Germany at that time, issue car driving ban on the weekend and late in the evening because the Muslim country Saudi Arabia either threat or cut of the petroleum as a result every single person in Europe or at least in Germany felt this pressure because he was not allowed to go to his favorite city or visit his family and friends on the weekend or in the evening due to the driving ban on the highway and country side roads = hate Muslims and hate Arabs, and this was 100% planned by the concentrated evil Rockefeller families and the English royal families as their version of win/win situations by damaging the economy of Europe just as they did with the corona virus and the Ukraine war as continuation of the economic war against Europeans and this since November 2019 and February 2022 respectively, but in reality since several hundred years because the English royal family and their relatives worldwide such as the Rockefeller family in USA and their other relatives in Russia think of their selves as Gods on earth and owner of the earth and everything on it including me and you and everyone else. Back to the Bad Muslims, Muslims are not bad, they are human just like you and me, but it is an evil plan and propaganda against the alleged bad Muslims and the concept of generating hate against Muslims in general because of the following reasons:
5.1. When a person hates another then he/she wishes him harm, or at least when he sees that harm is being done to him, he will agree with it and be happy about it due to all the suffering he allegedly had through him, he ignore it and allow it to go through and be continued, due to the group of people in our case it is the Muslims, one typical example is Palestinians, Iraqis, Yemini and Afghani, these four countries except Palestinians that don’t really have a country any more, anyway, they have something in commons, all of them were accused of terrorism and mass destruction weapons and as Ross Perot used to say 10 times per interview or 100 times during his speeches and I am quoting him here only once “I rest my case”!
5.2. To force Europeans not to go to the Muslims countries and try to see what is wrong and try to help or just try to understand their situation, which is slavery by English royal families and at least also the by the Rockefeller families that see their selves as the smart emperors or our world, and the prove for that is their work that they do, such as the Empire state building in New York city that was built by the Rockefeller family to represent the English royal family as the emperor of the world and that is why they also called their other nearby building the World Trade center that they bombed using their agent named Osama Ben Laden and also blamed this bombing on Muslims and Arabs and Saudi Arabia, and as in any lie there is always some truth within the lies and in the case of the bombing of the world trade center and the only truth in it is that the Saudi Arabian royal family (100% = The Rockefeller family + the English Royal families, meaning the Saudi Arabian Royal family is also members of these 2 families that are disguised as an alleged Arabs since allegedly over 1400) knew about the bombing ahead of time and planned to manipulate the stock market to make billions, which they succeeded at and it was all over the news in begin of the year 2002, where I was already locked up again as a refugee living between jails, prisons and refugee camps in the Netherlands. And here again it was their version of win/win situations and reached the following objectives:
5.2.1. Created more hate against Muslims
5.2.2. Had a reason to invade Afghanistan and Iraq
5.2.3. Made tons of money by manipulating the stock market
5.2.4. Made more tons of money through the movements of their brainless destruction machine called US-Armed Forces, where they invested taxpayers’ money and very heavily in their own factories to sell their mass destruction weapons to kill Afghanis and Iraqis, just as they killed Vietnamese and many other prior to that to also steal their land by integrating their corrupt system and by force and deceive in these countries
5.2.5. Showing and confirming that Saudi Arabia allegedly Arab and Muslim, whereby they are most definitely not as it is also proven in this page
5.2.6. Showing as if Saudi Arabia is not controlled by the Rockefeller and the English royal family, and this alone makes the Rockefeller and the English royal families have committed treason against USA by using their own hidden country called Saudi Arabia to kill over three thousand innocent Americans by bombing their own building just to generate even more money for decades to come through illegal drug transportation and distribution from Afghanistan + Iran + Syria + Lebanon and most probably also from Myanmar the largest opium producer in the world, during which they are using the taxpayers money and the American military to transport and distribute these illegal drugs in the name of National Security just to enrich their selves and build stupid useless buildings in countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, and the neighboring countries and then advertise about it how beautiful useless things they build such as an island in the shape of a pal tree, which very much equal that they are mentally sick and are not capable to build something useful such as a toaster a radio, a tv or even a computer. Even though they persecuted me destructively and prevented me to build anything, yet I can build a computer they can’t even build a chocolate box = stupid because they are all superficial and do not care about building something that is useful for everyone, such as Mr. Bill Gates did over and over again, Mr. Jeff Bezos, Mr. Larry Page and Mr. Sergey Brin and Mr. Elon Musk and Mr. Larry Ellison, Mr. Steve Jobs and the list goes on and on and on
5.2.7. Get the people attention that Saudi Arabia is allegedly the origin of Islam, which is absolutely not true because it is not possible as I proved it elsewhere on this page
5.2.8. Making the entire world feel sorry for USA as the alleged victim of Muslims, which is totally vice versa, the Muslims are 100% the victims of USA, and that also not correct because the English royal families and the Rockefellers loved to be the Gods of USA but they most definitely do not represent the majority of Americans that have something they do not have, which Is moral values, empathy, feelings, and are also hidden slaves and do not know it and believe in the mass brainwash and propaganda that USA is allegedly the Land of the free but in my eyes the USA is the land of the fees, whereby the fees her is your freedom is replaced by hidden slavery, where USA the country that prohibit the freedom of decision over own situations and body, such as freedom to carry guns and military style weapons and use them year after year to commit mass shootings, I am sorry I made a mistake it is not year after year it is week after week, but also forbid woman to decide for their selves what is best for their selves and if they should or should not have an abortion after her brother or neighbor or father rapped them, and this for one reason only, because many persons with telepathy and there are maybe more than one million of them in USA, love to hide their children by knocking women unconscious and rapping them and no one will ever know that this woman is carrying their child not even the woman knows, because if the woman knows, then she might either tell someone and gradually will come out or the opponent of this hidden father might read her mind of the woman and know that she is carrying a baby with telepathy or even a hidden slave that supposed to be a poor person that then becomes the governor, senator, congressman/woman or even the president or one of his helpers such as Chairman of the Joint of chief of staff (=head of the military = a nasty drug lord) or secretary of state or director of CIA, or member of the supreme court and so on, it is all planned and they will never allow a stupid woman to interrupt their plans because she do not know who the father is. Saying stupid woman is not my thinking but rather their thinking, even though they have telepathy and I do not, yet I can read their behavior, and their behavior it says 100% that all women are stupid and weak because they cannot have a big brotherhood networks as men, and reading other people’s behavior that says a lot about them, I learned it from the church in Germany that sent me to several rhetoric courses to better understand other people that I am talking to but also to make them better understand me by speaking more articulate, and that for I am forever thankful and in debt to the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim that sent me to the courses and also thankful to the Evangelical Lutheran church of Bavaria that created these courses, and I am using today to understand my past enable to help others!
The point here is that the Middle East consisting of many countries, and it is one big cooking corruption countries controlled by mainly English Royal families and their American relatives such as the Rockefeller families and their hidden German relatives alias the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and their hidden relative from Russia and other countries as proven also in this page. And this is also valid for Africa that the Middle East is also a part of and parts of Africa is also part of the Middle East and many African were forced to become Muslim, yet one thing is more important than all of the above, which is that most Muslims are very poor and illiterate and believe in anything that they told of people that are above them, because they see them as their masters and that I saw myself in living for 10 years in Egypt and going several other countries such as: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and worked with people from Tunis, Algiers, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Oman. Libya in various computer related projects that my employer Siemens AG was working on such as Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia, Hospital system in Kuwait, Police and fire departments in UAE and Oman, atomic Energy plant in Libya and some others during which I saw, read and heard how badly they are in need for help to come out of the slavery that they forced into partially since centuries such as North Africa and the same is valid for the so called Arab countries that are not Arab at all, but rather are to at least 60-70% a mixture of Indians/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis and all south east Asians from almost all countries in east Asia such as but not limited to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia (all mainly Muslim countries that inherited Islam from India) and others, and that I saw myself as I visited Saudi Arabia several times for business as an employee of Siemens AG between 1979 and 1982.
A note about some religions that forbid their followers to discuss religions with followers of other religions, but also forbid them performing certain health activities such as Yoga, and here I will mention only 2 as an example that shows clearly that is nothing else but slavery:
1. Muslim Sunni alias Saudi Arabian Islam have a statement in the Quran and as far as I recall, which I read in 1960s and in 1976/77, yet I am not certain about the wording yet in general the statement says the following, and here I am quoting as I remember it: “Do not drink alcohol, do not sell alcohol, do not carry alcohol, do not buy alcohol and do not sit with people that drinks alcohol” end of quote. I think it is very well meant, because alcohol is really not healthy, most of the sport’s persons do not drink alcohol because it can negatively affect their muscles and concentration, and I am saying that even I like to drink a good beer or a good wine, even though I know it is not good for me, and by me it is a mental sickness because I remember my past and especially my German Friends that I loved very much and my ex-German girlfriend that I also loved very much and used go out with them and we used have some drinks, yet the point here is that we did not used to get together and go out to drink alcohol, but rather we used to meet to discuss our lives each one says what he/she thinks about all kind of subjects while some may even talk about some problems they may have and the friends then will jump right in and help , and if he or she did not talk about their problem, then they would not have getting help. Beside one major part of Christianity teaching is to meet on a frequent basis and not only in the church, but have dinner together, one prepare for the others or others prepare for all as it is taught in the New Testament section of the bible, and here I come to the point, which is at least Islam Sunni that was created as copycat Islam from India forbid people to sit with others that drink alcohol, and therewith there are several Million Muslims in Europe and most of them live isolated of their neighbors, work colleagues or in general of having a local friend, because allegedly it is forbidden to sit with those who drink alcohol, which very much most people, yet when I look at God and how he created me and every other single human being, he created us to come together as partners and to work together and above all to solve our problems and differences with the communication tools that God gave us ,which are eyes to see each other’s, mouth to talk to each other’s and ears to listen to each other’s and if God wanted us to kill each other’s and to hate each other’s or to avoid each other’s then he would not have given us all these communication tool, and I am not even mentioning telepathy, then God would have given us swords as hands and machine guns as eyes and a canon as a mouth, or do you think that a human being can manufacture a better mass destruction weapon than God? Yet God is all the love of the world, and he is above all a builder, that love to build, just look at our life, we live in his world and when we look up, we see unreachable to us skies and other planets that in one way or another are also built by him, In short isolating human of others through religion is a sin against the beings of God and his creation
Saudi Arabia top religious leader
alias Muslim Sunni went public a while back, and I cannot exactly recall when,
and said it is forbidden and against God to perform Yoga. Most people do not
know what Yoga is. It is a meditation exercise that help the person be more
conscious about his own beings and it is so healthy that, and this to my
knowledge some medical professionals often recommended to their patients to
help them relax and concentrate on their self and their own doings. Therefore
Yoga has absolutely nothing to do with religion, at least to my knowledge, that
only link to other religion, and this too to my knowledge, is that it was
invented or developed in India by some person that may have been or may not
have been Hindu religion and used it to help other people be friendlier to the
other members of society by taking time and relax and think only about the one
thing or another, and thinking is never a damaging action, in matter of fact
only if I think I can survive and if I do not think the possibility that I will
die much sooner is much higher!
except the last part is isolation = slavery
My fake sister as I get to know in 1960 was called Moni as a nick name and first name as Afrah Najar in around spring or summer of 1961 she totally disappeared and I was told a lie, that she allegedly went to Amman, Jordan to help her sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier while she is due to deliver a baby in a couple of months that then became my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier alias a hidden Jordanian royal family member and the double of princess Haya of Jordan. And I believed this lie all my life, whereby there was absolutely no mention whatsoever that I allegedly have a brother raised in Amman, Jordan by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier. Now I know that my 2 fake sisters in Jordan are nothing else than evil nannies that pretend to be my sisters and they are 100% raising the children of hidden Jordanian royal family. No real mother in the world would ever allow that one of her children, in this case his name is Khalid Abokurah, that 100% was used as target practice for telepathy by his brothers and sisters or at least 2 of them, Ghassan Abokurah and May Abokurah (also written Abu Quora = meaning in English “father of forehead”), and then lock her son in a mental hospital in another country, in this case Cairo, Egypt, to not have to waste their time and visit him. His full address in this mental hospital in Cairo, Egypt is in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2, unless they are heartless, they have no empathy and are 100% brainless to get rid of their own son and brother, and this after they relocated to Washington. D.C., USA to misuse their telepathy to manipulate politicians for the English royal family, because they are so close to them and are 100% one family with them, among others because king Hussein is Indian origin = ally and puppet of the English royal family, but also the family of my other fake sister are 100% Greek Orthodox origin and are 100% of the ex-Greek royal family, while some members of the Abokurah family such as my fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah is most probably German origin and he lied to me big time by saying that he and his brother and 2 sisters are the last of their family. The brother is allegedly a medical doctor in Los Angeles, California, USA and his alleged 2 sisters that do not look like him at all and allegedly have a furniture store in Amman, Jordan and buy their furniture mainly from Austria = origin of Adolf Hitler alias most probably my fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah is the son of hidden escaped Nazi after 1945, add to that that a parson named Abo Maien Malas, Abo Maien means the father of Maien, meaning his oldest son name is Maien, and the wife of Abo Maien Malas named Raghda and was white, red hair and a lots of red freckles all over her face and body, and I am more than positive that she and her husband are 100% hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and working for their relatives the English Royal families and the Rockefeller families in trying to control some countries in the Middle East, the reason I am more than positive that they are 100% hidden escaped Nazi working for the English royal family and the Rockefeller family, is because the following points
1. Rockefeller family was supplying Germany between 1930s and until at least 1945 with petroleum for the German mass destruction weapons during the Nazi time and against USA = treason
2. In January 1970 and after these psychopaths Jordanian royal family set me up to look like as if I am a terrorist working for PLO=Palestinian Liberation Organization ( that was considered to be the biggest and longest lasting terror organization in the world between 1960s and until they replaced it with the Saudi Arabia Al Qaeda, whereby and most definitely both terror organizations were created by the CIA (, MI6 ( and Mossad ( All in all, and within roughly 6 weeks they did the following to me
2.1. Roughly on 10 or 12.12.1969 took me on an criminal implication tour using a Palestinian car dealer named Bsiesso in Munich, Germany, that arranged for us to go with some Kurdish group that purchased from Bsiesso 2 construction trucks and several cars and loaded some of the cars, 1 or two of them on each of the construction trucks, and drove them in a convoy of roughly 3 cars and two trucks loaded with cars and drove from Munich, Germany to Damascus, Syria through Austria, former Yugoslavia (=partially ex-Soviet union), Bulgaria (=ex-Soviet union), Turkey and to Damascus Syria, from there to Amman, Jordan and from there to Beirut Lebanon and from there to Cairo, Egypt and back to Munich Germany on 15 January 1970 where they created countless set ups to force my mind to hate Arabs and Muslims as a brainwash strategy to force me to forget my past and to stay away of Arabs and Muslims, and then they took me in the begin of March 1970 to the American military base called McGraw Kaserne for isolation and to enslave me under the control of their whore agent named Anita Disbray that today I recognize her to have been at least 50 possibly even 60 years old as described in in other complaint pages
2.2. Implicated me on 11.10.1969 as if I am related to US dollar counterfeit organization at a bank in the train station in Munich, Germany
2.3. A setup to relate me to the PLO terrorist group on around 19/20 December 1969 and until roughly 31.1.1970 in Syria and Jordan
2.4. Roughly on summer 1967 + and again roughly on 8.1.1970, set me up to relate me to illegal drug lords in Syria and Lebanon
2.5. Roughly on 14.12.1969 in Sofia, Bulgaria set me up and related me to ex-Soviet Union agent that exchange places with my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, which you can see clearly in the below picture of my psychotic, evil and most sadistic fake mother
2.6. On 15.1.1970 brought me back to Munich, Germany forced me to apply for political asylum and set me up again to be not only related to hidden escaped Nazi such as the Malas family, where some of the PLO terrorist group leaders were called Malas and Muasher and in Jordan, they set me up to get to know the Muasher and Malas families. Later on 15 January 1970 in Munich, Germany me and my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi were picked up from the airport by one of the children of the Malas family that was studying at the University of Munich, and the following day he invited us to see the entertainment area in Munich called Schwabing, for one reason only to show as if I am related to the Malas family, because one of the leaders of PLO was also called Malas, and I believe it is not the same family, yet I was 100% monitored by Munich police due to many setups to make me look dangerous for one reason only, to give the evil organized crime organizations called CIA + MI6 the upper hand over my life and to take me to the American military base for investigation without me noticing because it is a controlled environment, yet that was 100% the wrong and distraction reason, the real reason was to isolate me of Arabs, Muslims, and in particular Syrians because my fake family pretended to be Syrians, but they were 100% not Syrians and if I speak with Syrians about my fake family, and where they allegedly live possibly this Syrian knows better and would tell me that this family does not exist, or even worse, he could tell me that my fake family is Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families and not Syrians, on top of that they wanted to re-brainwash me and enslave me under the control of one of their whores English nationality agent named Anita Disbray that was over 50 years old and pretended to be 21 years old in 1970 and has another look alike either Jordanian whore or Saudi Arabia whore as the wife of some hidden slave in their governments that pretend to be Muslim and come to Munich and in particular to the city Unterschleissheim where I was forced to live and exchange places with Anita Disbray that these criminals separated me by force of my new German girlfriend in 1972 that I met in the Hospital in Munich where I was hospitalized for 3 days and she was a nurse and after I get to know her and we went out a couple of time I totally fell in love with her, among others because she was my age, yet 2-3 weeks later I was 100% forced with telepathy to separate of her as it is described in other pages. The reason they separated me of her by force is among others because they did not want me to have roots in Germany and if I get married to A German citizen, then I am entitled to get the German nationality within 5 years or even 3 years and that they did not want, beside they had plans for me among others to raise one of their criminal hidden children without me noticing, on top of that this whore Anita Disbray had 100% telepathy and totally controlled my mind with it and needed to use me as a decoy to exchange places with her other lookalike whore that in Jordan or Saudi she pretend to Be Muslim and in Munich she takes a vacation of Islam and goes around whoring with her hidden boyfriend. Even though I was set up to become Christian in December 1975 and became Christian in Easter Sunday of April 1976, in the city of Unterschleissheim, yet today and very unfortunately I discovered that many members of my fake family from Jordan and Saudi Arabia have another identity in the city of Unterschleissheim and caused me countless sever problems including physical torture through my Dentist to force me to dislike the city Unterschleissheim where I became Christian and then they asked their business partner Siemens AG to get me out of this city Unterschleissheim that starting 1976 I totally fell in love with it because I suddenly had many friends through the church, most of them were really good people, yet a couple of them were 100% working with my fake family + my biological family + the CIA
3. Among the evil people that were in the city Unterschleissheim was the real family of my fake sister Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar, they are 2 different persons and one of them disappeared of my life roughly in spring of 1961, which is around 14-16 months after these criminals and psychopaths kidnapped me and placed me within this fake family and I never ever seen any of these criminals before in my life, among others because they caused me a total amnesia which is a big part of a severe brainwash and to prevent their victim child at that time to speak his original language that today I know it was English language, but also to not remember my real family and where I was living prior to 15.1.1960, which was 100% not Syria. Last but not least they always claimed that Syria was controlled by ex-Soviet Union and therewith making me look like an ex-Soviet Union hidden citizen. But it is not true, Syria + Lebanon + Iran + Afghanistan are 100% illegal drug countries controlled by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families.
4. Myanmar is allegedly the biggest producer of Opium in the world. The second largest producer is Afghanistan that increased their production by 35% during the American occupation form 17.12.2001, 3 months after the world trade center bombing and until 30.8.2021, which proves that the Bush family are drug lords and planned the invasion of Afghanstan before the world Trade Center bombing on 11.9.2001 ( and uses the American and British military to trnasport and distribute the illegal drugs all over the world where they have military bases ( + (
5. My fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah lied to me by claiming that he has no more relatives beside his brother the alleged medical doctor in Los Angeles,California, USA and his alleged 2 sisters that have an alleged furniture stores in Amman, Jordan, yet and after his alleged death, and based on what I was told, he died allegedly in October 1999, and his alleged wife alias my fake sister Mona Najjar was already and since 1987 An accepted political asylum refugee that was based on liese and con business to have a reason to live in Washngton, D.C. to manipulate politicians with telepathy in Washington, D.C. along with allegedly all his children left Jordan 4 of them allegedly live between Washington D.C. and on the edge of Washington, D.C. in Virginia and Maryland, yet at least one unknown to me person took his place with the name Omar Abokurah in Jordan as showen above with his photograph as member of the board of the Islamic Educational college School in Amman, Jordan, and this alone shows that my fake sister Mona Najjar and her children are not Jordanina origin, but rather German Nazis and ex-Greek royalties working for the English royal family in Washington D.C. to manipulate politicians with telepathy = a totaly hidden crime and cheat of the alleged freedom and democracy in USA that I never seen while I was forced to live in this slavery country for 15 years after these psycopath kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA among others to use me without me noticing as a witness that we are all originated from Syria, because a couple of months later my fake sister Mona Najjar and possibly also her alleged children Ghasan Abokurah + Abdullah Abokurah + Zaid Abokurah + May Abokurah applied for political asylum because her husband Abdulghani Abokuirah was allegedly mistreating them, which was a lie, he was giving them more freedom than I was ever able to imagine or dream off, among other by planning for this future and purchassing an appartment in Washington, D.C. for his son Ghassan Abokurah that went To washington D.C. to High school even though his father pratically owns the private high school in Amman, Jordan as hightled above and then sent him to the Catholic university for Architicture also in Washington, D.C. (= the same pattern as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar alias the hidden son of king Hussein of Jordan and the hidden brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan, where they sent him to Cairo Egypt as the allegedlly my Syrian brother, fake brother, and sent him to the Catholic/Koptish school called San George while placing me in a very bad public school, and this while they owned a private Islamic Educational College School, which very much means not only that they are not Muslim, but also that this is an additional very negative thing that happened to me through the Catholics!!) and on top of that purchased him a new Japanese sports car worth at that time in the begin of 1980s over 30 or over 40 thousand US Dollar, which equals today over 50 thousand US Doallar, and purchased another house I believe in Nashville, Tennessee, USA for his other son Abdullah Abokurah while he was attending some university in Nashville and also purchased for him another new Japanese sports car worth the same as the above. A person who does that for his sons, is most definately not the kind of person that terrorize the lives of his wife and children as these psychopaths criminals claimed in their political asylum in 1987, while their asylum was accepted and my asyllum that these criminals psychopaths American government and White House Administration of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush forced upon me by kidnapping me from Germany to USA as a witness that my fake sister is living Jordan and allegedly originated from Syrian and forcing me to apply for political sylum and then refused me as they preplanned enable to force me to be illegal alien in USA and not able to leave this country that I never liked even before I was kidnapped to it because I did not like what I saw for 2.5 years inthe American military base nor I liked their superficial friendship of the soldiers surounding me by force of kidnapping. In matter of fact these criminal American govenment of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush ??????????????? here I forgot what I was going to write, which very much means I was manipulated with telepathy to start the last sentence, and then they let go of me and I had no idea what it was, and I left it with this explanation as an example of their interference with our minds that will lead countless people to think that they have some physical sickness and seek help by a medical professional that then will tell them you have this or that sickness just as ex-US president George H. W. Bush had problems to remember, which was forced upon him with telepathy by training his mind over and over again until he believe it is his physical condition in his brain and then give up try to remeber the past and therewith would never analyze it and would never iunderstand that he was a hidden slave just like ex-US president Donald Trump was and just like the ex-US president Joe Biden is today in 2022 and many others!
That was in a nutshell the family of my fake sister Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar in Washington, D.C., USA, that today I strongly suspect her to be Greek Orthodox origin and has a double that is originated from Germany, and both are with fake identities among others as an alleged Jordanian that allegedly is originated from Syria which is impossible as it is explained within my complaint pages. And as prove for that and after they set me up to become Christian in 1976 in Unterschleissheim, Germany, and then get me job at Siemens AG with their Arabic project so they may sent me to the Middle East as mean of blackmail for my fake and biological families in Saudi Arabia and I went also to visit my 2 (fake) sisters in Amman, Jordan where I did not know at that time that they are my fake family, then they went berserk because now I have a very good experience what Christians are and what Muslims are, and their behavior + habits + eating and alcohol drinking habits were 100% not Muslim and this even though they own an Islamic Educational College school in Amman, Jordan and built Mosques. Also and at Siemens AG and before they sent me to the Middle East they forced upon my life a work colleagues that pretended to be my friends and went with me for dinner and they always choose the restaurants, to roughly 60% it was Greek restaurants, 25% Indian/Pakistani restaurant and 15% Italian restaurants, whereby there were a lot of other Internationals restaurants much closer to work than these restaurants that were between 5-15 km far away, And something similar was performed also through the church, yet they heavily concentrated on Italian and Nazis and created countless setup to get my attention to Italians and Nazi, and therewith and very suddenly I have much more knowledge about the behavior and traditions of these countries and they were 100% very, very identical to the behavior and tradition of my fake family members that all pretend to be Muslims originated from Syria and some even con people and pretend to be from the Middle East since over 1400 years and to confirm that with mass brainwash they con the people and claim they are allegedly related to the prophet Mohamad (also written as Mohamed or Muhammad or Mohammed), which is absolutely impossible because they are organized crime families from Greece, India, Italy, Germany and above all from the UK and USA, while the prophet Mohamad and based on what I learned in the schools of Egypt he was a very good man, a generous man, an understanding man and a forgiving man and above all he was intelligent and they are absolutely not intelligent, because intelligent people build an undeniable intelligent life for their selves and for their communities, but they built countless destruction lives for people around them, from my life to the lives of Palestinians to the Iraqi lives that they helped the Bush family and Halliburton to steal it for petroleum and other natural resources while re-enslaving the general public that was living like kings prior the American setup with the Kuwait war and the final invasion that downgraded the Iraqi lives from far above world average to far under poverty. And that too shows how nasty, sadistic and vicious are my fake and biological families!
On 15 January 1960 and after kidnapping me and causing me a total amnesia to wipe off all my memory they took me to Cairo Egypt and I was told this is my mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and this is my 10 years older sister Fadia Najar (Nickname Fifi and Batah, batah means duck) and this is my 11 years older sister Moni Najar and that we are all from Damascus Syria and gradually told me all the other lies about the family of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, which are the Baroudi and Khayat and kheir families that are allegedly all in Syria, for the detail of the members of these fake families as well as what happened in detail after they kidnapped me see the pages “kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other children” and “My fake family the kidnappers”.
Again, my fake sister Afrah (nickname Moni for Monika) Najar that I saw her for the first time ever in my life was after 15 January 1960, but I was too young to understand the situation and also, they just caused me a total amnesia and therewith they wiped off all my memory and everything I ever knew including the language as if I was just born as 8 years old. And this sister Moni Najar was suddenly working for the Egyptian TV as a news and program anchor at the TV station even had her photograph on a cover page of a famous Egyptian magazine, I believe it was named the Al-Musawar, in English so much as the “Photographed” with the title “Open the TV to see this Beauty”. There used to be a TV Bus that goes around very early in the morning between 5 and 7 in the morning all over Cairo and pick up certain employees along with my fake sister Moni Najar. Please note that the TV was 100% totally new, in matter of fact, in the begin and for months, I cannot recall exactly how many months, they used to show only American cartons 24 hours a day as a test period. American cartoon such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and some Supermouse, like Superman, they used to call I believe speedy and that was the only test programs that they had = 100% not Russian as these psychopaths claimed that Egypt was controlled by Russians. Also, and after they opened the first station they did the same test on the other 2 stations, meaning for roughly 3 years and until 1963 they were showing American cartoons as a test before opening the TV stations, then showing American cartoon for several hours a day before the first program of the TV station. And therewith I strongly believe that my fake sister Moni Najar was hired for the TV before she even arrived in Egypt because this was her first activity for one year. I also strongly believe that these criminals and organized crime family lied to me again, in that after one year roughly in early spring of 1961 my fake sister Moni Najar moved out of our joint apartment on 111 Al-Higaz Street, apartment 6 in the city section called Heliopolis in Masr Algadiedah (new Egypt), and most probably lived in an area called AL-Zamalek very close to the TV station, just about 2-3 km, where our apartment was roughly 17 KM far away of the TV building, Cairo was huge in 1962 and based on my schooling had quarter of the Egyptian population, which was 5 Million as Cairo population and 20 Million Egypt population, and now over 20 Million population in metropolitan area of Cairo and 10 Million in Cairo itself. Even though I never saw my fake sister Moni Najar again on TV, yet I strongly believe that she never left Cairo, or at least never left Egypt and continued to work in the TV station or in one of its branches maybe in another city, and since my fake mother was nothing else than my jailor nanny and most definitely not her mother, she moved out and lived alone just like my fake brother also did a couple of years later. Then I was told a lie. On the other side it is very possible that she went to another country pretending to be Syrian with Egyptian TV experience, for all I know she went to Germany or other country where Americans and British need an agent/spy and possibly a wife with telepathy to enslave some politician, just like the countless enslaved politicians in USA but also in the Middle East and in Europe!
The lie that she allegedly went to Amman, Jordan for 3-4 months to help her sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier in delivering the new baby because she was allegedly pregnant and due very soon to deliver the baby. The first lie here is that Reem Bdeir, and as you will see below, is the new baby born in 1961, and she is one of the hidden daughters of king Hussein and an older sister princes Haya of Jordan and also is her double that exchange places with her to allow her to go around the world undedicated under another fake identity protected by the CIA + MI6 + BND + Jordanian secret service that made my life to hell each time I went to visit my sisters in Jordan to prevent me to ever come back again. And since Reem Bdeir is a hidden princess, and these heartless psychopath Jordanian and Saudi Royal families have enough money to buy the best medical staff above all they own several clinics and hospitals, this is one of the properties they have and I forgot to mention, then they most definitely do not need my fake sister Moni Najar to go there and help her alleged sister with the birth, because among others they are not sisters, and she allegedly went to her pregnant sister for cleaning her apartment and cooking for her, but they had a live in housekeeper that these criminals practically buy for pennies and my fake sister Suhair Bdeir is 100% a nanny for hidden royalty children or newly kidnapped and immigrated children from UK<USA or even from Israel the protector of all UK and US properties in the Middle East alias the protectors of the royal puppets families of the Middle east and therewith is not the actual mother of Reem Bdeir/Budier, and on top of that they replacement of my fake sister Moni Najar named Mona Abokurah and later Mona Najjar in Washington D.C. is also 100% a nanny for my fake nephews and nieces pf the Abokurah family named Abdullah Abokurah, May Abokurah, Ghassan Abokurah, Khalid Abokurah (whereby they used this one as target practice for telepathy that totally drove him crazy and to prevent anyone of helping him recognize that as I was helped, they locked him up in a mental institute in Cairo, Egypt and not in Amman, Jordan or in Washington, D.C. where these psychopath live today and manipulating countless Americans and in particular politicians to the liking of the English royal families and to the liking of the Rockefeller families ) and Zaid Abokurah. Equal all in all they are liars and con people.
Add to the above that I doubt it that the Egyptian TV will give his new employees during the start period of the TV in Egypt a 3-4 months’ vacation = lie within lie within lie after lie after lie = psychopaths and con people with multiple personality disorder and never to be trusted with anything what so ever, if a mother is willing to sacrifice her son and through him unjustly in a mental institute for life, then she and her official children and official husband and entire official family would do more damage to others and therewith never to be trusted, see what these psychopaths did to me in the last 70 years!
You might think that the above supposed to be under the above section of my fake sister Moni Najar, yet I think here is better because it shows clearly how nasty is the family of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier, because they covered up for it and played along and pretended that Afrah Mona Abokurah is my original fake sister Moni Najar, and it is also related to the following situation, and both build a pattern.
Now let us jump in time to 1965/1966, actually, today, I am more than positive it was 1966 because the high school in Cairo Egypt is only 3 years and this section is about the high school. In summer 1966 I was told that I have a brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar that is born on 19.11.1949 and in 1953 my fake sister Suhair Bdeir as an alleged 14 years old get allegedly married to a Syrian living in Amman, Jordan and took her brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar with her as an alleged help to her mother that allegedly just became a widow in January 1953 and had 5 children including me and that is why my fake brother allegedly went with her to Amman, Jordan as she get married in summer 1953, which is another one of their lies, and this brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar is now coming to Cairo, Egypt to live with us. I was more than very happy, because I was totally isolated and living alone with my fake mother that was nothing else than a very sadistic criminal nanny that pretended to be my mother and pretended to be the mother of my 4 fake siters and brother.
My new forced upon my life fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar arrived, and he shared the room with me, he was one sadistic violent criminal. The apartment had 2 bedrooms, a living room and a dining room also sometimes called guest room, meaning visitors room and not a sleeping room. I cannot recall the actual date, yet I am guessing it to be a 3-5 months later I was told that he is having problem with the boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri the alleged brother of the famous Egyptian actor Sameer/Samir Sabri, this is one out of several persons in my life that is related to show business, acting, movies and TV, and also Mohi Sabri is a very lookalike almost identical look to the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann (, except that the German vice chancellor and to my knowledge had blue eyes while Mohi Sabri had light brown eyes. They not only looked a like, but also, they had the same hair style, and above all my fake cousin named Dr. Bassam Baroudi has a lot of facial look similarity to Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, not as much as Mohi Sabri yet the face form, and facial parts they even carry the same mustache style. And since I strongly believe that Jameel Baroudi living in Cairo, Egypt and father of the famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi ( + ( that I strongly believe her father is one of the hidden Escaped Nazis living in Cairo under the protection of the MI6 + CIA + Mossad, and since I was told that Jameel Baroudi is the cousin of Mamdoh Baroudi alias the father of Dr. Bassam Baroudi, this means that ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann + Dr. Bassam Baroudi + Mohi Sabri are at least distant cousins and that would explain not only their look similarities but also why ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was murdered/assassinated and made it look like a parashot accident alias his hoppy for years. I strongly believe that the German government killed him to avoid him ever being a chancellor, maybe they used a hired help to kill him, such as a professional assassin, I do not know, yet I am more than positive he was assassinated, among others he was the president of German-Arabic Society and publicly totally anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish and no German government would want to have him as chancellor and give the international opinion that they are back to Nazism, and this is 100% another hidden UK + USA schemes to damage Germany, whereby UK + USA always smiling in front of the faces of the German government and the German people yet from the back they stab them one stab after the other, over and over and over again and even today in the year 2022 and this since at least the First World war, yet I am more than positive of the things that are related to my life, which are my fake family are 100% related to the English royal families and to the Rockefeller families, and since ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann has a lot of look similarities to person pretending to be related to me, then he was and with absolute no doubt what so ever working for the English royal families and protected by the CIA + MI6 and most probably also by Mossad and the only way to stop him, and this not from my point of view but rather of the German government point of view of that time, is to kill him and they did while making it look like an accident, and here I am not trying to judge them but rather I am trying to make sense out of my own life by looking at every one I knew and what is the relation to me and the negative situations that I had with this person I had many negative situation with my fake mother as well as at least 2 very negative situation with Mohi Sabri, that was created by my fake mother and fake brother, by using him to rape me and by forcing me to think that on 10.10.1969 I met another person in Frankfurt, Germany, while they forced me 100% with brainwash and telepathy to think it is Mohi Sabri and to confirm that these criminals meaning my fake mother and this new fake Mohi Sabri had sex while sleeping next to me on the floor to force me to think this man is Mohi Sabri but lost a lot of weight and height and his darker skin, Mohi Sabri was too white in Cairo, Egypt, and they were trying to force me to think that in the last one year his skin get darker in Germany where the temperature is at least 20 degrees cooler and less sun shining than in Egypt = con people that use telepathy to force their victims to believe their lies and once they go the mind will continue to believe in this lie because there is no reason to doubt what own mother said that turned out to be a fake own mother and is pathological liar and psychopath and most sadistic woman I saw in my life. From my point of view anyone who is anti-other group of people then he/she are either brainwashed or brainwashers because they just use that as a mean to make business or as a mean for politics or slavery, but I would never be anti-entire group just because one, 5 or even thousand person done me wrong and then say All Americans are criminals because their evil presidents did something bad not only to me, but also to many Europeans and above all to Americans and therewith this president then committed a treason to USA. To confirm that Mohi Sabri was almost identical look to ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and in 10.10.1969 and as my fake mother took me to Germany allegedly to be with and live with her boyfriend Mohi Sabri that disappeared of our life in around 1968 and she allegedly did not know where he is, and her alleged brother Dr. Farzat Baroudi that I never seen before or even heard of before 1968, where he is another sadistic psychopath fake uncle of mine that lives in Hamburg, Germany, he allegedly found Mohi Sabri in Frankfurt, and I was told the following lie, Mohi Sabri that was a police officer in the Egyptian police force with the rank Major, allegedly went to Turkey for vacation and from there went to Germany and applied for political asylum and on 10.10.1969 we landed in Frankfurt and went downtown somewhere in a café and waited for him for maybe 4-5 hours and he came and took us to his one room apartment where he had a couch that opens as a double bed. The problem here is that this man was not Mohi Sabri, Mohi Sabri was around 170-175 cm maybe 85-90 kg or even 100 kg (little overweight) very white, silky black hair. This man was most definitely under 170 cm, was much darker skin than very white and above all was so skinny, maybe 40-45 kg, and it was 100% NOT Mohi Sabri, yet to force my mind at that time to believe that this is Mohi Sabri, these psychopath made all 3 of us sleep on the floor and me giving them my back and they were making noises as if they were having sex, and I was like stoned, for all I know it was not real, maybe it was one of their psychotic dreams that they forced upon me and with all the stress that these criminals put me through I was forced to think it is reality, at the end I have it in my memory that they had sex and therewith this must be Mohi Sabri. Then and the following day I was taken by train to Munich and set me up to be arrested to give the CIA the upper hand over me by forcing me to carry counterfeit 100 US Dollar bills and on 11.10.1969 as we arrived in Munich train station I was taken to the bank at the station to change the money and I was asked to get the money out of my socks and then gave it to the cashier that asked us to wait and called the police and arrested us questioned us with a Palestinian translator and after 2-3 hours let us go. Back to Mohi Sabri, and therewith this sadistic criminal fake mother took me to see the wrong man that he looked totally different and explained the look difference is because he lost weight, and therewith when I see that ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann as a politician on the news I would not relate his look to Mohi Sabri just as they did to me with other members of their organized crime families in Jordan and in Saudi Arabia and in USA and in Germany. And therewith, and today in the year 2022 I discovered another reason why these psychopaths kidnapped me from Germany to USA, to not see ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann on the news, because in USA the news is mainly about local crimes, mass shootings, kidnapping, robbing and countless crimes, and less than 1% of the news used to be about international news, where then they just say the news in a few seconds to make it unimportant (and that is one of the reasons that even though I was forced to live for 15 years in USA and the EU was officially founded on.11.1993, yet I never heard of EU-European Union until I landed by force in the Netherlands on 11.2.2001 and thought now I am in an ECM-European Common Market country until someone said something about EU and I asked them what is the EU-European Union and was totally surprised, and that shows you not only how Isolated I was, but also how most Americans are also isolated and have no idea what is going on around the world and believe their criminal governments that are telling them that allegedly everyone from Mexican to other South Latin and South Americans to China, Russia Muslims and Africans wants to destroy USA, which is 100% vice versa), and all this to not allow the Americans know how life is in other countries, as a result of this planned mass brainwash, I did not know the EWG-Europiaesche Wirtschaft Gemainschaft in English ECM-European Common Market was dissolved and replaced with something even better called the EU-European Union, because as I arrived in the Netherlands on 11.2.2001 someone in the refugee camp was talking to me about EU, I believe he was Russian and I did not understand him because he was speaking Dutch, but I also heard him speaking Russian with his friend, and I told him what does praten means and what is this EU, he said praten is Dutch for speaking or talking and EU is European Union and I ask him what is European Union then he explained it to me. This is how these criminals isolated me in USA and this is how they isolate their own American public. That man I think he kept on saying speak with me or talk to me, but I did not want to talk to anyone, I was totally shocked that I was 6 months in US deportation prison and now I am in a prison in Rotterdam and the prison is in a floating boat!
Add to the above that after the American government delivered me to the Netherlands on 11.2.2001, I was toyed with all kind of methods, because I was in a controlled environment and most probably, they saw that my logic was totally destroyed during the 15 years of slavery in USA, and that they can see with telepathy or without telepathy by just monitoring me and my behavior and what I say in the political asylum interviews, and this from 11.2. 2001 and until December 2001, where I was forced to live in the following areas that I call controlled environments:
1. Jail in the Amsterdam Airport for a few days
2. Then in a sort of prison for foreigners, possibly deportation prison somewhere in Amsterdam, where they planned who be with me in the prison cell, such as Iranians and Palestinian
3. Then moved me to another deportation prison in a city north of Amsterdam called Hoorn, where I was told this is for extreme foreigners, during which they tried with all kinds of methods to juggle my memory to remember Germany and here too and for the first time in my life I was forced to complain in writing to the immigration office and asking them why am I locked up even I did not do anything, and therewith they succeeded to get me to complain, meaning they 100% forced me with telepathy to write a complaint to the management of the prison and a s a reward that I wrote a complaint they let me out of the prison immidiatly and set me in a refugee camp
4. Then they moved me to a refugee camp in the small city called Harleem like the New York city section called Harlem, and I believe that was the intention to get me to remember USA and complain about it, I believe they took me there around mid-March 2001. This refugee camp was Military base as if they trying to juggle my memory to remember the American military base McGraw kaserne where I was taken there in March 1970 for isolation + re-brainwash + and enslaving me for a long-term isolation under the control of the CIA + MI6 agent named Anita Disbray, where she 100% isolated me for 7 years
5. Roughly on 1 June 2001 they moved me to another huge refugee camp aroubnd2-3 kilometers near a village called Gilze in the south of the Netherlands, which it looks like as if they trying to tell me just like in USA you were kidnapped to Bridgeport< Connecticut, USA which is in New England north of USA and then taken to the south of USA to Houston, Texas, and the reason I believe that was their intention, is because the prior refugee camp was a an ex-military base and this huge one and as far as I recall and as I was told that it was NATO air force = military air force = where my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar lived from approximately 1961 after she get married and until I was taken to Germany on 10.10.1969. until now it is very clear that the Dutch immigration and therewith the Dutch government knew about me more than I knew about myself! And suddenly there was a catastrophe, which was the Bombing of the World Trade center by mainly Saudi Arabian group on 9.11.2001 and I saw the details life as it was happening on TV in the refugee camp, I was more than chocked and later saw the two buildings collapse. Then and I am not sure about the date, possibly on my fake birthday 10.10.2001 they relocated me again to another refugee camp
6. Possibly on 10.10.2001, which is just one month after the bombing they relocated me again, Actually they wanted to relocate me around 2-3 weeks earlier but I refused because I just had a surgery on the bottom of my back and was causing me pain and I was not able to carry things, which very much and based on what yet to come, they relocated me to this new refugee camp most probably because of the World Trade Center and wanted to somehow speed things up with whatever they were doing with me, which was countless push around as if they are telling me wake up, something bad happened to you what is it? Anyway, the new refugee camp was unlike the previous one that I was told can hold over 1000 refugee, this one is very small with maybe 50 refugees or less = more personal. I cannot recall everything, and it is not important, yet what yet to come is more important. I was 100% forced with telepathy to go illegally on around 18 December 2001 from this refugee camp to Munich Germany, where I hitched hiked my way the whole way to Munich, Germany and in downtown Munich, I called 2 persons my Alleged friends at least that is what I thought at that time named Mohamad Attar, that today I strongly suspect him to have been an agent for some German authorities spying on Arabs in Munich to fore come terrorism and that is why he was set on me to get to know me allegedly coincidently through an American sergeant that pretended to be Palestinian origin, because a few months prior to that I was forced to apply for political asylum in January of 1970 in Germany, where I was forced to tell them the truth that I escape Syrian in December 1969 because my uncle get me a PLO ID to go to the front and fight Israel, which was the only way for me to leave and in Jordan I was given a new passport and with it I came back to Germany and here where the German immigration either pretended to really suspected me to be related to terror organization called PLO, and the reason I am not sure, is because and today I believe at least couple of months or years there after they must have knew who are the members of my fake family because among them there were a few hidden escaped Nazis, and one of them named Jameel Queder or Kwader looked so much like Adolf Hitler in 1960s that he can be member of his Austrian or German family and I have more than sufficient prove to myself that this family Kqueder or kwader are hidden escaped Nazis, because of countless setup in Germany about Nazi to force me to recognize them among others my friend in Germany named Jurgen Kwader = Queder, meaning they translated their name letter by letter to Arabic, but also introduced me to Mohamd Attar that lived in a building that from inside is 100% identical to the house of the family Queder/Kwader, which is in the middle of the building there is a huge hall maybe 100 square meters and this hall right inside the building is not covered and you can see the ceiling of the building, while the hall is surrounded by a balcony like walking areas for the first and second and third floor where from these walking areas you can go to each apartment, the only different was I believe Mohamad Attar building was possibly 3 floor, while the Queder/Kwader building was only 2 floors and the other difference is that the queder/Kwader building had maybe 6-8 apartment and all the tenants were one family, while the building of Mohamad Attar in Munich the tenants and to my knowledge were not related and all that is impossible to be coincidence, at least not in my life. Anyway, and back to my forced upon me illegal trip from the Netherlands to Munich, after I finished the visit by Mohamad Attar, where I was 100% forced to feel that I am not welcomed. Thereafter I met with my old friend Detlef Fisher that I suspect to have been an agent for some German authority, possibly BND-Bundes Nachrichten Dienst , a CIA like German organization or possibly BKA-Bundes Kriminal Amt an FBI German like organization or even German military intelligence and I suspect this due to many situations around my and his lives and the situations between us, yet I really loved his friendship, and I still think he was genuinely a very good man or young man at that time. By him I was also 100% not welcome even though my meeting with him in some bar was very friendly. And that was also planned, to force me to feel unwelcome to try to search for the reasons, which is from their point of view an anti-brainwash strategy, for me it is all brainwash, because there is no direct statement that says to me directly what they want and even it force me to think and search for a reason within my past, which was their intention, yet they let me go through hell and back by the way they treated me and force to do this and that. I also believe they were suspecting something else from me, for example that I call someone else, but I do not know who or what they wanted me to do. When I went to Munich and for some reason or another, I took my laptop with me that my fake sister Fadia Najar sent me from the UK, sometimes in June of 2001, and all I did with it is continue the brainwash what these criminals in USA forced upon me, which were mainly 3 things:
6.1. Which is to hate Muslims and Arabs enable to stay away of them and not talk with them about what happened to me or about my family that turned out to be my kidnappers
6.2. Blame everything that happened to me on my family and the Syrian government
6.3. Play computer game called Diablo. Who knows maybe my fake sister Fadia Najar sent me the laptop to help me write down what happened to me or in my life, and the reason I think so, and even though I know she is not my sister and lied to me my entire life, yet and very unfortunately she was the only one that came and visited me in the Netherlands sometimes in June or July 2001, but also she was the only one who sent me money while I am in the refugee camp and also maintained contact and when I asked her for help so I can escape this refugee camp and go to the UK to be close to a family member, she refused and said do you really want to come to the UK, and the way she said it was as if she is telling me one of two things, saying here can be meant here to the UK or is it better going back to Germany, and the other possibility was as if she is trying to tell me that in the UK I may even have more trouble than I am already in, and in any case I did not like my situation and did not like that she did not help me, which was that someone in the refugee camp told me that he knows someone that would take refugees with his boat to the UK for 500 pounds, and that was what I asked her for, 500 pounds to go to the UK, at least I speak English , but she friendly refused as if she was trying to tell me I am better here or elsewhere and I did not understand why, but today I do, the English royal families probably would have placed me in prison and throw the keys away!
And based on many points of the above the Dutch and German and British government knew about me more than I knew about myself, where the Germans and Dutch want me to recognize what is hidden in my life, while the British royal families and the American Rockefeller families did not want me to recognize anything and what they did to me between 24 July 1998 and 10 February 2001 is the prove, where they heavily used the Russian project called CPC-Caspian Pipeline consortium to force me to think it is all the Russian and Syrian fault while placing me in position to place my fake son in a Catholic school in Sugarland, Texas where I was somehow felt that there is something very wrong in all the situations they pushed me into but did not understand any of it until after I landed in the Netherlands and gradually I started to understand. Very unfortunately they also used the headquarter of the company Compaq Corporation to brainwash me to hate Syrians, Arabs, Muslims and my fake family, in that they pretended to help me as professional courtesy as IT professionals, yet these criminals forced me to hate Arabs, Muslims and anyone that was involved in my life and as a result of these severe and most sadistic brainwash and each time I see anyone that I think he/she might be Muslim or Arab then I would look at him and spit very loud on the floor ad this from Summer 2000 and until I was placed in the Netherlands and mixed with some Arabs and Syrians that were very nice and kind to me. Never ever underestimate the power of brainwash especially if it is mixed with telepathy control, it is pure vicious brain rape and destruction of the own logic, just as the American and British military do to their new recruited soldiers to kill their mind enable to force them to follow orders blindly and without emotion, empathy or any other feelings or even without any thinking = brainless as a result, countless soldiers and after they leave the military or even they are often forced to be leave military, because they have a severe logic conflict that drive them literally crazy and many of them go to mental institutions or for years to psychological treatments, others become very violent and 100 times as violent as they were prior to joining the military, other even kill their relatives and friend because they see that the behavior of their friend, relative, wives, children contradict the behavior that was forced upon them by the military, and there with the American and British military are the number one cause of mental sickness, which you can see , where even my intelligence is growing yet my anger and disappointment are also growing, and if Christianity logic did not go in to my head in 1976-1978, then and most probably I would have done several very bad things, but as you can see, my logic is in control and not my brainwash and that is also very clear to see in my complaint pages that sometimes I use curse words, yet I understand how valuable each single human being is on this earth and elsewhere because we do not make human beings, we just produce them based on a preplanned reproduction scheme created by a higher intelligence that we all call God and this God thought of every single possibility and add it to our lives to help us to use our intelligence to be able to determine what we can and cannot do with our freedom, meaning he gave us a total freedom even to kill others, that is if we become brainless killing machine just like the military in Russia, USA, UK and many other countries. Today I love God so much for this invaluable gift(s) that I would not dare to harm another human beings, because it is his creation and I want him to know how much I appreciated what he did for me and for all other human beings, good one or also those who refuse to see what I see and always go over dead bodies to enrich their selves, which you can read through my entire complaint pages, how I changed from 2018, where I wrote the first pages and today in 2022. God did not make religions or send his son or anyone else because of the fact that he gave us all the same things, to hear with to see with to feel with and to think with and to top them all he gave us the most precious gift that he himself also enjoy: Freedom to build lives and not to destruct it and that is the only reason that he would never ever tell us what to do, anything else is a lie, PERIOD.
In the above point I wanted to add another important situation, and I get sidetracked, and here I am going to add it:
After I took the lap top with me to Germany on 18.12.2001 and out of disappointment of my two meetings with the 2 men that I used to think they were my best friends, and may be they were, I went to the train station and saw a man sitting at the entrance of Munich main train station and asking for money and I went to him and gave him my laptop out of disappointment of my fake sister that sent me the laptop, and that shows that some stinking criminal agent in Germany was toying with my mind using telepathy and forcing me to blame my fake sister in Fadia Nagar that suddenly I did not want to have anything to do with her, so I gave this unknown man, possibly a conman, my new only 5 months old laptop, on the other side it is very possible that some German authority agent or someone else related to me, while me being by force refugee in the Netherlands to be re-brainwashed to understand my own life and I am not doing that, instead I am playing the computer game Diablo as they brainwashed me to do in the USA to prevent me of thinking to prevent me of understanding my own life and what these criminals and psychopaths American government did to me, which is very clearly to see in my complaint pages. It was already 11 at night after I gave my laptop away to a stranger and I walked from the central station the whole way to the highway going to Stuttgart, around 12 km and waited to find a car that takes me north back to the Netherlands and I get back to the refugee camp in the city of Zweeloo, the camp that was very small for around 50 or less refugees it was already 21 December as I get back. Then I was forced to think and some unknown with telepathy forced me to think that I went to the wrong people in Germany and that I should have went to the church where I was baptized, and therefore I decided to go again to Germany but this time not to Munich but to the city of Unterschleissheim, but I had to wait around 10 or 14 days until I get refugee pocket money that would need for this long trip for drink and food, I believe I get paid on 7 January 2002,which was the first time that I get paid in Euro, prior to that it was the Dutch currency Guilden, ad that was good because I did not have to change currency from the Dutch Guilden to the German Mark and on 7.1.2002 I went to the church in the city Unterschlaissheim, 20 km north of Munich, which was 800 KM in the south of the refugee camp and I hitched hiked during which some unknown was talking to me with telepathy and mainly making jokes such as I took the train for a short period and was thinking where is this person that following me with telepathy and then he/she place it in my mind that he is running very fast next to the train I am in and I did not think it is funny and did not even smile, but today I do, I was still under many shocks or even PTSD-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and was not able to find anything funny. Anyway, I arrived in the church and met my old friend Mrs. Birgit Wiedemann, and then she invited me to stay at their apartment, She is married and have two lovely daughters that I knew when they were babies and now they go to universities, anyway, I was crying most of the times when I am alone, and at the Wiedemann apartment I was staying in their guest room and I was not able to stop crying because suddenly all my memories are coming back to me about all the friend that I had in the church and lost because these criminals and psychopaths kidnapped me from Germany in September 1986 next day I was offered to sleep alone in the Church community center, where they allowed me to stay in some room that was intended to be for children to play in while their parents doing something in the community center, I was all in all 14 days at that location and then I was arrested, imprisoned in Munich because I tried to get my old resident permit back and the immigration arrested me after 6 weeks of prison deported me back to the Netherlands. yet and while I was still in the church I went and met my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, which totally messed me up because I loved her very much and I missed her for 15 years, and lastly her memory was the number one cause that I just wanted to run out of this evil place called Houston, Texas and USA and all I could do is always think of her and know I see her again I went almost crazy because I am happy that I finally met her, then and after they arrested me I wrote her letter from the prison blaming her for my situation and that she the cause because I do not have the German permanent resident permit or even citizenship and all this because she reported me to the police that I allegedly hit her badly and that she allegedly called my employer at that time SCS alias BP-British Petroleum and told them wrong things that I allegedly stealing their client the Syrian government from them which led to firing me and stealing all my multi-lingual designs by force of police, where I was not able to defend myself because these criminals psychopaths controlled me with telepathy and prevented me to defend myself and then enslaved me under the control of their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud by using telepathy and I had no chance and then kidnapped me to USA one and half year later.
The second and most important incident while I was still lodging at the house of the family Wiedeman as mentioned above, someone with telepathy forced me to do something that I would have never done, which is to look for the telephone number of the ex-boyfriend of my fake mother, his name was Mohi Sabri and I looked hom up where I saw him last on 10.10.1969 in Frankfurt, Germany and found his telephone number in Frankfurt Germany and I found one only, and called it, and some teenager answered, and I asked him is this the number of Mohi Sabri, he said yes, just a moment and I heard him calling his father and telling him someone is asking for you on the phone, and as soon as he said Hello, I asked him is this Mohi Sabri from Cairo, Egypt, he did not answer but rather promptly hang up the phone. And here I did not understand why and I also did not understand why I called the alleged ex-boyfriend of my mother that I have not seen since 11.10.1969 that is 32 years, but today I can at least answer one of the question, I did not call that man, but rather someone with telepathy forced me to call him and that someone had one of 2 intentions or both, to remind me of my past in Cairo, Egypt and possibly that I was raped by him in around 1966/67 as mentioned above or they were using me to black mail 2 persons, this fake Mohi Sabri that I saw on 10.10.1969 but was not Mohi Sabri that I knew from Egypt and to blackmail ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, I do not know for fact, I only know that these situations were 100% stinky!
Last thing about Mohi Sabri is that my new fake brother and 100% had telepathy and was using it on me very destructively and the first thing he done is forced Mohi Sabri to rape me, as follow: I heard funny noises in my fake mother bedroom and went there and saw them on top of each other’s and asked them what are doing and Mohi Sabri stood up totally naked took me to my room and said this is what we are doing and rapped. I strongly believe he was 100% forced with telepathy to rape me and that is why he never did it again and tried very hard to make it up to me by helping me in schoolwork, which he never did before and also tried hard to take me with him where he goes to get me out of my isolation, such as he took me to his sister’s house several times, she was married and had children or took me with him to work and I saw what he does as a police officer his behavior towards me after he rapped me, it speaks to me and it tells me he did not rape me but rather it was 100% telepathy = my fake brother or my fake mother or someone else from outside our household which I very much doubt. I must add that Mohi Sabri was the boyfriend of my fake mother since 1962 or 1963, and he comes and live with us for a couple of weeks or a couple of months and then disappears for several months and come back and this until he totally he disappeared some time in 1968. And never saw him after that until the fake situation mentioned above in Frankfurt, Germany on 10.10.1969
As you can see or read of my descriptions that many situations of my past are speaking to me today in the year 2022 and telling me the truth and this thanks to the Evangelical Lutheran church of Bavaria, Germany that created these courses while the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim, Germany sent me to several rhetoric courses to be able to analyze the behavior of persons I am talking to and even though these courses were between April 1976 and sometimes in 1978, yet they stock to my brain, I was just prevented with telepathy and brainwash to use them. And this alone tells you how much that church meant to me, because they helped me see things as they are and that can never be wrong (!) and therefore I am very thankful to them, because without these courses I would never have been able to understand my own life and the people surrounding me!
(The following text was added on 18.06.2022) This point will add to the possibility that I am the son of king George VI and the younger brother of queen Elizabeth II.
I am going to mention 3 major incidents in my life (I may add more later) that points to my relation to some president or king, which I have concluded it is king George VI ( and his wife Queen Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon (born on 4 August 1900 – died on 30 March 2002) (
I have to repeat some information from other areas to make the situation more understandable. As 8 years I was taken to Cairo, Egypt on roughly 15 January 1960, along with my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and my 2 fake sisters Moni Afrah Najar alias Mona Najjar and Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagar then we were 4 weeks guests at the house of the Egyptian Politician that allegedly is originated from Sudan named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, he was also at a later time and as I was told Egypt representative in United Nation. Then we were guests at the house of the Egyptian military general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman. Then we get our own apartment on 111 Al-Higaz street 100 meters of the Heliopolis hospital in Holipolis city section of Cairo, Egypt. I was not yet placed in school, in the meanwhile it is now roughly End of March 1960, and the school would end in a couple of months, therefore I believe they did not yet place me in school and waited for the following school year that begins in September 1960. And there with they placed me in September 1960 in a public school around 200-300 meters of our apartment named Aal Saudi. Aal is Arabic/Urdu word and means “family of”.
Very important to note that they caused me total amnesia to prevent me to remember where we came from, and they told me we are Syrian and just came from Damascus, Syria, and this after they placed a few fake memories in my mind that supposed to confirms that I am allegedly originated from Syria and I was not able to recognize that they are fake memories until starting 2008, and what is important here is when they caused me the total amnesia. Originally I thought it was in summer 1959, then I kept on discovering that it must have been later than and until a few months back I used to think they caused it as they took me to Cairo, Egypt on 15 January 1960, but today I know it was much later, because the memories I have from January 1960 and until at least end of summer of 1960 were 100% fake memories that were forced upon me, meaning they did all what is in my memory and much more, in end of summer 1960, and then caused me a total amnesia I am guessing it to be between mid-July and mid-September 1960 and the reason I am positive about that is because all the essential things that a human being usually do are missing, such as waking up, having breakfast with the families that were hosting us, having dinner with them, going out and so on. In the page “kidnaping me as child and kidnapping other children” have more detail description on how I discovered that my memories were fake.
And therewith They must have wanted to hide something from me that happened between January and September 1960, such as my fake mother during that period was not Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi but rather another woman, possibly queen Elizabeth or her mother and that would explain why we were guests at a house of an Egyptian politician then in the house of a military general, that usually are protected by hidden and visible guards and when a queen goes undercover to visit another country she still need to be protected by guards, and here the explanation of the guard is not because this woman is a queen or someone famous but rather because it is an Egyptian politician and a military general, and there with the guards will not be suspicious, but this is a minor side note to the incident.
The main incident. I was 4 years in the Aal-Saud elementary school from grade 1 to grade 4, during which my average school grades were constantly low around 55% or “F”. Then they placed me in a private school called Al-Kawmiyah, in English means “National” or “Nationalism” or “Republican”. The school was expensive and above the income of my fake mother, her income was around 40 Egyptian pounds and was consisting of 2 different incomes, both were fake, one was allegedly the retirement income of her allegedly dead husband alias my none-existing father named Abdulhamid Abdullah Shaker Najar, as you will see below he was made up in the UK, but also if he really existed then his family alias also my family would have 100% came to my aid at least since I was forced to complain publicly over the Internet that started in 2007, but also my fake mother created a situation during the period where the criminals and most evil company I have ever seen in my life BP-British Petroleum were severely brainwashing me and preparing me to be removed from Germany and kidnapped to USA, and during this period my fake mother claimed that she allegedly need my signature because her husband alias my alleged mentioned none-existing father owned a house in Damascus, Syria, and his nephews are living in it and she want them out and to do that she allegedly needed a power of attorney of all her children that she claimed are the rightful owners of this house enable she can evict them and then sell the house and use the money to survive financially, and even though I offered her several times to live with me and I will take care of all her expenses and also give her monthly amount of money as pocket money but she always refused because she never needed money she was always lying to me about everything and in this moment of time I believe that this English royal family hired whore that pretended to be my mother just to harm me, used the power of attorney for something else to harm me, such as to have German permission to force me with telepathy and brainwash to be enslaved under an alleged Muslim woman, because she claimed that the Germans brainwashed me to become Christian, the essence of this small story about the power of attorney is to show that this whore was 100% working together with the BP-British Petroleum and the English royal family against me, but this is not the main point is just a side point. Back to the main point and placing me in this private school named Al-Kawmiyah, I was placed in grade 5 and 6 for 2 years and in the same class room as the son of the at that time Egyptian president named Gamal Abdul/Abd-AL Naser, his son name I believe was Abd Al-Hakeem or possibly it was his older brother Khalid, I am not sure anymore because it was long ago from 1964/65. Anyway, here I have several questions and suspicions as follow:
1. The school was expensive who paid for it because my fake mother did not have the money, beside her goal was to keep me suppressed, which she did a very good job in doing just that by isolating me most of my life, the answer to that can be only one of 2 persons, which are our hosts from 15 January to 15 March 1960, which were:
1.1. the Egyptian politician named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael that pretended to be the best friend of my none existing father and was member of the Freemason = English royalty puppet, and therewith he knew that my identity was 100% fake and wanted to get me to remember my past as mean of blackmail to queen Elizabeth and therewith blackmail to United Kingdom
1.2. The Egyptian military general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and as a general had some goals and with the blackmail can reach more
1.3. Another possibility is that some unknown to me person or a group of persons such as the Egyptian government itself that knew queen Elizabeth went with me to Cairo, Egypt and was hosted by the Egyptian politician and the general, and there, as it is mentioned below, they either were blackmailing her or trying to see if I can remember where I came from
Placing me in the above school situation and in the same class as the son of the president was 100% not coincident but rather was precalculated to see using telepathy if I relate to my past by putting me in a situation that would normally force the mind to think as follow: this young man is the son of the president and I am the son of ….. or a couple of years back I was with the queen of…????
Now and to confirm this situation, and since I strongly believe that I was always monitored by someone as a precaution and to be ahead of problems and as a result of that queen Elizabeth was most probably informed about the situation and as a result she or her helpers came up with a counter reaction, by sending a new member to my fake family that pretended to be my brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar. And suddenly I was told that I have a Syrian brother that was raised by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier in Amman, Jordan and was going to the private school in Amman called Islamic educational college school that was founded and owned by the 2 families of my 2 fake brothers-in-laws Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier the brother of Mohamad Ali Bdeir and the uncle of Essam Bdeir + Othman/Osman Bdeir + Omar Bdeir + Lena Bdeir + others and my other fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah, and now this fake brother came to Cairo, Egypt and was placed in an Catholic-Coptic private school called San George and not in an Islamic school, where I found a network of San George schools in the United Kingdom. What is important here is that he pretended to be in the hidden related to king Hussein by hanging his photos all over his closet in our joint room. Add to that that I was simultaneously placed back in a public school and my grades in the private school went from 55% to over 90% and now in the public school my grades went dramatically down to under 60%, add to that that these criminals and psychopaths started during this period to rape me by many men. Add to that that my new fake brother moved out of our apartment after a few months and lived in an apartment by himself while he was still in first year of high school meaning he was around 17 years old because he was born allegedly on 19.11.1949 and in 1965/66 he lived by himself and my fake mother said my sister is paying for the private catholic school while her family is building Islamic schools and countless mosques (Islamic temples) and paying for his Catholic school and paying for his apartment, and paying for his live in house keeper, his pocket money and all other expenses = they are liars. Today I strongly believe that this criminal was 100% British agent sent to Cairo, Egypt as a reaction of me paying In the same class as the son of the Egyptian president to get me to remember my own father which is king George VI, and therewith they are relating me by force to the royal family of Jordan and as additional precautions they added some more other persons such as sending me on summer vacation to Amman, Jordan in 1967or maybe it was 1966 I am not sure any more, now I remember it must have been 1966 because the so-called 6 day war with Israel it was on 5–10 June 1967 (, but I was taken to Ramallah and Jerusalem in that summer vacation and there was no war yet, so it must have been summer 1966 when they sent me on 3 month vacation to Amman, Jordan, during which they related me to hidden escaped Nazi such as Abo Maieen Malas (meaning father of Maieen) where there was simultaneously another family named also Malas and was one of the leaders of the PLO at that time was the new terrorist group from Palestine, but also in this trip took me to Lebanon and related me to petroleum engineers named Elias + ?? Azrah and they all were also drug lords and most probably from the Rockefeller family and related to the English royal family they performed many things during this vacation to relate me to all kind of things, among others my fake niece Reem Bdeir turned out to be a hidden Jordanian royal family member and is the double of queen Haya of Jordan that today in 2022 lives in London. And therewith they went through a lot of trouble to relate me to the Jordanian royal family and to several Jordanian controlling families such as Bdeir, Abokurah, Malas, Muasher and others, and all this is as a reaction to the situation of someone trying to use me as blackmail object by getting me to remember who is my father that today I am more than positive it was king George VI.
There are several other situations, but I will skip them all and come to a very tiny situation that was most probably to force me to remember who is my mother that today I believe it was Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon the mother of queen Elizabeth.
Today I believe several persons from Amman, Jordan tried to get my attention to the one thing or another or use me as a blackmail object or a combination, but I did not understand the situations at that time, and I just understood it a week ago.
The situation is from 1979 or 1981 or 1982 (Added on 4.10.2022: I think it was between 1982 and 1986). As my employer of that time named Siemens AG sent me on business trip to Saudi Arabia, I also started to make a stop in Amman, Jordan to visit my two sisters not knowing at that time that they are my fake sisters.
I was lodging at the apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier, where she was living with her alleged husband Seef Aldin Bdeir and her allegedly 3 children, 2 females Basmah + Reem and one male Samir. Her apartment at that time was on the second floor directly opposite the Islamic Educational college school where my fake brother allegedly attended but it was a lie to cover up for queen Elizabeth II. On this trip my alleged aunt named Eftikar Kheir allegedly living in Damascus, Syria and is now allegedly on a short visit in Amman, Jordan and is coming to visit me with her alleged daughter named Fatina Kheir alias Fatina ??? marriage name unknown to me. This Aunt I was brainwashed to think that she lived just 100 meters of our housing in Damascus, Syria city section called Almazeh, but I was never there, it was all brainwash and they placed around 20-30 fake memories in my mind as if I lived there and one of these memories was allegedly in the house of this aunt, for more details on why I know it was fake memories see the page “kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other children”’
Now to the point this aunt that I never saw in my life prior to this moment claimed to have been pregnant at older age of around 52 years and many made a lot of fuss about that she was too old to have had a child, add to that, that shortly thereafter my fake nephew Samir Bdeir went to the city of Leeds, UK to allegedly study + add to that that my fake sister Fadia Nagar in the UK and at that time she was living in London where she kept on moving from one city to another in the UK that I was not able to keep up where and when she was or maybe they lied to me and pretending to be moving to another city to prevent me to drop by and surprise them while possibly they do not live there as they told me, which is very similar to my fake brother Nick naggar and in USA he moved too much that I do not believe any more anything about this criminal and identity thief, he must have moved at least 20 times while I was in USA, ok this is another subject back to my aunt, today I believe that my fake aunt possibly did not have a child birth at her age of 52, but rather and very possibly they were trying to get my attention that possibly I was born of a mother that was over 50 years old. Or I was born of a woman that was over 50 years old while her husband died during that period, just like my aunt Eftikar and as far I was told her husband allegedly died shortly after or before the birth of her daughter Fatina Kheir, and if this is true, then this situation is supposed to tell me that the same happened to me or they were using me as blackmail object = father king George VI died shortly before or after my birth of a woman that was over 50 years old and this woman can be to 70% Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon the mother of Queen Lizabeth or it can be to 30% another woman.
This incident maybe a bit off, but at the moment this is all that I have!
Ever since this Al-Kawmiyah school incidents I am being isolated by force of brainwash and/or telepathy and/or by the laws and/or some businesses or institutions as follow:
1. 1965-January 1970 by my fake mother + my new fake brother + my fake sister isolated me very strictly
2. 1970-1972 by the American military and within the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany
3. 1970-1977 By the Anita Disbray that was whore agent of the American military + CIA + MI6
4. 1976 -1978 or 1979 through the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany
5. 1977-1986 my fake mother repeatedly comes into my life with all kinds of tricks, deceive and lies just to be close to me and take the blame of the evil English royal family hidden attacks, which she repeatedly did since 1970, but this time she brought a help with her a man named Dr. Sami Assassa that pretended to be related to her family, and today I recognize this criminal and psychopath as a 100% Mossad agent and most probably is also MI6 and CIA agent, and the reason I am more than positive that this criminal and psychopath is Mossad agent, is because they repeatedly tried to portray me as if I am Jewish originated from Israel or ex-Soviet Union and the best way to prove that is to get a Mossad agent to pretend to be related to me, add to that this criminal performed several very damaging acts against me such as make me look as if I am working for him as jewelry smugglers and he also made me look like as if I am giving him sensitive information from my employer Siemens AG, while simultaneously he was or pretended to be an official jewelry dealer and getting his diamond jewelry mainly from Amsterdam, where Amsterdam jewelry are famous worldwide not only to be the best but also that they are 100% Jewish and have a monopoly on jewelry business in Netherlands or even in the entire Benelux countries while he is also oriental carpet dealer in partnership with Iranian carpet distributor from Hamburg and the brother-in-law of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi (living among other in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan) that I strongly suspect to be the older brother of prince Andrew of the UK while the English royal family created Israel in 1948 using their general named Belfort that claimed that he is giving Jewish a country in Palestine because they allegedly helped the UK in the First and second world war against the Germans + he knew the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that the BP-British Petroleum used to enslaved me under her control and therewith isolated me from 24-12-1984 and until; June 1999 during which she pretended to be Jewish Israeli that pretending to be Muslim as it is mentioned in other pages and this while my fake sister Mona Najjar in Washington D.C. pretended to be strict Muslims and allegedly taught Najlaa Mahmoud how to pray in Islamic way, and this while Mona Najjar alias my fake sister is living in Washington D.C. and building a very evil and most destructive telepathy network consisting of her alleged children, whereby at least 2 of them have telepathy as it is mentioned elsewhere on this and other pages and simultaneously is also partner in brainwash and telepathy with Mrs. Khodor a cousin of the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that also lived in and around Washington D.C., and all in cooperation also with the Ejlani brothers also near Washington D.C. in Alexandria Virginia and the two or three Ejlani brothers have also telepathy and that I know for sure because I met them in Munich, Germany between 1984 and 1986 during the brainwash that was performed upon me by the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum and their brother-in-law Dr. Sami Assassa and their behavior at that time point to me that they 100% had telepathy and using it on me and this while they were visiting their brother-in-law Dr. Sami Assassa the hidden psychopath and criminal that pretend to be strict Muslim by over doing it just like the members of my fake family to force others to believe that they are Muslims while making a very bad and damaging name for Muslims = 100% Israeli agent. As you can see and at least in my life everything is 100% connected to each other’s because they are one huge, organized crime family(!), however the question here is why would such an evil man named Dr. Sami Assassa that is Jewish and Mossad agent lives in Munich Germany disguised as oriental carpet dealer that pretending to be Syrian Muslim? The only answer I was able to find is to harm Germany while using Germany as a silent witness that he is allegedly Syrian Muslim businessman and carpet dealer living in Germany, which is a 100% identical pattern to my fake family as they went to Egypt and pretended to be Syrian just to enslave the Egyptians as these psychopaths enslaved me all my life because they have telepathy which is a very hidden and most destructive weapon that was given to us human being by God as a gift to help us to better communicate together in the most efficient and speedy way, yet it is misused just as many misuse their hands and mouth to hurt others, even I did that often until I realized I don’t need to do that because I even have a much more efficient tool that top all other tools and not only worldwide but even universe wide, and this indispensable tool is called intelligence, and this tool called intelligence is a gift of God to every single human being on earth or on other planets and above all it has a touch of God because it did not only come from God, but it is also a copy of God intelligence and that makes a human being a holy being that should never be killed by another human being otherwise the killer is saying nothing else than the hell with you God and that he would not like(!). God will never torture anyone because of that but rather he will tolerate it for a while and until the death of this person that then will remain dead, and he should consider himself lucky because there is no hell where some has promised that God will burn the sinner for thousand year, but God is intelligence itself and intelligence never ever punishes, it just let things come to end the usual way and that is what I strongly believe what real God is and this based solely on his creation that 100% speaks for that and therewith also speaks for God himself!!! All the mentioned is only a small portion of the big picture, another major addition to the above is that members of my fake family in Amman, Jordan are 100% ex-Greek royalties and 100% related to the English royal family that you can see through the marriage of queen Elizabeth the second to prince Philip, alias prince of Greece and Denmark alias related to my fake family in Amman, Jordan that was used in 1966 to sponsor my fake brother that was 100% from the UK and they pretended to have been raising him in Amman Jordan since 1954 = lie within lie with in lie with in deceive within deceive…..
6. 1978 or 1979 and until roughly mid or end of 1980 by Mrs. Renée Zielske and a couple others and through Siemens AG
7. April 1981 and until 17 October 1984 by Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka through BND and/or CIA and/or MI6, whereby I totally fell in love with her, and I still am, because I know that she was and most probably still is a very good person that was misused just as I was misused
8. 24.12.1984-July 1999 by the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 Whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud
9. 10.10.1999-July 2000 forced by the evil American government to be homeless
10.July 2000 to Mai 2012 forced to be locked up between jails + prisons and refugee camps between Houston, Texas, many locations in the Netherlands and several locations in Germany
11. 2012-2016 was severely persecuted and forced to relocate many times from Bellingwolde to Amsterdam, to Brighton, UK to Kerkrade Netherlands, to Harrow-London, UK, to Assen, Netherlands until I decided to relocate to the city of Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family + Dutch government + the many consulates and embassies, because I do not know who to trust any more to current in 18.06.2022 (Added on 4.10.2022: I still have no sight when I am going to be free and find my biological parents based on facts and not only based on my conclusion that is based on the facts of my life that can often be very deceiving, and also still no sight of justice, because organized crime families such as the ones I am complaining about are heartless animals disguised as human beings!) living isolated in the city of Den Haag/The Hague and trying to understand what happened in and to my life, who is persecuting me and who is my biological family!
All of the above shows that people around me had no idea that I had total amnesia in 1960 and therewith they are trying to remind me of things that I can never remember because I had total amnesia and most probably these mentioned attempt to remind me of my past were possibly or even most probably only a small percentage of what really happened, in other words many other attempt were performed yet I did not recognize them as such, yet because I cannot just look at my past that was 100% a house of lies and sadistic torture and recognize all lies immediately, but rather I have to take it brick by brick out of the house, look at it, analyze it and try to understand it and refit it with what I already know, and since they are all lies built upon each other’s it is very tough to see through them!
Incident 3
Here is another situation from around 1982/83 that was not coincident where I met the adult son of the ex-president of Syria names Shukri Al-Quwatli ( I was setup among others by Dr. Sami Assassa, which shows that he knew who I am and that criminal psychopath was helping enslaving me while using me as blackmail object, and since he is a Mossad agent pretend to be Syrian Muslim and travels all over the Middle East as Syrian business man and carpet reseller that lives in Munich, Germany. Anyway, he set me up with fake project in Hamburg with his oriental carpet Distributor that was Iranian and was distributing oriental carpets all over Germany and elsewhere, during this trip to Hamburg, I tried to contact my uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi that pretended to be Syrian, but today I knew that he too is English royal family agent and dangerous puppet. Each time I try to visit him in Hamburg he finds an excuse not to, just like his other official brothers in Switzerland named Jalal Baroudi, and the same as my fake sisters and fake brother, they all avoided me as if I am a disease. Back to Hamburg, I was not able to visit this fake uncle, but Dr. Sami Assassa introduced me to a man named Mr. Al-Quwatli, his first name forgotten that claimed to be the son of the ex-Syrian president and I met him with his another business partner, but it was a wasting my time and I did not understand why we met, but today I know, just like placing me in the same school and same class as the son of the Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al-Naser, his son name was I believe Abd Al-Hakim, and after this incident they brought my fake brother that pretended to be coming from Amman, Jordan and is allegedly the son of king Hussein and he was just advertising about it, which was a distraction of my real father king George VI, and here in Hamburg it is the same this sleezy criminal and traitor Dr. Sami Assassa that was the official brother-in-law of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, that I strongly believe he was the hidden older brother of prince Andrew of the UK, and there with this criminal and blackmailer Dr. Sami Assassa and most probably in cooperation with my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi were using me as a blackmail object by setting me up to meet with Mr. Al-Quwatli the son of the ex-president of Syria names Shukri Al-Quwatli, because there was no other explanation for this situation,
This section between the 2 red lines I placed here after I wrote what is mentioned below and a couple of weeks later, I discovered more things and inserted between the 2 red lines that some of it is repetitive of the below and I did not modify the below and left it to show you how writing situations of the past can often help better understand the situation!
(End of the following text was added on 18.06.2022)
Here is the reason that I get better grades in the school of al kawmiyah is not only because it was a good school, but also because I was 100% monitored with telepathy to see if I remember or relate to anything of my past, and during which this person or persons were 100% helping me with my school work, in matter of fact I suddenly had a couple of new friends from this school and was visiting them at home and learning with them. And today I strongly suspect at least a couple of them had telepathy and pushed their friendship upon me to be my friend and therewith have a reason to be close to me and monitor me with telepathy and also help me in my schoolwork. Which very much could mean that persons with telepathy are always sent to top private schools and that I can confirm with those fake nephew and nieces that had telepathy and went to private schools!
Back to my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar that just arrived allegedly from Amman, Jordan he was placed in top private school called San George in Heliopolis city section called Ismailia, it is Catholic-Coptic (Copt is the Christianity in Egypt for more info see: ) school, it is a very expensive school. During this time, I was in a very bad public school, my grades were always D, E, F = 40-60% and just about enough to pass the grade to the next one and I was prevented by all means to have friends. I believe just 2 years before my fake brother arrived, they placed me in a private Islamic School called Alqawmiyah in English “nationalism” or something like that, behind Triumph Square in Heliopolis in the same class as the son of the Egyptian president named Gamal Abdul Naser, the son name I believe was Abdul Hakim, he was always with 2 adult bodyguards that sit at the last row the whole to the back of the class to protect Abul Hakim Naser that was always sitting in the first row. In the first years my grade went from an average of 50% = E or F to 85% and in the second year it was 92% and then as my fake brother arrived, I was placed in another very bad public school and my grades went back very bad and below 60%. Until today I have no idea why they did that, placing me in a very bad public school for 4 years and then in very good private school for 2 years and then back to another very bad public school while my fake brother was placed in one of the best private high schools in the country.
A few months after this sadistic criminal fake brother arrived, he left our apartment and lived by himself in an opposite building in a 3-room apartment by himself even though he was still in the first years of High school, and I was told another lie, that my alleged sister Suhair Bdeir is paying for his school, his apartment, furniture, pocket money and housekeeper = a lie. I never saw him after he moved out, even though he lives just 30 meters across the street and opposite our building, and therewith he and my fake sister Moni Najar build a pattern by using me as a decoy fake brother from Syria to make them look like as if they are also Syrian, where they are Greek and some maybe even Turkish, which I doubt because their eating habits are through and through Greek.
All of the above through my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and this even before I
visited her in 1966 in Amman, Jordan and get to know more of her family as
listed below.
Here is the photo of my fake brother and his real brother alias king Abdullah of Jordan in the left photo:
Now my fake sister claimed she raised my fake brother from 1953 to 1966,which I cannot verify, yet I can verify that each time they open their moth they lie and each lie is a building break and all lies that they fed me are countless building bricks that built a brainwash house and locked my brain in it until I was forced to think about my past and take the lies brick by brick until the house of lies is gone and I am here totally naked with nothing of my life = 100% slavery protected by the evil American + English + German + Dutch governments that slowed me down dramatically in finding the truth about my life and still are doing it by getting one nasty psychopath man or woman that most probably lives in the same building as me and not only causing me severe problems but also totally torturing me by causing me countless sicknesses and physical damages by creating lumps on my fingers that I cannot remove and the doctor cannot remove either and above of all hospitalized me from 2 November to 16 November and since 2 November they are torturing me by not allowing me to have a routine sleep or enough sleep for over 6 weeks also in the hospital I was sleeping less than 2 hours on a daily basis and now between 3 and 4 hours on a daily basis that not only preventing me of healing of what these psychopaths did to me on 2 November 2021, but also causing me other severe problems due to I am always tired and my body is aching because I am so tired to get out of my bed because I did not have enough sleep and try several times a day to rest for 10-15 minutes where I lay down and too much laying down it also hurts. This is what the psychopath English royal family + Rockefeller family + Bush family + Jordanian Royal Family + Saudi Arabian Royal family + ex-German royal family the founder of Nazism do to one of their own and then through him/her away naked on the street as these criminals repeatedly did to me in January 1970 in Munich, repeated it in spring of 1987 in Bridgeport, Connecticut and repeat it starting September 1999 in Houston, Texas where they forced me to be homeless and living between the street, then countless jails, countless prisons and countless refugee camps between German, then USA and Netherland and Germany. This is the freedom and democracy that these cowered gave me a freedom to, to not be able to protect myself of telepathy attacks or of their bad sadistic bad laws that they used against me to keep me as slave refugee from 1961 in Cairo, Egypt and between Germany and USA and the Netherlands until I was awarded the Dutch citizenship in January 2013 in the Netherlands just to send me to the UK and black mail the English royal family and in particular my biological older sister queen Elizabeth the second that she does not give a shit about anyone or anything except herself and here is a prove and it is not about me:
1. In 2017 she doubled her salary from 35 million pounds yearly to 82 million per year, everyone else receive 2 to maximum 10% salary increase she is something special and that is why she gets more than double = more than 100%, while everyone else who pay for her salary does have this luxury, and many of them are even homeless or do not have enough food for their children if this is the way of English royal family, then no thank you, you keep it and keep them or better said keep it because I see them as they in reality are and they disgust me as human being!
2. I never heard that she or any of her psychopath family members opens a free emergency housing or a free supermarket for the needy during the pandemic of the corona virus, But I have heard and seen many real Christians and Muslims and Jewish and Hindu do just that, in USA, in the EU, Asia and Africa. What a bitty that the English royal family and their American relatives such as Rockefeller or their hidden puppets Jordanian and Saudi Arabian and other so called Arab royal family do not see the big picture, they only see their own self enlarged and they think this is the big picture and accordingly they behave
Back to the family of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir that I am claiming she is not the mother of her official children but rather the very bad nanny that simultaneously pretend to be my sister and the sister to my fake brother and the sister of my other 2 fake sisters and she pretend to be the daughter of my fake mother and the reason I am more than positive of that is because each one of these sadistic brother and sisters have at least one lookalike person that either exchange places with or they take their place permanently as my fake sister Moni Najar and her replacement Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar did
Here is her another fake daughter named Reem Bdeir alias the older sister and double of princes Haya of Jordan.
I wrote many things elsewhere about Reem Bdeir, here I am making it short. Look at her photo-10 below, This is Reem Bdeir and 100% not princess Haya of Jordan, here as the alleged wife of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum the official but just a front ruler and multifunction ruler as it is highlighted in hi Wikipedia profile ( ). This is a typical pattern of a hidden slave that has no telepathy and is 100% controlled by one or more women that are his official wives and he has a couple or even more. This is what the English royal family and their relatives the Rockefeller families do, get some man from Pakistan, bribe him with this puppet position and then enslave him with one of their women that has telepathy as they repeatedly did that to me, and Reem Bdeir/Budier has telepathy
Last to say about these psychotic women, is that she was officially raised by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir that also allegedly raised my fake brother alias the hidden son of king Hussein and the hidden brother king Abdullah of Jordan and therewith Reem Bdeir is also the hidden daughter of king Hussein and the hidden sister of king Abdullah of Jordan. It is a family business to enslave people a psychotic business performed by psychotic people!!
Photo-10. In this photograph my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier is acting as Princes Haya of Jordan. This photo was taken just after she get married to on 10.04-2004, where I was still; being held as hostage and locked up between jails, prisons and refugee camps between the Netherlands and Germany and this since the American government forced me to be homeless and locked up in jails and prisons in Houston, Texas, USA from October 1999 and until I was awarded the Dutch nationality in January 2013, to cover up for the criminal and mass murderer ex-US president George W. Bush and this criminals hidden relatives the Jordanian royal family alias my fake family as highlighted and proven in this page, and among others to cover up for my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier alias the double of princess Haya of Jordan. (Added on 4.10.2022: Add to that that my fake son Abdulhamid Najar and as he came allegedly from USA to the refugee cam Ter Appel on 27.12.2022. twenty years ago and told me that Reem Bdeir was allegedly murdered by her Palestinian husband in Some city in Pennsulvania, USA and burreid her in some forest where allegedly the FBI found her body and arrested him and her mother alias my fake sister Suheir Bdeir allegedly flew from Jordan to USA to pick up the alleged children of the alleged murdered Reem Bdeir, while her murder her Palestinian husband was imprisoned and the children were allegedly in orphanage and my fake sister picked them up and took them with her to Amman, Jordan. Equal a a lie within a lie told by a liar alias my fake son that all together build small hut of lies and the photo below of Reem Bdero of the year 2004 is the prove!)
Photo-10-1. Compare this photo with the above photo-10, does this look to you as the same woman? I don’t think so!
Very unfortunately they removed many photos of the internet such as photo-10, they are filthy rich among other by stealing the lives of others and can hire thousand persons in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, and other countries and pay them pennies to look on the internet and remove certain things. Until around 6 months ago and since 2010 and each time I looked up princess Haya of Jordan I see the photo-10 and each time I search the internet also since at least 2010 of her husband I see photo-10 and now it is gone, yet I have a copy and therefor compare photo-10 and photo-10-1 and see for yourself how criminal these people are and how they manipulate fake identities and manipulate hidden slaves as these sadistic psychopaths did to me since January 1960. I repeated photo-10 and photo-10-1 in smaller versions to see them more next to each other’s!
Look closely at the above photo-10 of my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier, here are some notes that will help you understand this criminal woman that pretended to be my niece Reem Bdeir/Budier:
1. First ask anyone who knew Reem Bdeir/Budier in Amman, Jordan or in the American university of Beirut (of roughly graduation year 1983 or 1984 or 1985), or any of her corrupt cousins, they will tell you this is 100% Reem Bdeir/Budier in photo-10
2. Reem Bdeir/Budier pretending to be princes Haya of Jordan (, and the wife Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, among others prime minister of UEA-United Arab Emirate ( + ), which is typical for these kind of con people, the actual hidden princess with telepathy is Reem Bdeir/Budier that she can go around freely because no one knows that she is a princess, also if she ever get murdered by shooting or stabbing, then she would appear as Reem Bdeir because I have a strong indications that some or many or all persons with telepathy are immortal or at least live for centuries
3. Look at her neck scarf, which is a typical deceive, because this kind of red scarf represents 2 deceives: Deceive-1: solidarity with Palestinians, which is 100% impossible because the Jordanian royal family is traitor not only to Palestinians but also to humanity because they lie about everything even their fake history as an alleged relative of the prophet Mohamad, which is impossible for the simple fact that the profit Mohamad was honesty itself, was kind and loved every one even Christians and Jewish and these people pretend to be against Israel just to keep Palestinian calm and enslaved living in an open prison called Jordan, 2 Million of them and this since 1948. The Deceive-1: is to show as if she is originated of the Nomads, which means desert people, who are literally only thousands and therewith can never be originated from the desert since 1400 years otherwise they would be hundreds of Millions and possibly over a Billion which is by far not close to the actual population of the desert called Nomad or Bedouin (
4. Also I am asking myself how can a member of the Bdeir family that are allegedly strict Muslims and builds countless mosques and Islamic schools such as the Islamic Educational College school of Jordan ad also be controlling family and controlling all utility companies and all other major businesses in Jordan, and their female member exchange places with another woman and be the wife of the official husband of the other woman, in this case the official husband of princess Haya of Jordan, the answer will always be “THEY ARE NOT MUSLIMS. THEY JUST PRETEND TO FORCE EVERYONE ELSE TO BE MUSLIM”
5. I was told a story in January 2002, but first here is a prehistory: I was delivered by the evil American government to the Netherlands on 11.2.2001 and was jailed and imprisoned and then placed in a refugee camp called Ter Apple. At that time, I was still thinking and believing by severe brainwash that I have a son named Abdulhamid Najar that was born on 26 March 1986 in Munich, Germany and was forced upon my life as a baby and forced me to believe he is my biological son. And as any good father I wanted to get him out of that evil country called USA (this is what these criminals and sadistic psychopaths American government brainwash effect where I see and label an entire nation as evil because I never wanted to go there and they literally stole everything of me) where these criminal sadistic psychopaths American government kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA to prevent me to leave this disgusting filthy whore agent bitch named Najlaa Mahmoud that they enslaved me under her control on 24.12.1984. Back to my fake son and me being forced to be refugee again and for the fourth time by the disgusting and absolutely evil American government, and therefore I fought to get my son Abdulhamid Najar out the USA, because I did not discover yet that he is my fake son, and at the end they pretended to allow my fake son to come from USA to the refugee camp in Ter Apple, where he totally changed and looked different, but I thought this is due to I did not see him since June 2000 and now it is 27 December 2002, 30 months later, no one can change so much in 30 months, but this is the power of brainwash mixed with telepathy. Now to the point and in this refugee camp they forced me to complain to my fake son over these sadistic psychopaths’ fake family of mine consisting of the following families: Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Baroudi, Kheir and others that I was forced to think they are my biological families. The whole situation at that time between 27.12.2002 and 31.07.2002 was nothing else than a hidden interrogation by forcing me to complain to my fake son as a meaning of warning him of my fake family while brainwashing me to hate my fake family because they are the cause that I am locked up since these criminal psychopath BP-British Petroleum project Calypso that they used to steal my multilingual computer design and manufacturing specifications, then enslaved me under their disgusting filthy whore Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me to USA to prevent me of leave this filth of a woman that in reality she is a filthy animal disguised as human being. Today I strongly suspect that the original fake son is another criminal of this sadistic psychotic animal family disguised as human being and called Jordanian Royal family named Prince Hashim bin Hussein (, see his photos below photo-10-A and Photo-10-B. Also please note that Reem Bdeir along with her fake mother alias my fake sister came to Houston, Texas, USA allegedly to purchase a wedding dress for reem Bdeir because she is allegedly is marrying a Palestinians, which was another reinforcement by these criminals to show that it is not only me that allegedly have a strong link to the terrorist group called PLO but also my entire fake family which was a big distraction of the actual position of Reem Bdeir as a hidden Jordanian princess. All of the above in this point to make the following fake story be clearer. Now to the fake story I was told by this fake son in roughly January 2003 that Reem Bdeir was allegedly murdered by her Palestinian husband somewhere where they allegedly were living in western Pennsylvania, USA and then he allegedly took the dead body and hid it in a hole in the forest. Then the police allegedly found her body and arrested him, her alleged children 2 or 3 of them were allegedly released to her mother alias my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and she allegedly took them with her to Amman, Jordan. End of the story. Now how did he hear this story I cannot recall, possibly he claimed that my fake sister Fadia Nagar from the UK told him that, because he claimed she had contacted him, however my fake sister never told me anything about our alleged murdered niece = it was a lie and why did he lie to me (?). Now if I analyze that my fake sister is telling a person of 16 years old that she does not really know and in our situation where I was locked up in the Netherlands and he is in USA allegedly living with his retarded filthy whore mother in Houston, Texas, then I really doubt it that a 60 years old woman will tell a 15 or 16 years young man this story on the phone call from the UK to the USA unless it meant to distract my mind of princess Haya of Jordan and in case I see her in the news that I do not relate her to Reem Bdeir. Which very much means 100% brainwash and this in the Dutch refugee camp, because if today I am getting to understand my history more and more every day, then I at least would know that the evil organized crime institutions American CIA + British MI6, Dutch AIVD and the German BND already knew that in 1970 as they forced me to apply for political asylum as a mean of a lock up in Germany and to prevent me to leave the country and go to my family in Jordan and Egypt and then taking me in March 1970 to the evil American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich for isolation plus a very sadistic and mean re-brainwash + enslaving me under the control of their whore agent Anita Disbray that was over 50 years old and pretended to be 21 years old and had another identical look alike from Saudi Arabia or Jordan royal families that exchanged places with her and used me as a decoy meaning and since this woman is with me, then it means it is always the same woman and not another one from the Middle East that comes her and use me as a fake husband and go around without have to pretend to be Muslim for a few weeks or even a few months just as my fake brother did and as Reem Bdeir and princess Haya of Jordan did and my fake mother did with her look alike and a couple of other filthy criminals of these fake family of mine. Anything else is a lie. Period.
6. The above makes the Bdeir/Budier + Abokurah + Malas + Baroudi + Kheir families as described in the page “My fake family the kidnappers” a very criminal and not only filthy rich but also literally filthy in character and as an international organized crime families dealing with illegal drugs, child’s kidnapping, brainwashing them, and rapping them as these criminals did to me
7. Here is another point related to this evil fake family Bdeir of 1986. And for the last time I was able to travel in summer 1986 from Munich, Germany to Amman, Jordan to visit my fake sisters, this is how much I used to think that I loved them and welling to spend any amount of money, even though my income was nowhere near theirs, but I did not see it that way in 1986, I saw it as my family and I loved my family and my sisters that tuned out not to be my sisters but rather nannies for hidden Jordanian and Saudi Arabian hidden royalty children that are being raised by these nannies that pretend to be my sisters. And in this trip to Amman, Jordan, I was staying at the alleged apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier that at that time was living or pretended to be living in an upper of floor of a 7-10 floor building just at the so called Al-Dawar Al-Thani in Jabal Amman, in Amman, Jordan (in English second roundabout in Mount-Amman city section of Amman, Jordan). This building was called the Malas Building. Anyway, my fake sister Suhair Bdeir took me to visit their old friend named Ali Barq/Bark that I knew that he is their friends since I met him the first time in 1967 and where I was also forced to visit his drug farm in Jubail (also called Byblos), Lebanon and he is 100% drug lord working with them and is covering up for illegal drugs by planting tobacco at the begin of their huge farm hidden and stretched over the mountains in this area, and here in Amman, Jordan and in 1986 he pretend to be a poor Lebanese consul living in the same apartment as I saw him the first time in 1967 and repeatedly after that in 1969, in 1980 and now in 1986 allegedly still Lebanese consul in Amman, Jordan for over twenty years in the same country, which is 100% impossible, because and to my knowledge a diplomat never stays so long in one country to protect that he become too friendly with the country and force the diplomat to stay objective and that is why usually a diplomat is 1-4 years in one country and never 20 years. Anyway, I went to his 2 rooms apartment with this fake sister and as soon as we entered I saw a man sitting on the couch that I immediately recognize as the Syrian actor named Yassino (real name is Yassin Bakoush) that used to always act with another Syrian actor named Ghawar (real name Duraid Lahham), whereby Ghawar act as the smart one and Yassino act as the stupid one, and as soon as I saw him I laughed and said this is Yassino, and my fake sister said to me, don’t say that you will insult him, this is a Kurdish business man and very intelligent, Yassino is stupid. To make it short it was a 100% brainwash setup one out of countless that these sadistic criminals and psychopath performed upon me between 1980 and 1986 among others to force me to think that lookalikes happens all the times and they are not related, just as a very bad and mass brainwash Arabic saying says “Allah Khaleq men al shabah Arbieen” (in English: God created of each look 40 lookalikes = mass brainwash), and therewith now I know who creates such a sick sayings to cover up for things that they have been doing in the last at least one hundred years (=100 Years), in other words they create things and mix it with religion to force people to trust them = mass brainwash by sadistic psychopath animals disguised as human beings, because no intelligent human being is in need for these sick and psychotic behaviors!
8. Here is another confirmation. Just like the above points they are all mentioned elsewhere but not together as related to each other’s, because now I can use my intelligent better that before, where these sadistic criminals and psychopaths totally destroyed my logic and intelligence between 1984 and 2001, where it was as if I am reborn and rebuilding my intelligence where I was free of total telepathy and brainwash control and living between jails, prisons and refugee camps from June 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA, countless cities and villages in the Netherlands and several cities in Germany until I was awarded the Dutch Nationality in January 2013, this is nearly 14 years of lock up and life confusion that I used to start to rebuild my totally destroyed logic and intelligence and even sanity after all what these criminals did to me. Back to this point, when there is a public figure used by 2 or more lookalikes, they have to use certain methods and strategies to cover up the differences between them, and in this case they used a Swiss clinic (believe it or not, yet there are schools for everything in our lives, also a school for con business, just as these psychopaths created the concept of good and bad schools, where bad schools are usually the public schools and good schools are private schools that are much, much and much better than public schools while private schools are very expensive and absolutely not payable for the average person or for at least70 to 85% of the population, even though and compared with the public schools, the private schools have a very limited resources because public schools are paid by the governments and in every country or at least in USA, UK and the countries alike, the so called industrialized countries, the richest person in the country is 100% the government and therewith the public schools have unlimited resources, that are always hidden and public schools teach minimum to create mass slaves that can read and write to perform the slavery jobs of our modern day and twenty first century societies, whereby 120 or 150 years ago and in Europe and USA the illiterates or the illiteracy was over 85% and 100 years earlier it was even 95%!!!) that I do not know the name off, yet I know for fact that my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier was overweight by around 20-30 kg and then had the same figures as princess Haya of Jordan, and that she had fat body and short fat legs just as princess Haya has and to maintain that they have equal weight, they sent Reem Bdeir to this Swiss clinic sometime in around 1985/1986 and claiming she is being treated there to lose weight, yet it was a lie, she was being 100% trained at that time along with her 12-13 years younger sister called princess Haya of Jordan to be the wife or wives of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum the future prime minister of UAE. Whereby Sheikh means in Urdu and in Arabic the elderly also used to call the oldest in a family and also used to call the Muslim priest and therewith these nasty criminals misuse religion again by naming their stupid puppet prime minister as Sheikh just as if you would call the ex-US president George W. Bush Pastor Bush instead calling him with his real title which is the stupid mass murderer ex-US president George W. Bush, and here too, they often use the word Sheikh to force people to trust them as if the ruler alias in this case prime minister is a religious priest. It is all preplanned because this is what the English royal family do, steal the lives of people by cunning them just as any con person would do with his victims, except they have telepathy, and here the English royal family is 100% in control of UAE and that is why CNN always report most positively on UAE and Dubai and present them as the most intelligence people on earth, but I absolutely do not see any intelligence in UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, I see con people governments that misuse religion to enslave people in the name of God while scaring the lives out of them by using the method whip and sugar alias heaven/paradise and hell while physically mutilating them not only by circumcising them, but also by cutting their hands, arms, legs or even head when they commit a small crime or even perform a natural act such as having sex before marriage, and to show as if the Saudi Government is democratic, which they are most definitely not, they executed a woman by cutting her head off with the sword and this publicly in a square in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia while claiming she was a Saudi princess that had sex before marriage, and this while covering her head and no one ever saw the face of this woman, who knows maybe it was a man or even a real puppet out of straw and this was in 1984/85/86 = big time con business to show as if they do the same to their family members if they break the law while also scaring the lives out of people that the government will cut your head off if you do natural things or better said government will cut your head off if you do anything they do not like, what would they then do if you go against them and criticize them? They will kill you and cut you to pieces as they did in 2.10.2018 to the Saudi Arabian journalist of the Washington Post named Jamal Khashoggi (, to show you how bad are news media that are often controlled by British royalties and hidden royalties and their American relatives such as the Rockefeller families, today they have wiped off how Adnan Khashoggi was cut to pieces with a hacksaw and disposed of in the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul, Turkey while his wife was waiting for him in front of the embassy. Today in 2022, I am asking myself why didn’t his wife go in with him, most probably they would have killed her too, yet she waited on the street even though she is also Turkish origin just like him?, also it is more than ironic, that this happened to a Saudi Arabian journalist living in USA and killed in Turkey while he is originated from Turkey???!!! ) and therewith they use the sword to kill people in the 21st century to show as if they are maintaining the tradition since over 1400 years to show as if they are Saudi Arabian since over 1400, which is absolutely impossible because over 200 years ago there was no one living in the desert in Saudi Arabia because it did not exist as it is proven in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2, and then claiming that God is doing that, which then will make European countries look more merciful, compassionate and understanding than God = Europeans are 100% better than God, and that is not my saying or even thinking, but rather 100% the saying and actions of the Saudi Arabian government that killed the embassy guest and cut him to pieces with hacksaw and they do something similar on a daily basis in Saudi Arabia and then claim this is God’s law and let me tell you something you uneducated barbarians, God does not like what you are doing in destroying his creation meaning other human beings, yet he is tolerating you because he gave us all the unlimited freedom that you steal of others and then he gave us intelligence to decide what to do with this freedom, you very visibly do not know how to use the intelligence because you live by instinct, who else live by instinct looked up on the Internet, then you will see yourself, intelligence that you very much not lack but rather do not know how to use for yourself and that too you are killing by other people by creating fear and claiming God is doing all that, , which is impossible because the Europeans cannot be better than their creator meaning God that you are too blind to see, sorry I get side tracked, not one on this earth or elsewhere in this universe is better than God, and no one will ever be, because we all live in God’s world and will never ever be able to create our own universe (!!!!???), and everything that was created by God is for all of us by giving us the freedom and intelligence to learn from him and built our intelligence and therewith also build our experience and therewith giving us a huge chance to learn from him over and over and over again and we will never ever be able to learn everything, yet we can use what we learned of him to help those who cannot help themselves because of punch of cowards, and self-loving psychopaths like my fake family and biological families, that are specialized in stealing the freedom of as many as they can to enrich their selves and force others to serve them, and that is not what God is about
9. For all I know, there is more than 2 persons that act as the princess Haya of Jordan, maybe they are 3 or 4, and it will not be the first in my life where more than 2 use the same identity such as my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi as mentioned below along with several other photos and below is the prove for all that and much more than that
10. If I look at this situation of my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier and her younger hidden sister princess Haya of Jordan and realize that her/their husband is Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum ( alias several positions one of which is the prime minister of UAE, then I see only 2 possibilities about him as follow:
10.1. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is to 70% a hidden slave, not only as they did to me, but also as they did to the following ex-US presidents Donald Trump as explained and with photographic proves as it is mentioned in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2 an evil element in a very evil big picture”, but also as they did to ex-US presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush (the father), and George W. Buch (the son). Think of it this way, when a woman with telepathy is raised to have a very corrupt intelligence and be just as the person I am complaining about, she cannot be president or a queen in a world and society that started by Catholics (where in the New Testament in the bible it says roughly as I remember it from 1976 and 1978 and am roughly quoting them ”Let the woman sit at home, and they have no rights for decisions or a place in leading the religion world” end of quote) and continued by Muslim by mixing traditions with religion and forbidding a woman to take part in society as a mean to eliminate competition while maintaining slavery by forbidding women to be anything else than housewives, which is not my business, yet here and in this case this is how they use women that have telepathy and are raised to be as vicious as it gets, and then use them as hidden controllers that hide telepathy and control their husbands the president or the prime minister or any other ruling position, which I also saw on myself to keep a person enslaved and use him/her as a decoy as they repeatedly did to me since 1960. In this case I really feel sorry for Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, because he then would be totally lost as I was but also as ex-US president Donald Trump is totally lost his way in life and is locked up in his role he is forced to play to show as if he is in control not only of his own life but also of allegedly also in control of the entire American republican party and all the militia of USA, which is absolutely impossible for countless reasons, you figure it out!
10.2. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is to 30% is not a hidden slave, but rather in control and also has several looks alike that take his place and allow him to take a vacation of his stupid role as master prime minister and as distraction of the real controller, which are the English royal families. In this case, then he broke all moral rules, all ethical rules and all Islamic rules by not only having 4 wives that behave anything else but not as Muslims, but also by sharing his wives with his look alike just as he is being with my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier for a while and while she is pretending to be princess Haya of Jordan and later being with the real princess Haya of Jordan. This situation it not only equals the behavior of Mormons in USA, but also it equals a person that is having a group sex in the name of religion, and here I do not mean to offend the religion but rather to show how these rulers behave in the background as well as in USA and KSA as well as in Jordan as well as in UAE and in other so called Arab petroleum countries. I cannot help it that they behave like that I am just gathering the public information plus my history and making it public, beside I would never ever dare to take something that God gave others. Which is freedom, God gave us all the same freedom, yet some self-loving, selfish, greedy, sadistic, psychopaths like to steal the freedom of others, and I am trying to restore this freedom in the right way by placing everything on the table, and this is not like the saying “all options are on the table” which is another mass brainwash scare tactic of the British and American governments, but rather it is all the options I have to help others based on my very destructive life where they totally stole my freedom from at least January 1960 and until 29 February 2016. And since 1 March 2016 I am trying very hard to understand my own life and the behaviors of the people around my life to understand them and understand what went soooo wrong in my own life, where I am supposed to be the master of my own life, and I just found that I am a hidden slave for the sadistic criminal psychopaths that appointed their selves as my masters, but not in this life time, yes you were maybe my masters, but not anymore, and I will never allow it that you be the master of anyone else, not the masters of Jewish, not the masters of Muslims, not the masters of Christians, not the masters of Hindus or of any other human beings, but you can be the master of your own life, and if it is not enough, then get a cat or a bird or a fish to make you feel good about yourselves!
11. Another thing is worth mentioning, is that my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier claimed about herself professionally that she allegedly was working for some bank in Amman, Jordan, and if this is true, then this means that princess Haya of Jordan and when she takes break of her enslaved husband, then goes back home to Jordan and see her family by pretending to be Reem Bdeir/Budier and working in this bank as Reem Bdeir and no one will ever notice because the Al-Mukhabarat alias a Nazis SS like Jordanian and UAE secret services that made my life to hell each time I visited my fake sisters in Amman, Jordan between 1980 and 1986, would do everything in their power to cover up for her because this is what these criminals and psychopaths do for living as soldiers of an international organized crime families alias my fake families alias the number one traitors in the world alias one of the biggest drug lords in the world and this since at least 1920s alias ……
12. Last point that I just noticed, which is if my fake sister Suhair Bdeir /Budier really took 2-3 children from USA as the alleged children of her dead daughter Reem Bdeir and her alleged own grandchildren, then this will 100% proves that these criminals kidnap children of USA and the UK and elsewhere and use them as they see fit, enslave them rape them and use them their entire life as decoys while torturing the lives out of them = my life = top organized crime families that the CNN + Fox + Sky + BBC never report on them, while the CIA + MI6 + AIVD + BND + Jordanian + Saudi Arabian + USE + Kuwaiti + Omani + Bahraini + Qatari Secret Services called Al-Mukhabarat also and totally cover up for these psychopaths
Photo-10-A + Photo-10-B of prince Hashim of Jordan that I strongly suspect to have a lookalike and used me as a decoy while me raising one of them with my hard-earned money, during which they also exchanged places, which very much means that both at that time children had telepathy!
In Additional to photo-10 mentioned above of princess Haya of Jordan and her double alias my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier Look at the below photos they all supposed to be of princess Haya of Jordan, but it is not true!
Photo-11 is 100% Reem Bdeir, while photo-12 is princes Haya of Jordan.
Look at the teeth and the eyebrows form and the face shape, look at the form of their mouth, and how they smile or laugh, it does not take long but you will recognize them as at least 2 different persons or maybe even 3 or more. I am able to recognize at least 3 different persons!!
Look at the last photo-16, it does not look like the other photos, yet she has an unbelievable look similarities to my original fake sister Fadia Najar, not as if they are identical but strong facial parts similarities, my original fake sister that was replaced by another one or maybe even twice starting sometimes around 1964/1965 possibly 1-2 years earlier or later, the last one is Fadia Nagar in Brighton the UK, I have several photos of my fake sister Fadia Nagar that she gave me in 2013 in Hove, UK , yet I am not going to place them in my complaint page, because I strongly believe she was misled and misused!
All these photos I have from the Internet, they are public knowledge, but most people do not have a reason to suspect anything and compare them and therewith they believe what they are told = mass brainwash one out of countless others, where some of them are mentioned within my complaint pages!
Add all these facts of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier with the rest of the family Bdeir/Budier that practically control the Jordanian Economy from basic utility companies to engineering and construction, electronics, household products, new cars distributor and reseller of various countries, weapon sales, medical sector, taxis, public transportation and much more and this in several countries. No regular Jordanian or even their royal family can do that unless they are hidden relatives to the English royal family and that they are because they are Greek Orthodox origin and from ex-Greek royal family alias related to the husband of my hidden from me older sister queen Elizabeth the second as mentioned above!!!
Last important thing to mention is that Reem Bdeir/Budier and unlike her official brother Samir Bdeir Who studied in Leeds UK + Dallas, Texas, USA and her sister Basma Bdeir alias Basma Alami (married to Makram Alami) who studied along with her husband, allegedly where they get to know each other’s, in University of Lafayette, Indiana, USA where she allegedly met her fake Palestinian husband Makram Alami and married him, which very much means they studied in USA and UK, yet Reem Bdeir went to the American university of Beirut in Lebanon, and that alone shows that American interest in Lebanon is high that they officially opened a university as distraction of their real interest, which is illegal drugs, because as I mentioned before Lebanon + Syria + Iran + Afghanistan + Myanmar are 100% through and through illegal drug plantation countries, and here is a short reminder: Myanmar is officially the largest producer of opium in the world, and opium is the most used addicted illegal drug, followed by Afghanistan that the represent the second largest opium producer in the world while they increased their production by a huge amount of 35% only after the American military went into Afghanistan om 7 October 2001 and stayed there until December 2021 and in the hidden they still there with their puppets that they gradually and in the hidden installed as a government within these 20 years, just as they did in many other countries also in the Middle East and is explained in other pages, and the same they did in Iraq and the same they did in Syria + Lebanon + Iran (Iran is the third largest opium producer in the world, and when they have sanctions againt Iran they are just saying you cannot go there to do business otherwise you could see the illegal drug farms and also the sanctions it says we do not work with Iran and we do not buy of them a huge amount of opium that then we trans[port and distribute worldwide using American military bases and convert many of the opium to heroin! ) and the cause of all the problems in these countries is 100% to control the production of illegal drug and keep it under the control of the English royal family and the Rockefeller family that they started this business partially when UK invaded India and China 500 years ago and the USA did the same with them after it was established. Add to that, that the Bdeir/Budier family set me up twice to look like I am related to illegal drug lords from Syria and Lebanon, which they cannot do unless they are one of the managers of it for the English royal families and the Rockefeller families. And that is why Reem Bdeir went to the American university of Beirut most probably to recruit resellers, where most of the attendees are rich foreigners from nearby countries because the university and as everything in USA is very expensive, which I mentioned that before in other pages that I discovered that they use schools and university students to sell illegal drugs for them, and therewith they dramatically damage countless lives by making countless people addicted. I know a bit about addiction, thanks God they did not force me to be addicted to illegal drugs to not have a link point at them, yet they forced me to be cigarettes addicted and in USA these criminals forced me to smoke 4 packs cigarettes per day, this is 80 cigarettes per day and this starting 1966 as the psychopath and criminal fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Nagar alias a hidden brother of one of these nasty women below and the hidden brother of King Abdullah of Jordan, cigarettes was bad enough and caused me severe damage in my lungs and teeth as well as financially so criminals like the Bdeir family can make more money in their cigarette brands Philadelphia and Reem and this only in Jordan, who knows maybe they also have other brands in other countries such as in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon or in other countries. When I think about it I really feel sorry for them, because they are so stupid and waste their intelligence on crimes, and to show you how stupid they are here is one example out of many others: they have in Jordan a huge gift actually it is not a gift it is a treasure and this right in front their eyes and they do not see it, it is called human resources, because Jordan and based on their small size they have much above average refugees, from only Palestine 2 Million, + from Iraq, + from Syria, and what do they do with these refugees (?), they place them in refugee camps out of tents as I saw it in 1967. And these Bdeir, Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Abokurah, Malas, Tabaa, and even the absolutely stupid and criminal Jordanian royal family that used me as slave most of my life, also did not see, which is they all studied all over the world and they should have grown their intelligence instead it is shrinking because they do not care about anything and anyone except their selves, and there with they do not see the treasure right in front of their stupid eyes, which are the refugees that they place in tents and tell others look how generous we are we are hosting them and feeding them like animals and the money for that they get from UN and USA because they are helping the Israelis have more land for their selves, if they were Muslims and or any other religion for a matter of fact and seriously believe in God and think about him and see what he created and learn of it, then they would have some empathy and compassion with these refugees and their intelligence would have shined upon them by using not only their network in Europe and USA but also by trying to use the situation and create mass factories to manufacture all kind of things from clothing to assembling car parts and bicycles, electronics and other products or even services over the Internet, then the refugees will be making enough money to build their own house and the economy of Jordan would boom like no other in the neighborhood and would become richer than ever and the rich will even become richer if just they had empathy and compassion and caring with and for the refugees, then they will become the second tiny China that mass produce inexpensive products and sell them all over Europe, USA, Africa, Asia and South America, but how can they have empathy and compassion with refugees when they see them as plague, forget having compassion and empathy with the refugee, did these criminals have any empathy or compassion with me when they raped my life and raped me sexually in Amman Jordan and in Egypt and in Germany by delivering me to the American military and the CIA and MI6 and BND (??). This is what persons with telepathy do when they think of their selves as God, but in reality they do not know what God is, they think he is as they brainwash the people to believe as sadistic torturer that places people in hell for a 1000 year, if that is true, then God would not have given us the warning of fire that as a body or even the finger gets close to the fire it feels the heat and it is telling the brain stay away this is a killer for the flesh, unless God has the multiple personality disorder like them and he on the one side protect us of all kind of things by giving us feelings and intelligence and then creates hell to burn us and torture us for one thousand year, I don’t think so, the only psychopath with multiple personality disorder are these people I am complaining about that tortured the life out of me, then it came to one thing only in my life, I do not want anything anymore of life, not because they stole literally everything from me, and therewith the only thing I want because I see it as my duty as a real human being born and raised very badly on this earth to do one thing and warn as many people as I can with my capability as poor Dutch by being forced to be refugee for over 53 years by these psychopaths that loves to enslave people, and therewith I cannot keep quite even if I get real sad and depressed writing my complaint pages and out my inability to defend myself because what they did to me I will always call them psychopaths because this is their specialty on their self-made life menu of eating other people’s lives and through them naked on the streets as they did to me, I will never forget how I landed in the Netherlands on 11.2.2001, with pants and white t-shirt and this in the middle of the winter where the Dutch policeman felt sorry for me and get me a jacket to ware while they placed me in jail in the Amsterdam Airport, because everything I worked hard for since November 1969 at my first job as a daily truck driver helper to carry his fruits and vegetable boxes and until I became computer profession and created the best design and manufacturing specification for a multi-lingual computer system between September 1981 and January 1982 and I was told that Siemens AG that developed based on my design won an award in Saudi Arabia for the best Arabic multi-lingual computer system, and this for one reason only because I had compassion with most of the countries I visited in the Middle East and saw how you and your other evil relatives enslave them and many of them are living literally out of trash cans and have no place to sleep and wanted to help them by giving them the opportunity to improve their own country by using an understandable and easy to use technologies as I learned it of my employer Siemens AG, and then these criminals psychopaths conspired against me with BP-British Petroleum to steal all that of me and implicate me as if I am a terrorist and against Germany, with all this and the only expression I have in my vocabulary is that you are all psychopaths and children rapists and you did that to me too in Amman and in Cairo and in Germany and in USA, you are and will always be for me the most disturbed psychopaths that should be locked up in a mental hospital for treatments at least for everything you stand for, which is stealing, kidnapping, brainwash to slavery, rape and countless other destructive actions which shows that everything you stand for is most evil and harmful for others. Not to mention using me as decoy most of my life and also forcing me to raise one of your children by forcing me to think it is my child!
Look at the below photos and look how they dress and make sure that they look good, from their point of view, through disgusting make up, clothing and jewelry yet their character is even more rotten than my vocabulary can describe them!
Photo-11 + photo-12 + photo-13 + photo-14 + photo 15 +
I will try to make it as short as I can and lay out these new photos that I received in October 2021.
Delete this below line once the photo numbering is corrected |
Photo-17 + Photo-18 + Photo-19 + Photo-20 + Photo-21 + Photo-22 + photo19-1 is missing of another woman that pretended to be also my mother
First, I will place the main photos with small notes, then I will place the other photos that are taken of the main photos, also with small remarks. Then I will lay out my finding and why these photos are 100% brainwash photos!
Top-Photo-21 my alleged mother, 2 out of my alleged 3 sisters, brother and allegedly the youngest is me. It is unknown to me when and where this photo was taken. However, and based on the youngest blond that supposed to be me, this toddler looks like 2 years old, meaning and if this is me, where I have my doubts, then it must be taken in end of 1954, because my official papers say I am born end of 1952!
Bottom-Photo-22 My alleged father and my alleged mother. Look closely at the woman in the below and above photo they are 100% two different women. Also, I have no idea when and where this photo was taken. Maybe I am supposed to think oh, this is my mother, and my mother looks like under 20 years old and since she is officially born in 1921 and claim that she was born in 1926, then it must be taken sometimes between 1935 and 1942 and before she gave her first birth. However, this thinking is based on all the lies these psychopaths were feeding me. She allegedly was married at age 13 and gave birth to her first daughter Suhair Bdeir/Budier at age 14, therefore what I am supposed to think is wrong. For all I know this photo was taken in 1910 or 1920 or 1930, or even 1959 I do not know for fact, yet I know for fact that this man with her in the photo I 100% found on the Internet as mentioned below.
Top-Photo-23 my alleged mother. I strongly believe that the photo of this woman is a different woman than the photos above, which I will lay out below
Bottom-Photo-24 my alleged father. If this person is the same person as the person in Bottom-Photo-22, then he is older in this photo than the other photo, my guess by at least 10-15 years, and his suit in both photos are also from at least 2 different decades
Photo-25 my alleged 3 sisters Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar + Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar + Suhair Najar alias marriage name Bdeir/Budier. This photo is very suspicious, because they all the same height, but in this photo the tallest one is much taller than the other 2 even though the age different between the middle one and the tall one is only 2 years. If these are my 3 sisters, then the shortest one supposed to be Fadia Nagar that allegedly only 10 years older than me, the middle one is possibly my fake sister Mona Najjar and she is 12 years older than me and the tallest one is supposed to be my fake sister Suhair Bdeir, and she is 14 years older than me, meaning 2 years older than Mona Najjar, but and based on her height in this photo, she looks like at least 5-7 years older!?
Photo-26 My alleged mother in around 1977 to 1980s. Compare the eyes of this photo with the eyes of the below photo, they are 100% not the same, these eyes are buffed/swollen like, and the eyes of the lower photo are deep in = 2 different women. It is unknown to me when and where this photo was taken, I took it of a so-called family ID that this criminal psychopath woman gave me in around 1977, after she came to live with me directly after I was setup to became Christian in the city of Unterschleissheim, Germany on Easter Sunday 1976. She was all covered up as it is in the photo, which I never seen her like that before, in matter of fact she used to always dress clothing that were revealing and fashioned up-to-date
Photo-27 My alleged mother, allegedly in Hove, UK sometimes between 2010 and 2013. Compare the eyes of this photo with the eyes of the upper photo, they are 100% not the same, these eyes are deep in, and the eyes of the upper photo are buffed = 2 different women. It is unknown to me when and where this photo was taken, it was given to me in summer 2013 while I was forced to be in Hove, UK. All the data of the photos are what I was told, and since each member of my fake family is a pathological liar, then I have to question everything I am told by them.
Photo-28 My alleged mother in the hospital in Brighton, UK in around March 2013
Top-Photo-21-1 My alleged mother, even though the photo is not 100% clear, yet I will prove that this photo is of a different woman than the other photos
Bottom-Photo-22-1 of my alleged father
Bottom-Photo-22-2 of my alleged mother
Top-Photo-23 of my alleged mother
Bottom-Photo-24 of my alleged father
First all photos together and then the explanation for individual photos. The below 6 photos supposed to be all of the same fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, which I will prove that they are not!
Photo-31 is missing of another woman that pretended to be also my mother in 1960s
Photo-31-A: One of my fake mothers had deep light brown eyes as this photo, and if you compare all photos, then you will find that only photo-27 + photo-28 have similar eyes, with one difference these 2 photos of a woman that is 90 years old, while photo 31-A is of a woman that is under 50 years old!
To understand the difference between the shapes of the eyes from my point of view I have added below some examples of how some eyes may look like.
Photo-31-B: this eye shape I call buffed eyes as if they are swollen just like the eye shape of my fake sister Fadia Nagar that allegedly lives only in Brighton, UK
Photo-31-C: 2 eyes next to each other’s so you can compare the difference. The left eye I call deep eye shape while the right eye is half swollen eye shape
Photo-31-D: Here too, 2 eyes next to each other’s so you can compare the difference. The left eye is what I call buffed eyes because they look like swollen, while the right eye is half buffed = half swollen. And the buffed eyes are often more noticed by women because some of the women pick their eyebrows and therewith change the shape of their eyes, some doing it on purpose as a mean of disguise and other they do it because they think it is more feminine!!
Here are the photos of my fake mother starting with the most recent and ends with the oldest that shows that she is or was a very dangerous con-woman = criminal protect by the CIA + MI6 + FBI + BND (German CIA like) + AIVD (Dutch CIA like), but also protected by the evil Syrian, Jordanian and Saudi Arabian governments!
Note: all the photos were given to me by my fake sister Fadia Nagar allegedly living in Hove the UK. Be patient until the end, then it will be clear that some of these photos are fake or better said that the relation between me and this fake family is fake!
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Photos with Explanations |
1. |
Photo-28: This photo was taken in Brighton, UK, where I last saw her in March 2013 in a hospital in Brighton the UK. This is allegedly my mother in her dying bed at the hospital in Brighton, UK, and is allegedly the same woman as all the photos below, which is a big lie
2. |
Photo-27: This photo was taken Hove, UK sitting in my fake sister’s car in around February or March 2013 and just before she went to the hospital in Brighton, UK, where she allegedly died!
3. |
Photo-26: Small note about this woman in this photo and the two photos above, this woman in this photo and it is very clear to see that her eyes are buffed, meaning between her eyebrows and the eye’s lid is like swollen. Yet in the two photos above the woman has her eyes going deep in = not the same woman, period. These things do not change if you get older or not and even if you get fatter or not!
I do not know where and when this photo was taken, yet this is how she looked like in summer 1977 and September 1984 where she came to Germany and conspired with the CIA + MI6 + the CIA/Mossad agent named Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich, Germany along with the BP-British Petroleum project Calypso to separate me of my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka on 17.10.1984 and then all of them together brainwashed me and forced me on 24.12.1984 with telepathy to be enslaved under the control of the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud. Then they kidnapped me in September 1986 to USA and forced me to live in USA as illegal alien for 15 years while I am forced to live in surviving mode, meaning always busy trying to make enough money just to pay the bills and was 100% prevented by all means to improve my financial state and until they delivered me to the Netherlands on 11.2.2001 with just a t-shirt and pants and under pants. She came and visited me in around May 1987 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and that is how she looked like during that time where she performed a severe brainwash setup to force me to be isolated and left Bridgeport, Connecticut after 3-4 days and never saw her or heard of her ever again. She never ever dressed like this prior to me becoming Christian in 1976, in matter of fact, she visited me in 1975 along with her alleged mother that was supposed to be my grandmother and both stayed at my apartment for around one week, then I drove them both from Munich to Hamburg to visit my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi (living on Waldweg in Hamburg)) that is 100% a member of the ex-Greek royalty and living in Germany with fake identity as an alleged Syrian, at least in my presence In matter of fact she always dressed like a whore showing her legs and knees and hear chest and arms, whereby there is nothing wrong with that, yet if you do that in the Middle East and then come to Germany after 1977 pretending to be strict Muslim and cover all your body from head to toe, then there is something very wrong with that, and the above + the below photos + all the explanation about my fake family in this page will explain what is wrong with that!
4. |
Photo-23: I do not know when and where this photo was taken and I do not know if this is the same person as the above, among others because my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi had equally thick upper and lower lips and this photo shows clearly that her lower lip is larger than her upper lip, but also her neck is much longer than the photos above. Ok, the above photo is supposed to be around 30-40 years later, but certain things do not change, no matter how old you are!
5. |
Photo-23 my fake mother + Photo-24 my fake father: The same photo as above, yet with an additional photo of her alleged husband alias my alleged father Abdulhamid Abdullah Shaker Najar. If I didn’t know any better, then I would say that this man had only one suite, because I have seen this photo so often that each time it was in a different frame and made it look like a different photo (typical con business) yet the same suit = the same photo over and over again. and for the first time in my life, I see him in another suit as it is shown below under point 8 Bottom-Photo-22-1. What is important to note is that I never ever saw a photograph of this man with my alleged mother alias his alleged wife nor I ever saw a photograph of him with any of his alleged children alias my fake brother and 3 fake sisters nor I saw a photograph of him as wedding photograph or with anyone I know, such as the parents of and the brothers and sister of my fake mother, or with any member of my fake family and family of my fake mother called Baroudi family that was 100% set together by the English royal families and the Rockefeller families by using CIA + MI6 agent mixed with hidden members of the Jordanian royal family and hidden members of the Saudi Arabian royal family, Kuwaiti, royal family, UAE royal families, Omanis royal families which are the Baroudi family + Khayat family + Kheir family + Bdeir family + Abokurah family and other family members as members of my fake family !
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Photo-24 my fake father: When and where this photo was taken, I do not know, it was given to me as the photo of my father named Abdulhamid also written Abdul Hamid Abdullah Shaker Najar. Based on his clothing I would guess the photo was taken in 1930s in the UK. If this man was really my father, then and by now and at the latest by the year 2013 would have been contacted by some members of the family of my alleged father. Meaning I was told that his parents, brothers, sister, cousins and other members of his family, are allegedly living in Syria, and since I was brainwashed and forced with telepathy to create a website called wanted listing every single person I ever knew and was forced to write very negatively about countless persons and families that I do not even know, as a mean of distraction of the truth about the real identity of members of my fake family, then and at the latest someone of the family of my fake and made up father would have contacted me, not to forget that the website Wanted was published in 2007 and until end of April 2012, and many at that time of my fake family read the website and are also still reading these complaint pages. And that alone that I was never contacted any anyone of these criminals’ fake family shows that they are sadistic vicious psychotic animals disguised as human being that kept me enslaved my whole life, with one exception, my fake sister Fadia Nagar tries to contact me once every blue moon, meaning every six months or 2 years, but I do not respond because I do not trust any of them, period.
Important note: around 3-4 years ago and while I was making my research about my family, I found a photo of this man as a Polish immigrant attorney living in London in 1930s or 1940s, I cannot recall any more. I wanted to take a copy of the photo and of the web page as well as of the link that was showing this photo, very unfortunately I was 100% prevented with telepathy to take the photo. This was not the only time where I was prevented to take information from the internet, I saw other 3 photos around the same time of member of the Porsche family in Stuttgart, Germany alias one of the families that supported Adolf Hitler, what was odd on this photo that had a very strong look similarity to my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that today I am claiming him to be originated from the English royal family and simultaneously is also member of the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families, because I found another photo of one of the members of the Jordanian royal family that also had a very strong look similarity to this fake uncle. Another photo I also found on the internet was a young lady and member of the Jordanian royal family, and what is odd about this lady is that she had strong look similarity to my original fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki that was replaced later with Fadia Nagar that does not look identical to my original fake sister. This young lady of the Jordanian royal family I would say she was either the daughter of my original fake sister, her younger sister, or a very close cousin. And all these 4 photos I was prevented to copy them along with the associated information!
Please look closely at the eyes of this black and white photo and you will realize the eyes are color and not brown or black, my fake mother claimed they were green, yet I strongly believe she never met this man, or he was possibly acquainted to her or even her ex-husband or even her real dead husband, yet he was 100% neither Syrian nor my father, he has some facial features like mine, such as thinker eye brows and ear lips, yet nothing else, nor the shape of the face, his face is almost round, mine is lengthy, his lips are super thin, min were not super think, yet now they are because these criminal dentists and in particular the Greek dentist as mentioned in other pages pulled out all of my teeth to change the shape of my mouth and entire face, as they also did to me in USA by forcing me to have a surgery for double hernia just to change the look of my body as explained elsewhere, and they changed it by pushing my intestines bid up and forcing me to gain over 40 kg weight and then I looked like a ball on two sticks.
Photo-24 is below |
Continuation of Photo-24 my fake father: |
7. |
Photo-25 my alleged 3 fake sisters: I do not know when and where this photo was taken possibly in between 1947 and 1950 (immediately After the second world war!!??) because the girl on the left and the shortest of them is supposed to be my falke sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar that was allegedly 10 years older than me, and since I am allegedly born in 1952 this means she was born in 1942 and in this photo she looks like 6-9 years old. The middle girl is allegedly my fake sister Afrah alias Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar (with 2 X j) and she is one or two years older than the left girl. The right girl supposed to be my oldest sister Suhair Najar alias marriage name is Suhair Bdeir/Budier, and allegedly 14 years older than me, which makes her born in arround 1938, and she allegedly get married and relocated from allegedly Damascus Syria to Amman, Jordan in 1953 and allegedly took her brother alias my fake brother along with her, his name is Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar that turned out to be at least 2 different persons one is the son of king Hussein of Jordan and therewith the brother of the current king Abdullah of Jordan. Not to forget that my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier raised 3 children and allegedly also my fake brother, one of the other 3 children was and is Reem Bdeir/Budier the double of princess Haya of Jordan that used to exchange places with her even when she was married to Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum ( he is one of the rulers in UAE and Dubai. See below the photos of my fake brother and his brother king abdullah of Jordan. This photo of my alleged 3 sisters is the only photo that I ever seen of my alleged 3 sisters (= fake sisters). Recently I received another photo of these fake sisters, as shown below, that I never seen before, which is Top-Photo-21! |
8. |
Photo-24 my fake father + Photo-23 my fake mother + 2 of my 3 fake sisters + my fake brother + supposed to be me + Photo-23 + photo-24 my alleged fake mother with my alleged fake father: I do not know when and where these 2 photos were take. I received these photos in October 2021 via whatsapp from my fake sister Fadia Nagar that allegedly lives in Brighton, UK. I do not have or want any contact with these sadistic, moralless and heartless fake family that are also organized crime family which is very clear to see in my complaint pages, so I blockked her to contact me again.
Yet I question why she sent me these 2 photos, is it to help me just as my fake brother pretended to be helping me and published the photos of his lookalike from egypt as if it is him to place himself in Los Angelos, California, USA and not between Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arbia, Germany and elsewhere that turned out to be the brother of King Abdullah of Jordan, or did my fake sister Fadia Nagar sent me these 2 photos to help braiwashing me and to show as if I was with this family since I was infant? You decide after you see all photos and read the entire section of my fake family!
I never seen these 2 photos before, this is the first tome that I saw them in October 2021.
In my analysis below I can be wrong by the one point or another, however certain points are very clear and I cannot be wrong about them, which is which, you decide.
First photo, Top-photo-21: Allegedly my mother with her 4 of 6 children allegedly including me and allegedly the second borned mail died at age of 1 year old. Oldest fak sister Suhair Bdei is not in this photo!
Let’s analyze this photo: Since my birthdate is allegedly October 1952 (my identity is fake and my birthdate is also fake), and the youngest in this photo allegedly me is around two years old, then the photo must have been taken sometime around end 1954 First thing is that no Muslim will ever dress like that in that time period unless they are Europeans, because this is European or American clothings They claimed that my oldest sister Suhair Najar alias Suhair Bdeir/Budier get married in summer 1953 to a Syrian living in Jordan and relocated to Amman, Jordan in 1953 taken with her my alleged brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick naggar alias 2 look alike persons one of them is 100% American or british military member or even CIA/MI6 agent and this would be Nick Naggar, the other is 99% the son of king Hussein of Jordan because he looks very lookalike to the current king of Jordan, king Abdullah is the son of king Hussein of Jordan. Back to my alleged sister Shair Bdeir/Budier relocating to Jordan and taken with her the brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar, but he is in the photo Top-Photo-21 and she is not, and since I am claiming she was nothing else than a nanny for hidden Jordanian royal family children and/or hidden English royalty children sent to Jordan at a youger age to get to know the country and be a part of the criminal enterprise that control the country as puppets for the English royal families and are raised by a nanny that pretended to be their mother and pretend to be my sister named Suheir Bdeir/Budier, then this would explain why she is not in the photo while her alleged brother that she took with her, is stil in the photo. To confirm the timing of this photo is that my fake sister alleged oldest daughter named Basma/Basmah Bdeir/Budier marriage name Alamy was allegedly born in 1954 = the timing and the content of this photo is very questionable.
This photo was not taken at home or outside, but rather it was taken in a photo studio, which was very commn at these days and you can clearly see in the background is a typical photo studio of the 1960s that I saw countless times in Egypt and was still the same as it was in 1950s and 1940s but also in 1970s and 1980s because private cameras was soemthing that not every one wanted to have or better said can afford. Meaning this photo was staged based on a plan for the future just like the other photo of my 3 fake sisters together as they were young and is shown above.
Look at the clothing of each person in the photo, females are dressed as modern European/American females and my fake brother, the left boy standing is dressed as a boy with pants and it looks to me like jeans pants of the 1950s which I saw several times in 1960s in Egypt.
Now look at the mother and allegedly me sitting on her lap and this is a very wrong picture because of the following reasons: The alleged boy sitting on her lap is dressed like a girl, which makes it most definitely not me, even the hair they let it grow as they do for girls!
Above all the woman show as if she care about the one sitting on her lap, yet my fake mother never cared about me, she did not prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner for me as I was 8-16 years old from 1960 to 1969, she did that maybe 5-10 times in 10 yuears (= 10 times out of 3,560 days), otherwise I was instructed to take care of my self. She did not even teach me how to clean myself and take a shower, I learned that of her boyfriend named Mohi Sabri, at the end this whore woman delivered me in 1970 to the CIA and the American military as described elsewhere, where they severely brainwashed me and most definately tortured me physically, mentally and professionally, and in every other aspekt of life and then enslaved me under their whore Brritish agent named Anita Disbray. On the other side she could have been not British origin but rather American living for a long time in UK or even originated from India or Pakistan.
And this woman agent named Anita Disbray performed a severe damage upon my life and kept me by force of telepathy isolated for nearly 7 years. And therewith this woman that preteded to be my mother in this photo is most definitely not my mother and she is most definitely not a caring woman but rather an English royal family and Rockefeller family whore nanny that they hired to keep me by force isolated and prevent me to advance in life as also is described in other pages.
All the persons in the photo are dark hair, except the toddlier sitting on the woman’s lap is blond hair, eye colors are not recognizable, I know I had blond hair until around age 14 and gradullay went darker until they took me to Germany in 1969 I had then almost brown hair or light brown or dark blond = very possibly some persons with telepathy can modify the hair color and they did most probably modified mine because they wanted me to look like Syrian!
First photo below is Top-Photo-21 my fake mother + 2 of my 3 fake sisters + my fake brother + supposed to be me + Second photo below is Bottom-Photo-22 my alleged fake father with my alleged fake mother
The abve photo Bottom-Photo-22: allegedly my mother with allegedly my father alias her alleged husband that I have been claiming in my complaint pages that my father as they claim him to be does not exist and was made up and these photos will prove just that.
The folowings are wrong with this photo: Based on the clothing of the man, his suit with the very wide suit colar is from 1930s or 1920s, or even 1910, whereby my fake mother claimed that she allegedly was born in 1926 but they falsified her birthday to 1921enable she can marry legally, meaning in the above photo she must have been between 0 years and 9 years, yet the woman in the photo looks to me like at least 25-30 years old while the man looks like 40-50 years old, but my official fake father was allegedly born in the year 1900, meaning he must have been between 10-30 years in the above photo, also look at his hair, it looks like it started to get less especially in the front = definatly over 50 years old = nothing matches.
For all I know he is not the same man as the photo Bottom-Photo-24, he could be his very lookalike relative, such as father or 30-40 years older brother or a counsin.
Ths photo and if it is of the same man, then he is here at least 10-20 years younger than the above photo Bottom-Photo-24, among others because in Bottom-Photo-24 has alot of grey hair which is visible on his mustache.
The mustache is slightly different in this photo and it is not completely over the entir upper lip but in photo Bottom-Photo-24 it does stretch longer from one end of the mouth to the other end of the mouth, but it can also mean that he changed the style of his mustache or they are 2 different persons that are almost identical look, possibly father and son!
The woman clothing is no where near Arab or Muslim clothing, also it is not the usual Eurpean or American clothing, possibly it is Amish clothing, or orthodox Polish clothing, bnecause the photo that I found 3-4 years ago on the internet of my fake father was from a polish man and was 100% identical look to this man and these 2 photos that they claim of my father is not my father, which will be shortly clear that he is 100% not.
I blieve that this woman has longer neck than the owman in the top photo, but also the shoulder of the woman with my alleged father are tilted down, while the shoulder of the woman with children are straight which makes them 100% 2 different women and not the same woman. For more info see the following point comparing the 2 women.
Meaning of Amish: Amish come from Germans speaking countries such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, while Poland was part of the German empire until German empire was divided during the first World war 1914-1918 and they lost a big part of Germany that is now a big part of Poland and Germany was divided again in the second World war in 1945 and it became East and West Germany, where East Germany went under the control of the ex-Soviet Union just as Poland also was taken by the ex-Soviet Union and West Germany was taken by UK + USA and their allies of the second world war. In other words Polish orthodox and Amish are originated from the same country traditions = similar clothing.
Bottom-Photo-24 my fake father
9. |
Top-Photo-21-1 of Top-Photo-21 my alleged fake mother + Bottom-Photo-22-2 copy of Bottom-Photo-22 my alleged same fake mother: Here I will compare the two women, which will be 100% clear that they are not the one and the same woman: Even though in the left photo the neck is covered up, yet you can clearly see that she has shorter neck than the right photo.
If you look at the left photo and the hair style of the woman, is split in the middle and since this photo is from point 8 top photo, and I am claiming that the point 8 top photo is staged photo as deceive for the future plannings, and to confirm that as if they are related, the two girls have the same hair style split in the middle as if it is a family habit/traditoin, yet the photo on the right does not have hair split in the middle. It is possible she changed her hair style!!
Now we look at something that no one can deny: Look at the shoulder of in the two photos, in the left photo the shoulders are straight, in the right photo they are strongly tilted downwards .
Look at the eye brows they are completely different.
Look at the eye, the right one are more wider toiwards up and down, while the left one are not.
Look ar the mouth in the left photo it is completely different shaped than the right photo.
Look at the left photo it has a chin splitting, similar to the photo in point 4 + 5, yet in the right photo it is clear there is no chin splitting.
Look at the face shape in the left photo, it is more round, while in the right photo it is more lengthy Now look at the three photos below, the left two are the same as the above two, I just added the photo from point 4 and point 2 that supposed to be the same woman and you compare them, I will not bore you and compare them again with the third and fourth photos, you do that and it will take you only a minute to realize they are 4 different women = my fake family is 100% orgaized crime family, con-persons and most stupid because they do not know how to build something with honesty so they look for ways to steal, rape, enslave, and God knows what, just to enrich their selves while enslaving others = typical English royal families + Rockefeller families destructive strategies, such as in Saudi Arabia, where many women will tell you that they are free and have the freedom to do what they want = they are either liars = con-women or they were so severely braiwashed that do not know anything better than what was forced upon them by among other my fake and biological families the biggest and most dangerous organized crime families in the world and this since at least 500 years!
That very much sum it up that these two women are 100% two different women from two different times and most probably from different countries, and since I saw the photo of the fake father being as a polish immigran attoreny living in London in 1930s or 1940s and my official fake father was allegedly a judge working as a judge for the british government in Sudan, Africa, meaning they just took the attorney identity and modified it to be a judge instead of attorney. I had a photo but the American government stole everything from me in the year 1999 to 2000 including this photo. This photo was allegedly of this fake father as he was adult and sitting down with his alleged father and alleged 2 or 3 brothers out side in the open under some tree, while the father was dressed like Saudi Arabia white dress, which is a long white dress from neck to feet, and smoking waterpipe while his alleged 2 or 3 adult children were dressed in English style suits, today I know that this photo was either stolen of someone or it was also staged for future need, because these psychopaths English royalties and Rockefeller family members go to the Middle East, fake their identity and live in one Aarab country for a couple of years and then relocate to another Arab or African country with a new fake identity claiming that they are originated from that Arab country, just as all members of my fake family also did in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahran, Yemen, and Qatar as a result there are many persons like me that these criminals enslave their life long as they did to me and use them as distraction decoys as they also did to me.
Based on all the photos of my fake mother from point 1 to this point, they are 4 lookalike that are used to brainwash people and steal their lives!
Just compare all the below 5 photos, do they look to you that they are photos of one and the same woman?
I don’t think so!
Very important note about the fake mother as mentioned in the above point 1 to point 9: in 1960 I was 8 years old and they caused me a total amnesia, while some to all of them had telepathy and can control my mind, which very much means that I would have never be able to recognize the difference between these women, which very much means there were no need to cause me a total amnesia if they are all Arabs and have so much strong look similarities, I would have never be able to tell the differences between them, unless the first woman that went with me to Cairo Egypt on 15 January 1960 was not look alike to them and had a different hair color a different eye color such as blue eyes or different teeth very large front teeth, then a child would not forget that. And since I am concluding that I am the younger brother of queen Elizabeth the second of the UK and I relate many things to her including her look and facial features, and if this is really correct and I am her younger brother, then she is most criminal and most sadistic person I ever get to know in my life, yet I do not remember due to the total amnesia = typical English royal family member!